This Is Your Time - Bishop Noel Jones

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come and go with me and let us see what God is doing throughout the country Bishop Noel Jones ignites holy ghost fire across the nation with the fresh oil collection with every nail that was nailed in my favor God has met us in various different places it wasn't my intention to change your situation it was my intention to change you the Holy Spirit have been alive and well [Applause] go with me throughout the country and see the variety of ways in which God's message [Music] Souls have been moved that we have been lifted by the power of God we can get a few looking backward in you were not there but we have brought there to wherever you are so all you have to do is just get a hold of these messages and see how God blesses you as his blessed others a single message of Oh fresh oil collection can be yours on audio or video tape or save money by thinking three of your favorites for it even better bargain or defined messages but for the best savings get the entire set of 10 would you write to us visit our website or call one eight hundred five two six know today [Applause] [Music] Bishop Noel Jones presents this provocative challenging and life-changing message to encourage inspire and motivate you to keep marching toward your destiny now receive this fresh oil from Bishop Noel Jones as it flows from the vials of heaven to saturate your soul I won't get too philosophical tonight but I'd like you to go to ester with me I'm not a storyteller but I'd like you to go to ester and seek an eye and see what the Lord says here it's in chapter 4 and verse 13 that I'd like to begin reading from and of course I know your pastors tradition but I'm just going to read and then you stand up in your spirit now it says then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther because she spoke to her talk and the hatak sent word back to Mordecai and they talked about the law that if there is to go in if the King has not called or invited you and so Esther reminded Mordecai of the circumstance then he commanded to answer Esther and here's what he said to her think not win theyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house more than all the Jews who were not in there for if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place now you know you know Mordecai has to believe God to say that even though you are in a position to help us Esther if you don't do it God's gonna send deliverance from somewhere else amen yeah so you can just hold your peace if you want and think you're safe now God's gonna send some help and then thou and thy father's house shall be destroy and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this then Esther bid them return Mordecai this answer go gather together all the Jews at a president shoe shed and fast see for me neither eat nor drink three days night or day I also and my maidens will fast likewise and so I will go on to the King which is not according to the law and if I perish I perish so Mordecai went his way did according to all that Esther had commanded him can somebody say Amen I want you just to look at somebody and tell them with all the unction you have this is your time this is I don't want to slip off the deep end tonight but I have considered in in looking at this is there a difference between time for you and you for time I say I told you I didn't want to do that now I understand that all of us in here because we're creatures of time something has happened because we have now blended with a God of eternity and and it causes problems because intellectually that the finite mind cannot always comprehend the timing of God because being a God of eternity he has decided some things and he didn't decide them in time one of the most prolific and profound scriptures declares that we were chosen in him before the foundation of the world and and that all spiritual blessings were given in Christ Jesus before we got here it would indicate to me then that everything that is mine God has already given it before I even got here oh I sort of like that it's already mine so if it's already mine and it has already been given then it's not a matter of me going to get it it's a matter of it coming to get me he's a so-so cylinders of a couple of things happen or or one thing significantly happens is that what God has and what he has given to you before you even got here in fact to take it further before he cata boli before he threw the world into place and the scientists say that there are some stars that are five hundred thousand light-years from Earth which would indicate that the universe would have to be at least five hundred thousand years old and if God cat a bowl a through some rather 500 million rather years old if God Kappa boules put things in place and he gave me something before he made the world then it's got to come to me sooner or later touch the neighbor says just a matter time at a time see see see now but the difficulty here is that in order for me to move into the time that God has appointed for me he has to reveal to me what he has already done not now again I take it further he oftentimes reveals to me in time what he's done in eternity but he reveals it to me in my spirit before he materializes the gift God help me you matter