Building Jurassic World!! - Jurassic World Evolution | Ep1

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really let's go we're gonna yeah the cinematic oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh oh Kinect Ilyas bye-bye hello everybody and welcome to jurassic world evolution it is we waited so long we waited so long for this amount finally here raisins jay Park in 2003 it was a 2004 it came out and now finally we have the game we've always wanted a game where we can fill their own part I just say I'm so psyched if you're liked leave a like not see a video bye but before we start I just want to say thank you again for all the support you guys have left on my channel for the past three years like we've got like 1.8 million subscribers now we're just so crazy and to celebrate the release of Jurassic world evolution and just all the achievement of Bob we're going to be doing a giveaway of like a PC version a ps4 version an Xbox version of this game all you need to do to be a chance to win is to like the video and comment in the comments below saying my favorite dinosaur is a men say a dinosaur and that way I can quickly search through all the comments and select one that random that's that phrase and with that said shall we start a new game oh the music no may I say welcome my name is dr. Ian Malcolm that's part of me well correction you should have heard of me especially now that you're here so before you are the islands that you need to manage if you can I'll try five deaths jeez if only if only there had been five oh is that is that Ian Malcolm reminiscing over lost world Isla my time shadows it's relatively stable you can get your feet wet here and you should just diving into the deep end of the pool is where the big angry lorry things are there it is before you try that oh my god this is awesome oh this brings back memories so this is basically what I played right this seems to be what you start with and there we go oh the toddler oh when the rest of it seemed to play you'll start by building a Hammond creation lab alreet well I'm just trying to learn how to zoom in and all that jazz you should just attach it to the side but watch out for dinosaurs just kidding like it's that way right I am building the right way I think I am so this is it this was already thrown into it actually sinkhole where tis because Spanish is the lingo of choice around here hmm so it seems like like with operation Genesis you were basically thrown into a game back to the pre here we go so this is like a tutorial so you know oh oh guys could we just like spend a second just to see what potential we have or this is 42 dinosaurs so we got struthiomimus Stratos aureus and mana sores Triceratops an ankylosaur 'add Apatosaurus Oh some sort of Gallimimus a Brachiosaurus Camarasaurus casma soros can't resource Korea thesaurus a miller ankylosaur Deinonychus Dilophosaurus meme dementia source a Diplodocus that could be actually starts that has to be stinky Moloch that's Gallimimus so the other must this must be struthiomimus that oh I don't know three fingers could be a Megalosaurus oh wow look at all these majungasaurus some sort of a Montessori that's the metric and thesaurus I think or it could be a Cryolophosaurus more oh my god Parris Oliver's t-rex Styracosaurus ooh suka - the sook - reserves but the synthetic scissors and velociraptor well guys this is it so let's think you bait and make extinction playing with nature's laws you know they simply go wrong everything you know we've learned so much and learned so little at the same time yes mr. Finch yes the last time there's always the last time and next oh is it ready Oh ready let's go we're gonna yeah the cinematic who they've changed it so it's only like a little goal hmm straight out life it begins the most precious moment the result of incalculable actions and reactions trials and errors genetic mutations and unknowable combinations chaos all leading to a living breathing thinking being an entity distinct and unique and now we you just manufacture them so well done yes I love the music that is like little playful look at this shop so you've got like the ground camera which was what we were kind of worried we would get like you know that would be it but now we got the free camera so we can basically like you know look up and down the dinosaur and just oh it's so great so we're not stuck so we can actually be there right in you can touch it you could see it's beautiful textures and oh god just go to the stratosphere as well how'd we know nation has three main areas of interest security entertainment and science each division to reach out to you personally there'll offer opportunities and incentives for you to be part of their team choose one of their contracts oh also guys I forgot to mention have you got your cup of tea cuz I've got mine you know what every weekend we've got a cookie Coke wallet whatever let's have some fun yeah so when I played the demo it was security I went with but apparently entertainment is the one that you know is more entertaining so you can make some other surahs probably quickly with this one so we're getting with this I think good things about you I'm in charge of the entertainment division