Cities Skylines 2, but I only have one tile!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to City skylines 2 yes I finally got the sequel there's a two at the end and not only that the devs have been so generous and have sponsored this video so please boost your link in my description if you want to check this incredible game out yourselves for now though let's get into a new game and oh we got to pick a m oh look at look at the road layout does anyone else see that is that just me I can't just be me anyway we'll call our city limit town because despite City skylines 2 having the these absolutely sprawling Maps we are going to be limiting ourselves to just a single grid cuz what I thought would' be fun to do was try and repeat this I did this in City skylines 1 uh great success as Borat would say but I just figured it would be like a nice way to sort of learn like how this game works I literally haven't played this it's going to be my first experience but we're going to completely fill this grid and make it a perfect City there's a trade oh man it's like one of those double trade wa we've got a river in this corner and then we've got our connection we got a highway coming in what I quite like it leads to a roundabout that's how you know this is going to be a successful town all right so we got a lot of space to work with let's have a look at these roads oh man I can build I can build an arch bridge what's that going to cost me 4 grand how much money do I have 500 Grand okay we're definitely putting a bridge in oh this is going to be an awesome plate look at this we got a bridge you know what that means we need a bridge review a huge steel trust Bridge spanning a fairly fast flowing river giving ample Headroom for large boats although the fact that this bridge is right next to it maybe that's not important now some might claim this is a product of architecture because it's not connected to anything it's a bit pointless at the moment but zooming in what does that say the bridge review score better be good for this or I'm going to the bridge just threatened me it's get it's getting a lower score so overall I give this bridge a 3.9 out of 10 but it has Room to Grow because we'll probably need this as we expand our city Bridge review so we have access to all sorts of roads at the moment this is nice and oh have a look at that can you see like under the road there's like I think there Services yeah look bottom right pipes water and sewage power line capacity okay so roads now carry services that is cool and realistic but yeah we've also got some medium roads well just one medium Road a four-lane road unlocked oh man look at that bridge oh oh man look at this page okay stop stop calm down M calm down calm down right back to medium roads I feel like it's probably wise to set up like my arterial roads the ones that are going to take the traffic like around different places and then we come back with like smaller roads to actually like populate the place right now I'm I'm not really a fan of like straight road grids it's a bit too American for me being a Brit we do coldi sacks we do curves so I'm thinking let's let's mirror the coastline so I'm going to come up to here and then I want to add a roundabout do they they have okay they have roundabouts they they're quite small they're quite wobbly as well look at they jiggling all over the place as I move my mouse Bo is that just the central island oh yeah I can shove it on there that's reasonably large okay cuz then I can continue from this roundabout I can go this way I can also go the other way as well so we've got our fast arterial Road in we've only spent 20 grand so we're doing pretty good uh we then need to come off these with our like residential areas commercial areas so back into roads we can come to small roads and we probably just want like a simple two-lane road that sounds good to me so I don't really want to come off these arterial roads although oh look you can decide like what side you come off that's cool but no I think we'll come off the roundabout and then we can just add like extra roundabouts if we want to do like extra Junctions but uh rather than going like straight across like that I probably want to like I want to really British this up so I want like lots of lots of Curves coming off these I want like dead end coldy sacks all right right so we've gone all out we've got cisac Central here and I feel like these are going to be our residential areas cuz if you look at the demand look low density residential demand is way up there so let's paint this in oh look what the oh there's so much different sort of there's so much everything so we got lower medium density houses we've then got Apartments apartments with commercial underneath large apartments and even larger ones I'm playing European by the way you can also play like the American style as well so I guess all my buildings will sort of look well European I can literally change it down here North American style architecture why did you use that word well I'll tell you what since they're already building in Europe that's the like theme for my my map I'm going to do I'm going to do American style architecture just to show you that architecture is pointless right anyway let's start painting some of these up we're building them with cranes oh that's cool okay this is cool anyway while they're being built I actually need to focus on how we going to get like water and power so we've got water over here you can see it's flowing left to right so pumping station there I then want sewage Outlet I'm going to shove this right down the other end of the map cuz I don't want poo in the area I don't mind it like like go flood Downstream there's probably like there's probably like another YouTuber building there City down there that's fine so I probably want to grab sewage pipe from here oh look I can connect straight to my yeah look that's my road so if I go back to pipe o I don't like that devs I don't like that like water means yes you can have curves sewage