The Hunter Becomes The Hunted!!! - Life of a Shant | The isle

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I wouldn't die I'd have them look he's running - we've come back here get him right away speaker get him haha James ooh Oh God kick is what's my opinion Denmark the land of legal seems legit both you and I are Danish but don't think don't need to ask a pretty bout that why what's wrong with the Danish little of us I'll just move to the top of the mountain now yeah she's the best view Oh baby lots of puppies Oh ah there's where the flies are under water flies it's stinky Oh poo poo I am the head you didn't ask for by the campfire we just put like a little CGI come for you there right with the light now it's going away Oh Oh God there it is there's a little buffer I can run so quickly wee wee wee wee wee wee Bieber is a big girl now I'm a pretty and big girl look at me I'm the successor to what when I when I get kid I'll get great-great-grandchildren right yeah well it's night of the second date thought I'd let you guys know it's we're still in the same place I think basically until I get bigger then we might like migrate again yeah you see how it goes well though we have a little baby now so I don't know right what what just happened excuse me I live well Lisa's day now that's good where's that deal oh we can go to over the DLO heights and then stomp on when he spawns back in there's a place called party plains why aren't we there oh I can grow I'm huge finally is this some adult oh whoa what I just became an adult wait wait I'm an adult now oh my god Liz it we're gonna be migrated to the put the party planes my weight Oh almost 4k is that good they do good do I need to be even bigger you're almost weigh as much as of rags oh my god so I've got just as much help whoo I'm a big boy this pleases me my fat Richard yes okay let's go I need to fill up oh god I'm really hungry all right where's the food god I look even ring clearer than before with the more wrinkles comes more power all right then babies coming with why not let's go get some munchies hello off we go over the mountains and far away mikanos come out to play I don't see the baby but okay I guess so even though I'm an adult I still don't walk as fast or as oh have as much stamina make sense prehistoric walking simulator let's be honest anything beats bloody climbing simulator that's for sure Oh Pachycephalosaurus hello what you do it alright are you coming along with us Sookie protection is that it we're gonna party you keep me in the middle is that it is that what you want to do protect protect me in the middle fair enough yeah I recognize this it's just like the intro I just realize it's like 5 o'clock like I've been playing the aisle for the past like two and a half hours now do you have anything to say to the people of YouTube Whitney yeah wait hold on hold on hold on I'll make you loud there you go greens lots of greens that's what I'm havin ok so you love you bye okay so robbing a pit stop here and waiting for the baby to catch up feels very open here so there's no grass or anything it's weird look at our feets a little toesies the baby has tiny stubby legs so slow we burst into the baby yes yes feed him very good yes baby I agree wholeheartedly mm-hmm yes so how you do that head flips are quick yum-yum's ding dings baby is yours meats back on the menu boys you trikes he sticks his whole head in shant life is born why did you invite me sad life is boring but at least you won't get eaten don't worry what's barracks has come we can end their life stop me kill me that's right dude the torque maybe yes together now let's do it Pachycephalosaurus just decide yes I would be with these guys now wait don't leave me alone with the baby but barely just become a handle myself go and run mr. baby go with them you don't want to be left alone with me I must have food num-nums Oh an Allosaurus we kill the Dino behind us oh I can't even see him but we must protect the Papa we know what terrors wonder around in the note how far behind is he was there something there oh we have a serratus or is near who hi yeah something's grumbling we want to keep an eye on this baby then because he might be being followed he looks so tiny though huh yep that was something weird oh god oh god what is that is that a property the hell was that Oh God oh there it is there it is oh no oh and just I miss it's a hammer Oh Oh No oops sorry Oh call for my line pull the line we must protect that baby you chasing it is it over this way yeah I was gonna say the best thing to do is just sit on the baby and protect it he came out of nowhere that guy oh there it is again no it's not it's not her or is it yeah actually I think it is yeah no sit on the baby oh no it's fight that's been fighting the baby dude oh that wasn't it was it no okay okay there you go then just sit on the baby I'm with a sword might as well drink guess we'll find out here he goes again he doesn't know