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hi everyone I'm Cales and welcome to a brand new adventure in CD skylines but this time it's CD skylines 2 so just sit back relax and enjoy and if you want to see more of the series make sure to leave a like on this video and a comment down below and also a huge shout out to Paradox interactive for sponsoring the first episode in this series so Paradox spanku and everyone check out the link in the description but without further Ado we have a city to build and the first thing we will do is to get some anxiety I'm not sure anybody else is like this but when I'm playing games like this picking map it's it's the hardest bit it just does something with me because this is a map which we will be be living with for for quite some time to come and I've been looking at the maps this is the maps I've got I believe if you pre-order a game you get tare and San Francisco as extra Maps but I don't have those but I've been looking at the maps and I love this one over here like it's just beautiful mountain all the way around it's a beautiful Valley in the Middle where we can build our city downside is it is only 21% buildable area and no sea connection like compare that to Waterway pass for example which was 53 and has it all but no I like this I think that we can do wonders okay I I believe and let's see here oingt no way who say as always is going to be Carville to begin with we might change that later on okay to City of water poo for those who remember City skyine season 1 um European North American like I live in Europe so obviously I kind of want to see North American stuff because I've seen European stuff quite a bit and natural disaster left hand TR how about no and disabled tutorials ladies and Gentlemen let's do this ah the beautiful city of Carville and this is what I mean look at this being ground level don't close call and just look at the beautiful mountains around this Valley I think this looks really really nice and hopefully we can do some wonders with it because this is pretty so I have been doing some thinking yes that happens sometimes but as we progress we are able to unlock tiles and hopefully we can unlock all the tiles reaching the far end of the map over here and then build our own SE connection cuz that is something you can do in City skylines 2o might be a little bit of a tight squeeze for the ships but with some Landscaping terraforming some canals here and there that should be doable by the way you know what I have not really spent much time looking at details yet in the game and I like this like C the scall one hey hey dude you're going my way C the scons one had all those cartoonish cars and trucks and such this is much much much better but yes you might be thinking who else you have 500k what you going to do with those my forte is building roads bushes and doing pipe jobs all over the place so I guess that is where we're going to be wasting our cash and looking at this little tile of ours which is this region over here and Industry Wind Blows this way and I don't think wind changes in the game whatsoever so if we would poop down our industry in the far end that's going to be blowing up the mountain I guess so what we will do we going to do a nice road going all the way maybe even like an elevated by the way okay let me see here uh options Graphics can I turn off the clouds I can right disabled and that was light light as is or maybe not so much well we'll see but maybe I making like an elevated Highway going or road going all the way to the far end so all the tracks coming in with goods and going out with Goods will bypass the main city H so let's maybe spend a little bit of time and as you can see I've done a tutorial and played around with the game a little bit and I haven't really unlocked much of it but there are so many possibilities it's like it's like playing with c scons one with with mods kind of feel when it comes to roads stuff so look at this for example boom elevated highway or road at least going all the way through here then we're going to bypass that maybe you know what prepare for awkward commentary this is what we will have to deal with because when I'm building roads uh it's going to be a lot of focus and I know what you're thinking that are we going to do grids um yeah I think we're going to do grids cuz the thing is that I want to squee in as as much as possible in this tile of ours to begin with and doing bendy RADS for the Bendy people might not be the way to go but then again I do like the Bendy roads right uh let me see here I like trains stop it pause it zoom in even they have improved quite a bit this is not shabby at all so let's let's take this all I'm sorry I'm getting distracted there's just too much distraction I'm I'm terribly sorry but that is how this game is going to be so I guess what we're going to do we're going to get this road all the way to the far end and I guess tur it some I love the measurement thingy that is that is brilliant to have cuz I like I I kind of like my my perfect roads all over the place and if they not perfect I'm I'm like don't they don't have to be perfect I mean Rose in real life are not perfect right so it is what it is and then we're going to get this big road maybe even Steven 800 like that that is not bad and then what I'm thinking is getting this in a nice Bend to that somehow