I Melted Every Candy Into One Piece (ft. Ryan Trahan)

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in this video I'm melting every candy brand and flavor into one piece and once it's done I'll have Ryan Tran taste test it against his candy joy ride or if mine tastes pretty good would you consider hiring me on like the flavor testing team for Joy Ride absolutely I hope he likes it for context the first known candy was invented around 2,000 BC by the Egyptians it consisted of mixed up fruits nuts and honey now fast forward to the 21st century and we live in a world where all kinds of candies exist gummies hard candy sour candy candy that's so hot it should be illegal which I tried later on in this video by the way now to start off this challenge where else would I go than my favorite store HB where I'm not sure if I'm on the verge of being banned or loved by the manager let's see if this is the final straw before getting banned things were about to get Rowdy as I was in search for the candy aisle while trying to maintain a low profile is there a tortilla sample available thank you so much with the important part out of the way I had my sight set on the candy aisle and once I found it I was certain about two things one I was about to drop a bag on candy and two this tortilla is busted lemonade is always good to have a great food sry see it's not so much the buying that makes me concerned about getting banned as much as it is setting my phone up awkwardly in the store to record myself how watch your videos yeah time thano do you think HB should ban me or not no Carter thanks for the encouragement bro they got candy spoons out here oh sorry okay okay yes after harvesting all the candy this store had to offer it was time to check [Music] out you ready to do this or what the final price here wasn't nearly as bad as my past videos but I still had more to buy thanks guys appreciate it God bless [Music] you yeah that's where I set my phone up to do that shot let's go I made an old lady miss the spot too she was waiting for me the next door is I will speedrun because we got to get home and get melting but I wanted to show you guys that I did find some new Candy everywhere I went freeze dried candy I'm glad I found that and guys before I left I remembered a lot of past comments telling me these roller bites are actually good including this hooded Chihuahua who said those rollers are so good I eat them almost every day you have to try them I'm going to try it but if I get food poisoning it's your fault thankfully I found a lot of new candies and I probably should have gotten a drink I'm actually sweating in here yeah that was actually pretty good thanks for the comments guys moving on I found a few new candies at CVS if you are finished scanning hi Mom hope you're watching hi Dad you too love and miss you guys what we have now we're all running out guys last store we look at before we head home and you wouldn't believe the torment that I went through while I was here since I'm getting every candy I was trying to get this Pez in the claw machine come on let's go wa perfect are you kidding me this might take a while oh oh let's go let's [Music] go yes yes yeah yes yes yes guys I was sad because there's some things money can't buy like getting a victory in the claw machine and although they had Pez on the inside for sale it just wasn't the same as winning it dude this just looks so weird I won I got the pz alas we're finally home with the goods including the strange candy that I ordered off in Amazon that I will show yall throughout the video and to make it organized I'm separating the candy into letters based on the type of candy the word that I am spelling will be progressively revealed throughout the video so please take your best guesses before the word is fully revealed starting out with the letter t the let us see before we start arbitrarily mixing and melting it's science time as you can see the candies come in much different sizes so putting the entire package of each one would lead to an uneven final product to remedy this I'm going to use a food scale to get an even amount of each candy and with 155 candies I wanted to fill up the mixing bowl about halfway or 64 Oz now to know how much to take from each candy I need to calculate 64 / 155 the answer is roughly 4 o that means I'm going to cut each candy as close to4 Oz as possible before throwing it into the mixing bowl once they're all thrown in I'm going to use the double boiler method to melt them which I'll explain once we get there finally I will pour the melted candies into this baking tray and place it into the fridge for 5 hours to solidify and once I take it out hopefully I've made the most epic candy ever made lastly just so yall know I'm going to go very quickly through the mixing part only taste testing the top three most unique candies from each letter the first of three candies we'll try for the letter c the world's largest sour gummy worm I'm kind of scared to open this no way bro dude I could dang near play jump rope with this thing [Applause] very chewy actually a pretty good blueberry taste though not really sour but if I were to eat this entire thing I might end up in a coma the second of three candies we'll try for this letter Warhead Extreme Sour I mean these things just look extremely sour I feel like it's only right to try all the flavors at [Applause] [Music] once woo now that was Sour the last one we'll try for this letter Chinese candy dried salted plums with pickle and lemon how are you supposed to eat this without your hands getting absolutely [Music] just we're only one letter into this video and I've already tried the worst candy I've ever had in my entire [Music] life the next letter is a the letter A get in there oh yeah yeah making good progress and this letter is a little weird C A are you getting the word yet the first of three candies that we're trying for this letter is literally insects Eeny Meeny money mo catch a cricket by its toe I don't want to do [Music] this I'm Legit scared to keep licking knowing that my tongue's eventually just going to catch an antenna or something like who wants to eat this so I've licked it enough for the cricket to actually be exposed oh Cricut candy m not my favorite candy the flavors were kind of jumping though that was the best joke I could come up with with Cricut um Fried Chicken Candy well guys on the packaging one of the flavors is artificial chicken flavor so turns out this is more than just a sugary gummy that looks like