SEEKING FOR THE HELP OF GOD | Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak

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[Music] i just want to introduce something like a drug into our lives and trust god that within the few minutes that we have that god will do wonders in our lives are we in agreement 121 psalms i just want to open us up to one or two things and then we pray jesus [Music] psalm 121. i read from my bible okay i see it projected it says i will lift up my eyes onto the heels it says from where comment my help that rendition um is not accurate as presented by oh thank you thank you so much it's not accurate as presented by the king james version because it looks like it's just a straight statement but the context that i will lift up my eyes to the heels it's supposed to stop there then the next verse is a question when's cometh my health and then he allows the listener to suggest the various platforms from which help comes and then eventually he answers that my help comment from the lord which made the heavens and the earth now please look up [Music] for you to understand the scripture let's go back to verse one i want to establish just a few things and then we'll pray the bible says i will lift up my eyes to the heels i hope you realize that in the dealings of god with the nation of israel um there was a technology of deliverance that had to do with them rising to the hills are we together now that same formation was used in the building of castles and palaces of kings when you notice the ancient structures kings never built their houses and palaces in the valley or on the plain land they usually would look for a very high altitude and it was supposed to be a system of protection and deliverance so that if you wanted to attack a king you would need to walk that hill and before you got there the watchmen who stood upon the kids would have been able to detect you there was no way you could maneuver the hill was too far for you to just get your way there [Music] are we together now now in ancient times listen carefully most policies had almost like a convocation square they had secret chambers beneath the palace or extensions behind the palace and usually what would happen is that if the citizens of that land were now being overwhelmed at the back and call of duty called the knights the sent one the king will passed a decree and certain tribes whose relevance cannot be eroded will be asked to come and hide within those chambers are you getting the point now so it was a system of protection and deliverance the heels [Music] every time you began to pursue someone and he climbed the hill and got into their palace or their chamber of hiding then you knew you were in trouble so it was the hill had always been identified as a place where god seemed to have a covenant of deliverance with the people remember prophet elijah when it was time for him to judge the prophets of baal he said let's go up the mountain to the point that the enemies of the people of god the nation of israel came up with a formula that god was only the god of the mountains and god had to explain that no i'm also the god of the valley are we together now so the psalmist is saying i will lift up my eyes onto the hills but he's [Music] he's trying to correct something he's saying you all think that the heel is where protection comes from the heel itself has limitations that the heel does not protect by itself but that much more than the heel there is a place of safety remember he's talking about help here everybody say hell the entire subject is about men being helped so the question is where is the location where men find help are we still together now so he's suggesting alternatives and he's saying i will lift up my eyes to skills the question from whence comment my health hold on it's a very personal question because there are many people who get their help from many places [Music] on earth here there are many options for help i hope you know men can help men do we agree yes money can help men certain positions and offices can help man [Music] and he's saying my health not our help i don't know where you get yours from but my help cometh from the lord my help comment not for me man listen carefully my help comment not from a government not from his system my health comes from the lord this is this his confidence is that my health comes from a source that i trust a source that is not limited please just follow me i'm establishing something you see my brothers and my sisters your confidence in life is not just dependent on the help you receive but the strength of the helper are you getting what i'm saying now i have still helped us who also need help themselves now when your help and it helps you you need help you're in trouble because it then means that you must also be a victim of his limitation so here the service is clarifying something he sent my help although i'm a king my help does not come from the heel don't be deceived by the fact that my palace is situated in a whole a high altitude so that you think that the palace and all the secret chambers are where my help comes from it says my help comment from the lord are you blessed say my help comes from the lord one more time say my help comes from the lord [Music] i just want to show you very quickly maybe we'll just pick one of them for tonight how god helps men because we're talking about the subject of help here that men can be assisted in this life nobody listen the bible says i will lift up my eyes to the heels from whence my help comes from that means nobody does anything unusual on earth by himself the moment you see any dimension that is extra human that means that man has outsourced assistance from a dimension where the help came from is not the issue but one fact is guaranteed tonight that men do not rise by themselves it's impossible every one of these people you saw singing here and worshipping the lord none of them were born that way that means every one of them has created a system of outsourcing intelligence from a dimension that brought the songs that we now enjoy are we together listen i want you to settle it tonight that there is a level in the spirit where men cannot rise beyond there must be a system of help which becomes your advantage that lifts you to that level are we together now [Music] divination and occultism can provide a kind a type a dimension of health listen very carefully we have seen people and the bible is very vocal about this that people went to consult with back powers and although these powers were not consistent with god it seemed to provide some kind of advantage your strength in this kingdom is predicated upon whatever supplies an advantage for you listen very carefully so that we will stop wasting our time you will never rise unassisted it's against the law of greatness greatness is like when you watch a politician rise that politician knows that until someone holds your hand and lift you you may never rise to certain levels in life we all know this that rising in life is tied to the hand that holds you please listen you have to get you get the message that i'm teaching you tonight your life will change in a way that will surprise you are we together now so he's saying from whence commit my health it's like you are throwing the question to everyone where does your help come from and he says hell comes from the intelligence of my father congratulations where does your health come from my health comes from the connection of my elder brother where does your help come from my help comes from the the the volume of my educational accolades where does your health come from my health comes from whatever attributes that i think are an advantage and he says i've listened to you all wonderful but my help my help comes from the lord and then he says the maker because there are many people that are called lord on earth so he said let me clarify this lord i'm talking about is the maker of the heavens and the earth speak to somebody and say men can be assisted say it again that your assistance defines your advantage in this life the bible says how god anointed assisted jesus christ with the holy ghost and with power even jesus was assisted is god speaking to us please will be tight a man who is on his own in this life no matter who you are you have signed up for a life of pain and tragedy so i want to very quickly help us to see the systems that god has put in place where men can find an advantage because there are pastors listen politicians listen great people listen nobody rises by good intention you must be able to tap into the advantages that are enshrined in your work and many people have go weak in themselves like you watch how many of you have watched wrestling where you see a tag team and they beat the living daylight of one weak person but his partner is so powerful and strong and all that guy needs to do is stretch himself as far and just touch someone and a huge guy jumps in and in five minutes both of them leave the trophy together you hold my hands [Music] everything becomes possible when you hold my hands impossible becomes possible you hold my hands everything becomes possible when you hold my hands impossible becomes possible so i need help you need help this project could not have happened by the might of a man there was an assistance every time you see unusual results much more than the object that represents the face of that success fit carefully and you will find the system of assistance that has been coordinated to back that man when david went to fight goliath saul was surprised so said david come why are you this bold and soul began to consult with his mind and he says ah what family do you come from [Music] there you have to find a way of convincing me that you can take goliath down and saul said david said i'm not going just by my intelligence it's not just the sling there is an advantage i have mastered the art of evoking that advantage i can't stand before goliath when he stood before goliath goliath said respect me i know i will kill you but respect me am i a dog that you come to me with your sling and he said goliath if you had known he said goliath let me tell you how i will kill you not just that i will kill you this is how it will happen step 8 you see this clink is going to take you down i will use your own sword and cut your head and give it to the birds anglers this is interesting he said you come against me with your spares but i come against you in the name there is an advantage goliath are you daft are you not a warrior do small people challenge you are you are you not smart enough to know that a young teenager like me should not be coming on his own [Music] and when he took that sling goliath died since poliah did not die when the sling hit him no [Music] imagine the integrity of the lord of sabel waiting at that battlefront the invisible force is coordinating themselves together please listen and when he killed that sling it didn't matter where the sling went to goliath would have still died it was not the flawlessness of the aiming it was the fact that he had died [Music] once upon a time in joshua chapter six the people of god came to a city please give it to us joshua chapter six and verse one the bible lets us know that noun jericho a very strange city called jericho are we together was straightly shot up because of the children of israel jericho was a very strong city listen carefully the bible says five chariots could stand upon jericho that means even if you inverted it it was still a fence a building that five chariots can stand in are you safe even if you invert it how do you break the building [Music] they have studied the dealings of god with this small nation called israel they would come and you will foul that you would defeat them until you see the head of your king on their hands and so they shot the gate the bible says none went out and none went in let's read them [Music] it's a long reading let's see how far god will help us and the lord said to joshua look at how talks i love my god god never talks like he's talking to a man he talks like he's talking to himself it is this thin destiny of someone who is already with his fortification yet god is talking as if the people have disarmed he says the lord said to joshua see i have what given him to your hand jericho and the king thereof and the mighty men of hello listen let me teach you something please look at me if god looks at you and tells this man of god and says i have given you europe don't just say amen like amen by faith no start drawing near to say lord show me the provision you have put because every time god speaks he has constructed the system of assistance and the advantage listen god never speaks until he finishes so when god was saying pastor peter put shout already he had ordained the sound guys already he knew you would come when he found out god fits his credibility first before speaking so if he best speaks there is a system of advantage already in his word it is our responsibility by the wisdom of the spirit to begin to search it out [Music] and the lord said i have given you even they are mighty men of valor verse 3. let's see how far we can read them i just want to pick something there okay i'll read from here i'm not sure that okay and you shall come past the city now notice are you seeing that every time god gives you a promise you must stay there and wait till the strategy that defines your advantage is given many believers receive promises god will say go to mina raise me people they say thank you and they go away and they suffer like god didn't call them you would have still stayed what is the strategy for the assignment the strategy is where the advantage is [Music] you don't assume strategies battles are only one not because victory was prophesied but strategies were received [Music] you shall come past the city that's the strategy all ye men of war and go round about the city verse four once thought shall you do six days everybody say strategy say my help say my strategy my help comment from the lord so they are receiving this now god is telling them in six days you will go around that city only once don't worry about what you are seeing just do what i told you to do say divine strategy and then it says on the seventh day you will not go round just once you go around seven times god why it is my strategy i'm the helper you don't ask a helper questions you receive a helper does not need help a helper is trying to bring you to his realm of possibilities so you follow his instructions god is about to show men how to conquer impossible situations remember the bible says that all the scriptures that are written there for our learning that we understand how god works with men is god blessing someone tonight i can tell you why many of us have had delayed prophecy is because when we receive the prophecy we did not sustain the staying power to receive the system of advantage you use someone's system of advantage it will not work walking around jericho never happened in the bible again because it was a strategy reviewed for the moment once upon a time they got to the red sea a strategy that became their advantage moses stretched your road and pat it joshua got there again he said this time asked the priest to come and start walking out and when jesus came jesus impact the sea he walked on it listen so the fact that god moved in a way yesterday don't assume that's the strategy for today he said give us this day every day you must wait lord what is the strategy for this level for this dimension i use strategy xyz and it brought 200 members you can't assume that's what will give you this i use strategy abc it made me a commissioner or it made me a banker it made me a manager i will still use it and then get another thing not so the things of the spirit are not like that the bible says just as you do not know how bones are formed in the womb of heart that is with child not the way of the will so you do not know the way of the lord the methodology of god is something that only his intelligence can explain [Music] is god speaking to us now remember we are talking about help don't subject what are we talking about how men can be given assistance to rise beyond levels and dimensions that ordinary they should not get to that's why you look at people my brothers and my sisters and you are angry you know their success is not fair and the people tell you i'm not i'm not arguing with you that is not fair i know i'm not supposed to be here but i was able to route my destiny to a system of advantage kai when you look at the life of a man who has gotten the blueprint the system of help for his destiny that life is fearful you will only complain and argue to your parent nothing no power in existence has the capability to stop such a person god is a god of systems i will lift up my eyes to the heels but don't be confused my help comes from the lord so i must understand how he helps are we together now [Music] let me just show you one way that god helps men and then we pray can you pray in the spirit in one minute my spirit is fired [Music] there is a system of advantage given to the saints by which we find help [Music] hallelujah [Music] proverbs chapter 3 this is one of the mysteries pastor that the lord showed me proverbs chapter 3 please don't forget this as simple as it is it will make your life a wonder proverbs chapter 3 [Music] from verse 5 this is what it says trust in the lord with all your heart please listen god is about to show you a revelation it says and lean not on your own understanding stop don't try to tell god you have understanding he's saying if you need my help trust me with all your heart number two i know you are brilliant but when it comes to the matters of advantage in destiny lean not on your own understanding ready next verse first success in all your ways this is a mystery acknowledging in all your ways acknowledge you and he leaves you with a promise that he will direct your path verse 7 says be not wise in your own understanding it says fear the lord and turn away from evil the key is in verse 6 listen in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path that means that there are times passed up no matter how accurate we are no matter how discerning we are god already knew that there are times in our lives where we stand it's not just that you don't know how to open a door there is no dog you found yourself in a situation where there is no door at all if you see a door you look for a key but if you see a wall where what do you look for follow me to jericho let me show you how we bring jericho down [Laughter] when you see a dog you need a key but when you see a wall you don't need a key i will show you what you need because those are real gates are real walls are also real so god showed you how to navigate them when you see a gate there is what you can do he has broken the gates of brass and caught the bars of iron in sunder when you see doors he will give you the keys to open but what happens when a wall stands before you that does not have any entrance and five chariots can stand on it it's not a little fence that you just push and put your hand it says the fence is a wall is god speaking to us now because if you do not understand the system by which men command victory in this kingdom you will talk a lot of things your results cannot defend there is too much claiming of realities and possibilities that we have not sustained the technology the advantage that makes us to defend it so we can show from scripture that is true god can open doors it's true god can give speed it's true god can do this we have several propositions of what god can do we write books about them nothing is wrong except that when it comes to validating those things with our testimonies oftentimes we do not have a testimony so over time our environment are used to our falsehood they no longer take us serious when you say god can do something we just dance it and say yes but in reality they say finish your nonsense and leave me my help when you stand to see me and see a result that is not human [Music] don't try to argue it was not by the hands of mine my help i have mastered the art of outsourcing an advantage from another dimension that in partnership with that help you can produce results that should not happen [Music] it says if it is the lord's doing it is marvelous you don't clap for a man for walking because it's human to walk but when men fly you must clap because you have outsourced another intelligence that is not given to men i'm not going to clap for you just for walking well no but when you fly now [Music] [Laughter] [Music] let's go to verse 14. same joshua chapter six i want to hurry up because we're going to pray joshua chapter six if you can give it to me media let's go to verse 14. the bible says and the second day they come past the city once and return to the camp we're reading down to verse 16. go ahead so they did six days please follow closely and it came to pass on the seventh day that they rose early aha about the dawning of the day and compassed the city after the same manner seven times only on that day they compassed the city seven times and it came to pass listen carefully at the seventh time when the priests blew the trumpets joshua said to the people talk to me one more time hold on where musicians the bible says they were priests so there were others who were holding horns it was not a program it was a strategy it says when you stand and find out there is no provision for a key stop looking for principles at that point there is a key cannot open up when you stand there he says shout hold on shout with a reason that is the reason for the lord go ahead have given you you don't shout because you are excited you shout as an act of faith for the lord has given you leave the city the lord can give you anything shout for the lord has given you the victory shout for the lord has given you so what we call shout is not just a an expression of joy it's a spiritual strategy enshrined in god's intelligence is a way marked out by his wisdom as a system that brings walls down are we together and the bible says when you read on that they shouted and jericho the bible did not say you see when you study historically jericho did not collapse jericho sunk because if that could collapse they will still not be able to cross it everywhere sang except one wall where there was a woman called rahab because she stayed in the world as the world was sinking the angel of the lord preserved it and they brought her and her loved ones and everything sang and they entered inside and made gold that means between you and the gold is the wall between you and the next level is the wall between you and the achievement of that prophecy is the wall and when you stand there he says the strategy is to shout [Music] shout there are many spiritual things that don't make sense that's the reason why the bible says the canal man cannot receive the things of the spirit because sometimes we want to calculate spiritual things from our intellectual standpoint but that's not the strategy a wise man will say get a bulldozer quickly and let's bring down jericho a wise man who said let's make a bridge to cross the red sea but god says my ways are not your ways you choose your ways you waste your lifetime looking for a formula but you come up higher my help comments there is a system so i can stand before a wall my brothers and my sisters you can't even pity me and say oh dear this man has met his end and then two days later you see me with the gold of jericho what happened the keys the strategies were given to me on how to bring jericho down we cannot just share the grace and leave you have praised you have rejoiced but many of us here seated you came here with walls fortified by the strength and the wisdom of men and demons it will take a strategy higher and greater than your age and your level of knowledge to bring them down may i invite you within the few minutes we have to join me as we entertain ourselves watching jericho go down because i tell listen the formidability of god's strategies is something that it will take eternity for us to study his wisdom jericho can fall did you hear what i said jericho can fall ah i think you should prophesy that to yourself that jericho [Music] have you heard this proverb that in one day a city can be born cities are not born in one day but when god's strategy comes in cities can be born in one day have you heard that a man can be attending a night vigil and six hours later he steps into a blessing that from january till november he has not gotten don't point with god's strategies god's strategies was not intellectually approved in a university it's part of what makes him the ancient of this [Music] that man is old at giving people results he has mastered the act of lifting men and the son he said heal you are going to disappoint me one day so very quickly my help comes from the lord the maker of the heavens and the earth and he's showing us one of the strategies today listen very carefully in all your ways let's go back and let me tie this it says acknowledge him and he shall direct your path do you know what it means to acknowledge a man can i use you sir please come [Music] let's use this fine young gentleman look at this let's assume that this gentleman just got an olympic price and we are about to acknowledge him you don't acknowledge what's your name vincent you don't acknowledge him by saying he said don't know that's not acknowledgement that's motivation let me tell you how we acknowledge people in 2001 he got the best price so in 2005 against all odds you are acknowledging him you acknowledge men by flocking their achievements listen you never acknowledge a man by just clapping for him you have to go back and fetch from the archives of history and start to meticulously mention everything one by one that that man has done are we together so i begin to flaunt this man and when i flaunt him i continue to put pressure on him