I Built the World's Smallest House

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this is the smallest functional house in the world complete with running water electricity a kitchen and even a toilet I'm going to show you how I built this and spend 24 hours living in it to answer one question just how tiny can a house actually get as home prices have shot through the roof over the last decade tiny living has become more and more popular we've gone from container homes to tiny homes on Wheels to Van life to truck campers to this dude in London who lives in a dumpster and that led me to think just how far can this go what is the smallest living space a human could actually live in more specifically a human who is about as flexible as a walnut and is the same height as a fully grown female OST to find out I'm going to do what any reasonable person would and go build the smallest house in the world but to do that I first need to find the current record holder the first thing I came across is the 1 square meter house which is super Innovative and that it can be flipped to transformed from a bed into a desk space but I wouldn't exactly call this a functional house and that it lacks any amenities and that takes us to smallest house in the world.com where I found this contraption built by a fell named Jeff Smith unlike the 1 square meter house it has lights a sink a stove and even a toilet and if you're anything like 14 million other people on the internet you probably saw this video where Ryan trean spent the night in it and Jeff's home just happens to be 25 ft 25 so if I want to set a new record for smallest house in the world I guess I'm just going to have to build one that's 24 squ ft that'll be the total interior floor space and so I got to work on cutting out our 2x4s for the base I made two that are longer two that are shorter and assembled them together to make a rectangle that is one Michael Jordan sized rectangle right there the height at least I don't know if our boy MJ is quite that thick but what do I know I don't play basketball I added supports and cut out the singular floorboard because this entire house takes up less space than the sheet of plywood and you better believe I coated the Bas in waterproofing saw so it'll last and to finish off the base I'm adding some heavy duty caster wheels so the house can be moved around easily man looking at these wheels remind me of my childhood when I used to roll down Hills in old truck tires those were some good years and at this point what I had built is pretty much just a giant skateboard want to see me do a kick flip Tony Hawk's been real quiet since I showed up now it's time for the walls but before I can build the walls we need materials so I headed to my favorite lumber store to pick up a couple packs of 2 x tws it seems kind of silly driving a big truck to get supplies while building a tiny house so I'm picking up all the materials for this project on my go trck Sporter cargo ebike which is conveniently the sponsor of today's video let's get to framing so how big should the walls be we're all ready breaking the world record in terms of square footage but that just isn't enough no no no if we're going to do this right we need to build the world's smallest house in terms of volume to and Jeff Smith's house is 3 ft tall with a flat roof so if I want to give my house a 1ft gable roof the walls can only be 30 in tall and that's exactly how I made them nice now that the walls are up I'm starting to realize just how small this thing is going to be holy smokes people were calling my first tiny home a glorified out house on wheels and that's a mega mansion compared to this and then it was time for sheathing and house wrap so I picked up some qu in plywood that I'd be putting on the outer walls of the house under the siding and you might be thinking isn't it a little Overkill sheathing and house wrapping the walls like an actual house no it isn't at all because this is an actual house it just happens to be the smallest one ever built and I'm doing things just as you would with a full-size home you'll see just how far we're going to be taking this later on but I'm not cutting any Corners okay maybe I'm going to be cutting a few corners and with the sheathing finished it was time for house wrap and only took a single roll and a handful of Staples to get the job done and in case you didn't know this house WP just helps keep the moisture out of the walls but that shouldn't matter too much anyways because I'm shooting this video in Arizona this place is drier than my sense of humor big thanks to my cousin Jeff for letting me shoot this video in his backyard everyone say thank you to Jeff he the best classic Jeff W by the way do you know today's date March 1st okay now can you tell me today's date and you can call me Bill Gates cuz next I installed Windows these Grandma looking windows for the front and the stop sign looking octagon thing for the back then I cut up some trim to put all around the edges of the windows and door even the Octagon which was really tricky they got Sauced up and Brad nailed down and we were in business do you guys