This Is Completely Irresponsible...

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oh no all right sink complete hello guys and gals me muta horror your chubby Indian guy on the Internet now before I start this video off I must reply with I am NOT a racist individual at all I might be 100 how can you say that I mean house is such a contra [ __ ] racism and all that [ __ ] trust me it's not a controversial statement at all the reason I have to mention is because there's a lot of smooth brains on the internet and you might as well say this stuff as a disclaimer so that when you start the video off somebody's like well the world is one or the other and if you're not with us you're against us you got to just nip that mentality in the ass I despise everyone equally and I believe the only right race is the Tyrian race and with all that said all jokes aside again you have to [ __ ] reader reiterate everything in 2020 nowadays I just wanted to get into something that I found a little disgusting and [ __ ] up so if you don't know what's been going on my neighbors are going at it morning what the [ __ ] now this is an account by the name of Scott Jackson now if you don't have sky Jackson is I don't know either I looked at it and it was she's apparently like a pretty prominent child actress who grew up she's 18 now she does like I think a couple Disney shows and like maybe a Netflix show and she has about half a million followers on [ __ ] Twitter right so you know pretty sizable [ __ ] audience and with a sizable audience you have to have what's that word what's that responsibility yeah you got to have some responsibility because when you have such an audience you have to treat it pretty [ __ ] gingerly now ladies and gentlemen she's basically been exposing a bunch of people's like abhorrent social practices where they made long really dumb racist tweets some of them joke some of them pretty heavy and in her defense she's actually called out people who are in like really [ __ ] massive positions of power I believe off her Twitter feed I came across like an actual like [ __ ] professor at a university who's making really dumb racial [ __ ] which yeah if you work at a university and you're making tweets like that how you how you didn't get fired yet is a little bit [ __ ] beyond me but a lot of people that are under her like under under her gun at this point or people that are [ __ ] miners you know people that are children under the age of 18 now I just want to start this whole thing off by saying this is where you enter a [ __ ] powder keg now in order to get on Twitter feed at this point I believe the only thing you really need is to provide her receipts now what are these receipts well let me just put in a situation let's say that I was talking to my friend Kyle and I got into a nasty argument and I wanted to [ __ ] cancel him all I would basically have to do is look at her like a message of ours download it and Photoshop it or inspect element that [ __ ] and just say oh wow Kyle called me a dirty smelly 7-eleven owning fujite and call it a day now as you can see that's pretty [ __ ] up and if I sent that out to an account like this they would say oh well here's Kyle the big [ __ ] super racist they drop their full name where Kyle worked and then you can understand the rest of the community goes pretty [ __ ] apeshit on it now the problem with that is is when you're doing it that way you tend to share information that may not be completely legitimate because while there are people sharing actual racist tweets out there an actual racist intercourse interchanges between each other you come across people who come up with falsified evidence sending it over here and these people just retweet it out and then what happens is you know sky doesn't outright like Doc's an individual I would say you know they give out a full name where they go to school and it's from that that the audience over here when you open up any of these tweets there's people in the audience who are doing all the work you know down there they're out there finding addresses phone numbers all this [ __ ] going add them so you might have started it but then the rest of this [ __ ] absolute nutcase follower group is out there just straight running a targeted harassment camp it is it is targeted harassment it's a hundred percent targeted now it's where like I said earlier in the defensive in the defensive sky like I understand what her goal is like obviously she's against racism we all [ __ ] are and to her this is just a way against it she's calling people out for terrible [ __ ] social media practices they've had but the problem with this cancel culture stuff is how decontextualized some of these situations are well there are some legitimate like really racially charged people that she calls out there's a bunch of other like teenagers or like minors or people who are just like really they're not exactly I would say right they're just making really stupid [ __ ] jokes really edgy tweets and some of them you know are just or they're they're not actually like racist if you really really look into it right they're just people making dumb jokes or they're singing along to like you know hip-hop songs or whatever you want to call it so it is kind of like a weird range of where you're getting into where you totally lost me in this entire situation is this tweet she made where she said please do not comment on his page anymore someone sent me the wrong I'm in a sense for that I'm gonna censor all the names here because I'm not gonna sit here and release somebody's name it's just not gonna [ __ ] happen he is not that one who made the racist song just to clear that up so he or she like targeted some dude and this guy had made like a race of song the person who she targeted deactivated his account and private at it so people went from that person to the other person with the same name so this guy had to make a [ __ ] statement and say listen I'm just here about spreading positivity the two people who did make the song who were named after him deleted their socials this is a case of mistaken identity and I will not allow my name to be tarnished this is what I'm talking about okay now just let me put into context during the whole h3 kiemce drama when they were like going at it there was one person who had made a tweet admitting to a federal crime right of like ddossing websites and I got really pissed of that I made a mention of it now that person had contacted me and told me about like hey I'm getting a bunch of people calling me out and he was telling himself that he was gonna like you know off himself at some point I took it very seriously I removed any tweet that I had and I messaged a person on a personal level and at a discussion I felt like a [ __ ] dad that night where I like I talked to this person I had an actual gentleman discussion I said listen you're like a 19 year old [ __ ] kid 20 year old kid you're