Helldivers 2 - The ultimate one man army build for endgame

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what's up guys I'm going to be telling you about the most broken the most OP the most complete build for hell dive difficulty for any situation that's thrown at you it's got the Jazz it's got the sassiness and all of that with a cup of Liberty and none of those strategems that I just showed you okay let's be real I'm not going to say it's the best or the most OP build but it is really strong the build that I use or have been using that I came up with after playing hell divers 2 for almost 200 hours it has allowed me to tackle any mission enemy or challenge that I've come across on Hell di difficulty since I have maxed out and capped on the level the resources and samples Etc I've been just using this all this time to get here and now I'm using it to help friends and randoms alike and least to say every Mission even on held difficulty we complete all the primary secondary and all the optional objectives with these so before we talk about the strategems and the weapons and all that let's quickly talk about the armor as of this moment everyone knows that the armors have the their armor stats bugged and they're all basically giving you the same damage resistance as of the light armor but there's no point in using the heavy or the medium armors as they're just going to cap your movement speed however the passive could be a reason that you would use any of those armors but then again the light armor will give you the same or even better passives as well so I personally use the legionary armor since I like the throwing range and also the limb Health as sometimes I hold on to my stems just to stem myself when the stamina bar is depleted and I'm in desperate need of stamina as using the stem when the stamina is depleted instantly restores it but if you have the limb damage you would have to heal immediately as if your leg is hurt you cannot Sprint or if your arms hurt you will have less accuracy and more recoil so I use the legioner but some of the worthy mentions would be the Trailblazer Scout as it's passive gives you 30% reduced detection range and if you've got a stealthy play stout or in case if you're playing solo stealth is a very surprisingly powerful play style in Hell divers 2 for bugs and especially for tomaton another reason to use the light armors even if the armor ratings were to be fixed is that unlike some other games the goal in Hell divers 2 is basically not to kill each and every enemy but to get most if not all the objectives done and extract whereas if you play or have played on the higher difficulties you will know how crazy it gets and that you will always have more enemies than bullets or strategems to throw at hence you got a stay on the move and Retreat and retaliate especially once you have completed an objective it's best to quickly start making your way onto the next one and outrun the aggro enemies or the breaches happening at the same time and lose the aggro so let's actually talk about the strategems and weapons you can't even guess it you won't even expect it ready now the first strategy that we're going to be talking about is the real gun wait wait wait wait wait hear me out it's interesting I swear I know everyone knows about the real gun the game's been out for 3 weeks now and every other hell diver is using the real gun but please keep watching it gets better all right so I know the real gun is the go-to and there's no surprise there but why is that in order to answer this question and also to understand the reasoning behind the other strategems in the build and the weapon choices we need to understand what we're up against and how to deal with it let me make it make sense so being an enthusiastic player of PVE shooter games my Approach went playing a game is to understand the enemy down to their core and then trying to find the best tools that offer the best ttks or the time to kill for dealing with them simple so let's talk about the enemies in the game let's take the terminates for example so you have these little shits these cute but also little shits these [ __ ] little shits these [ __ ] annoying piece of [ __ ] shits these [ __ ] this Chad these wait why do we even have these shrimp or whatever this bubba these sneaky [ __ ] oh yeah and this dude too let's quickly ceriz them as armored unarmored and semi or medium armored enemies now when it comes to the armored enemies we don't have a lot of options at least for heavy armor yeah the auto Cannon can take out some of them even the antimaterial rifle but then these weapons are required to be used in a certain way hitting certain spots such as the back of a Hulk but like we said in this video we are talking about optimization and the best possible ttks we can get hence the rail gun the rail gun is just too efficient is it the most fun I don't know and I'll let you be the judge of that now to pick further strategems in this build you need to know which strategems can take out a single or multiple heavy armored targets and which ones can take out the bosses and on top of that if these strategems can automatically lock on to the Target or will have to be manually aimed and placed carefully there cooldown times number of fuses Colin times etc etc honestly in