DUMPSTER DIVING- What is going here?

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and a noisy what dumpster is it what dumpster is it okay yeah just the other day we had at this same dumpster we had the same thing happen where somebody dumped they bagged their stuff and and they just it looks clean I don't see any giant bedbugs flying out here let's see what we'll do is we'll take the bagged stuff stuff and we'll just we're gonna donate all of this stuff well if we open up every single one how are we gonna get it in art thank you waterproof mattress it's so weird that people keep dumping nice it just blows my mind mixed up with all excellent separate donation yeah so this is over so this is pretty consistent with the beginning of the week people that had a yard sale yeah I they have yard sales and then they just throw all their stuff this a full/queen it's in a can it's a nice little container here yeah so they'd probably be nice let's try not to get it into the I mean she's protected it we don't want to drag it all over the ground just somebody can use this again we've shown you guys like here I'll show you like those green containers there that's a not-for-profit it's legit donation and and they could just go shove this stuff in there or go to whatever charity you like and do it because all this stuff can be used for sure somebody will be happy with that man so the last one was kind of similar to this it was like whatever you call this like housewares or these are colorful that is a colorful pillow there yeah what are they I was at a back back massager thing I'll keep that see that trigger point he we have one and he always looks for it we can never find it you can use that right now Steve store today oh that's from shark tank just me Kathy says cool yep the other stuff we're definitely this is getting donated today no smells that's a nut well like Steph said when they take the time to put it into the plastic they were taking care of their stuff yeah somebody's gonna love all this stuff here I'll put this in there I like this back thing though this is like yeah Heidi says I have one of those those for pressure points yeah it hurts when you put it on a spot where you have trouble Lonnie says I'm not sure what that thing is Oh what that's the layer of Valerius okay let's see if this one got dusty oh it looks fine but that's a nice cushion keep that one no keep it but you know well donate it I don't put it on the ground okay I see some books in here too so there might be some other stuff it's dark for you guys it's dark probably the way the Sun is down oh I can't get around that is it down that's it down I mean what's the other side look like well it's nice yeah I'm allergic to down it's not too bad I just get halen diarrhea from my allergy I'm joking guys oh boy sometimes words come out before they get processed in my head okay so there's another man this is some really this'll hopefully okay one of our totes one of our dumpster totes you got it oh man look at stuff there's like I don't know what's going on man there's some nice stuff maybe they just are protesting Christmas you think that's what happened these are that's a rug what is this yeah we're not seeing any kind of hair on there or nothing it's just cool okay oh it's a suitcase awesome it would roll in one with a hook check in there see what's the brand what is that rolling it's hard with the Sun in this spot oh yeah that comes in handy very slick there in case we have to put stuff in it will hold it there but we will be donating this stuff donated hey Celia Celia Clare oh cool whoo got you live again hugs from Liverpool north of the river oh she's not sad that that River Thank You Celia that's very kind of you thank you I hope I'm saying your name right would you say it that way Celia Celia Celia you're breaking my heart told you this one's heavy it might be some might be books and stuff okay so we got our tote handy listen you get oh yeah if you're new our friend and some people have wrote they've heard about this thing even us all over the country where they do these little lie if they call a little library like our friends a teacher and she put this it's like up a mailbox up in her yard but it's books and she sticks books in there people could come by and get home and so we'll give her books yep she Mickey Mouse I got the photographs Guzzi oh you put you're supposed to put the photographs in there yeah there's no I mean books you could always donate books those look sick that's true these are authentic look at this rarity wait what's it oh it's like a graduation thing look at this Stefan loves it it it Hardy ashtray for all those smokers Oh thought it was an ashtray for decoration here we'll put yeah we'll keep those back into the will reach in and grab it says drop two sizes fast yeah this is all tour this will go back in what okay that's that's Khaleesi but what what is that yes I don't I don't think that's her but I know who you're saying I don't think that's Khaleesi you guys watch Game of Thrones Jeff sees that that's Khaleesi wrong that's Justin Timberlake I'm joking okay that might be yeah we're doing it I was gonna say like the grandkids are too young to appreciate that ooh everybody needs a cookbook no fear Shakespeare's Hamlet oh yeah oh yeah who doesn't