know that the US Pentagon was actually originally supposed to be an octagon yeah the architect cut a few corners and with the trim looking amazing the question now is what kind of siding should I use in almost every build so far I've used tongue and groove which looks great but I feel like I need to change it up a little and be less predictable never let them guess your next move and the siding I picked out is shiplap they overlap on top of each other just like that this is totally functional and it looks awesome so after doing another Lumber Haul on the bike I started cutting the boards to size making special cutouts to go around all the opening and before going any further I dry fit the siding to make sure every single board fits in place perfectly this is some hard work but it's a lot better than that building job I got in Egypt that ended up being a pyramid scheme once all the shiplap was sliced up I slathered on a nice stained poly sauce which took an entire day in real life so thank goodness for time lapses then one board at a time I nailed all the siding in place until it looked like a little log cabin and for the corner trim I'm using these 90° boards that are Sauced up in the dark stain to match the windows and door and of course I used a brad nailer I don't know who Brad is but good for him I hardly even know her all the walls need now is a circular window time for a window reveal I found this on Amazon and I think it's meant for dogs but I thought it'd be perfect for this cuz I got that dog in me let's talk about the door it's got to be functional it's got to be cool looking and it's got to be 2 ft by 2 ft I'm one stuffed crust pizza slice away from not being able to squeeze through it I started by cutting some 1 and 1/2 in pieces of pine that would be the edges of the door and I nailed them together then I traced out a piece of/ in plywood W that would fit snugly in our new door frame which the design would go on top of ever since I made this miter cut door for my truck camper I've been wanting to do something similar so I sketched out the Chevron design into the plywood and cut out the angled pieces I need alternating between wide and thin pieces to make the magic come together then I Sauced up the wide and narrow pieces with light and dark stain respectively and laid them out on the board securing them with big old dollops of wood glue and screws every piece got one to two screws so the result was a homogeneous mess of striped wood then I cleaned up the edges of the whole thing with a circular saw so it could fit back in the original door frame and I glued some cedar along the backside to make it look good all around I feel like I'm introducing my truck camper door to it baby brother or something gooo Gaga it's a boy and I busted out the router to carve some slots for the hinges to go into which worked amazingly I also used a jig to carve the doorknob holes so I can install this Basic Black doorknob on the house I drilled out a latch for the other side cut some trim to make a door stop and we had ourselves the door isn't this just the cutest little door you've ever seen looks like it was made for an elf for Goblin or something which is perfect because I am a goblin oh shoot lost my key again I don't know how we're going to get inside now okay so now that the exterior is mostly done you might think it's time for the roof absolutely not do you have any idea how cramped it would be working in here with a roof on that's just lower back sciatica waiting to happen man so I'm thinking with the old Noggin and doing the interior first I'm trying to work smarter not harder unlike the folks who built the big Benin in London they were working around the clock they were working around the the first thing the interior needs is insulation so I picked up some half-in foam board that rolled up nicely into a burrito so transport was so much easier I got to work on cutting it to size using a jigsaw which is fitting because the pieces fit in place like a puzzle and just like that she was insulated so here are my thoughts for the layout of the Interior this right here is going to be my bed and shower which I know sounds bizarre but also is bizarre I'll show you what I mean by that in a bit on this side over here I'll have the sink I won't even have to get out of bed to brush my teeth how about that then on the other side beneath the window we'll have our stove it'll be a nice little kitchen and now you might be wondering where the bathroom is where are you going to go poo poo pee PE Time David don't worry we'll be get to that in a bit so like I said the bed in the shower are going to be the same thing I mean think about it you're not ever sleeping and showering at the same time hopefully so it's inefficient to have a bed space it's only a bed what I'm doing is putting a 2x4 across the length of the house to make an indented area and this will be turned into a nice little waterproof shower pan with a drain when you're taking a shower this will catch the water and when it's time to go to bed you can just put a couple cushions over it and go night night I cut up some Quin plywood to line the