chicken there's actually chicken flavoring in this oh it's smells like leftover food that's been in the fridge for way too long come on who made this it's [Music] diabolical if it tastes anything like it smells it's going to be disgusting guys I know it sometimes looks like I exaggerate but no exaggeration this was the worst candy I've ever had in my life in fact I don't know why it's called a candy it literally tasted like a fart and honestly I was thankful I had this crabby patty to wash it down the next letter is n the letter n with the letter N Things were about to get pretty [Music] sour C A an guys do you know what the word is yet odds are you're going to be surprised the first one we'll try is candy foam who would eat [Music] this this is terrible it tastes like fizz from a soda also I'm going to have to estimate 3 o with this one next one we got here is toxic waste hazardless sour candy there's a closer look for you at what they look [Music] [Music] like that was intense final boss sour I don't even know how I found this thing most sour thing I could find online dude those all landed perfectly on my arm that was actually impressive ingredients dried blueberries citric acid malic acid so one blueberry two different acids is this healthy to eat acid oh wow that looks insane I don't know if you're supposed to eat all of them at once but oh my no while the world's hottest foods that I've tried in the past feel like my mouth is burning this final boss sour candy actually burned my mouth if that makes sense to illustrate this to you guys as the audience I tried to make this car battery joke which I don't think came out that good but my point was it tastes like battery acid I'm actually glad I remembered to take these out that would have sucked the next letter is V the letter V uhuh the letter V I know some of y'all thought I was spelling candy but thought you're wrong take your new best guesses now and as a final hint the word is six letters long next up freeze dried candy this is the one I ordered online for like $30 and this is the one I bought at the gas station for like $10 and is it just me or do they look eerily similar the Amazon freeze-dried ones are Skittles whereas the crazy candy oh wait this has a Skittle s on it as well so they're both actually stealing from Skittles and I'm stealing from all three it tastes like very light Airy and crunchy Skittles actually quite good check check out this one bean boozled fiery 5 challenge now it says there's Carolina Reaper pepper in here I am trying the world's hottest gummy bear later on I didn't think this was actually please don't be I can't eat two hot things in one video bro what it can't be true right while these weren't as hot as the deathly gummy bear I tried later on which I regret these beans definitely packed more of a punch than I was expecting woo the last candy we'll try for this letter is popping cooking sushi made in Japan I thought the candy came like this but when I opened it up it was in this wrapper that I cut and apparently it's a sushi table um yeah it's crazy that I do this for a job rolling candy sushi please subscribe to help me do this for a living on a serious note there were more directions on the back of this thing than there were for the office chair I'm sitting on right now it legitimately took me like 45 minutes to assemble this candy sushi look at that I didn't realize how long that was going to take but I'm very happy and satisfied with how my Sushi came out in fact that was so fun I might become a sushi that was so fun I might become a sushi that was so fun I might become a sushi that was so fun I might become a sushi chef one day I hope this is edible not just a toy not bad at least it was kind of sweet but it was very slimy and I couldn't really get a distinct flavor letter A the letter A the letter a is a fun one and there's only two letters left before we start melting that's C A NV a guys do you know what it is yet and for this one we're only trying two also I don't know why I ordered these because it looks like these are actually Band-Aids only one way to find out all right I should probably get back to work ow a man I hate paper cuts but good thing I got this pickle Band-Aid we're about to see if it's really a Band-Aid or not would you look at that I think it actually is a Band-Aid confirmed confirmed hi Michael I'm talking to myself in the future what's up I know editing's tough but keep plugging along brother okay let's let's go back to the kitchen sorry about that guys I really thought that was going to end up being candy I don't know why those were invented and I don't know why I ordered them next one we're trying is a rat I really hope there's no rat artificial flavoring like the chicken you guys instead of trying the gummy rat I thought it'd be funnier to try and prank my wife when she comes home along with her grandparents we'll check back in later after the last letter take your final guess at the word before I reveal the last letter and start melting the letter s guys the word is canvas and I know that may seem kind of random but I liked it yeah here we are the letter s the word is canvas guys do you see what I did there the first one we'll try pickle cotton candy please someone comment down below why is there an obsession with pickles and Candy I don't get it it's not good guys how could you expect it to be good see so it's a paint brush then once it gets wet with your spit there it goes my family was arriving home so before we start melting time to see if this gummy rat causes some scares if gets down all right let's see if it gets down can I clean this what do you have more what is in it it's a good thing I don't mind rats it's on I'll bet it's on look at there's popcorn in there oh get him step on [Music] it is tasty tasty what Incarnation this is a new you're you're being you're being camed I don't think so with that out of the way there's only one last candy we have to add to the mix before we melt it all together and deliver it to Ryan [Music] treyen I'm about to eat Lil Nitro the world's hottest gummy bear and I have a witness in case things go wrong Lil Nitro has been infused with our signature 9 million Scoville unit chili extract making him 900 times hotter than a jalapeno pepper wait 9 million Jonas said my roommate almost died five stars is that really it just that little guy this can't be this can't be too bad he's cute I don't know bro should I do this you have to why I let it touch my lips and my tongue like that oh no oh no it's not funny