Helldivers 2 - This New Autocannon Sentry Build is SUPER STRONG for the Automatons

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welcome back L and gentlemen today we have a brand new major order from Super earth that could finally lead to the end of the automaton scum forever so I gathered the finest Degen not degenerates I gathered the finest super citizens to pack their turrets up so we could lend our Aid with the maximum amount of DPS and FPS you can possibly have and of course by that I still mean democracy per second and freedom a second because we're not getting any frames on this update but I did mess around a lot with this build so here you'll see me use the plus two grenade light armor but I think overall for most people the medium armor with extra padding will feel way better to use but nothing feels better to use them the auto Cannon especially against the updated bots so it's time to lock in for a whole new domain expansion are you Gamers ready to domain expand let themable might of their BS will never know what that's all we know how to do it's time to teach the atatat with the bud said to learn the hard they've got oil they've got oil and we need it now I like that you can stop flares again that made it makes the game soes again you got me again all right we've got drop Ships coming in domain expansion and it's funny cuz it Doesn't one kill call down requ calling down a you're about to get blasted bot scum oh they still instantly killed the turrets a forunate I'm about to get Traer and it's not even my doing I'm just getting rocketed out of the map yeah this hul yep I'm a Traer well get in there Trader show him the thr him and show him a brand new [Laughter] do Brandy domain expansion Traer style I not even by choice I was getting brag out of the map I got terminal they definitely made this more teal right like I'm not just being gaslit by myself yeah they changed the UI on a lot of the consoles there's a there's even a cob console it say little farm logo on it wait what yeah where's the sssss super super super Drive where'd you put it I thought I had it uh right there where where is it oh it's down here see it on the map oh we found it who put this over here what are you doing who's the syy Baka who put it over there yeah I think it might have blown up or something oh okay yeah we were just trying to hide it somebody trying to backstab us for the we did have a traitor backstab for that wasn't me now we know why I was preoccupied traitor got what you deserved try to hide the super Drive let him have it yeah should only one dude left I a full auto can still fun to use yeah it's funny that random hell bombs are there I remember when they like first added the snow map or whatever and we blew one up and just instantly [ __ ] crash that was so fun all the parles in there yeah we just instantly crashed it was so bad oh my God that was a one shot I think that was like three rockets at the same time might have been you got a door think you got it got the door I'm on it oh Gren watch out out watch out open the door reloading oh it's ammo what looks to be super credits requisition slips requisition slips I was wrong those weren't those weren't what I wanted what the [ __ ] they can get back Oh I thought that was a bot my God I turned the I turned I turned the names above heads off oh yeah for like more of a cinematic like experience or whatever for like making the videos I turn the names off above people's heads so I thought the bot KN back on top of it is like some sort of new update I thought we were under attack expansion quickly requesting call down a oh no requesting reloading damn it they blow it up immediately it's okay as long as there's lots of the turrets it doesn't matter some are going to live oh no we've got a little bit of a problem behind us I'm objetive critical strateg available the rocket launchers are still great they stay up for so long somebody in a battle for their life over there yeah sorry you should be try to help are you clear now no I can't see you one I I'm coming I'm coming I think she's good yeah someone killed the hul the long range sniper Auto Cannon I see you where the come to me this way I've got your back I'm going to crawl oh wait no I need to I've got your I took him out oh my God the Devastator just right gold I've got you lock it in it's locked in I'm running AC all right I got you I covered you you know it worked out it was actually good it looked cool boom oh could you me reloading two thank you there's a resupply over here too drop ships incoming should be able to this oh my God I got one shoted by the gunship oh [ __ ] yeah they die so fast to the auto cannons we got to we got to team reload each other we got to he just went flying over his head I'm back oh chill ready to liberate get off of me what wait what's going on I'm trying to get on you what oh je yeah that makes sense blizzard uh that's a blizzard yeah we're going to go take these drop ships out or the gunships out before they get a little more I'm trying to reload my other stuff I'm sorry domain expanding oh my God down down requesting where's the cannon Tower oh [ __ ] get up I'm not sure but there's drop ships everywhere I need help get dropped centries oh God the Blizzard's killing the vision on my Sentry tree turrets yeah we've been countered thank you where's the cannon Tower going in two