Let's see we can do that let's do a little Bend see all the Bendy possibilities as well in the game grids haven't really played around with them yet replace elevation I like that that is something I will be using quite quite a bit I mean it's not perfect perfect but it's not bad it's a little Bend I know I know this is super unnecessary okay but but that's is what we're going to do and then let's see here we need to get those roads we need to make interesting shapes that is what I'm all for so interesting shapes it is then this goes over here and that merges to that and then no and then and then maybe to make it a little bit more interesting can I no I can't because that that it is in the v no that's perfect you know what that that might actually be it and that goes out that could be going all the way in this shape later on and maybe even let me see here waste the whole budget I can't feel it okay it might be bankrupt going onto episode two but hopefully not then go more bendy and can I can I somehow Bend It Like beam okay this is a lot of bands over here girls I can do this oh oh ew behave there that's a shape if if I've seen one I'm not sure how that is going to be working out but I mean h so if those stop here those stop here not sure we've seen one of those in real life before but but now we have bendy roads for the Bendy people I guess this is by far one of my favorite features so far the little roundabouts it's like uh GTA San Andreas and group streets it is a shame though that you can't really Zone anything around those but it's just so easy to make perfect roundabouts now it's just beautiful but I think that will be all the streets we need and I just looked at my recording timer I've been recording for 45 minutes and all I've got is some street so I don't think no this is not going to be an episode one I guess so I might do a cut and just to fill you guys in what has happened in case I make a cut which I probably will is that we've got roads and they are beautiful a little bit of wonky but for being episode one I take that even got beautiful Keys all the way well they kind of fky but I take those as well and and you might be car you're not bankrupt you get quite a bit of cash that is because we unlocked a few Milestones like we did achieve the Tiny Village that was 600k and a bunch of cool stuff Healthcare and death care same same a little bit different I guess and a small village that was 700k and elementary school and high school has been unlocked also one thing which I kind of like is that once you progress you get development points and you can spend them wisely in the development tree like crematorium maybe why not burning the dead people can't we just do that in the incinerator plant who knows that might also be a little bit of same same but different situation right College okay you know what I think it is time to start playing the game it is uh what would one do to begin with I guess we need power we need some water pipe jobs that's a shame by the way I love doing my pipe jobs now the pipes are kind of kind of within the streets which is not terribly because you know like I always did my pipe jobbing on the streets and now we have them all over the place so it's a win-win I guess um so you see here water pumping water tower groundwater pumping station we have quite a bit of that over here and over here got it and a poop Cannon needs to be placed okay we need to terraform or landscape this part a little bit or maybe just even unlock this tile we do have healthc care I mean the cemetery let's just throw in the incineration plant I guess or or the landfill that would work out okay so power what comes to power what would make Greta proud wi turbines we won't go there I think we got to go with the small Coal Power Plant to begin with uh and that is mainly because looking at the wind situation over here uh it is not brilliant for having this I mean that would be an output of uh 193 megawatts out of five yeah we do have a quite a terrible tile or tiles to do that where would one place that like higher up maybe in the future I mean yeah that would be that would be maximum wind over here but that is not going to happen nuclear power plant this this is the way but not for 5 million bucks it's not hey Transformer station so I guess if I would po that down over here connected to those outside power lines over here which is convenient place on my on my map or lots that means I could buy power from the neighbors right but then again that's stupido well it's not really but I want to be self- sustained H okay so we're going to have industrial Zone maybe let's keep that intact for like a park just to divide up all the ugliness and how big is this guy oh it's kind of big let's delete um this and that and let's get should we do one or two guys I don't want to do it to guys but then again for future 100 kollas does it matter cuz if I would close down this that means no upkeep right where am I wrong I got to say this is something I haven't really spent much time looking at all the assets and such but they done fantastic jobs when it comes to like detailing everything you know I'm a sucker for stuff like this this is so neat I am not sure this is going to work but let's say I would do this connect those up like a so and then in a nice straight shape take them into here does that mean that I will be selling all the access