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would you live in a city with no tax with ample parks and a brilliant standard of living where you don't even need a car and you're guaranteed a high-paying job there is just one catch the city is designed by me the most evil British man alive and trust me that's a hard title to claim welcome to City skylines 2 a video game designed for the kind of people who get very passionate about roundabouts naturally as a British individual nothing Jimm's my pickle quite like playing go in a city of my own design today I will be designing the perfect City now I did recently hear that there is great concern about 15minute cities the issue here being that it allows residents to walk to shops and services in just 15 minutes rather than driving I couldn't agree more that this is a terrible idea so allow me to introduce my solution to the biggest issue plaguing the modern world according to the people of Facebook the 15h hour City that's right I'll be designing a city of absolute torture for you see my city is split in two residential on the left industry and commerce on the right and the only way to cross from one side to the other is with 12 individual tube Journeys will it work will it make money and will I harvest the suffering of humanity to prolong my existence all that and more to come so welcome back to the city of New scaming ladies and gentlemen I've recently set up all of our tram lines we have 12 tram lines in total beginning with the residential Harvester that starts here and ends over here to then continue the journey over towards the working sector you are unable to drive a car because this is a one-way Highway meaning you can only arrive in the city and never leave so instead to travel from the residential district you must ride the subway over here then cross to the other side of the road and ride the subway around here and then cross to the other side of the road and ride the subway around here repeat this a further eight more times until you eventually get to the end of the track whereby after one final trip around here you can finally cross the road get on a subway and ride all the way to the center of the industrial district once here you can now go to work go to the shops go to university all these things and more there are just currently a few issues with my design namely that in its current form the AI citizens will try and use the fastest mode of transportation in order to reach their destination and that means if they're trying to get from here to over here instead of riding the subway Network they will Instead try and walk all the way across a major highway way and you know what it is faster because the nightmare that I've created will take at least seven Millennia so instead I've got to redo my highway and send it far off into the distance eventually reconnecting up with the residential area because of this pathway being so long the only way for the residences to get from one side of the city to the other is to ride the subway of financial ruin and oh boy is it a lovely Subway so let's set up our city of New scamming firstly we want to get a nice quantity of medium density residential place down we also want to make sure that we're fulfilling the needs of our citizens so that's why over here we'll be placing down a small Park which will become one of the reasons why our residences want to ride the subway they're so cooped up and bored on their side of the city they're going to spend 15 hours in a tiny hot box in order to visit the world's smallest and most terrible looking Park anyway the other thing people care about is education so let's get down ourselves an elementary school a high school a college and a university all of these bad boys are are incredibly important because simply by having high level education in your city more people will want to move into the city this is very good for business next up let's place down some high density buildings which I'll do so here these bad boys can fit so many citizens inside of them and then back over in our business land we'll place down the first of our high density businesses and our industrial work setup Splendid there we go so the jobs have arrived and soon the people will be too now in its current form it takes 12 long trips in order to reach the other side of of the city but you might be wondering spiff hang on a second how much does this cost our residents now I'm a benevolent God and so consequently I only charge $8 to do each individual ride this means that you can cross from one side of the city to the other for the low low cost of $96 now that's almost as affordable as a train in Britain now one thing that we're going to do very simply is to uh eliminate tax from our city we won't be making much money for a while however once we get enough citizens in our City all riding the train Network then we can start making some real money anyway as we can see more and more people are moving into the city truly wonderful stuff and I think it's time for us to actually set up our first little District first things first we're going to want to enforce speed bumps to lower noise pollution get a heavy traffic ban and enable a roadside parking fee because well I think it's entertaining now already we're going to be noticing our first few citizens actually riding our Expressway actually I suppose it's is not really an Express way it's more of like an end slow way but Travis here wants to get to work he works at the college in order to do that Travis then rides a subway train it is 300 p.m. in the afternoon for Travis we are going to keep track of him and see how long it takes him to go to his job he is currently under the map riding a subway car look at him go so Travis has successfully ridden the first Subway and is now beginning his journey on the overground route it is a very simple process because Travis now simply stands in the station and waits for the next underground