CREATING DINOSAURS! - Jurassic World Evolution | Ep2

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here at Jurassic world wheat hello everybody and welcome back to another episode the second episode oh my god oh well hearts race it I'm excited to Jurassic world evolution yes that's I could actually say that on the channel oh this is so awesome like it's the next day and recording this but it'll be the same day when you're watching it I'm surprised I went to sleep I like I usually wake up at 10 or 10 o'clock or 11 and I was like awake at 7 like completely naked because I went to bed at 2:00 I was like no I'm not getting up I'm gonna force myself asleep so I don't like I'm not tired for today's episode and luckily I want to sing for a little two hours so we have Becky - and I think evil Becky which is roaming around somewhere so yeah I was I was watching something on here I was watching the serratus or steak a drink after I stopped recalling oh there's the goat oh my god it's an aqua coat you get it I could like I could get yeah oh he's a little bit hungry go on Hecate it is you gotta go for it oh maybe no maybe I but but anyway we'll get straight into it yes I'm recording this like front iam gave me an early copy of this game and what's kind of funny is that you guys I got a message from basically say read it had picked up but it was reddit users posting that me and some other people have actually been clocking in playing this game that's like oh my god there's no stopping them Oh any power I didn't realize that so yeah you guys you guys are really cloud even think about that for a second but here we are playing it so I've connected there I don't think I've connected my my this thing because it's never had any visitors it's like powered yes uh how financial look at zero guests but apparently I think people walk into it I'm really not sure yeah people walk into a but I don't know if it's generating any any sort of income maybe people don't want dinosaur onesies maybe I ought to have a dinosaur heart not for forty dollars ten dollars that sounds about right also guys have you got your cup of tea cuz if you don't go away so what we wanted to do actually was I want to bring the power of round here so we'll we'll bring it from this one and we'll sort of put it behind here I guess we could run it through actually we'll run it straight through and hopefully doesn't block things that's the only you know what no no I'm gonna run it round the path just in case and hopefully that shouldn't block anything I'm hoping it doesn't I really hope it doesn't so place it there and then we'll place a power node pretty like right next to it is that I could idea to place it like right next to it and there we go there we have the power I think right yeah what we aim to give our guests make them appreciate the little things and the big things with the teeth and glassy eyes that could swallow them whole oh this is awesome it gives you like field of view so you've got dinosaurs your guests want to get up close and personal with the thing is they can't construct facilities to increase visibility and keep visitors the right side of the safety glass oh okay oh man I was really hoping we could view it oh oh hello oh I didn't mission complete I've done Warren I got a million quit oh we could drink Oh Rex yes and our guest numbers are up as a result that's what makes their attainment division the envy of the rest the results right when the parks are running well our scientific research improves of course I'd never tell this to Isaac directly I was going to add no look we're looking at evil Becky oh so yeah it seems like can I move to another Park do you need three stars need three stars so we've unlocked the scientific sort of branch there the scientific like star rating and like we kind of need to do more so what's this serrata soros we've unlocked Dracorex now where is Rako rex found that's the interesting thing oh is it here oh oh oh you're gonna Horace I like the sound of that one our younger Google but and we still got some here so oh there's Draco Rex but I kind of want like Triceratops or something so this is it this is our first viewing platform let's look like a close look at it so lol Oh a get close now steady now we got the a drastic world logo that you got danger there it looks great also I think I realized now how to delete trees I'm hoping is this it and then I just like right No Oh Tilly is dull no no no that places more trees but it doesn't it doesn't let me I mean gonna demolish buildings but I can't demolish trees what though you could demolish trees landscaping right this is it you got water and then no water and you got trees there it is don't it redid it awesome okay I want to send off an expert oh no it did Sun up an expedition team but I wanted to research some thingamabobs so like we got a gift shop here we got fast food we got a closure we don't have a gift shop we're hotel hotels increase island visit a capacity allowing more guests to stay in the park we've also got emergency shelter kind of want to put that in or the rains are coming dodo I won't like the Dennis Nedry like soundtrack oh you can oh they clip onto the path oh that's fantastic I like how none of my guests have like raincoats or anything look like once you met shoulders like oh god this is horrible nice little elevation that pretty that's beautiful oh yes I love it this is a fun