400mph Rocket Knife

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today I woke up went to the bathroom and got out of bed I have been checking the mail every morning for a letter from the U.S military because five years ago I created this my greatest invention and the United States military has stolen it from me they took a bomb took the bomb out and put knives on it I mean look at this look at this look at it it's the exact same thing they just put more knives on it I've been waiting they've never asked for my permission they've never sent me a thank you card the least they could have done is put my name on the rocket I'm going to steal back my idea from the US Military so originally I thought you could just buy really big Rocket Motors but you actually need a license to buy anything bigger than this because they claim it's too dangerous well guess what rocket nerds I figured out how to make my own Fuel and it's twice as dangerous I melted down some rocket on low heat and then added some fuel to it then I poured the mixture of rocket fuel into cardboard tubes this rocket contains 50 grams of fuel and this rocket contains 500 grams of fuel I did some tests and I quickly discovered there is a fine line between a rocket and a stick of diamonds I cut the fuel into sections and loaded it into the rocket casing and then I made a nozzle by heating up this little metal pipe on my lathe until it was white hot and then I jammed this metal cone into the end of it to form a nice nozzle shape boom just like that you've got a rocket and I want to see how fast it will go I made a 3D model of the knife rocket and it should weigh about 1500 grams or like three pounds so if I put these steel weights on the end of this rocket it'll weigh about the same as it should weigh when there's knives on it getting ready for my first test Target's about 200 feet back that way so I just want to make sure that it'll work before I buy everything and make everything foreign here's the rocket nothing shot out the nozzle is still there but the weights are gone I wonder where the weights went holy sh no way it went like four inches in the tree that's wild after playing Dr footage frame by frame I calculated the rocket to be going over 300 miles per hour now I don't really need to explain the next part I basically just bought some kitchen knives and put them on the rocket 240 holes 168 rivets you know how long it takes to make one of these things I'm talking about making molds from 3D printed Parts casting the knife holders out of aluminum cutting the handles off the knives all in the middle of a hurricane oh did you want to drill through hardened steel because it's a normal drill bit all right here's a trick the elites don't want you to know you can actually sharpen these carbide tipped masonry bits and use them to drill through hardened steel anyway made six Rockets so I was trying to figure out how to launch the rocket so I built this model to see if it'll work I attached a tube to the rocket and suspended it on a cable so if I just placed the Target under the cable the rocket would only ever halfway hit it so I fixed that by holding up the end of the cable with a smaller cable so the rocket will fly down here break the smaller cable and go right through the target perfect hit every time well I haven't tried it yet but let's try it three two one wow it went right through it so now I need to find somebody with a lot of land and trick them into thinking that these Rockets are perfectly safe and I can't believe he fell for it well for what oh my God I said that out loud anyway thank you Derek for letting me use your property so here's the setup on this side this is the launch section and 400 feet down that way is the target area it's the same setup as my tests but scaled up to 400 feet and I'm using high strength Dynamo for the cable and paracord for the Breakaway now I know I joke about safety a lot but I have taken every precaution to make sure that this experiment is 100 safe most importantly the knives on the rocket make it extremely nose heavy and aerodynamically unstable so without the string to guide it the rocket would just spin like this end over end through the air and eventually just drop out of the sky within a few hundred feet and that's fine because there's nothing in that direction for like a couple miles so uh let's try the first experiment I think I'm ready are you ready I'm ready when I press this button the rocket should go off okay three two one [Music] whoa I think it works do you think it works so did we hit it no something hit the pumpkin there's some cans that are exploded we must have just nicked the top of it all right here it comes on the high speed oh it worked perfectly it was going perfectly straight it broke the Rope just like I hoped it nicked the pumpkin and I lost track of it there honestly this was a little too easy for the rocket so for the next test we're gonna try something tougher in my last video we cut a toy car in half in this video I want to try cutting a real car door in half I raised it up on some cinder blocks because last time the rocket hit a little higher than I thought it would so hopefully we get a nice hit right in the center of this car door so we're going to be using this upgraded rocket knife with the carbon steel blades this should go straight through that car door let's not hit a cap got one more Finishing Touch to put on the rocket see at least I'll give him credit for stealing my idea here we go three two one I think we nailed it too did you hear that crash oh my God we hit it we hit it we hit it oh we hit it did we go through it we went through we went through dude oh perfect I couldn't have asked for a better shot than that wait where's my other GoPro is this part of your GoPro no we hit the GoPro oh here's your battery oh no I brought the car door home so I could cut it open and check out the damage on the inside all right check this out one of the blades is still stuck in the center support of the car door let me get that out wow snapped it in half but look another blade made it clean through the center support and it looks like it came out right there this blade kind of came in like this barely nicked the inside of the car door like that and then went right through the other side cut through the steel cable here and then this one right here it cut through this like the sheath that the cable was in and then I cut through these electrical wires too anyway I paid 