power to our neighbors well something is going out so I guess it might work cuz we will be needing quite a bit of cash because uh well somebody build Rose for an empty City well maybe me I guess but uh now those guys need water they also need up hoop Cannon um H okay so that water is Flowing this way so I guess we're going to be buying all the tiles anyhow right and I able to buy seven at this moment so just [Music] buy why not and then get a poop Cannon situated somewhere over here in the far end downstreams we're going to make it Pary later on but what can a man do at this stage and then maybe just H do we need both of them to This n I think it's just sewage right for all that chocolate milk coming out will it come out well time will tell oh no maybe it's not working oh I've missed this so much soon the whole river will be brown especially down streams I guess Pap is what it is and then we need water as well so should we maybe get a pumping station just next to this just for the beautiful uh beautiful Aroma in the water in the in our community um we could take take could put that in over here but uh we do have a little bit of groundw so maybe just use this I've never used one of those um I guess momentarily you can just get this in somewhere abouts maybe even like here like here like here like here let's just get this over here this is just temporarily okay so this will be pumping just to avoid everybody getting sick in our little community and one thing we you notice like most of the buildings which you pop down they do come with some upgrades or extra pumps for example so we can kind of transform that building Advanced filtering system nobody needs that maybe we do but now let's just keep it like that are you guys happy now okay those should be happy tracks are rolling out why are tracks oh okay so that is kind of like a cold delivery right indeed it is stop pause collaborate and listen so we're going to have industrial Zone over here I guess here we will have the low residential Zone here would be medium and high and offices is that how we're going to go about it they do have power they do have water they do have sewage we would need some Health Care garbage management and education but hey let's just start this so as thinking of it so this is a main road this is a big Road as well I usually do this but it's not ideal cuz like commercial zones they do cause uh noise pollution but if I would do this they will be complaining about it later on but hey it is it is it is my rules I am the captain now right so that would be it and then the rest of it should we just do Residential Zone that's going to be a lot of peeps moving in at the same time it will definitely test our traffic right man I I just wish I just wish that this was possible to like Zone around this there's going to be a lot of CR coming in we'll see what happens okay so that is going to be the low we also have a little bit of demand for medium and question is if we should okay so this road goes to Nowhere at this stage but it will go down somewhere in the somewhere in this region in the future so people can bypass all those that traffic over here and go straight into the main city that is that is the plan at least I guess like I don't want to bore you guys to death but stuff like this I I could just be spending so much time watching stuff being built up left right H why is there okay yeah yeah yeah poor guy is just waiting over here okay stuff like this will be tweaked later on because I don't think this is going to be a deal with heavy traffic but current I guess that's going to work okay so as I was saying industrial Zone will be situated over here so let me just zone out a little bit of this uh that's a big Zone C I mean for the grade are good right and then we have garbage management so we do have the landfill incineration PL recycling center and Industrial Waste processing sites for 6.3 million that's not going to happen H okay so let's start with the landfill why is everything so huge okay you might be C there was supposed to be a park here well Park is no more we will have a beautiful landfill and one thing which I adore is this little dragon droppy tool like this like look how perfect it just gets the landfill bam Tada oh I guess I spent my whole summer building roads and now fall has arrived I'm not sure I'm a big fan of the seasons what you guys think I mean we already in northern hemisphere it's going to be winter very very soon as well it's going to be like snow maybe snow I don't not sure if it will snow on this map but maybe it will anyhows we do have the beautiful landfill Zone over here H we can upgrade that with garbage track Depot I said those waste collection points and waste recycling unit I got I guess eventually we will but I'm a little bit afraid of the upkeep costs and we're still in deficit by quite a bit so let's just keep it as it is haven't seen any tracks rolling out from this yet but maybe we don't we don't need them yet H and then I guess what we could do is just Zone the industrial Zone just the way around this ah it's such a proud day in the city of Galesville they love the landfill area so they're popping up left and right H don't look at the chimneys that is good for us is going to be blowing that way uh nobody's going to mind and Care unless we do a ski resort up there then it's going to be bad but at the moment nobody