I tried this INSANE 1500IQ confession strategy...

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icuno here [Music] oh i haven't seen this one in a while okay doing the wires all right guys i can't vent right now because if i do they're all gonna be like cicuno didn't walk out um oh oh my god the taskbar is halfway leslie how long does it take you to pull up a lever what do you mean i was doing it slowly it wasn't even that slow like three seconds i saw the body on cams john [Music] well luckily nobody caught me saying i was faking tasks so let's just do this guys here's my a genius plan so you might be wondering why fake the same task again you know because nobody's here so we close it kill edison hop out of the med bay pretend we're scanning oh oh meanwhile security they're all outside security right comes into security oh didn't he see her vent wait a minute what just happened oh toast don't let him push it oh god we have two dead oh god sakuna why haven't you done upload yet because i never finished my download you think this is funny no no i just i mean oh no edison leslie oh no oh no what are we getting at all right ray you know what we have to do right look for someone who splits off on their own and then we double kill after do the deed right do the deed yep damn it i should avoid ray ray we just got a double kill so i'm thinking we just stand here kill anyone who comes to check because here's my thoughts rape kill anybody and we win so like i thought if i call reactor one or two people might be like ah they called reactor they're trying to hide a body toast we both know how this is going meanwhile i run i run oh please i'm dead i'm sorry toast oh oh thank god you did the kill ray oh i almost had to i almost had to but i didn't oh thank god we won without killing toast you read my mind with that reactor call we both popped out of medical benefits that was so funny he always sounds guilty which i've realized is to him sounding innocent yeah what mm-hmm yeah that like that that's about it what do you mean like that i don't understand let's protect our buddy toast guys stay back stay back i'm protecting toast stay back all right all right we got toast undercover guys we got toast undercover oh wait do you know how to have a task okay he's got a task um stay back i'm gonna form a radius around toast that way if anybody passes by i'll see them the body is right outside the drop ship is that the rockets like where we spawn oh very recent damn dave went to med bay and then went back to spawn that's weird oh yeah that is really weird i went back to check if charlie had come back didn't you leave with babies water gotta stay hydrated i would like to say yeah at the beginning i saw both toasts do keys and i was like maybe they're baiting each other but then i saw spedicy actually hover the keys did you have keys this round i forgot no we didn't oh we didn't have it we didn't that's why i'm so obsessed of them all well i know toast would just stand in front of it for the meme the other toast would spa dicey i'll let toast decide to do that i'm so confused what toast are we talking about you make things we should refer to both toast can and me as both toast only yeah well i could say it's 100 not one of the toasts i was with him the whole time i was with him the whole time that's the wrong that's the wrong toast there's only there's only one toast guys what is happening here um what what is happening i don't know but um oh wait toast oh oh there he is i i got you covered toast he's not really doing any tasks or anything it's okay we'll protect him guys oh i have this one too um fix the lights i could finish this one oh we just finished wow did we finish at the same time oh oh he's running to the right where is he going okay oh he went back to do it should be very close to done okay i mean the bar moved um i wonder why toast is back in here we don't have any tasks do we wow there's a swarm of us here i i don't know what happened they're gone uh okay who's dark blue oh wow oh no i just saw jack oh we were in a large group of people like oh live info you do yeah but i'll let corpse talk first yep go for a course i just walked into electrical there's a body there i don't really have much other than what side did you walk in on right side hmm okay so my info is that jack charlie pokey and valkyrie are all clear why uh jack because we have the card swipe ty's task and everyone ignored it except for them and it's not like we had a giant group go there they're the only ones if the imposter was faking it oh yeah it's possible but i think it's i think usually that's a pretty good because usually the imposter won't check that far is dead so who was it again uh so the only people left is valkyrie and you just cleared me yeah yeah no i'm saying that the people that are clear and charlie either way i think corpse did this kill okay oh really because i saw the i saw the blood come out of psychology wait a minute how did you see the blood come out of me if i'm still alive oh sorry no jack but no not your blood i'm sorry i'm not speaking well but i saw the blood come out of the dicey jack and i think that the kill happened within maybe a second of uh the report so do you think it's corporal yeah i do are we doing it ludwig he's doing it he's doing it oh you lived this round corpse all right you live no i didn't do it there's no way i'm wrong about this yeah you know ludwig's usually pretty right about this usually unless he's also the imposter guys is it bad if i'm starting to think it's toast because like toast hasn't really been doing that many tasks and he knows that i'm bodyguarding for him but we're not gonna call him out on it guys because he didn't kill us so we gotta leave him also it's it's not a hundred percent sure like sometimes toast just actually doesn't do his task but i will say it's weird because he knows that i'm bodyguard i was bodyguarding for him anyway oh the body is at white bay wait it wasn't ludwig and ludwig died yeah i thought it was either corpse or ludwig trying to get a kill but toast what did you what what did you do this last bit corpse is right behind you i thought he was about to oh no is it really yes um what's on me oh no guys i'm