Dumpster Diving at Apartments and Shops! *Found So Many Easter Cards*

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what is up you guys welcome back to my dumpster diving channel i'm super excited today it is the most beautiful day and i'm going to be dumpster driving at apartment complexes for the first time in a while so super excited here we go all right let's see what we got okay this one looks like they tore out the carpet from one of the apartments all right nothing here we're moving on here we go this one's got a lot of furniture all right there's a table top but it doesn't have the legs for it oh look that's the top oh that's actually kind of nice oh look how broken it is these chairs that were cool i think i will take these chairs they're really pretty with all the engraving and someone would buy them to refinish because they've got some problem areas but they're real wood so all right so all right so there we go we got four chairs and there's a little tag for a dog hanging on it all right there we go so there we go that's awesome we got four chairs that need to be refurnished it's a great facebook marketplace item so happy to have found those let's keep going all right i was driving through this apartment and i spotted this guy by the dumpster it's really super clean maybe it just doesn't work or it needs battery but that's really cool okay there we go that thing's pretty awesome a little kid car spider-man toy oh look uh the horn works sweet all right there we go i hope it's in there it's probably not gonna fall out i guess sweet well that was awesome we got the little kid a car little riding toy so that's another great facebook marketplace item i can probably put like 15 or 20 on that and just see what people offer me i need to look it up first but that kind of thing will probably sell really really quickly so that's an awesome find too today has been great already and uh yeah we're just gonna keep going keep finding stuff in the trash okay it's a couple days later now both of the items that i found um yesterday sold so the car sold for ten dollars and the set of chairs that were falling apart but could be super cool as project chairs also sold for ten dollars as the set so i made 20 bucks from the stuff that i found just those two little things so super excited about that and now it is a couple days later and i am back out i'm hoping to find some stuff in louisville it was easter this weekend so maybe we'll find some easter stuff maybe but yeah really excited so let's get going for day two all right there might be some stuff there's a bunch of boxes all right we did get some easter stuff that's broken candy all right let me set my camera up just throw that back there this is something else in here too but it's a bunch of easter cards so big bag of snacks and different breads snacks on that side and a couple more little things a little happy easter bag there we go there's our big bags this one's got a lot of random stuff in it sweet that was a success headed to the next spot next stop let's see oh what's this um fabric samples but depending on what these are made out of these could turn into masks really easily let's see they're a good size it looks like huh i'm not sure i'll take them anyways because someone who crafts or something or sews that'd be awesome i don't know what that little board goes to it kind of looks like you could set it over the bath actually i've always kind of wanted one of those uh i actually might take this don't know what i'm talking about like they make little trays that you set over the bathtub so while you're in the bathtub you can like you can like set your wine glass or dinner down or something eat dinner in the bath so okay all right here we go i guess that's all we're getting from there but moving on all right let's see i've never found anything here before but trash all right alrighty nothing there moving on all right let's see all right and what about this one oh and nothing i've never seen this one empty all right all right there we go headed to the next stop all right let's see ah and this one's empty also all right that's normally a pretty good one so okay well those are the places that i go in louisville so i might head back didn't do some more or maybe i'll stop at some of these apartments i don't know we'll see where the day takes us all right so oh these are cute these little tags okay so these are little like gift tags that say who they're to and from and they're really cute i need to get a bag four locks so all right so here's my box of tags some of them might have gotten soap spilt on them but i can wash them off they're really cute little holiday tags and then on the back you can put who it's to and from so i got all those which i'm pretty excited about so sweet there we go awesome okay not dumpster related but i have to show you guys the blue bonnets look at them they are so pretty i love them they're seriously gorgeous so i wanted to show you guys because this is one of my favorite parts of spring in texas when all the blue bonnets start coming out so there's a big field right here i wanted to stop and show y'all they're so pretty okay i'm almost home now i'm driving back home so once i get there i will everything out to show you guys what we got dumpster diving today hi pilg all right y'all i'm home here's piggy saying hi he got a new collar it's so pretty he's so cute pilgrim the dog good boy good boy all right you guys everything is laid out on the table so here we go let's get into it we have a lot of bread uh the bag that had all the bread was from the dollar store and these are all english muffins down here and these are little mini croissants just little plain tin and mini croissant rolls it says right here that they're best by march of 2021 march 25th and that's just their sell by date so that was about a week ago but they're still fine i don't see any mold or anything on them they look great i'm gonna sanitize them and donate them and then we also got all of the english muffins and they were best buy also march of 2021 so there we go so those look awesome we got all the bread really cool the other stuff we got from the dollar store were these like little random things we got a little lollipop candy in this bag you want to sniff it there's that one little happy easter gift bag that's really cute this little party favors it has four little slinkies in it uh it says it's supposed to have six so there's two missing but it's still cute little gummy candies spongebob gummy candies you want to smell those and then we got cherry uh what are these called candy canes cherry candy canes so they're really cute kind of