here what good is the world's greatest show if no one sees it don't answer that's rhetorical and painfully obvious what I'm saying is that we need people in our parts fill up our facilities with warm bodies numbers bring revenue excitement and opportunities it's gonna say can i oh oh no city is completely used to increase your reputation and gain additional revenue to keep expanding your park oh okay right so I'm trying to go a bit too far ahead who it apparently I'm not supposed to do that yet we're gonna do the tutorial so it's quite nice that they are doing this now and they are making em like you were able to have a tutorial because otherwise people just be completely lost so we show I mean we'll try and get it as a Z&X yeah I have one there we go so I'm gonna place it right there so one more thing your reputation your rep quote unquote keep an eye on it okay if you have a solid reputation with a division you're more likely to benefit from them financially I mean but like life it's a balancing act each division is vying for your attention and if they don't get it they tend to take it person oh no it's like having three best friends who only ain't gonna spend like ten minutes with division is taking notice of your success as your reputation increases with them so too does the opportunity to tackle more challenging missions is that right whoa okay - thanks guys right okay this time this mouse should work properly because my other ones Mouse will died yes so now oh here we go there that's what I was wanting I'm gonna accept your mission don't worry so now I can do this yes oh I don't like that can we not all be friends mm-hmm so we need to find serrata soros DNA rely on drawing people in and what is more attractive than you dinosaurs well of course yeah no what I'm saying is let's get some fresh dinos in the hopper yes pretty good looking I must admit first expedition team is out they'll bring back what they find to the fossil center for extraction whereas Becky I can't find Becky oh there's mom can we zoom yeah there yes Becky you don't even have a name visitors to your facility's capital which means you can do more this game gorgeous so this is what we're looking out for oh my God look at that you've got like it slowly fades into the water look at that disappears and the graphics and oh my god look at the shine Oh mom okay guys do you want like an extra-long episode for the first one no I don't think I could do you guys any justice if I said no I want to do it too right there's serratus or so we'll extract that DNA I think we've still got a dick team out I kind of want to check the air control room do we have weather reputation island rating admissions whoo Santa so income is about two thousand our expenses so far ten thousand we got the engine database which tells us everything about dinosaurs genes dig sites oh my god here's the research so we can let's we can research into buildings oh we could have savanna stores but it costs two hundred thousand I don't know if I'm doing that they're returning The Dig team is returned and booked there you go one two three four five a man you've got this final one so this shows that have been collected inside your fossil center that will increase the amount of viable data you have to create dinosaurs okay yeah I'm still learning the controls guys so Oh what is this hmm of course it's Ceratosaurus DNA and it's high-quality that's also throughout a source DNA so I'm gonna extract that as well so hopefully that will give us a pretty complete Oh God do do we let it kill Betty Becky I'm not letting to kill Becky but I don't want to release it into this enclosure it's a problem so we need 50% there we go you viable genome I don't want Becky to die though I don't know what's worse treating these creatures like grist for the mill or cropping them up as curiosities you know me Jeff sorry Ian this is awesome a little bit we're finally here guys finally on one of the five deaths playing in Jurassic world evolution I don't know what to say I'm kind of a speech of this but we kinda want to make another enclosure should we make it here this seems like a viable area so if what we can do is sort of escort Becky off the premises so here we go here we go there should be ooh what's this light steel fence and then a gate so right do we get to see we're about to go so we can do that you can toggle yeah there you go space to toggle off curved so now it's straight so that's straight bit and then we'll toggle a curve on so this is gonna be over saris is that better yeah oh that's cool oh I love it are the music as well I had like a very indominus rex vibe there so can i build through here it looks like I can yeah I definitely can so I'm building straight straight at the moment and then we're built here so you build it in sort of you can only build up to a certain length and then I'm gonna make it this round I'm gonna curve yeah yeah look at this and then we're gonna get right up there and can we curve it a little bit okay okay I make it straight up to here it's kinda hard to see though and there it is so if I go into map it should show me the dotted enclosure there we go okay perfect alrighty we have two enclosures we already so incubate the