I Created a ZOMBIE Pandemic Around the World... (Plague Inc)

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today I'm going to try to turn the entire world into a zombie and infect everyone across the world with my zombie virus turn them all into The Walking Dead just gonna call this the Z infection now where do we want to start things off I already had a video on my main Channel drudernel where I talked about how horrible a zombie infection would be if it started off anywhere near China so let's go ahead and do that which has the most populated country on Earth so there's no stopping this thing now in terms of symptoms we have a whole new grid for us we can choose to give people paranoia weeping sores Obsession or straight up just like re-animation turns dead into zombies we also have other abilities like reanimate the wrestling deceased or use fake sleepers which means reanimated zombies often remain still waiting for humans to approach them then I guess they can attack Z infection has infected its first human weak and unspecialized it must evolve using DNA points to infect more people so I'm hoping it's gonna be on the east coast of China not the West Coast there's a lot more people over here I kind of love the stories where like there are also zombie animals I feel like that's so much harder to stop and says it's zero DNA points I might as well do it we have like a literal giant black circle that's popped up in the western part of China which is not like my favorite looks like it's in Tibet this fake sleepers ability is pretty cheap I might as well invest a little bit in that and then I think I want bats to help us out here bats are hard to detect increasing infectivity and mutation chances like when the game just kind of randomly evolves for me that way I don't have to make the choice I don't like to make hard decisions the infection is spreading from person to person in China and will grow exponentially you control the plague indirectly by evolving it so right now there's only 17 people that have the zombie infection in China hopefully we pop that up and for the most part we're kind of running inconspicuously it's not like there are zombies running around it's just like the infection is in people but it hasn't like popped up yet so we give people rashes I guess you know we should have like kind of ugly zombies the question is when do I actually want to pop up this virus like I know the easy way to play this game is to infect everyone and then you know increase the severity a group of whatever that is unsatisfied with their working conditions have put forward a motion to require readers to subscribe to a paywall what I don't know what the hell that was that is what is causing people to turn into zombies these paywalls gonna go ahead and also have rats help us we have dogs and bats on our side wait no not dogs yet now Pakistan has been infected how did we get to Pakistan first of all places and we're also infecting hundreds in China as well I love the idea of getting into the local water supply that means that you know we're pretty much going to be unstoppable what's going on with his brain right here this is gonna get pretty creepy isn't it now we have thousands of people in China infected problem is that severity keeps increasing so the humans are going to figure out what's happening soon it's popping up everywhere we got a lot of points on our hands I think it might be time to do the whole reanimation thing Burns dead into zombies let's go ahead and do that that's gonna really increase my infectivity and with that we have active uh abilities wait what is this Z infection is starting to turn uh infected corpses into zombies and will grow more powerful over time humanity has no idea what's about to happen Okay increase the severity of Z infection to make zombies more deadly China is looking real bad real bad way to get my orange thing now I should definitely give the people infected and extreme compulsion to bite and eat other humans that seems like a good idea for what we're trying to do here we're also going to give them Obsession which is like severe damage to orbital cortex triggering OCD that's going to be even freaker so we're getting close to like 10 of the world's infected so far Diagnostics team in China has identified a new disease which has been named z infection it seems a little late for that now we haven't oofed anybody just yet wait first death from Ziza okay never mind and it happened in Korea uh those are a lot of like weird things popping up now wait a second we actually have a new counter zombies there are six so far so we actually didn't have the first zombie pop up we just have people infected or people were dying ooh this special protein shell that creates horde Behavior lies dormant in all infected individuals activated and those who have uh passed I mean all right let's go ahead and do that wow the zombies are oh my goodness it's popping up it's it's crazy five thousand we're gonna get to ten thousand very soon things everywhere surrounding China is just falling Australia is a wealthy country with high quality Health Care to spread faster you may need to evolve the drug uh resistance ability now the problem is these can my zombies swim swimming zombies are a really important kind of that horde ability now I want to hope that that zombies the zombies don't like what happens if like like do we need the pathogen to keep on infecting humans first and then or can we just do this all through the zombies I don't even know I'm gonna have Birds help us hopefully we don't have to worry about like you know countries shutting down their Naval ports or airports oh they actually already are while they're doing that worldwide are we gonna be able to get to the USA okay the Western atmosphere somewhat is still open so that's a good thing and the big islands are still wait look at that boat get there okay that's good infection spreads through the bite of an infected dog the host is then infected there we go we've got some dogs for our help we also just got to New Zealand which is a great sign now Madagascar has been closed but I think we can maybe still find a way to get there India is gone now um half of the world is almost infected and there's also 12 million zombies Germany has become the first country to try to limit the spread of Z infection by limiting access into and out of the country what do you mean there's a lot of places that close access the world's only at three percent of a cure so that's pretty nice we've also pretty much if Australia is leading the charge they're in big big trouble okay let's just go ahead and unleash the horde and see what that does so we should see like a crazy amount of people turn into zombies now I'm gonna start using my abilities over here I think so I'm gonna go ahead and unleash a horde somewhere here in Mexico there's a lot of people in Mexico and maybe that'll help us yeah attack the USA that's only 30 there's only maybe that wasn't a good idea I'm not sure yeah there's literally people like running into the USA right now wow what is that okay I I think that was a good thing I mean a good thing for us not a good thing for Humanity go ahead and use this we're just gonna like pop a bunch of dead people in Russia New Zealand is the first