train to arrive they've currently spent $8 to get one2 of the way there they've now just spent an additional $8 and there are two 12ths of the way there they arrive in the next station disembark and climb over the bridge Travis started this journey at 300 p.m. he is 212th of the way there and it's just gone 5:30 oh God Travis I don't know when your worker expecting you but I'm guessing it's for 2 days time because uh you might not arrive on time anyway he's going to continue his journey and we'll check back in with him hopefully when he's uh finished but look at this wonderful setup of subway trains every time they go I make money okay where's Travis up to okay Travis is now waiting for the fourth train on his journey and it is 7:30 p.m. he's doing good come on Travis public transport is designed for superheroes like you doing their part to save the environment by not doing lots of silly trips in a car instead you're doing lots of silly trips on a subway oh god what have I made it is an Abomination but I love it ladies and gentlemen there have been some rumbling amongst the peasantry sorry I mean the population of this city they are being treated unfairly and being held hostage by public transport this is all nonsense and in order to show that it is nonsense I require you to like the video and go into the comment section and say the new scamming toon is not a scam yes if enough of you say it it becomes the truth and those naughty Authority chappies will stop asking questions anyway onwards with the persecution sorry I mean uh profitability yes much better all right it is 10 p.m. at night and it is looking like Travis is almost halfway there he is doing a brilliant job continuing his journey he has so far only spent $48 to get this far and he's halfway there what a man on a mission right our population is starting to boom we're almost at 1,000 people in the city and we've still barely taken up much space at all on our little plot now some important statistics to keep an eye on are the unemployment rate as we can see unemploy ENT is at 0.1% which is bad for business but good for population growth as effectively if you move to this city you are guaranteed a job now interestingly despite the fact that we've uh designed one hell of a city our population is actually really quite happy as you can see we have a maxed out happiness meter which is one of the reasons why the population grows so quickly people want to live in this city the city where everyone's happy where taxes are fair and where public transport is plentiful um now I have noticed it is now 4:00 a.m. on uh February and Travis how are you doing have you made it to your job yet nope you are still going to work well you've only got two more trips ahead of you Travis and then it's just the long walk all the way from the underground station across to your college eventually and there we have it just 19 hours after setting off Travis rley has made it to work at the college truly wonderful oh my goodness we actually did it like 19 hours that's how long it took him 19 whole hours okay we have designed I think probably one of the greatest cities ever invented now one thing that I absolutely love about City skylines too is that everything is tracked in the giant production chain meaning that you can actually balance this bad boy out for example Timber is very important as it's used to upkeep buildings it's also used for chairs it's used for paper but currently we're producing it at a massive deficit so I've built some lovely Lumberjacks to Deforest our local World they will will then lower the cost of wood meaning we're more likely to get some Timber Industries turning them into planks and we can repeat this process until our economy is perfectly balanced and at maximum levels of profitability Now population is up to a very successful 2,300 at the moment which is very Jazzy indeed and yet people still want to keep moving in there is still medium residential demand so more people are entering the city oh my goodness look at all of my citizens outside of their houses doing like yoga and Zumba very interesting very cool I so like the dogs this is Pebbles the dog hello Pebbles the dog but yes the city is going quite well the focus still is very much on this subway station and as we can see it's busy but not exactly as busy as I would like but don't worry we'll be improving this with time our population hasn't even started to Boom in the way that I wanted to oh there are only 2,000 people moving in each month this statistic can goes oh so much higher right welcome back ladies and gentlemen our population is up to 4,500 and and our lovely underground tram line is incredibly busy we're seeing approximately 200 people be using our transport Network at any one time however this could get better and it is as more people move in and more jobs open but I've decided to begin Min maxing the jobs by designing the worst Street layout imaginable you see by making all of the businesses a maximum of two squares deep we're able to squeeze in far more of them which means we're able to employ more people over a smaller area of land this is incredibly efficient and whilst it looks very stupid indeed it's exactly the way we like it and it's helping us keep our unemployment rate to a wonderful 0.4% which is in turn driving up our population which is still growing at 2,000 people per month but most importantly we have this wonderful graph here this is the city statistics of how many people per month are riding on our lovely public transport as we can see so far in the month of March we've had 4,000 public transport trips this basically means the amount of money we've made is $8 Time by 4,000 which is$ 32,000 now that's okay but 32,000 a month isn't exactly very good I mean it's not even enough to pay for a medical clinic and it would appear our city is also flipped because our population is now high enough more and more people want to live in high density this