I'm Not Built To Break - Bishop Noel Jones

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[Music] [Applause] I want you to go with me for a few minutes I was going one way and then you know I remember the old-time preacher would say the Lord changed his thought as if as if the Lord didn't know what he wanted him to do before the foundation of the world it's the preacher who didn't know what the Lord wanted and so I think I caught up now go with me to Daniel chapter three and I won't keep you long you know some messages you can get into and and find a way out of quickly others you get stuck you did you just gotta go all the way in Daniel chapter 3 of course we all know the story very well of Nebuchadnezzar and the King of course made an image of gold and I'll read very quickly whose height was threescore cubits and the breadth of threescore thereof six cubits and he set it up in the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon this is Daniel chapter three and of course the king he sent to gather together the princess of governor's the captains the judges the treasurers the counselors the sheriffs and all the rulers of the provinces to come to the dedication of the image which Nebuchadnezzar the King had set up then the princess of course they repeat all of them they gathered together unto the dedication verse three of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the King had set up and they stood before the image that the King had set up and then and they were cried aloud to you it is commanded o people nations and languages there at the time you hear the sound of the cornet flute harp sackbut psaltery dulcimer and all kinds of music you fall down and worship the golden image at the Nebuchadnezzar the King had set up and who sold there's always you know there's always something and whoso falleth not down and worship death shall the same hour be cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace therefore at the time when you hear of course the sound of the cornet flute harp sackbut psaltery and all kinds of music all the people the nations and the languages fell down worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the King had set up where for at that time certain Chaldeans came there and accused the Jews they spake and said to the king Nebuchadnezzar O king live forever thou o King has made a decree that every man that shall hear the sound of the cornet flute harp sackbut psaltery dulcimer and all kinds of music shall fall down and worship the golden image and whoso falleth not down to worship it that he would be cast into the midst of burning fiery furnace there are certain Jews whom thou has set up now and imagined they emphasized who thou has set up over the affairs of the province of Babylon Shadrach Meshach and Abednego these men O king have not regarded thee they serve not by God's nor worship the golden image which thou has set up the Nebuchadnezzar in his rage notice now rage and fury commanded to bring Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and then they brought these men before the King Nebuchadnezzar speak ins and said unto them is it true oh sure at Michigan Abednego do you not ye serve My gods now notice now he separates his gods from the golden image nor worship the golden image which I am sorry now if he be ready that at what time he hear the sound of the cornet flute harp sackbut psaltery dulcimer and all kinds of music you fall down and worship the image which I have made well but if he worship not he shall be cast the same hour in the midst of a burning fiery furnace and who is that God that shall deliver you out of my ears Shadrach Meshach Abednego answered and said unto the King or Nebuchadnezzar we are not careful we're not careful at all to answer you concerning this matter if it be so our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of thine hand O king but if not be it known unto thee O king that we will not serve thy God's nor worship the golden image which thou has set up and now notice 19 then was nebuchadnezzar full of fury and the form of his visage was changed against Shadrach Meshach and Abednego he commanded the furnace to be heated seven times hotter than it was he got all this mighty men and told them to throw them in the fire and of course the mighty men died outside the fire and the boys were alive in the fire and he looked in the fire and he was a started in verse 24 and rose up in haste counselors did not we cast three men bound into the midst of the fire they answered and said to the king choking he answered and said lo I see four men loose walking in the midst of the fire and they have no hurt and the form of the four and the real interpretation should be is like one of the gods like the son of God look at somebody with all the ebullience you can muster and tell them I'm not built to break [Applause] when you consider and III think I should consider Nebuchadnezzar first because Nebuchadnezzar believe it or not one's very narcissistic ego maniac Oh tyrant he was extremely have you ever seen anyone who is really sold on themselves and it's interesting that he conquered Miniver City that was claimed never to be conquered at the age of seventeen he conquered Nineveh at the age of seventeen and he conquered them with fifty thousand men who the historians call skiddly ins the skiff Ian's were regarded as the fiercest group of human beings who had ever lived at the time and they were so mean and so cruel that when they conquered people they would tie the foreign soldiers to their chariots and they pulled them apart running the chariots in four different directions and Nebuchadnezzar control them not with any sort of council not