to instruct doctors to begin Research into a cure for Z infection without I thought you guys you guys have been on that it's already at five percent new statistics show that Z infection is the deadliest plague ever yeah I mean it better be we're literally zombies the z-com project at activated in Iceland in response to Growing zombie threat a powerful military organization called Z com has been set up what is that defend Humanity from the dead so can we like attack it I'm gonna attack Iceland from Scotland maybe we do have like swimming zombies is that how this works are the zombies literally going to the ocean Z com grows stronger in Iceland well they're just in Iceland so I'm not really worried about that their shield from us we from them maybe that's a good thing zombies have destroyed Korea zombies have hunted down the last group of survivors in Korea there's no one left alive that's a little surprising just because you know like Korea is you know pretty well the north part is kind of shut down you think they'd survive best when it comes to like a zombie invasion then again if we have dogs on our side who knows okay I'm gonna go ahead and do bats two which again will hopefully help us spread a little bit faster although we're spreading pretty much everywhere interesting that we actually have three uh meters down here we have this light red which is just how people have the virus this dark red which is showing the zombies and then these people they're just straight up dead zombies that are dead I'm assuming that's gotta be zombies that are there maybe it's actually a good thing that like humans are trying to resist us because will we win if the entire world just turns into zombies is that enough or do we have to kill the Zombies itself we have to kill all humans humans are zombies zombies are humans right is that how it works I'm getting a lot of points and I don't even know what to do with it saliva to significantly increased chance of infection through contact through okay yeah you guys should be biting people by now I think we're uh further along in that wait is that is that the horror moving to Iceland is that what that is please tell me that's it's gonna be that easy uh oh I think they got please tell me they got in there please tell me they got in there five dead there's like so many okay I've got way too many points I don't even know what to do with all these points okay we're actually gonna have more zombies than uh people infected pretty soon I'm pretty sure zombies can still continually infect people right also Greenland is now leading the charge against the zombies they're they're involved with x z com whatever nuclear attack on Central Asia good good so that's wait a second is that good who first of all who launched this because what nuclear nation is still around with the access to nukes there's nobody healthy in China there's nobody healthy in India for the nine Nations we already know Korea has collapsed nobody healthy in the USA either who dropped this nuke or there's some leftover Soviet nukes on the island of Cuba maybe I don't know how they were able to deliver it too that's even more complicated have we now got to West Africa yet zcom has set up a new base military planes departed from Iceland at dawn oh wow here they come here they come where they gonna land are they gonna land somewhere and just start like killing my zombies oh boy we've mutated to have total brain death symptom um that is not good I think for us like if we're trying to kill everyone right oh they're trying to save uh West Africa look at this promise my zombies are actually dying like my zombies are having a little problem right now these humans are still very smart you gotta get mosquitoes on our side oh wow oh wow just as you set up base in Algeria um I don't think that was a good idea oh wait can we not defeat these people like once the team like actually gets there are we are we stuck no no there's zombies popping up there it's probably just gonna slow down the progress a lot oh now they're gonna try to save uh Cuba it looks like which we can't get there anyways but it's okay so there's more zombie is rising up what if I send a horde after him how about let's do that do you like that we're gonna send you from West Africa there was there's like a million zombies there we should be able to defeat them right problem is my zombies are actually not lasting that long why are my zombies not eating people anymore these are some weak zombies are you gonna try to save Chad now no oh you're saving all the dang islands that shut their ports down I might have started the zombie invasion a little bit too early yeah z-com wow they actually are keeping Algeria safe I'm impressed look there are 11's off look at this it keeps popping up 15 20 and then they they just shut down would this work can I just like automatically pop a bunch of uh dead people see infection mutated and developed sneezing symptoms uh there are more zombies but they uh they get mowed down they're getting mowed down I can't stop them not even the countless hordes well first of all I have no backup in these surrounding Nations all the zombies have been eliminated how powerful are these Icelandic humans does Iceland control the secret to destroying zombies because I cannot stop Algeria Algeria is just wiping us around the floor whatever that means the Ecom has decided that the zombie threat to Algeria is minimal and allocates more resources to expand the zcom project globally that is crazy that's such a cool little thing there's actually someone to fight back I've never played this role as like the zombie trying to defeat the humans Humanity has survived the Z infection and the zombie apocalypse with almost everyone dead the survivors will find it hard to rebuild civilization yeah there's zero zombies Left seven million dead there's 88 million people that are healthy though that's still a pretty good amount they're all stemming from Greenland Iceland Algeria Madagascar and the Caribbean there's 88 million people there I don't know about that we have been defeated yeah I needed to not have uh zombies pop up when I did we need to infect everyone first I see how the different layers come into place I I didn't even realize I thought the infection was already they were basically zombies kind of so yeah you definitely want that virus to be as infective and keep that infectivity as high as possible get that 100 and then maybe start having zombies form up but that would make things really cool when you're like fighting the humans and things like that I needed way more zombies to be by like my dude basically my meat Shields that's all zombies really are they are literal meat Shields about to come back to this baby and big thank you to my patrons Drew's goth girlfriend 44 AKA Drew come to crack out Poland next vacation twenty dollars is a lot they sleep the Mexican 760.
Channel: DruuuWu
Views: 641,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew durnil, druuuwu, plague, plague inc, pandemic, zombies, zombie, world, around the world, meme, memes, history, zombie apocalypse, apocalypse, mod, mods, game, games, game play, gameplay, review
Id: eadSKkfWyqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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