here's where as it goes wrong so he's only 64% so he's 66% chance of failing here's seven rating which is pretty good his skins basic you know sort of but if we do go into like if we're going to control room and we go into not that what is it it's we need to go research that's the expedition engine database here we go so genes so we can add genes to our dinosaurs but we can also research new ones so let's go to genetic research so these are things we haven't done yet so splicing these genes will increase the attack and resilience traits if we have a crew with their crew in splice new zero increase defense and resilience lifespan and resilience or attack and defense and what's this one splice this gene will create an S or skin patterns Oh screw that let's go on and what's this hybrid oh there it is in Tomah despite the intolerance Rex combines genomes from multiple dinosaurs and modern species the base genome is primarily Tyrannosaurus Rex and velociraptor the rest is classified cost two billion dollar and you need t-rex and velociraptor 100% to make it I know what we're gonna do so we'll wait that and we'll make yeah we'll keep that going but do can we even sedate Becky do we have a ranger station right do we even have a ranger station let's go to operations expedition center fossils sent are we not unlock that yes security no we haven't unlock that yeah so it looks like I am gonna have to make this red source and I am gonna have to have it kill the yeah hold on we can do this right enclosures a carnival feeder right in front eat the goat is it gonna eat the goat Becky Becky right yeah oh god she's pacing the fence she knows you can do it I believe in us we can survive just hide in the trees all right you hide here don't look at it coming out all right okay oh oh can I choose what it dispenses like us different dinosaurs require different diets make sure to place the correct type of feeder in an enclosure what do you like eating cows okay oh there you go live bait that's what I wanted whoopsie doodles um there you go okay is he done he's poor he's getting close I'm sure Oh what's this some finance people keep pestering me about a contract I said you'd look at it so do it reached 25,000 income well yeah sure I mean that's just I'm not gonna are gonna happen racing revenue I guess that would be purely idealistic but raise this money responsibly because it may get spent a whole other way is that right oh okay whoa whoa gift shop fast food oh here it is oh but you need to place it where there is power see this is another thing that like operation Genesis did not have and I'm really looking forward to how this makes a difference so how do we even have an income if we don't have anything like okay hey are you doing Peggy OH it's almost done Becky I hope those long legs are for runnin because they're about to need to cocoa oh wow it's like a wide-angle lens or like a fisheye you look so big sorry she oh please sniff the goat please sniff the goat please is it hungry Oh God oh no poor good well this is the peggy oh oh oh but golden stuttered chance peggy where are you oh that is becky well the foods full now yeah Peggy get goin I'm now gonna like hopefully rescue you no that's right I can't click on you can I so we'll do more expedition so a view expedition map oh thank you so sure what should we go for next Triceratops and run thesaurus Ruthie - you know what let's let's focus on the dinosaur we got at the moment but what I really want to do is just try to get that am helipad helipad Center but I don't see it expedition Center ACU Center that's it and ranger station okay so the tutorial plugged me in and then it was like whatever so if can I place it like if it's oh that's good that's good okay so we'll place it like as close as we can right next door so now we can move Becky to a new enclosure which I will admit is very flat oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no what yeah nobody but a hungry and I've been on these islands before on Isla Nublar I made some mistakes and I've tried to set them right Robert I believe in what we're doing and I believe these dinosaurs well that is Claire for the first time you must take care of your dinosaurs their health is of vital importance I know right well right damn it no now we're it's so quick life begets yeah but here's the question but you gotta ask yourself was this avoidable the answer of course not death it's always coming but could you have delayed it well that's maybe another story well Jeff you can talk to me for hours didn't realize it wasn't even hungry why didn't uh kid I mean to do that one the ACU Center well I'll tell you what this this place is very very secure over here I am running the risk though of having like no dinosaurs at all okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go into our fossils and we're just gonna extract all this DNA it only cost ten thousand each which actually is a well I don't have enough for more power stations so it's kind of a problem I'll place that here like maybe we can place like yeah place up there and then I'll connect it to that one does that help I think that gives one extra power output but we don't have enough money from starvation Oh being eaten