I don't feel like raining around please oh gra no no no not yet I'm going to be strong I'm going to be strong no don't do that stop please the hard part about these challenges is there's really nothing you can do after you eat it you just have to wait out the pain I got to stop doing these challenges the moment we've been waiting for the double boiler method to melt the candies and actually the moment I've been waiting for is to meet Ryan Tran howy I hope he likes me the first step in the double boiler method is to fill up the pot with water and then put it on a high heat on the stove until it starts to boil it's starting to boil pretty good so let's put the candy on now that it's on here let's turn it down to a medium heat that way it can ensure a more slow and even melting for the candy to give you a visual of what's going on using the double boiler method it's actually the steam from the boiling water that gets the glass bowl hot okay it's been about 5 minutes and I am starting to hear a little bit of sizzling towards the bottom oh yeah it's definitely some meltage going on at the bottom there we go some progress melting oh yeah see the stuff at the bottom is getting melted trying to get it to all evenly take [Music] turns it is looking more melted which is a good sign let's try to flip it though and get some this candy that's on top more towards the bottom guys I am slightly concerned because this candy has been on the pot for like 30 minutes now and it has yet to reach the viscosity that we need for it to fit into the candy molds and be able to pour you know like cake batter okay that is starting to look a little better I just got to make sure I keep stirring this so it congeals properly oh what's cooking good looking it's looking better yet another Cino Manos have passed by and guys I'm thrilled with how this is starting to look I know if I want to get these bigger chunks down I'm going to have to aggressively stir so I had to move the camera and the lights out of the way a little bit this aggressive stirring was crucial because it helped break down the stubborn candy that needed to melt check out the results of all that stirring wo oh look at that oh all the hard work so far was paying off as I was able to pour the melted candy into the tray now I just hoped it would solidify when I put it in the [Music] fridge the amount of time I thought would be sufficient in the fridge was 5 [Music] hours my candy I'm excited to look at this candy guys this is about to be the first look I haven't looked at it yet okay oh wait bro oh no it's stuck oh it's pulling out some of the candy what the oh it's okay they come off oh this feels perfect very sticky turns out it was so sticky that I couldn't properly shape it into small pieces like I wanted to but I had a big brain idea I thought to use this cane sugar as a means to coat the surface area of each piece I made thereby nullifying the stickiness first make this into a little bit of a ball shape guys I think it's working it worked I can actually hold it and it's not sticking to my finger I can also make different sizes but let's see if this one fits in the hangtime bag sure enough thankfully the sugar coating worked very well and although I'm technically adding to the mixture sugar is a base ingredient in most candies so I think it's fine in fact the hangtime candy looks pretty official now dude I'm tempted to try this thing right now I can't wait to see how this tastes in case you didn't know I'm a huge fan of Ryan and the content he makes so when I heard he was down to me in my video I was a static and I knew it was going to go great because Ryan is the type of guy who can make a video about watching paint dry and it would still be fun funny and [Music] entertaining bro Ryan Tran Michael what's up bro what's up bro dude huge fan nice to meet you man let's go let's go I can't we love joy we love joy we love We're Men dude it's nice to meet you and all I thought you were 6'5 I am bro my Michael is actually six seven guys most people can't reach this we're about to compare the candies but first I wanted to give Ryan this personalized gift basket for being in my video praise God look at this this is a Texans logo so originally I was going to punt this and since Ryan has a lot of athletic prowess we're going to see if he could catch it but um now I'll just give it to you there's a thunderstorm outside maybe afterwards how did I go dude I'm down dude thank you so much this is sweet oh this is also this is a Bible hey there we go no the Hang Time celicious 7,000 no not the 7,000 155 unique flavors mind blown Emoji 167 g of sugar per serving and a gram of Cricut or a 100th of a gram of cricket bro what are you using to blend this up and forming to one piece of candy with the introductions made it was time to compare the candies here's why my candy is better no it's actually I'm really concerned about the 167 g of sugar uh do ride has 80% less sugar but not 80% less than this let's just be let's just be clear hey cheers all right cheers thanks bro dude don't have tea that's good you can have a blue raspberry too that she's really good are you lying about the amount of sugar in here we're not lying that's too good it was so good in fact that even my wife wanted it and at this point I was feeling a bit insecure about my candy I would literally go eat a whole packet Grace can take take this home should I sniff it oh wow yeah that color is foul oh my goodness do you have a plate bro all right that's they okay when I packed these they were in individually individual balls or pieces but apparently they drive over they kind of congeal okay it's just a scoop and serve that's a sco the best way to eat all the candies at once bro I don't like how much resistance you sco it there please why are there chunks of red I don't like I don't like the resistance that this spoon is giving me right now bro the spoon is so sticky there we go okay that's a good as you can see bro my hands are never going to be unsticky again hey cheers brother whether you eat or drink whatever you do do it for the glory of God ready M oh something hard oh oh spicy oh wait it's kind of gas L it's getting better no it's like it's like an adventure right now so good so brother give it honest review the 167 g of sugar is certainly true
Channel: Hangtime
Views: 4,020,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hangtime, Ryan trahan
Id: xlbnI3bG5R0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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