love this hold on pepto will take care of that ll my lord how have you been doing lately here you you be Ophelia I'll be I'll be Hamlet you ready hello my lord how have you been doing lately very well thank you well where where milord I have some mementos of yours that I've been meaning to give back to you for a long time now please take them no it wasn't May I never gave you anything I know I'm just doing authentic flu inside information fitness car travel oh these are cool books it's like inside information books that's a binder we got to keep this Ophelia look I want to finish that story later yeah step and I are gonna finish this later that is nice fancy shower cake it's very um that is I'm trying to get you guys in the right lighting Sun is moving like crazy here we can just we'll get to that afterwards Stefan we got to keep moving here because we got thousands of items in this hall whoa what is that Oh a butt pan oh but let's just say what do you do with this if it's a butt pan that's gross okay hard goods Oh oh they broke some glasses in here that's cute though oh my goodness oh my good Oh flourish well I thought this said Irish when I first saw it guys I got excited what is it say on era flourish Oh flourish okay this is Starbucks so we'll throw that on the ground and stomp on it all right I thought it said I thought I said Irish and I got excited oh that is neat look at that that's kind of neat huh this is authentic mid-century Aztec is there a breast in there yes the Medela breast pump okay yeah so more wood all this stuff be considered garments okay I'm just checking let's throw let's throw this back in there and I'll put this bag in and we'll still use our should I grab another tote I'll probably grab another tote then okay so there is a breast pump in here we got to be careful you don't want to start one of those things those breast pumps are magnetized they'll just clean right to you whether you want it or not and Steph said this is a but Pam I think she was a mistake getting there here I'll take this I'll take this okay that's a really big pillow back there but I can't reach it yet okay let's open that afterwards let's get like what is this this isn't Oh little - is there a laptop or cash hey be careful whenever you're filling through pockets and things like that you always want to be careful because there could be a rattlesnake or a needle or I don't know a brown recluse well donate it it's a little warm but maybe somebody will use it do people still carry laptops in this type of thing yeah can you um that pillow and then another nice nice big pillow on the other channel we did just recently we did this same dumpster we grabbed a bunch of stuff and there were some pillows and stuff that people said obviously can be reused repurposed or just thrown on a chair what is that about it looks like they got some goldfish that's heavy be careful there might be glass and stuff okay hold on let's go look at this a skunk should we take the skunk one first where you wanted why do they have this hidden here they bag everything up and then they said you know what this is a cool box we'll throw it in there I'm not gonna move it man they are gonna get a lot of garment a lot of pillows I mean I mean I'm correcting myself fabric garments I don't know okay guys what we call it bedding okay we'll call this bedding guys oh yes what is a CT I did really well on nose what is this oh man we missed the super chat there who knows who knows who sent that sorry is that Oh like uh you set your let your yeah like a laptop map it is nice it keeps it cool too right that is nice is that is that a diffuser I'm scrolling back guys trying to find I was scrolling back and I saw some Khaleesi stuff I think people are agreeing with me that was not Khaleesi oh my goodness what are the odds of that who are they is that your friends all right whoever sent the superjet we missed very sorry sorry about that that is nice I mean this stuff there's no need for this to be in the dumpster windy you got so many places to donate it all dogs yeah little Queenie injustice they took your leashes okay cherry doesn't use a leash cuz he's free to come and go as he pleases is that Hawaii that's pretty let me see you get I know right toward the wrist you know what let me let me try to throw the girl classic oh and the glass is painted stiff but it's kind of a glittery I can't just throw that in there though cuz they're gonna be handling it here anywhere at the at the place they'll be handling that okay so we've got another pillow what's in this bag it's fun it's like we're snooping through somebody's stuff you said if somebody say it is kind of like that we try not to me if we see name we try at the show what is that what is the date since those samples of it okay let's see we don't know anything about that okay one throw some more throw pillows in there okay let's throw some of that stuff in there - we'll just all that'll get donated donated donated we still haven't went through that big one there was some heavy stuff this looks like a nice fuzzy pillow or blanket I need two hands can't do it gotta wait for Steve to come back we're in big blue I won't cuz I'm I'm keeping that trigger point I'm keeping it jennife winter is hello my fellow dumpster diving buddies from your fellow