Cities Skylines 2 Gameplay - How to Start a New City Everyone LOVES! (Ep 1)

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yes this is what you've been waiting for good old honest to goodness City skylines 2 Gameplay I picked a map archipelago Haven which is filled with Islands water and mountains with plenty of opportunity to show off some of the new gameplay and new features this is the first of my city skylines 2 preview videos where the more to come so be sure to subscribe now so you don't miss out on seeing the next one and just to remind everybody this is beta gameplay pre-release gameplay some things will be subject to change and I'm sure we'll have a lot of changes before release day so here we are in the starting tile let's take a look at what we're going to be working with for our very first ever City skylines to City here we go the very start of the tile and we've got this lovely intersection that we're going to be working with with a funky little roundabout on the end which is going to be coming in very handy indeed let's just see how big the starting square is so probably a little bit smaller than City skylines one but certainly large enough for our purposes we can see how much money we've got available we've got no progression yet we're going to be aiming for Tiny Village which is not a population threshold it's now an XP threshold so as we start building we are going to be getting XP do we have to place down the little road to unlock other roads no we do not we have a lot of starting roads available to us and we also have a teeny tiny roundabout which is this one we've got here you can tell it's the same size if you hover over and it lights up green in the middle if you place one of these down it will sort of distort and show that it's going to be made bigger so yeah whoa that is a lot of zooming out so we are ready to go so what I'm going to do is I'm going to extend this road down this way um hopefully we've got the Landscaping option available at the beginning we do we don't have any terrain lines available at the moment so what I'm gonna do is I am gonna level out this Terrain jar so we've got a nice flat area to work on and it's going to get a bit horky bulky in a few places but we can work on that so don't worry so just to show you the other tools that we've got that's been pushed back all the way and the nice softened tool if you just sort of go over the top of that you can see it's not too much of an issue and down here big piece of land we can sort of smooth that out there we go and that'll eventually go green excellent so let's add our first Road in we're going to just build this one out down to here and what I would like to do is eventually curve that around there and sneak past the mountain sort of area that way so we'll do that for now and we're also going to add another larger road coming out this way is going to be a very basic setup in the beginning this is going to be our residential area excellent and this over here is going to be our industry area and again I'm just going to level out this piece of land so it goes from looking like this to like this there we go just to give us a little something to play with so again we're just going to take that road I'm just going to bring that out to over there there we go I mean we can mess around with the height of all these roads and all sorts of things but I've literally got the video that I'm allowed to to make for you I mean I can spend as much time as I like on it um but it can only be in half an hour video which is what you're gonna see I bet your subscription feed is inundated uh with videos by the way let me just show you this upgrading Road drag it the way you want it to go so you click anywhere and just drag the direction and it will change that which is good we've got traffic lights here but at the minute I have no options uh to change those so they're gonna just stay as they are and we'll get a bit of Industry going in there in a moment and then I'm going to use the tool here that makes a grid so we're going to take this road I'm going to line that up and this is the same row that I'm drawing on that I'm going to be doing the grid with and as long as you sort of keep that lined up we should be able to go straight out excellent and if I've done it right it's all nicely lined up everywhere very good of course we can't get any people moving in until we get our power and our water sorted out now with this map here we do have power coming in from outside of the map just down here there we go so we've got this power line coming in from all the way outside it sneaks away and we can make use of that um that is just going to help us as we grow our city so I'm going to grab a Transformer so I'm not going to be spending um yeah I think I'll just put it on the side here I'm not going to be spending my own money uh building there we go coal plow plants you've got the small Coal Power Plant available I am gonna no don't do that I'm gonna import all of the Power there we go so we're going to pop that on there and that's attaching now to the power lines as you can see underneath the load and they go all the way along all the way over here but they don't go on this one because this is a highway so you just need to make sure that we hook those up so I'm going to do page down hook those onto there and that's going to go straight across and that's going to connect our entire grid you're also going to need to do that with the water as well because the highways don't include all the pipes there we go so I mean you can hook that up where you like but that's fine the water we're not going to use the water towers they get very expensive so I'm going to put in a little couple of pumping stations I'm gonna do one we're gonna have one there just so it stays away from that I'm going to put the sewage Outlet over here and what we might find the way this water sort of going it'll all sort of stay in that area and not get anywhere near anything else and then we can connect up this one just needs a sewage pipe connected but