20 Times Referees RUINED Football..

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these are 20 times referees ruined football and first keep an eye on the referee [Music] here that referee would have had me in tears just like number 19 cuz one team managed to score a goal while hitting the side netting show with the corner looks like he's gone through a hole in the net what the hell they actually gave them the goal but the team at number 18 got eliminated from the World Cup 2018 all because of one [Applause] decision yeah and the crazy part is V reviewed it and still said no penalty I've seen I've seen penalties given for less than that we got V for for a reason this is a defender's mistake now for number 17 we got to talk about this Mexican referee he straight up stole another player's [Applause] manhood but the referee wasn't getting away that easily does the commissioner of the league came back and slap the ref with a 12 match ban yeah this ref messed with the wrong balls and so to number 16 cuz with the Premier League title on the line and with Arsenal leading 1 against brenford there was no room for error by nor guard penck climbing in there oh it's going to be a goal Ian Tony scored flag has stayed down and brenford have leveled wait a minute not one but two players offside whether you go whichever way you go it's offside pinu offside no Gods offside in the end that was only one game at number 15 a referee's mistake almost had one team relegated everything came down to when Everton had to face the best team in football Manchester City and in the 81st minute this happened berardo Sila into the penalty area and it's cleared and oh it's going to be a goal for City and 's first era of the match and with Man City scoring there was no hope left for Everton fans some even left the stadium but they had no idea what was about to come cuz in the 85th minute this happened in behind for Rich Arison chance here Rich Arison blocked by Edison oh that was the hand that was the arm of rodri he's not given it oh my God the rest must have had bets than the game I mean how do you not call that but no one was more annoyed than Everton manager Frank Lampard I wanted to know if it was offside in the buildup because if that happens it negates the penalty shout so it wasn't I've been told that clear it's not not not offside against richelson in the buildup I've got a three-year-old daughter at home who could tell you that's a penalty the ref the ball well he certainly didn't hit him in the face now and he got a red card and just like that he became the most hated ref in the world of football but at number 13 it wasn't only the referee making mistake it was the whole system cuz when Aston Villa played newly promoted Sheffield United did there was something that should have never ever happened see all referees wear a special watch on their wrist but not only that each goal has at least five cameras pointed right at the goal line to help decide whether the ball is over the line or not now using technology is obviously great until it's not nean just a sweep on on top of the goalkeeper here and he holds on but Michael Oliver said no that's a goal that's a goal yeah um dude literally hugged the ball into his own goal and it's still wasn't given I bet he's never complaining about refs again but number 12's mistake was so crazy the ref was selected for a drug testing cuz he did what no one has ever done before Dua this time that's a yellow card for simonic a mighty tangle results in Kennedy now usually when you get a second yellow you're sent off but not if you ask this wff in goes vuka he should have been off a few minutes ago it's actually his third nightmare for Grand Paul oh my God honestly I have no idea how that can happen but I also have no idea how number 11 can happen either cuz in the round 16 of the 2010 World Cup England went up against Germany and with the Germans leading 2 to1 in the 37th minute all England needed was a miracle but instead they got a disaster that's a lovely touch l no way Not only was that a certain goal but it had everyone questioning FIFA but all right right we've entered the top 10 worst referee moments in football history so let's take this to a whole new level like the time one referee broke the record for the most yellow cards in a game for the time a referee scored a goal but before we show you all of that one referee almost cost Portugal their place in the 2022 World Cup looking for Ronaldo are you kidding me go are you absolutely kidding me has it even G in it's gone in the assistant isn't waving for it remember Noor this is huge now Ronaldo screaming in the face of the official he will be booked for that yeah the linesman was literally right there and still didn't give the goal and because of his mistake his own referee team had no other option but the drop his but as dumb as that was number n's mistake destroyed another team's dream see in one of the biggest Champions League games Bayern Munich had the impossible job of going to the Santiago bernu to play the greatest SE team in history real mad dread and in the 67th minute Bayern Munich shocked the world M arriving San oh it's brilliant and at this point Bayern were going to the champions league and all they had to do was run out the clock but let's be real there ain't no way roale Madrid were going to make it easy for them and by the 90th minute the script had already been flipped on its 10 venicius Jun meny overlapping that's comfortable noer dropped it and hu scores rudiger and with a score 2 to1 to Real Madrid everything would be decided in the final seconds and that's when the refs made one of the dumbest decisions ever and it's long into The Real Madrid penalty area and Müller is there and the whistle had long gone for offside yeah in the 12th minute of stoppage time Bayern Munich had the chance to tie the game but since the lineman raised his flag for offside the ref had to blow the whistle early and because of that VA couldn't change the decision he has the chance not to whistle he takes the decision to whistle is against every rule I'm sorry my view of it at the time wasn't so much on the lines man cuz I've seen it before I've seen I've seen referees doing this doing that the big man takes the decision always in he is the chief why do you blow your whist just you go you have something that can tell you if there is offside or not the liesman said sorry but that does not help on that kind of level now that's how you destroy a game honestly I expected Real Madrid to make a comeback but what I didn't expect was number eight back off and Hall sense the opportunity he's got him for pace and now Hall looking for montao is going to have a tap in he going to be 2-n to the Newcastle Jets oh hang on a minute hang on a minute offside flag up against Mont how on Earth has he given offside there and that is just a disastrous decision now all right all right everyone can make mistakes but for number seven a referee changes a call to stop a team from scoring now I know what you're thinking how is that legal but hear me out on December 3rd of 2023 Tottenham played against Manchester City and one decision would cause players to lose their