remember the goal for flaunting him is so that he will reproduce that result again so i'm saying this guy ran and he he ran together with so-so and so and this and that and when i finish i said ladies and gentlemen we cannot go further let all rise up and with a standing ovation with a shout let us welcome abc so the bible says in all your ways when you get to a point in your life where there is a wall and humanly speaking you have gotten to a point where the prophecy of your enemies are about to be fulfilled he says there is a strategy forget about the wall and turn back where is the god that delivered me from the lion leave the issue of goliath and go back to what he did yesterday are you getting what i'm saying now he did say in all your ways praise him he did say in all your ways sing he left you with the creativity to invent the various ways you can use to acknowledge it is your responsibility if you need to roll on the ground as your revelation of acknowledgement it is allowed if you need to jump up and down like a madman provider the understanding behind it is that you are putting pressure on his integrity that like you did yesterday do it again so you meet this gentleman and tell him and when he stands and is about to run you have put pressure on his best he will fight to defend himself not you [Music] so when you stand before the wall you know you cannot fight it you use style to step back and invite jesus to stand and you don't do it by saying jesus come and fight no where is the warrior who is the lord god strong and mighty are we together now [Music] you have a child that graduated and he looked like you love god but there is no job instead of drumming heaven and saying lord this job i don't know anybody the last person i knew in dss office just died last week were in trouble that kind of faithless or that gentleman will remain with no job forever a wise mother will go back and close her door and say lord is it not in 1980 when i was bleeding and i thought the child had died where is the god that kept that child where is the god we stayed in one room no ventilation where is the god that kept me you are acknowledging him the bible says it is a strategy the reward is that a way if there is no way god comes and says walk to me i am also away [Music] i show you how to make doors over walls god can make a way but is also a way the way so when there is no option for dos he comes to stand and says walk through me pass i have i have gotten victories at a platter of gold knowing how to acknowledge you you learn this principle you would turn any table to a point that you would join those clapping for you to wander and say how did this happen [Music] i hope you believe what i'm saying my brothers and my sisters these are the advantages that are hidden in our dealings with god is on the strength of disadvantages that god makes certain statements like for we know that all things he doesn't just speak through the prophet or through the apostle just like that no when god speaks he speaks in light of the provisions that have been placed within your reach hallelujah so this gentleman can be walking with prophecy that never gets fulfilled you receive the word of prophecy that before december god would have lifted you to a level and you love god you are prayed and you are fasted but the words don't seem to go you talk to the world at least goliath replied the words don't talk back if goliath talks but you know he's alive he can fall the walls cannot fall and you stand there and god says let me tell you there is a way this thing can happen forget about the walls and begin to acknowledge me and the strongest system of acknowledging god is what we call the mystery of praise praise is not about singing praise is about inventing a formula that acknowledges god as a strategy for victory psalms 149 says let the high praise of god be upon their mouth and a double-edged sword upon their hands to execute vengeance upon their kings and to bind their nobles with the fetters of iron he says to execute upon them the written judgment this one is the blessing and the benefits that god gave the saints that we can ban kings not by using chains we can use praise to imprison evil to us have you heard of that so while you were jumping while you were singing praises while we were sweating like fools what was happening in the realm of the spirit was that the integrity of god was coming under pressure and now that you have stimulated him he won't let you go home like that he said you have been calling me for over five hours that you have called me i have not come to talk with you i've come to talk with the world step back because he says he will direct your part as you say two of you will advise yourselves on how the party step back [Music] one of the ways that the spirit of depression works is to reduce you to a point of silence i hope you know that the assignment of depression is not to your hand not to your leg or to do something to your praise so that the advantage that you can tap and he does that by manipulating the faculties of your senses why praise god when you got disappointed just like yesterday are you not the one who is not bearing your head in shape and you stand and say it's true satan tried it with job and job said nonsense those who slay me yet will i trust him he says all the days of my appointed time i will wait are you getting what i'm saying now please listen very carefully because the mountains that stand before us time will not move them time does not change anything time only reveals what changes things are decisions that are based on spiritual understanding one day it will change is a joke it will never change in second chronicles chapter 20 the bible lets us know that one time judah and jerusalem were beside by three nations and they were going to destroy them and the bible says that jehoshaphat began to raise a lamentation before god and say lord is this how you are going to destroy us and jehazale the hand of god came upon him and he spoke by the spirit and he says no you will see the victory of the lord since you believe the lord and you believe in his prophets you will see the victory and his strategy was revealed he said take your swords gather the instruments of worship yes sir for battle yes sir yes sir are we together now and the bible declares that the moment they began to worship it was a formula notice even the song the song we sing today you are good and you're messy and just forever it was a chance every god told them when you are in trouble is a spiritual emergency button anytime i hear that song i will come because you are calling me today we sing it just as a praise and worship song you are good at your messes and your i didn't have time to teach you the three keys that represent the help of god one of it is the mystery of his mercy blessed is the man who partakes of the mercy of god there is nothing you can do with a man who god has shown mercy it says above the mercy seat below the shadow beams there i will meet with you there is a place where god meets with man the place of his mercy is where he can meet with men regardless of what is a disadvantage when god shows a man mercy run away from because you are going to waste your time a man will be praying three days dry pastor another smoker is under the bridge insulting god lord you are stupid for giving me the kind of father that is punishing me this much and god will leave the prayer warrior in the room and appear to this stubborn rebel under the bridge and say i am jesus say so what leave me he said no i will not leave you i love you and you are saying god must you stay here is that how you want to waste your time it's called mexico every time you cannot explain it if you ever see grace it is mercy that gives back to grace thou shalt arise and have mercy that's why when blind batoning he said thou son of david did he say heal me have mercy because if you talk about healing notice in the issue of blind battalions jesus never talked about faith when he met other people he would say do you you know um do you have this but blind batman said look don't ask me i don't even know which one just have mercy and he says so my messy dude he said that i would see that's it the principle of god demands that you do step a b c d to get results you do step a and b and you are supposed to fail everyone predicts your failure but when his message comes the mercy of god becomes the completion of what you obviously did not do and the equation shows that you did everything and even you you have to go back and say lord but this is unfair and he says it's my mercy it's a mystery is how we receive help from god but that's not what i'm talking about that praise with understanding is one of the ways that can acknowledge god in the life of a man show me a man that he said don't get present with understanding i show you a man who makes it and tired on earth he will enter his empty church and sing like a fool you see the reason why they couldn't bring david down look at all the things david did and they did one report himself to god and say lord punish me but before you punish me let me remind you that your mercies are new every morning and god says who is this man not even moses was called a man after his heart he saw god but it was not enough to be called a man after his heart a man who could invoke the help of god everyone you see and acknowledge today is one who has tapped into this help of god paul and silas the bible says they were bound hand and feet kept in a room and the bible says they prayed and sang and the prisoners heard them can we read that finally and then we pray [Music] acts chapter 16 from verse 25 act 16 25 [Music] at midnight it says paul and silas prayed everybody say prayed number two it says and sign praises unto god and the prisoners did what so it was not a quiet place it was not just mumbling and all of the bible didn't say they had their prayer but they had their praise next verse it says and suddenly hallelujah there was a great earthquake so that the foundations does this remind you of jericho the foundations of the prison was shaken and immediately how many doors open talk to me how many all doors not some doors all doors open not only did the doors open the bible says the bands were loosed praise can lose bands not just to open doors the bands were loose 27. and the keeper of the prison awaken out of his sleep and seeing the prison dust open he threw out a sword and would have killed himself but supposing that the prisoners had fled the last verse very interesting it says but paul cried out with a loud voice saying do thyself no harm that means the benefits of praise can even protect anybody around you that guy would have died but now this guy was already free and the freedom you would have killed himself but he said no [Music] the power that comes through praise when god shows up is so powerful that it can affect people who are not there the same way you are seated here your family members may be sleeping somewhere but the power that comes from that place they will wake up by the next morning and all of a sudden receive a call that should have come six years ago and said but why [Music] do you not know there is a name god is called he's called the father of spirits the manipulator of every human spirit when he calls forth like a summoning you must answer he's the father of spirits [Music] i don't know what walls stand before you but tonight we have prayed we have praised i want you to watch the wars go down and if you don't believe this thing it will be that you have wasted your time because you see my brothers and my sisters progress in life is what happens when the obstacles that limit you give way that's the definition of progress that's the definition of advancement when there are impediments that stop you from moving forward we call it delay you are pegged at a level god is a god of progress everything that is alive grows so if you are limited in life in ministry in business in your career shout is for you because jericho is standing i want you to look at jericho one last time you will wish you snapped it because you will never have a memory of jericho again [Music] this is the place of encounter [Music] this is the place of surrender this is the place where my life is shaped do to me what you want listen my brothers and my sisters in my little life i have seen god arise for men i have seen people rise for reasons they themselves cannot explain there is a god that sits in heaven and humbles the pride and the arrogance of men that a man can beat his chest and say for as long as i'm here you will not rise don't mind him turn back and call the god who created him in praise and let god come and say what did i hear you saying do you not know that i can live to wherever i want to live and bring down whoever i want to bring down [Music] [Laughter] i used to know a man years ago he was looking for visa for a particular embassy and one of the consular officers for some reason had a particular vendetta with that man every time he came the man would tell him you are here again don't waste your time you will not get the visa and you know well the man didn't do what was right he shouted at him and he said she was longer than one of the consular officers here you will not get a visa true story and then eventually someone came favored him he routed it to another nation got the visa traveled to the country and bought a gift for the consular officer when he returned back he came to see him and they thought he was just here for he said i'm not just here for visa i just tried to join the queue just to let you know i successfully went to your country and to bless you with a gift always see that say yet a thing my brothers and sisters and it comes to pass when the lord has not commanded you let's let's not let's not get used to the pride of men that we think god is just a higher version of men men are arrogant even in their confusion they will talk like they know what to do leave men alone and come to the one who is the maker you can sit down and a job can come while you are praising and he said god i didn't apply you said but you asked me to give you when did i do it in praise because your praise was a language and i came searching for all the things that were standing between you and the next level i know a gentleman whose father was crippled truly crippled and that gentleman used the whole night to praise god by mourning the father began to feel his leg shake and that's how the father got up like that [Music] praise is powerful when it is done with understanding as a system of acknowledging god you are not dancing because you have gotten the results it is the dance that brings the result you are not shouting because the result has come is the shout that brings jericho down [Music] i want you to come here knowing that god used this night's program to compress your success of peace and give it to you within a moment i don't know about your god but my god can do it when it comes to these issues is costly to assume my god is also your god because the god of abraham is not the god of isaac the god of isaac is not the god of jacob you can only talk about the dimensions revealed to you i hope you understand what i'm saying is the same god but the dimensions revealed to them we only boast in the lord based on the dimension he has helped us see [Music] there may not be many people who have seen the might of god over their lives but please don't be confused there are people who have seen the god who is mighty that can arise though we are few we're surrounded by men who have crossed that river before listen though we are few we may be few who have seen god as a god of speed that god can turn a man's life overnight joseph is in the prison as a prisoner my brothers and my sisters by the next day she is a prime minister do you not know god build cities in a day man build cities after a time allocation but god can do this city the same way he can crumble a city one day there are not many people that have seen that dimension but all we are fear we're surrounded by men who have crossed that river before and this is the song we'll be singing forever [Music] my god is a powerful god my god is a miracle-working god my god can lift men listen to me my god can turn a man of god who just came here as an ordinary pastor oh god i love you and god can say what is this about your praise that is calling me let me put something upon your life that will open the two leaf gates of the nations it doesn't take time just get his heart your direction and watch god surprise you [Music] years ago i don't share some of these testimonies we're going to pray years ago i prophesied to a politician and i told him something god was going to give him and he laughed at me he said ah apostle i respect you but abba nigeria is not like that i said i i respect you sir but i'm very disappointed because you know me you have seen what god has done and now i'm prophesying and you are refusing and i kept quiet the day that position came to him he called me i said i know you are calling me to shout give god thanks and don't doubt god tomorrow servants of god were not elected be careful that's all i told you [Music] anything god tells you and you can see the possibility already you didn't hear god the proof that it is god that spoke to you is that there is no human way he speaks only what his strength can bring to pass so you are in november and god tells you by the grace of god you will celebrate christmas in your house and say hello god abba just tell me i will move from my bungalow to this thing and god says why are you talking about me can somebody call you in abuja and give you a room in his estate is that not a man what of god we have reduced god to just become like a wiser version of all our humans but he sits in a class of his home is one of the things that worship does it reminds us lest we forget you are god from beginning to the end there's no place for arguments there's no place for argument you'll move my mountains there is nothing that's impossible and we standing here only because that would be your testimony that people will look at you and say no [Music] what happened [Music] that is [Applause] [Music] you are here i worship you [Music] miracles i worship you i worship you you are keep [Applause] turning lights around [Music] early this year we're about to pray faster the lord spoke to me and he said hold on please he said son my people are frustrated and i was really touched i said lord what is the meaning of this and the lord began to tell me that believers are getting to a point where they are beginning to be discouraged and they are beginning to be discouraged not because they are prayerful or prayerless but because the testament that accrues the level of spiritual sacrifice they have committed themselves to is not speaking in their lives now it is true that we don't serve god for cars and houses and all of this however there has to be a consolation to your christian experience that helps to encourage you alongside the people there jesus saw a fig tree that was taken from the earth with green leaves to attract people but no fruit to satisfy them and jesus showed us what we do with unfruitfulness he caused it that means it is true that i love the lord with all my heart it is true that whether he pays my rent or not i love him but what if he pays the rent what if he gives me another house are we together many believers are beginning to indoctrinate themselves through their pain that it could be that god just wants us to give all and sacrifice for him with no consolation for ourselves and that's not the truth in the dealings of god with men there is a provision whereby his spirit men partake of his faithfulness the bible says all taste and seed not all wish and keep believing or taste a day should come that which we have seen we started by seeing it then we heard it then our hands undo it it says this is what we preach there is something about standing and seeing canaan and not entering it a day will come you will create your own idol and say lord thank you but i need to create the god that really brought me out of egypt satan knows that if our lives do not reach a certain level of resource the greatest of us will still be discouraged when the pastor loves god with all his heart and has the opportunity to double into ungodly things and on account of his sincerity for god he stays there yet he's crying lord the prophetic lord the apostolic lord fresh fire for miracles when was it not the delay of the bridegroom that made five of them fall if the bridegroom came early all ten they were all virgins don't forget [Music] what separated the other five was the bridegroom delayed all of them came prepared to meet you what if the bridegroom came early five of them would not have fallen that means if the bridegroom delayed further out of the five that were left they still would have been the five were just lucky to have met him on time [Music] is wicked are you hearing what i'm saying god is not just a god that answers he can answer speedy because he knows that the human spirit can only wait for so long so he said ah saddle your ass and run i hear the sound of the abundance of rain i have called forth rain and the bible says the hand of the lord came upon elijah and he ran on their foot and over to the child down to jesus there are certain levels of results that if you are hurt by now your loved ones would have been born again let me tell you the truth all these long stories and discussions you're going to church your father is already tired he has started warning you indirectly by next year to be direct warning we are not saying anything again you better sit down and do something else can we not prove that god is worth living for man of god is just something that god can do within the few minutes in your life and ministry that can cause even your enemies to come and say i'm sorry i was part of those who concluded that you will never rise but i've seen god do something i will not i will be the greatest marketer of your church the woman said come see a man who has told me something they came and saw the madman sitting down in his right mind and that condition brought ten cities to jesus one man's no table result we're making too much noise every witness is only a witness when he has evidence if you do not have evidence you are not a witness it is true that he has called us to be witnesses we stand before the judge where is the evidence evidence is not story evidence is a token of truthfulness show me something that you can bring to your loved ones and say i encountered god and shout they say so where is the evidence and you say watch carefully by 12 o'clock somebody comes with a job by by 11 o'clock somebody comes with a bag of rice by the next day a sister who had not there was no hope of any man coming to her three men come and stand and say sir i know you don't like people coming to see your daughters but i'm a responsible person i'm not going anywhere god told me this is my wife and then you tell them just like i said yesterday this is what happens when we shout [Music] listen our time is gone i'm going to spend just a few minutes ministering to us but we are going to pray lord i must carry an evidence from here i cannot continue to tell people god is alive god is this and that lord there has to be a token of truthfulness it could come as an anointing it could come as a mantle for favor it could come as a connection to help us can you lift your voice in one minute and cry lord give me the evidence i have praised you every time they conquered the nation they would carry the head of the king as the evidence a token that seals victory [Music] please pray let something break open in my life let it not be that i came here i just came to see lots of great men and women of god you ready hello i know do i have a few more minutes i want you to pray i'm about to pray for you but i want you to pray and say lord every mountain that has come here with me it must fall before the god of heaven god has gone up with a shout of praise and every mountain must for lift your voice please pray so [Applause] but someone's life is about to change i release the sound of the heavens the sound of creatures i released i said away [Music] hallelujah now i want to pray for you my eyes are open i want to pray for you i see something remarkable that the lord will do in this place right now remarkable i'm seeing a very strange place for speed listen carefully with that grace is coming restoration restoration summer please for yourself some of you is speed given in the area of ministry i want to pray now and please just make sure that they don't interrupt the dignity i want you to bring them out now right now in the name of jesus i stretch my hands please listen because of what will happen in this prayer whether you are an usher or not hold the person because people will start running physically as i pray is a grace for speed help those at the balcony and outside i decree and declare right now let the grace attention bring them out let them grace for speed i open you up right now by the apostolic and the prophetic mandate i seek you in the spirit entire dimension of speech receive that grace now receive that grace now bring them out receive that grace now please help them help them speak in the name of jesus that shall have gone to heaven he will answer speedily speedily i'm still praying the lord is showing me i'm seeing the feet of people on chains and i'm seeing fire coming to burn it off and i'm seeing them being relieved to feel physically that grace for speed lord where are they i'm seeing the number 17. please help the watchers bring them out i prophesy right now on those 17 people right now let that praise supernatural speak to your feet now the lord is not spiritual now the lord to your now i'm seeing a supernatural i'm seeing the eyes of the eagle and this is the prophetic the eyes of the eagle i'm seeing a strange mantle lord weather day 44 and