what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to bring this around the water here we go as if this is like a little Service Road and then we should be able to just bring that up into here I'll do a little bit of terraforming so we've got the slope terrain tool as well I'm going to bring that down right click there left click here smooth that down just to give us a little bit of something to work with then we can hook that straight into there that'll work nicely excellent let me just sort out the power issue there we go now the power is underneath the road where it belongs as some might say so we've got the power sorter we've got the water sorted we have no option of dropping the tax rates yet we're going to be going with a European style just because we've got European and we've got the North American style and I thought being from Europe myself we'll just sort of see how this goes so I'm just going to Chuck in a load of those um I also want commercial along here so let me just draw in some of that I'm going to keep it away from this road here and then we're going to get some industry demands gonna pop up as well so I'm gonna pop that off the back of this road and we'll just give that all a second to grow in and see what that looks like here we go buildings are appearing let's have a look down here so we've got some nice shops that have appeared in we've got population moving in which is good let's have a look over here at our industry oh all the trucks are coming in to start working on our industrial area which is good some nice different looking buildings over here and they're still popping in so that to me looks like a warehouse that's just appeared there no it's a company so you'll get the buildings popping in like this and then you've got to wait for the companies to move in so this one has a company that's moved moved in ivatsu and these are the items they want this is what they are going to produce and at the minute everything is pretty much on a Level Playing Field I've not got I access to taxis I've not manipulated anything or changed anything we will get what we get oh look they're going in the gates there we go dropping stuff off brilliant and we've got a huge demand so I think what I'm gonna do is I'm going to place a load more roads down and see if we can get ourselves up to the next progression by the way you may have noticed the name we are naming this city T Haven we're gonna save T learned new thieland new new thieland for a future city build in the full release of the game but for now T Haven is the name so if it was up to me I wouldn't do anything off camera because I know that you just want to see everything about this new game but unfortunately we are limited to 30 minutes so it is a very much a case of trying to show off as much of the game as possible within that time so that is what I'm gonna do I would like some shops along here but I don't want them off the main road so I'm gonna Zone let's do that one Mr one at the end and go like that we're almost at the next progression Milestone which is good and the more we go through filling our demands then the more the other demands will pick up as well we are growing in people which is good we're losing a little bit of money but we're not doing too badly I just think a couple more roads and we're going to be there now a little trick if you want to help with your traffic and increase your progression is roundabouts they give you 10 XP each as we can see down there so we're going to add one there we're going to add one there we are so close oh my goodness me I think one here and one there oh my goodness what is that one XP left I'm gonna take a piece of load and I'm gonna do that so we've hit the first Milestone Tiny Village we're gonna get 600 000 credits we're gonna get one development point and we're gonna get three expansion permits let's have a look at a progression panel so that's unlocked a load of things I would avoid taking out loans if you can at all possibility because they're so expensive we've got map tiles we've got access to the budget City statistics different mediums types of housing which as you can see we now have a need for those some extra roads which is listing there Bridges we get the basics in healthcare the basics in garbage and we can see the options that we've got here now it's a little bit different from City skylines one even though we've now got these options available um The Sims don't just suddenly want them like straight away one two three four five six seven eight nine ten I'm gonna go back five I'm gonna go I know what's gonna happen I'm gonna go in like that I'm gonna wait for the Easter Zone and I'm gonna add the outside there we go that'll take up some of the medium demand that we've got there so as we add these that's going to increase the land value which is going to make rent more expensive so you know I'm going to sort of hold five on at the moment I'm trying to sort of keep my money balanced and things will get expensive quickly still no access to any of these we've got to get to large Village or Grand Village small village will be taxation which is good and we're getting our government subsidies to keep things bumbling along which is what we want so I'm going to just get some of these houses growing along the front here for filling our demand and you will notice as the game progresses as well you'll get a little bits of XP that will just pop up from um just the way the game works they'll say oh someone's people are a bit happier so we'll give you some XP for that and um various points during the day you will get extra little bumps your XP which is good I meant to not Zone this one right at the end here which is fine because I didn't want to destroy any buildings I want to get as close as we can to along here yeah that building's gonna go very sorry I didn't mean to do that excellent but yeah this thing is going up it's going down it's doing all the things so that is good so what I'm going to do here I'm going to get the end ones going in first there we go now I can do that