game I was wondering can you make like information like can you choose how much your park costs only you can like entry entry fees that's what I'm trying to say so yeah I'm like super excited what I like about it is it's a bit like Jay Park like you're put in there and you're just left your own devices and it's quite I've I kind of really like that Oh what's this Dracorex oh so these are the things I can lock sonoda Soros metree acanthus orzo see these are like island exclusive he's la Penna and a mission mamenchisaurus who's having his neck a little bit too tall or is did always have a tall neck it was just a lost one what's this deluxe fossil access oh this is the DLC so you I mean I've already got the DLC but I mean you should all have I think it's free I know the fallen Kingdom one is so you got Styracosaurus suka - okey ornithol - and a majungasaurus go to fossils yeah let's see oh this is cool disease oh no oh we're gonna get a message from a disappointed somebody aren't we well let me just look at fossils first we are just oh what's this what what rhenium I'm even know what that is Odin obtained iam oh my gosh you got a sick dinosaur on yeah I do it's time to treat it or what comes next that's gonna be on your hands as well well I'm gonna try not to kill it Jeff try the best but you know me no you so sir are the sources of other oh hello people like to feel secure that's our job this contract enhances our ability to do so hey yeah his mission was basically make a dinosaur oh no it's Peggy - oh it's evil Becky oh ok so oh look look at the coloring ah she and she a beaut she's beautiful she's but uh we'll take to the skies there is like a little shortcut for it I don't want to miss them we will take the skies and I'm hoping it's just automatically going to select what to do oh oh look look at Hector let's go ok we go so we want to do this do we choose my wish you know do we need is this only fit sedation I'm really not sure it's evil Becky oh that chick the silic go in that Park it's also what's the same controllers descend ok but I I don't know if we can cure the disease no we can't oh hold on hold on this is how we'll find out I click on here I'll oh is that right because usually it tells you it's operational ACU returning to base transport so I think from here you all can you customize the OE scheme oh heck yeah let's go chase you skin ok we could we should be able to fig jump to the helicopter add a task and tranquilize dinosaurs so is it only tranquilize dinosaurs do we need to research we might need it research diseases ok what disease does it have 4 stars and that's the common cold Oh God if it's a common cold it's a virus right we just need to let that go so dinosaurs purely contract diseases select a team of Rangers station so we do need the Jeep and when you do need to head out - oh God yeah so I'm gonna do I really don't know this has got any visitors yet because I might Toledo no it does nobody wanted onesies are you kidding me nobody wanted onesies ah damn it okay welcome to Lee all these trees because I want to make this a hub for all of the attractions and stuff so there you go look at that in this great so we're gonna level off over can we guess we could raise yeah so I'm guessing this game operates in a in a case Oh hold on I can just do that coming no water bad okay so I am gonna delete this I know we're only gonna get half money back but I'm not happy with the way it's placed so what I want to do is that for a second there I thought that was a really like slow version of the Jurassic Park theme tune playing but would have been so cool okay so I'm gonna place this here and then from here always at different types of paths oh there is you could have a wide path oh it didn't even know is that we could have had a white path that damn okay so we'll go for guests well add in we'll do the gift shop yeah look at this look at all the power actually ooh is that too much power yeah we need more walls I think we need more power if we're gonna do that there right building cost terrain constraints oh it's on a hill so we'd have to level it out before we do anything so here we go here we go so we're going to go to smooth we're gonna smooth this place out yeah is it customary to do that yes it is amazingly so look at the hundreds go down I read it it's gonna make more difference but we'll place this so we'll have the closed shop I'll put the closed shop yes hold on hold on hold on yes a lovely close-up there then we'll put oh sorry that's another closed shop I'll just be the closing district it's what my place is known for is just clothes so we'll place the is odd to do gift shop it's a closed shop okay it's closer up number two even though the first one doesn't exist anymore so we've got a gift shop terrain constraints so we can we go this way yeah oh oh that the coal display is played it spread okay um ranger station car the issue center I've got like it should say issue helicopter Oh low oh no somebody's dying somebody okay I kind of need like oh hold on hold on hold on hold on I can do this quick I can do this quick so place another one here and we'll put it there and I'll delete these trees we these trees are these trees your hips I also need to go into the fauces but really what I want to do at the moment is just get that under control oh yeah okay now we need to connect this to the path don't worry Peggy whichever one you are Oh