cares and by the way those guys are leave here I I kind of feel bad for them they're going to be living in the shadows 247 look at this they even have a little Greenhouse oh what did you do oh Tai Chi or whatever it's called but no tomatoes are going to be growing in that Greenhouse uh anytime soon I guess so up next we would need health care death care we need education eventually going to need fire and rescue and police and such MoneyWise still in a deficit but uh one day oh do they need uh oh they waited for hearse we don't have any herses can we Outsource the herses what hers are you waiting for by the way what which hers is gathering your dead people we have a beautiful landfill over there if you kind of like I mean take the car and and just go there I guess oh maybe that is a thing maybe the other cities they send heres to take our dead people to use this fertilizer I just don't know but one thing I do know that we need more Z cuz we need more cash and as I said previously this is a bad mojo because this is going to cause noise pollution but we need them that goes over here and that's going to be going all the way along the big streets like a so perfect perfect and you know what prepare for awkward commentary and I still miss my pipe jobs by the way cuz now every street is integrated with piping and I'm like hey why you do that look at this little driving Community even the shop is popping up on the main streets over here Yu wa they a wax you shop blad amazing we also have leop leop gas station oh there's the heres dear Ste in my fertilizer where do you come from oh Milestone free has been unlocked we got 800k which we can spend on more roads I no I'm just kidding uh a firehouse a police station some Stone mining livestock farming h and a bunch of cool stuff I guess but I'm going to wait with most of them because first we need to focus on on Healthcare and death care I guess by the way when do we unlock these over here the high density because this looks a little bit silly cuz there's the roow houses a little bit bigger and then the tiny businesses I guess maybe when they grow and level up they become bigger as well or higher buildings but I like this I know like most American they like yeah kind of boring boring style the na style but I'm living in Europe you know like I don't see stuff like this on on a daily basis right so for me this is like a little bit exotic this looks mighty mighty fine still still those hses okay as I said uh death care and Healthcare right so let's go over here Medical Clinic I I thought I want to spend upkeep costs but at the same time oh you know what what V cares I want to do this to begin with let's go in here let's spend some development points on roundabouts uh unlock that and maybe even unlock parking spaces cuz as you saw here in the in the little bit higher density Zone we have cars parking left and right it doesn't look bad or terrible but by any means but maybe not ideal now the nerd within me kind of like I just want to zoom in and take a peek what's happening in the backyards but that's not going to be any progress that in the video but I wanted to do this let's upgrade this roundabout over here uh do we do go super big or a little bit bigger super big technically not needed to be super big let's just have a little bit bigger and see what happens and maybe even getting this round about upgrade as well uh that's not needed K it is what it is I think that's going to be beautiful and we can play some bushes or trees in the middle later on not sure that okay H what's happening over here why is this traffic so slow H you know what I like be before this gets worse let's go over here and let's unlock Advanced Roose Services yes please that I think will give us a little bit of stuff which we can tweak and such can even like make the roads without the cars and parked on the side but uh let's maybe do a little switch Aro over here let's do one way going don't want to do this is yeah you know what that's going to be good for us let's tweak them like a so just confused what's happening look at this guy he's like what am I supposed to do yeah that way perfect and hopefully what we can do here is get rid of those lights can I just do a stop sign would that improve the traffic flow somehow I'm not sure it will stuff like this is something we're going to figure out later on this just the beauty of it right what was I doing Healthcare yes girl that's something we need in the city let's get over here let's get the medical clinic up and I'm just going to poop it in over here I know it's not the main road but it's pretty much centered on the whole city at this stage so it's kind of close to those guys and it's kind of close to those guys and even into the indust industrial sector with the main rows over here right and let's see here so this has upgrades emance Depot h can't afford that and extension Wings which goes I guess in the back and such perfect you know what I'm not going to upgrade that but now we have this so I guess people want to have a cemetery as well cuz obviously they can't be using the landfill which we just created and I know for a fact that this one is is is humongous but I don't want to have it like I mean this is such a downer coming into the beautiful city of Galesville and boom dead people all over the place so let's maybe delete this can we squeeze that and hide