scene number 44 in the name of jesus wherever you are here i stretch my hands i stand by this apostolic and prophetic mantle all those who must preach of this grace receive that fire now help those outside there is an anointing coming on a few people outside i see the angel of the lord outside bring them out step into that dimension step into that dimension mantras are falling here tonight anointings are falling here tonight [Music] high oh who is dogara dogara i'm hearing a name dogara i just have a few minutes i want to pray dogara i'm hearing a name dogara please reach that person very quickly we don't have time tonight jesus [Music] hello [Music] that prophetic grace is still falling god isn't done with it i'm still seeing it falling i'm seeing fire you feel fire from your stomach i'm speaking it right now sprinkle pour wells spring up all wells i caused the fountains to break forth in the name of jesus christ what's your name what do you do sir i'm a retaliate huh hotelier you are what i'm working with a hotel hotel i want to pray for you because i'm seeing you climb the ladder in the spirit and every time the lord reveals this to me it's a sign of lifting i don't know you have never met you but i want to pray for you can i pray for you sir let me tell you my brother your life will change to surprise you we're talking about god here we're not talking about a man are we together now yes that god will lift you in a way [Music] [Music] the lord is giving me an instruction i'll come back to you we're going to shout in one minute i see a mighty deliverance going on here right now listen mighty please wherever they are make sure you bring them there's no power that will stand this is shout at the count of three i just want you to shout the name jesus i'm seeing a sword with fire on it and this is the lord setting people and setting families free lord that you will honor your word and set people free at the count of three are you ready now one two let every operation and installation of darkness over your life give way now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus please help them god i will shake it take a second i crossed the walking subject i got the oppression of darkness here i release you the lord is not spirit and where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty where the spirit of the lord just let me pray i know what i'm saying what is this that i'm seeing i'm seeing that birds rising from people leaving them and i'm seeing the sun rising on them not anyone here under any joke i stand as one sent from god and i declare the count of three let the fire of the spirit bring a separation between you and every tragedy over your life and family one more time i'm counting three one two three sir your life will change i'm praying for you in public because you will testify in public lift your head in the name of jesus may the anointing of the holy spirit change your life bring him i speak over you you step into a new dimension i speak increase over you in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ who is jessica jessica i'm hearing the name jessica i may not have time to pray we have to work with but i want somebody jessica who is jessica please [Music] subscribe jesus as loud as you can [Applause] it's over that's it gone forever in the name of jesus christ every captivity over your life the lord is rolling it right now in the name of jesus my dear look at me where's your family [Music] i want to pray for you because the lord himself is visiting things as cathart oh there the might okay i'm not sure it's working is it stand up my dear [Music] the angel of the lord is asking me to stand here there is someone i need to speak to on this road the power of god is coming on someone on this road now please bring the person out close this row as i stand i stretch my hands now bring the person out [Applause] [Music] god not the god of the heavens and the earth let the lord change your life now by the anointing of the holy spirit that's the lady the lord says i should speak to you that is opening a door for your family i don't know you god brought you by his spirit i stretch my hands i see like oil coming on your head and the lord is saying i should tell you he's shifting you and your family to a new dimension receive that grace right now in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus i'm seeing a man of god that god is going about to change his ministry i'm seeing one of the pastors the lord is revealing to me [Music] [Applause] who is ezekiel you are wearing like pink and then yellow pink up and then there is a yellow down is there somebody like that who is that [Music] verify please so that it doesn't just come out here what is your name he's shouting now ask him i see the spirit of revelation coming on you number one number two god is bringing restoration to your family i stretch my hands receive that grace now let that anointing come upon you your life will be changed now in the name of jesus christ supernatural grace who is this why are they here jessica two of you you [Music] the lord is showing me the vision of a family with five ladies none of them is married five ladies who is that five ladies not one is married [Music] is there someone i want to pray serious prayer this person is off the balcony the angel of the lord is telling me that person is off the balcony is there someone like that please run come the lord is changing up the balcony please listen to what i'm saying off the balcony where is she coming from [Music] let her talk now with the mic up the balcony you are up the balcony five ladies in your family non-married may my god you see we receive help from the lord [Music] don't worry i'll pray for the sick now you don't have to just come out in this community please why is she here who is what's wrong with mama somebody find out he's an elderly woman that's not ah [Music] very quickly step into a new dimension new grace in the name of jesus grace for you graceful fight fuel or marriage in the name of jesus i release all of you and i break that chain over and i'm prophesying to you right now you are stepping into a new dimension why is that woman standing [Music] you have kidney infection don't worry i'm going to pray for praise the lord i know many of us are trusting god i would just round up praying um i just wanted to just talk to a few people as god will i i was saying there is a man of god please don't mind i will respect time but i need to do this i'm sitting like smoke just moving back and forth and that is supposed to be a grace for a man of god and i'm not going to bring you out i'm just going to pray and the anointing of the holy spirit will come upon that man of god father i stretch my hands there has to be someone here this is not a general impartation there is a specific vessel of god i'm stretching my hands right now in the name of jesus christ i don't know how we are going to be able to identify that is a man of god but i declare and declare the person who disgraced and this prayer is for bring the man of god that's in there mantles are falling here tonight anointings are falling here tonight your life's about to change is he a pastor is he a man of god can someone help me verify i don't know huh yes do i away here amina your own church have pass your own church and nothing is working at all memberships revelation zero it's not you are a sincere man you love god sincerity is not enough to do ministry and you shall receive power you need empowerment you see and wisdom two things that you need you may look weak sir but let me tell you the truth don't underestimate what god can do in your life come hold my hands you don't know me but in the name of jesus i stretch my hands and by the message of god be open to a new vista a new dimension in the spirit in the name of jesus christ you may look weak but in the name of jesus may the lord empower you new dimension in the name of jesus christ now very quickly i want us to pray for the sick would that be fine how many of you are trusting god to touch you or for your loved ones you can stand now i want to pray i have a few minutes i know that it's almost morning and we'll walk very briefly we may not have all the time to take all the testimonies but at least there has to be a witness now please lay your hands where you are trusting god those in front there is a reason why i leave them in front um i'm coming hold on let me just speak in the name of jesus you don't have to bring her in jesus name i stretch my hands let the weakness you don't have to she will run and come if you don't go down in the name of you let god give your family a testimony and take away the weakness i'm seeing something like a sword leaving you that weakness leaves you in the name of jesus christ there is a reason why i ask that these people come out i'm going to pray for them it's not just for sure let's pray for the sick now please lay your hands where you are trusting god for to touch you inside outside those outside make sure that you are following it is a part of your body you cannot touch just make contact with your chest and let's pray [Music] the god of wonders [Music] two people are going to shout under the anointing loud to the hearing of everybody the moment that happens i'm going to begin to pray in the spirit i'm ready to pray now in the name of jesus christ agree with me in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ i take authority over the spirit of infirmity right now i decree and declare every devil of infirmity leaves your body lives your life now in the name of jesus christ now i speak to you be healed in the name of jesus the lord is feeling high blood pressure i'm seeing someone with bp the lord is killing you right now in the name of jesus every blood religion disease be healed right now in the name of jesus kidney problems be healed right now in the name of jesus just help us under the anointing there's someone you are not sharing very with one ear i think that should be your left ear i command that ear to open right now in the name of jesus christ every malignant growth around your body just have those under the anointing fibroids or any lump around your breast area i'm seeing the lord killing a number of ladies especially with multiple lumps be healed right now in the name of jesus be healed in the name of jesus be healed in the name of jesus the lord is showing me i'm seeing someone there is a pattern in your family everybody has hepatitis everybody everybody including you hepatitis and it has even killed some the lord is setting you free right now the lord is setting you free right now the lord is setting you free right now in the name of jesus christ [Music] in the body heaviness severe heaviness the lord is healing you right now in the name of jesus christ that someone is like you have a boil in your armpit or a growth something like that that is very painful the lord is touching you right now by his spirit he's touching you right now in the name of jesus christ be healed now whether i mention your case or not because of time i speak to you be healed right now say amen be healed right now [Music] i speak over your life in the name that is above all names by the privilege of the grace of god every dog that is close over your destiny i command that door to be open now the lord is giving me a word for how we abutu much more than the song you wrote now you are writing another song and that song will take you to nation just one song this is the word the lord is saying i should give you one song that you are writing and that song will take you to nations beyond your imagination that song will come to you as a revelation of the night and you receive that song it will even surprise you the way that song will open doors it is the angel of the lord's presence himself that will bring you that song and it will surprise you in the name of jesus christ i decree and declare everything that has refused to walk in your life because you have acknowledged him in praise i prophesied to you this morning go back and meet testimonies waiting for you i pray for everyone's spiritual life here that has gone down for any reason i decree and declare shalakat fresh fire prayer fire upon your altar receive it right now fresh prayer fire upon your altar the grace and the passion for revelation the eyes that see i pray that the lord will grant to you in the name of jesus i decree and declare anyone here who has been discouraged in his work with the lord you love the lord with all your hands but you are not seeing the results that should encourage you and you are about giving up i speak to you in the name of jesus christ fresh strength upon your work with god every man and woman of god here i agree with you that for the work you are doing for the kingdom here in this land may the hand of the lord strengthen you in the name of jesus every business that has gone down here hear the word of the lord i prophesy to you and i command that you come back to life go from glory to glory go from grace to grace may the lord bless everyone in the name of jesus in jesus name and the bible says he was a mighty man of velo but he was a leper next verse please and that the syrian went out and so on and so forth but there was a little maid everybody say divine connectors a little maid that they captured from israel she waited and served naman's wife bustery and she said to her mistress would god my lord where with the prophet that is in samaria for he would recover from his leprosy that is a destiny connector i'm not a prophet i cannot see you but i know a prophet and i can connect you to him not everyone who comes to you has what it takes to directly help you but they can be signposts to show you where help is waiting for you let's continue please and one went in and told his lord saying thousand toss said the maid that is of israel and the king of syria said go i will send a letter and so on and so forth next first please and he brought the letter to the king saying that naman this and that and that i want to meet a prophet now let's continue just living through the king was afraid because he said you are now looking for trouble you are bringing a letter so that you will come and fight us now and when the prophet had it elisha said that let him come and know that there is a prophet although there was a process a captain of a syrian army was dying everybody who has what can help you is in nigeria is in lagos but between you and that person may be a destiny connector you can have products and services that someone is praying for and would patronize you in the millions but someone has to lend their voice to say i know somebody divine connectors the wine presser could not interpret dreams but he met a man in prison who could interpret dreams and so he told the king i remember my wrong o king hold your peace i know a man in that pit if you fetch that man out he will interpret this dream divine collectors they are very ordinary people so it takes discernments to know their relevance because we live in a world where we are passionate about results we want to see the persona we want to see an aura that shows that help is imminent but sometimes they may be very ordinary people a slave girl it takes humility to listen to a slave girl it takes a lot of discernment to believe god will put your miracle in the hands of a slave there it makes a lot of sense to listen to a prophet it makes a lot of sense to listen to a sea eagle one day the bike man that carries you or the tough man he may look like an ordinary man but you will hear him making a phone call and in that phone call he will say something that will answer your question for years it takes discernment one day your little child who may be helpless may make a statement and say mommy let's go to pastor for prayer and the holy ghost will tell you the baby did not speak i just spoke that you may die in this situation except you go and meet so and so man of god we need divine connectors in our lives men who know those we need men who have access to those we need there's no time to read on that story you will understand that when elijah did not even come out to meet naman he said tell him to go to the jordan and to wash there seven times now around those periods in history now bible history jordan would be really muddy and dirty so it was not a nice wonderful river that looked like a resort center it was a place that you would be a madman to get into that water and that's where they sent naman and naman got offended naman said what sort of thing is this number one this man did not even come out to honor me knowing that i came i came with a delegation i i came with a lot of honor what is all this one then number two you now asked me to go and buff in a very insulting river there are many other king rivers and the slave yearly game comes and says sir sorry i know that i'm i'm a mate to your mother but if he had asked you to do certain things that were greater than this would you not do it and she encouraged him and the man went to bath in that river he dipped himself seven times he came up the seventh time and the bible says his flesh was like that of a little child destiny connectors destiny connectors oh you make this product this is very nice well i don't need it i don't have the money to patronize you but the other day i had my auntie saying they are looking for who can supply 10 000 pieces of this every day is it all right if i talk to her about you and that becomes your prayer point answer you must sustain discernment to see men for what they represent in the spirit the most precious things in our lives will not come in packages that are appealing it takes discernment to see divine connectors people who can connect you to your miracle our lives many of us sincerely speaking may have passed so many divine connectors so many of them in search for resources in search for lifting in search for breakthrough we have connected or disconnected ourselves from the people who can act as bridges [Music] it is my prayer this morning that god will give us the discernment the discernment i remember many years ago we had a crusade in a particular place in the north and when we got there we were wondering how we were going to do the publicity and you know how would get the attention of the people and so on and so forth we were just starting and then a strange person comes to me and says sir let me tell you what you will do get a boss and then get a megaphone and let someone talk in the local dialect of the people go around the city doing that and that would be it i never got to see that person again to say thank you he was a destiny connector hallelujah you can be praying oh god change my life give me a job and then god brings someone to sit near you he may be selling something you don't even like try planting plantain chips and just shifting the boss and while you are looking at him in anger he will drop a flyer and that flyer will be an advert for a job and you look at it and say well let me try my luck never knowing that your destiny is to be the director of that company whose flyer was just dropped in front of you you must sustain discernment to see people if they cannot help you they can connect you to somebody who can help you are we together number two let's hurry up this morning the second kind of destiny helpers are called men of access and influence men of access and influence these ones have the power they have the where without to directly help you men whose voice men whose credibility men whose endorsement men whose resources can announce you they can use their influence to lift you they can use their credibility to lift you i never cease to be amazed how powerful men can be on earth there are people whose single signature can turn a man's life around completely you see the thing with destiny is that many times you will not have the access for your voice to be heard at the gates you will need someone who is already at the gate to not only speak for you but leverage his credibility for you to climb and to get there we need endorsements paul a man approved of god you need endorsement there is no body that would become global without endorsement who speaks for you who speaks about you can change everyone's perception of you hallelujah praise the lord it is the reason why manufacturers of all kinds of clothes and all of that invest millions to allow celebrities endorse their products there are many products that have nothing to do with football there are many products that have nothing to do with sports but they hide the psychology of their customers they connect their product to someone who has influence across a market space so that every time you remember that man you also remember their products we need men of influence someone has to speak for you someone has to close the mouth of people when god wants to help you he will bring you to people who have the wherewithal the truth is that there are people who would just give you money like that let me tell you sincerely it is a prayer that god brings a man in your life who can give you money not borrow you just bless you like that if there is no one in your contacts today who can actually get up and just do a transfer and bless you no discussion no saying what do you need it for someone should be able to love you enough to commit resources not just ideas not just prayer money like that are we together yes men of influence and you know the church many times because sometimes we may not have gotten it very well in our theology we have we have deprived people of both desiring influence and desiring relationship with people of influence in an attempt to preserve godliness in an attempt to preserve morality we have told people to ignore men of influence and we have done that to our detriment i've said it again that there are men that you cannot cast out of your life even though they are cyruses they are not castable the only way you pass through that gate is to find favor with them not everyone can be prayed away there are people who the way you pass through your gates is that you obtain favor with them to when a man's ways pleases the lord he makes even those kinds of enemies to be at peace with you because if sorrow hates you even though you are godly you will be a slave provided pharaoh hates you you can have your covenant but you will still serve in the field you can't cast a pharaoh away you can only pray that you will find favor are we together now and the king sent for joseph and they brought him out of his dungeon someone has to endorse you as a man of god if there is nobody who sustains the credibility to speak on your behalf there are circles you may never rise into you can know god you can have visions you can go to heaven and come back but you will memorize it takes a voice that can speak there are products today that rise not because they are the best it's just because of who recommended it praise the lord i had the opportunity to be at um a governor's dedication and i'll surprise the kind of people i saw in that church i knew that these people don't go to church they have no business being in church and those people were there dancing to the choruses as hell oh god influence influence influence influence you know they don't know god they don't even know the song simple praise and worship songs that we sing every time they were just dancing around and enjoying themselves why because a man of influence came a new government was starting and if you don't represent your presence which means your company which means your interest is not captured in that moment then you will pay for it it is powerful for someone of influence to like you you will rise for no reason who who likes you or who doesn't like you doesn't matter man of influence gift keepers men of strange access i think i've shared it in this church years ago a gentleman wanted to go um he wanted to go to nda the nigerian defense academy in cardona state and um his height the height requirement was not sufficient you know and they told him mr man you will not be able to make it and then he went to the emir then and the anya sends to tell the commandant that the india has added the man's height say amen [Music] if a man can add another man's height he was a message to the job of the commandant in other words mr man favor this young man's interest or leave that place immediately there are people who will look at your product and say let this be the brand as far as this is concerned one voice one credibility one endorsement just like that one signature please attend to his matter let me attend to you you're a man of influence and i will go to your house i will leave my crusade and go to your house and he said no no speak the word only jesus was on his way going to preach then he sees a wealthy man called zacchaeus on a tree and says that yes you are a man of influence you paid this most price for me calm down plan change i'm going to your house jesus your jesus now deviates and goes to satya's house and because of that meeting many people who would have gone to prison were set free immediately please don't ignore men of influence don't ignore men of influence you have to pray them into your life bring them into your life if there are four or five men of influence in your life you could be deceased they will bring you to their circle they will accredit you and they will cause everything and everyone around you to hear you [Music] is god blessing us this morning very powerful man of influence [Music] you need a voice that can speak over you you need if not a prophetic voice someone whose credibility has already been received within the sphere of influence that you seek to step into not everybody is a stranger to that's fair where you desire to get to someone is already there and whose voice has been received when that person endorses you and endorses what you represent believe me believe me believe me in one day your entire life can change in one day your entire destiny can change it's a real prayer this morning to ask the lord