where the baby is though he's just running around yeah we just got to keep a visual yeah yeah bugger off you don't worry I know I know there was erupted I got this these things in the night um yeah I know I'll try to kill it run away yeah he's crazy first uh-huh damn it damn it ah what wait you were supposed to be there oh it died no oh no that's a log that's a log false alarm there we go looky there oh is that a rule so like a baby utahraptor won't go for a shine because it's supposed to be scared of it ah since its realism okay yeah that makes more sense the rule breakers just like me I'll see you oh you're a Pachycephalosaurus oops I thought you were a carnival okay I could've killed you that buddy so sorry there's another Pachycephalosaurus in this bush is running that tree one of history yeah I always did slap him look like though they were a kind of a ride in the trees they laughed oh well at least they could see the funny side of it alright let's go to the party yeah so probably the kid's gonna be logging off anyway so bye-bye it's been nice a me off to see the party no God duck skinny like that keep on runnin with us though we're all sniffing for food away almost there oh very good and a lovely Allosaurus uh-huh end to us God don't got it what why what happened what's here no Rex's well there's something was that another was IKEA what was that there is a Giga Raj bring on the tournament that's pretty cool desi the little babies were three pachycephalosaurus and the Gallimimus join us now and I'm getting bigger in fact I weigh almost 5,000 tonnes or five tonnes 5,000 tonnes seems a bit much well maybe it's not I don't know oh well Herrara source watching behind us yeah this bottom yeah there he goes walking into the woods so much of a party oh what's this I see a lot of red oh is that the Giga is that a Giga sitting on them where have you been bitten by the Giga did I miss him them look at that what actor ha well okay fine well there's something dead over there as well on the floor he's gettin close again very close so like back off yes good good oh so you were playing you played out so what was this what died here what is that the big velociraptor is it a baby t-rex could be like a yes juvie t-rex vs her are asuras gonna Nick some why he's not looking not much of a party oh wait what where did this friend of this Raptor come from Oh God farthest out he's dead oh he just wanted to be in a video your kill them I like it oh I like this breath they look cool in the morning air here we go oh there's something small coming something's runand is a baby galley it's not the same Raptor coming back hold on I think it might be all right to the planes off we go hmm my shuns just standing there I wonder why he's eating that Raptor we killed now oh good I have the big slow bit big big big slow what's that okay what's this guy doing oh he's dead well we thought the same guy just stand much of a chance so the same guy was nicking from the food why would he do that surely would be too scared of challenges apparently not whoo that sounds cool it's like a drop in the ocean drop of water with us now are we here is this it oh we're back to the lake oh that's good actually I needed some food I mean water Oh what are those those are pretty big they're Serrano's oh my god it takes ages to fill up my water that's a t-rex though but it looks like a sub-adult they both look like some adults no I'm outta line yeah it's like a little coral snake they wanting food is that it they wanting the pie look the guy just walked in front of the camera okay after the small little planky settle Azores and Gallimimus who you don't see it well actually no there's a carcass underneath that tree over there so don't know what they're doing it's taupe t-bag okay there you go that's the oh I'm the baby did it oh lucky what we got here the ultimate stamina machine the DRI Oh well rhenium Covello group greatness species count that's for sure no he's hot between me oh what a cutie Oh what oh I didn't realize you was that no we got oh he's right behind us Oh way not interesting Oh are you fighting him oh oh is this how it's gonna kick off like gigas gonna fight oh you wanna 1v1 me with what don't go for me oh yeah what we'll fight well back up you guys fight each other oh look at them he's showing how big he is Oh get him I think he got the first hit it oh he's running oh they were so vTOLs like oh god oh he's still after eyes given up I don't he has too much stamina I think that counts as a win then I would say wait what where did this t-rex come from oh that seems burn fat oh oh oh okay oh I want to see this hold on I'm curious now oh my god he's the bigger is on the run I think he's being bitten as well actually yeah yeah but t-rex has got him oh the king is down he's got it go oh that's a bit unfair I'm a t-rex in it I mean I mean I'm found the Giga the t-rex didn't even Oh bigger didn't see him coming at all he's down oh there he goes Oh what