is the move that we're going to be seeing less and less people will want medium density they'll want high density as they get slightly richer this is very good for us of course because you can fit a lot of people in high density just this tiny Square here the say size as this building instead of fitting 30 households can now fit 150 that is an absurd potential spike in population and of course they're going to need jobs I mean just look at this bad boy this massive Monumental skyscraper can fit 236 residents in it that's 236 people who will now be needing to use our underground system to go shop to go work to just do everything it's brilliant all right the population is now up to 5,500 which is very good and we can see that last month we managed to get just over 6,000 trips on our Subway which is very good but of course can be improved we can see there's always a continuous flow of people coming in and out of our little station having to go around and then continue the giant chain but this entire process could be much much more efficient with more population of course now we are of course still operating at a loss but this is to be expected and something that I'm planning for I don't really intend to make money until we're up to at least 10,000 population that's when we can start charging more for our Subway trips well we're back in my city ladies and gentlemen and things are going fantastically well I have achieved maximum happiness everyone loves living in this city mostly because we're all so fabulously Rich it's hard to say where that wealth is coming from mind you especially when we think about how much money we're now making from public transport we are making 8.9 million an hour simply because people are spending a stupendous quantity of money to ride on multiple Subways yes ladies and gentlemen it does just work we are making an obscene quantity of cash and yet our citizens are happy they say they're incredibly wealthy and they say that the tax is fair because well there isn't any tax everyone loves being in our city unemployment is down to 1% and only six people think about moving away each month I think it's safe to say we've done something very good indeed life is good in new scamming toon we fabulously rich and wealthy and our population loves us for it and we've designed something of obscene Perfection now all I'm going to do is continue to let the game Run and try and watch as this city expands out and how high our population can go 3,000 years later now I did leave my city to run for several years which has led to a few issues namely all of the plants over here have died from pollution it's not exactly the best situation to be but oh well these things happen I guess it's my fault for building all of the industry up wind of all of our Forestry in nature reserves still the city of New scaming is closed hitting the population of 40,000 and we're in a permanent state of economical Bliss there's no tax and any money we make I just spend on weird frivolous projects like the grand falas that we have floating off of our Empire's border ah Perfect The Ficus is now leaking our waist into the sea what a brilliant situation to be in welcome to the continuation of our city ladies and gentlemen we continue to make millions and millions and millions as our population March endlessly into the corridor of financial success or in their case economic poverty now as fun as it is to watch the endless March of the ants I believe that as they have given me so much money it is only fair that I continue their suffering with the longest journey that's right our final Journey taking our citizens into the city is simply too fast so instead I want to make it just a little bit longer we must now build the longest journey possible using just a tram that's right we're going to build one very simple slow moving one-way tram track that will eventually arrive over here on the other side of the street depositing our lovely pedestrians to go into the final stretch of the underground now you might be thinking spiff why on Earth did you choose a tram why not any of the other vastly more Superior modes of Transport well it's very simple it's because trams are terrible and it's not their fault they're just incredibly slow but it's the lack of speed that makes them perfect for my challenge today as we can maximize human suffering and you know what what better way to start the tram route than to actually sail it past our very own City so that way we really Crush any feeling of Freedom that our citizens might have as they can say hang on a second I've been riding on the Underground for over a day and I can still see my house and I'm nowhere closer to my job this is the exact level of Despair that we want our citizens to have as we encircle their prison I am actually creating an absolute monstrosity going to take so long for a single tram to do but you know what I can actually just Loop it backr can't I yep trams can basically turn on the spot so yeah just back we go oh God we just double the route endlessly and tram tracks are so cheap to build we can charge $50 for them $50 we're now taking the tram through the forest very cute scenic route now looping over towards the industrial Metropolis sprawl that devours my FPS it's okay as long as I look away from it uh the FPS comes back look at that smooth not smooth smooth no smooth anyway a nice little continuation through the forest I believe is a splendid idea yeah I think it's safe to say that I'm making an absolute hellscape of a track um it endlessly Loops back on itself and seemingly will never end which is honestly I think a nice metaphor for the continued suffering and futility of the human existence which is exactly what I find myself contemplating whenever I ride on public transport except European public transport because that stuff actually works isn't it great when you get on a train and it actually goes to its destination without a replacement Bus