I tested the CHEAPEST Gadgets on the Internet.

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this is really satisfying i'm going to tip the whole thing in wow yes i've just bought 22 of the most ridiculous cheap gadgets on the planet we're talking guns that you can use to eat your dinner with shower heads that will literally change the very way that you clean yourself and even the cheapest apple products that you had no idea existed so we're going to start at 30 and just keep getting cheaper even the video is going to get cheaper as we go and we've started already so kicking things off at bang on thirty dollars this is the polaroid candy play a pen that allows you to 3d print edible sweets oh it's coming out all right let's see if we can make the mr who's the boss logo fun fact this is how i created the logo in the first place just lots of sketching on a blank piece of paper oh dear it's a good thing i didn't initially make it with this pen there we have it oh it tastes like strawberry and paper now dropping all the way down to 20 we've got bubbles but not bubbles in the way you might remember them this is a fully automatic electric powered bubble gatling gun it's got a battery-powered fan on the inside which when i press this trigger will apparently spin at 2 000 rotations per minute ejecting the bubbles out the front i kind of feel like i should have a license for this okay we have milo here to test it look oh oh i don't think milo's a fan but i am why do i do that okay we're getting cheaper and as we do i feel like we're also getting weirder because for 18 i've managed to get myself a smoke bubble fish you can't make this stuff up in theory this should be able to fire not just bubbles but smoke bubbles comes with a few accessories like a mask for your fish at least my fish is covered secure and also gloves oh god these are literally made for three-year-olds that's as far as they go so we turn it on even my fish is rgb now oh my god it's like vaping for kids [Music] at least it doesn't smell fishy i'm really excited about this one though like be honest we've all had at least one occasion where we've tried to spread cold butter on our toast and it ended up a complete clumpy mess well this is apparently the solution the idea is that as you scrape it along butter the knife serrations allow it to carve up a really even thin layer of it and then because the entire body of the knife is made of a titanium alloy it can conduct the heat from your hand towards that thin layer of butter to soften it let's give it a go this is cold hard butter oh no way it really does feel like a combination of the heat and the shape is allowing it to become noticeably more spreadable i mean all you've got to do is compare my before and after oh and on the subject of kitchen weapons we can take this to the next level with the sauce gun i've got a full mag of tomato ketchup and i'm not afraid to use it now actually it feels like a great time to take this off lovely little breakfast bun i only included this so i could eat be ready i have no idea if this is going to be amazing or underwhelming three two one oh no what the only bit i haven't touched yet is the burger i think that one's going to go in our miss category and if you think that's an odd gadget then welcome to the 15 kuroto why do people still make packaging like this anyways this is what looks like a sharpener for your carrots oh it is a sharpener for your carrots i swear i was not trying to make this a violent video but see this is not just used to weaponize your vegetables the rather interesting side effect to this is that as you're sharpening the peel that comes off your carrot can be used to make these really beautiful presentation flowers i feel like i'm still more of a fan of the sharpening aspect three two one it works so you might know that whenever i'm filming a video i always make sure i have a tea with me but to make sure that that tea doesn't go cold i keep it in a temperature regulating ember mug only slight issue is that this ember mug is nearly 140 but this little pad that we've just bought for 14 is claiming to do the exact same thing okay so i'm going to pour boiling hot tea into three mugs one is the expensive ember mug one is a normal mug sitting on this stupidly cheap heating pad and the third one is just a normal mug with notepad so right now they're all sitting at about 70 degrees celsius so we're gonna come back at the end of the video and see how warm each one manages to keep that tea okay back to the kitchen for a second and it's not just your carrots you can take care of you can also get your apples the same treatment introducing the hand cranked apple peeler i should not be as excited as i am right now i think we just impale the apple on these blades and i think if i just start turning it now oh my lord this is really satisfying so perfect i almost don't want to touch it it actually feels like a different fruit when the skin's all off okay let's completely change things up now here's a product that i can confidently say no one has ever asked for a neon clothes hanger i feel like i could use these for my video costumes okay so let's hang this up and turn it on oh it's not bad it's only just occurring to me though but like you need a permanent power supply to keep that working who's gonna do that okay we've just dropped below the 10 mark now we're getting very cheap indeed and for that i'm kind of shocked that you can still get this this is apparently a fully functional 1200 watt power popcorn machine eight dollars popcorn machine i'm not gonna lie it does look a bit like a bin okay so we loaded up with corn stick this lid on and then hit the switch i'm gonna get some cover just in case it you're blows so many emotions it literally looked like it was this close to exploding but it didn't and we actually have what looks like a complete portion of perfectly cooked popcorn oh forgot to add flavour not the best but i will take what i can get oh now it works i've had worse so next up i've been so curious about this one what on earth is magic fire well if we open up this box can you see this powder inside this is a combination of metals that will all supposedly burn with different colors so let's make a little fire here oh nice it's working okay now we're cooking with gas milo get away i'm gonna tip the whole thing in wow no that's straight out of harry potter back to more traditional gadgets though i managed to find a smart plug for just over seven dollars and i've been racking my brain trying to figure out what i can actually do for that price so i've got one of our tube lights that we use for filming our videos plugged into it so this should mean i can just tap a button on there ah that's amazing it also