AN EVEN BETTER ZOO OF ALL TIME! - Zoo Tycoon Ultimate Animal Collection

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and of course the brown-throated three-toed weird-looking I'd graceful and yet not graceful sloth so you guys seem to really like this series or at least the episode that I was do oh god no hello can I not like I keep further yeah but I do it I know I want to move I'm moving my mouse I hope my mouse is right here wait should I move in here we go yes hi what are you doing how do i how do i do like picture oh yeah so this time I'm using a controller so I'm gonna make amazing forties look at oh is that is that Louise is that the big fatty Louise oh let it go just rotting away oh look at you so happy how do I take a photo damn it turn around oh oh oh it's gonna say maybe I don't get that little message anymore but no no I get that oh yes yes I don't carry Skype is now enabled bugger off do you like the poop oh good scientist Oh God oh you must be Louise always beautiful Louise yes this is all my voice so much you taking videos become his dick in forties let him go with his hair clipping she's also got clipping hair oh you know what let's follow these guys okay they're on a date right so you just came to the to the zoo wait where you got what you got planned and can I interview you are you planning on marrying her do you look at other women to find other women attractive bugger off she's like marry me oh oh she's like oh I hate that guy what was he even like they were they were talking together right that obviously together I'm kind of interested now unlike that story okay so they've she's really my house like oh where is everything oh you know what it is I bet they need the toilet or something don't they and I just don't have anything I like around couples seem to to walk like behind each other that's really weird okay well let's let's keep on going with this couple yet they're together but they're not very happy oh we folded his arms that's bad body language lies oh well let's take a 40 of this momentous occasion when you don't know where anything is oh my god everything turns quiet oh that's weird yeah there you go oh oh oh she's okay sorry sorry there we go like a lifeless doll yeah muzaffer nice pictures she's so I just see me like this guy's not in the middle of the path taking a picture yes I am that man look your boyfriend's getting really far away he's mine now hello do you need the toilet coz I'll help you get there I think he does okay just some guy standing outside the toilet to the camera oh okay he's like Tom it could the toilet while he's watching yeah look at me go do you like the music I'm loving it right let's build zoo exhibit you know what I should go and look at animals first night tycoon vo oh my god - my controller vibrate oh Jesus who oh no it's looking great everybody's having a wonderful what about the Bears habitat is not the best I know I looks like oh no no they don't have any happiness these guys what about food well everybody seems to be pleasantly supplied with food water boot decoration oh they need decorations oh okay I've listened to you we'll get some decorations now a lot of people like ah come on beaver it's not a bad game and you know what it's not too bad it could be a lot worse it's just like when you go from Zoo Tycoon one where you've got like loads of you can you basically customize everything and then you go to and then you go to this it's kind of I don't know it could be better I feel there you go have a big bloody mountain but what's the point they call like interact or do anything with it because everything's walled off I guess that's if you want to make like okay this is the Antarctic area and then you could sort of make scenarios right now I mean yeah I guess I could work but what about the ant eater fountain I think it was another decoration aha yeah there it is Harbor animal variety oh very great okay how about a restrooms Oh night only the toilet does the zookeepers like station classes entertainment oh did I get star by goddess lesser antillean iguanas awesome I don't even know this is the entrance how do people even get here an amazing billboard do I not get to design it oh oh you see that it's light little details like that that are just missing cash flow do we really care about that oh hold on there was research here that is what I'm talking about rename Awards global customization and research advertising animal breeding we need to work our way to 10 stars and the only way to do that is to make the and alien iguanas now where would an ant alien iguana leaf tropical rock animals iguanas lesser anteater oh here we go Kenny Duke Richard Howard and I live at level 10 lovely let's go for Kenny Kenny's at the lowest level iguana and also let's put in a level 12 Susie maybe they'll breed how many how many a Qantas could we put in Richard also know I don't like Richard alright I want you I want to get down I wanna get out how do we get down again zoo view yes no oh oh you free could you guys use not place until I just oh ho there he is God zero oh do know it's like that looks like Kenny oh oh look at La stepping on Kenny that's awesome I look great you can easy jump on somebody's face look at them the eyeing up those people oh my god that guy he's got a nose like mine [Music] excuse me Serge might me take a picture of your nose oh it's beautiful yes you've got a quite a catch there honey don't let that one go so I can only have 200 limbering up now he's not oh no there he goes back Arab bloodlust rage sorry this this this exhibits closed it got too brutal to annecy magic trick Oh aye how many chimpanzees do it are they still alive oh there's a lot of poop there is a lot also that oh my god we've got a gray back good good Zelenka reload no chimpanzee all right well we need some zookeepers and that's the