100 bucks for this car door at a junkyard it's from like a Cadillac or something and uh let's try the next experiment all right so we're setting up a new rocket to hit our Target down there which is a bunch of propane tanks and the teddy bear we're gonna get the teddy bear this time okay three two one it worked it looks like it hit the ground right there and it's still hot on the thermal camera that's it where are the knives I found a knife right here the nice all twist and look at that and another one oh that was this is the one that hit the car door I also found this part of the knife too so this was the front that was the back and the knife is just shattered I found the propane tank no way way over here oh whoa it cut the top right off let me see it sharp it's like a knife I came out here early the next day to find out where those first three rockets landed and while I'm looking for them future Kevin is going to tell you about this video's sponsor kiwico so I've been trying to figure out some ideas I've been farming for ideas what can you guys try at home that's not so dangerous well look at this we've got a fresh batch a kiwico crates right here we've got a bottle rocket we've got air hockey and we've got a mechanical sweeper so kiwico creates Hands-On projects for kids that are designed to be so much more than just a toy their crates are jam-packed full of science art and engineering and contain none of the harmful explosions pain or arson that you would find in my videos this rocket uses a chemical reaction between baking soda and citric acid to produce gas which shoots the rocket up into the air you know another chemical reaction that makes a lot of gas bombs what is wrong with you also real rockets when I was a kid my parents would buy me kits just like this and honestly I think the bite me kits like this helped spark my interest in science and creativity I just think building stuff like this is really good for kids when they're growing up all of kiwico's projects are designed by experts and everything you need comes in the Box this includes all the supplies a booklet teaching more info on the crate subject and kid-friendly instructions kiwico crates are great fun for the whole family and they make an awesome gift so go ahead down to kiwico.com backyard and get started on your kiwico crate today uh well after a quick search I founded the rockets that we launched yesterday or what's left of them anyway let's try the next experiment we've set up a little living room example right here so we've got your wall we've got your TV and then we've got your comfy little chair and in the chair we have put Mr hamburger and he's going to be our crash test dummy we got the rocket set up way down there and it's going to come right through all of these things hopefully this is also a very special rocket [Music] thank you yes yes we hit it there's so much going on the chair is on fire look at the TV right there it is just what happened to it where's Mr hamburger wow look at that look at a perfect entrance hole right there and then a perfect exit hole right there like you can see all the blades and everything this is these Rockets are so powerful this is a piece of the TV right here a piece of the TV embedded in the table it got pushed through the table I'm not even kidding this looks like a war zone these Rockets are just so ridiculously powerful they're going at like 450 miles an hour by the time they reach the end of this table here like wow you found the rocket oh my God look at Thomas's face it's been like welded to the metal it's still there the aluminum casting I made to hold the blades it kind of cracked a little bit there and there and there but I mean one of the blades survived the nozzle got shot out somewhere this is this is too much for me so I made six Rockets and the first four worked perfectly the next two [Music] did we hit it did it work came off the cable no rocket number five Burns through the motor casing and I think it melted the duct tape so it just shot off out of control I didn't tighten the cable enough for Rocket number six so it hit the ground the fuel on the inside exploded and it burned a hole through the casing right here it ended up in a tree and it's still in pretty good condition so I went to Walmart I bought 12 more knives that night I made two more Rockets So I come out the next day to fire off rocket number seven and it came so close everything was going perfect but it veered off the track at the last second and it hit the support beam right there and I don't know exactly what happened to Rocket number eight but it flew off the cable and hit this pine tree about 15 feet up I made one more rocket this is personal I need this I have one more rocket and I'm going to hit the fridge this time this time we are going to hit this bridge we're gonna hit this washing machine it's like that gas okay three two one sure yes I could tell it worked right away by the sound of the Fireball and I could see a flaming propane tank spinning away I am so glad that this finally worked like everything was going so good and then four Rockets missed right in a row it all worked out in the end though and it was totally worth it we did it oh my God we're going to be arrested but we did it look at this we did it let's do a quick damage survey let's start with this propane tank still live here's the rocket right here so the aluminum casting was pretty broken you can see right there split right down the center so the rocket was totally destroyed here's a shelf from the fridge and look at this there's a bunch of broken like wires from the shelf so I think that this rocket came in and one of the blades hit the shelf right there because the blade is still stuck in the Shelf over here on the dishwasher we didn't go through the dishwasher and I think that that's because the shelves caught the blades so good the rocket came out sideways when it came out of the freezer oh here's one right here so this one was cut totally cut right in half like that's amazing shooting the Rockets was way more fun than cleaning everything up but this part of the freezer was too cool to throw away well I hope you all enjoyed this video a lot and I'll see you next time [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: TheBackyardScientist
Views: 9,452,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zEVPgnLbguI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2022
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