it behind this overpass which I created for no reason whatsoever but I think it looks kind of nice uh Cemetery boom We let's squee in over here that's actually a perfect fit bam happy faces hey see dead people even that guy oh this is a great opportunity to build on my business just next to this it is a little bit bigger than the than the vanilla one and it does come with upgrades as well not the vanilla one C gallons one I mean uh Temple columbarium whatever that is andum does that come on oh no it's just get give even bigger and I don't know if bigger is better it's about the motion and ocean okay you know what I think we can just leave it at this for the moment uh we did unlock the police station and fire department as well so we need those how big is this the firehouse could squeeze it in I can okay you know what I want to have the police station that is something I want to have next to the industrial Zone because in City scall one usually there tons of CRI crime happened within this region so let's put it down perfect fits amazing stars all over the place those guys are building up that is perfect and how about the popo popo rolling out see this one once again if this would be an European police car I would be like yeah kind of but this this just screams bad boys bad boys what you going to do what you going to do when they come for you right it just screams movies for me and that's amazing just roll out straight off into this this beautiful neighbor of ours and patrolling the streets and the fire apartment will be pooped in as well somewhere abouts maybe have a few of those not the moment let's just squeeze in one over here and does that have upgrades yes it does G look at this guy the suspension is just so funny on those cars okay more space for fire engines I find this kind of kind of cool the expansion bit you can just kind of like attach it and detach it attach it detach it huh perfect so we got that everybody should be happy you also need education and I hate that because well I don't hate education per se I just hate the upkeep of it and now how much are we in the Reds fre is not bad considering how many rows we've got all over the place that is not terrible at all so that's going to be more industry over here let's add more industry over here and by the way did that pop up when I recorded I don't think it did I've got a thing look at what I unlocked a rock musician Mansion a famous Rockstar lives in this Mansion when not on tour and for a moment I've got a place for it hopefully we can move this later can we oh yes we can relocate that I mean what a View kind of looks like he's even using that water in his pool over here or her pool other than that I think this is a fantastic location for it I mean just on the on the on the River Bank over looking the beautiful mountains all over the place it is not bad and not bad at all I love this like look how vibrant and amazing this is in the back backyards it's so green just imagine like when spring and summer arrives it's going to be super green because of the trees and such this game even though it's stressful it does feel quite relaxing I'm not sure like if it if it portrays that what a what a what I'm recording this but it sure is and I like this oh what time is it by the way oh it's 10:00 a.m. I need to show you like night scenario I did disable that because of video save is going to be pitch black darkness but it looks beautiful night time when all the lights are lighting up all the houses and such so let's say this would be the main street right we did unlock parking lots so technically we could maybe H let's see here how big is this not big how big is this and this is what does it say can be upgraded with a car wash okay that kind of thing so we could poop that down somewhere as well can I Swit that in over here no I can't because of a r abouts why did I build that no but you know what I think we need that even though it might be misplaced it does up cost upkeep but eventually this will be great having car wash cuz why not and then in the backstages we can have more apartment buildings the big the big ones the big ones boom there we go so I guess we won't be needing much of the of the residential zones over here for for for some time to come but we do need we do need some education so we have a high school and an elementary school uh and I just want to have one for upkeep sake for the moment can we no no no no let's do this maybe here happy faces all over the place I guess so comes with upgrades why on Earth would we need a children's clinic in an elementary school do they have no they don't they have like a like like a school nurse but not a whole Wing what is happening inside of the school to the kids maybe not the best place to place it [Music] but you know what it's only game why have to be mad extension wing and a playground oh yeah I was I was saying let's do this is we did have the parking G G upgraded over here let's maybe use some of those streets over here like wide sidewalks cuz this is going to be like the main shopping street or whatever okay this doesn't look like the main shopping street but eventually it it will be I hope and is anybody using this one out of 160 cars polari suits e behave okay that is kind of neat I guess oh it it it it's it's big can maybe even have it just like here where would the yeah you know what I think that would