out of season but i'm sure they still taste good one soft croissant this i don't know it might not be good in there it might be kind of squished but it says it's still good till june uh so i'll probably donate that one as well i'm not gonna open it up to see what it's like in there so i'll just sanitize it and put it there these little guys one rubber ducky oops i thought it was gonna squeak all right well one little rubber ducky this uh little penguin ornament that you can paint and the little paints were with it i'm sure it's supposed to actually be all boxed up together and probably comes with more stuff or with at least a paintbrush but there's those all of these things were just loose in a trash bag with all of the bread so i didn't know these were all in there one little triple antibiotic okay and one bowl that i'm just now seeing is cracked uh on the edge right there but there's a little bowl 50 cents so i don't know might toss it since it's cracked but there we go so there's all of the little random stuff that was in the bag with the breads and then from bath and body works we got i grabbed these these are more uh gift bag tags they're blank on the back just say to and from and then they do have the bath and bodyworks thing on the front but they're really cute still so there's those and then there's the whole box of little loose individual ones and there was a um soap hand soap dispenser thing that was in this bag and so i was right some of them are kind of like they feel a little bit like oily or slimy like they have soap on them but i'm just going to take the ones out of the bag that are like that um and then bag them all together because i'm sure the little tag on the inside's fine there's just you can even see there's just like some soap that got on the packages so these are really really cute though i like them a lot so i grabbed all of those there's a whole box and those and then here's these little fabric samples that we grabbed um again not really sure i don't know the material on them but uh we'll see i might throw them up on the website for like two bucks uh and just see if anyone could do anything with this because it's kind of cool there's lots of nice patterns in it it's just like the little samples of fabric so there we go there's all those pigs cashed out and then over here which i'm so excited about all of these easter cards i knew that there were going to be some cards in that box or the bag but i didn't realize how many so we got all of these and they're really cute there's all different ones there's ones to kids like from their pets this one's to grandson and it's kind of cool because they're still sorted and organized so most like there's granddaughter and granddaughter uh so most of them should still like be in the right areas which is pretty cool but there are seriously so many this one's really pretty hi buddy what's up you wanna smell that so there's a lot of really pretty cards uh these are really awesome and we have a bunch of them there's all these too and then these were in that bag as well i'm sure that they were for the cards when they were being displayed in the store but they're just these blank cardboard purple basically construction paper type things but a little bit thicker and at first i was just going to toss them like recycle them i wasn't really sure if anything could be done with them and then i realized this is the exact size poster board that i buy and use for my garage sale whenever i write like yard sale and put my address and everything so normally i'll have to go buy construction paper because we don't keep it honest all the time or i don't find it all the time and these are literally perfect so i have so many of them there's probably 20. now i have all of those so i can make garage sale signs with them which i'm actually really excited about and they're a cute purple color look at that nice it's the stained glass it's like reflecting on it really pretty but yeah so i'm super super excited about those actually even though at first i thought they were just trash but i'm going to be using them to make signs for my next yard sale so there we go we got so many cards i know y'all like to see the cards so let me show a few more cute mom ones there's some passover ones for my wife so there seriously are so many cool ones in here um they don't look like they're like um dated it doesn't say 2021 anywhere so these can be used all year round please open this easter card quietly the easter bunny has a jelly bean hangover so lots of cute little cards they are hallmark cards i am stoked about them so there's all those and there's everything that we got from the dumpster not a bad haul okay i also have not shown you guys an update on our garden in like a week or two and it is flourishing here we go look at how big everything's gotten if you saw my video um the first time i showed the garden it had only been planted for about a day or two days maybe they were a little tiny but now we've got so many they're growing so big we're starting to get a bunch of little mushrooms that pop up too these are mushrooms they're kind of funky looking uh there was one over here that little guy in the corner and then these which this morning these guys were huge they're like veils had all opened and stuff but they're kind of dying now but yeah there's our garden we're so happy about it the tomato plant is starting to bloom it's getting these really pretty little flowers on it so oh my gosh it's so pretty i'm so excited about it and then over here we have our strawberries and look it's a strawberry there's a couple of them i'm so excited about that one too so there we go there's the garden update our strawberries are growing pilgrim is loving our yard it's like turning all green like our fence line is getting all green this is the best time of the year so there we go there's the garden i showed y'all some blue bonnets earlier and i showed you everything we got in the trash so that about sums it up i hope you guys really enjoyed this video thank you for watching and i will see you next time bye
Channel: breafkast
Views: 75,784
Rating: 4.938076 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster diver, dumpster diving, dumpsters, throw away culture, texas, denton, trash picking, trash, waste management, dumpster haul, kelly sparks, breafkast, breakfast, pilgrim, recycling, upcycling, reduce reuse, reduce waste, landfill, free, saving money, flipper, flipping, reseller, reselling, free clothes, free food, environmentally friendly, trash picker
Id: d27p1C9lNtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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