by hungry so Allosaurus is length of lifespan is determined by the dinosaurs lifespan trait uh-huh that dinosaur should be removed with the transport team to prevent disease No how do I remove it how research item from research center close shop mission a commercial power construct up and power okay a fast-food so in research clothes oh my god there's so much to do this is it's really good but I'm so of like being flooded with everything so cutter like researches what was it building it was like clothing so acids no won't be any of this these are building upgrades so it'll be here we go there you are cost to $200,000 for to research how to make t-shirts okay right well now we have an actual requires power ah well can I delete the rain the other one do I get money back for that every Oh tell you what we set people off to do the the recent thing what we can also do is like stop all this extraction here so what's this I'm gonna stop this cancel the extraction of that one and we're gonna sell it for 30 grand there you go what's this most with you - they're both the same quality so we'll sell laughs don't know who - some eclectic collector of spooky YMS fossils so now wait that's not saying at gates open is it saying a building needs power so now we go oh yeah I know I know we need more power oh hold on could we make more power at the one we've already got posted I'm Owen great oh into my friends I've seen things I'd rather not talk about but it hasn't dampened my commitment to the dinosaurs the Raptors more generally and me and blue specific hold on a minute we have a special relationship like what I have is clear less complicated anyway nice to meet you that wasn't Chris power is something we simply cannot ignore when it comes to our operations we don't have any power no you kidding me we don't they don't have Chris but they've got Jeff they got Bryce and it didn't get Chris oh no well you know I'm sure they have a reason for it maybe he didn't want to do it substations distribute power to nearby buildings well that's what I kind of already had and sure substations are connected to power yeah but okay so I can't get any more at the moment unless I probably research an upgrade yeah upgrade slot but I don't have any so I could research it to get power just from that one building rather than making a whole new power station but it costs five hundred thousand to get it I spent so much money on this but is it making a profit oh look cell for four dollars hello mate Virna costs $24 Dino bytes expenses Dino dish you know what there we go that'll do so we can can we put stuff up well like that increases the running cost management view should we do for attraction finances right oh right so that's how I see it so we'll put it on at the moment okay so total per minute we got 53 dollars but we should get more now because we've I've probably changed it oh look at them go through the doors [Laughter] okay so can I do anything with substations like can I know I can I could deactivate them but my Ceratosaurus where are ye a bogey not that there it is oh you've got it what's that you got a little entertainment star when you're always up because you're an objective yeah did you have to do it I've waited what should your name be oh I know heck Julius there you go good old Hecht Elias well his population is low and he kind of likes it that way probably would be okay with a pair he's not very social or sorry she she likes lots of forests grasslands good comfort is a hundred percent this is the most comfortable the cerrado source we've ever made but I can't power this so I can't oh the body's gone oh good well in a way it's good I suppose yeah but we need more power so how much power comes on consumption oh when I neglected the path oh no consumption worn power constructions - doesn't tell us how much I mean if we go on to management views and we go to power you could sort of see everything but the problem is we don't have much output so we really need $500,000 oh he's gone for a kill go on Hecht Elias he's going to kill the goat again YUM you can name the goats I did ask by W could look at the house Oh looks awesome well as long as you're happy Hecht ileus I'll give you a friend once I've got some more power but like here let's look at the yeah at this so we got engine database do you have anything new so this is where you can learn everything so we've got locations the Hammond creation lab and it's not all about the law and the movie what frontier did so much work Oh what am i doing I haven't been sending out dictums so that this is kind of risky though partially depleted let's spend 75,000 to go somewhere hopefully oh here we go successful incubate a small herbivore I would really oh it gives me a hundred twenty five thousand okay this is gonna be really risky but you know what I may as well I'm not gonna give this guy anything cuz it's gonna die so I don't unless you survive I'll name you but if you don't survive I'm sorry but you're probably not gonna have a name alright okay look at you look at you heck Julius this is your kingdom is it good do you like it hmm I wonder if I could shorten his exhibit or her exhibit sorry just because it's quite it is really big like if this is