because my spirit can connect with the concept of what he has done in his spirit before my intellect can dress what's going on I have to receive it in my spirit and that my spirit tell my mind that God has done something for you expect it anytime it's critical here because he has to reveal what he has already done anytime he's done it in eternity I can't go into eternity and figure it out he has to buy his spirit reveal it to my spirit in time and give me the sense of security by faith that no matter what it looks like when God's time comes it's got to happen and I just feel like it's my time now one of the things that happens here is when Satan realises and he can only realize this once it's manifested I didn't want to do this now there is there's what you call must Ariane and mysterion is mystery and God can hide a thing simply by not revealing it because nobody can probe to get what God does not reveal oh I wish you'd understand this not because you didn't ask him to reveal it he revealed it because he already said it in place and once he reveals what he has done your faith comes alive to receive him but when he reveals it to you the devil picks it up before the devil didn't know how significant you were until God revealed how blessed you are then Satan moves to destroy you the reason you're going through so much he'll is because the devil knows it's getting to be yacht touch your neighbor so don't take the negative negatively no don't take it negatively you got to learn how to take the negative positively deaf out I was doing fine till God revealed where he's taking me so now that you're put in hell in my life it doesn't turn me off it turns me on because no it's really true it's just about to be it is here then it is here let the question arises could it be that God prepares then the time for you because he has to move the time in some circumstances for you and because he if the time is going to come along and do whatever it's going to do but in that time he moves some things just for you he sometimes hastens or shortens the time so that it will meet you right where he wants it submit you then in other words you would have happened anyway but God manipulated the time for you and then sometimes the time would have happened anyway but then God prepares you for the time I don't want you to go too fast and miss your time and I don't want you to come too slow and miss your time I want you to be ready so that when you step in you step in right oh I feel the Holy Ghost touch your neighbor self feel my time coming and get ready to be hit by my time in an instance the time was fixed you were manipulated in another instance you were fixed and the time was manipulated God brought the time to your place and then other times he brings you to the place of your time God moving you by his omnipotence and moving time by his eternity you see his eternalness gives him power over time his omnipotence gives him power over you so when armed impotence and eternalness moves in time and you is done to come together and I don't care how hard the devil fights it you're gonna look him in the face and said devil you can't move in my time get out of my time do I have a little time they became who's they they saw it and and to them it was more than just the passing of time they they called it young because they figured it by day is actually what they're saying and and and what it says then if it's moving in time there's going to be a day that is most important to you yes there's there's a day and the most important concept of time as one writer says in the old testament was which by time as well as a sphere of time can be expressed so there's a period of light then that's contrasted with darkness no matter how dark your night is day is on the way no matter how bad it's been day is on the way no matter how the devil has mistreated you he can't mistreat you all the time because you're going through a season of heartache heartache won't last all the time because they is on the way oh I feel it here it is clearer than that he said just another period of light that I have made I will rejoice that now has made I will rejoice and be glad that they're in it's a I vow relationship you make the day and I will rejoice weeping may endure for a night but you make the day and joy cometh in the morning God's got a time when the devil can touch you oh I feel it here God's got a time when your enemies can't reign over you God's got a time when your money won't be funny when your heart won't be broken and if it's broken tonight God's time hasn't come yet and if you're broke tonight God's time hasn't come yet but when his time comes nothing in the world can stop you from what God has ordained or feeling here feel like shouting myself I just got a glimpse of the wonderful time that God is about to put in my hand touch your neighbours and my time is at hand and the kingdom of God suffered violence and the violent love gone significantly then it alludes to God's sovereignty because God be eternal as Isaiah put it he antedates time yay before the day was I am he in the psalmist the psalmist declares he transcends time for a thousand years in thy side are as but as yesterday when it's past and as a watch in the night it is here where we have our difficulties because when God gives you a vision and shows you