This New OVERPOWERED Meta Turret Build Makes Helldivers 2 EASY - SOLO No Death Helldive 9 Difficulty

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welcome back L and gentlemen today we finally left the creek too many of my fellow divers told me I needed to help with the major order so as the last line of offense I set out to go eradicate some termined scum and since I've been getting bored of the rail gun I made the most ridiculous build you could possibly think of that accidentally ended up breaking every single mechanic the terance have so it's going to take a while to go over all that but I'll do it in a build breakdown video that's going to be coming out of this but for now I hope you enjoy some hot turret spear action this one's for you [Music] vny all right we're back and we're ready to BL some ter shadow of neither death nor tyranny for justice is your C you go down sry deploying weapon in placement deploying support we targ down have I'm not going to lie this tur is just so satisfying to use it's it's it's just so much fun get sub objective near your location ma empty oh no we made a tactical error I didn't pick my spear up hang [Music] on please lock on please please please yes you're not him you're not him shot no shot let's go it's so bad dude sometimes the spear just does not lock on by the way like and then it's just useless but like when it works it's super good but most of the time it's super bad I don't know what this is build I don't know what this build's called This is the uh this is is that I'm having fun and I'm bored of using the rail gun build Ma's empty termin Hive structure destroyed really weird that the like free orders a Napal strike and like I don't even think Nom strike is that bad but like I would I didn't even know that I had this until I loaded it e one to rearm oh boy here we go if anybody if anybody could tell me how to do this like Brute Force easy mode like the other ones please help me please oh oh [Music] God I was got assassinated get away from [Music] me deploying sry sending down equipment package all right so I've been playing around with some spear technology by the way to like see like what works and what doesn't so a little bit above the thing and if you have like I don't know it's like some kind of you want to be like level with them you don't want to be above or below them or like it doesn't block for me so like if you're level with them you just Spam left click but sometimes it just gets it okay I'm I'm learning I'm [Music] [Music] learning Liberty returns locked and loaded weapon and placement on it way Max empty throwing fire in the hole Max empty mag's empty okay wait for it spot this is this is the spot this is not the spot this is not the F oh no coming in hot deploying Sentry Fight On Target how'd you like the taste of freedom [Music] mission is progressing deploying sport weapon sending down sry administering freedom I think I asked this every video uh you guys know where my resupplies at I can't even remember if I took the last one I I can't dude they got to Mark these on the map I can't dude I can't even remember where they are ever like I could throw them and then 5 seconds later I get into a fight and then I I don't know if you guys have that problem I just dude I can never remember where the resupplies are you know I was just think it's my birthday in a couple days and I'm like I want to go somewhere like nice you know what I me like I want to go to like a hot spring or something and like dude it just keeps it just keeps snowing and now I'm playing in the snow on the game and I just can't escape the snow it never ends oh no I if you guys ever do anything special for your birthdays but uh I always I always make sure I eat like a like my favorite dinner I'm going get uh like I'm going to go get some ribeye steak that's my favorite cut I probably get a lobster tail Maybe some scallops and some shrimp and I'm going to barbecue it all I usually get like cast iron pan I put on the barbecue with like a bunch of garlic butter and stuff so I got my own like homegrown garlic it's amazing I love I love I love gardening too I can't wait for the summertime I also like don't know if my like if I find the big nest I might just like Let It spawn guys and like kill everything in it I don't know if I if I if I find the like you know how there's like always like one 30 minutes remaining right cuz like unless I could like drop a resupply in the middle of it and like keep into it I think it be super annoying to kill that's uh it's always nice when you don't just get yeed and deleted by stalkers you know enemy tactical asset within range Eagle back from the nest sending down sry deploying weapon in [Applause] placement sending down Sentry sending down equipment package how about a nice cup of liver tea I'm super worried about that stop that just spawn that one I'm not sure if he died I think maybe the machine gun took care of him throwing grenades I don't feel comfortable up here either though just in case hi structure destroyed okay uh my HMG turret is in a weird place this my turrets are behind it which is never a good [Music] thing I don't even care what's in there we just we're just going to we're just going to pull itty back up I should have brought the dominators for mes I don't know another one fight the dust mag's empty here comes the Cavalry say hello go to democracy I saw my turret just like turn and I was like oh God I going to die I can't get on my HMG turret I'm [ __ ] die I can feel it have a taste of democracy okay well whatever was crawling up out of that thing got instantly [ __ ] on all right well guess I don't have to worry about those two I like that the Gatling sry com location okay there's just more [ __ ] in here just throw a fire at it and see what happens coming in say hello to democracy e one rearming be back shortly how about a nice cup of Liberty we have to go through here A whole bunch so like throwing [Applause] EXT had a lot of people saying the spear was like this God tier weapon I'm like no bro I've use the spear quite a bit this is not a god tier weapon this thing when it when it wants to work it's great but when it doesn't want to work it is just it is not it bro like this thing just this thing can just decide to not do anything the whole does a mind of its own but when it works it's really really fun come on okay looks like we just got to flip the switch and then we got to go grab our oh hello that is pad pretty quick at the Sentry Baby One Step Closer Mission comption and then uh throw the HMG Sentry down right here weapon in placement on it way habitate the Democracy Eagle back from the nest thing is so [Music] cool this way for super Earth [Applause] is actually they made these things have too much