operation Genesis this would probably be half the map and to be honest it's okay in this sort of enclosure but I'm kind of wondering we have guests and we've got all this stuff monorail station arcade toy shop nice to see the arcade comeback from Jurassic world oh what's this oh okay we've got dinosaur ready bowling alley well there's loads of stuff but what about enclosures do we get to see there it is viewing gallery well I mean you could at least try god off the charts so you're getting a reward from the entertainment division for your work on isla man and Sarah oh wow did I do good like look at this we got output power output is 60 unused 3 so I've still got 3 power in that place not being used so I think it's still I think I can still put down another like power supply here and connected to that I just plant this and I cannot even put it anywhere really hold on is that nowhere I could put it power consumption 1 power connections 1 so it's not given anything well it's a learning curve it's a learning experience so we'll delete that we're gonna place our this thing now you see this is this is really cool because you've got this whole like management thing that you never had or like I've never really had before so it's giving me all sorts of challenges so here we go so let's turn you around to there and then we will oh oh can we just bet that's connected that way fantastic did I connect it I think I did connected that awesome and then we'll just connect to the path and we are looking am I looking good guys I don't know if this works if it doesn't have wasted thousands I think that's what I need because I've got these three buildings here I like to look at this pop what do you put it this could be where we put all of these shops and stuff so we've got all the security and power things like that so what I want to do is sedate that serrata source once this is built whoa no BT oh oh that's good okay I'm ready this is awesome oh yeah guys also like it some dinosaurs that I'll make I'll ask for nicknames so if you want leave them in the comments as well and depending on what video it is and will so yeah we'll probably get like a second Stratos or so if you leave down the comments yeah I'm ready I'm gonna pile of this helicopter here we go yes so it's baseball take off got it if you want to leave a comment down below what we should all god the same please don't crash into the cables what you want to call the second sraddha soros we could do that leave it down there and out there so dark rifle yeah yes okay right should we what zoom in oh that's is that zooming oh hello Hecht Elias yeah Baird ruin buggy it kept you all Oh God don't waste money on that profit per ok I think I got profit before this rice was okay apparently he's not bothered oh I think you may have seen us nope come on Hector man I cannot the pushes oh this is awesome oh there it is it's it's kind of sedated hijo yep got it I think I got it there and just one more good measure I think it's down is it down is it knocked out Oh oh my god surround a source what you doing Oh pile it apart he's deliberately hiding in the trees I don't even know if it is you know they told me it's quicker for you two to do it yourself but I don't know I'm not seeing it being very go there you are you come here you that's out in the open oh look a little like like talking like the chatter to each other swinging around no yeah kind of right eventually guys yeah your time is done Julius p.m. there you go sedative I don't know why quickly before moves but not too much because we didn't know how much sedative to give it up there right so how do we move a dinosaur oh okay select an ace you Center using T to access the transport teams and a sign of tranquilized dinosaurs okay so we need to go on to the ranger station which is ACU and then click T yeah there is transport move is it this transport act Ilyas and destination is in here there we go oh wow that was quick and Becky the second you are released I'll have a wonderful life okay and try not to meet the same fate as the other one all right beautiful okay so write or connect Ilyas bye-bye the best game okay so I can probably delete that now because the haven't creation I'm so expensive there's really no point in me making like multiples I might as well just transport them like this unless it's a giant carnivore then I might need to make another one so we'll go into do is it enclosures yeah there it is whoa how much is the three hundred thousand two thousand or two and fifty thousand I'll just go for live and we'll place it there is no land in here well place it there there you go wow I'm really not to work with my money oh dear well we do have DNA so let's see what we got what's that silver twenty thousand heck yeah let's extract that and let's extract that I mean that one's okay quality and then mono source is really poor but could be worse we need two and a thousand and we can research the clothes and once we've done that we can then I think we can load the money for that does it tell us what we good oh wow yeah a star rating dropped dramatically and I don't even know why that happened we're only two and a bit stars is it because the cerrado saw has sort of moved it could be but