really starting this toast now no no we don't want to call them out let's see if they figure it out body right so the biggest susp for me besides like is rape or in the party but you were running south from lights right yeah that's why everyone passed you no not everyone needs to go to lights for stat kill i was cleared by ludwig and he's dead but ludwig was also running about corpse he thought it wasn't you because he thought it was cork but you're right the last person i saw with corpse was like right right you're at two kills so charlie i'll vote for whoever you think charlie i trust charlie on this one i don't know i don't know either that's why i don't cycle do you think it's toast uh which toast you do you know which toast um i'm gonna vote for whoever charlie says charlie toast is a hundred percent one of the killers ken you have to vote okay yes good job oh man i think so too ah i didn't want to do it i didn't want to do it guys but look i just threw it all on charlie because i was pretty sure charlie was innocent like guys i didn't want to kill toast but i was like 90 sure it was him before the round even like once i saw who was dead i was just like i'm pretty sure it's toast i just piled my vote on i will say the second killer i'm actually not sure who it is but based on the results here i'm thinking it's probably not charlie and it's probably not ray because um toast was trying really hard to pin it on rey and since i knew he was the imposter i doubt he would be trying to get his partner killed there so but man i didn't want to have to vote toast off there guys he's been getting killed first every round after waiting this long to be imposter i follow him around so he can't get kills and then you know there goes that oh wait if i'm pretty sure it's not ray and charlie then that means it has to be the other toast oh no i have to vote toast off twice this round oh i want to make it a little more thrilling and roll the dice we take out ken because i think that's pretty clear here oh man wait oh no we figured out both of them i'm worried about cycuno yeah it could still be me taikuna went with me on toast though yeah but it could still be me what if i did that because i had to you know yeah no i feel post pain you're right it's i'm thinking it was both toast ken is it you oh it's the first time you say anything all game oh maybe i'm starting to convince myself that it is oh man well my thoughts are i know charlie's innocent why and i think i feel like i don't do anything but i'm going to get blamed either way so it's it's all good guys you can also you know you can say you're innocent oh man we have to vote did you turn the lights on i i don't remember i might have turned them on who turned the lights on maybe i did i don't remember i'm charlie yeah you just got to do your task because i they're both exactly the same and it hurt my soul okay okay i guess i could have voted for me it's probably psycho now what it's not me ray but it could be but i'm gonna say it's not me because you know i hate you oh man guys oh man okay so i didn't know it was the second toast until this happened now we know it's the second toast so wait guys i really am on fire tonight i'm just figuring it out like it doesn't feel good why am i not getting voted off as a crewmate anymore so weird i'm not used to surviving okay well i don't want to be alone with toast ken when we know it's him all right i know charlie's innocent so we can leave that one there rey is probably going to be dead oh she's not dead well toast ken you got to kill someone the the tasks are about to be done look the tasks are about to be done ken you got to do it you got to do it ken charlie yeah huh go do your tasks right now i'm trying i am trying to follow you there and you're like going back and forth and you're not going i don't know where to go because you have the last task you scared me why everyone's moving around like [ __ ] skating it's hard i don't want anyone isn't it oh my god ray's losing it i mean i'm pretty sure it's toast ken but like if they don't want to vote on it i guess i'm gonna let them do their thing well we gotta go do this guys no no ken you stay away from me all right loop around oh no greaseball's gonna die oh wait they actually finished it wait where did toast ken go i thought i saw him run up there oh my oh who do you guys think it is oh it's probably ray right yeah i owe you an apology i really thought it was you what well i'm glad that we could clear that up i thought it was him too actually yes um well we know what we got to do now so let's go ahead and get this over with all right sorry grease ball you got to go all right what's happening what it's it's you right charlie i hope we're kidding around right i hope so no i i just saw you i just passed you on the left side right wait oh my god where are you guys did you vote me what who did you vote for secretary i don't want to tell you what if you're the only place go and vote for yourself charlie just vote for whoever you think it is just vote for who you think it is go ahead and confess where the [ __ ] you're going he actually thinks charlie do the noble thing and just throw yourself into the lava come on just vote for who you think it is that's what the rest of us did you know what what just happened i don't want you to be able to tie the vote in case you're the impostor that's why i'm you know charlie just in case just in case we got you tell me you voted for saikudo what what why would i do that what is happening who did you vote for did you vote for me definitely oh my god what is happening what um you you voted for me or you voted for ken oh you know in case yeah i don't want to let the impostor know in case they you know try to tie the vote yeah because i don't know who ken voted for and so look charlie i'm mimi you know who it is right okay oh my god charlotte i was so stressed if i was you yeah [Laughter] oh man i was trying to protect you toast and then i realized halfway through that you might be the imposter they did the [ __ ] keys together [Music] you
Channel: Sykkuno
Views: 2,186,417
Rating: 4.9723024 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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