Cracking Any Lock from $1 to $500

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that is me being handcuffed to RL and then throwing the only key away and that is still me running away from a safe that it's about to blow up now the reason I'm doing all that is because I don't trust locks anymore mainly after finding out it takes seconds to pick them and also after seeing this guy opening a lock with a match well maybe the problem is that I've always used cheap locks but what happens when you get to the expensive ones do they actually get less useless my plan to find out was to test six different locks putting a lot of valuable stuff on the line and myself all to find out if there is at least one lock that it's actually worth having lock number one is a $10 lock from Amazon and I mean it's not a bad lock it got a bunch of great reviews but still it's the cheapest one on the list and well my plan to test this lock was to chain my laptop so there was no way to get it and then secure the chain with the lock and since I need this laptop for basically everything I do keeping the keys was a safety net in case I messed up and I couldn't open the lock anymore but I thought about about that later the good news is that now I had to be 100% committed to opening the lock to get my laptop back and if the lock could survive that it means it's actually a good one right now I had two options picking the lock normally as it did with many others in the past or trying the sketchiest method I found on YouTube which is probably fake and it could totally mess up the lock mechanism making it impossible to them pick the lock so I bought a bunch of matches the plan was to extract the reactor chemicals out of the match hats and then crush them into powder basically making a bomb next I started pouring all the powder into the lock mechanism and I kept repeating the same process until the mechanism was filled Now by following the sketchy videos I definitely shouldn't trust by Catching Fire the powder should magically open the lock if this doesn't work and my laptop explodes this video is going to end all right I was actually a little scared at this point because if you think about this rationally which I didn't this thing could definitely blow [Music] up so I checked the lock to see if the magic actually happened and well it didn't then I went into panic mode I kept trying over and over like I tried a bunch of times and it didn't work a single one however I couldn't pick the lock anymore since the lock mechanism was probably broken and so my laptop was officially trapped so at this point I was considering invested in a circular saw but luckily then I realized there was another method I could try the double wrench method this time I also got a reliable source lock piy lawyer is a legend among locksmiths and people locked out of their houses so if he says this method works I definitely trust him also the technique is pretty easy you buy some ranches you insert the ranches into to the shackle and then you push as hard as you can hoping to break the shackle of the lock and even though I work out and stuff at the first attempt the ranches didn't do anything to the lock but they hurt me instead God this is so painful what but then I realized that something actually happened I cut out a perfect circle from the lock but then I try it again while standing up and most importantly using safety glasses and this time yes oh no way no way I broken and after pushing a bit [Music] more come on come on yes the lock was broken and my laptop was free yes the second lock is around $20 and it's a key save you know the same wants to using thousands of airbnbs on the planet so learning to crack this would allow me to spend nights in a bunch of fancy places for free joking I would never do that but I like to keep the option moreover since I set high stakes for the first First Lock I felt ah Hadad to keep it consistent and so this time I put the keys of my apartment on the line then I set up a random combination lock the safe and turn the dials so that my keys were stuck inside at this point there was no coming back and the only method I knew that could open this safe I got it from another sketch YouTube video so yeah the key safe has a combination lock mechanism but un likee a normal combination lock in which you simply pull the shackle and test different combinations this one I got nothing to pull luckily the only thing I need to open the key safe is actually just paper let me explain imagine the mechanism of each of these wheels having this sort of shape it's not a full circle but there is a flat part on it and when all the wheels are aligned in this flat part the key safe opens and now that you know that I can explain the paper thing if we place this piece of paper in here and turn the wheels the piece of paper should always stay at the same level but when we arrive at the flat part of the mechanism the paper should drop a little bit and that's how we know that that is the right number so I placed a piece of paper next to the wheel and then I started turning it testing different numbers I didn't feel anything for the first few numbers but then oh I felt it I felt it that's crazy it's kind of hard to see but I clearly felt the paper dropping on the number two and then I simply repeated the process for the rest of the wheels three 2 now 2852 sets the flat part of the wheels on top but to open the safe we got to move the flat part to the bottom and after a series of calculations I realized that to do that we need to add five to each number we found basically two becomes seven eight becomes three five becomes zero and two becomes seven all right this is either going to work or or I had to tell my girlfriend that willingly locked ourselves out of the house yes yes and no way that actually worked that was nothing though because for the next lock I wouldn't lock something away but but someone the extremely important person to me that I'm locking away is myself these are the keys of the handcuffs and now those wear the kiss of the handcuffs I'm going to pick them up later hopefully the only thing I have with me is a paper clip now the reason I decided to use a paperclip is because of how handcuffs work so when you lock the handcuffs the red mechanism you see there holds the handcuffs and doesn't allow them to open so the theory is that if you insert a paper clip into the keyhole you could LIF the red me mechanism and let the handcuffs open of course when I started trying I immediately realized this wasn't going to be as easy as I was expecting first of all it was hard to insert the paper clip into the hole and then the weird position I was in while it wasn't helping I kept trying for 10 minutes and then I broke the first paper clip this one is gone so I only have three paper clips with me right now I'm not sure why to be honest I thought three were more than enough so I start trying with the second one I'm feeling the mechanism I feel it it's there I just got to be firm enough to push it down the main problem is that I didn't know the 100 paper clips I bought from the Chinese store at 99 Cents were going to be that weak but after a few minutes I was bending even the second one ah you know I don't think I'm