that seems a bit unfair oh no oh so sorry almost stumped and dry oh sorry dry Oh didn't mean to stop you one of these times are gonna survive oh yeah I think everyone's in agreeance if that was a bit unfair with that t-rex like I'm just glad that Draya was still alive goodness I'm gonna apologize here to like please can I eat please oh I think finally I think done about you but these shan't seem to be a bit of a master race he's getting his gig of back via patreon [Music] what for NICTA oh so this server has a patreon oh my god hey I didn't even realize oh that's a big t-rex okay somebody want to take that thing on look at it oh you might as well call that thing's soo it's pretty ginormous oh that golly wants to die he's like just kill me hey goes that oh yeah sure I'll take all that t-rex a nest invite joke on me I've just got to a place where it's fun what animal is is beaver Kevin just said beaver look at you mr. Rex let's chase him as Jason [Music] so we were about to have a fight with a t-rex and then the t-rex it was a friendly t-rex these guys know him or not know her no wait and if they you could just got pantsed by gigas who's just lying then a boom gigas got it so yeah hold on I'll see if I can find it to show you guys because I was actually just sort of rendering well my audio so I wasn't recording at the time but if we follow this river we should that there it is there it is Bala to key because that came out of nowhere bit of a shame that Raptors like that's an ass booty who the shadow shunt so apparently lady L cyanide was willing to die for content for me and even asked [Applause] somebody's zombies willing to fight I don't know who I've still gotta grow I mean I'm not first if and nighttime fires to say I I prefer by content being a bit more spontaneous but I guess why not I feel like I'm in a movie theater or something you would you have to pick a better spot well okay locked out that for a second or at least I was booted lost connection and we're back in again okay got a real log fantastic Oh boohoo now go fight something kitty look at it just circling me while I'm drinking just making sure I'm covered from all angles I assume we battle zyggie zyggie good yeah no not you beaver why do not believe in my mighty fight oh oh you are you guys fighting oh oh oh no no I don't want to fight these guys who's a little AI that's popped in PO are they Oh oh okay look at me I did all right so what are they gonna kill each other Oh uneven a which does more damage see that that's the problem the big stuff looks like it would do a lot doesn't never oh it's from each other's heads all they put all that look like it it looks are they both got each other's faces as king J gonna go down they both look injured though looks like it could be anyone's game what they whack each other's heads together riveting content [Music] broken heat boxes well they both got it to the pretty hollow thud stomp you know you could just be playing some classical music they're making nice shapes on the floor I've got to admit that's weird oh did he give up did he give up oh they just gave up King J what it looks like very good boys now stomp on him ooh sabado behind us it looks like it could be now it's my turn I gotta fight the winner what me for sama Sunday Oh Cory one day fighting I'll fight the t-rex are you doing buddy oh he will kill you you idiot I wouldn't die I'd have him look he's runnin away Eve come back here little bit away Kevin ha ha James Oh Oh God kick is did I go too far away Oh are they just okay come back here I'm sorry mama Oh looks like yeah they're uh go for that t-rex I could have had him you know I've easy how to ease peas would be too quick would be too quick I tell you I just let you know that Rex wasn't running from you no he was he was then they showed up coincidence don't take the joy away from the boy he would have been a good fighter doesn't good skill huh good damage oh I guess it's now time for a drink this places rather corpsey isn't it well I'm gonna go get some punch over this way I'm assuming you're following me nope okay that's fine nothing but just you know a quick a quick little jaunt no he'll be fine just to the tree where's the tree right there it is and you are is it god damn it I'm hungry okay guys well it's been fun but I have been now recording for three and a half hours and I kind of have to go so but if you enjoyed this video leave a like I will probably I don't even know how I split this up this might be the end of the second episode good lord that's a lot of editing to go through but I will carry on maybe we'll join these guys again if they're up for playing but we'll see and until next time see you later a behind
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,983,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, The isle, giganotosaurus, spinosau
Id: VyegSx6lpnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2019
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