God oh no it's it's a huge path narrow narrow path please yeah there we are okay so we do have a gate in here so that's good I don't think we need a level off any more of that now please don't die who see who's really ill health 35% health 60 so it is evil Becky oh is that because it's like genetically modified it could be okay everybody tea break take a sip of your tea oh also yeah I'll just place like a regular Becky so that's the genetically modified genome but do we want that I don't know oh hold on we'll place that and apply that gene we will also oh this is kind of cool because you just like scroll up this one decreases the lifespan okay you know I'm gonna I'm gonna keep the lifespan up but apart from that we're gonna put it back to normal colors so it should be relatively easy to there hey here we go Ranger team vehicle Network on out of my way peasants gave me people coming through imagine I just like wow I am oh yeah you best be scared here in Jurassic world wheat every precaution known to man also Oh God so guessing no you can't like break the thing anymore I'm guessing you can't like oh oh are they over there oh hold on watch this watch this stop watch it you ready fail I like Cohen listening to that music that's like Roland I could turn around in here okay okay okay there we go here we go here we go please time hasn't laid down to die is it done yeah or we could also boost the health wait why did the other one go oh you're flying away from me are you you think you're a bird you got no wings come back here you I think you can be but I don't 100 ready earlier oh it's a jockey and you know you're supposed to be the good one okay off you go guys off you go so we oh we it failed Oh God that's not very good that's not gonna help the mission okay let's look at fossil so we got more we got a lot of that let's strike that will extract that will sell this so we got a lot of money to play around with so we go into research what should we look at building upgrades enclosures I kind of want to go for the entertainment so I think that would be building upgrades power supply ooh that would be good but range estate ranger station expedition fossils chemically stabilized storage allows one extra fossil or mineral to be kept across all island well we don't need that just yet so power hum and creation lab what's this DNA screening increases dinosaur viability by 10% Hank yeah let's get that and we've only got one research team at the moment so I'm gonna do one at a time ooh the expedition yes then did we set up again let's go view the map I'm sending you to Portugal off you go have fun so this is how these guys doing because I haven't changed the prices in here so it's - it's six for a lunchbox and we make them for four but you know what I think $12 Oh oh don't 77 that that would be very bad okay let's do this one yeah so like the thing is I'd like I want to say thank you to frontier for allowing me access to like this game early because what I didn't want to be doing was oh they're different okay well I didn't want and will also put like one more stuff in just I mean it's gonna increase the running cost but the same time I think that's gonna increase visitor satisfaction yeah like seven dollars I think yeah I didn't want to be anyone this game or this playthrough to be a case of oh I gotta get out quick Oh rush rush cake again which is what I was like when I was playing it at the uh oh did I not do it what did it did it do it I don't know did it fail or did I just release another one into the park and I didn't even realize nope no they're both there that's fine okay so we've got the power supply's so we really what I really want to do so these these amounts and I can't build anything there what I want is kind of maybe a smaller exhibit like right here that'd be really cool and we could put maybe a different carnival in there because right now we've got this big empty space and I mean as far as oh oh a contract just landed on my desk you need to take a look that's gonna put security up and then intimate entertainment down a little bit oh you got to play a balancing act use Exposition Center to unearth a carnivorous fossil can I do both if I accept that does it decline the other one I'm gonna decline this cuz I'm going for the other one at the moment I'm sorry pal I know I know I'm sorry so research required for fossils own look at all this stuff there's gonna be awesome is there anything I could put in the paths no your guests have lots of shopping to do and keeps them happy whoa I guess 66,000 profit oh we did it we successfully income it oh is that why you gave me another one you what's your name hold on what should we call you ah what is it called in Land Before Time I guess this means congratulations are in order start hey there you go yup strut and we got new fossils as well so I wish there's got to be a shortcut isn't there I'm gonna send more off to a place that hasn't we don't know somewhere over here right you're going to is that China I'm sorry I'm terribly sorry is this China I feel like you got you got the Philippines that Indonesia and then you got Thailand this is Johnny I feel like cuz then you got like Russia is this a zillion okay I'm gonna Majan that's J could be Mongolia I don't know I was never good at geography okay I'm sorry did we get a research done as well oh we got more whoa Roo didn't you move him Fanta oh we could have got