with any kind of government Nebuchadnezzar control them by the fierceness of his own personality and character he controlled these men by the age of 25 he was world ruler he conquered and he controlled the world by the age of 25 can you imagine having a narcissistic ego mania Cole - Rinna chol person who controls the world at the age of 25 now I don't mind being around people with power if they're mature enough to handle it and my mother's here just wait yeah and mom it's good to see it and it's alright to be around people who have great power as long as they have balance it's like giving your child power over you and over everything around you when they aren't mature enough to be able to handle Nebuchadnezzar was the kind of fella that she just didn't play with because you didn't know where he was at any given time he may choose to put an image up of himself and the image according to history was not of one of his gods but the image was an image of himself and three Hebrew boys obviously they confronted him in a very powerful manner and they stood up against him in a way that showed they believed in God I'm going in here very easy because I want you to understand that it is difficult to grasp that they could have had any faith at all particularly with what they had been through and then me argued from another point of view whenever you see any kind of battle in the Old Testament you will understand that the battle is actually a battle of gods its battle of gods because each nation went before their God before they went into battle and it was assumed then that the God who was most proficient the God who was most powerful would give them the victory in battle the interesting thing here is that God job never had an image of himself put up he would not allow an image of himself because any image of himself would have to be garnished by our sensual perception God has always allowed himself to be outside of our sensual perception which means that none of us have seen him we have not smelled him and when the Bible says o taste and see that the Lord is good he's not speaking about tasting him literally but rather it's metaphorically to indulge yourself in the things of God and wonder how great he can be yea I have never heard him audibly I've heard people said the Lord spoke to me but he has never called my name audibly I've never heard him say no l need to talk to you I I haven't quite had that privilege and I have not touched him with my hands because he leaves himself outside of our sensual perception whereas the other nations they were able to form gods and they drew their gods and they had their gods in visibility and of course my God cannot be brought within the parameters of sensual perception because how do you form the shape of an omnipresent God I mean what shape would you have of him it was always a battle of gods because each nation would go to their God and the children of Israel the difficulty was that he would not allow himself within the parameters of sensual perception I think I'd like that because what he does is when he takes himself outside of our sensual perception he has to speak to us on a spiritual level that means that the relationship with God cannot be cognitive it can't be intellectual really it's got to be spiritual and it's where his spirit speaks to my spirit over the bridge of faith and then he lets my spirit talk to my mind can I go over that again you see because of sensual perception sensual perception limits you to whatever your senses can garnish but when he takes himself outside of your sensual perception what he's saying essentially is that the relationship that I want to have with you is not cognitive or intellectual but the relationship that I want to have with you is very spiritual in order to grasp this even further we think a little bit about the Holy Spirit that maketh intercession with groanings that cannot be uttered a groaning that cannot be uttered is not a it's not a mean if it can't be uttered there is no sound at all which means that God is making deposits in your spirit that you are not cognitively aware of he spoke to Elijah if I may go further and he spoke to Elijah in a steel small voice and please tell me if you will what is a still small voice it is a voice that you're not picking up audibly but rather it's going to your spirit see God has left himself outside of our sensual perception so that he might deal with us deeply in our spirit and then he lets our spirits talk to our minds about an assurance that is not intellectually deduced it is not cognitively achieved because it's something that is just in your spirit I feel something happening already now it's interesting because somebody's holding out on me and the fact is how can you have peace which passeth all understanding if your relationship with God is simply intellectual because if the peace he gives you has to be a spiritual peace that your mind cannot even conceive of why you are so peaceful according to everything that you have cognitively deducted you should be one mess right now but because he has made a deposit in your spirit and he has spoken to your spirit you have an assurance that you cannot even explain somebody's still holding out on me I think I'll take it further there were two boys in their mothers alone there were two boys in two separate rooms one's name was John and the other was Jesus the two boys were unconscious in their mother's womb I know Jesus is God but he was not reading The Jerusalem Tribune in his mother's alone if he's human at all he is conscious in his mother's womb the two mothers came together I think it's Mary who went out into the country to visit Elizabeth and the two boys were