my opinion the real threat are not the Chargers or the Titans on their own I think the Chargers can be easily dodged and kited or as you already might know can be easily dealt with by placing two shots on either of the front legs with the rail gun to strip off its armor and then finish off with a few shots from your primary weapon even the B Titans can be outrun or can be one-shotted if you're lucky by a shot from the rail gun of course in the mouth when they're biling or sometimes two shots on the chin or the side however that is not very consistent the real problem arises when these bile Titans and chargers are accompanied by a huge number of unarmored or semi SL Light Armored enemies which are the bulk of the enemies you're going to be facing in this game and for that I have the second strategy for you which is the eagle cluster bomb so the eagle cluster bomb has five uses per every Eagle rearm instead of four uses once expanded Bay is unlocked and the cool down time will be 8 seconds once liquid ventilated cockpit is unlocked so it is very spammable which is cool as there is no other stratum that will give you so many uses with such a low cool down given the number of enemies that are thrown at you especially on Hell dive this gives you an edge in the battlefield the callon time is almost instant so you will almost 9 out of 10 times hit the patrols that you are trying to take out or hordes that you're trying to thin out it will also kill semi or medium armored enemies 9 out of 10 times time two but beware though it will do jack [ __ ] against armored targets so don't end up wasting it on them however one cool thing I found out is if a charger or a B Titan that has a chunk of its armor stripped off a well-placed cluster bomb can kill it so if there's a hord of enemies what he can do is throw an eagle cluster bomb and quickly take two rail gun shots on the Charger's leg to strip off its armor before the cluster bomb hits and the charger is going to be leveled to the ground along with all the unarmored enemies the cluster bomb goes from side to side horizontally and it has a decent radius for killing a lot of bugs or enemies in general and friends so be a bit careful with that or just don't cuz I call it a Tactical Team kill a bonus strategy that you can get that gives you 20 uses very quickly our teammates just reinforce them and Mark an enemy and they'll land and kill them sweet Liberty now that we have our huge number of trash mob killing spammable strategy out of the way let's talk about the heavy armor B B killing strategy as we all know on higher difficulties you will have a numerous amount of B Titan pool parties going on and will face multiple charges that you want to quickly take care of hence the orbital rail Cannon strike well this is the boss killer for you I mean if you're lucky and it hits the B Titan at the right angle in the head and not the back uh well seriously though I love it as the biggest advantage of using it is that it automatically locks onto the biggest target available and it is a single Target only strategy in a very very rare case if you're throwing it at a B Titan for an example but it is too too far away it will also lock on to the second biggest target within its range but then again the intended target has to be Way Out Of Reach like mentioned earlier the on-shot potential does exist however it is slightly inconsistent with that being said though it doesn't sometimes one-hot them it leaves the Titan very weak and finishing them off with the rail gun is quite easy with this straty you won't have have to worry about a Titan or a charger once every 3.5 minutes as the cool down is reduced by 10% once Zog breach loading is purchased now for the last strategy I'll give you the one that I use as well as a few other considerable options that you can go with depending on the situation or the type of mission you're deploying on for myself almost every time my staple Loadout is the rail gun the eagle cluster bomb the orbital rail Cannon and lastly the eagle air strike now remember I said that you face numerous B Titans and Chargers on Hell dive well the eagle air strike as well does some serious damage to armor it can potentially kill Chargers or leave them very weak it can also finish off bow Titans 2 that have already taken some damage beforehand and luckily this strategy is the one which you unlock very early on the only hustle is that it doesn't lock on two Targets but don't get me wrong all in time is almost in an instant and it also goes from side to side horizontally and has a decent radius the eagle air strike can easily take out bug holes or automaton production facilities a well-placed eagle air strike can take out small bug holes nests with a good placement without you ever going into the nest at all you get two uses of the eagle air strike per eagle rearm and three uses once expanded Bay is unlocked while the cool down time is merely 8 seconds once liquid ventilated cockpit is unlocked one thing that I wanted to point out is the mistake I was personally making early on so unless you want a particular depleted Eagle Strike back make sure that you have consumed any Eagle air strike charges that you have left before you send your Eagle to rearm to get the most value out of it the eagle rearm cooldown once you have