prong attack you guys go for that I'm going for this two two frong attack double domain oh my God I can't blow this [ __ ] Fab up there we go oh [ __ ] I don't know if this is a good spot for the hell bomb it's only the one Tower right I'm not sure there's two here two there's two oh God blast them he's coming right for us all right surely this will be good enough oh my god did he eat itself at you clear the area run run run not this way this is the wrong way this is the wrong way this is the wrong way run Billy you jump SP grenade out nice sorry oh yeah what was that I blew myself oh my auto Canon is still up all my turrets it didn't go off wait it didn't go off how did going to go off did they blow it up oh maybe wait no they're dead that's what they look like okay weird it's like lit up and everything that's uh right no it's fine it's done reloading oh another hell bomb that's so I got yep something nasty is going on behind us yeah we didn't clear that oh that's perfectly fine the turrets are still owning I was just expect something just random hell bombs blowing up all over the place it's so crazy another over there too another one DJ C would be so proud of you have a taste of ACC super accreate penetration nope he didn't care he wanted you to keep all your ammo what a generous gamer that's yeah we got him we sure got him yo domain spand up here is this it yeah yeah this is it requesting sry uh call down whatever I'm done exp requ I need a backpack buddy who's here I got you stop moving stop moving freedom forever you deserve everything get on me I'm ready trying to this rocket s is going to back yeah we okay we can't be over there it'll be over here oh my god oh [ __ ] oh no follow me it's okay our team attempt failed miserably there's there's nothing left to shoot yeah domain expansion still works pretty well against the Bots there's not been any tanks though I don't think it would really matter but like there's been a lot of Hulks they just die too fast yeah the auto Cannon just smoking everything by the way oh my God I've got you let's do it blast them reloading you wait just keep blasting them don't stop oh my God what what happened to you I don't know what's happening no we can't move we can't move I can't get out of T no oh my life what new technology unlocked by the rocket Devastators PID you under the table all right that wasn't what I was expecting who's this the space Trump okay got you thanks hey look civilians are running don't worry you're coming back in got enemies I need a where's a where's the backpack buddies at do we have any backpack buddies yeah I got you we got him I'll do you next there's a supply here suppes you know I was like man we're just [ __ ] around over here and Amelia is just like doing the objective solo terminal team just an autoc Cannon standing over by this one I'll push the button once I'll help there's not one over here is there only two two of what two three I think there's only three on the other one they have actual evacu this is a uh yeah this isn't that hopefully they ramp the up after we finish this objective so that we can have some uh blast I got you big Blaster there's a of over there wait we can go engage that that'll be fun oh yeah Fu that not right now no not right oh my God they're just flying at us drop ship don't go any more to the right clay there's an auto kick your ass out that's fair reques calling down a oh yeah it's actually just shooting right down that line huh yeah that one guy just want I found the angle yeah he's like cod gaming bro it really is peing the corners and everything okay come here come here come here oh my God I'll pull back out blast them the extraction shut AIT yourest oh my God we got them all give it to him yeah we got him supp still here yeah they're supplies right in front of the console oh no I meant there's still two of them oh okay T you're going to need those I just picked up a regular Amo too that filds up the auto Cannon what halfway yeah the regular is nice all right well I'm golden you guys what you guys want to do you want to go to the extract and just have a big battle for 20 minutes or do you want to like kill something else big base near us for democracy all right let's go clear some bases for democracy there's a Hulk walking by over there locationwest oh there's another one walking by right Northeast okayu that's crazy oh yeah the turrets are still over there huh yeah yeah are all right that oh thanks for the little backpack I like that little D oh yeah don't pick up snowballs at Crasher games though oh really jeez I did one earlier post spotted did you out of everything that like that's the first snowball I've ever thrown I had to do it side yeah one more shot left domain expand oh my yeah looks like one of them angles boys and girls well we got a tank first tank yeah Jesus he sound like got punched in the [ __ ] throat whoever was like coughing like I S I threw a St grenade got me up I can't see [ __ ] go go whatever in there is dead good job space trap I got you King I'll I'll dab you up King get off me I'll grab you your turn thank you big Blaster where's everything I think it's already domain expansion works really good St is I really like the blizzard I think it's awesome yeah and it actually seems to affect their aim and stuff yeah this is a this is a good modifier I need a Grenade on we need a Grenade