no chance mate no chance of curved pipes like you can get a very small radius sort of on site but you're meant to have like Straits with Chambers in between oh dear so our pumping station has some problems it needs a road which is fair enough it needs the pipe connected it also needs electricity that's fair cuz it's a pumping station the sewage one just works on gravity pretty much so let's get a little Gravel Road in we don't need anything fancy for this I think we'll take our Gravel Road up here and come under this bridge perhaps we can connect into this roundabout cool next up we need to power this we also need to power our city as well so let's have a look in the power tab what do we have so we can use wind turbines or we can use a small Coal Power Plant oh wow they're quite expensive 100 Grand but the other thing you can do in this game you can take electricity from like the outside world so we could we could come off this as long as we use a Transformer station to go between the high voltage and the low voltage of the roads and houses and stuff then we can do that the trouble with doing this is we have to pay for the electricity we use obviously so the question is do we want to be self-sufficient or are we happy I think we're going to be self-sufficient get one of the oh man look at look at this if I come off this roundabout I can shove this in here now you'll notice over here this is groundw now we got to be careful about polluting that because if we ever want to use groundw to like feed our population we will pollute it and then we'll make them ill so we sort of want to be away from that there is also wind that's the arrows I don't know if that changes but if I put my coal thing here then our fumes will go straight over to them so maybe that's not the best idea but I've done it now anyway and I'm a tiny village so we got 600 grand for that as well as access to all of this stuff look we got medium density housing a load of New Roads medical stuff landfills all sorts and by the way check out all the different progression things now there's so many they're worth noting these development points we can go into this development Tab and look we sort of have like a huge Tech Tree now so we can focus on what we want to build next I'm sort of thinking either crematorium which I can afford or maybe incinerator plant oh the other thing I didn't realize this this cool Power Plant I've got to connect it to pylons you can see down here I think this is the Transformer end yeah so if you look at electricity that's connected underground to the actual power but I I probably should connect it to the outside world cuz if we're we're making more energy than we need we will actually get paid so despite the fact this has covered up oh man look at the look at the steam I mean it's not steam it's it's coal emissions we can move this which does cost money but I think in the long run it will be better so we'll shove it over there did that that really cost me 24 Grand I think it cost me 24 Grand but then we can add our power lines yeah now if we're making more electricity than we're using we will actually we'll sell that back to the grid yeah look we're selling the excess to the outside world so that's good anyway next up I should probably focus on the landfill cuz people will complain about that soon now you can see the sort of area it's going to like pollute so what I might do shove this sort of down this way so this is going to be like my pollution area of the city I mean we got to pollute we can actually draw where we want our landfill area to be so if I like build this area sort of like this and look we've made our own little landfill corner right up to the edge of the Railway let's hope the trains don't open their windows but now we have like the basics set up we we have a lot of demand oh boy a lot of demand so we'll just draw a few more roads then make this a commercial area you can see buildings are going up the cranes are in the sky and look some of our first shops are in oh it's not Dino oil anymore it's Eno oil and what's that oh people are complaining about the health oh yeah I forgot about Healthcare hang on so Medical Clinic shove one of these in there that looks like it covers like all my roads that's cool so yeah you can see Health Care pretty covered now capacity is great death care not so much so what can we do there we have a cemetery and wow this this takes up quite a bit of room to be fair but I reckon that's quite a nice area it's coming off our off our dirt track uh quite surprising as well there's loads of gravestones in here already despite no deceased people anyway check out the number of people entering our city this is beautiful the industrial area is definitely industrial that's that is uh that's quite a sight that I honestly was not expecting that sort of pollution this early on Fair Play yeah and the demand for industrial is still pretty high so we'll keep painting all these areas oh by the way check out this person repping Finland she's just she's just IDL she just stood out in the rain like at least I have my Finland flag actually there seems to be a lot of people just stood in their Gardens doing absolutely nothing oh look we just got some XP that's how you level up in this game there it's no longer population it's now XP that gets you to each Milestone Oh look The Next One does get us to education and since you want this to be a land of Engineers that is 100% my next priority maybe it should be connecting this bridge got 600 yeah s I'm going to connect this bridge up cuz what are we going to build over here we like this this is just like a very slim Little Island I mean maybe this could be the school Island ooh or maybe we could shove a prison on there depends how big a prison is I feel like buildings are quite big in this game anyway we're now a small village congratulations you're moving ahead very nicely thank you game so I've got three development points at people are complaining about education don't worry I've unlocked education let's unlock