the promise you think you have to work for it because you're in trouble because of impatience can I work with this a minute here you see if God gives the promise and I might as well teach it I holla later if God gives the promise there is nothing for us to do with a promise but wait for it and a promise changes my life for instance if some man walked up to you and he slipped on your finger a f19 carat diamond he just made a promise that whatever dates you all set he is going to marry you now other men might come along and look at you and an astounding at your beauty your intellectual 'ti whatever men look for and and they might say well well honey our hey and you just [Applause] you see now the argument is that you are taken that's the argument because you don't go out with anybody anymore you don't talk to anybody anymore because you are taken now them not married yet mm-hmm but your showing up acting like you are because you have a promise now the man does not understand why you pull the gun on him a week before the wedding when he said he don't want to marry you no more because here's the first thing you say is I have messed up my life waiting for you can I take a little further you're coming to church and somebody says I'm going to give you a ride and you say okay I'm waiting somebody else calls and says I'm coming in your neighborhood I know you're on the way to church let's go to church you say no I have arrived five people called you and you told five people you had arrived you didn't have a ride you have a promise I promise changes your life so don't mess with me if you're not going to deliver and here's what God says it's impossible for me to lie if I'm going to do it all you gotta do is wait fill the Holy Ghost touch your neighbor say it's your time now or you waited on it and gods about to bring it to pass the day is signed and this is why the writer declares and in in Genesis time was created by God and is under his control the Hosea I think it said no the psalmist said that day is 9:00 thou has prepared the light and the Sun notice how he manipulated for Joshua and I'm here to tell you that God will manipulate situations to bring you into your time and even though he ensured the regularity of time he does not allow the law of time to subject him he can bless you out of your time by making out of your time your time I wonder if you're with me he can make time come back round to bless you Zechariah looked at it and said but it shall be a woman which shall be known to the Lord and not day nor night so we've got the cosmological and the terrestrial where God even shortens man's life man and and orders his time he he determines his time he controls his time don't let anybody tell you when you feel the anointing of God that it is not your time to pray your time to ask your time to receive because he options your spirit and tells you when it is your time oh I feel it here can I take it touch your neighbor said whenever you believe it your time begins I believe it now I believe it now I believe it now believe it let's go a little deeper just a little deeper the Hebrews have another word that they call it and this word falls now into the manipulative power of God its define now as time conceived as an opportunity in other words God is going to give you in a few days just a time of opportunity now now it's up to faith to grasp it because if you don't grasp it this time then you've got to go through a time when there is no opportunity and have to wait to another time of opportunity don't let it pass you this week they get it this week don't put it off till next year and no no get yours now touch somebody said get yours now it's don't put it in front of me if you don't want me to get it don't even lay it near me cuz house seize the moment oh I feel like the extension of time yet it is a particular time there are usual times for reoccurring things that appropriate time for not reoccurring things our battle with time is actually a battle with God because when I lose patience I begin to do other things in the time that God hath prepared for me to do what he wants so consequently because I'm busy doing my thing in his time I ended up losing his thing for me until another time oh I feel it here I don't know how old you are but I'm too old to go around again no Lord no no no I can't wait on no car now it's my time I'll give somebody high-five said I'm tired of going round in circles I want to go straight to my blessing oh god I feel something breaking in here tonight put on your neighbor and say you coming through tonight this is your time your time your he requires man then he requires men to arrange his life according to the times that's why he says a time for everything that's the word it now the Greeks articulate this expression of God in their perception of time and they use a word called Cronus of which this is a chronograph it's just a thing that measures time now Chronos is like it it just denotes a space of time whether short or long and it's time conceived as a succession of moments it's just simply God needing time to bring me into what he has for me now then the Greeks also threw in another word that they call Kairos and now Kairos is not just passing of time but it is a critical Apple making period that is for ordained by God in other words Chronos