send me men of access send me men of influence i cannot continue to pass lagos every day morning afternoon evening i meet all these men and just wave their cars and wave their lives and insult them and see tips all around lord send me help if your governor calls me today i will go you can say anything you want to say you will see me in his office your excellency i came to greet you i'm not necessarily there to look for money but i will greet him greeting him even if not for myself beating him can mean a job for several people greeting him coming credit it can even mean a court case settled for someone [Music] i think it was a cnn host or a bbc was one of them i don't watch so much of those things but one of the days i was watching and she went to she had the opportunity to talk with one of the i think the presidents or prime ministers of a particular nation and there was a lady who had been oppressed for many years i think she was she was um molested or something like that and then she reported her manager and they jailed her for it and this lady met with the president and that's and said if you were in this situation will you help this lady and he said yes i said so will you help this one now and the president was in a position there was nothing he could do and they released the woman now that's insurance your prayer point has actually been answered is just to arrive to your place and someone's influence can delay you the same way a man of insurance will say because of me don't help this man the person who wants to help you is limited by his interest with the man who does not want to help you can you pray one minute while you are seated lord send men of influence access to my life there has to be someone in lagos who knows someone there has to be someone whose track record can speak for me i can climb upon the track record of someone [Music] i believe in influence please pray my love son is at the message of someone who is of influence my ministry is at the mercy of someone who is of influence the court case right now is at the mercy of a man or a woman of influence i have not been able to secure property in lagos i've been here 10 years 20 years i need a man of influence to speak there is some end allowance that should have come for me but i need someone of influence to talk to them at the federal level to release my monies i i did a project and for many years my mom is hanging i need someone of influence to speak for me i'm looking for a job for myself or i'm looking for a job for my sibling i need someone who is of influence my son or my daughter is in an industry that has a lot of tribalism and wickedness and religious sentiments i need someone of influence to protect the interest of my community hallelujah i prayed this prayer for myself for one whole month one whole month lord bring me before men of influence i don't want their resources i want their heart i can give you money and hate you but if i give you my heart you have everything do you believe what i said this morning men of influence life will be hard without them it takes a long time to create a track record and there are too many spaces in life that require track record before the gate is open your lifetime is too short to create all the track records by yourself you will need to leverage on the credibility of those who are already there no let me see the devil that will try to suck her from that walk you see that by god's grace the manager is my friend he's just to call him and tell him the issue then pray for him [Music] you see that i may not be able to do so much in the accounting but i can pray and boy it works you see that so that you can gain influence so because of you many people who eat because of you many people will rise and let me give you a little advice the purpose of influence is to secure your future that means when god makes you influential know that every level of influence has a lifespan what you do with influence is to raise as many people they are the ones who will keep you afloat and never go down that's why you see people today become a director of a federal parastata for 20 years no one else because you rose up no one went to school because you went up no one got a job nobody got married because you were there and when they retire they retire back to their past because there was no voice to keep them there praise the lord there are people who will tell you i spent 20 years in the u.s 30 years here 40 years here this and that and those people cannot give you a bottle of minerals in old age it's a cause the purpose of influence is to lift men and bless them while using them to secure your future and that of your children there are names in this nation that are keys and there are names that have padlocks people have had to change their whole names the first name the middle name the last name they just use encounters as a an excuse but the truth is they have this son that something about this name will he beat my growth some person something that associated pain to a name jabez said oh god that would just bless me my mother bought me a sorrow and gave me a wicked name there are people today because of those they have lifted their children will always be present in school whether they perform well or not loyalty to that track record their children will always find somebody to marry it doesn't matter whether they have character or not for the sake of what happened their children will never beg for bread someone will arise and say whose son is this no the man may not be dead but i will ensure that the child walks young man you are not a very wise young man but for the sake of what your dad did i will still give you a job please hear what i'm saying these are the systems of life those who understand this continue to rise the moment god gives you influence refuse to focus on the deception the momentary deception that the applause of spotlight brings quickly leaves people quickly lived people you are three years as a director let people rise let people rise and the day you want to go down they'll say not when we are here we will keep you there there are politicians today who will never go down because of this one tree whether you like them or not they have lifted too many people to not be honored there are others who go down even when god leaves them because there is no support structure is god giving us wisdom this morning so where you are you came to church this service you may need to look back while it's true we're talking about attracting men of influence i'm digressing to just encourage us now that you are a director now can you turn back show me who is rising because of you if there is nobody your future is in trouble your future will soon look like your past except for the person you raised there are music artists that rose up and forgot everybody and when their season of shining ended they went back to their past they're still there today there are others who have stopped being productive as persons but those they have raised would give them to be relevant there are men and women today that our fathers of faith have raised you know um yesterday we are having a brief conversation with pastor and he began to share with me his relationship with our father here and i was touched the track record the things that have happened please let someone be able to eat because god lifted you let someone be able to go to school don't wait till you become a director you will never get there god will watch what you are doing now let someone be able to say god used you to lift me they are the ones that tomorrow when you stand and the gate does not open they will come with your key and say my hand could not reach the gate when i was young but now my hands are strong enough i can open the gate you see a lot of old women roaming around and you ask where are their children didn't they give beds there are people today because of what they have done in my life they will never go down as far as their lifetime is concerned you can change the future but you cannot change history there are many of us it's easy for god to save us because the men he will use that are around us it's not difficult for him to speak to one person or another person or another person because you've lifted too many people he just needs to wake every one of them in the night and your life changes is god giving us wisdom this morning but back to my teaching men of influence we need to call them into our lives we need to call them into our lives we need to pray that god brings them i wish i had time i would have shared with you the protocol of greatness because no great man will come into your life at your times you have to know how to relate with the life of the palace many people can relate with their colleagues but we cannot relate with the great the great have a protocol that keep them magnetic to you one of it is honor another is adaptation adaptation is proof of honor great people are very complicated it takes you having a high level of adaptability this dear man of god was sharing about the number the account and all of that and i just looked at him i said oh dear i'm sure this man let me tell you something i consider myself to be one of the most sinful people it's just my life that makes it this way are we together my phone never goes off you see my phone beeping even when i'm praying because there are calls text messages from around the world that comes it never goes off someone now although he knows in sunday morning he's still angry that i'm not replying him are we together because of and it's not because the person is bad is because of the reality of the emergency it's one of the reasons why i will not go to a resort center to rest because it's going to become a counselling place someone who says is it not apostle you are swimming lisa i have a challenge as if i'm not a human being you see that kind of thing greatness has a real price there is a very real price and if you are hot tempered and you want someone to give you a job at your times you will remain unemployed forever you can wait in front of the office from morning till night and the person is inside oh one phone call five hours what is he discussing can't you just sign this thing and let me go and then you stay unemployed there is a protocol of greatness is god giving us wisdom this morning oh no unbelievers know these politicians know this a man's birthday will be january but even by october a company was just celebrating because he was invited to just come and share but this okay we could not celebrate your birthday by january but here is a cake is it really about cake believe us let's tell ourselves the truth a man that has forgotten that he is so so old they will remind him they will bring children to sing and wave all kinds of ribbons and the man is just smiling and with that smile will come a contract worth tens and hundreds of millions of dollars because a great man was artist [Music] if the influence of a man does not matter to you then you will remain small don't sit and say why are they behaving like they are big people they are they really are it's not an insult is the truth this is the truth you know we can do nothing against the truth but for the truth hallelujah men of influence men of influence one man one conversation one endorsement and it turns your life around may god bring such men in our lives in the name of jesus number three very quickly the third category of destiny help us that we desperately need is gifted people gifted people these ones may not have influence they may not be connectors but they are exceptionally skilled their goal in your life is to create efficiency different people you need sincere people but you need gifted people they are the ones that get the job done if you have connectors and you have men of influence you may still fail eventually you need gifted people skillful and talented people they use their gifts they use their talents their skill to help you accomplish god's purpose firsthand well chapter 16 please we read from verse 17 skilled people many companies today have great potentials but they don't have the favor of gifted people they have sincere people they will never steal anything from you but as far as productivity is concerned results will always be zero there are rest currents today that should be national brands even global brands very sincere people they pray by six they pray by twelve they round up by seven yet the company does not grow because every meal they produce has a problem no gifted people second samuel please read with me let's read it together one to read and saul said unto his servant provide now a man that can play well and it is battle you are looking for he's still a man of war in case you want him to be part of your affairs he's prudent in matters and if you want someone who is diplomatic he's a calmly person and he has a persona that is very receptive and then in addition if all you want is the act of god the god is with you no matter how you route it you will still need him can you be such a man i know that for many of us all that they will say is you went to school and you're a christian it's too small not for greatness it's it's wonderful to get the kind of job you don't want but if it is to serve with kings you will need skill versatility of advantages not just education your intelligence your knowledge your character are we together you need this kind of men in your life they are the ones that make things work there are churches today look at this wonderful i sat down and i just saw you know from the choir to pastor and all of that i said this is my message you need skilled people in your life you don't need someone that will embarrass and disgrace your company because you sent him to speak on your behalf he goes there as a christian he will pray and fast before going there but leave your company with a letter returned to you so we are grateful you will hear from us later that means you came and embarrassed us we don't know what you represent this young man just came and showed us character which is wonderful but at the end we don't know what you produce who are you and what do you do skill you need to pray for this kind of people i remember when a dear woman many years ago we had once used her like a little like campground we used it one time for a retreat during one of our crusades and she had this young boy she liked i think he was a relative and the guy was a building engineer and this guy continued to build nonsense for this woman the buildings were bent they were almost falling yet she would not leave him and i said this man is not going to last here very sincere man the woman had she prayed for a very wealthy couple who gave her i think then it was up to one billion as a seed because the woman took in so this woman of god now use the money to just establish some problem they know you can imagine and then she brought this guy to change his life this guy continued to build nonsense continue to build nonsense and in the buildings where testament of his his whatever you say you are right i don't want to be the one to say it but now you see let me tell you this many times god would delay our living because the expectation from our helpers we don't yet have it so sometimes god will suspend your arrival at this table of greatness it is not delay is him giving you room to prepare are we together soul is a king soul is not a farmer whoever must pray for soul must play well whoever most cooks for kings must cook well whoever must be a king's secretary must know what he's doing we must pray for skill ourselves and then we must pray that god will bring skillful people there are companies that go down because the one or two skills people have to relocate abroad have you seen those kind of things and the company that was once a global brand usually in most corporations they are not more than five to ten people who are the killers the rest are just supporting structures they know the management they all know these are the people who never go out of job may god bring skillful people around us in the name of jesus christ may god bring skillful people people who will do a job in a way and manner that will turn your life around i mean if it is this you ask them deliver this they will deliver with a level of exceptional competence and the man can come and say look i am an alleged i don't save all christians i even hate them however i have noted that if i ignore you with respect to the international partners i will fail i may succeed in nigeria but i can be global so because of that you will have to come and have a unit and you say sir while i had this unit i pray because they pray your thing just make sure you are there let pharaoh seek for a man who is discreet and wise that he may set him above all his affairs and and he said to as much as there is no man who is as discreet and wise as he immediately joseph was promoted man of skill and i pray that that man or woman of skill will be your childhood so that you are connected together forever because if your child is the worst of all the people you are lifting it's not a blessing you must pray and then you pray to that that man of skin will also be you because if you continue to outsource you are still limited a day must come when you will have to be competent yourself is god speaking to us this morning please pray one minute while you are seated lord certainly valuable people thank you for men of character thank you for godly people but at this phase of my company i need people of skill paying so much salary but not getting the returns for it bring skillful people my agency needs a skillful person lord i need a skillful secretary who will not drive away people from my corporation i need a skillful chef i need a skillful ministerial friend i need a skillful businessman i need someone who is truly skillful [Music] thank you jesus are we praying when you pray this prayer and god answers it your life will change the gift of skillful people many of the songs you hear me sing these are the people who wrote them right here at my back yes skillful people very powerful this is my head of department worship he's the one who wrote the song you read that you sing all the time [Music] are we together skill ministry becomes easy when you don't just have people of character but people who can deliver [Music] sincerity is important but on its own it will not get the job done you need results and you need to coordinate people who can produce legal results real results real results real results praise the lord many of you would have noticed yesterday in the course of the the younger yelder program for those of you who are around you would have noticed more people working that were not part of the team because the system of leadership is that as a ministry where family that is not bounded by geographic limitation so many of our people who are in the protocol austria and the rest anywhere we find ourselves the job continues so that's what happened yesterday a number of our protocol people who are in lagos here got the affirmation immediately and what continued the protocol people what continued skillful people let me tell you sincerely let me tell you sincerely if you have a business here please go to god and pray you don't need many people most of the leakages in our finances at the corporate level is because of our search for the few skillful people so you will continue to pay five people for something one person who is truly skillful can do rather than paying 10 people 50 50 000 i'd rather pay one person for 500 000 who would deliver for me the result of ten people they looked at saul they said saul killed one thousand but their feet killed ten thousand ceo who would you employ of the two a man brings one thousand percent returns another man comes in and brings ten thousand percent returns i was having a conversation with someone who told me that one of the top leaders in one of the banks you know that now no longer existing was absorbed into another bank and he gave the director six months the manager he said give me six months i would turn this and this in your bank around and within one month he started producing a fearful result skill can be repeated results can be replicated again and again and again and again praise the lord that god will bring skillful people to your life number four and then we pray for this morning service have we been blessed so far the last kind of destiny help us that we need to rise in life they are called boarding bearers [Music] boarding bearers so we have divine connectors we have men of access and influence we have gifted people then we have burden bearers please look up if you can these are trusted and faithful people who will stay with you through the storms who will stay with you through challenges until your glory is revealed burden bearers these are men and women who may not necessarily be skillful they may not necessarily know those who are influential they may not necessarily be influential themselves but these are stairs they will stay with you in the prison they will be there with you in shame they will stay with you that you can be sure that if there is a shoulder to lean on you can tell them every secret about your life the good the bad and the ugly and the dead is all not what you will not change you will need such men in your life because in destiny storms will come in destiny the devil will try to attack you in destiny many things will happen around your life and if all the people you have are those who only celebrate your glory you will do well provided you remain there but the day you will have to go to the cross even the disciples can run away the 5 000 people who wanted to make you king can run away there are few people you must know and have ruth chapter 1 please we'll read from verse 15 and 16. ruth chapter 1 boarding beerus [Music] and she said this is naomi speaking to ruth behold thy sister-in-law is gone i hope you understand the story this was a story that the two women lost their their husbands are we together now and now one just left well to your tent only israel my husband is dead let me go and look for another husband and then ruth will remain with naomi and naomi was telling ruth now behold thy sister-in-law is gone back to her people unto her gods return thou after your sister in other words just go and leave me i'm a woman of great sorrow my sons are already dead and i i don't have any good for you again it was marriage that brought us together and now that there's no basis for it please go and root said hallelujah may god bring this kind of people to your life entreat me not to leave thee or to return from following after thee for without thou goest i will go and with that down lotus i will lodge thy people shall be my people and thy god my god these are the kind of people that even if the company foils you ask them what are you still doing here they said it was never about the company it was about you you say look i have to be fair on you just go and get another job and say mommy daddy don't waste your time i'm not going anywhere we will die here if god does not lift you then let me remain a feeling forever you say i hope your head is correct you know i'm a bodybuilder it is painful that during your dark times there is no body to be a real shoulder please hear me if you plan to rise in life especially for we the young people listen to this it is one big secret the generation of our parents have that we do not have our parents have a real budding bearers there are people who can stand by you and tell you you are my friend what happened my child died if your child died my own child too died i'm with you there is no food to eat no food to eat my account is your account i give you my atm the house rent i'm about to be embarrassed not when i'm alive i'm here [Music] my son got another lady pregnant out of wedlock let's go and see the family together no no this will be too much embarrassment let's go if you are not ashamed i will not be ashamed we will cry together there is a legal case against me i'm on my way to the prison let's go together they will have to jail us together let me tell you not everybody is selfish there are truly selfless people who will die with you they are called blood and bearers mark chapter 15 please we'll read from verse 20 and 21. this is a passion of the christ and when they mocked him jesus now they took off the purple from him and put on his own clothes on him and led him out to crucify him there are times that jesus will even die yet he will die not for his sins for the sins of the world there are times the ceo will go through so much turmoil not because you did something wrong listen to me there are times we go through storms because of what we have done right not because of what we have done wrong and they compel one simon of cyrene who passed by coming out of the country the father of alexander and rufus helped me to bear his cross jesus would never arrive gold gotta he was pleading to death already no strength and a man came simon of cyrene and carried the cross jesus i may not carry the sin but i can carry the cross there are people like that i may not be able to take the pain of the bereavement is not my child but i can help you go through this storm it is painful to go through storms in life and be left alone unfortunately this is the kind of world that we live in where people will applaud you in the days of honor but let the company fall downsize people let the federal government publish your name as having an issue as having some let there be something that can bring shame and reproach and you will be surprised at those you call friends you will be surprised as those who call allies let me tell you this when you find a border bearer in your life pay any price to preserve them it was benefiting years ago who was speaking with marilyn hickney many of you would know her in her eighties now a great healing evangelist and they were discussing the subject of relationships as it relates to selflessness and then marilyn hitley benny