in their mother's womb separated by two thin layers of cutaneous tissue and yet still when the mothers came together the Bible said that John left in his mother's womb because he was in the presence of Jesus to show you how spiritual it is the man John the boy is unconscious in his mother's womb yet even in his unconscious state it receives revelation of who Jesus is and indeed and in fact he receives the Holy Spirit without saying hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus now years later the conscious John sends word to Jesus oh god I wonder do you get it the unconscious John had no doubt about who Jesus was yet the conscious John sends messages and ask are you the one or should we look for another and I just rose to tell you don't ever let your mind talk you out of your revelry it was a babble of God's you see it was a battle of gods and notice if you will that the three Hebrew boys Hananiah Mishael and Azariah the three Hebrew boys had been on a steady decline it was not that they had just walked into Babylon and they were standing as real I said advocates or ambassadors from Israel if you noticed the decline you will find first of all that they were defeated by Nebuchadnezzar because Israel couldn't actually be defeated by anybody if they walked according to the principles of God I am Not Afraid of my enemies when I'm walking in principle uh-huh you got haters everywhere but I'm not afraid of my haters when I'm walking in principle it's when I'm walking outside of the principles of God that I have to worry about do the rumors and about who is going to bring me down because as long as I'm walking within the parameters of the principles of God then I don't have to worry about what anybody has to say because it's the principle that protects I don't want to be too helter-skelter here but jesus said to his disciples he says obey my Commandments and abide in my love because as long as you're walking within the confines of my commandments then no weapon formed against you can prosper and the enemy can only get you when you're walking outside of the principles of God many of us say well we have angels to protect us but what is an angel an angel is a messenger it's not the angel that protects you as much as the message that the angel brings because if you walked within the parameters of the principle it doesn't matter how many haters are around you and I'll just give you this one if you don't have any haters you're not that gifted and and it's significant he's here and it's very important because Israel would not walk according to the principles of God the Lord raised up nations to chasten them to bring them back within the confines of his word he would raise up nations and because everybody thought it was a battle of gods then they thought that Jehovah had lost his power if you look through Isaiah you see often where he tells them I am God and beside me there is no other if you think that you're being defeated because some other God is greater than me you're making a mistake I'm the one who's whooping you through them I raise them up and I take them down because if you walk according to my principles you never have to worry about any I want you to see the extent of the spirituality and the connection of the Spirit that these fellows had with God now first of all they have lost the battle and secondly they are taken out of their homeland they are the most pristine and the most significant of all of the fellows in Israel because Nebuchadnezzar made sure that he collected the most pristine the most physical pulchritudinous magnanimous splendor he made sure that they had no blemish that they were intellectually alert and astute enough to understand his Austral adji and to learn everything that was significant to his nation he took the best of the best the creme of the creme I mean he took the fellows who were just everything now not only had they lost the battle they lost their place not only did they lose their place they also lost all of the treasures that belonged to the temple not only did they lose their place lose the treasures lose the battle he took him over and he made eunuchs out of them yes he did indeed you know can you imagine now I'm serving God and I'm on a downhill slide I'm on a downhill slide where we have lost the battle we have lost all of our precious and all of our sacred stuff we have lost our place and now we have lost our manhood with all of the beauty and the wonder of who we are we will never produce an offspring because Nebuchadnezzar has made eunuchs out of all of us now can you imagine where faith could possibly come from when they have been losing from the day that they lost their battle all the way to this day and yet they had the unmitigated gall and audacity to say to the king we are not going to bow I feel it here I just got a few minutes to go I promise I will not keep you long when you understand that the sensual perception is always against faith because what you have is sight against faith and every child of God has to deal with the reality of your environment the things that you see and the reality of the things that you don't see the Greeks when they talked about fear they talked about fear from the word Fobus and it means flat and anytime you see phobia of any kind that's the route that illogical root word is focus and it means fright that which causes one to be scared it's something that introduces terror and and and the terror generally comes from your sensual perception from what you see around you for what you hear and and then of course they added another word to it and this word is Delia this is not something that comes necessarily from the outside this is just an