the pit crew Hazard pay unlock is merely 2 minutes now with the honorable mentions to replace the eagle air strike 500 kg bomb I like it as it oneshots Titans and anything else and is the only other option that can destroy rog's research stations other than the hellbomb and you can get two uses per Eagle rearm once you have the ship module upgrades however it could be a hit or a Miss as this does not lock on and have the smallest radius and finally for the honorable mentions orbital laser it is amazing for killing a lot of General stuff and even the elites will get suppressed and potentially killed however I really dislike the long cool down and also being limited to three uses per Mission so with this setup you have the power of trash killing the elite killing and the power to destroy holes and Nest as well as structures literally there's nothing you can't take take on with this setup another thing you can do is have a teammate have a shield backpack strategy and then you can share your rail gun and shields with each other and my man you are now untouchable now before we conclude the video and assuming you have made it this far let's quickly talk about the weapons now the way I like to use the rail gun is you on-shot these enemies with a headshot and there's nothing else that would give you any faster ttks than the rail gun thus we will not be considering these enemies when making weapon choices unless otherwise and everything else can be dealt with either with your primary or the secondary weapons with fast and decent ttks so I personally use the breaker I know I know but I do use some other weapons too and before we talk about those options I want to tell you that the breaker one shots Warriors two shot stalkers whereas one shots anything smaller for sure it's not too efficient versus these little shits ammo wise and you'd be better off using your secondary for them whereas where the breaker lacks the default Liberator shines it almost gives you that mini machine gun of a feeling due to its such bigger mag especially for the little shits however it does have slightly longer ttks on the Warriors and stalkers its total ammo pool is also very generous now coming back to the breaker now not the breaker breaker no not this piece of [ __ ] breaker it can't even kill a [ __ ] egg in one full mag yes this breaker the breaker incend well say what you want but it is way satisfying to light them enemy scum on fire it's got a a little bit of a spread compared to the default breaker however it's double the mag double the fun very efficient for the little shits another very very good weapon choice would be the plus scorcher it has low ammo pool small magazine size but boy oh boy it packs A Punch Yeah uh the only problem is you're always going to be surrounded and shooting it real close will kill your teammates which we don't care about but will also most definitely kill you too I'd say it's really good and you can try it on for size next up the Dom Dominator the Dominator packs a very solid punch where I'd always go with the breaker for the bugs the Dominator is my go-to for the automatons it has a surprisingly long range and precision with just a small issue being its Max size and now for the secondary for the bugs you can't go wrong with either The Peacemaker or the Redeemer where both weapons have the same damage and a close enough fire rate the Redeemer is best for running and gunning with slightly slower reload where The Peacemaker offers more precision and controlled shots with a faster reload to quickly wind up the last two weapons of both the primary and the secondary weapons category are the Slugger and the revolver now these two though different categories of weapons are somewhat similar in one way which is they both can penetrate medium armor just fine now the benefit of using these two is that the medium armored enemies that you'd usually use the rail gun on now you could just use the Slugger or the revolver instead and conserve real gun ammo for the bigger targets also the one thing that's really good with these two is that you could reload them both between shots as it's an individual bullet or shell reload rather than a full mag no discarded ammo the revolver can and will one-hot all the Light Armored automatons with shots anywhere on the body and the downside well the fire rate and the reload sucks ass on both of these weapons so it's basically a tradeoff when using any of these weapons that we just discussed about [ __ ] them [ __ ] them all use the default breaker and the Redeemer
Channel: Inexorable Warrior
Views: 55,313
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Keywords: helldivers 2, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers 2 tips, helldivers 2 game, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 pc, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers, helldivers 2 trailer, helldivers 2 build, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 news, helldivers 2 tricks, helldivers 2 best, helldivers 2 reaction, helldivers 2 tips for solo players, helldivers 2 best weapons, best settings for helldivers 2, helldivers 2 best stratagems, endgame, inexroable warrior, helldive difficulty
Id: hAxfWpgfoRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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