reason why I got the facility so let's see what we can do here staff higher Oh Douglas begin Barry Niko orgoth God because 300 is a one-star the cleaning station in the tropical one has run out of water Oh tropical tree Oh what tree okay Garth I'm gonna hire you he's just some it's just so degenerate you like drugs his knuckles on the floor I don't know fight no I train to level three I was gonna say no hi mo goth okay Douglas Miguel Barry Nikhil a Magnus the Magnus opus okay let's hire another one Nancy awesome like I'm you see I'm an equal-opportunity kind of guy I will upgrade for more slots hells yeah how do I upgrade Andres oh he's too good Oh what ferry there we go and how about this is it the cleaning stuff where's the breeding station let's have Ishmael oops I have all I hired cam I want you to breathe the chimpanzees Kodiak bears they can take pictures by blinking white tailed Mongoose common brush-tailed opossum a Masai giraffe still haven't got the color ones and a red bander a southern toe-to-toe sloth asunto tropical large oh my god we've been locked so much right we're gonna sign you to Louise cuz you know Louise needs a bit of a helpin hand she could barely move now that you've refilled that animals can use the cleaning station in tropical oh my god don't even know where that is so I think everybody's happy which means let's build some decorations Oh oh my god the ghazal fountain looks awesome you know what let's do this properly I got an idea wait no no no that's not how it works that is not how this is gonna work we're gonna have a small Savannah exhibit here you see I'm getting into it now it's quite fun actually like I mean once you get over the fact that there's only so much you can edit yeah it's not that bad so we'll have a small exhibit there will have a medium exhibit over here our here oh look at this I'm just placing exhibits and getting the Stars left right and center we've got we got a mag Pike Oh capybaras the world's largest rodent in other words waste of space oh my goodness well that is absolutely massive and then it leads onto Zulu period worth yeah PLR is a source the large Savannah exhibit and then we go to small rock oh never mind the small rock is bloody huge remove it oh my god can we move with the hippos in it to Caesar oh my god yeah once Cesar Millan hellz yeah let's also get Greg good old Greg oh ah Craig gave me oh we've got the fusa come Odie come on over whoo I'd like to see how what kind of kimono he was oh we can finally afford Pizza Domino's for everybody and we'll also get Fred oh Jesus you know you have to have like somebody that everybody hates so yeah we'll have the Fred in sorry if anybody's watching who is called Fred I don't mean you in particular I just mean the one we don't talk about I like my cousins I they loved Fred and I'm gonna see them today so I'm gonna ask them hey do you remember Fred and used to love him do you remember him that was like 10 years ago Jesus okay now I'm liking the way this this place is shaping up the problem is I like I'd like it if everything comes up into it so what I'm gonna do cuz I kind of want like an eatery we do have the burger stand oh you know what that I'll do that'll do I'm gonna place that there just for now we'll put the path there and we'll pick up this oh I can definitely tell I had fun with the randomizer in this one beech trees Oh doesn't that look like paradise oh that looks gorgeous I will have the benches can we go desert oh my god there's a benches as well out back or hey Dean oh I'm hoping you got a lot more I feel like maybe that's just all I've got at the moment what else we need definitely change that path that path is horrible walls ooh small desert walls okay if you do get pricked by the the bloody cactus don't blame me all right and then one more large cactus yeah oh hold on what are you doing you should be a square table ooh plus for me and there we go look at this hold on hold on I wanna see this my work of art yes cactuses everywhere we got grills oh and take a picture of my fine food oh my god is that what they eating oh it looks horrible don't do it don't eat the food oh my god all that war they serve it over here my god I can't even read the menu what is going on with this place did you not print that off and think you know maybe people won't be able to read this they look like they're made out of cardboard I'm taking pictures of evidence oh god they look so sad and depressed well at least she's Ronis my can I take a picture of that fake smile love perfect you can see that she's not even there she's completely checked out hells yeah oh there we go just cuz my restaurants awesome we've got a chocolate Bushmaster oh there's loads more pass oh this is great so let's go with a nolle font an African bush elephant and African forest out of an Indian or a Sri Lankan elephant ah you know we gotta go for the African bush elephant they're the biggest we've got a baby or Calvin woody Heather and Zoey well I don't I feel like in the wild don't elephants like all the female elephants stay together and like the males like the male stick mainly like they're solitary animals on they'd like the males so we'll have all of the love Zoey will have tonight did I buy the baby I don't think I did Oh princess oh and then we need a baby come on we need a baby flora there we go and that is for African now would elephants get I mean elephants would get on with antelopes right do we not have a Thompson's gazelle giraffe or can we have giraffes in here to our two reticle ated giraffe will have Elmer please - oh hold on Savannah that's what I picked right I'm pretty sure this is Savannah I'm pretty sure yes elephants and ROPS okay we'll also have Nick there you go a pair of them are black headed monitor and a stoned cougar oh my god we've got polar bears and lions oh my god this is