a fan of warm weather while being handcuffed to our L but then something nice happened for the first time oh I felt a movement inside there come on I I think I'm close and indeed I was oh yes every single time you hear the click it means some touch in the mechanic and then I'm losing it to pull the mechanism down I had to somehow get a better grip and I tried to achieve so by bending the thing at a 90° angle using my powerful tongue and I didn't mean to do any sexual joke there anyways I didn't know if he was working but after another 10 minutes this happened yes yes yes oh my God yes yes oh my God I was swearing so much I was I was losing hope and after removing the second handcuff I was ready to move to the big guys like literally in terms of price and size lock number four costs $150 and it's a biometric padlock which basically means it has no keys you can either open it by inserting a combination or using your fingerprint and I expected this one to be the best luck ever first because it's expensive and expensive things are always the best ones kind of like this guinea pig armor that's sold for $24,000 that is much much more durable than the one I built for mine but the main reason I thought this lock could be a good one is because it can't be cracked it can't be picked and there is no paper trick to go around it but I knew I had one chance besides this circular saw my plan was to try the double wrench method once again but this time using way bigger wrenches so I tried pushing as hard as I could so hard that even my her was struggling but I couldn't do it and I maybe also know why the double wrench method applies Force to a pretty strong part of the lock and in reality the right way to do it would be to do it vertically like this this way we would apply Force to the weakest part of the shule and the chances of breaking it get exponentially higher the only problem my wrenches were too small so I tried a few alternative methods to fill the Gap inside a shule but obviously nothing worked nope so I bought bigger wrenches this was the normal one this was the big one and this is the new one unfortunately even the new ranches were not enough to fill the space in the shackle but what happens now if I place the three previous skis on the bottom [Music] and there I realized this could actually work now honestly this hasn't been easy at all I was expecting the shackle to blow up but it never happened the shackle kept slowly lifting a rich attempt and I kept adding ranches to fill the space and when I arrived at six ranches I finally got it open [Music] yes open I'm a fan of this thing though it's been a struggle to break it before moving to the explosive stuff I wanted to test the $350 lock they actually Market it as the world's strongest bad look and well I don't think they're lying it is insanely big especially if you compare it to this tiny lock but just to make it look like it it's actually really heavy though just above 2 kg or a desert eagle in American units anyways I tried to open it with the double wrench method and it did absolutely nothing to it but then I noticed that despite the appearance this thing actually has a normal lock mechanism so I maybe I had a chance of opening this lock by picking it I learned to do that three years ago and it's actually really easy basically padlocks have a bunch of pins inside and because they're all a different length they stop the lock cylinder from turning the key basically aligns all the pins allowing the lock to open so the goal of lock picking is to align those pins using these tools instead of the keys use the pick to push the pins up and the torque wrench to rotate the shackle so that the pins don't fall back down so I started digging around inside the lock but seemed like 3 years of not trying to steal anyone's stuff meant had lost my skills wise choice for me to to not chame myself at a pole for this one then I heard a few pins clicking which means I was doing something right and when I thought I was finally making progress this happened so I basically just tried a different picking tool and it doesn't come out anymore and even though after a while I got it out I started doubting my lock picking skills Swit ride with two normal locks to see if I could open at least those and I actually did it pretty easily so I guess the big lock was the problem or the solution depending on which side you play for to convince this lock to open I then tried an unconventional method and it didn't work but then as you can clearly see here something unexpected and extremely important happened sorry boys I had to abandon the challenge props to the big lock though even lockpicking lawyer struggled a tiny bit to get it open so it's definitely a good one the last lock is a save it was supposed to be $500 but I blew the budget for this video with a previous lock so it's still a really good save though it has this kind of keys and I have no idea how to pick that so the only possible solution was fire power my plan was to start with one firecracker and then keep adding more till I got the safe open obviously my main concern was not blowing up with a safe but no worries I had it all figured it out so I got plenty of time like 30 seconds after I let up the fir cracker and I'm going to hide behind that wall right there and in addition to that I also had protective goggles they are protective goggles right so I lit up the first one and ran as fast as I [Music] could the explosion was super loud but even though there was some damage to the safe it was for sure not enough to open it so then I tried with three firecrackers and just so you know I'm on private land so I can safely do this just not sure who's the owner but this time it did a little more but it still wasn't enough so you can probably guess what I wanted to do next five firecrackers they were kind of starting to look like a stack of dynamite to be fair and the sound was always terrifying like I'm shocked every single time but this time even the damage was pretty good it completely turned the safe I think it's getting open guys now I could see the BS and I was confident that the next hit was going to do it so now I wanted to try with six fire crackers please don't try this at home guys because we have all the safety precaution like wearing Amazon goggles and running away as fast as possible anyways I lit the firecrackers one more time and I was scared the police would come so I really hoped this was the last [Music] one oh yeah I destroyed it oh my God oh my God it's completely gone so yeah after 4 firecrackers the safe was defeated now I'm not sure a thief would actually use this method but if you are one let me know in the comments Jokes Aside the conclusion to all this is that I keep the big padlock and if you don't want to spend that much on a lock maybe the solution is just to trust people a bit more thank you for watching if you enjoyed this video subscribe and watch another one
Channel: Mike Shake
Views: 3,356,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mike shake, Skills, Learning new skills, Learn skills, learning skills, yesgo, mike, mike skills
Id: c-jALYCMOz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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