Menifee dumpster dive figure enjoy a cold drink on me oh thank you it's hot out there today Joanna you're right Joanna we're supposed to get rain tonight but thank you very much oh that Joe it's G wait how do I say it Gianna JEA in a step sorry about that Gina man I can't I need to take that SAT thing or something sorry Gina but Gina it's gonna rain tonight and I think tomorrow that is this is Magic me Lord you are knighted Gina lives real close I wonder if she goes over there off of Newport let me see that little oh it's only one kitty isn't there more kitties oh I thought it was kitties oh my goodness oh I'm so I'm so behind the times Elsie is from the Ukraine oh my goodness welcome to you O the headless unicorn these are more rare than a unicorn it's it's a headless unicorn oh is the head nope this thing's pooping tomatoes or something out of it hang in there little unicorn we'll get you some help oh you got the Apple yeah the kindness it kind of sting our stick hello sticky hand this Sun is really blurring the screen again it's just the way that it's the angle of it oh wait what is he no but what kind of creature is it oh you ever see march of the Penguins yeah so that I cuz you and I are together right I don't know why I even ask you I know you say oh wow they're all over the place oh cool there are all these little ponies mmm Brenda Baldwin hey Brenda how you doing a CTS maybe they didn't have them when you were a kid best accidental funny of the month Brenda it's not very nice didn't you do him yeah yeah you step you crushed the AC T's SATs I remember that we were supposed to take him and I was busy that day so brick we did have him when I was a kid Brenda SATs yes look at that what's up never poo [Music] that might be with that practicing Oh Jenna said new Jenna said Newport and Lake Elsinore new stores should check it yeah Lake Elsinore they have a new alta over there I don't know if you know that can't happen I think they're there they got some serious lockdown going like their new construction they put like barbed wire and stuff there's serious they're serious in Lake Elsinore dr. getting hey that's a Tony Hawk shirt yeah let me see what size your dad was would that fit any of the grandkids that's a nice shirt I like Tony Hawk yeah there's some nice little clothings death sorry if there's glare or anything guys the Sun is moving so that's gonna be perfect it's sunflower kernels Oh what is that does it have a date or anything on it yeah they do you find her what's in the middle like that big chunky piece that might just be like a holder huh great thank you when I was a kid we used to draw pictures of everything oh this is Switzerland Rhine number one rind from the monster that bears hair so that's Switzerland I'm diggin that they had pictures back there oh my goodness well those little things we could donate just maybe somebody's into that you know they collected yeah yes what is she she's got something coming out uh you found it thank you madam get it push it hard push it on there even if you have to break his legs is it a guy or a girl alright you you've been offered a reprieve yeah that can be cleaned up and he's got some he's eating something I think he's chewing on some apples or something or she what is that is that for the viewfinder I don't know what that is oh this is a cell phone okay yeah here let me throw this toy into let me pull can the back come out without ripping we're gonna donate them all we'll donate all these things should I grab another tote let me grab one just to be more organized what else do we have in here there's the hum whatever that hum box was let's see what it is what is a hum it feels heavy there's something in here the hum what is a hum what is it's brand new in here never been opened what is that Verizon connect hum we may have to look that up it's still new in the box whatever this hum thing is plug in the obd reader it's probably outdated technology maybe but this looks like kind of a new modern boxing look it up it's something with Verizon I don't know what the Verizon hum is that whatever that's what it does it just annoys people we're getting a shade on them sorry trying to get stuff this is I'm gonna take this little pedicure cute how many times can I say cute oh here's the other Bahamut I threw the other one away I better get the box out because I see the packaging that goes around it could be worth something I don't know what the hum is but I will look it up yeah we are donating a lot we are a big dumpster full of stuff okay all this I'm just gonna say donate well look they can sort through it all that I don't want freak ok cool fun I'm not looking at the screen by the way I don't know if anybody's written anything is that celery I think it's play celery how funny ok I gotta find that humm box um oh here it is okay oops all right we got it I found the home box I gotta put that back together hum hum hum hum oh there's the hum box so we'll keep is it another one or the same one all right we'll have to hum this together how does that thing go uh-oh oh boy hold on okay is that at the I'm running out of room here we got several totes full Catching Fire mocking me oh these two ER he's pretty good thank you this one's about combustion this one's about a bird okay kids books you can always