attitude that an individual has you can raise two children and one's very bold and the other is just timid just timid by Nature not timid by circumstances just nature some people that just timid just scared to do everything some people are just shy it's the word that Paul deals with when he talks about Timothy and Timothy he wants him to be bold and he doesn't want him to be timid he wants him to be able to partake of the affliction of the gospel and so it's not just an act now Delia speaks more of a spirit it's a kind of way that you are now can you imagine being timid by nature and then being scared by circumstance you know I'm already timid please for God's sake don't bring anything around me that's going to be scary because my genetics already lead me to be timid now there should be a certain amount of caution in everybody's life because caution helps you to assess circumstances and teaches you how to position yourself but when it comes to being in a situation that you have absolutely no control over then you have to be able to trust I'm here to tell you for those of us who trust the least we want to control the most because if I can control it then I don't have to trust it you know that's why he gave you a beeper that's why he gave you all of those she's so that and he's already timed how long it takes to go to the grocery store and get back it oughta be 15 minutes over 15 minutes back give her two or three minutes for the groceries and to get it in and out of the car and after that I'm calling because the more you can control the less you have to trust trust comes when you're in a situation where you don't have any control it's either you're going to trust or lose your mind I feel something happening I'm I'm coming I'm almost there it's critical because now the word for caution to the Greeks then became reverence and godly fear and the whole idea is if I'm going to fear anybody I need to fear God who can put both body and soul into Hellfire I don't need to fear anybody less than a God because God is the only one who has total charge over everything so even though I'm on a downhill slide I'm not connected to God through my sensual perception I'm connected to God through my spirit which means you can mess with everything I can sensually perceive but you can't break my spirit fill it here let me go to the text very quickly I just want to talk a little about the Hebrew the Hebrew word for fear is paja and it's a very strong verb of fearing with the emphasis on the immediacy of the object of fear in other words you're doing fine until something shows up that sets you off to the point where you even begin to tremble it's a strong emotion of fear I don't know have you ever been there but I've been there in my life where I was just about having a panic attack anybody familiar with panic attack it's the kind of place where you can't find any peace it's a kind of place where you think you're gonna lose it at any minute and generally it has been stimulated by something that's external that's trying to become internal it's trying to break into where you see Satan just doesn't want you to have experiences without leaving a mark what he wants you to do is go through something that leaves you psychologically debilitated so that the next opportunity for you to make a move you're so caught up in the past with the things you have failed in that you will not take a step that is guided by the Spirit of God oh he wants to break you down have I told you touch your neighbor yet or it's coming just hold on it's a critical piece because now it's the object that causes fear that allows the subject to tremble and the whole point is to intimidate and and break you down to feel as if you cannot stand in the midst of what's about to happen the Lord said to the judges in Israel he said fear not the face of men don't let any social position or any adversary in any litigation intimidates you and sway you from your judgment if you know this thing is right then stand to it the next Hebrew word was one that is to pursue or cast down it it's a word that talks about driving the enemy wants to drive you and again we're talking about the external stuff we're talking about horrific people horrific situations that are designed for the outward display to generate an inward breakdown are you going to be there with all of your talent and allow some little chip that's missing to keep you from being all that you can be when are you going to get over what you didn't achieve yesterday for what you can achieve tomorrow when are you going to allow yourself to be released from satanic control over your mind because you are already gifted but what Satan wants to do is use your sensual perception to cause your environment to control your thinking what God wants to do is allow your faith in his spirit and world to talk to your mind to tell your mind that you're not driven from the outside but you're driven from the inside and when you stand up with what's inside what's outside has got to bow down I feel something helping just give me give me just a few more minutes and I'll be through you see now faith on the other hand is the substance of things hoped for it is actually the Hoopoe status of things hope for it is the L a toss of things not seen so what we have now is we have substance and we have assurance or conviction it's something when you can have a conviction that has nothing to do with your sensual possession looking at a horrific situation but I am convicted that this situation does not determine where I go it is not my circumstance that controls me but rather it is my faith in the mighty God can I take it another way a Moulton and Mulligan when they look at