hinn said marilyn hitney told him 20 years before that time that if he ever found five people who were like those i just described that he would be the luckiest man on earth and when he laughed at her and said what no i have a ministry with great people until he had the divorce issue i can say it now because they are back to the glory of god one morning believing is preparing to go for a crusade and here comes the people with papers from the court demanding for a divorce from his wife the news reverberates the world imagine a benny him an inspiration to people half of his partners half of the partners left and i hope you know his evangelistic meetings are very capital intensive half of the partners they were certain churches and people i know this for a fact especially around europe that wanted to invite him they cancelled the invitation immediately because they said bringing you now will cause a national problem because you have an issue that is a scandal and we're sorry we can't receive you many of the friends of that dear man of god many who had been healed by his ministry many who called him their father they left him they left him the best of men benjin was left alone but there were few people and marilyn hickney came again and she said benny don't worry i'm still here with you and they were cracking jokes and laughing up and down and she was part of the few people who prophesied to him that the lord revealed to her that he will come back with his wife and when he now told her he said i remember what you said but if i could find five of these people i were a lucky person you need the gift of good people you need the gift of people who you can cry your heart to and say you may see me smiling now but i don't know where this rains will come from and you will never hear it anywhere never they will cry with you they will pray with you in the secret and in the open they will say oh god please take away shame and reproach from this person if you find such people please hear me pay any price humble yourself roll on the floor if you have to preserve that relationship because they are burdened bearers on your way to the cross you may lose so much although you are the savior but at this time you will need a helper burden bearers and treat me not to leave you i will be with you your god will be my god let me tell you this one of the greatest gifts in my life in terms of relationships is this that i just told you the gift of burden bearers you see these people who work with me i know they are humans but sincerely many of them can die for me it's true i'm not pretending it i love them with all my heart sincerely but i can tell you the sacrifices what these people can go through for me you bring a gun to kill me they will not think about it they will stand and receive the bullets that if there is no such person in your life then you are in trouble thank god for those who will be with you at the throne the 24 elders did not come to help jesus get to the cross the four living creatures although they bow down they bow down to a king not one on his way to the cross who will not bow down to a king while looking for who can bow down to take the cross certain men came to david in the cave of abdullah although they saw a runaway man running from saul they would have said shame on you and you want us to be your king they came and bound themselves with a vow we are free you are bound you are in hiding we are exposed yet you must be king over us these are the systems of the kingdom [Music] show me a man who has a destiny connector show me a man who has access to the heart of a man and a woman of influence show me a man who has the loyalty of gifted people show me a man who has the allegiance of burden bearers i show you a man who said and cannot do anything against i show you a man whose growth will never end i show you a man whose life will be as easy as anything this is why we came to church this morning some of you have some of this some of you may not have any of this it's time to pray affect my life breathe on me i looked to you for life affect my life breathed on me i looked to you for life i thank my life breathe on me i know to you for life i'll take my life breathe on me [Music] lord i lose [Music] me please hold hands with someone whoever you can find by your left and right this is first a prayer for the precious members of this great assembly [Music] and then for all of us who are represented here and for many who are following online they are going to pray everything grows because of relationships we are saved today because of a relationship we rise because of relationships we were born because of a relationship it was your relationship with your lecturer that made you educated [Music] it is your relationship with your mother father siblings that create a family [Music] there is no life without relationship the bible starts with a family ends with a family while you are holding the hand of that person in one minute i'd like you to imagine that that way one of the four people sent to you anointed commissioned raised [Music] blessed are you if that person is your wife and blessed are you is that person is your husband [Music] blessed are you if that person is your business partner blessed are you that person is your best friend blessed is that person is your colleague [Music] some of you while you are standing although you are holding the hands of others with respect to these four people you are standing alone there is no body in your life today who is a divine connector there is nobody in your life today sincerely who is a man of influence you are aware that there are men of influence but you've not captured the heart of one for some of us we've not been given the mercy and the gift of access to gifted people greatest of all some of you we do not have people in our lives today who will be there for us they will call you king when you give them bread but they will cause you when it is the cross you are carrying you will need people who will call you king at the throne and on the cross they will still say you are my king lift your voice in one minute and pray for the person whose hands you are holding this brother and this sister came to church this morning with a prayer point but god is telling you your prayer point is actually a request send me a divine collector oh god send me a man of influence a man with credibility and access send me a gifted person [Music] like david like jonathan [Music] send me a true body bearer hallelujah praise the lord now before i pray over us in closing we're going to mention these people one by one and pray them into our lives is that all right first we are going to pray for divine connectors think of many doors that have refused to open think of those who passed and did not know they were those dogs because no one told you you are going to pray and say lord send people to show me where to go send people my way oh god they may not be men of influence they can tell me where the anointing i need is they can tell me which ministry to go to they can tell me some of you you were told to come to church this morning the person who asked you to come for this morning service is your divine connector you would have been at home sleeping or somewhere else being blessed but not this way he said we have not seen it in this fashion someone pray from the depth of your heart divine connectors i'm tired of this level oh god i'm tired of paying for everything by myself i may not know the way to the city but send me someone who can show me someone who knows the way to the city there has to be someone who knows my destiny helper there has to be someone who knows my lifter there has to be someone who knows my promoter where is my little slave girl who will take me to the prophet where is my simon of cyrene who will help me to the cross where is my good samaritan who will help me heal from the pain of robbers where is my rules who will not leave me like a futurity if someone prayed this morning you came to church the house of god is where lives are changed hallelujah hallelujah number two you're going to cry that god will bring men of influence please i want you to pray this from the depth of your heart i submit to you that one man of influence in lagos lagos is a place of of plenty we who are not dominant within this area we can see the advantage that you have why should you be in lagos for heaven's sake and from monday to friday to another monday to friday a whole year a whole decade no body of influence can have you at heart they don't come on their own they are called in prayer please open your mouth and call them call them [Music] there are thousands of companies in this city there are thousands of ministries in this city there are thousands of organizations thousands of opportunities oh god of heaven send me a man send me a woman whose credibility has been treated you are a music minister pray send me by your grace oh god to a platform of influence that will announce what i represent you're a businessman lord send me send me send me men and women that my appearing in your cycle will change the world's perception of me hallelujah praise the lord was she praying many of us snap with men of influence but we are not connected just because you have a photo with a man of influence does not mean the transaction has happened [Music] it's a knowing connection it's a new connection when the devil says go down he will use his influence and say remain up remain up when they say you are too short his influence will add to your height when they say you are not qualified he says i add my cv to his own give him a job [Music] he can buy that property he's 500 million and all he has is 50 million and say i bring my human capital keep the lamb for him [Music] he may not have the money but i bring myself as a collateral and i keep it let that property remain there till he has the money to buy it credibility number three we're going to pray for gifted people lord bring me people of skill to make my work move forward bring me people of skill to make results predictable bring me people of skill to bring consistency to my results please pray consistency consistency sustainability of quality through competence hallelujah finally for the four sets of people i want you to pray this one a friend is made for adversity you are going to pray lord where are the people you are the one who knows the heart of men if i judge by my eyes i will call wrong people right and right people wrong by your spirit bring people who can die with me bring people who will stand by me bring people who can cover for my sin bring people who will cry with me bring people who brought my crown and my cross means the same thing to them bring people whose love and loyalty will not change please pray pray for your company for this precious church pray for new heritage baptist church father continue to send people continue to send people to this assembly men and women who will stand with and by discharge and stand for this church at all times consistent always on bending reliable that when it's time to raise funds they will raise when it's time to bring skill they will bring when it's time to cry they will cry when it's time to eat they will eat together when it's time to fast they will fast together bring such men to my life pray for your hopes pray for your homes many of us have so many people in our homes but how many of these people are the ones that just described many of us have many teachers in our schools many workers and staff in our companies lord i don't just need staff i don't just need workers not just low young people pardon pierre's board and bearers boarding bearers people who will not say one thing in your presence and another behind you sincere and genuine people hallelujah let me just add one more prayer point for us all of us here represent families most families are shattered because these kinds of people are not there when things go down for the father everything can change the children become something else father i'm not proud of you shame on you till now we don't have a house and on their way they go mother i'm proud you had just one child and could not have another families are broken when you do not have body bearers listen let me tell you and you are as you pray you will pray for yourselves too that i will be a body bearer because there are many of us the fortitude the ability to stay with people when things are unfavorable we we are advanced to pain the more you will betray anybody when you find an alternative no we have to be people of strength you have to find the cause you are loyal to that is worth your death not your life let's pray for our families lord keep our family strong let the bond be unbendable regardless of results [Music] let the bond be strong i believe in family please pray for every family your extended family your family here lord that i will love my wife and knowingly lord that i will knock my husband to doing me has nothing to do with what is provided for or not that i will love my children genuinely has nothing to do with their performance in school that i will love my parents genuinely has nothing to do with their ability to to provide or protect as desired unconditional love and loyalty that is not dependent on results let me be a boarding bearer [Music] lord make us instruments of your peace where there is hatred let your loving increase lord make us instrumental shall see [Music] one of my life's goals as a person not a man of god i prayed and cried before god i want to be a shoulder that can hold people not just a preacher i want to be a destiny helper to a generation more than fame more than resources or some of these mundane things that someone will be able to say i was on my way going down what apostle came and helped me it has nothing to afraid for burden bearers to come but are you one can human to be one of these four things for today there has to be some money it could be a call i just placed a call since you lost your loved one i'm sorry i've not been able to call how is everything now and while they are crying on phone you tell them just to encourage you whipping and girls for a night but joy comes with the morning you're a border some of you by the spirit may need to just support someone who you used to support and you forgot how is this person sharing let me just give him five thousand today young man are you still in school come to my house take this take a tea of gary go back to school and read living is truly worthwhile only when your life is being poured out as a drink offering to be a blessing to others father we pray that this teaching this morning will turn our lives into signs and wonders bring to our lives oh god destiny help us help us to understand the excellency of advantageous connections bring divine connectors to our lives bring men and women of influence to our lives bring gifted people to our lives and oh god more importantly especially at the times we live in brings a new important bias to our lives in the name of jesus i minister the peace of god right now to everyone here who may be hurting and you may believe that your life is at its lowest point things are not working no results no door opening in spite of your christian work i declare to you that by the reason of this teaching the grace that will attract destiny help us even beginning for the day may that grace rest upon you by the ministry of destiny help us we call every project that has refused to move forward and to be completed we call it completed now in the name of jesus by the ministry of destiny help us we call everyone in need of a job that in the name of jesus between now and the next 90 days may you return with strange testimonies by the ministry of destiny help us let all deaths and all bears that are sitting upon families and will not allow them rest may god raise just one person to override those fears by reason of a destiny helper maybe the doors that have refused to open sometimes even for decades may one person of insurance open those doors for you and i pray finally may you be all this to someone may you be a defined connector to someone may you be a man or a woman of influence to someone may you be a gift to someone and may you be a burden bearer to someone in the name of jesus christ hallelujah in my personal life and in my journey in the spirit there are four things that characterize seasons of breakthrough in a man's life please take this teaching very seriously four things every time a man is about to step into prophetic defining moments moments of breakthrough i'm not just talking of one testimony here realms of breakthrough where god is about to step into a life and truly do something notable there are four things that happen when you approach that season of your life i'm teaching you this so that you can know and relate with these seasons when they come hallelujah again one of the things i learned watching the film lord of the rings is the fact that they were warriors from different kingdoms and what made these people warriors was not just the ability to fight for the ability to understand seasons hallelujah when other men just stumbled into seasons those men could look and discern i remember one of them looking and seeing a red cloud and he said blood had been shed in the night the ability to look when other people are just looking you are standing from a plane in the spirit and you are saying this has happened because something is happening the wise man hallelujah the wise men saw a star and while other people were saying why is the edge shining like this they understood that this is a message in the realm of the spirit that they ought to respond to hallelujah so while the star was supposed to lead men to where jesus was some other people just looked and they were moving around and they were happy yet others were taking advantage of the seasons so i don't just want you to interpret the happenings around life from an earth realm hallelujah i want you to be able to see prophetic things that when you see handwritings on the wall you don't just pass it many people have missed out on seasons of breakthrough because they have not been taught to discern moments of breakthrough in their life many families would have risen from where they are from where they are into the prophetic destiny that god has for them but because they do not know how to understand spiritual things so follow me tonight four things number one when a major season of breakthrough is about to open up in your life the first thing that happens is that there is an unusual impartation of the spirit of prayer an unusual impartation of the spirit of prayer whenever you begin to sense an irresistible urge to pray an irresistible urge to pray not just to pray with in a group [Music] know that these are prophetic signposts these are languages in the spirit that are pointing to you that you are about to step into a major season of breakthrough and i'll explain to you why these things happen spirit of prayer how many of you have sat down suddenly you cannot tell it's not like you are not prayerful but maybe over a period of three or four days or one week you cannot rest you are praying every time you are partnering with what is happening in the realm of the spirit you may not even know but because you have yielded yourself to the holy spirit the holy spirit must not always speak to you his ultimate um desire is to lead you not just to speak to you that your body comes to a point where even without speaking to you you can punish him to carry out what the bible says the holy ghost drove jesus to the wilderness he didn't say jesus let's go jesus's body was so yielded to the holy ghost that he just found himself moving at the impulse of the holy spirit and the bible says the wind blew it where he listened you cannot tell where is coming or where is going such is one who is land of the spirit so every time you are about to step into prophetic seasons of breakthrough you know what the breakthrough is a breakthrough is when the barrier that is limiting you from stepping into the next level of your life is about to be lifted or is lifted that's a breakthrough when there is a stronghold when there is a mountain where there is a limitation when there is a resistance that would not allow you to push you to that next level of life in destiny by whatever spiritual agency when that barrier is lifted we call it a breakthrough so number one what the spirit of prayer [Music] suddenly you see someone who may not even pray for an hour but you find out that there is grace to pray grace to pray while you're praying it's like there's an endless supply while you are praying you can sense in the spirit that things are happening you cannot tell what it is that is happening but you know that the more you press your prayer is doing something and is having an effect in your spirit directly sometimes you begin to pray and you get to a point in your spirit where you can even start laughing i'm not talking of laughing in the spirit joy that you cannot explain because the god is being hit in the spirit but many people when they get to that point because they do not know the significance of that dimension of prayer they do not partner with the angels to bring in complete breakthroughs and they go back and miss out on cycles and seasons of breakthrough that would have come are you getting blessed number two when you are about to enter a prophetic season of breakthrough in your life the second thing that happens is an unusual grace to give an unusual grace to give an unusual grace when you are about to step into those prophetic seasons suddenly you lose value of everything around you you just know that i can give anything and it won't matter again when that begins to happen to you take notes have you gotten to a point where you sit down and just look at your clothes and you can carry about 20 or 30 percent of them and just say i'm going to sue it and i tell you there is a dissociation between you and those things is because you are about to step into a new level you see how many of you have missed out on such seasons because you did not know how to take advantage if you could take advantage of it you would have stepped into major seasons of breakthroughs this that i'm teaching you is born out of the word of god and practical experiences hallelujah there are many of you who can just be walking and the next thing god tells you go for a retreat quick you are supposed to travel god just summons you and says go for a retreat the moment that happens make sure nothing is too important to make you cancel that appointment hallelujah because that's not just your normal prayer for spiritual growth it is a call to contend with the things in the heavens so that you will step into a prophetic season in your life so number one the spirit of prayer and on the usual urge to pray to travail in the spirit you just find yourself blessing the lord capo shutter you're sleeping in the night and god wakes you that sleep cannot come back again and you are just praying in the spirit that's a sign that a door is about to open for you in the spirit but many of you wake up and when you see your colleagues sleeping just say kind [Music] let me just 15 minutes exactly by the grace of god i won't add 15 minutes you even put one leg down on your bed so that you can wake up and you wake up and see that it's six o'clock and you see the holy spirit does not struggle with the human spirit are you listening to me because it's not a demon the moment he begins to communicate to you is a language in the spirit he's telling you watch this something is happening in the realm of the spirit can you stand so that you will step into this major season hallelujah number two an unusual urge to give not just i'm not just talking of giving money alone but suddenly you get to the point where nothing that you have is like a string that connects the things that you have on you is suddenly broken away from your life and you know at that point if god asked you to empty your bank account or if god asks you to give anything you can lose it including your family members it's not like you don't love them i'm just giving you languages in the spirit you know that there's nothing nothing and you find out that you know that by the kind of songs you sing in your place of prayer you begin to sing songs of surrender and commitment you don't even know why you are singing those songs have they ever raised a song for you and you know this is not the song that communicates what god is saying it's not bad but this is not the song hallelujah when you step in church and they just sing a song we can sing a powerful song like um more of you more of you it's nice but it doesn't strike a chord in your spirit and even you you think you are backsliding no no you just sit down you are not you are not connecting you haven't feeling guilty about it you are wondering why you are not connecting [Music] hallelujah then suddenly they raised another song i lay it all down again and you start crying you don't even know what is happening it's a reaction to a season that your spirit is related with the moment they begin to sing that so anything that has to do with laying it down forgetting about it you know your speed picks it up and that's the song you're just singing may not make sense to you but you are getting into defining moments that will open up prophetic seasons of breakthrough are you getting blessed tonight number three [Music] when you are about to step into major seasons of breakthrough i mean major seasons number three there will be an unusual confrontation from the kingdom of darkness [Music] suddenly you notice that is as if all hell is breaking loose over you i think they say that i mean the devil just told all the demons said look just leave everybody cheers with me find me anywhere you see her look for her hallelujah have you seen people like that so it looks like the more they are praying for you the issue is getting worse hold on that's the time to begin to see from the realm