it as well so we'll extract the serratus source DNA so we're getting close to that 100% security shelter is it open it should be open I should really oh god I should have put that next to the carnivorous exhibit how are they doing socials okay you can have so many of these should I I kind of want to wait until we've got more of a I love music it's so like happy-go-lucky it's a bit drastic park but also Harry Potter anyway I got that very oh can we change the the Jeep the Jeep air skins hold on or is that Park you have to go back one I think it might be here yeah what do we got change skin it was that 1983 I think it was a 1992 actually oh you know what it is it's registered oh wow that means they got the license they got the license to Jeep Jeep actually gave their permission to put that in the game because a lot of people don't realize that Jeep have to say yes you can't just put their things in the game which also might explain mean why they can't be exploded if I'm thinking about it I don't think they would give their license if the jeep could be exploded yeah yeah okay that makes sense but it's a heli can you explore the helicopter is a brand arrest it would be like registered or trademark okay okay so we go fossils I don't think we do right let's start work on we should have different enclosures we got one fence type or is it do we yeah we got one fence type like a light steel is that good enough if we go into research you'll see how long that research is got it you gotta go oh it's done okay let's go enclosures there we go electrified fence reduces damage from impact blows with the same strength as light steel fences but loss of power negates the oh oh you have a storm you're done standard fences requires centers oh we need to research centers Oh whoo I kind of want that the heavy steel but you know what it's not tragic part if we don't have electrified flipping fences so I'm going for that okay oh what's that hey young kaboom good yeah but it's some sort of a Stegosaurus if that's what you got wait what's that a Sona Don fossil oh is that like a prehistoric mammal oh that's really cool 120,000 that while we are getting way to way more money than is necessary and that I'm so abusing so what I also want to do is make sure my power stations can have more output so do any more we needed more stations right research centers but where'd you get that you got guests you got operations ACU expedition Center only oh so it needs to because you can have one on a different Island gotcha research required for a storm science center Innovation Center security center although it's cool so how much shops do we have any more we can get I'm going to put a fast-food place on the other side what kind of yeah I can put it here I kind of want to rotate it and make it a little bit different because when it clips on it looks a bit weird now I want to make it as straight as possible yeah am I just like redo this Bob oh my god Ackley I keep clicking P for path I'm just used to oh god is it the wrong way around no it won't be it's just not made yet okay so wafer to be made oh my OCD it should be straight no ok traders I guess I wish you could move it I think once you place it down you can oh look some guest interaction there gift shop treaters is that licensed or no but I know we've got power here so that's good what else we should probably put like a good can you put like a tiny enclosure there like a really small one because oh hello hello is this it is oh can you place it anywhere so if I place it like that yeah you can oh so it doesn't need to be from the front it could be from anyone oh that's right yeah we got a fast food chain here so if we go down up well be the will dude I know dishes here for a double the price or look at the profit yes 13 I'm getting extra greedy we don't have toilets though is there a mission for this is it free oh look at that it's like Disneyland it's all free kind of so we'll go to the the expedition map so we've got expeditions which I think is this one and is it anywhere else no we haven't unlocked anywhere else just yet oh look we've got the White Cliffs of Dover oh I love oh the Isle of Wight so what are we looking for we got serratus soros struthiomimus triceratops partially depleted so they're all looking a bit partially depleted and mana soros I really want to just make that strewth if I was a hundred percent before we make more dinosaurs we do have electric fences now that should be done is it done oh no we got less than a minute so we're getting some and then after that genetic research I don't think I'm okay with genetic research what I do was this medical Oh hookworm Oh God Bracken poisoning oh what's the worst what's this oh my god a bacterial tuberculosis ticks rabies Oh tapeworms oh this is horrible that's really cool that you've got all this different stuff so a building of course I want to make power so increase total power output of upgraded power stations by 14% what's this listening units reduce the risk of power outages add upgraded power stations by 10% what you want and what you get and that's what so many scientists seem to understand it's part of the process they're not afraid to give up control to embrace the chaos and you appear to have done just that Oh Jeff talk to me all day would you baby oh it's beautiful okay so I'm gonna I'm gonna place I want to get it like really up close to like the Fen to the