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okay have a good day sorry no watches man 22 that one I'm gonna do 30 on no that's my lost fatigue that's my lowest man that's it I gotta make some money to to be I gotta make money to that case did I gave you you're gonna make a lot of money on no that's like that's the best I could do on it um how much I'm sorry I can't I really can't I cannot do it but I I can't do it I can't I gotta I'm telling you I give you my lowest price because you already bought that okay I gave you my lowest price because and I so yes stuff for two dollars thank you thank you very much you get out there might be another one dude so they think there's another one where'd you get him where was it in here wasn't you I think there's another one you can have it too I know I saw one they stick on stuff there you go um $1 go ahead you could take that too yeah welcome no word out of the little goggles thank you have a good day Thanks nice weather for nice weather for this today oh there he is let go dad that's a good one I can't give that to you but I'll be over $1 oh this is weird huh thank you so much all right man hey your things right down there on the curb I didn't even get a chance to get everything out that's normal normal here the Aerobed stiff okay I'll take 15 15 and when you have company they'll have a nice Aero bed to lay on no she already marked it down from 25 to 15 for you man 15 a great price great price did you walk over si si oh yeah we can make this work huh yeah let me get you your just do walking so that's gonna just give you some more resistance on your walk yeah little a little harder exercise I hope there's no ball on this bag well you know where we live yeah yeah we we see you all the time we do returns but sometimes there is a hole in it even when you buy it on store yep the problem you bring it back to ya okay thank you no worries thank you thanks that have a good day thank you all right enjoy your walk okay okay I'll go ahead and accept two dollars thank you you want the box comes in a box right load it up huh okay let's see what you got four dollars and you can have it free you want it back that's okay Jerry and one more there you go $2 you're loading some stuff up huh okay it's done Steph how much yeah that's that's like $80 how much I miss yes okay ten Steph what about this okay so we'll do we'll do a total total we'll do $12 decent get those hello nice for all of that that's the lowest - sure this is soft you're still ill dollar each huh is that one one - yep and see oh these are neat is it really cool yeah welcome buddy you gonna wear that no no I don't know very nice yeah yeah all right you can open that I haven't even empty debt yet oh we're not done people came people come so fast we didn't have time to get it all out I'll do 25 on that yeah I know I'll do 20 that's the lowest I can go I'm an good no thank you I can't do that that's my last one are you taking it all right set it aside okay that's for the shoes that's 15 he's if that's the last one I have okay you get him dad that that that says 20 25 I'll do 27 that's why I'm giving no I'm giving I'm giving you the good price already man look at the price I'm giving you that's twenty twenty-five one dollar and one dollar 27 that's it I'm trying to give you a great deal and you're still hammering on me let me go let me go he already bought that sorry sorry all right sorry ma'am what are you a sailor $1 did can't be dead turn it see that you turn it in it loosened song okay okay thank you I'll do 15 for that no way you can rent him you can rent him but that's it sucks in any kind of any kind of heat whatsoever [Music] thank you he bought that long-distance phone calls you gotta be kidding me and nowadays you wouldn't notice it right no just wouldn't notice it that's our sales technique we say this is gonna make you throw up yeah did you see the Betty Boop sitting there [Laughter] alright I'm getting rid of her yogi in trouble you want a bag yeah [Music] tear it open there it's pretty strong that is kind of neat huh yeah they made a Messier the team can't beat it for free I don't know what is it is an old story and a former is it because it's not the Rangers and is not the Edmonton Oilers no so a ret but maybe Christmas mystic Christmassy one I don't know it's yours now thank you no problem you're welcome this has been a wonderful morning weather-wise to get this you're ready to go like I'm going in get some gloves I'll do $2 for all that what we're doing Tim you want a bag well you don't get to keep it you gotta bring it back I'll do $10 these are my rock-bottom prices like that is that's a fantastic deal for you they're $10 you almost have to find something to fry we have one home already yeah yeah the debts the double how's it going man hey how you doing buddy good story you know like you're hungry and angry yeah I need some food you want this you can have that we forty years our lowest yeah yeah that's a really really nice one get that one for 20 over there to doggie noise good morning thank you gracias tools for like tile and yeah you don't want to do that uh-huh it's kind of a cool fanny pack if you were gonna have a fanny pack it's a water thing the whole crate yeah five dollars here I charged it up last night - like you could turn it on if you want yeah charge that last night good boy Jerry keeps your towels warm yeah [Music] what's that you can have that you can have it have that take it oh sorry alrighty hey you have it if he wants