of the spirit because many people are taught to judge these things do you know why you see satan does not know your future but the moment a prophetic word is uttered what happens there is an unusual manifestation of angelic activities suddenly it sends a signal in the realm of the spirit what because they know that satan knows he was an angel before i hope you know so he knows that every time there is an unusual dispatch of angels something is about to be translated from the realm of the spirit into israel [Music] hallelujah and suddenly confrontations from the power of darkness they begin to bring arrows of discouragement [Music] impatience procrastination offense suddenly you find out that a major season is about to enter your family and your father mother acquiring you for trivial issues why did you bring the tea in this green cup is this the cup i use every day and you are wondering you are like daddy what is this whole thing if you learn to judge from the spirit you see why you start by unusual ability to pray because there will be contentions are you getting blessed tonight [Music] suddenly you are just getting offended with people for reasons they cannot tell someone looks at you and say beautiful exam mock me even you you are finding what is wrong people say you have been so edgy you are being offensive what is wrong saving me i don't know what is happening but god is telling you go and pray because you are stepping into prophetic moments are you listening to me the powers of darkness are finding access points that they can step into your life and on legal grounds hinder what god wants to do are you seeing why praise is a tool for victory you see why god will give you are you seeing that this is why sometimes when breakthroughs are about to come god will distract you with praise so that before you realize the breakthrough can come so you lock yourself and you are just dancing in it you don't even know why you are dancing because with joy shall you draw out of the wells of salvation many people have lost it at this point suddenly you find out that everybody is just offending you you are about to go and pray you are sensing in your spirit and somebody comes and says let me tell you something selena um i wouldn't have told you well let me tell you do you know what your sister said and you're like what again these are dangerous seeds that that will stop you from entering prophetic moments of your life hallelujah or you are about to run pray and then a call comes [Music] and your mother says do you know what happened there was an accident in your dreams you will see your family members rejoicing you haven't seen them cutting kick in the physical you are hearing that one car has at such times many people just dampen their spirits the bible says for as long as the hands of moses kept it it was up what happened there was victory when aaron and all were tired and they began to bring the hand what happened how can a man's hand control the victory that is happening in a warfront many people do not understand spiritual pathways and i'm telling you the more you have this knowledge the more you will reign in life unusual confrontations in fact for some of you there may even be direct confrontations you're just walking up for the first time you hear a voice saying you will die you will die and you carry that mindset it's a seed that the devil wants to sow into your life that's the day you got up and found out that your shirts that the eye on your room is wise hey god let me kill somebody today where is she prophetic moments notice that the moment that season is aborted all those disturbances just minimize and you can live your normal life are you are you listening to me prophetic seasons and then number four [Music] number four is suddenly you will begin to attract certain people called destiny helpers destiny help us there will be prophetic unusual encounters please let me have two people my god open our eyes tonight teach us mysteries in the spirit come you stand up here can you some just stay down hallelujah watch this this is a level look of everybody this is a level is that correct this gentleman wants to step into this level and he has been walking now he has gotten to this prophetic shift hallelujah while he's praying i'm fasting this is what happens can i have a third person anybody thank you suddenly god yes just be coming and god comes and causes you to intercept at the exact time with certain people he calls destiny help us their job hold his hands is to help you and guide you to step up and they will leave some uclan time of family go back that's their job sometimes they will come into your life just once and you may never see them again follow me tonight god bless you sirs four things happen to believers this is the structure of god's kingdom hallelujah when jesus was going to go and bring a major breakthrough to a man who was possessed of devils and to go and preach in gaddara what happened they were in the boat in the in the in their boat is that correct suddenly the sea started getting boisterous question was that the first time they were going by sea i hope you realize that the sea was not just deutscheros it was the demons the legions of devils that were in the manor gatherer that were reacting attempting to stop them from coming hallelujah notice did you notice that the disciples started getting angry at jesus christ they got offended they said master cares down not that we perish when jesus woke up he knew that he needed to calm them down and he said shalom what happened the bible tells us that that mad man used to stay in caves who told him jesus was coming because the moment jesus stepped into gather he was there waiting he was the first person he met hallelujah did you hear the lady that came to share the testimony about her father that how can a man be having accidents every month [Music] when i don't watch so much of football but when you are in a serious match i don't mean friendlies just to shake yourself and change justice real much that can change the destiny of a nation hallelujah when you are about to score what happens the people they tell them do everything watching killing just do everything stop this guy from you find out that the hostility increases because at that point a single goal can make the difference are you understanding this many people and many families have missed out on cycles it's like a spiritual cycle when you miss it it'll come back but you don't come back immediately so your job is to stand and discern when you see that cloud moving you begin to walk with the holy ghost to make preparations for the things that god wants to release hallelujah [Music] i'll not talk about the first three i'll talk very briefly about the last one destiny help us who are these men who are these strange beings that seem to come to to to stand by people in the path of destiny please write destiny help us and men and women [Music] that we find on our roads to breakthroughs our road to destiny who provide help for the next level of our lives [Music] our miracles and our destiny they are men that we meet on our path to destiny i'm going to be showing you from god's word and you'll see how consistent this is say in the name of jesus i activate breakthroughs in my life [Music] the bible says in the book of genesis 41 if you turn near the story of joseph look up please joseph had a great destiny is that correct he had a dream and he told his brothers he said brothers i saw you people bowing to me the brother said you see we'll kill you before that will happen and they sold him is that correct do you realize let me show you all the people that play the role in that journey the bible says it was at the time he entered the world that certain egyptians were passing why did they not pass before or after forget the fact that they bought him but they were the vehicles that transported him he didn't pay transport fair they transported him into where 45th house do you know that egypt was his geographical location of breakthrough are you listening to me so how was he going to go there his father would never allow him to go to egypt i hope you know and so certain egyptians in the name of buying him while they were carrying him he did not know that prophetically there were angels and activities that were pushing him to the place of destiny hold on when he gets to egypt the bible says that he went into the prison now watch this every time you are about to take a journey into destiny before you start god will show you something that you will hold in that journey for moses it is a road for joseph it is a dream god will say note it one day we'll make reference with you will never start your journey without knowing what he gave you many of us have thrown it that job is no good because it does not look for moses he said you hold this road a day will come when he got to that point in the rest he said remember the road now moses stretched that road a time has come for the ministry of that road to coming hallelujah for joseph he had nothing but a simple dream a simple dream are you following me tonight he had a simple dream and while these guys were taking did he like it but he was going to the geography of his breakthrough when he got there what happened and this is the sign because while he was going the bible says god was with him this is how you know god is with you because even in the midst of these things you see faithful the faithful and the grace of god and the bible says he went into prison what happened he was faithful and potiphar made him the head of everything except his wife watch this then comes this dangerous woman who sees this handsome egyptian hallelujah and on account of jesus walk with god and his loyalty to his master what happened the bible says he ran and he left his clothes there do you know if joseph had slept with her you would have just been happy and gone back to the prison in the evening and you would have remained there who know that is left with her but he would have remained in the prison there hallelujah and the bible says [Music] joseph was in the prison and god made it in such a way that it was when joseph was coming to the prison that the one presser and the baker for some reasons they annoyed the king the king said one love them taking less experience they go unlock them and while they lock them there then joseph steps in watch this [Music] he looks at them and joseph is worried about their state they woke up in the morning and the bible says their countenance was very bad hallelujah and the one person said i have a dream why did god create a need that only the gifting joseph could solve are you following me now god knew that he had given joseph grace for dreams then he created that need and the one president got up please listen he said i had a dream i saw this and that and that and this and that happened and joseph told him he said wow in three days the king is going to call you back and you'll be reinstated to your position the guy laughed he said please when you go don't forget me the other guy said ah me too i have my oh no say what is wrong said there were three baskets on my head and voters came and ate everything joseph said well in three days they'll finally finish up your case they'll bring you out and they'll one-hand you and the best of the air will eat up your flesh watch this joseph did not know that those two people they did not have gifts but they had access to the king that could bring joseph are you seeing destiny help us may not be gifted people but they have access you have the gifts but you don't have access to the king they have access to the king but they may not have the gifts hallelujah it came to pass like that and after the one presser was reinstated the bible says he forgot joseph but watch this when it was time for joseph to step into the place of destiny what happened god now since the one the one pressure forgot i'm sure joseph would have been disappointed you now see that you'd have been angry and said oh two years this guy kept me in this captivity and i helped him but something happened the bible says that [Music] god gave the king a dream you see it now when god is ready to lift you those who matter he will give them a problem they cannot solve and shut every door until your gift answers to it that's how god leaves a man please listen i'm teaching you a powerful mystery because every king there are sorcerers and soothsayers this is egypt we are talking about egypt had thousands of gods they could cause for that day god shot the heavens the magicians did everything the heavens would not open and the king said you better answer my dream you better find the solution kings were cruel people those days they could wipe out the whole land because they were hungry suddenly the magicians consulted and said what is happening they say we don't know and then the one person said something watch this 41 verse 9 [Music] are you there then spoke the chief butler onto pharaoh saying i do remember my fault this day so after two years the man remembered pharaoh was angry with his servants and put me in prison in a caption of the god's house both me and the chief baker listen and we dream the dream in one night i am he we dream each man according to the interpretation of his dreams listen and there was there with us a young man and hebrew servant to the captain of the god and we told him now hold on do you know why all of this was happening joseph did not know that he was at the edge [Music] are you listening to me if you had missed the defining moment you would have remained in that prison sometimes could it be that you are just a night away to a major breakthrough in your life have you had that song i was right at the edge of a breakthrough but couldn't see it powerful song many believers have gotten to the edge and then sit and come sit with something that have bought the whole journey [Music] 13 and it came to pass as he interpreted to us so it was now listen if joseph had his way listen if joseph had his way and he ever met pharaoh once do you know pharaoh will be so impressed with joseph that you say why are you in the prison in the first place but sometimes do you see the irony of life you can see a gifted person who graduated and he's so good and here is somebody who is a blessed man who needs that gift for that contact are you listening to me there are many of our loved ones that are gifted i heard the story of a gentleman who finally caught some of his fingers and then suddenly it was like an anointing came upon him and that guy could draw you know finance students he could do what they call it abstract on the wall praise god and then this guy had been praying to god and said lord give my family a major breakthrough because his mother told him i didn't go to school your hands are caught but do something go and learn something and this guy was praying watch this when that was happening the holy ghost began to give him ideas he said begin to do your abstract on plenty papers and store them every time you see this guy drawing people are saying your colleagues are going out to look for job he said but god told me this watch this suddenly one day he went to visit his friend ah when he went to visit his friend his friend was talking with someone and it so happened that they just opened the branch this is a true story they opened a branch of a bank you know banks took abstract on their wall and they had been looking for someone the person who used to do it for the bank he did something nasty and the bank got angry with him and suddenly they don't say ah but don't you drop the guy came here with his father he was ready they said meet her so so please and he went do you know that that day he got a contract of over 4 million overnight why hold on it wasn't just because the people that connected him did not even know the gravity of what they were doing do you realize that your destiny helpers do not know their destiny helpers god conceals it so that they will not corrupt what he's trying to do through them the destiny helpers themselves never know their destiny help us until the miracle happens one day when you are saying it the one pressure if the one person knew that he was sitting close to someone who would be the prime minister of of egypt you think you treat him the way to tell you hallelujah [Music] and then let me rush they call joseph i like i like i like the way [Music] let's look at um verse 14 couples after 14 are you there 41 14 and pharaoh says listen pharaoh sent at the recommendation of who a destiny helper the wine presser the one presser said i testified that there was a time i needed help hallelujah and a hebrew guy called joseph by this time do you know what it means to stay two years in the prison without shaving without you don't have the luxury of shaking and this is what looking like a native doctor and the bible says i'll show you from scripture verse 14 and pharaoh sent and called joseph and they brought him hastily out of where the dungeon is only your destiny partner that can connect you to come out of some dungeons you may be gifted but you will remain in some dungeons until some destiny partners come do you know that many of our family members they are praying in tongues and they are gifted let me announce to everybody here there is something you have that is in desperate demand the distance between you and your place of honor is a destiny helper if you never find this destiny help us you can die a failure in life i've seen this happen so many times hallelujah when we're about to get the venue for this place when god began to speak to us about calinonia we're praying you know how difficult it is to get venue hallelujah we were even looking for a place to pray for and i began to pray i began to pray and i had a number of options and when i was praying the lord showed me said you will use cgc i really didn't know i had ministered only once or twice in the ministry i said lord how can you use people's auditorium and then you start and god said you hold on but he had taught me the minister of destiny helped us so i knew better i follow me now and i knew which tool to engage not random foolish prayer pointless arrow you have ak-47 you're just shooting everywhere you need to direct with target that's what many believers are doing we just pray but we do not know the bible says true wise counsel make war you can you can minimize wasting bullets many people just pray everywhere else they break you wherever you are letting me to come down you can walk with wisdom and work circumspectly i began to pray because i knew that all i needed was a test do you know it does not take more than 24 hours for god to change a man's story god just needs to bring a man your father has been praying he's a good architect and there are people begging begging they want to build estates they are begging can there be something that will happen in the realm of the spirit see there's no time i would have given you stories of how people's lives have changed overnight i hope you believe what i'm teaching tonight hallelujah [Music] let's continue joseph the bible says and he shaved himself and changed his remnant and came to pharaoh and pharaoh said unto joseph i have dreamed a dream and there is none that can interpret it and i have heard say of thee that thou canst understand a dream to interpret it and joseph answered pharaoh and said it is not in me god shall give pharaoh an answer of peace hallelujah and then he interprets the dream vast 32 it's amazing when your gift begins to speak in the place where it is honored do you know something listen your gift will never speak in a place they don't value and honor it hallelujah that's why you can see someone who is a worshiper he goes somewhere to minister it's not the place of his honor they don't even honor it but he can step into another place your gift will always create an effect where it was designed to be honored always hallelujah 32 and for that the dream was doubled onto pharaoh twice it is because the thing is established by god and god will shortly bring it to pass look at the ease at which joseph was interpreting this dream and the magicians were all watching god orchestrated an event where all the all these senate members of egypt were gathered and they were listening see listen whenever god begins to prepare a table before you learn to discern from the spirit because he will be taking you to a place you never dreamt of [Music] he'll lead me and guide me to the city up above he'll lead me and guide me to my place of destiny i know he leads me and he guides me to the city of above lord you lead me and guide me to my place of destiny hallelujah 33 noun therefore let pharaoh seek out a man he didn't know he was talking about himself desperate and wise and setting over the land of egypt let pharaoh do this and let him appoint officers over the land and take up the fifth part of the land of egypt in seven plentious years and let them gather all the food of those good years that come and lay up grain under the hand of pharaoh and let him keep food for the cities john john verse 39 this is where a man's breakthrough comes after 12 years of misery being transported into his destiny by people he did not like facing situations he did not know were orchestrating themselves for his lifting 39 and pharaoh said unto joseph for as much as god has shown ye all this there is none so discrete and wise as thou art immediately without prayer without passing help me reverse what you want to read and thou shalt be over my house no interview no meeting with any council member kings did not make stupid decisions they met with their wise men but the king announced infected thou shall be over my house and according unto thy word shall all my people be ruled only in the throne will i be greater than you 41 and pharaoh said unto joseph c i have set thee over all the land of egypt five minutes ago a prisoner five minutes later the prime minister my god how can you explain this the people who serve him said so we were saving the prime minister the people who dressed him as imagined pharaoh who took him to the prison i mean potiphar now he has become lord imagine what potiphar's house wife would do tell me friends god is in the business of changing the lives and the stories of men and of families it does not cost him so much all you need is the man that requires what god has given you he leads me and guides me to the place of destiny he leads me and guides me to the city of above your mother has a large poultry farm there is a major hotel that is being constructed one manifestation of personal helpers at a recommendation they can begin to say madame begin to supply this hotel for as long as the hotel lives see friends every man i know who has been blessed in any area of life got to a point in his life where he was led by destiny help us to enter fearful mind-blowing and irrecoverable part of destiny let's look at jesus we call him the king of kings we call him the lord of lords but let's see all the people that play different parts in the life of jesus did you know the bible says i don't know if i should read it all right let's read it luke 2 let's hurry up because we're going to do some prayer this night hallelujah [Music] prayer this night i shared with the leaders on sunday god began to speak to me that a breakthrough anointing is coming upon the house in a very very very significant way and we prayed in that light luke 2 verse 25 luke 2 verse 25 this is the story of jesus are you there and behold there was a man in jerusalem whose name was simeon and the same man was a righteous and devoted man waiting for the consolation of israel and the holy spirit was upon him and it was revealed unto him by the holy spirit that he should not see death before he had seen the lord jesus hold on look up this guy called simeon hallelujah the bible says god told him he would not see death his job was to wait until he prophesized into the life of jesus before he would die are you seeing we don't hear the names of all these people in scripture but tonight i want to show you people who took the destiny of jesus and passed the baton for him to become our savior hallelujah and then he prayed and prophesied let's look at verse 36 so one destiny helper we see in the life of jesus [Music] simeon number two 36 now and there was one anna listen to how the bible describes her what does he call up one anna hold on he said one anna and one another there was one anna hold on but without that one anna there will be no jesus there will be no redemption of mankind there was one anna a prophetess the daughter of fenwell of the tribe of asha he said and she was of a great age and i lived with a husband seven years from a virginity seven years and the man died so what was she doing with the remaining part of her life let's read on and she was a widow about four score and four 84 years so for all that remaining time 84 years the bible says who departed not from the temple but served god with fasting some prayer night and day and she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the lord and spoke of him to all those who looked for the redemption of jesus she was the woman who was praying that jesus be born are you seeing that there was a woman behind the scene a destiny helper praying and fasting at age 84 that jesus who that that what has been prophesied let me tell you if there were no people to pray they would have killed jesus because the people would not be sensitive to angelic activities they would have killed him and there will not be redemption for mankind destiny help us we don't honor them the bible never talks about simeon again the bible never talks about anna again are you following me please destiny help us at the death of jesus the bible says listen that when jesus had carried the cross he had bled so much and the bible says the life of the flesh is in the blood he carried the cross to the point that this was him and the place that would bring redemption for mankind but there