walls of the shower wherever it would need waterproofing which in this case is the full back corner and all around the bottom and then I drilled out a hole for the shower drain and we're ready to put in the tile but not just any tile so for the shower I thought about using actual ceramic tile because after all it's such a small space that weight wouldn't add up to that much but I decided against it because this thing's going to be moving around and all that motion would just make it crack apart so instead I found these vinyl tiles that are waterproof look just like actual ceramic tile and most importantly are flexible and the other nice thing is these can be snapped just by scoring them with a knife so then I applied some special tiling sauce and started putting the squares in place working my way across all the areas that'll get wet paying close attention to detail I've actually never done anything with tile before but the cool thing about building tiny homes is it gives you the opportunity to learn the skills you need for building a bigger house with a lot less time commitment and risk if mess up a tiling job on a big house that's a $4,000 mistake if I mess up the tiling here that's a $40 mistake such a good way to learn new things later on we'll put a shower curtain going across here and I'll show you what we're doing for the shower's water supply but first we're doing the next thing and the next thing is installing flooring so I picked up a pack on my ebike these were small enough I could just put them right on the back of the bike I used wood laminate flooring which looks and feels just like wood and it only took three pieces to cover the entire floor which is absolutely unheard of does this not look like a section of professionally done flooring in a big house that turned out looking lovely so next it's time to build a little sink under the window and this is going to be a very very small sink because we only have 9 in of height so first I cut some 1/2 in plywood to 14 in wide and by me I mean our boy Lucas at Home Depot because that's the only way I could fit it on the bike and so I cut the pieces to size and assembled them together into a box that would perfectly fit the sink bowl and look really nice then I hit it with the old jigsaw to carve out and opening for the sink and Sauced it up with a nice rustic looking stain so now all we're missing is a sink to go in the stand and good news it should be arriving any minute oh there it is now let that sink in this is a hand hammered sink which sounds really fancy but I put a faucet next to it that is significantly less fancy then I drilled a hole out of the bottom for the drain if this is going to be an actual house then you better believe it needs Plumbing Jeff Smith's house uses a nowe water bottle to Gravity Power the sink but I want to take things to the next level and actually have a pump operated water system so let me show you how we're going to make that happen our fresh water supply for the house is going to be held in this 2our tank which may not seem like much but also isn't much the world's smallest house is going to have the world's smallest water supply go figure then at the bottom corner of this tank I'm screwing in a little 3/8 in elbow and that'll use epoxy to stay watertight and then from here I'm using PEX pipe to connect our water supply to the inlet for the pump and this is a smallest 12volt pump I could find it's fun size then I used one more piece of PEX to attach the pump to the faucet and that there is a plumbing job even Mario and Luigi would sign off on then I drilled in this nice little threaded cap so the tank can be filled up with water using a funnel all right it's the Moment of Truth we'll see if she works yeah she's golden okay one last thing you might be wondering where the shower's water supply is coming from or you might not be I don't know how much you shower you stinky little freak I actually epoxy this little threaded piece onto the sink nozzle so now I can easily screw this shower hose onto the sink nozzle whenever it's time to scrub a dub dub but where is all the waste water going to go to catch all the drainage from the shower and sink I'm using this container as a gray water tank this will catch all the drainage water and want I'm in a place where I can release it I can do so using this nozzle keeping it nice and simple today we're building the kitchen Laina Pia Mo Pia I was going to use this propane stove but I didn't realize just how big this was when I ordered it I'm pretty sure cooking one dinner on this thing would send the whole house into Flame so instead I got this stove for $1 19.99 plus tax at Walmart it uses butane which makes the fuel canisters much smaller and I have a few ideas and how we can make this look beautiful and by a few ideas I mean one idea which is by turning it into a decorative little box that the stove fits in perfectly with the same rustic stain to make it match up with a sink box but a kitchen needs more than just a stove so I cut out some insulation to make a fridge out of the bottom half it ain't much but you can't say the world's tiniest houses without