the word hostesses they regarded as a title deed and what it says essentially is that this is a title for what I have hoped for in god I buy properties all over the place in fact I just bought some way over in some Island and I haven't seen it yet and somebody said well how do you know you have it the title I don't have to see the land in order for me to declare it's mine because I have the title Moulton and Milligan says that faith is the title of the things that you have believed God for just a minute for 45 years Caleb had the title he had never worked in the land but he had the title now touch somebody for the first time and tell them I'm entitled for everything I believe God for entitled and entitled to be more than I am because I've been restricted by fear because of my circumstance but now that I've connected to God and I believe God I am entitled to the things that I have believed in for I'm not going to keep you too much longer I feel it coming on when I looked at the text and I understood this that there are some unseen realities and what I need is internal evidence of ownership and this is what I call assurance it brings us them to the new testament word distance and this is a firm persuasion or a conviction of something that I believe if you don't believe it who will if you can't stand up for what you believe will you have to stand up on it and you don't need a committee to become what God would have you to be I feel it now all right just keep me right there it's important to understand why God has left himself outside of our perception our sensual perception and I'm glad he did because no one of us can dictate to the other one of us how we conceptualize our God I don't have to have your concept of God I am free to have my own concept of God because he's left himself outside of my sensual perception you can't draw a picture of my God and I know that we're in the same church but each one of us have an idio deceitful concept of God it's idiot it's completely distinctive because I can't believe God the way you do and you can't believe God the way I do because it's idiosyncratic it's mine and I see him where you don't see him and you conceptualize him where I don't that's why we fellowship because it takes all of us to put together the complete picture of a mighty God if you choose to make in small that's your business but you cannot impose a small God on me because I choose to make him big and that's what I want him to be I feel some happening in here god I feel it just give me just a few more minutes it's true now then that fear has an object but faith has an object also and you've got to decide is your God bigger than what you're looking at is your God bigger than Nebuchadnezzar because even on the down hill slide from being the pristine Prince's of Israel to becoming you not losing even their manhood they still had the nerve to stand before the king and say first of all knowledge says he is able but faith says he will but commitment says if you don't even do it we're still bow I'm almost there feel something that give somebody a high five say he's almost there it's a critical piece here now because I used to simply think that that faith on the one hand said that he is able and faith says he will of course knowledge says he's able but he's sovereign which means that he's God he may or he may not the issue is we're still not going to bow I can't lose if I die because if I can't live for what I would die for then my life is not worth living so I can't lose if I die and I sure can't lose if he delivers me the only way I can lose is if I bow and that's and that's not what I'm going to do lose if he brings me out I lose if I die believing but if I bow then you have got the advantage over me so King let me just tell you I am NOT going to bow which means you can't win if you kill me you can't win if you leave me alive you can't win there because I am NOT built take my house if you want take my car if you want walked out on me if you choose turn your back on me if you want to but that's not going to break me because I'm not built to break I feel the Holy Ghost here I just come to tell you these have been trying times and these have been hard times particularly for us who walk in the kingdom of God because for 25 years we have heard nothing but health wealth and prosperity for 25 years we have given in every offering and by now all of us should be millionaires the word is that more of us are losing our minds than any other time in the history of the african-american race and we're losing our minds over things I feel like preaching now but please tell me can you frighten Lazarus with death he already died before and I don't know why you're losing your mind over being broke been broke before I feel I am in just a little church I feel like having a little Church give somebody a high five and say neighbor I'm not built to break I've got too much anointing to fall apart I've got too much of the world in me to let the devil cause me to think that I'm gonna lose my mind I'm not gonna lose my mind over losing a house cuz I'm gonna need my mind to decorate the next one I'm not gonna lose my mind over losing a man cuz I won't need my mind to be good to the next one don't lose my mind over losing a woman cuz I'm gonna lose my mind to make sure the other one is all right give somebody a high five say I'm not losing my mind cuz I wasn't built to break if I was going to break a long time ago gonna break I woulda broke when Satan had my house twisted and turned upside down but I found out through the tests and the trial there's something on the inside that no matter how low I get it bounces back thought I was gonna walk out but my