Learning The World's Deadliest Skills

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when watching John Wick 4 I made a list of the seven deadliest and coolest skills they use in the movie since Sean emmerly doesn't believe John Wick is my father to prove him wrong I'm gonna smash them all skill number one nunchucks I actually already learned a few tricks with them but I never tested how powerful and accurate and fast they are and that's exactly what we are going to say first test power what happens well watermelon if I smash it with the nunchucks I was kind of scared the nunchucks were gonna bounce back and hit me in the face which was gonna be unpleasant I guess there is only one way to find out and so after another minute spent convincing myself to do it I just did it and I literally destroyed it I already know I'm gonna have so much fun in this video like that is so satisfying second nunchucks test the accuracy test and it's a challenge I tried to smash a few fruits me there and I ended up smashing them all of them at the very first attempt let's go I love it final test I'm gonna try to hit an arrow this Arrow because I don't want to die and I don't want YouTube to edit myself me there with the nunchucks I knew this was gonna be hard and even if the arrow is not dangerous getting hit in the face by it it wouldn't be enjoyable I had no idea how fast the arrow was gonna fly it had even less ideas how to hit it but I tried anyways and the first attempt I failed I was way too slow but then I decided to try again and this time I actually got it that was so close come on on the next kiss we're gonna be harder and crazier and I couldn't wait to try them all throwing a pen like a dark my goal is to hit three Targets in a row if you want to throw a pencil the technique is kind of easy you need to hold the plan this way that's literally or at least that's what I thought when I started trying I was consistently hearing the target over and over and over but for some reason the pencil was never sticking to it oh my God why is that so hard I am actually breaking the board it's just not sticking there I thought the cardboard was maybe too hard I thought the pencils weren't sharp enough or the boards were too high I had no idea what was going on I only know I kept trying for 20 minutes and literally nothing changed and then I randomly got one one but I quickly realized it was just a fluke had one goal in my mind sticking pencils into the Target and so far it wasn't working but I couldn't let Sean think he was right so he kept trying and then one something clicked but the third attempt I failed I got it though I got it the only thing I changed was kind of blocking my arm after throwing the pencil instead of letting it go and that's changed everything I failed one more time but I knew I had it had the technique down so I knew it was all about keep practicing at this point and after trying one more time I got it yes yes down five skills left before trying the coolest ones on the list I wanted to switch things up skill number three the card spring that's the only skill that is not deadly but it's so cool that I wanted to do it anyways the technique consists in holding the deck on the corners with the index finger and the thumb squeezing it and letting the thumb slowly slide as you release the cards and I was kinda getting close right away I only missed the last few cards every single time oh my God super close two cards but after trying for a while and picking up countless cards from the ground I ended up getting it skill 4 that I saw in the movie throw in a knife there are two ways of throwing an eye the first one which is the classic one in which the knife spins and the second one in which the knife basically doesn't Spin and I want to get both of them I trade first with the Classic knife throw and obviously I failed a few times that's the problem with the classic throw you need to find the perfect distance to allow the knife to spin and stick with its tip to the Target so I basically had to keep moving randomly until I found the perfect one and after testing a few distances I tried one more time throwing the knife and this time I got it yeah then I decided to try again for some reason and something terrible happened broke tonight I'm gonna try it anyways I was gonna try the no spin throw using just the blade of the knife that's almost impossible which means it can be done I wanted to get the no spin throw and I kept trying over and over but with no improvement with only half of the knife if I wanted to stick it to the Target I had to throw it perfectly it took me 10 minutes of tries throwing over and over but then as usual something just clicked and then this happened [Music] yes cool skill number five in the movie John Wick and somebody with a playing card to do that meaning throwing cards not ending somebody you gotta hold them this way and flick your wrist that's literally it and then when you get the hang of it you can flick your entire arm and rotate your body to generate more power at that point you will be able to hurt vegetables with cards but are they actually lethal probably not to prove my theory I tried to pop a balloon and no matter what I couldn't do it yeah but what if instead of using playing cards I used harder ones and right away I noticed a big difference now this this could actually be lethal to find that out I decided to try destroying a harder Target and so I started trying I knew I was gonna break it but had to hear it first and I didn't know what happened but no matter what I couldn't hear it I kept missing over and over was it the card what was it one thing was sure my shoulder is gone all right guys my shoulder is hurting so much because I'm doing the same movement over and over and every single time I feel like it's breaking something listen I'm gonna stop for a while I'm gonna try something else and then I'm gonna smash that thing skill number six throw in an ax so I want to see how easy it is to use how powerful it is and what's the range of this thing a team the logic will be kind of similar to throwing a knife first time ever throw in an ax the ax absolutely destroyed the target you see the damage it's crazy no matter where the ax was hitting it was breaking the board like there's no way to mess with this thing so I moved to the next test power Candy's ax actually break a coconut I tried right away and at the first attempt I broke it with the handle then I tried with a different coconut and I hit it with the blade that thing is incredible but the real challenge was throwing it from far away I'm not gonna lie it took me a while to hit the second coconut because of my accuracy and now I was gonna try to hit a target from twice as far I was kind of worried about damaging the ax I was expecting ahead to try 100 times failing every single time complaining about my accuracy and randomly getting it at some point but literally at the fourth attempt I got it [Music] before testing the coolest weapon on the list I knew I had an unfinished business with the cars alright now I am super pumped and I'm gonna destroy it so I started trying one more time and so far it wasn't looking too good I kept missing again and it's kind of weird because it can be accurate throwing cards now I couldn't even touch the target let alone break it then I got finally closed but nothing happened did you hear that and then I went back missing something was on so I tried for a while with playing cards and I was hitting the target literally every single time and then I said and literally at the next attempt this happened we gotta remember that power not always the solution let's go let's go but you know what was my favorite weapon of the movie the katana a few months ago I tested a katana but I had no idea how to actually use it so now I wanted to test its actual power starting from the cutting test the right technique consists in holding the handle with two hands lifting the blade above your head almost spiraled to the ground and then swinging downwards in a single fluid motion at a 45 degree angle the better your Technique is the cleaner the cut is gonna be and so I started Andy Katana went through the pineapple like nothing same story for a couple I mean not too bad not too bad then I even tried hitting an arrow mid air the same challenge he did with the nunchucks and literally at the first attempt I destroyed the arrow so we saw what the nunchucks did to the watermelon let's see what a katana does so I set up a watermelon but then I changed my mind you know I want to show you something to make things harder carrying a watermelon just like that it would be way too easy for this Katana but what if I tried an insanely cool tank I saw this technique maybe once on YouTube and I wasn't even sure what I was doing so I had to practice for a while because I wanted to be perfect before trying against the target we only got one watermelon left so it can't mess this up all right and in that moment I thought about something Sean is right I'm not John Wick's son I'm just a guy that wants to tell you that you can do anything you want if you don't stop and all these skills allow me to do exactly that yeah yeah let's go if you like this video I think you like this one too go check it out [Music]
Channel: Mike Shake
Views: 2,703,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mike shake, Skills, Learning new skills, Learn skills, learning skills, yesgo, mike, mike skills
Id: zwGKoaZOAG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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