and I can do that and they can start growing in which is good and now we're going to get these nice European looking buildings along the front here everybody's parking their car outside and now also we should have the option to unlock some things in the development window so we can get access to roundabouts at the minute small roundabouts are going to be fine Advanced Road Services we are going to unlock those there we go I'm just going to show you what other options we have there we go as we go along so any Services we're not fulfilling at the moment it's going to be shipped to outside to other cities around about so we're going to right click on that and we should have another one along here somewhere right click on there we don't want that the roundabouts are okay as they are roundabouts will come with a giveaway or yield signs on there and here's all the people moving in oh do you know what we haven't done let's just pause a minute grab this person here Cliff Shepherd he's Mr Hugo there we're going to rename him and we're going to follow him we're going to add him to our list down here and we're going to get lots of information about Hugo there he works at bark Mill Tannery which we can have a look at which is all the way over there excellent uh where does he live let's go back to Hugo there 95 Emerson Street so he lives all the way over here so what's he doing over there he's like wandering around visiting things which is fine I don't mind that but remember I make it easier for people to get over there which we will have a look at in a moment so we're making money which is good we've also now got access to all of these options as well so this one here what I like to do is remove so I'm right clicking remove the crossings right by around about and right by a junction you've got Crossings all over the place little ones like this are fine uh on the little roads like that on the bigger roads yeah we're going to be removing them just to help people keep moving and then we have wider sidewalks I will give you I'm going to upgrade all of these ones down here to wider sidewalks I can left click and drag that one that one that one all the way along there and that's upgraded that side I could then do if I wanted the other side with grass so I'm going to left click and drag all the way to the end there we go if I wanted to add trees it's the same all the way along so what I'm going to do is add trees onto this side or you can have trees with the wider sidewalk oh I didn't realize that I prefer it with the the green strip in there so I'm going to add that in there we go excellent so I'm going to add trees and the green strip to all of my horizontal roads here and here and I'm going to leave parking on the vertical roads there we go they've all been upgraded I'm just thinking by the shops here we could just upgrade one side of the road so I'm gonna do the side of the road nearest the shops give it a wide sidewalk so that means we can only have parking on the opposite side of the road so maybe a bit safer if you're shopping having the wide sidewalk there and this one's all got trees by anyway we don't have any shops over in this area and we do have a bit of a demand so let's add in some shops over here and we might just get those let's just do something a little bit different we're going to add those to this section up there excellent so now I want to help people get from their work or we didn't have it in any more industry did we let's just plot that in out from their work to home to vice versa we're not going to be unlocking Transportation until Grand Village so that is a little way off um I'm just wondering whether we could just do a little bit with these roads because we've got the new cut and fill roads which work really well to sort of put a concrete barrier there let me just do that and make this look a little bit nicer and I'll show you how to do it you know what I don't have access to highways so I don't have access to this road so I'm gonna just hang fire on that for now and show you when I can but some of the other options that we've got here is all sorts of bridges and things and so maybe we could just get a little let's have a look pedestrian Arch Bridge going over the top of here thank you there we go I think that'll work nicely for now you'll notice as well if I just remove this final piece here you can place your path we're going to take that up to the side of the road or you can place your path up to the road and into the road and it will make a Crossing so you do have some control over where your Crossings appear which is good so we are still making money which is good we are still growing uh we need to take care of some of our demands and we've got our first little pop-up here not enough customers oh it's still in the game what are we gonna do about that well we don't need to worry too much about that because we are going to expand again and we're going to use some of our map tile token the thing is so this is everything we can buy we do have a decent amount of money I would like to stretch down to here over to here and this one as well not too expensive so we are going to purchase those and expand a little bit more so before I draw in some new roads I'd like to show you the new cut and fill option so I've flattened this area out here and it's left us with this dirty great big piece of dirt up against the road here so this is what we can do I am going to delete that stretch of road there just to give you an idea of what's going on and hopefully if that is close enough if I get this road and just draw that straight in there we go we can see it's added a little cut and fill wall it looks a bit ugly as it is there but what you can do is you can straighten out the road sorry flatten out the land I should say and there we go we're going to get some of that cut and fill wool that's right up against this we'll monkey around with the edges of that so if we get that nice and flat and straight all the way down here it's almost like that effect of a key wall up against the road instead