on this fabra you talking about you got Auto cannons buddy oh yeah you're right should take care of that see I do I have an auto can too I just called it in on it I just called my autoc cannon in on it to kill it I don't think that's what she meant you you bounce off the vent so it shoots downward yeah but he called this Auto cannon in on it to kill Auto I need a soldier over here to help me out we've got a big Patrol a bunch of large Lads some would say go go go I notic you stole I did I stole from you again I'm going to have to pay the tax later I can't believe no one got hit from that bar yeah seriously my myat I can't believe nobody got hit immediately died oh I can't it's the Jammer we've been jammed oh you got me okay cool nice if you need new auto Cannon most of them are all cool now another big Patrol you you want what I got you I'm just going to grab the one that's space TR the the thing over here yeah oh my God it's hard to see and like yeah yeah like it's it's it's actually a good modifier I think I was thinking like maybe I should be trying to headshot them but like it's more fun to just shoot at them oh he almost got you pretty good yeah all right I got a fresh backpack from my old backpack on your left oh my God oh my God that [ __ ] robot got red reloading you oh oh [ __ ] okay oh my God oh my God did I hear what oh have you ever played like the arcade game Time Crisis it's like the light gun yeah I have I actually have a PlayStation 2 light gun sitting really had that [ __ ] it's I was addicted to that for so long I play I had a vampire did you play vampire KN on it no oh vampire KN was vampire KN was so fun too yeah crisis was great I'm missing every shot sorry a lot coming from the uh okay we got a couple of this jam up so we can domain expand on me soldiers this way quickly I've been cut off can you reload me I went to this like weird spot like just in one of those dead shopping balls like like this was like 20 years ago and I ended up buying this like it it was just a light gun for a oh my God there's drop ships or gunships it was it was like a big box right no no no this was this was this was just a light gun that you that was like a PlayStation controller that you plugged into your PlayStation oh so it was just a light yeah it wasn't just the big box yeah so I had like the at home version of it and then you could buy like they had crisis as like a disc so like you could just play it whenever you wanted it was so sick no I have to reload it was on sale at point it was only like4 something for like a huge combo that's why my dad got it that's awesome was get him out of the way yeah good God this is so bad don't do it don't do it don't do it get the gimmer bro I can't blow the [ __ ] fabricator up oh my oh wait wait watch out watch out out I just can't blow it up you're you have to be the one how did you do it I'm a failure you have to you have to make it boun down like sh down I can't play the game place just having a bad time it's I haven't played in a while but I got you guys keep getting rocketed and just chucked like half an inch domain expansion don't care oh I tried to land on it oh this is a bad idea calling down a I'm just devors eating all my grenades I'm alive somehow oh my God oh my God my rocket thing just blew up instantly that's so bad oh my God I got one-shotted by a rocket I think what's happening is sometimes you get like double or triple ticked by the rockets and die maybe yeah I think so but at least they fixed it for like the most part the yeah I think so much bettering down a support weapon Southwest Flappy boys oh there's a few of them righten there [ __ ] word there's just so many l bombs intentionally hit that one and it did not kill that gun sh yeah the verticality of the H bomb is really bad by the way seems so it doesn't go down and it doesn't go up good really yeah yeah I've had that problem this is insane how many things are here enemy West oh my God oh [ __ ] oh my god did that thing just ye itself at you they do when you P them up Fu we can't move dude that's a good turret actually cty save me okay I'm going up top a little bit here oh my God TV uhhuh behind you I'm going to try and sneak this [ __ ] I'm like one shot there's a hole coming from where my turrets are the ending of these missions is insane I can't you can't get it no I'm literally like one shot stay alive you can call in the respot if you need it over there another already second oh Jesus hello thank you scared keep him going gol Sentry I believe in you I got to go help oh my God I made it and [ __ ] see that one oh me up H me up I got you Mission at 10 minutes remain are they coming right for us pretty much oh my God a lot of them that is so many going down a I'm just going to domain expand right now requesting sry calling down a three calling down a support weon 13 seconds arms I'll fight to the death right here that [ __ ] commissar you little [ __ ] I know what I need to do nice F to the death killed the Hulk never die more team reload required oh there should be supplies we got to goest right here supplies let's go calling our drop sh quick this way I just move out of the way and you go I out of the water all right it's time to escape that did there's still a gunship no just someone fly in he's hiding behind the building right now he's scared he knows what's coming we got to go oh that's