like um death rattle sending down support weapon lot of the bugs I also uh was like looking poking poking around some game file and uh a lot of the bugs aren't like they die to impact they don't die to like dying I guess it's but they die to impact throwing [Music] grenade mag's empty uh we're in trouble say hello to the [Music] me coming in hot I take back everything nice I ever said about n bomb strike get out of here dude are you serious all right HMG Sentry is uh confirmed goated s TI Mega Straten anybody who disagrees Sol level Max empty later boys how' you like the taste of Freedom that's a lot of freedom but be careful sometimes he just decides he'll kill you the turrets have a mind of their own and sometimes they literally just kill like players like they just don't care all right so this took a little longer than I wanted it to but we made it there's something here take what that is all right we finally made to the samples weapon placement on it way oh my God my life for super Earth deploying Sentry mag's empty Ma's empty Mission at 20 minutes remaining get some get some that's my turret that will probably kill me if I hang out in front of [Music] this how'd you like the taste of Freedom deploying equipment package I figured you were playing dead sub objective near your [Applause] location Max empty sending down sry weapon in placement on it way I just want to go pick these codes up D that's called [Music] democracy Mission progress logged dead over here yes e one returning the Destroyer for resupply this has been a war zone in this like little Gully this has been crazy we should surely have a resupply over here I've thrown like five whatever nothing can do whatever it wants oh nice this one had more rockets in it perfect just what we wanted you know what's funny is the HMG turrets like really bad and then like you have 10 of them down and then it's like really good because you can just keep getting in them all right let's go see how awful this is going to be get some get some chilling ice flowers these are always useful we'll go clean this outpost on the left we'll drop our turrets and we'll just try and roll one armed and ready want to do this down equipage and then this should be a yep perfect everybody okay so now we want to drop our oh my God so we want to drop our HMG in placement deploying weapon in place Dr Auto Cannon get some have a taste of democracy that's a lot of freedom we just put down with the HMG turret that was so cool main objective near your position that was like one of the coolest most thematic moments we've ever seen in a while you ever made this NE way launch Kad uh be honest not a good one you just like I like turrets it's so funny let's just just make me happy don't ask me why I like the turrets so much but like it's just such a funny build he's so quiet usually you get like zered right now getting Zer right now I think unleashing democracy the fire should help a lot enemy down baby there's no way I let you do that I'm so dumb bro what did I just do administering Freedom get some get some ma empty On Target deploy sry mags empty that bug was hiding he knows the technology he wanted the goling Sentry to got me little did he know I've been gued by my Gatling Sentry more times than he could ever count I've been killed at the end of so many solo runs by my Gatling Sentry I don't even care anymore Mission at 10 minutes remaining e one withdrawing to rearm I might actually just launch the nuke and then call it I might run back after that but first we going to salute the nuke from the rocket salutation thatness absolutely Freedom mares on thanks to you you may proceed to ex anybody trying to get here looks like we're just going to go uh distract I guess I don't really have anything on cool down to fight them with I did though I think we assassinated the big dog over there I think his homies are real mad that their big boy got that big brother got like his head blown up by a spear or something and I'm just like I'm out dude see you oh nice my auto Cannon still up there just blasting that's what we like to hear very nice that was the ultimate bait we baited them into getting blasted by the leftover Auto Cannon all planned and the ultimate turret build everybody knows is the best now uh sleeper meta overpowered Mega build loaded only true Gamers can play it honestly the HMG turret gets pretty good if you like plan a good route out and then you just have a whole bunch of them like if you just have a shitload of HMG turrets everywhere I I feel like the game is actually like manageable you may proceed to extraction when ready [Music] you know I always choke at the extract like I always panic and choke at the extract there's so many fails I have a fail comp for you guys too coming up dude I always choke it I'm not going to choke I'm not choking today I'm not choking today I'm making it happen and whatever I can't make happen my turrets will make Happ I hate dying at the end I know that like some people are like whatever death like you just post whatever but like dude I I feel so accomplished when I get a no death 30 seconds and that's what we're going to do we're going to lock this [ __ ] in and we're not going to choke for Prosperity uhoh oh my God that's called democracy deling payload wow we pissed the whole map off we do that little tree it lock on to him 30 seconds no way I did that ETA tus 20 seconds throwing grenade that's crazy 10 seconds okay we just need to get the drop ship down and then we can bounce this is pelic one I have visual on the extraction Zone oh my oh my there's a bug Nest here it's crazy what is happening right now this is insane oh my God go this way this is crazy coming in hot ma empty this is [ __ ] insane he he predicted me [ __ ] that's a spear that's not what I wanted at all bro there's no shot oh my god oh my god let's [ __ ] go y we almost choked we choked right at the end my spear wouldn't walk I blew my get it up what the [ __ ] I CH [Music] so let's [ __ ] go oh [ __ ] dude another solo no death locked in with the stupidest smoke you can run oh what a [ __ ] up [Laughter] day how didn't I think of this before surely this is the new meta versus the bug it actually made the bugs really easy to fight I'm not going to lie to you I'm going to run this [ __ ] more that was so stupid you're back quickly you're back quickly Queen I I took him to I took him I took them to the cleaners just for you
Channel: Claysthetics
Views: 140,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, From Claysthetics, Related, Live, For you, Watched, Recently uploaded
Id: W2Oiq1QVg3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 7sec (2287 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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