brings a tear to my eye okay that I'll do for there we've got elephants giraffes that's good okay what about in here can we have lions hold on hold on now we are we are making this exhibit right so let's customize said exhibit will have the trash cans ah there's a trash cans oh my god I have to like we click all the time go back into customizations go to click benches I feel like we should probably go with a at all tall outback wall just me though just oh hold on no wait wait wait wait no that's good that's good tall a tall wall running all the way around although it is desert right I mean yeah that's a desert wall that's running along so that would just look weird so we can't have the outback yeah there's a wall now that looks better hold on yeah so we've got the desert wall with that unless maybe we haven't unlocked a savanna wall maybe we haven't so hold on let me go back and change this wall no-ho-ho do not randomize you little buggy we can also have a grass and leaves cuz well they I mean I don't really know if they did vegetables they eat grass fruit but they eat vegetables what kind of giraffe doesn't want a carrot Hey cleaning station because you never know when an elephant needs to go activity rope toys a shelter would be great messiah cloth painted hideaway oh you know they look awesome yeah it looks density that's great that matches hey aren't you really enjoying this build an activity center that has rolling stones love that band feeding station for the drafts they've also managed to make everybody disappear will have a hose interaction cuz i don't know you can spray my animals okay add exhibit decoration one week what we got here build fresco skills what is that savannah steel what what to do oh I have oh I could make Komodo dragons yes and a southern tombery and of course the brown-throated three-toed weird-looking eyed graceful and yet not graceful sloth are we doing a bit overkill with all the interactions hold on Oh though I know we've got a large exhibit I know it's okay oh look at this this looks awesome oh that looks so cool okay right we need more of stuff more of stuff let's get another staff member he needs to whoever this person is they need to be good mechanical Andres Barris oh god what kind of a name is beerus I'm gonna take it yeah right okay now we don't have any toilets either here so before we do anything else we're gonna go to the facility the restroom which apparently is freaking massive okay all right guys let me just move everything bloody hell about [Music] all right there we go okay this place isn't connected to the rest of the park so if there's anybody here yeah how how are you how did you even get here so this is my African Adventure Park oh look they're doing things oh that's so cool no Darko is click wrong button yeah uh looks awesome yi oh it's so cool this games slowly winning me over it's happening slowly but surely a big one over by the game I don't like it yeah oh it's so cool so like I kind of want you to come up this way so you see like this from afar you like new car looks awesome and then like you see you sort of like walk around you like get a better view of the animals and then oh away what's this oh look it's a little pathway something else which hasn't been placed in yet so don't look over there yeah and then we can place maybe something in here I don't know I I don't like this whole empty spaces I'd rather be able to like because when you place an exhibit you've got to place the path you gonna place a little space for the grass you're gonna place the wall and then like a little space outside it so this can be like a meeting point of like people with the gazelles and stuff o matic cellphone oh speaking of gazelle fountain a face in the wrong they should be facing that way damn it yeah and then over here we've got the hippos which which I'm not very happy comes back in you won't walk up here though alright let's run over some innocence yes I've only got 15 stars that's way more than you can get in Grand Theft Auto yes there we go so let's cool that you can go up there though that's pretty awesome can I use this I want to wash an animal attack the oh my gosh let's go right Boris kill it is awesome yes in the eyeball wash it sighs well I guess at least I'm oh oh you what you want in the toe but you get to get to the privates and the other side and the footsies just that one foot oh did I run out oh yeah it did it I did it it's awesome this video if you enjoyed it leave a like you guys like left I think it's like 5,000 likes in the last one and you seem to really enjoy it so well here I am again with episode 2 and that's all down to you I was just gonna be like a one-off I never thought that it would really be a series but oh you come here I'm gonna give you a banana I'm gonna throw it at you I legs for days you want a banana unz been in there okay well she's obviously not interested in bananas she oughta pick the Apple there we go you like apples surely right come on oh my god its attention you want the Apple come on okay I have I guess I've oranges and leaves tell you what I'm gonna drop it on the floor and I'm gonna go for some leaves if you don't come here I'm gonna turn you into a hot dog have you seen the way my food looks might as well just chop up and eat my own animals God you chefs are awful what do we got here enjoyed it leave a like it until next time I'll see you later oh no it's dead [Music]
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,047,228
Rating: 4.9229746 out of 5
Keywords: zoo tycoon, zoo, zoo tycoon ultimate, ultimate collection, tycoon, let's play, zoo tycoon play through, gaming beaver, thegamingbeaver, funny, fun, zoo tycoon game, zoo tycoon lets play, simulator, ne
Id: jiUND077N0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2017
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