use those wait that's a kids book and that's a I don't know what that is yeah somebody's bringing I don't want to freak her out let her see you Steph so she doesn't get freaked yeah why look this book's good hate for town yep that's cool I don't know what she was from where'd she work she just dropped that off did you guys hear her so what store did she dropped trash from never nursing she came from over there by Banner mattress so what we do oops I dropped it a little tip when they show up is try to let them know you're there before they just yeah before they you know get around the corner and you startle them cuz it's an employee no reason for them to be freaked out she obviously had was not afraid at all but I didn't want her to see we me with the pressure point on my butt what oh oh great okay this here is from what is that they do in Louisiana oh hold on hold on okay guys before she opens it is it in there is it in there yeah this is this is Hawaii see that nothing here open the box I don't want to damage these those are mood rings mood beads oh by the way so this is a good good time to just invade that Islands favorite lad okay hey so somebody we get questions what happens when employees what happens when hold on wait hold the horse before we do this iPhone when so did we get asked hey do you ever get caught employees all that yes all the time that's a great example of what happens when we do that that girl walks out she said you guys are on YouTube blah blah blah and that's it that's it there's no every so often somebody might not like what you're doing but be precarious if they ask us to leave we leave Nancy Nancy because that marks says hum plugs in your car has lots of services oh cool thank you for that super chat and for that tip now Steph this feels like it's got gold yeah for our laundry for our line our clothesline when she's done washing my clothes on a rock at the river she likes to hang them with those all right Steph oh my goodness wait do it slow like Steve would do it hold on pause pause okay Jenna new stores have have no wire wait yesterday go looking people already making huge mess that's messed up cleaned up yeah she cleaned up a bit well we're gonna check it out then if they don't have the barbed wire up yet yes go for it come on that's not a phone oh they're heavy oh you know why cuz you've got the you got the manual imagine I know but the manual wastes the manual weighs one pound that was close that was so Ohno oh no well thank goodness Oh Rose they're not they're not steely for you got to keep that they're not they're not steel Weaver you got to keep that Bell keep that that's funny I don't know that's a picture frame yeah that's broken glass okay so this is funny Steph has a t-shirt that looks like Starbucks what does this say stuff it's it's not about guns on it don't show anybody's name if there's a name this is Justin beeps sorry you know how we ever temperature issue temperature was blessed thanks babe the temperature was overheating on the phone I'm so sorry we um didn't plan on dumpster diving we the Sun was right on this screen and we were right in it and it's gonna be warm today but it's only 64 but the Sun was right on it but we sorry guys I'm gonna cool this down we didn't plan on dumpster diving we were just went to my parents left this morning we went to eat with them in Starbucks good they got on the road we talked a while okay walked out out of control back there the whole bands pulled back there look back here there's so much back here the van was totally empty back there there's so much out there I know apple-designed in California for you senator for you yeah so we forgot to bring not forgot we didn't even think to bring ice packs today and we know we needed to do it from now but we didn't plan a dumpster-diving it's not even good oh sorry so sorry yeah so anyway welcome back thank you sorry guys I don't know how much you missed I'm gonna show you guys did you guys see when we found the er the MacBook Pro yeah did you guys catch a suit around the role of the MacBook we did but look Grady Byrd cuteness hi what are you doing in the sunshine he's black is always going to sleep okay well Jerry's with us we did bring him okay here's on it but I didn't want to blast him with the wind we'll try to find a shady spot and it'll be fun I know there's no shade this is California summers are coming but we might get some rain tonight or it says we will so you might not be that cold anyway how weird was that that girl I don't know she worked at Gamestop we have talked to the GameStop guys before we've seen a couple of them and talked to them so she but she said are you guys the ones on YouTube digging the GameStop dumps it is harder than that it's harder and harder for us to to do some of this in our area and our local sales that's become problematic for us that's okay we just stirred in you yeah but anyways it's okay I mean we're glad if people beat us to it we want people to get yeah and we just have people who found it we've had some interesting interactions yeah when you do local listing on selling stuff and people can show up without wanting to buy it Danielle says she was only able to see the iPhone box we did see the man there wasn't a MacBook Pro we're joking about that so if you saw the iPhone