just moves but in Chronos is Kairos God is yes it no no no Kairos is in Chronos Chronos isn't in Cairo's because there is just time and then there's a season that's in the middle of time I don't want to miss my season in the middle of time so while time is passing and I am waiting I am expecting us that this is my time approaching oh I feel like shouting can I talk to you now while you're waiting don't complain while you're waiting praise because no matter what you're going through it's got to place oh I feel like shouting because I know it's passing I'm not sitting here crying I'm sitting here dancing expecting dissipating and as soon as the Spirit says [Applause] touch your neighbor say it's your time this week is not time oh do I have the time the event plus Chronos can I preach now the event plus Chronos because in your vision God showed you certain events and when the event takes place then you know it's your time he showed you how he was going to move and left it in your spirit you said when the wind is up to God I feel the Holy Ghost the place is up to God all you gotta do is have faith to believe that when the devil tells you it's not coming to pass you say devil you're a liar I believe God you don't have to show me a sign they just have to tell me it's my time I feel it here I feel a breakthrough give somebody a high five and tell them it's your time you've cried you've waited you've been talked about you leave it any way you want it to forget it you couldn't forget it the fire came back it's your time are you ready to grab in the name of Jesus somebody say you better take them oh god I feel it fancy now when I bring this concept to the text then I understand how God can move because there is really no reason for Vashti so far out of character let me give you an idea what I'm talking about hey as arias is probably in history a man called Xerxes and his kingdom ran from India all the way to Ethiopia which means he is now a Persian that Iran he is now King now he is what you call a despotic monarch which makes him like Nebuchadnezzar and a despotic monarch is a man with life and death in his hands anybody with that kind of power is egocentric narcistic self loving ignorance spoiled brat I feel the Holy Ghost now I want you to notice this he is nothing to play with now not only that he's a party animal and according to the Scriptures he has now parted for six months so he's real drunk right about now now remember he's nothing to play with he is not the kind of fella that you don't give him what he wants so it would seem to me that Vashti his wife knowing his personality would not play with him at all he's got all his buddies around him and he's now showing off he's showing off his kingdom his treasures and his power and then because he got a little bored he said all right I need Vashti to come out here and dance oh Jesus now it is not usual for a woman who knows she's got a man who can have her head chopped off anytime not to come when he calls but God is a manipulator God will have folk how to character in order to put you where he wants you to be feeling in him give somebody a high five and say neighbor I got a boss that's in God's hand right about tonight oh yeah got a boss that thinks he's running things what God is running whoa I feel the Spirit of God here touch somebody say it's your time gods get ready to make four crazy in order to slip you in the job he wants you to [Applause] break through I feel a breakthrough I don't know some folks are appointed honey but others are anointed and when God gets ready to move the anointed here just flip the strip well took somebody says get ready to happen just get ready to happen it's getting ready to happen somebody's getting ready to be elevated somebody's get ready to move in a new position somebody's getting ready to be moved in a new job she acted out of character it didn't matter he was despotic he could have killed her what he divorced her instead now he puts now Esther in place and Esther is his secret weapon touch somebody says secret weapon said God can hide you in the right place don't don't tell everything right now because sometimes is not the right time to tell I wish I could talk to you you can't tell your vision to everybody you can't tell your plans to everybody because it ain't the right time oh I wish somebody'd hear me in here tonight God's getting ready to bless you but your blab too much and you bring the enemy in on you before the time hold your mouth praise God in your spirit and be God's little secret weapon and when he gets ready he'll bring you out of the dark and throw you up in the lights before the enemy can get you you're already in oh god I feel it here touch the neighbors say he's slipping me in they slippin me in ah this man's ego so Haman now gets put in the open position thank you because Haman is now appointed by the king he's the favorite of the despotic monarch and he's the enemy in position now notice now that Haman is an Amalekite because of his eager fight which means he's a descendant of a gang and a dad was an Amalekite and their malachite ambushed Israel in a place long ago called ref Adam where the Lord showed himself as Jehovah Nissi the Lord is my better now one thing he teaches me is that you gotta wipe out your enemies the right time because they're enemies of