Service couldn't be me oh dear anywhere around and around we go I think we've done a good amount of distance so I will quickly just pull this track in for the final stretch and connect it up like so all right there we go I have created our one and glorious tram route this bad boy should be perfect um it has five stops and a length of6 kilm so yes oh I can assign some vehicles to it well the game is suggesting I assign 53 trams uh I don't think that's a good idea okay I apparently have to assign 27 that's okay we only technically have 10 tram so that's going to be the maximum uh there we go we have now assigned a lot of trams to this route and we are charging appropriately $50 which considering we're moving people 106 km seems pretty fair so bearing in mind we now know that it takes an individual almost a full day to travel from the resid residential section to the industrial section we've now added 106 km onto that route but how long does it take to do those 106 km well let's find out and here we go ladies and gentlemen our first ever route done with this tram now uh people will only get on probably the second tram but nonetheless I want to measure this so 5:00 a.m. May 2024 the Glorious tram sets off and you know what this bad boy can actually pick up some speed oh wait sorry no I was on the maximum speed so it kind of felt impressive yeah it's actually much less impressive on the slow especially when there's corners and turns and all these faster moving cars going by but I am reminded of the nightmare hellscape that I've created oh God look at this it's just a giant Concrete Jungle in case of a bunch of abandoned cars because well cars are meaningless in this Society the only thing that matters is the tram and the underground car is the means of entering but once you enter you will never leave um but yes first 30 minutes are pretty much complete on the journey very good we've made it round one of the first Corners I will now speed this up and we'll see how long it goes 2 hours have passed and well not much progress has been made at all but hey we're doing well we're heading back towards the city now only to then start heading away from the city again because well nothing is ever as lovely as it would seem so there are 40,000 people who believe it's completely fine and justifiable to live in this city and unless you really really like trams I just can't understand your decision making so we are now fre hour was into the process and the lovely forested section is next oh got to slow down for the corners yep now one thing I quite like is the fact that the game says my city is losing money however it's actually gaining money there we go we just gain 20,000 there um the current trend is downwards it would seem that the game can't actually calculate correctly uh the way transport money is generated and so it just sometimes chooses not to and materializes the money out of th air because I guess they can't Trend that as an actual price uh this is is fine it just means that whilst it might look like my City's losing money we're actually making a good bit of cash oh my goodness we're on the giant Switchback section it might feel like we're halfway round we're not we've got the longest section to come so um yep just continuing on it is still May and entire month hasn't yet passed well where about is my tram um and we've still got a way to go I think we're out of the first Switchback section and now into the second Switchback section uh very good indeed the journey continues We're looping on round nicely and this is it ladies and gentlemen we have finally hit the return leg now you would have boarded this tram at 5 a.m. in the morning and after a busy day of traveling you can now draw into the station at the very Swift time of almost 1100 p.m. at night that's right it's incredibly Swift and so just 17 hours and 50 minutes later you arrive at your destination now that means it takes 17 hours and 50 minutes to do 106 km which is really good and that's a lot of human suffering but it could be a lot better so um I'll be back in a moment okay ladies and gentlemen I have spent uh the entire City's Financial reserves building the mega line you thought we had too many switchbacks over here this was nothing I have built the pan Oceanic Switchback the new line is well over 400 km long in fact it's almost 500 km long it would take 3.3 days to do the entire route although considering the fact that City Skylands classes a day as a month that means in order to finish off this route you need to spend three months going back and forth on the same tiny little tram it also brings the total Journey time to go from over here to over here to 4 months that's right it will take well over 4 months to reach your workplace now that's what I call a hell of a commute if any of you have recently lost fathers going out to get cigarettes don't worry they should be back within the next few months unless of course there's a delay on any of the public transport at which point I'd recommend you reach out to humanitarian agency as they may or may not need food to be air dropped in anyway this has been glorious so there you go ladies and gentlemen if you've enjoyed today's episode of City skylines then make sure to give this video a like and why not hop on down to the comment section and tell me if you'd like to see more content on this game the sky the limit ladies and gentlemen and I can do anything and of course as always a massive thank you to each and everyone of you who are subscribed who are our channel members and who are our patreons you lovely Majestic sausages make all of this all the more possible so thank you very much for your continued support anyway that's all for now and I'll see each and every one of you in the next one have a lovely day and goodbye
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,584,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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