be pretty much Center the whole sh blang so they just putop it in over here like that look at the beautiful Skyline don't worry eventually it will become something like the thing I'm waiting for is this I guess like in the residential Zone we have this and a mixed housing so North American style apartment buildings with commercial space on the bottom and apartments on the top so much stuff we need to do so we have small Park small Plaza small playground dog park and campfire sites I mean dogs are cool right so let's put in one of those Parks over here hopefully people will enjoy that maybe even here somewhere abouts and then have like a little pedestrian path going let's see it's a little like agility Park hopefully somebody's going to be using it I'm a little bit worried that nobody's using this two out of 160 cars okay you know what I think we need to do is get more car parks and I'm going to try those those instead shall we yes we shall and the thing is like will somebody use it well time will tell can even get a commercial Zone over here as well a boom I mean say what you want it's super enjoyable I am worried about the frames because they are not great and hopefully some some patches will improve that let's just speed this up and see if something happens with the car Parks like technically I mean driving along the street why would somebody use this when you can just park here and be all happy about it and and and I'm like yeah that's a valid point but I will do I guess I could do yeah see no parking no parking no parking to about here see if something changes ooh what is that I mean that is but that is nice okay so at the end of the day people starting using this and that is money into the treasury what you guys think about the city okay it's a little bit of a mess everything's going to be tied up together oh I hate that well I don't really hate that but like I wish we could just Zone around that so I'm going to be doing this instead zom baboom yeah look at that straight off so I guess up next that's going to be industrial area over here and a lot of pollution so so we would need to buy tiles I can buy 15 so I guess I would do those four and then maybe even going this way with the industrial Zone but there's like there's plenty of industrial zoned out and they just don't have enough people and that's just because I haven't really zoned enough of the low residential peeps oh one thing I forgot about we also would need to get the high school in some whereabouts and I know this is this is ginormous as well and I maybe if I delete those rows we could maybe squeeze it in but there's so much space which is going to be lost okay we might we might regret this decision here and then we can have some housing over here and this comes with extension Wings perfect School library not too shabby and what is that Sports field could this be any bigger uh this okay this is huge okay delete those for the moment oh I'm sorry people you will get your cars back no no no don't delete that and then get this in here and then we can have car Parks paths all the way around this might actually not be too shabby and then we can maybe even set there some parks around this place as this thumbs up people everybody's happy super happy and MoneyWise it's getting there okay it's getting there so ladies and gentlemen let me know what you think it is raining it is 10° it is fall it is October and winter is just around the corner hopefully it ain't going to snow but uh I think it actually mind so uh hopefully you guys enjoyed let me know what you think about it I'm enjoying myself uh sounds terrible but you know what I mean right in the game in game just in the game and like the thing is that there is so much to do in it like for example like I mean I need to go over here I need to get the buses up and running we got to get some taxes going but uh that is something I'm going to focus on the next episode for the moment this was just getting the city off the ground I like this Zone better than this Zone maybe we just need a little bit of higher residential Zone uh buildings here as well some of those Ro houses would kind I do do fine MoneyWise I don't want to look at that we're going to bounce back eventually one day I hope so thank you so much for watching I'm Gales let me know what you think about this and do smash the like button I will see why are you parking on the sides of the streets oh yeah I removed your parking lot fair enough um see you guys in the next episode of City skylights which will be out in a day or two or something cuz this this is fun I just hope the frames get better and improved cuz it's it might get framy bye everybody
Channel: Keralis
Views: 857,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cities Skylines, cities skylines gameplay, let's play, lets play, simcity, city skylines, city skylines gameplay, cities skylines trailer, cities skylines review, cities skylines release date, cities skylines simulation, cities skylines let's play, tutorial, keralis, cheats, cities skylines mods, big city, huge city, cities skylines II, cities skylines 2, cities skylines 2 gameplay, cities skylines II gameplay, episode 1, part 1, city skylines 2
Id: wwM0GHPoMjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 44sec (2384 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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