the flesh that'll come back at the wrong time if you don't wipe them out at the right time oh I wish I could talk to you huh on your way up get rid of the sin that so easily beset you because when you get up the devil will say I don't care how up he is I know what I can bring him down with the next time the devil comes with you with the sin he thinks he's got you with nuke him in the face and said devil this is the wrong time you should have kill me [Applause] give somebody a high five say it's too late for that now I'm moving in another oh god I feel it it is here now with the enemy in place that the believers have to stand their ground you've got to learn how to stand even when the enemy is in place Mordechai would not bow because any enemy of God is an enemy of Mordechai yeah I'm not gonna bow to Haman now Haman is a killer and he wants to destroy the children of Israel and whenever God gets ready to bless you the killers show up the kids call them get haters yeah that's what they call him I feel feeling like lifting him up Oh touch your neighbors and neighbor you must be doing something because the haters showed up whenever the haters show up [Applause] I feel a little churchy in here what's the matter sir let him talk God's got the last [Applause] holy goes let him talk God's got it in his hand hold that organ I hurt myself Haman Oh God on the other hand with Haman on his side and Haman is hasty to sign a document to kill everybody yeah enemies get in a hurry when they get in position to try to push you out and cause you to lose but you can't lose when you've got an anointing behind you you can't lose when God is on your side but somebody say I'm still here it's got to be gone still here to the thick end of theater because God was on my side is in a hurry to sign the decree but God lets the Lots cast what's the Lots off for a long time the enemy want to kill him on a short time but God says no a long time then the despotic monarch Vashti out of character Esther becomes queen discovers some treachery in the king's house and dares her to the king Haman is appointed Mordecai won't bow Haman wants to kill him the plot is on but God's got a secret weapon that's now in the bed with the king I feel like reaching in here God's got somebody whisper in to somebody about what to do it's your life touch your neighbors and neighbor God setting it up just wait on him honey just wait on him Sir he's putting the pieces [Applause] just letting him wait on him touch three people say wait on him he's moving some out he's moving some Fault in wait on him it's your time to watch him ten months before execution Mordecai tells Esther you've got to talk to the king because God put you in that position she walks up to the King walks up to the king unannounced and the King could have killed her but she made up a mine it's my time to be blessed you got your neighbor supply every blessing there's a risk the greater the risk the greater the blessing and if the devil's trying to kill you it must be a big [Applause] it's your time it's your time but somebody say it's your time it's your time can I preach like I said she walked in and it's time now to confront Haman to look him in the face but instead of Lester preparing a dinner that same night she had faith that I can wait till tomorrow wait till tomorrow tell somebody you got to wait just another 24 hours just buy time to get up tomorrow he'll have it all in place watch my words listen to a prophet he's gonna fix it tonight everything is in place but I've got to put you on somebody's mind it's just a minute they said the king went to bed with Haman on his mind what God woke him in the night and said check the records and then they found out what Mordecai did and when he woke up Haman off his mind can I preach like I feel it huh nacho neighbor said they went to bed with your enemy only mine but in the morning you'll be in the place of where the enemy was God's God gonna switch names [Applause] it's your time it's your time to be delivered it's your time to be blessed it's your time to get the holy ghost if you believe me tonight run out of your seat down to this altar [Music] [Applause] it's my time through the car through the pain to the rain waited on God through the heartache to them talking to them trying to destroy me but I'm so bad [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] the Psalter on your people sanctify them deliver them right on through way I'm out open the door it's yacht take it take it take it take it take it take [Applause] bishop noel jones would love to have you visit the city of refuge whenever you're in the los angeles area for any of our weekly services or other tapes books or service times write to us at noel jones ministries vo box one one one four nine carson california nine oh seven four nine visit our website at noel jones ministries org or call one eight hundred five two six noel that's one eight hundred five to six sixty-six thirty-five [Music] thanks again for listening now take what you've heard and go do something with it [Music]
Channel: Official Bishop Noel Jones
Views: 126,361
Rating: 4.8053451 out of 5
Id: 9nG1iy9-rCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 41sec (2861 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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