box shortly after that basically we're just talking about the Oh Loulou what does that say the saurian widower United girl hey Connie Azorean island girl ok so right now before we get more heat hi guys watching my my mum and dad John and Sally you're watching live with me for the first time here stressed out the river yeah Sally welcome John and Sally are you sad that that River Coffee I thought John and Sally if I lived in England I think I would live south of every about really I would definitely live somewhere in proximity and Mark says they're all two has trespassing ours has that now too so don't trust pastor that's an entirely different violation hey we're hopefully they'll rip design nation hey hopefully I'll rip the sign down just wanted to open up some some back to you that we got I went to the pedo box and we had a bunch of stuff in there so I'm gonna do it okay yes it is khaleesies def was right Jane seriously at least he's blond because everybody has the picture all right with everybody right oh wait you know what some people might be a little behind if they just popped in no she minute she knows okay all right so let's do treasurer hostile eyes hey Jackie Sarah hey Sarah and Jackie is there for Sarah and Jackie is there the noise might be loud but cool we gotta get we're gonna start treating it like summer and bring our ice packs along okay thank you this is from Pam is Pam Eggbert yeah check out the treasure-hunters channel they do some dumpster diving and one of them was recently released from an insane asylum which one I don't want to tell they can't figure it stopped I'm joking both of them work Stefan Jerry Seinfeld Thank You Jerry I don't want to say oh yeah this is okay to say hey guys I hope you're having a good day finding lots of stuff I love watching your post thought I would share some of my crafts with you and Jerry and Jerry please give Jerry a treat and a hug for me I'll keep that in an effort Thank You rosy whoo oh man I have two new shirts that I've been wanting to wear you got plenty of days to wear him out at the same time this one's for you for me how do you know you don't see I saw this the shadow don't crush it it's a craft and it's a wonderful cookie might be a Christmas tree or decides you scare easy you might not want to look when I show you that's right avert your eyes if you are frightened easily I don't want to miss out oh my gosh it's so cute thanks a durian island girl Connie thank you so much are you a oh my god seller on eBay because your your packaging is stellar wow this is really cool before I show I feel that she made this yes watch your eyes on this you're doing it justice even it's hard because this is like this is like so really nice and heavy intro quality look at the face so I can it I can verify that this is what he looks like look at is really horrible I think it explained the texture guys this is hard it's Reyes ceramic on it that's so sweet thank you I love oh my gosh this one's for you too this looks like the pruder film is it no that's what me Jonah Kimi I forgot the film where you can see how he's walking that's the gate yeah it is but seriously this is like really good quality beautiful excellent job I can't wait to see it all the time his face is so cute don't drop me but he's a vampire Bigfoot you just got 15 he's adorable [Music] that's awesome honey why do you tell and then science yes that is so these are ceramic really nice thank you and so thoughtful you know it it was good that is so cool this is really really nice I can't I wish you guys can feel it that's just wonderful this one's for me Brazil and Brazil is gonna be dancing and partying right now not as much as step is this one's for me I don't want to break it either I love it thank you I really do this is my team Hey Oh Brazil gonna be I know the shapes very well don't break the big foot okay step Stephon break stuff oh my gosh Oh awesome and it says Steph's coffee look on the bottom oh my god Oh 2019 [Music] I love it I like the way they feel it's so fun you do this she's got like a kiln and she makes it or something I guarantee you Steph will be drinking out of this oh it turns out that what if we cracked it like cream is shot out of this miss Russell sure I can I would drink some coffee right now out of it that is so cute that's my science guy be careful here you can't just lay him around hey I need to keep going in the box yeah there's more thing my wife will bring this the big one my wife will break stuff okay I'm gonna stare like this [Music] look buddy let's give him one right now Pam this is for you he's gonna smell like hey watch it perk up go get a wig here it goes wait don't yeah oh you got it he knows okay this is a big one we're gonna get this part okay he's still a huge piece that's big I cut these up at home here you go give it Oh little guy that's for your teeth Thank You Pam oh thanks it's the cutest dog in the universe to bite all right little Gary is so happy he's so happy she woke up from a deep sleep still cute with the smells I know everybody's got the best dog in the world but Gary is the best argument everybody bingo oh we got the best they think everyone [Music] she made that Thank You Pam this is really sweet you try to my kitten emotional he's using this French food from now on this