a college and then a university as I said before we are educating the masses here cuz we are building a city for engineers so restart Elementary School we'll shove one in the middle oh look at all the stuff oh ah it's night time it's really bright people know I don't like night time in games so I've just turned that off glad that is a setting not going to lie right there is our new that's just a primary school that thing is huge I it does hold a thousand students Fair we've only got 60 students so we do need to up our up our population look at look at all the polition in the background I feel quite bad I got 1.2 million to spend so should probably get a high school in as well I mean I was going to shove that opposite it's so big I'm going to have to I'm going to have to start expand I mean I'm going to have to expand anyway cuz we're going to we need to fill this grid I mean obviously I've just built in like just a random pattern but we're going to need to like go right up to the edge of here and stuff so yeah let's uh let's take a road along this wait shove our high school down here I do have a college which doesn't take up as much room which is quite good so we'll shove that there oh I'm a large village already so what have we what have we got this time we got more loans we got budgets oh we got farming and Mining and stuff oh and police and fire now since Architects are going to want to move in I'm going to have to try and get to the prison as quickly as possible so let's unlock the police headquarters for two and then going to need four points to get the prison unlocked but that's going to be pretty essential check out my high school and check out my college as well these are awesome oh look they got like a little snack thing on the outside the detail is immense oh look we've now unlocked the medium density the apartments as well so let's apartment up down there so we'll get a bit of like a like a high streak going on yeah we do need to protect them so let's get a firehouse in shove that there we'll shove a police station next to it as well uh some of these people they're not getting enough customers I think that's cuz it's like a bit of a bit of a ghost town down this end of the map so probably worth around roundabout then just connecting up more of these places and like adding a road down this way now by the way you can now you can now like add a grid so if you use this button down here I don't like using grids cuz cuz I'm British like if we do that look we can literally grid up an entire area like really easily that's pretty cool so then you can make it really easy to like paint these up so I can make all of that commercial I'm a little bit worried how close I've put my houses to the industrial area and why is everyone's repping Finland down what is going on everyone's got a Finland have I just built Finland check out my my tool apartment buildings probably try and get more of them in the trouble is everyone's demand is just for low density residential right we are now a Grand Village the city is coming along nicely oh so we've now unlocked offices as well as low rent housing loads more like industry stuff o buses public transport oh I'm finding some parks as well all right well anyway despite my Natural Instincts I have just grided up like this area of the city cuz look at all all the different demands you've now got high density requirements so what I'm thinking we shove these sort of like around the edge we then do like the medium in between and then on these inner ones we have the low densities like people are protected from the outside world I mean you could say we're just we're just making it so that no one has a nice view of the mountains right looking at education we def we got like the biggest high school there's only 19 pupils there but yeah there's definitely a need for a university across one .5 million million I mean I did say I'd put Education First oh it does fit there quite nicely so these three buildings absolutely humongous cost me like over 2 million quid there's one person using the university 200 using the college and 20 using the high school oh look at this thing we just got a signature building how much was it oh is it free it's free I mean it fits quite nicely there yes it's a bit on its own but that's quite a nice nice looking building I think oh hang on what is that Junction what is that I was a highway engineer I do not approve this easy fix they round about that's much better oh look this is this is honestly if there's one building that's going to relate to me it's a pop musician Mansion if you've watched any of my polybridge series you know that I am destined to be a pop star so this is my future house I've got to build this ah by the bridge on the waterfront by the bridge yes this is a brilliant idea so here is my future house look at that look at my view it's beautiful what do I got horses yeah I've got a hot tub I got a hammock I imagine in there somewhere is where the magic happens where the songs are sung oh I'm noticing what is that office demand so I think by the school area is like actually not the worst idea in the world so people go to school learn and they get a job right next door all right one thing I need to do before I get too far I got to connect this bridge up I was also just having a look down here in pedestrian Pathways you can actually get you can get Bridges for them so I could do like a little path off this now we have a cable stayed pedestrian bridge over there make my Mansion even more desirable just by making this a working bridge and let's satisfy some more Demand with some low density housing we are very close to being a Grand Village I'm still not making profit though so I'm wondering is it worth taxing people a bit more 10% tax is nothing then like the upper earners can I split this into upper and lower oh yeah I can like the higher educated if you want to learn you got to pay tax 30% I mean 30% is nothing I think UK is like 45 yeah so it's like education that's causing us issues roads cost us 5 grand