pathway and you can really do that oh that's perfect so we could do that should this be like a small enclosure like for something like a Dilophosaurus you know what I think I'm gonna do that so we'll have a really really tiny one here just within the constraints of this power supply so yeah this is really cool so there you go we have our tiny little enclosure which we can house at the la force aura scene yes and then you could be like hiding in the woods oh that's perfect and if I look at map does it tell me it's definitely made yep there it is although it should be Pat yeah it's all powered on tea-break guys I already take a separate Oh God team I was gonna do like half an hour episodes but we haven't really done but oh yes 40,000 for that for that and then we can sell so that's a hundred thousand so I think we've or we've got even more money from doing that expedition so I'm gonna send out another one I'm still looking for anything that has struthiomimus so there's another one there so we'll send that off so you can get extra dick teams as well that's really gonna help I don't know if we have any missions let's look at reputation okay loyalty bonus so I got $36,000 because I'm with entertainment but I get a restaurant if I stay with them I get a meat prehistoric life so it doesn't tell me what I unlock but I get that mission if I get up to there so I have to do little favors in order to do a big favor so I could yo you're going to need to step up okay so they're basically telling me off if I hear if I'm not researching anything but look at finances so without 20,000 but you know I am researching a lot of stuff contracts I should we request a contract you know what why not we'll get a new contract oh sorry well they requested new contract from you know do science one why not yes I think that's what I'm researching Tommy oh I thought oh it was lucky so when you go up grades reduced power yeah reduced upkeep okay so we'll get that one alright so we got the Dilophosaurus over there which we don't even have yet but I think we were sending off a expedition team weren't we Oh what's this take a photo of at least $5,000 I don't know if I can do that you know what oh you can have multiple missions oh that's great okay so I guess I'm gonna put like an entrance and yeah this should be interesting so range of team drive the vehicle yeah off on safari I love this music oh can I break the fence it just burst into the a enclosure oh it knows oh I like how he just like how heck Tilly is just witness to all of this oh please let's have it's going to me $5,000 worth the look of death can it attack me oh well well do that was really good awesome hopefully it won't go out where did Hector let's go oh yes thank me please oh I've locked them in oh wait what oh okay I thought we didn't like the next one so start mission get Triceratops do you know I'm petunia see for you to consider it will allow us to work together to create life pure life if you've been listening to dr. Malcolm then you know how important this is to us and to me I think we've already got it up there though I thought we heard I could be wrong well you you were my kind of person inquisitive driven and I knew you can resist this opportunity so let's get started well now we're not on a dead pet I knew you were right for me that means a complete to the challenge don't disappoint I am up to the challenge pet so think we could probably put a triceratops in here stride so far I believe I may be on the cusp of something wondrous and I have you to thank at least in part where I find myself now we need to incubate hatch and how's our dinosaur then we will know if our efforts will have been worth it okay so I've realized that there's no way for people to look into the serratus or exhibit which is kind of a bad thing really yeah oh okay so I can't I can't go on there it could be the pylon that's the issue but I'm gonna assume yeah sorry about that your patches to leave below you I know your whole world just fell apart there is that because of the power it should tell you because I can't tell if it's people or if it's it is the power cables I get the sense that it might be the power cable so I'm probably got it other dopes do something terribly wrong here and yep sorry and I'm right away power will be back online momentarily are you kidding me we're gonna get we're gonna find out what is exactly causing the problem and it may even be trees so I'll just delete that always you gotta kill the code it's gonna get the code yeah there we go it could have it could have just been trees I really don't know so I'm gonna delete this path as well we're gonna take this I also wonder like how much of this is really to do with like the path like how successful your Park is is it down to your management of your path does that affect it at all I mean I know that we need power for some of these things so without further ado let's make some power is I could we good I think we're good okay so we've got our viewing viewing area which is probably gonna show most of this exhibit is I'm gonna show the right though so you I don't know if depending on how you see that that could be from incubate and release a genome oh you need to incubate it I'm sorry my bad well we're gonna make an even better Triceratops Oh hmm it's rating goes up by a lot if you change its skin also this one does that increase its rating it does okay viability so we'll