Refrigeration Just Add Ice and you're set to keep a single steak cold for maybe half a day and just like that our budget camp stove is converted to a five-star kitchen experience so now we can move on to the walls all right our shower's tiled the sink is Flowing the stove is lit and the refrigerator is running better go catch it but there's one thing that's still absolutely disgusting and that's the walls let's get something that looks a little nicer on there so I went and picked up some decorative Cedar planking I'm pretty sure I'm keeping the company that makes this stuff in business at this point then I sliced it up to fit along the walls including angled pieces to wrap around windows and it was smelling Heavenly up in here there we go putting up Cedar took me a solid week on the tiny home and 3 days on my truck camper this only took an afternoon and a double double from in and out but you'll notice I didn't cover up this wall and that's because we have to run wiring through it which brings us to electronics I didn't realize just how difficult it is to be an electrician until I tried it myself I was shocked so the power source for our tiny little house is going to be this tiny little 12vt battery this is actually made for a jet ski I'm mounting this to the base in a waterproof casing and then running wires up into the wall here the battery's going to connect to three things which I'll show you as we build up the wall first a toggle switch which will turn the sink pump on and off second a Demmer switch so I'll be able to control the lights I'll be putting in later and finally a charge controller for the solar panel and I specifically chose this charge controller because it has built-in USB port so I can charge all my gadgets and gizmos without having to install any additional outlets and just like that we're left with a semi-completed interior and these two sets of wires that'll lead into the roof speaking of which did I tell you guys the joke about the roof never mind it's probably over your head I'm making the roof frame out of two different types of boards 2x2s and 2 x3s I didn't even know 2 x3s existed until now and I've been building things for years two years to be exact but still plural I screwed the boards together into a rectangle that fits perfectly around the top and is flush with the edges then I drilled holes through the roof and down into the walls where I could put bolts to hold it all together once that was done I cut more 2 by tws to form the Gable and screwed them in place before cutting a rafter that that goes all the way across the top and angled pieces of 2x tws to frame the slant the roof that would overhang just enough to keep the rain off the body of the house while still being short enough to let the door open and now that the roof is framed we're going to start on the sides and keep the shiplap going up and into the triangles I don't know if I should have made these triangles over 90° like I did just doesn't seem right I cut more shiplap for the roof sides and Sauced it up with the same stuff as before the goal is to make it look like the roof isn't separate even though it is I used Quin plywood for the roof boards and secured them place with Brad Nails then I cut some metal flashing for the edges of the roof and put some black trim around the sides that match everything else so now the time has come to put the actual Roofing on and for this we're going to use shingles I've actually never used shingles for a build in my life so thought I'd go pick some up and try to figure out how in the heck these things work so I'm starting off the roof by putting down a layer of tar paper and this will be our base layer of water resistance and on top of that I put the shingles down in a staggered pattern the roof's too thin for nails but trust me these staples go deep and they're hold strong this process was actually really fun and at the end I added a ridge cap across the top and ended up looking so much better than it should have with me building it it looks like the roof on an actual house I mean I guess it is the roof on an actual house that's kind of the point of this whole video but I'm shocked to say the least and you might be thinking that these shingles are expensive but no they're on the house so now that the roof's done it's time to slap on a solar panel this right here is a 100 W monoc crystallin solar panel which ain't much but we don't need much if if anything this solar panel is overkill so I centered the panel and mounted it using Z brackets so at first I was going to put the solar panel on the back side so it' be out of the way but I decided to put it on the front just so the thumbnail would be more interesting and hey you clicked on it so must have been a good call and I'm feeding the wires into the roof via this little waterproof entry point called a gland that's a horrible name and then once inside the solar panel will connect to the wires that I previously ran to the charge controller holy moly this is small my cousin and I lifted the roof back off so it'd be easier to work on and I got to work on cutting insulation this would be especially important on