a month education 334 Grand a month oh check that out just like that we're now making profit 2 Grand an hour decent I think it's time to get a park in to be honest oh it's got to be a dog park as well this has got to be near Matt's Mansion so let's shove it oh down in that corner oh man that's a wicked dog park look at that it's got like hoops and tubes and all sorts and just like that we are now a Tiny Town 1.2 mil in the bank oh and Five Points which means we can unlock the prison so first things first we got to get our prison over here this is where the Architects will hang out remember so prison 650 Grand oh my goodness it's huge it's absolutely monstrous all right the thing is I I need to move I need to move this highway out the way but I haven't unlocked highways yet do I have the points I got six points I think I can do it so Advanced Service Roads yes there's the highways on unlocked which means I can delete this road oh I can't actually delete that and oh no I can't delete that it exceeds City Limits okay don't have a go at me everyone in chat but I got to do the architect thing and delete this bridge I know I know it's only temporary though don't worry it's only temporary I then need to just grab some Landscaping oh is Landscaping free my money's not going down yes if I shut that I really I really shrunk my River that's not good if you if you in real life like make a river narrower the water will go faster and faster water means more erosion and all sorts of stuff like that so let's be an engineer about this and let's just make the other side lovely this sea front isn't dangerous at all now dirt road literally at the top of a cliff yeah the important thing is our prison is in so now this is truly an engineering Paradise cuz we have a place to put all the Architects so I'm just going to fix all these Bridges and make sure that's all connected and stuff fill in a bit of a bit more a area with like everything we need and then we'll see we'll see how we're looking in a little bit right well it's been a little bit the place is certainly getting there check out over here we've got a whole host of bridges the truss Arch is back we got this huge suspension bridge which oh actually there's a traffic jam why is there traffic what are those symbols why are these not obeying the law obviously no right turn double quite like what are you doing damn smart car drivers there's definitely an architect in there over here prison is up and running 50 employees no prisoners it's it's going well I'm pleased there's no prisoners cuz it means that there's no Architects I had a bit of a nightmare trying to connect my highways up it's a bit it's a bit weird over here I will say that I tried to put in like a little pedestrian key along here as well yeah so all these all these houses although they have driveways they can't actually drive to them cuz this is just like a little pedestrian area but yeah main problem now is there's not enough customers for these shops now there's still demand for low density residential so I'll keep trying to cram those in anyway I'm pretty proud of our city nearly 6,000 population we're making 25 Grand an hour we are just making so much money I should probably invest it into like some services so tell you what I've just built a bus depot let's upgrade to electric buses and an extra garage then we'll just shove some bus stations around oh no look at them my electricity look we're not making enough anymore get another coal plant in trouble is the uh the commercial's definitely taking up a large area of this grid now which is actually nearly there like there's a lot of green about maybe I could add some roads to sort of try and increase the denseness it's just the people building they they they don't like curves they only work in squares everyone requires a completely rectangular garden plot oh my God there's a tornado there's a tornado oh wow that thing is huge it is D destroying these tree is that a shadow of it it's got a really dark shadow but yeah everything is getting mer ground that's insane I'm glad that's nowhere near my town not going to lie I'm surprised with how little poo these guys are making like this is the sewage Outlet so just one little pump is coping for this entire like look how big this city is oh I was just looking down here this is the map towers that I've unlocked I've actually I've unlocked 33 now you see I've actually been building rather than one square grid I've been building in like a 3X3 grid what's wrong with you what does that mean oh air pollution I wonder what could be causing that around here oh man this tip is an absolute tip wow this photo camera you can really look like look at the detail of this I'm basically walking around my city don't run me over your knob yeah let's head over this way and have a look if you were a pedestrian walking walking along oh what is wrong that guy's got a gold beard if you were a pedestrian walking along here like to be fair that is a hell of a bridge look at the size of it oh look there's a dog a very very shiny dog iume are you a wet dog look they got different dog breed there's anation there is the the actual Bridge which I think now deserves an increased amended score of 8.9 out of 10 amended Bridge review anyway if we just look at these Architects things sorry for ourselves let's just head upwards and just have a look at look at our look at our grid for my first stab at the game I think it's ended up okay but for now I'll say peace love and remember to check the game out by boosting the link in the description thanks for death for sponsoring cheers guys bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 752,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines 2, rce, real civil engineer city skylines 2, real civil engineer, city skyline 2, cities skyline 2, city skylines 2, cities skylines 2 gameplay, cities skylines 2 reaction, cs2, cities: skylies 2
Id: HpU7VRhyqmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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