cool see the scores were tied at three AP piece but deep into the stoppage time City finally got their chance trust comes in and it's still kept alive but now they've lost it and rodri plays it to Haren oh Dreadful challenge gets away with it because Harland kept the ball and on he goes to greish and greish is down the middle and the referee has blown his whistle oh my word what a shocker oh my god did you catch that bro first said play on but as soon as Gish was threw on the goal he stopped the play for a foul no wonder Holland was losing his cool but at number six one mistake forced the Premier League to change their rules see back in the day referees would make mistakes right left and center but some were hella fishy in 2005 Pedro Mendes scored the craziest goal in premier league history only for the refs to act blind astonishing end to the game here and Mendes has tried to lob it over him oh see see that go in that wasman has kept his flag down toam are Furious they believe they've been denied a goal well I tell you what we can see the replay now here we are tell us what's going through your mind now it's goal it's a goal it was just over wasn't it yeah yeah it's really really over how is my man so calm after being robbed of that goal like even Manchester United coach Sir Alex was pissed it wasn't given well it just SS wait to the um the point about technology and cameras I mean I think most people in the game are saying the progress has going to be made in the game is for television cameras and I think that proved it tonight all right all right I know it you know it everyone knows it that was rigged but at number five a player got awarded the dumbest penalty ever te Sterling tripping over his own feet and guess what penalty bro dude kicked the ground got the penalty and embarrassed himself on live TV I listen is not bling Sterling he's not trying to win a penalty just what he would what would he made a hash of it it was quite embarrassing honestly I never thought I'd see a moment like that and I bet you've never seen anything like number four the time one referee decided to break a world record that'll never be broken and of course it had to be La Liga Legend Matel LA everyone knows that this dude might be a referee but he wanted nothing else but to be in the spotlight and during the 2022 World Cup he wanted to shine brighter than lonel Messi see in one of the biggest quarterfinals of the tournament Argentina won against the Netherlands in one of the wildest penalty shootouts ever cuz not only did the Netherlands equalize in the 11th minute of stoppage time there were fights breaking out from all corners of the game this game had it all but in the end talking point wasn't about the performance of The Players instead it was the referee see not only did he give out one red card he handed out8 Yes you heard that right 18 Yellow cards in one game I mean this went so far even Messi had enough of him saying I don't want to talk about the referee because you can't be honest Messi wasn't the only one though cuz Netherland coach Leon how also went after him if you talk they sanction you but FIFA must think about it they can't put a referee who wasn't up to the task for these instances yikes toot got humiliated so bad that he actually went into retirement and if you ask me it was about time we stopped seeing him officiating games just like I hope we never see number three cuz what if I told you one referee was so dumb it got him suspended cuz during a game between non and PSG one referee not only kicked a player he decided to make things worse by giving the player a red card y car dieo caros which means he's in real trouble well well well yeah worse yet this dude is 51 years old acting like he's five and of course things weren't going to look bright for him cuz even if he released the statement apologizing for his actions the FFF French Football Federation decided to end his refereeing career and speaking of ending careers and number two a referee's worst performance cost him his career now some argue it shouldn't have happened but after seeing this game something felt really off cuz the game started off with this looking to put it back and that's the end but this excitement wasn't going to last long cuz even Chelsea players knew one goal wasn't going to cut it so in DDA draga was through on a goal Chelsea fans all over the world thought this was it has helped it through and Drogba controls he's gone down the referee looked at his linesman and doesn't award a penalty now wesing one calls fine but he was really caught by surprise then good play by maneuver who goes down all right two might also be fine anel is that hand ball against PK the referee says no hold up three Miss calls but those were still not as painful as what happened next cuz in stoppage time Iniesta would shock the world but it's messy it's Iniesta now that the scores were tied one to one it would mean only one thing Barcelona were going to the Champions League final but just as the clock was running out Chelsea got one last chance was up there got a head to it Bak has a rattle a handall appeal and draga was not holding back dis eventually the referee finally got to say this sometimes you miss a penalty sometimes you miss a red card or a crucial decision and I think everyone that knows football knows there should have been a penalty my guy there should have been a lot more than one penalty but as crazy as that was we still got to talk about number one the time one referee's mistake made a jersey worth $9 million see maradana was one of the most controversial figures in the football world and during his playing days he was a rock star and in 1986 he would take the world stage during the World Cup in Mexico cuz Not only was this guy in the prime of his career and the captain of his team he was heading into a competition with one goal in sight he was willing to do everything to win but in the quarterfinals Argentina was facing England two countries who just four years ago before were at War so obviously things weren't going to be friendly and in just 6 minutes into the second half the most controversial goal in football history happened not a single person except the referee believed maradana headed the ball But Not only was the goal the most shocking of all time it got its own nickname the hand of God now I bet you didn't think this story could get much Wilder but not only did maradana and Argentina end up winning the whole tournament that Jersey mardana War for the game against England was sold in 2022 for $9.2 million and the craziest part maradana gave the shirt to Steve hod the defender who put the ball into maron's path before handing the ball into the goal so I guess they had each other's back unlike some but what if I told you that not all teammates have each other's back cuz one teammate slept with another's wife and another forced the team owner to sell a player and if you want to see what that's all about you got to check out this video right here
Channel: golazo
Views: 194,137
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Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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