the roof because it's black and it'll heat up easily I drilled holes for the wiring to pass through and next up was a cedar it's the same stuff I put on the sides and I'm just continuing it up and around the ceiling because it smells good and I love it then I cut out holes for the 12vt lights and wired them into place so the house would have lighting once it was looking like a masterpiece we picked it back up and put it on the house for a test Moment of Truth in three 2 1 woo yeah that's what we like to see it is crazy how much of a difference some cedar and some lights can make in a living space I feel ready to take a nap already can't do that yet we still have more work to do we now have a working shower sink stove fridge and even electricity but there's one critical thing missing and that's the bathroom dos poop and fting as they say in Germany probably we need a place to go pee PE poo poo and this is that place my plan is to build a lifted Porta poty of sword it's on the side of the house but that would look super weird and out of place so I'm disguising it as something that looks like it belongs a chimney Santa's going to be in for one heck of a surprise when he goes sliding down the chimney this year I picked up some more pre-cut half-in plywood on my go tracks and trimmed up the pieces a bit more with the jigsaw until I had four sides ready to make a chimney then I fastened the sides together in the same way I do with the box and used a jigsaw to cut out the throne for my Oval Office I also sanded it so it's smooth and it was ready for use I fit the whole thing snugly in place and we had ourselves a very small B B for an equally small house and before I put on the final wall let me show you how this toilet's going to work if you've got to go number two you're going to start by putting a grocery bag in the bottom then you'll stick your dumpy into the dump box and let her rip then you can tie up the bag drop it out the bottom and then this can be thrown away without ever having entered the house itself anything involving poop is just automatically nasty but in the world of defecation that's actually a pretty clean way to take care of business and of course I built a little toilet paper holder to put up into the chimney if I was the least bit thicker there's no way I could use this thing holy smokes with all systems go I nailed the final wall in place and got to cutting on this fake brick material which I thought would really sell the look of this being a chimney I don't think it will but hey at least the thought was there and as a Finishing Touch I'm putting an actual chimney topper on which will just keep the rain out and make it look extra cool chimney topper hardly even on the inside the bathroom looks amazing and don't get me wrong I love having a toilet 9 in from my kitchen as much as the next guy but I think think we need a door here to separate it and so I built a door to separate it using some leftover Cedar and I'd say this looks pretty awesome and seeing as how I'm building a structure with a black roof in Arizona don't you even think for a minute I forgot about cool it's little just like the house but honestly this thing is so small that just opening the doors and windows will be plenty of ventilation and just like that I was the proud owner of not only a tiny house but the tiniest house and so it was time to live in it for a day got my new crib and 20 4 hours Starts Now why are YouTubers always measuring time and hours Back Where I Come From that's just called a day okay first things first I was trying to think of things that new homeowners do and I feel like after buying a house most people decorate and put up a bunch of those cheesy little signs that the upper middle class moms are into I think we need to do a Decor haul to liveing things up in here and I know the perfect store for the job enjoy the little things and it's too big to fit in the house nice I mean of course I have to get this this should say live laugh lumbar scoliosis cuz that's what I'm going to have by the end of this video if anyone needs an interior designer hit me up does this place not look like it was decorated by a Texas Grandma 6:30 is the best time of the day hands down okay so after a morning spent decorating I think it's time for some lunch and I thought it would be funny if I order door Dash to the world's smallest house first I got to download door Dash though because Lord knows we don't have that back in Wyoming you order door Dash back home and a moose is going to show up with your food all right I think that's him hello dude this is crazy door dash for David that would be me what if I told you this is the smallest house in the world I wouldn't believe you what's that that's a camera no no no behind it oh that's the pooper oh that's where you make the number two so here's the kicker I have a $100 tip for you but you have to win it $20 at a time by answering trivia questions about the house I'm ready for the challenge it's like if you ordered a Mr Beast challenge off of wish.com welcome to who wants to be a $100 air the lowbudget Ripoff of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire where the cash prize is proportionate to the house size question number one what is the total square footage of my house including the chimney 22.7 squ ft 24.5 ft or 26.2 ft um 22.7 you nailed it 22.7 it was actually originally supposed to be 24 Square ft but I didn't realize how thick the walls were going to be all right question number two how much does it weigh 470 lb 820 lb or 1100 lb uh 800 you nailed it again two for two fun little fact that's the same weight as an adult zebra and they both striped question number three what was the total building cost $650 $1,470 or $1,780 uh ,400 okay people are going to think this is fake cuz you're getting them all right I I swear I didn't tell them the answers for three another 20 in me to be honest most of that cost was just wood thanks to Woody Woody yeah I watched Toy Story growing up what does Toy Story have to do with this wood Woody it all goes together question number four what country has the smallest average housing size Hong Kong the Philippines or Japan Hong Kong Hong Kong is right they going to have to call me King Kong standing on all this money though the $100 question right here there's 30 cows in a field and 28 chickens how many didn't how many didn't what how many didn't two I don't know that that was a hard one for me the correct answer is 10 but we'll let the people in the comments figure that one out for themselves text my phone when you got the answer cuz I don't know at all 80 bucks that's a pretty solid day of door Dash had to is that the biggest tip you got today it was right on man appreciate your time you too what a nice guy a big meal for a tiny house now I'd really love to test out the shower for the first time but I just don't feel filthy enough to justify taking one let's go get in a workout first and then I can take a shower and today's workout is going to be pushing the house a full mile we're going to give the good people of Arizona the weirdest site they've seen all week I found a remote desert Road in the middle of nowhere and started the strangest like day of my life how's this for a home gym this was a lot heavier than anticipated but you better believe it's turning my Cals into cows does this not look like something out of Looney Tunes I'm probably running twice as far because I'm trying to film this all myself too but little did I know that problem would soon be fixed by this passer by who stopped to see what in the heck was happening so this lovely gentleman right here just stopped to see what in the heck I was doing world smallest house huh that's what she is awesome I'd love to help what can I do oh actually that would be so sick if you could help me get a few shots there you go it's already rolling okay we got a hill oh yeah she go holy you want me to grab this camera and that's the mile nice job way to get her done Brad you are the freaking man I seriously thought you're were going to stop and tell me to get off your property or something or no you're like nothing but helpful so to and trade with a man running down the side of the highway with a house so I had to stop and ask what the heck are you doing and can I help that'll happen I feel like my straa is slowly just becoming all the weird workouts I do for videos now we can go take a shower first I need to take the bedding out to convert it into shower mode there we go and I have a shower rod that fits snugly across the length just like so oh and I have the cheapest shower curtain I could find I grabb the shower hose out from the cabinet and twisted it onto the sink nozzle so it'll be ready for use and we're set here we [Music] go oh there we go I put the dub and scrubba dub dub I'm actually surprised how long this lasted given the water tank is smaller than a gallon of milk is definitely substantial enough to be a usable shower that actually works surprisingly well it's not a very lengthy shower but it's a shower so one of the best things about being a homeowner is being able to have guests over being a host you know why should that change just because this house is barely big enough for me alone I have a few friends in town right now and I thought it would be fun to invite them over for dinner hey I saw you're in Phoenix thought I'd see if you'd be interested in coming over for dinner tonight yeah I actually have a house in Arizona now for real it's wild oh yeah it has a really nice kitchen oh what's that there's nobody actually on the phone and this is all just an illustrative scene that'll transition us to the dinner party yeah I invited them all via text a week ago like a normal person what kind of psychopath calls another human in 2024 Bri what's up good to see you Rachel so good to see you brought photo Michael what's up thanks for having me over for dinner man I'm 6'3 how am I supposed to fit in here I can't be the only tall guy out here getting lower back pain for content and all three of these friends live in their own tiny living spaces so they're a great fit for this but my house is going to be small even for them aut this is just perfect isn't it yes all right thank you all for coming out to dinner tonight I have a very special