give it to THAAD nurse which puts up its attack really she put up its attack or viability I think the Frog is viability so we'll put up the Frog so first we'll do should we do an outline yeah we haven't done an Alpine so we'll do an Alpine we'll go back and we'll incubate so there we have we're gonna get our first Triceratops watch him just impaled Becky heck Tilly is how you doing I'm reso hold on I'm researching I'm gonna get your DNA are pretty high so if we go back to port Portugal there you go have a lovely time it's gonna be terrible import taxes on everything we take away but who cares oh sorry oops apply the upkeep I completely forgot about that there you go bye sorry 125,000 already spent 40,000 pretty darn good look you know I'm gonna get hook was just in case what makes or breaks us as miss idli sometimes both besan is lomatin serous you are making us and yourself look good Oh flattery will get you nowhere oh I'm getting the vapors strut we got strut Becky and evil Becky somewhere in here I wish you could click spacebar and see them all but also at the same time I kind of like that I have to search a little bit oh that was quick research hookworm almost instantaneously so do we want to research as some genetics lifespan yeah let's research the shark lifespan so dinosaurs will live a little bit longer come on succeed it's only got 52% but it is a thirty five rating Triceratops if we get up come on come on we can do it yes yes ah release the Triceratops what's it gonna look like oh don't you look pretty are you gonna roll it looks so good I mean it's very it's the drastic world Triceratops 100% it's not the sorry don't trust him yeah it's rustic world not stress of park making sure in other words dinosaur welfare the difference with dinosaurs is that they have no point of reference to understand humans so don't expect much in the way of thank-yous oh my god these dinosaurs look so good I've been monitoring what you've been up to with great interest and her baby wall why did the doctor do what came to you for this assignment instead of bringing me into the loop as she should have done I'll discuss this with her later Oh get a little wrist slap there by dr. woo well we don't trust him anyway he's a bad person a very bad man okay so we've got some more DNA yeah here we go more Ceratosaurus that's what we're after I really want to try and get a hundred percent genome with that so now we have Triceratops what's how is it like a picky Triceratops compute is 100% and oh it does not like being by itself ooh that's the first time we've seen that oh god please don't attack the fences peek Oh Rosalie named you well obviously we've got a name it's Sara right it has to be and I think in Land Before Time it's spelled like that so we have Sara look at this rain this is absolutely gorgeous so we've got a lot of this island to to sort of make Oh God look at that that looks oh man that looks so good I need to get myself to Costa Rica and like Hawaiian stuff like Hawaii I need to see this in person a murder is a kid I was like does that look like that can't be real it looks like a miniature but Oh like we just admire this game for a second look I can be all the way out here and then in two seconds BAM I'm like down down right at the eye level no lag no nothin and this is like frontiers engine they made it's so cool so I am really getting good I'm getting in with the science division now and my entertainment is sort of lacking but I'm gonna I'm gonna try and get up to 70% genome and then you know what I'll give some love to the security I'll go up to go so is there one that just Triceratops there isn't really so we'll do that and hopefully we can get them there and also look at the research well like how we got our first look at Henry Roo there oh look so that's locked now defense and resilience really all the one is lifespan you know what should we get attack we should get attack and make a really strong dinosaur that would be awesome fossil as allows you to one extra fossil we've already got that one advanced computer mainframes so I'm kind of wondering do we want to upgrade like the ACU helicopter so improve rifle maintenance increased reload speed accuracy and additional one task I don't think I need any of that we get another Jeep the scheduled unit enables one additional tasks to be assigned well we don't have to be dinosaurs at the moment so oh look at that I didn't think a visitor and looking in and just seeing a triceratops like right in front of you like that person right there oh god it's it's coming right for us yeah so when I'm gonna make another one until we got like seventy percent on the Triceratops genome what are we on actually let's have a look incubate dinosaur we are on 56 so we can we got modified so when we've got that attack genome for the serratus horas role I kind of want to research a different skin as well we'll make it different we'll also what's this if I built it down doesn't seem like anything is up viability very down oh sorry there's little arrows so more resilience and better rating so it's got 84 rating but I want that attack that's what I want I want that attack rating we do have a Montessori if we want you we make another we'll make it a mono source like a regular one as well so we'll incubate that might as well because that's what I've learned is more dancers in the park the quicker you progress the more dancers you