a that's a don't worry this is the way uh make your way I'm putting turret sounds this was the way yo this [ __ ] gunship really there is one I told you there was one there we go at least the autocam are good at killing it good domain expansion oh call Co oh sorry I didn't even know you guys are dead wow that's [ __ ] up me and ailia just don't matter h no I was busy setting this up I was setting up my domain oh my God that is so many things that come in off that stunning it again surely that's over like oh my God I'm Not Dead you actually shouldn't be dead swe Liberty maybe I don't know there's also a get Jesus nice my frames are gone but nice what the [ __ ] stop shooting oh my God bro chill chill chill for like two seconds somebody killed the turret no okay hang on oh I got killed by on the tower almost it's so close just shoot it once in the bottom it's turned away from me I don't got it anymore good I'm running to the dude that was there's just so many things over there yeah the end of these is insane oh my God there's another Patrol coming know let's just make it to the drop trip call it in and then have our big battle oh my God what the hell is this this is crazy what the hell is this that's my last St oh God bringing down supplies nice how many guys are over there all of them all right requesting sry AB domain spanding behind us calling down a Sentry requesting yep calling down a rocket Devastator like being crazy cringe got him didn't get him got him surely oh that's a lot of hooks wait really might be a get that good got to reload jeez pleas this is ridiculous oh no no onto the mine calling reinforcement get off dumb ass what the [ __ ] shm J you're the one rocket up the [ __ ] ass no I'm coming no 15 seconds I'm on the way oh you can get there in time yeah oh you're good they oh my God maybe I can't that rock is in yeah that rock is in I got to reload let me drop on this [ __ ] and drop [ __ ] did you get him nope I got the stun out big blasted him for you okay I'm going to oh my God my domain expension I got an auto Cannon for you you need Auto Cannon okay well I called another one in back here yep two Hulks cominging from West Side Oh my God stunning again this is crazy do oh my God there's no way they spawn on oh there's a know we can kind of hide behind here but it'll abort the shuttle I got it I believe in you reinfor reting it's okay I have my domain up in a second I need a soldier to help me out with the backpack we need to be blasted calling down a support weapon or I'll help you out I don't care oh [ __ ] I'm going to domain expand over here this is the spot requesting 30 seconds oh [ __ ] calling down did you just get head shot away reload you got he hang on I'll reload you if you need it start blasting oh I'm I'm at you I'm at you okay throw me at it throw me at the thing we're AB boarding calling in reinforce no I'm here this is a spot Amelia nothing can stop us here probably surely oh my God there's so much [ __ ] everywhere where the [ __ ] did everything go 10 Z wait dude I think my my arms are broken I I can't get off of here I literally can't look you're mine now I let go of RMB stand okay I'll dab you I I'll grab some resp and dab you what the [ __ ] yeah there's some nonsense happening do it I believe in you get him I can't I believe just blast it's fine no no no I'm I'm stunning don't you dare get on that drop ship Trooper it's time to kill everything I'm getting close I'm using it as cover cuz it's Invincible cover I got two hes looking at me I'm coming to you stuns out oh my God I give up I'm leaving that was the third time I tried to get my no I always fight to the death Ma I just never die all right got minute five I'm not scared Su oh my God Out full out [ __ ] no oh [ __ ] I my motto get in the ship you know what to do one more one more you have one more life use it it's Television TV your job is to avenge us you fight to the death and never leave immediately dies you fight to the death okay vict all right Admiral Admiral you did it you made it out alive failed to extract some say he's still fighting down on that planet and there's no record of him ever dying surely that was tough that was crazy how much who was on me the was space trp or TV uh in front of the in front of the plane that was me yeah that I like how I you got on I walked around the front of the ship and there's just like 400 rocket Devastators and I just started BL that's crazy yeah you started peeking and I'm like he doesn't see what's on the other side of this I I did not I just started I just started blasted and then we just got shot so much that my character got pushed back and my gun was in it was crazy yeah it it wasn't too yeah I'm just saying if you had HMG if we had HMG in placement it would have been better you're right and like a bubble no the bubble's bad we we tried that already a come on yeah bubble's not that good so we killed 900 things steim used 30 I was just injecting the whole game ST you had friendly fire damage damage kind of suspicious
Channel: Claysthetics
Views: 16,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: From Claysthetics, Helldivers 2, Related, Recently uploaded, Watched, Live, For you
Id: vZjf5D2G7Pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 0sec (2340 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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