of that piece of land so it should then look like this oh and while I'm working on that we've now hit the small village Milestone we'll take a look at that to see what options we're getting now so again we've got a bigger loan limit access to taxation our money is going to start skyrocketing it's a medium density buildings education which is Elementary and high school and we have development points which is really what we wanted could go for Highway could go for parking I'm not going to bother with electricity and water for a while we're okay for those and we've got the basic Healthcare we haven't even placed down yet so I am going to save those points oh so tempting to get roundabouts no I'm going to save them for when I really want them [Music] [Music] so before we add in more houses and things let's have a look at our schools so I'd like to give coverage uh to all of these people up um over here and I'm thinking having this backing up against the mountain would be quite nice for Mountain it's a big kill with the castle on the top so we're going to pop the elementary school there which would definitely cover most of this area which will be good and in the high score I'm just thinking perhaps of having that a little bit further away in this spot here so let's just build out this road down here we're going to come up with that roundabout and we'll go out an arbitrary length like that and I think that should give us and turn off the info view enough space to have that sort of up against the road there we go but access for all of these lovely people that live in both areas as well and these are really nice models I like these benches and trees and all sorts of things in there we've got car parking built in and we can hear people are upgrading because they're loving what we've got now we have our first person waiting for a hearse it's not Hugo there is it Hugo there's still okay not much going on with Hugo there really well why don't we put in some of the medical services and things as we can afford that as well so I'm gonna pop that in here off of this main road but just sort of set back a bit we're gonna go like that we're going to turn that around excellent and then what we should be able to do is pop that in there and unfortunately the only death care we have is symmetry which is pretty massive as you could see I'd like to get the crematorium so let's just see whether we have enough options to unlock that we do so we're gonna grab the crematorium so you can see already the different options that you get when you're playing the game which is good I want to leave some space for parking in there so I'm going to do it like that and we have no zones or districts at the moment that is just going to cover everybody everywhere and I'm sure very quickly that call is going to go out over here for hearse and they will go over and help with that which will be good I also want to get rid of these traffic lights I was about to do it the old way there did you notice no we're in City skylines too we're gonna do that which will now automatically place a giveaway sign at the end all pizza delivery excellent we may as well just add some other roads in and get some of our zoning done as well oh new signature building the pop musician Mansion now I do love these signature buildings because they give us lots of options if we jump into here we was going to have that little green triangle showing us we've got something extra to add and we've got plus two well-being within 500 meters so anywhere would be good for this um I'm just sort of thinking because it's a larger building that he might sort of want to be over here with that nice view up to the ruins we've got up there so I'm just thinking of popping that at the end of this road over here and we've got that nice signature building he's got uh horses in the back all sorts of things going on we might move that a little bit later but that will do for now to increase the well-being I'll tell you what I'm going to place a couple more of these down and we're gonna hit the very next Target as well which is great um I do like these medium density houses sort of places like this backing onto backing onto buildings like that I'm gonna do what I did before We're not gonna get one in there we're gonna get one here and these do come in different sizes so I'm going to do that then we can get the end one and then I'm going to do the same all the way down here it was three wasn't it yep then we'll do the end one and then we sort of fill all of this in and we'll get those building up as well there we go and we need a few more shops so I'm going to do the same over here we're going to get them backing off um not the main roads but back in onto that road there and we'll take up all of that space probably gonna put some sort of path over there at some point and I think how far away are we on here oh I bet I could hit that Milestone let's pop in some ways to management because we're going to need that very soon oh I don't really want to spoil the Vista there but I'm thinking a little spot over here we might be able to work with that oh I was doing that we've hit large Village so let's have a quick look what we're gonna get there so now we've got service budgets which is great farming Stone mining fireman rescue all sorts of other options available we've now got four points available to us oh man there's so many different options that we can go for I'm gonna hang on to those points for now so we can unlock more things a little later on and also a little bit of cut and fill Road action there I thought I'd pop that in if you get the the height of the terrain uh one Higher One lower and draw a road you get this automatic key wall That's added in which is the effect that I wanted along here once we've unlocked those roads so for this video I'm allowed to go up to Grand Village so I'm going to continue building until I unlock that because there's some real goodies that I want to show you in here just a little quick tip on the taxation you can directly affect your demand so if you