is I need to put put things back in where they're protected where's Bigfoot Thank You Pam Oh Steve spring what Steve's brain what he's over you're weeping I'm not weeping that sounds horrible he's wiping his eyes he designs oh thank you so much Pam that was really cute really love it that is so sweet I'm not sad I'm just his eyes are just a little bit sweaty today Thank You Pam okay the other ones are gonna go back here yet okay stuffs going to the back to get back I'll dry off my sweaty eyes I don't know when you get it when you have an older pet I don't know you think about things sometimes trying to get by okay I kind of feeling this is gonna be really funny look at this alright a reflex I need some yeah okay I don't care I get emotional that's fine crap transplants oh my goodness so cute we didn't know it's from know so oh you're out there whoever set the crap class I love it already I can tell you that anything with a crap plaque in it I'm all for it make sure that's something that we did free it out loud that's true okay she's laughing I haven't seen it expecting at all even though I shouldn't that's right a Nestle gal it is good for the soul okay so gal said Crimea River Stevens we did for the Soul I agree with that Brazil Wow I haven't seen it but step over sir I mean not wheel off no no does he say where he's from no but he might be from this area because he said Stevens death every time I see Jerry in one of your videos it reminds me of the plaques I used to make I only have one left so I thought it would mail it off to you in hopes it will bring a smile of course there's a possibility it will make you cringe either way all right it's yours to do as you wish Elmo you're out there Wayne but yeah one of our subs gives a crap look at that this is a crap plaque and it's got like a stand on the back oh you need to keep making these places last year cool dudes I love this last one he gave it to us dad just some authentic-looking maybe it's real look at that maybe he took a real one that is awesome man everyone's so creative we think of things that are created that is so cool I can't work in a displeases someone goes Thank You Wayne like even his box look at his maybe that's animal maybe he is crap I used to sell one let us know if you need this back and you just wanted us to see it we will definitely send it back we don't want to tell you're not getting it back that thing's pretty cool oh my gosh that's so cool Coulson Mary and Colson are you in there wow you are Mary this is so cool like that like marketing that and selling stuff like that is nice ever cramped Lex there's always if you have ideas and just act on them the worst that could happen is if you do something like that is it doesn't work and you can thrash much but be bold and act on that stuff okay Wow nice handwriting right turn it down oh wow okay I don't know if I'm allowed to read this I think I can let me make sure okay yeah but this is okay all right it says Stephen step when you did your hundred thousand giveaway Steve made a statement about giving back to y'all's as followers I love you all so cute yeah all his followers I press himself I personally feel as if I owe you I'm a disabled and I'm disabled and don't get out much so I live vicariously through y'all I get stressed when I think some someone is gonna catch you very excited when you find stuff y'all are the Laurel and Hardy of Internet one are you okay as I have a 15 year old who has a crush on Jerry yeah I never just never know if that's how you say it she has a crush empty she or he has a crush on Jerry thanks for the good times I love it without the dumpster smell she said that's true that's a very very French I think some people might say I we saved up stop time you might say it the other question in German I guess would be yeah we had a friend he got a hit a Datsun and while it was really young he had it in the garage and it wasn't in there that long and it destroyed all the baseboard a sport destroyed it No it shoots and then it was they up to the house and it shoot the baseboard in the house yeah yeah yeah crazy this one cuz this to me what's up man Tony oh my gosh on to the next I've been seeing people that are right now in the comics late a lot of things in life that didn't work out on to the next yeah this is our dumpster mono on to the next cuz there's gonna be a next step that is so perfect thank you not good we're still on to the next this is for Steve you can't combine these two things it's the most amazing combination yeah yeah they want to see I just wanted to make sure oh shoot okay guys boom magic magic and science it's magic science from Wizards only this is in its pristine 19 activities fun you know let's find out what you do when you do manage dance with with grandkids you become I'm a super girl oh you do in their eyes there yeah he's gonna damn I'm like a warlock the memories are gonna leave a wizard to magic I know there's a warlock or a wizard what's the best what's the best warlock or a wizard they both do magic thank you this is really cool really really cool that's so cute Marianne this is adorable also thank you much no it's a little guy I was like it has a monkey you turned it into a monkey if you want so it's nine activities oh so fun I see vials I see there's gonna be stuff