was no more strength and what happened he fell at the point where he was falling one black man under that road called simon of cyrene are you following me now and they said simon come did he ask him whether he had eaten or not did he ask him where he was going they just said mr man pick up this cross what happened a destiny helper he carried the cross 12 men no devil can resist your destiny help us if you these were men who would not allow jesus to drink water but they allowed a man to carry his cross for him and simon helped jesus and so jesus could regain some strength the bible says that when jesus died there was another strange rich man called joseph of arimathea he had a virgin poem because the prophet had been had prophesied that none of his bones would be broken and that you will be buried in a tomb that is virgin so god had led one man to buy grave how can a man buy it to might keep it for his own death he didn't know why he bought it [Music] remember when jesus wanted to come in the triumphant entry the bible says a man had tied the code he didn't tell us the man he said go and tell the man the master had me at once he released the quote are you seeing all the people that played parts when you watch your jesus of nazareth they silence those people and so you don't even know you just see jesus but without these people in his life the bible talked about the wise men once didn't tell us anything about them again he talked about the shepherds they didn't tell us anything about them again now joseph of armatia the bible says joseph of armatia was an influential man it was on account of his influence so a rich man was required for the redemption of men it was the rich man that used his influence and went and said give me the body of this man let me bury if not they would have left jesus to hang on the cross there are you listening to me now we don't follow up these stories very well and they took him to a virgin tomb and they laid him there look at all the people that played roles in the life of jesus christ moses another man the bible says when they were killing hebrew children you remember his mother put him in a basket the word moses means to come out of the basket the mother put him in a basket and do you know that she put a hebrew material in the basket and pushed him how can a mother that was a sign of desperation she said let me just push him oh god guide him suddenly the water started leading moses to a place for no reason pharaoh's daughter just said i'm not taking my birth don't they have bathrooms i will go to the street this tree at the exact point where the baby was coming that was when she was laughing and the bible says she had the sound of a child she would have said go and kill him when she saw it she started laughing her father gives an instruction to kill people the daughter is saving the major person who they were supposed to kill destiny help us look at the drama that happens in the spirit your father gives an instruction it was really voices they were looking for but now moses was in the house and they were killing other people that was the deliverer the mother a hebrew woman she didn't have much but do you know what happened when they pushed moses the daughter got and then the maid of the mother came and suggested say do you want a nanny that says of course he went and brought moses his mother to come and get money for her old son and they paid her for it destiny help us i want you to see that this is no coincidence at all no threat moses grew up he had wealth he was nourished no joint is no nonsense because there was an assignment waiting for him he was in perfect shape [Music] hallelujah have you been taking note of certain people many of us have been cheated because we have neglected this strange set of people we live in a generation where all we are looking for is man of god could it be that after the prophecy from the men of god there are ordinary people some of you come for coinonia and you sit down close to the person who can suggest something to you that will change your life forever are you getting blessed the bible tells us that a man called saul was persecuting christians everywhere and having met with god with jesus christ on the road to damascus he said he should go to the house of who judas and stay there who is that judas we don't know he just said go and stay in his house destiny help us he stayed there three days [Music] and then they sent a man called ananias we heard about him once didn't hear about him again and ananas came and said brother saul jesus whom you saw sent me that i should lay my hands upon you that you should be filled with the holy spirit and receive your sight when that happened he went the bible says a certain time came they met one prophet called agapos he came out from wherever we don't know a man called agabus all his daughters were prophets and he gave a prophecy hallelujah you read all through the bible and see several people [Music] ruth and naomi haven't lost a husband haven't lost everything the bible says that ruth told naomi said my god will be your god and my your god will be my god your people my people the bible says while this a man just came out from wherever corbus and he told the people we don't know who those people are he said as you clean leave some of the food their names were not mentioned just leave some food so that she can go and take care brothers and sisters if you miss the ministry of destiny help us in your life listen to me you may never arrive your destiny no matter what kind of prophecy is given unto you there are many women who will not get married because the person who will connect them with their life partner is not there someone can just tell you come comes with us hallelujah let's go for fellowship somewhere so um femi stand up just go and stand here and god will orchestrate it in a way please sit down make yourself very comfortable hallelujah praise god now this lady sits down just been praying for a life partner if you have not been praying about it you better start praying she has been praying oh god a godly man a man who loves and fears you what happens we cannot even find a friend again we invited her and she sat down and while she sat down sam was worshipping now listen come sam sam gets up and sam is lifting his hands as we lift our hands in worship as we praise your holy name you deserve the glory what happens while sam is moving left and right doing the business of the father suddenly some finds out that he's been drawn to this role will move this way [Music] and some will be drawn and then a preacher like you said talk to your neighbour and says your time to be blessed and sometimes it says your time to be blessed and the holy ghost who said did you hear what you said [Applause] [Music] hallelujah a few years after they are happily married and when you ask them what happened they say someone that's what they say someone that someone may be in the congregation but may not even know that he or she was the person who made this happen are you listening to me destiny help us many people have missed out every time you are entering a prophetic season of breakthrough in your life make sure you begin to handle with utmost respect the people that begin to come around you because some of them may not even be christians somebody can just come drunk with death it may even be your loved one and for the first time you will say something sensible in years you say ah you didn't go for fellowship this night then you hit some go back and god saw your address as you are coming in that's when god will step into your life in a mighty way hallelujah men who do not know these principles die as failures in life and wonder oh god why are you not changing my story hallelujah this is very important i have seen this happen in my life when god showed me that this would be the venue how it was going to happen i knew listen the next time you are trusting god for a breakthrough in your life don't think he's just going to come by an angel flapping his wings and says take men men have been god's instrument of breakthrough hallelujah are you receiving something tonight am i challenging you [Music] and then we met prof and prof just came and spoke to the church once once and they came till today since we started in march 2011 we have not had to pay one naira for this auditorium to the glory of the lord jesus christ in this sims area destiny help us it's not a big thing for it's not a big deal for many of you until the day you get into positions where you will require the help of men are you listening to me many of us have pushed our destiny help us away either because they do not carry forms that's the problem we have with people who segregate people we are not the rich ones we are the ones who are fathers are senators what is your father capital leave this place [Music] we are the ones who are intelligent what's your cgp 1.5 get out of here hallelujah we are the ones who are smart we attended queen's college which charged you which which school did you attend one school they have you forgotten the name leave this place where the ones who went abroad we spent six years abroad where have you gone out from i've just been in my local government i've never gone out leave this place when you begin to treat people that way get set for a root shock in life because your destiny helpers will never assume forms that will attract you to them you must have a designing grace to look beyond them some of them may be vehicles every time they come to your house you know they are coming to college your father's money but maybe that day maybe that day that day it could be some gatekeepers in your house every time you look at them i say well how are you you are insulting the man one day you look and say sorry i saw one application there's one newspaper here you say let me see and you just find out that they need exactly what you want and it will change your life and your story forever hallelujah are you listening to me i was told the story of a lady who had been trusting god for breakthrough hallelujah and the day they called her for a job interview in all sincerity she did not have any money the mom did not have money there and it was her neighbor was a good man she begged him it took a lot of humility for her to beg him guys said give me my money i said make sure you give me and i think he gave her was it 500 or 200 she transported herself got that job when she got the job they were going to lodge her in a five-star hotel for one month fence where they would take her are you listening to me gave up 0.8 million to be able to get a nice house this is true life story hallelujah all that lady that lady bought a bike and came and gave the kids man the good man was resting little did he know his breakthrough was coming she just gave it back he left the walk immediately immediately many of you in life listen to me this is a powerful message many of you in life have neglected certain people you may stand and look at this brother and jose kite a big jerry many of us relate with people only based on what we can get from them you need to stop that demonic attitude the day i don't need anything from you you are not my friend again the day necessity brings it suddenly ah pastor family we need venue you are his friend if that is your attitude you will miss out on many prophetic things you can see someone the person is wearing a shoe that is not very nice thank god for the ten thousand naira one your father bought for you the person may not have what you have but he hasn't he knows somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody that can open the door that your family has every prayer point has a human being as an answer somewhere every prayer point every prayer point i tell you if you are praying for a job that job is available somewhere and it is platform one note can change a man's destiny activating breakthroughs to the ministry of destiny helpers could this be why some of us are where we are today could it be that that's why some of our family members are where we are the gentleman that always comes to your father and your father says don't tell him that i'm around could it be that that very day he came with a news that will set the family forever and the person will live and go forever we're going to be praying hallelujah we're going to be crying for a restoration of destiny help us that we have allowed to sleep to our hands we're going to be praying for sensitivity many of you treat everybody bad you treat people rude you are hostile you talk to people you say that's how i am because you feel you have your world met together a day will come you will find out that what you have you don't have access to a king and it is god that will connect you there hallelujah today by the grace of god many places where go and minister i don't know those who told them about me they just said we heard about you who were the people who pop the bible say it was noise abroad that jesus was in town we do not know i only will pray for those people in my secret place that god will bless and honor them you may never know sometimes we just get seeds from people coming into the ministry account we don't even know the people could it be that one destiny helper shared his testimony one day are you listening to me see i am convinced that it does not cost god a fortune to cause a major perfected breakthrough in your family i was told about a man who had been saving to buy some cars you know he just gave the little car and then one day when he was going to buy the car god sent him to one um greets you know like the elder ones like an uncle so when he went to one greedy uncle he was sitting outside these are true stories he was sitting outside and then a rich man came in to see the uncle and then he told him he said should wash his car for him and he started washing the car of course he sounded insulting but then that's a big man who was washing the car then when he was washing the car the uncle didn't see for hours they were existing he watched the cat cleaned it and sat down he was even getting angry when they came out the uncle was hostile to him say why have you come to see me don't you see that i have meetings the rich man asked me say what is it he said i just came to tell you that i gathered some small money i want to buy a car and then the rich man asked just jokingly he said what car he said golf with my love he said is that a car he said the next day should come and meet him in his office i'm telling you i lie not he gave me a brand new toyota the next day see let me tell you something it's not everything that money can do lend this early enough because many people brag with the monies of their parents my father is a senator my mother is a peace there are many people who were healed in calinonia here we still do not know who brought them someone referred them on the road told them do this do that and they came and they got here i made up my mind never to that's why i treat people with love and honor and respect you don't know who it could be a little girl like this my sister she may just look at you and pray prayer for you and say god just ask me to touch your head and just touch you and say bless you suddenly you see every door opening and you are like what in the world is going on are you getting blessed sometimes god can lead you to a meeting you don't know the name of the ministry you don't know the name of the man of god you don't know the name of anybody you don't know the ushers that brought you all you know is that one word was declared you carried that word you went back most times you never get to see your destiny help us to tell them thank you there are only few times you get to meet them short things that define prophetic moments of breathing number one the spirit of prayer grace to pray like never before number two a heart to give suddenly there is a dissociation between you and whatever it is that you have number three [Music] demonic confrontations that attempt to discourage you number four they begin to come destiny help us they come as phone calls they come as friends they come as enemies they come as unprofitable situations they come as hostile different things hallelujah i'll never forget someone who had an issue with his supervisor final year student some years ago he had a very serious issue with the supervisor and the supervisor would not even look at him and somehow somehow people began to mediate another lecturer was mediating and when he finally got to call the guy in they began to talk after insulting him and shouting and doing every kind of thing he said where are you from and that was where a conversation started and they wouldn't end that conversation until after three hours that guy found out that there were certain opportunities he desired that that student had ways he knew his father could help out and so on and so forth he was actually a property the man the lecturer wanted to sell and then he got to find out that the boy's father was a real estate agent they exchanged numbers there and that man's life changed who have you been neglecting god is asking you a question don't look at your neighbor who have you been neglecting because they may not speak english like you because they may not they are not charismatic as you [Music] who have you been neglecting because they don't belong to your church or they don't come for koinonia or because they are not pentecostals ah because they are not filled with the holy ghost you know there's this rubbish association of religious things that go on we are the ones who pray we are the ones who fast we are the one who we are the ones who know god god will always use the most unlikely means never forget this message could it be that your destiny helper is here in koinonia sitting close to you hallelujah when my younger brother was very small he drank paint one day took a cup of paint and drank it and he fell down there and painted created commotion and everybody was just running helter skelter they took him to the hospital but that was an opportunity because people came to greet hallelujah and there were certain people my father wanted to see who not respond to him they came to greet my brother and finally some opportunities was trusting god for came by i'm teaching you wisdom tonight many of you will need to call your parents and tell them you stop insulting everybody that comes it doesn't matter what they have done god can still use them to be the ladder for you to step into destiny there are some of you here there are people that you can never look eyeball to eyeball with you so as until jesus comes because of what you did to my mother because of what you did to my father they gave us 130 000 to share my my my elder brother gave me 2k and when may god punish you for as long as i leave calm down do you know that one day a dog can be open i pray every time and i tell god there are destiny partners that are attached destiny help us attach to this ministry there are destiny helpers attached to my life there are destiny helpers attached to your life once again let me use this last example and we pray two people one stand here one stand here anybody you my brother just stand there never forget this the distance between you and your breakthrough is not as far as you see i don't care what it is hear me the distance between you [Music] it could be a carryover cause you are praying and saying oh god what they can with this thing and you have done everything you know to do one day god can just send someone and they'll be discussing about you in the office and they say please help this person yesterday the distance between you is a destiny helper and i'm telling you it can be seconds away it can be minutes away only learn to recognize destiny help us they will come in forms that you will not appreciate them after the gracias there are people who come and just look there are some people who just send me text messages with one scripture jokingly they did not even know i don't know them i don't have their numbers but that one scripture just gives an insight to something god has been attempting to communicate to me destiny help us we are going to cry unto god are you ready to pray god bless you rise up on your feet say the distance between me say it as loud as you can the distance between me and my breakthrough is a helper away say the distance between my family and their breakthrough is a helper way prayer point number one you're going to cry unto god and say lord i i repent of people i have neglected i want you to really pray and say people i have kicked out of my life destiny helped us that would have taken me to a glorious level in my life right now lift your voice and pray propose [Music] people who would have given me relevant information those who have connected me with help us lift your voice and pray some of our family members are struggling aimlessly because there are people who can help us break breakers men who can take you to the king is not as hard as it seems i am confused it's a destiny help my way no matter what you need financial breakthrough a miracle a prophetic word direction in your life say lord i repent for neglecting destiny help us i've let them come and pass i refuse to activate defining moments in my life i pray on behalf of your family [Applause] say lord for my father for my mother for my brothers they would have gotten jobs by now they would have built houses right now they would have gotten contracts by now those who have opened that terminal disease would have left right now my family would have been together by now but for the neglect of destiny help us hallelujah prayer point number two and i want you to pray this with all your heart he said i will restore to you you're going to pray and say lord let that cycle come back again in my life let that cycle i missed as a result of childlessness or pride or arrogance or insensitivity lift your voice say lord let the helpers come again lord let financial help us come lord let marital help us come speak your voice and pray lord let academic help us come the distance between you and your breakthrough is your one pressure it's your wine breaker it's not hard is there anything too hard for god to do i'm telling you in one day god can change your story in one day god can change the story of your family members restore pray restore for my family restore all god [Music] opportunities that have been lost opportunities send them again oh god help us of destiny send them again reactivate breakthrough reactivate breakthrough hallelujah let me tell you a little story i have a friend listen to me i have a friend in abuja [Music] this guy went to abuja a poor broke person with nothing but his faith [Music] hallelujah and this guy had been praying and said lord change my story help me this guy was crying praying people told him and you said stupid boy you got up and came to abuja no house no car no nothing this guy was praying and one day it always happens one day you don't even know that's why you must be prepared he was just sitting down and a friend called him he said where are you he said come quick this guy just ran and he entered the room and he saw a big man and some people were talking and he said i wanted to involve you because god asked me to bless you and he sat down and the rich man was going to buy a plot of buy some plots of land 720 million 720 million and 10 percent goes to the agents so they brought him this guy became a millionaire overnight he didn't do anything they just brought him and counted the number of people the 10 percent agency was what changed his life [Music] yet there are many tongue talking estate agents who have been in abuja since 1990 since 1999 praying and running with complimentary cats this guy was wearing patterns he wasn't wearing a suit palms and his life changed overnight brothers and sisters if you ever forget anything this night remember that your prayer request is in the hands of a man it takes god who is the father of spirits to connect the lines and that's going to be our next prayer point you're going to say lord by the instrument of the prophetic i called forth dead that have been destined to take me to the next level to take my family make sure you are praying carpool lord prophetically pray those who will open doors of jobs thoughts of marriages thoughts of ministry thoughts of anointings thoughts of favor gods of lifting thoughts of success thoughts of increase thoughts of breakthrough make sure you are praying pray it with all your heart [Applause] your family story can change you have been praying and fasting could this be the message could this be the message pray say lord whether [Music] the united states the caribbean by the prophetic power of the spirit let there be a connection orchestrating meetings let there be a meeting pray pray god wants to take you from this level to another it's a year of supernatural exploits [Applause] exploit by the spirit [Applause] your story can change activate defining moments activate breakthrough in your life come out from the side that both should take edibles i call them they are coming into my life from the north the east the south i pray for you and i destiny help us are coming we receive them we receive them we receive them we receive them hallelujah let me give you one little story look at me [Music] when professor madi was the vice chancellor over madhubala university many of you did not meet him there was a gentleman who did very well [Music] but he did not get admission hallelujah and the guy just went for reasons he could not explain he went and sat down near the senate in the night and professor maddy had the culture of walking into students hostels walking around just to see what is going on and when he walked he saw the gentleman and he called him he said why are you sitting down here he said sir look at my wife results look at everything but my catchment area is not there and they didn't give me admission he said you are such a brilliant boy do you know what he told him he said