what we'll do is we'll also place a gate oh no that cost eighty thousand no wonder if you're not doing that what I will do is place a ground feeder for for Becky Becky the second and we'll rotate that a little bit and we'll place it like right in front of when I've got enough money some sort of viewing place there so Becky to come here we're gonna call you Becky - there we go see the everything is right with the park we're back to wander bit stars because I'm guessing the cerrado source is broken up but how is your enclosure it is mostly flooded it's like you're living in Florida or something guys I know it's been like 40 minutes by I just want to how am I gonna like it's gonna be the end of it like the day like how can I go to sleep knowing I could play this are you hungry oh then does it tell you what your information health appetite 93 metabolism okay you have a 79 star rating okay Oh God do not go for the fence I know it's a steel fence and somehow you're poking your head out of it but please don't break okay so oh wow we lost a lot of money though what's this we've got research view research to BK anything or is it telling me I can research I would really like to but the only thing is I don't wanna have too much money but I can send off an expedition what go somewhere that hasn't been excavated too much so cost of seventy does it tell you commonly found specimens struthiomimus no fossils discovered Oh God oh yeah I can exit yeah I can do that okay you're going to need to build your reputation in I'm gonna try missions for Sian managing our dinosaur population and seeing that they are flourishing okay so what she wanted me to do was send off an expedition which is fine because I was gonna do that anyway just to try and get some money so seventy five thousand for that what's the cheapest it said there was commonly found species and new fossils discovered Oh so that's cheaper let's go for that one like I just want to see the expedition like helicopter head off off it goes bye bye have fun get those paleontologists the students taken yes woods right okay since we sent that off I don't think there's much for us to do we still need to research clothes and it really wants me to research something here so now we have power unused is three and how much power is in this one that's unused fifty Wow okay so there's a lot of power coming from the other one so anything we build were probably gonna have to build around here the only problem is it'll cost a fortune to make the cables oh can we can we zoom in on the goat I wanna lose even on the go please let me let me zoom in the go let's find him Tara Tara where are you where the Coco is it drinking I can hear something oh this is a Saran asaurus there's Herc Julius I'm wait how long do you live for looked a little buddy and even check populations fine he'd like you'd like a bit more grassland but honestly he's really not fussy oh I think he's uh I think he said did you see the goat are you just having a little stroll oh there's the goat there it is Ron okay so we're not doing too bad I want to check my output from our fast food I'm so sorry $15 is that expensive a Dino dish I don't even know what that means so maybe it's a like a really fancy meal and I'm selling it really cheap I could be so we're getting close to two hundred thousand I want to research and then Oh complete an expedition to dinosaur park formation are you kidding me did I set it to the right one I don't know oh let's find out please time I sense it's the right one where's my expedition is there a expedition dinosaur Oh is the other one Dyna a park formation well they're almost done there we go okay we can stall the expedition that they've just came back lightning speed and we can do that before it expires hopefully so let's see what kind of fossils we got from that we've got and montessori slow and medium quality at Montes horas so I'm gonna sell at 15,000 I'm gonna sell 20 mm you know I'm gonna sell that as well I'm gonna sell lap then I'm gonna go into research and we're gonna get some clothes a building visitor there you go because I'm doing the entertainment branch right so I've done this whole thing wrong I think what you're supposed to do is jump in who is the mountain Cyrus profit per minute is 46,000 the operations margin is in good shape you look go to finances oh thank you could sure like this guy's face so minus 20,000 made last time but a lot of it was power attractions oh God there you go I did it give me some more money please oh wait I'm done much to be I made an enclosure and we've got two dinosaurs but apart from that I've already done anything not going to lie but we do oh we've unlocked this clothes shop shopping is fine ah look at that okay so should we have this as like the shopping area like round here can replace it in trees we can we can kind of place in trees I am really focusing on making like just an amazing Park aren't I and not so much on dinosaurs dishes we've got one time so what does it need to be built hold on hold on we're about to unveil our newest shopping mall this is what you came for look at nobody work on it they're doing an amazing job there we go we did it so we've we've sort of helped out the Science Division