going on look at this cast spells with a custom-made wizard lon oh yeah we get the wand which our grandkids when they see that's gonna be fun thank you this is really really cool they wouldn't make it for kids to be really looks like a bathroom or something oh okay bathroom dragon daiva bitty my french bulldog thanks Jerry is so sweet many more years thank you very much okay bye baby French Bulldog they're cool we have to it in ours he's got a little letter to I don't know if we can read it or not let me see this is it doesn't see who's from thanks for popping in there Deborah Miller Oh [Music] this'll Cal says I see I see the emergency room in your future not yeah this is a cute letter okay Steph's got a recap this is from cat make purple pickles dear kids you to rock started watching your youtubes and now have my own business selling reselling goods good for you yeah yeah for you yeah thanks cat we'll share a whole lot dog cat so sweet I'm so excited about that that's awesome you know what it makes our day when we hear that somebody says like they're disabled and they get to watch us or they used to dumpster dive and they can't know or they're sick or hurt or whatever and they get to do it and join with us and have the fun because they used to do it or wanted to do it or never did it and now wish they could and they get a calm and that's so fun for us and then to hear that people are reselling and making money on the side and doing this stuff for free it's just a little bit helps so cool helps a lot yes it makes us so happy and so like it's like feels rewarding like feels good yeah that's the only way to say it feels good it does feel good nothing wrong with feeling good yeah joy Walter's is uh hey guys watching you on my lunch break we won't tell well you're on your lunch break it's not like that's true thanks for watching hey guys I want to show you this Roku Mohamad sponsor breaks down response no that's not a sponsor potential sponsor people thank you buddy if you wanted to meet a sponsor you that's right Lori now we asked that's buddy Starbuck actually no we are Starbuck sponsor we sponsored them that's true thanks Starbuck Anthony savages and live app Oh cute okay so Joe Lance has a warlock that's what I am Kat Marion my grandkids come on their warlock yes up Dallas Texas that's him or Alice there goes Mona Zaragoza what do i do an exit oh I remember what the other thing was that wasn't from you guys that was somebody trying to get us to answer their whatever I did initially McD's selections our collections is having first oh yay look that sounds fun that's so fun Tina Turner's in there that's me who said that's me wait wait I tried to get a Tina Turner song I could Pittsburgh pigs steve is the Wizard of Temecula I'll take that I know somebody tell us a new hampshire's in the house that's Janice I got me that's my head no I know but that's your culture but that's what's in the head and they can't get it out formal please hide all three of us um hey Jane Parker in the UK Laurie Tapscott yeah I can't think there's time for some reason right now and I know a billion come on think of one um think when she's shaken wait why can't we think of one when she's shaken the river uh I like when she starts that song slow oh yes talking about it awesome legs Tina Turner is awesome I don't like there was a show a recent show we were watching where these these singers that you don't know who they are they have masks on hold on don't get just carry on I couldn't carry you that's a sharp knife each other story anyways it's a show called I think it's called the mask it's a mask singer yeah the mask singer and every week they exposed somebody with who what's under the mask and there was one lady we thought for sure it was Tina Turner but he did but it ended up being kantha your name now but now I can't think of a finer dome Brenda thank you my room but Brenda there's one that's like a like she made another comeback she's made a comeback where she was tuck well what's the one in the 80s that became like a big pop hit for her like everybody thought she was done I know yeah cool I'll check in there you started oh my I know I think what's love got to do with it I think you're but nobody she's like Tina 1000 proud mary is the one man she gets after it on that song that was a rolling Proud Mary yeah if you don't if you don't windows rattle off it we got a respect to you turn it I think she was like 91 and she was singing every time like she's famous for her legs the river I did boy all right guys we don't know [Music] [Laughter] Hey always remember Tina Turner still walk walks Tahoe Tina Turner still rocks and enjoy your life yeah we gotta go antunez oh I give steve-o yeah the world thank you Anna we appreciate it hey enjoy your life guys and we will talk to you soon yes bye oh and if we do another life become the upper channel or something Steve
Channel: undefined
Views: 556,774
Rating: 4.7941585 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster Dive, Dumpster Diving, DUMPSTER DIVING- What is going here?, Gamestop, gamestop dumpster, donate, chariety, donating
Id: V3NsbVa0RRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 50sec (3590 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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