go home and pat your load and this is true it's a confirmed story [Music] hallelujah i know about a student who had been victimized for years till he was in 300 level whatever it is that happened either his name or his manipulation number crashed and what this guy was seeing was not his real cgp this guy would work so hard but when the exams come out it would not be and then one day someone just came in and for whatever reason the person decided to start crosstalking things the next thing they put on the notice but that they wanted to see him when they called him they said he should go and bring his results and his courses that he registered do you know true life story when this guy was maybe around 1.7 something by the time they corrected everything he was supposed to be into one in all sincerity my cousin my cousin was a student in this school my cousin was a student in this group he wrote a major exam that he got a and when the result came out they gave him f this guy didn't know he knew that he had read but he said sometimes even when you have the evidence you don't have access to the king there are many of us that have evidences that would wipe our night time but that access to the king hallelujah and one day god raised visiting prophet just came and he just complained and showed him everything the man took on the case by himself until they rectified it look at me for a moment what do you expect god to do in your life and your family is in the hands of someone is in the hands of someone that breakthrough is in the hands of someone a house to complete for your loved ones to go to school let me tell you no matter what it is expand your mind tonight there are men who are careers of miracles they don't even know there are some of you that your loved ones need some jobs they have been suffering you know that they want to change where they are working or they don't even have a job they are praying they are applying cb after cv if it is destiny help us they will accelerate your path you will join protocols who are going to pray say lord i receive the sunlight to see these people when they come into my life lift up your voice and pray it takes discernment [Music] it takes discernment it takes discernment say lord let me decide they may not be my tribe they may not be my friends they may be the enemies of our family for lord grace to deserve when you are about to use them to change our story [Music] hallelujah final prayer point now you're going to pray and speak over your life and tell yourself you are breaking through and breaking foot on the left and right don't keep quiet please don't inquire prophesy i break through from the left the right [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the name of jesus by the spirit of prayer [Music] i contend against every power of darkness come and pray play against every satanic force pray against every power of darkness that once you attempt to abort your breakthrough god wants you to smile god wants you to smile god wants you to smile he wants to encourage you he wants your life to be fruitful [Music] said and get lost believe that all he gets let the family of koinonia receive breakthroughs i prophesied breakthroughs breakthroughs breakthrough financial breakthrough marital breakthrough family breakthrough academic breakthrough spiritual breakthrough breakthrough in your job let your family members smile and provoke it from the realm of the spirit i provoke it from the heavens i activate the angelic [Music] i activate the angelic that angels begin to move to every family that angels begin to move over your academic angels move over your finances and just move over your family angels move i activate the oppression of angels content with the powers in the heavens and release breakthroughs for god's people let the angelic contend with the powers that delay that stop people from entering their prophetic breakthrough i release breakthroughs i release breakthroughs i release breakthrough i speak it in your life i send an anointing into your life a breaker anointing a breakthrough anointing i send it into your life i send it into your academics i send it into your family i send it into your finances those you do not know i cause them to arise and help you i cause them to arrive and help you [Music] hallelujah hallelujah lift your hands everybody everywhere your gift is needed i command them to begin to talk about you in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i activate breakthrough for you in the name of jesus everywhere your gift is needed whoever needs your gift in nigeria i stand as a servant of god i command the connection in the realm of your spirit beginning from tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight in the name of jesus hallelujah i pray for every one of your family members looking for a job my god and my king tonight that testimonies rise from this message no matter how long tonight let someone talk to somebody talk to somebody and talk to somebody and connect them for breakthrough in the name of jesus [Music] for your family members i command help us those who will connect them to projects and contracts and opportunities yes they don't merit it but by the power of destiny help us i connect them to the breakthrough for the next level in the name of jesus when you have tried academically i connect you to help us professors who will help you administer will help you administer who will help you members in the senate who will help you whether for accommodation whether for your results whether for missing script whether for your wisdom whatever it is in the name of jesus [Music] as the senate and the faculty board members meet over your results and your performance may a strange man enter that meeting and not forget for you in the name of jesus [Music] anywhere they want to turn down your family members or turn down anything let the strange man come we don't want to know the name let a strange call come let a strange connection come i prophesied i release it to you in the name of jesus i release testimonies testimonies testimonies from this breakthrough experience beginning from tonight i command calls from destiny help us calls from destiny help us calls from destiny help us connections with destiny help us they will travel and come and meet you you will meet them on the street they will come to your homes in the name of jesus you will see them in your dreams god will connect you for every one of your family members that is supposed to be married and they are not married the husbands or the wives they are not in space they are here on earth lord we pray tonight as a family by the power that is in the name of the resurrected christ i pray let help us lead partners to their place in the name of jesus receive it in the name of jesus receive it in the name of jesus we command supernatural marital connections in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we find every devil we find every power that attempts to cause delay we set them free from every curse and every yoke of bondage be released in the name of jesus [Music] all through this week [Music] i want you to pray cry out and say lord bring them i believe you will share cheerful testimonies in this place as a result tonight i have shown you a very mighty secret don't forget to do so hold it every time you are praying over something the answer is in the hands of another person stop beating about the bush [Music] every man and every authority can answer when god calls yours is just to pray that god will connect you hallelujah we're going to pray he's just going to be praying in tongues now i want you to find a corner my brother my sister take your life serious in the next five minutes instrumentalist just judge the atmosphere for us last in tongues and refuse upon mount zion and it shall come to pass in that day and it supposed to pass in that day in that day in that day that the burden shall be taken from off your shoulder and the yoke from our neck and it shall be destroyed because of the unwantedness please pray pray please pray if you are tired hold the hands of somebody that can't agree with you second question pray for your destiny pray notices the victory of christ the work of jesus on the cross cannot be saved the substitutionary sacrifice of the son of the living god are not being the second that body shall be taken from my shoulder that look from my neck and noticing off in the name of jesus christ foreign pray for your family pray for your wife pray for your husband pray for your children arise oh god this is battle his is better this is better our eyes are god it's time to move forward it's time to move forward it's time to play clowns in the spirit it's time for the anointing of your destiny to come it's time for the ministry to open it's time for your finances to come it's time for prophecy to find a special design hello hallelujah we are going to pray this prayer is a serious prayer as we pray sisters i want you to lay your hands on your womb as we are praying brothers just praying tongues i'd like you to declare that no sin of any entity that is not of god will find i will not give birth to any stranger no less no matter the ordinances of the fathers no matter the enchantments of the ancients i come by a new order and i declare my will will produce that fear of the woman that will bruise the head of the serpent i cross five floyds i cross five broads is hallelujah hallelujah we are going to pray brothers i like you to pray the spirit that keeps men in one place you don't move forward you don't move backward you stay no productivity every gentleman here open your mouth and blast in tongues father in the heavens this is peter take it hallelujah listen demons came into being when the spirit assisted men so your victory comes into play when the spirit assists you it says i am the god of better i have seen the oppression that lebanon has done the victory will not just happen forget about the physical things in the realm of the spirit you are going to cry for divine assistance i provoke the ministry of angels offer every ourselves my life little voice has prayed prayers are not ministry spirits are they not ministry spirits my brothers and sisters are they're not ministry spirit sent to minister for them that be the heirs of salvation i called your sister from heaven oh god of joshua the helper of men the leader of marriage on assignment angels on assignment angel on assignment searching the weekend delivering the prophecy of god concerning my life hey hallelujah we're going to pray every attribute of the flesh that gives access to any spirit in my life by the mystery of the blood i declare that that door is closed forever leave your voice and pray come on lift your voice and pray so this hallelujah hallelujah what's he praying i tell you i feel fire in this place listen everything god has shown you either as a revelation from his word or as a revelation from the realm of the spirit you're going to declare jacob did not just see the spotted cups and left them in the realm of the spirit they had to come and interact the world must become flesh i'd like you to lick your voice and cry [Music] every dimension the prophetic the apostolic prosperity increase believers that god has shown me lord you showed me victory i declare i declare i declare is my sign expression right hallelujah hallelujah now this prayer we are going to pray listen carefully whether you're an usher or not please if anyone is under the anointing or manifesting around you just help them are we together the very serious prayer we're going to pray now you're going to pray that if by any means there is any spirit entity in my life or around me it's time for you to come out it's time for you to go listen as you pray this prayer many strange things will start happening to you don't worry about it you just focus on this prayer and pray with all your heart and watch what happens say in the name of jesus says in the name of jesus i decree and declare by the authority of the lord jesus christ that any spirit entity finding expression in my mind in my body around my life hear the word of the lord i cast you out of my life now leave your voice fire is holy shack i cast every spirit i cast every devil i cut every spirit by the power of the holy ghost my mind my body around my life around by nunonia in the name of jesus around my family if you are married also pray for your family pray for your children i cast every devil foreign hey in the name of jesus there's no place for you in my mind there's no place for you in my life i call against ordinances oh oh the lord is healing fibroid we see the lord healing now the lord is healing fibroid the lord is healing fibroid in the name of jesus i command that devil the lord is healing fibroid now the lord is ministering to me a mighty deliverance is going to happen now it's starting with ladies any spirit entity that comes in the form of a man and attempts to oppress you in the night right now in the name of jesus christ let the fire from heaven fall right now and command i command that spirit to go help them right now any spirit entity using the face of anyone to molest you and close doors inside outside i command deliverance now i command deliverance now let the daughters of jacob possess their possession in the name of jesus christ hallelujah i'm hearing in my spirit uncontrolled anger it's a spirit it's leaving people right now uncontrolled anger is an unusual anger rage it comes you can't see anything and you can do anything i'm seeing fire in the name of jesus christ anyone who is a victim of his operation right now in the name of jesus i bring you deliverance i bring you deliverance by the power of the holy ghost uncontrolled anger i come against it now foreign i'm seeing a vision and the lord is asking me to pray on that case in this vision i'm seeing someone dream that's what i'm seeing now and in that dream you keep seeing yourself going back either to your old house or to a primary school or writing an exam you are finished is a strong spirit of delay i stand by this apostolic and prophetic grace help your wife right now in the name of jesus the spirit of delay hear the word of the lord let those people go now one two three i command that spirit go now go now please help them go now this one thing i do forgetting the things that are behind no devil should take you back again i command that spirit god now i cross that spirit now if there is anyone you know whether you are here or anyone you know that for some reason has not been able to take in in the name of parentness whether you are here or you are standing for them i want you to agree i want to pray let's see the devil that will stop them from taking it in the name of jesus anyone you know and you are standing for that the devil i don't care what the medical report is that the devil has come to make sure that they will not celebrate children in the name that is above all names we release children from heaven in the name of jesus we release children from heaven we open every parenthood in the name of jesus christ [Music] hallelujah the lord is showing me a group of people you see you have dreams frequently and in the dreams you see yourself receiving things and it's something that in the physical you are hoping to receive but the moment you see it in that dream it will never happen again it's an irony it's like the opposite of what you see in dreams is what happens the lord is asking me to deliver those people now please help her help her just stand near your wife so that she doesn't have to fall right now in the name of jesus christ [Music] [Music] let there be deliverance for you now let there be deliverance for you now just two more points and we're done look at me if you have seen this pattern i'm about to describe in your family then i want you to listen carefully is always that the future is worse than the past you never have a situation where you live certain things and go higher and higher you look at all your loved ones there once walked they once married they once had children they once had a house you are in a situation where the future is never brighter than the past is always once upon a time this was happening i need to cross that devil from your life [Music] please help them once upon a time i was rich once upon a time i was married once upon a time i was on fire for god once upon a time i was a pastor i had a church no the part of the just is as a shining light that shine it ever brighter onto the perfect day when your tomorrow becomes worse than your yesterday there is a spirit reversing the equation lift your hands i want to pray for you in the name that is a book only i declare that any force from hell that is responsible for aborting a glorious tomorrow to take the events of the past and still bring it into your tomorrow right now at the count of three i declare that spirit must let you go one shot two three let them go now let them go now by the anointing of the holy ghost in the name of jesus christ [Music] hallelujah please just be patient with me we'll end now my spirit is heavy circles of repeated sicknesses i want to pray now it's not a normal thing whether it is hepatitis whether it is a blood related disease or whether it is every month malaria every month malaria every month i thought you treat it it still comes back every month headache every month whatever it is hold on please the lord is showing me something i just saw like a pile of money and then i saw it disappear and the lord said there are people money physically disappears like lives their life i'm not saying you waste it you can keep ten thousand and come back and find seven thousand and nobody was in that house it's not just money items you can wash clothes and hang it you you didn't steal it you will come back you will not find it listen well this is a deliverance series just allow me to help that lady i'm seeing a lady in a vision now you were alone you washed your underwear in the night by the next day you didn't find two of them again it's gone from that day something happened in your life in a strange way severe menstrual pain is one of the things you started having uncontrollable pain uncomfortable in the name of jesus everything the devil has taken from anyone i decree and declare by the anointing of the spirit let there be restoration now let there be restoration now let there be restoration now the lord is showing me someone every time you see someone die in the dream a few weeks later to happen physically now you have seen your loved ones you saw them last week you saw like somebody was announcing to you that i don't know if it's your mother or something that died if we don't pray for you it's going to happen in the name of jesus christ i declare all death where is thy sting all grace where is thy victory i prophesy right now upon your life by the anointing of the holy ghost i command that death to pass over your family i command that death to pass over your family hallelujah just just let me just talk about two issues i'm struggling to share what god is showing me now this has to do with a group of ladies listen [Music] there is a lady here every time you see yourself in a dream you are a man not a woman that's why i'm struggling to share what i'm saying physically you are a lady but every time you see yourself in a dream it's like you are carrying the form of a man this thing has affected you even in the area of relationship if a guy looks at you and says i love you it's like it's like um it's like you feel as if you are gay it's it's like something has numbed the capacity to receive love as a lady because of that encounter is a demonic thing that i have to pray for you for a very demonic thing i'm seeing like smoke this is strange and then it is it's just like moving around in the air wherever those groups of people are i don't believe it's just one person it's an operation of darkness in the name of jesus i stretch my hands right now and i decree and declare by the power of the holy ghost be free from that demonic siege now be free from that demonic siege now hold on there is a lady [Music] a physical person appear to you not a dream i'm not talking of your dreaming physically physical like you are seeing me like this appear to you and was having a conversation with you appeared to you and was having a conversation with you and from that conversation your life was never the same again it looked like it was a woman that was appearing and talking to you like revealing to you some secrets that had to do with the past and from that day you started hearing voices even in the afternoon you can sit down and hear like people are discussing i need to pray for you if i don't pray for you very soon they will admit you in the hospital because they'll say you are talking and behaving like somebody who has a psychosomatic condition wherever that person is in the name of jesus i may not call you up because of time but i declare right now by the anointing of the holy spirit that devil that spirit in the name of jesus be free from it now i was going to pray for repeated circles of sickness let that be the last let's pray if you know in this place that you find out that certain sicknesses never leave you they keep repeating cycles just place your hand on your chest i'm about to pray doesn't matter what part of your body and what sickness you just place your hand on your chest i'm going to pray someone will shout under the anointing when that happens the anointing for this healing is not a sickness it's a pattern that god is breaking now the moment that shout happens i will rebuke that and then we are done for the night we will continue the miracle service we will talk about it shortly thank you jesus just lay your hands there the power of god is looking for one person there's somebody that will shout that's the shout right now in the name of jesus by the anointing of the holy spirit sickness recurring disease right now by the power of the holy ghost i command the spirit responsible lose your heart now lose your heart now lose your heart now lose your head now lose your heart now hallelujah [Music] in this series i gave you an instruction our time is gone i want to give you another one now please listen very carefully i told us we have been doing it i know a number of you may not have been so faithful just try to be consistent do it out of revelation at least 15 minutes in the night wake up and pray pray in the spirit declare the victory of christ just forget about whatever dream or whatever experience you are having just do what i'm asking you to do are we together now hallelujah you're here you're not born again now is the time for you to have an experience with the lord jesus or you've given your heart to jesus this is the greatest of all breakthroughs that you start a personal relationship with the lord jesus christ and tonight let this be that night where you will begin a new walk with the lord i want to give you an opportunity everybody keep standing you're here and you've not given your heart to the lord or you've given your heart to the lord once but you found yourself derailing in the path of destiny i like you to leave your seat and come out quickly i want to pray with you is there any kind of person like that hallelujah please don't be afraid you need to come out leave your seat and come appreciate them someone is coming appreciate them don't remain in your seat appreciate them another brother is coming they are coming appreciate them this is the beginning of breakthroughs keep coming keep coming jesus is calling enough is enough keep appreciating them they are coming thank you for coming lord we celebrate you keep coming brother god bless you god bless you i see you sister god bless you god bless you god bless as many of you who are coming it's the beginning of a new journey it's the beginning of a new journey no devil will hold you no devil will keep you my sister god bless you keep coming keep coming this is why god brought you tonight keep coming the lord bless you no matter what the challenge is keep coming [Music] hallelujah thank you so much for coming the greatest way to activate breakfast in your life and to secure a life both in this realm and in the life to come is to give jesus your heart no one condemns you but tonight we want you to start a real joy i believe that the holy spirit brought you out by himself and i salute you for the courage hallelujah lift your right hand and pray after me everyone standing say lord jesus i come before you tonight unable to help myself i believe that jesus is lord over my life i confess my sins and i declare that jesus is lord i receive eternal life into my spirit from today i'm born again for whatever backward never holy spirit come and live in me make me a great tool in the hands of the lord in the name of the lord jesus now let me pray for you father preserve these ones you brought them out by your spirit preserve them i pray that their salvation will last it will be genuine and lord that they will begin to grow from grace to grace in the name of the lord jesus christ i curse every devil of darkness that we want you to move back into whatever you were doing before you came to the lord let this be a new beginning for you in the mighty name of jesus christ thank you so much for coming
Channel: SBiC Connect
Views: 4,680
Rating: 4.9605913 out of 5
Keywords: Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak's Videos, Koinonia Videos, SBiC Connect, AJS, Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2020, About Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2021, Apostle Joshua Selman's New Sermons, Apostle Joshua Selman Powerful Sermon 2021, Koinonia Global, Koinonia Abuja, Koinonia Zaria, Commanding Results, Joshua Selman, Selman, Nimmak, Apostle, joshua, Selman's Videos, Online Sermons
Id: LXA6_o0OaEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 313min 24sec (18804 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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