as well and we get money for doing that so we've just got an extra hundred thousand there you go honey 20 folks and I won't forget it No thank you please down yeah okay so let's have a look at what what kind of fusses we've got the Fosters Oh more silver oh thank you hundred twenty thousand all role in it low quality but what else we got another low quality so you know what we'll extract them anyway because that's what we want to aim towards like the most complete genome oh wow everybody's going into already huh let's see this the best bit dino hats dino shirts or dino onesies oh we're not some for $6 we're gonna have make $50 yes they called me corporate moneybags mr. moneybags over here yes all right running costs should I should I maybe put some more stuff in there you go well we've got more staff fantastic we've got a weird a very weird looking it's can we move it is that possible to move it like once you've placed I don't think it is maybe if you deactivate it it could be so let's put it's management view shopping put on shopping I don't really know what that does I think it just means that if you go on the map it sort of highlights with that so we'll put this with food that's kind of what it is and it's fast food what's the profit on that let's have a log 63 when it cost 49 s we make about 20 is it 7 out of 240 put we are still a small park and we'll admit Wow we got 300,000 are you kidding me so let's modify here oh let's modify the genome oh oh this is yes we can put different colors in so its viability is a little bit lower if you put a sivanna in and the arid but it doesn't show us what they look like interesting so that generic one its rating goes up so it's more popular which means it will bring in more or viewers but we have a chance of it failing so there's a chance of us losing 36,000 so what we'll do is we go to the next genome and what's this one this puts the viability down but its life span is increased by so much so we'll add that in as well yeah and the other ones are locked so we'll put bots in apply gene and then we'll put in a savanna or an arid I thinks about it was the new one so we'll apply that gene as well so we have just over half percent of this work and we'll apply that gene will go back we're filling in or filling in gaps in the genome sequence I love it right when this guy comes out guys we're gonna have to end it there but I really don't want to because this is awesome so should we set up another expedition do we have any missions because I think if I remember right you can ask for missions so we have--we've we need to all right you need to get so far before you can request incubation a dinosaur with less than a hundred percent genome can fail yeah dammit oh wow it failed at 37% Oh what do we do with the failed one oh good yeah well we'll try it again come on don't fail don't fail me now okay so island rating to dinosaurs poor vet rarity so we need to work oh this is great responsible management of our animals is key as is creating a safe environment for our visitors okay so facility rating is really good guys I have like the best shops in all of Costa Rica yeah but we have poor satisfaction okay so how do we increase the satisfaction do we put sure I put the prices down you think that's it I think that's a I think I'm not satisfied because that will will increase the staff so they don't have to wait as long and we'll put down the price to about 10 donnaught it because it cost six and you know what I'll do the same with this as well this one so we already have two here but you know what we'll have a coupon day or something yeah the new-and-improved Becky version three this could be evil Becky Oh done there you go oh it's communica they're already communicating Oh they've got high social tolerance they'd really like to to be around their own species which is probably what I would assume would be the case and so if we drowned the camera oh there you go that's that that's the drastic world view low angle shot to make the dinosaurs team really big or construct and power a viewing gallery but we'll have to do that next time oh I'm so sorry guys like trust me I don't want to cut this short this is awesome I'm good luck with everybody who's entered the giveaway and we will do the giveaway results at the last episode of this first series because I'm pretty sure we made two multiple playthroughs and just like trying to you know to max out different different like science entertainment security what are you guys you chose me to leave like until next time I'll see you later buh-bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 3,604,354
Rating: 4.9356823 out of 5
Keywords: Jurassic World Evolution, Jurassic World evolution part 1, part 1, episode 1, ep1, All dinosaurs, all islands, play through, walkthrough, jurassic world, jurassic park, jurassic world game, fallen kingdom, indominus rex, indoraptor, gaming beaver, fights, death duels, dinosaur battles, full game, complete, dinosaur fights, t.rex, gigantosaurus, spinosaurus, vs, DINOSAUR BREAKOUT
Id: UXuX5YnzDM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 35sec (2975 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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