didn't want to put any more industry in for whatever reasons or you wanted more if you up the tax rate just keep your eye on that industry you can see it's dropping down or we want to go the other way you can encourage more to come in you can need them even subsidized uh certain things but I'm going to just pop this up to 12 which I think maybe even 13 drop it down a bit that's fine residential we can pop that up we're getting loads of demand for low residential and you can of course adjust these via education level not gonna die that deep this time and look even at 15 16 they're still demand uh commercial there's no demand at the moment we've got lots of commercial everywhere so I'm going to pump that up as well and then Services I've dropped down the school we've got so many places for schools I've just dropped that down a bit to 70 and we're back to making money again no animated firefighters just yet but through the magic of Wi-Fi that gonna leave before the fire's out great job thank you very much oh there you go you're getting a little bit closer all right we'll let you off where the heck are you going he's like really getting in there making sure that everybody's safe it's really out love it so while we're waiting for the last few XP I am going to unlock parking areas so let's just take a look at that there we go excellent and we jump into our road tab we now have a parking tab with all sorts of options small medium large very large and overground parking as well oh we're so close one more teeny tiny little car park and there we go milestone for unlocked fantastic so we can't go any further but I can show you what's in here and we can set up some of these things so we get an increased load limit which we're not taking because we know how to make money in this game the district creation tool which works the same way with our little lines there we go excellent so we can pop this in this is a very bad District because it barely takes anything then we've got our production panel which I really want to look at policies natural disasters are going to start now Transportation overview and then we've got all of these extra things here to do with buses and parks and oh yeah so many things I can't fit it all in within half an hour but we do have options for buses and taxis we do have access to these Parks now which are really cool I will plop some of those around but I want to take a look at oh yeah Transportation overview we have none which is fantastic all cargo we haven't unlocked that one yet but yeah let's have a look at the production panel so we're going to look at the top here we've got a big deficit of grain so that means we're importing it from outside the city which is gonna cost us a lot of money also chickens as well carrots I'm not sure we've unlocked those yet and why are those so important if we look down here at Material goods and scroll down we are going to be importing convenience food and food so convenience food here as you can see on the right is made from grain or chicken it doesn't it isn't both it's one or the other and we know we've got a huge deficit of some of those because we're importing it in and making the convenience food and then also food which I'm assuming is a better type of food needs carrots and chicken and we've got a huge deficit in those as well so those items we need to do something about and I've just paired this little spot of land over here because if we pop into our zones and our specialized industry we now have livestock grain don't have vegetables yet don't have cotton yet we've got forestry and stone so this has to be placed anywhere this one hassle that can be placed anywhere this has to be placed on fertile land and we have fertile land set up here so I'm going to just draw out some of these oh just unlocked a dairy house we'll take a look at that in a second but what I'm doing here is just filling in the spaces that we've got let's have a look at that new signature building that we've just unlocked what does that give us plus two industrial efficiency City Wide plus to export profit city-wide so now we're starting to make our own items having that bonus is fantastic oh there we go so just adding in some of those signature buildings amongst your arms or other areas where they're suited really can make a big difference to your city so knowing what these are and having a little pop-up there and what you need to work towards them so for this one you need 10 forestry area Hub buildings can really give you something to aim for and then these will have bonuses as well which is fantastic quick look at our production tab we did have a deficit of like 56 tons this has been fluctuating it was down to 20 a minute ago but definitely heading in the right direction yeah you can see how that works and our money is going up [Music] so I spent an hour or so decorating place in Parks trees bushes parts and more to make our build look even more beautiful the shots we're seeing now are made using the in-game Cinematic camera and photo mode more details in what looks like it's going to be the very last Dev diary Deep dive coming this Monday so be sure you're subscribed now and be here for that there will be more pre-released City skylines 2 content very soon but until then thanks for watching have a great day bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 774,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines 2, cities skylines II, cities skylines 2 trailer, cities skylines 2 gameplay, cities skylines II gameplay, cities skylines 2 features, cities skylines 2 reaction, Cities skylines 2 trailer breakdown, cities skylines 2 production chain, cities skylines 2 game progression, cities skylines 2 citizens, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines new city, cities skylines 2 how to start, cities skylines 2 how to make money, cities skyliens 2 best start
Id: JTmXoIGWzdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 1sec (1801 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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