young and I got to tell you as a 26 year old guy like I got to be your [ __ ] dad and tell you not to do something ever since then that person has why's the [ __ ] up and matured and that's the best outcome you can have from any of these situations the problem is when you get into things like Target or harassment listenmi sky a lot of these people that are public figures we can handle a little bit of backlash we don't [ __ ] care you know the end of the day we have done this so long that we have gotten used to some of the punches that are thrown at us the problem with a lot of people especially people who are minors can't deal with any of this you know they have to when your inboxes are blown up with a ton of people telling you to kill yourself or do any of that [ __ ] yeah that could really end up happening to a person like when you run targeted harassment campaigns expect the [ __ ] worst that could happen and you know what the worst is I'm not gonna have to specifically spell out every single thing now I'm gonna show you one this is where like if she shows like a racist video from somebody and yeah I don't support any behavior but like one of her tweets is like she gives a full name where he lives roughly tells you the school that he's gonna go to and of course all of this information she's dug out from this person social media accounts which again if you're on social media don't share all your personal information people can find that stuff really quickly so she didn't outright Doc's anybody but then you go down into the comments section and there's people just exposing other random individuals so yeah it's kind of [ __ ] up and it's it's kind of really heavy and now I understand the whole concept of it I get it fighting against racism I understand it but when you're targeting kids and when you're targeting literally involves you retweeting receipts from individuals that you yourself have not 100% verified you've lost me now this takes me to like a video I made not too long ago where I looked at Club Penguin we looked at a very serious situation and in that video I very I almost always pretty much said anytime I see a screenshot I don't believe it until I can connect to a server refresh and check it for myself and I think the same level of journalistic standard has to apply to people who are willing to do this you have to 100% verifiably know that the people you have sent the hate Brigade on are actually guilty of the crimes that you've committed because the reality of it is when you target harass somebody based on illegitimate proof and they do the worst that [ __ ] should [ __ ] probably backfire on you 100% and it actually will you know she's opened up a situation where the people that she's wrongfully hurt actually have a case of defamation against her and if they decided to class-action I wouldn't actually be surprised given the situation that we're going through right now in the world especially in North America shit's [ __ ] up for sure and this takes me to like my final point of the situation listen your boy hates racism 100% but this is just like a kind of an off topic tangent I understand what Skyy is trying to do I'm not gonna throw her under the bus because I believe her intentions are actually [ __ ] pure remember that when you put such a charge on someone like hey here's a racist person here's a pedophile here's all these people if you get it wrong that person's gonna have that [ __ ] stick on him further life like granted again it dissipates over time but it'll be there right it is what it is now again like I said her intentions are pure and I think she meant really well but again it's the it's the wrong [ __ ] way to sort of do it you don't want to be on the hill of exposing miners in this case and and actually getting it wrong in this situation now with all that said okay just an off tangent thing when it comes to racist people the last thing you should ever do is ever even devolve yourself to that level when you're fighting people with racist ideology it's their ideology that's [ __ ] up giving attention to racist people in this case if she called up somebody who was actually racist then you [ __ ] up because you gave them an extra forty people that'll listen to him granted 20 of them will laugh ten more will laugh even harder but there might be ten who say oh yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] white power and that's where you end up you know [ __ ] up a little bit when you don't give them attention they're literally yelling at a [ __ ] brick wall and that's just funny as [ __ ] to watch but the but the thing about it the final thing is you're fighting people that have a really shitty ideology the way you combat racism is you actually go up to it and you say listen I'm gonna be above it I'm gonna [ __ ] be a proper person I'm gonna treat you the right way it's kind of like how Gandhi did things right he changed the [ __ ] world to an extent when you become nice and you overcome the stereotype and you become a better [ __ ] human being because of it then the people who have really shitty beliefs will actually have their entire worldview [ __ ] crushed and then maybe just maybe they'll change in this case when it comes to speak people that are under the age of 18 and they're still making dumb I do jokes listen I'll admit it 100% back in the days the halo 3 modern war for to you boy set some fucked-up [ __ ] behind closed doors with my close friends hell yeah we make [ __ ] up jokes all the time I'm no saint I'm not I'm not a [ __ ] you know I'm not I'm not a holier-than-thou individual and I think nobody watching this video it really truly is if you are then I don't think you're really living the world but at the end of the day man when it comes to these children specifically sometimes it's better to not just outright destroy their [ __ ] lives going forward and it's better to sit them down talk to them on a personal level you know as a [ __ ] adult and educate them on why they're wrong because the moment you do that then you truly start instilling seeds of change in the world and that's what [ __ ] matters you want to make the world great for the next generation then be prepared to educate it's a long [ __ ] way there but you don't fight hatred with more hatred you don't fight fire with [ __ ] fire that's just that that's just a [ __ ] mentality to have so learn to educate learn to move on forward and all that said ladies and gentlemen this is me amudha har if you like what you saw please like comment subscribe just like if you dislike it again don't don't harass anybody don't throw any shade to anybody this is just what I've been feeling and I think I've said it long enough yeah there's me muda and I am [Music] [Music]
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 519,190
Rating: 4.9463649 out of 5
Id: BwfgJ4PtaDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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