apparently works with google assistant and alexa now i don't think i've ever wanted to press a button more than i have this one right here this is super enter picture this you've been working on a huge project day after day spent typing paragraph after paragraph but you finally reached that last line this this is how you hit that last enter one final enter to end all enters why am i nervous for this three two one yeah that was really disappointing we'll try one more okay i get a lot of comments about my voice some of you seem to really like it so if you hate it some of you think i fake it well that is what we're about to do this is a voice changer which takes in the sound waves from my mouth converts them into data and then tweaks the values of that data before then turning it back into another sound wave on the other side [Applause] dividing four hello [Music] let me see what i can turn myself into hello i don't think i've ever heard a man that sounds like that i sound like four years old a sub to the channel would be robotic that's not bad hello okay well uh that's a strange one have you ever wished that your eggs were more uniform in shape mean either i should still probably show it to you but now i bought it what you're looking at is an egg cuber so right after boiling your egg while it's still warm you put it inside this contraption press down and leave it for five minutes did it work though okay let's have a look it smells like egg look at that let's have a look inside this is not the best way to cut no away see it's even cubed the yolk five dollars we just hit the five dollar mark and for that you can actually get yourself not just a lamp but a sunset lamp which is needed too as the website eloquently suggests make happiness atmosphere i have an idea though let's pull the screen down and then use this and see if we can take an instagram worthy photo with it alrighty oh oh that's a five dollar sunset people hmm not bad you know oh oh what'd i do if you want to see the final result then i'll drop it over on the mr boss instagram well you know it's good value when they can't afford to give you a box this is a shower head that i can't believe is just three dollars because without any batteries or any cables this can apparently not just wash you but also bathe you in light so it must also have some sort of turbine inside of it that generates electricity from the flow of the water three dollars people probably make sure it works before i get carried away yes i love it it's literally like a rave every time you wash yourself i'm sorry how is going in the hall of fame right there now this one might just be the most useful 2.50 i've ever spent so you know how with phone cameras now you have a main camera and then also quite often an ultrawide camera to be able to see more well this is an ultrawide view for your car you stick it onto your wing mirror like this and they allow you to see a complete image of everything around you which is really important because these also cover your blind spot but on the subject of cars two dollars gets you something even more fun this is a galaxy projector which it's saying is gonna fill this car with dreamlike visual enjoyment because that won't be distracting this is so cool but if owning the galaxy isn't quite up your aisle then two dollars also buys you the ability to carve sweet corn it's made of pp material apparently comfortable to grasp all right we've got a piping hot bit of grilled sweetcorn here so i believe we should just be able to put this on top oh oh this feels interesting oh that's wicked soft pp material coming in handy that is literally shaved to the bone oh but i've got another tool that can help us out here you see this is a finger blade it not just protects your fingers from cuts but also turns your nail into a knife i am basically half machine at this point the only question left on my mind is how sharp is it i've already decided that i love wearing this but can i cut veg it's actually really sharp wow the only problem is that the blade isn't deep enough to actually get through it very cool i guess you just got to be careful not to have an itch while you're using it but we get cheaper still this is the staple free stapler and it costs 60 cents if this thing works it's gonna completely embarrass my normal stapler it costs a tenth of the price and it never needs to be topped up all right so we've got our top secret documents here i have no idea how this is actually gonna work [Applause] something happened and they're together so it doesn't actually cut off any piece of paper it just creates a little opening and then uses that to wedge the front piece of paper around the back one to hold it in place okay just before we get to those mug temperatures got a bit of a bonus one for you thanks to the sponsor dbrand now if you're anything like me then when you buy new gadgets you like to keep them that way this might just be the best way of doing that it could be an iphone it could be a samsung it could be an oled nintendo switch i've never seen a set of skins that fit as precisely as dbruns do and you know how like when we make our videos we always like to think about the little things that's exactly what dbrand does too like this grip case you think oh it's just a phone case how much can you really change but this thing has grip like literally insane levels of grip thanks to the material the micro dot texture and these pads specifically designed to enhance it ridged buttons that are shaped in such a way that they preserve the natural clickiness subtle arches which keep the edges raised at the top and the bottom of the phone but then keep the screen completely usable and lots more not to mention the simple fact that for every single one of dbrand skins and cases you can customize them with whatever color and finish you want hit the link below to learn more about dbrand they're probably the most expensive thing on this entire video damn okay let's have a look at these mugs so the ember mug is on 58 degrees the normal mug with the cheap heat pad is on 47 and then the normal mug without the heat pad is 42. so i guess you get what you pay for to check out my last few gadgets videos i'm going to leave them linked there and there my name is aaron this is the boss i'll catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Mrwhosetheboss
Views: 13,234,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gadgets, cheap gadgets, tech, unboxing, mkbhd, tiktok, technology, smartphones, marques brownlee, best gadgets, best gifts, tech gifts, gadget, cool, cool stuff, fun, christmas, 2022 tech, tech 2022, best tech
Id: bCevmmgJzQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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