anchor holds and grips the solid rock I'm not built to play in the middle of the storm because the reason the house is still standing it's not because of the storm the storm may blow the winds may come but the reason the house is still standing is because it's built on the right foundation shake somebody's hand for the third time and say neighbor I've been build on the road foundation I've been built on the Word of God built on my solid rock the gates of Hell shall not prevail against time and say neighbor [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you've been talked about you've been mistreated you've been drowned but you're still here still praising time ago but you're still [Music] [Applause] bill to break get somebody happened but the second to the last time neighbor [Music] [Music] [Music] how many times [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] but I bet that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to play that's three people say I felt drag [Music] don't break [Music] workmanship [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and closing times upon me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I closed already three times I'm gonna close for the closing time [Applause] my my first view of that's that the response to limited measure was he the God we serve is able and I ascribed that to knowledge says he's able and he will deliver us out of your hand [Applause] and I said faith says he will and if not we're not gonna commitment I meditated on it further and I discovered something first of all he said we're gonna heat the fire hot I'm going to cast you into the fiery furnace that was separate see I I assume that delivering them from the fiery furnace was the first tool because Nebuchadnezzar said I will put you in the furnace and who is that God that will deliver you out of my head which makes now for a separate issue because the first issue now so to be delivered out of the fire the second is to be delivered out of his hand see you can have a boss who is seeking to fire you and she tries in January and failed she tries in February and failed so even though you've been delivered from the incident you still not delivered out of her hand because she still the boss he will deliver us out of your hair now when Daniel was in the lion's den God spoke to him but he didn't show up when Israel was coming out of Egypt God delivered them but he didn't lead the child so why is he in the fire see he's in the fire not to deliver them from the burning fiery furnace because they were already delivered from that when they were put in there and walking around what he showed up to do we over here in Printz yard district this is Crenshaw and we used to be over on on Hoover now we got little more sophistication we went out to Gardena but but you all know when somebody's being pumped yes yes yes and it go because now he says I see a fourth one and the fourth one looks like one of the guards you were punking my boys outside the fire now I'm getting ready to Punk you inside the fire and what I'm saying the you Nebuchadnezzar is touch my boys again mess with them again mess with them again if you feel like it understand who you dealin with you ain't dealing just with these boys you dealing with me and never could necess war that day that they would worship no have a God because he is the most gods can deliver you shake somebody's hand you're gonna check it off and tell them I'm not bill to break together [Applause] take one person by both hands get a prayer partner one person by both hands Paul taught me not only to pray before but pray after pray that the eyes of your understanding being light that you may know three things and the third ISM the exceeding greatness of his power to us what who believe friend of mine said something to me in one of my most gloomy times he said to me he said know who's in there thinking with you psychologist Miami he said ain't nobody up here thinking but you you're the one doing the thinking in here so whatever you allow yourself to think it's either going to break you or strengthen you who's thinking in there every negative thing that's been suggested you don't have to think on it nobody's controlling your thought mechanism but you so so what several things are pure honest good report think all the things that strengthen you sometimes you gotta eliminate to elevate and you got some people around you that just got to go they got to go father you said to us what's of the things we bind on earth are bound in heaven but said things we loose on earth or loosed in heaven you gave us that authority squeeze one hand I banged out a pine low self-esteem her mind depression a mind discouragement behind every negative thought that would flow through my brother my sister right now I'm fine to worry and anxiety I come against that spirit right now I come against it with everything that the Holy Ghost has to give in the name of Jesus I bind it now I find shortsightedness at Brian procrastination get up shake yourself move move while it's day 4 the night cometh when no man shall work this is your season and I squeeze the other hand I loose power and lose anointing and lose creativity I'm loose direction revelation I lose everything you are right now in the name of Jesus somebody loose your hands and give God the praise get caught the prick give him the friends will not be together when I can leaving here sorry you
Channel: Official Bishop Noel Jones
Views: 468,351
Rating: 4.8210158 out of 5
Id: xOQbiwzwhDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 51sec (3531 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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