it yes I give you thank you you buying what are you getting here all this we have a dollar for that dollar yep four dollars sorry there you go thank you have a good day yeah blow dryer $20 same uh I'll do 50 cents on that you have change I'll just give it to you then no oh wait no wait I have changed that lady gave me change here you go thank you Thanks have a good day two bucks you got a reptiles lizards turtles turtles snakes all that stuff $2 you know if they did catch one but he could be like this if you if he's ill against the wall though $2 - I think - it's good thanks though [Music] that was a from the Marine Corps these two come from there was a thing they had a bunch of stuff like that but they they've been selling plush has gracias you can have that too you're gonna have to figure it out though what's that look like oh it's like a transformer thing huh do you see it in there see if you could find you let's see which one ah dollar hard to beat a dollar yeah free to you you can have it thank you de nada I didn't test them all so I can't say for sure I didn't test them oh that one's empty huh yeah for you one dollar woohoo that's your color - yeah one no one dollar each she's got a pile that's step one dollar each that's a great deal hey you want one of these uh you know what - two for a dollar if you buy the fluffy ones you like this oh one dollar yeah one dollar for that - let me get you a big bag and you might need a couple bags Christmas do those for a dollar here let's slide it in like this that's three dollars yep if you get to six you want that in here [Music] sure why don't let's do it free that's for wine here you won't hold this and we'll load that bag up sir here's this one I'll load so this stuff I'll load up here you want to set it informal Oh okay don't what are you gonna do with the jars there put two on that side there you go so they don't they don't break into each other got it one dollar mercy as amigo fancy it's like a sports car yeah did you see that dollhouse you got a little girl things incredible this freaks me out how much it collapses in there what sighs ah I'm not shifted yeah that one's uh really nice that one there's 20 but that one is an older brand hey Steph how does this do okay and then those legs popped this pops off these clip off to I can't remember this is really nice so as the baby gets older to change it thank you no the only thing I have is a few hand tools right here like for tile and grout like that this type of stuff that's for cleaning out the grout that's for doing the ground yeah these no I get concrete these are replacement blades for that stuff over there I'll do a dollar apiece yeah like one of these things is paper this whole box and this you know how you can make four door hinges just just you line it up mm-hmm and in it it just makes it easier for you there's a guy that we like we buy and sell stuff mm-hmm and we have a friend that he is like when we get to cook we're like this he does the same thing he buys like a truckload and it was down in Mexico the way in there were you know like step how much are the legs $20 apiece if you do too if you did too will do did it I'll do this whole thing for you for a whopping $2 dollar piece yeah put it up and check it out yeah feel free to check it out that might be missing like a tell you what I'll do both of those for a dollar okay that way if there was something this and you can just modify take the wheels off of that all right amigo good luck which one I'm sorry the Lakers are your Lakers fan all right this I will do two dollars okay that's pretty sweet it's it's a new era for the Lakers man no what's a dead man but uh no video games that won $5 Steph this blow dryer yo okay 20 you know what for all of this I'll do two dollars total under two dollars total that's good deal this is a ceramic ion beep I could do two dollars total you want a bag all right see this alright man no worries I'll do two dollars on this and it is you got to be able to cool to know this one but boss the magic this was when magic and bird dude does it like is it collectible two bucks I'll take it yeah thank like seriously like with this on you obey and give away more but that was that era magic and bird that was crazy that literally was the NBA it was like without those two it was dead yes that's pretty cool huh I mean I wasn't selling guys now this guy appreciates it that was in my closet in there yeah that's cool man I'm glad it's going to you yeah alright have a good day sample oh look look and look I know how cool is that man you know Nene oh that's true I should leave it open look it look at that look watch oh my goodness look for UDS yes that's like 40 dollars man yes and then you you look at that you could even sell it I might keep it after opening it up much oh you yeah we can't sell him that's my buddy that is my amigo good deal on shoes those are like four tile and carpet like grout like this is for carpet and yeah dollar apiece close $1 apiece
Channel: StevenSteph
Views: 916,423
Rating: 4.7455192 out of 5
Keywords: Dumpster Dive, Dumpster Diving, Selling, Couple, Funny, StevenSteph, THIS IS HOW WE SOLD OUR DUMPSTER DIVE FINDS, WE SOLD OUR DUMPSTER DIVE FINDS, DUMPSTER DIVE FINDS, We sold our dumpster dive finds at our yard sale, I wore a body cam at our yard sale, yard sale
Id: Nj1FfIeOPhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 19sec (1819 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 15 2018
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