get rather than waiting on certain things oh hello if you're interested yeah sure why not oh my god I seem to be just going for her I don't mean to play favorites I'm sorry but it's happening so I can't help it she's just giving me all this stuff the security guy is gonna is maybe he's gonna sabotage me is that it he's just gonna let the serrata source out yes we got it awesome so if we quickly just jump to this and we go to incubate dinosaur we go to modify genome and we'll go to the genetic one yeah look at a cup eight percent on the rating for that it's just me and you darling yes we're the smartypants here so I should have some more fossils fossils so that's Becky oh no sorry that yeah will extract that Oh like that the coprolite that's pretty nice there that's we're waiting for more triceratops DNA so we'll jump straight back to the world map partially depleted still we'll go for the Triceratops and Draco Rex cuz we don't have Dracorex yet and what's our genome for the Triceratops on at the moment 56 cuz we haven't extracted anymore but that six hundred and five thousand dollars for cerrados surahs oh my god okay so we'll release this guy bein mono soros there we go let make dinosaurs for days here come on you can do it look quite small actually [Music] yeah there we go look at a run was originally uncovered at a site in Canada I'll let you guess where the t-rex thinks these are delicious oh that's awesome yeah so now we've got even more dinosaurs with your help our rating but we'll also have a look at yeah look at that I've depleted a lot but look we can get a science center if we unlock that I'm thinking I'm look 77,000 as well sabotage risk oh they have sabotage risks oh I didn't even notice that so I was right in a way okay so how are we doing with fossils do we have any more because I did send an expedition team out how long are they out for view expedition map right they're coming back in a minute and then once that's there is there anything we can make at the moment I'll have a look to see if we can research anything humph you time to tell me well don't need any of that zero items available two items available so we'll get that as well we've got loads of building upgrades to get to be honest oh they're back we're back baby let's have a look what did you get Triceratops please yes come on we just need 70 percent that's all we need so Road idiom there we go I will send them off again just because I don't know if that's gonna be enough and we always need more fossils oh there's only Dracorex there now oh sorry Triceratops yeah let's go back to the same place sorry guys you're off again right how serratus aw is doing cuz what we're gonna have to do is we're gonna make a Ceratosaurus and then move it and I'm just hoping it doesn't get impaled by like a separate opps Oh eat a friggin Becky oh we didn't we didn't even run to Saurus well you know what has to be guys at this point we've got Sarah we also need ducky there you go oh I put in all caps well it's a big enclosure but I kind of want this to be all herbivore include so grass loves fine forests fine population is good but I think it needs another advantage so us in here how much do they cost because I might make one 170,000 Wow struthiomimus the struthiomimus is on 91% it'll Poirot it'll beg issue for my bill the side table toes of eggs oh look at that emerging from the brush ah they looked awesome does it sound kills you go what's your rating 79% are your famous more details modifications tailored jeans lifespan 62 lifespan age 46 so it's getting close to being dead soon oh that's a shame combat 73 defense genes doesn't really yeah aggressive instincts beautiful okay so we'll research another one since that's done you can't want some of the buildings actually power supply power upgrades what we can't get anymore might as well hold you know what may as well do that one and get more air fossils if we need to more fossils are we on seventy one percent for Triceratops sixty-six are so close so close but we could definitely get another Becky let's see yeah everything is up its rating is up its liabilities a little bit down but we'll do that one and we'll make hopefully this will last a bit longer so we'll incubate two extra modified strewth your viruses maybe becky three and four there's only it was only becky evil baggy strut and then the rest will just be Becky's becky version 2.00 look like inspiron don't listen to evil becky it's kind of like the pack leader looks awesome i look like all the attention to detail that they've done this game is fantastic there you go do we have any more what's this we've got a notification oh there it is on the DNA oh what's this yes finally oh and amber for Dracorex okay guys wagon after Robert II I know I really don't end it but you know it's it's gonna have to happen I'm so sorry bud if you enjoyed this video leave a like and if your site that - until next time I'll see you later Oh bye bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,467,165
Rating: 4.9233384 out of 5
Keywords: Jurassic World Evolution, Jurassic World evolution part 1, part 1, episode 1, ep1, All dinosaurs, all islands, play through, walkthrough, jurassic world, jurassic park, jurassic world game, fallen kin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 6sec (2886 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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