dinner planned um primarily because this is the only thing that would fit in my fridge a single fillet of salmon oh that's perfect cuz I'm pescatarian pescatarian is that the one where you go to church on Saturday I mean hey most of my family is Mormon and we still love them all the same good for you let's see if I can do this without burning the house down to be fair there's not much to burn down but we we still don't want any instance and by the way if any of y'all want a drink feel free to grab one they're on the house Are you seriously going to make us crawl out and back in just for that [Music] joke the stove did a great job of cooking and the fan did a fantastic job of pumping out all the smoke so it didn't build up inside that actually looks pretty good I am very happy with how that turned out cheers to the smallest dinner party in the world y'all be good now well that was fun now let's transition to somewhere more Scenic and get ready for bed now we're talking I got tired of the suburb so I moved to the Superstition Mountains all you need to know about this place is three Mr Ballin stories have happened here and if that's not horrifying I don't know what is probably going to be a fourth Mr Ballin story here soon depending on how tonight goes and so I stood there gazing into the beautiful Desert Sky all the meanwhile thinking that regardless of how big or small one's house is the size of the sunset is the same for us all actually I'm just thinking about what I'm going to have for breakfast tomorrow don't be letting my future self tell you cheesy inspirational lies dude we're the same person whose side are you on here [Music] oh gosho honestly it's pretty bougie in here maybe I just have really low standards for luxury but this is a cozy little crib might have to make it a guest house for my fullsize tiny home I was kind of worried about rattlesnakes and tarantulas and scorpions but I think because I put it up on Wheels we're safe from all the creepy crawlies y'all all I have to worry about are aliens and El Chupacabra and now just like everyone in my generation I need to spend the next 40 minutes scrolling on my phone before actually going to bed night night sleep tight don't let the strange dark and mysterious [Music] bite we survived the night y'all survived is an understatement that's the best I've slept in a long time let's get some breakfast going right after I take care of some other [Music] business I actually woke up at like 5:00 a.m. this morning I was wondering when the sun was going to rise but then it dawned on me I want to address the elephant in the room or uh the guinea pig in the room keep things proportional I know y'all are thinking oh well if this is a world record aren't you going to have Guinness come out and give you the little plaque well I looked into it and Guinness actually doesn't have an open record for world's smallest house I think it's just difficult to quantify exactly what a house is and that's totally okay but if Guinness can't declare me a world record holder I think there's only one person who can hey Jeff Smith how in the heck are you all right how's it going David it's going I'm I'm just here in my uh my little tiny Palace wow I was so happy someone finally took up the gauntlet that I implied by saying mine was the smallest you know right I was actually really surprised nobody else has tried to do this that was me when I started this project I was like everyone was trying to build the best smallest house and the cool smallest house no one was trying to build the smallest smallest house you know it was slow hanging through so I went well you're going to have to bring that thing up here to Boston so you can do a test when I measured my square footage I was just kind of estimating it I didn't get specific and I just did you know how many square feet it is on the inside how many 22.8 square feet oh man that's going to be close well I think that we should get someone to determine whose house is smaller sometimes well after that I will gladly give up the title if it turns out to be you I like that that might have to to be a follow-up video first time in history two dudes are arguing about who's the smaller I look forward to seeing you up in Boston all right sounds good I've never been to Boston have to come po the hav yard well take care you have a good one to you what a nice guy so while I may not have an official record yet my house is definitely a worthy Contender but for now this will just be an attempt to do something super creative and fun and I think we knocked that out of the park so now it's time to answer a question from earlier how tiny is too tiny this this is too tiny yeah screw that Back Where I Come From we call this a coffin ship that thing off to Russia and have has bua living it or something my goodness I'm going back to my 100t mega mansion maybe I should put this up for rent in New York City probably go for about 6 grand a month
Channel: David Rule
Views: 959,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uFrLW2ZYpTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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