I made him vote for himself

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saikuno all vote for who you vote for pick someone come on pick someone peter toast peter why not leslie peter peter leslie why don't you think it was brody well no no i didn't mean vote for oh my god i didn't i didn't i didn't mean vote for leslie i i i i said it with a question mark oh my god jesus jesus you guys killed her [Music] what is up guys it's spykuno here all right guys i really need to go to the bathroom because i drank a bunch of coffee so i don't know about you guys this is a little embarrassing but um when i drink a lot of coffee i i just i kind of i need to go to the bathroom so um i'm gonna try and go really fast before they notice i'm gone so i'll be right back guys just gonna go to the bathroom this is the coffee i swear it's just the coffee i'll be right back oh all right i'm just gonna speed run past i'm not gonna spend did he do keys well i'm not speed running my tasks because i don't have any cause you are imposter leslie you're all over my youtube recommended wait really yeah yes and you want to know why uh oh is everybody up here no no no it's it's just cause i'm really into yes i've watched a lot of streamer ones i'm definitely gonna watch yours too wait let's let you play [Music] what is happening oh jesus oh who's on me someone's still trying to protect me i think let's see what she does let's pretend we're afk and see what she does do you think rey would kill me at the spawn she might she might she would kill me at the spawn she's going to do it have you heard of twitch prime anybody got med faye is he pooping i think he's pooping poopy boy yeah yeah what the heck oh that's a good one is this what they do when they think i'm gone you know you always stand here and protect people and i'm gonna do the same for you huh i like to reciprocate people's niceness kindness is the word niceness not a word oh let me stack on top i guess you must have a lot of kind friends then because you're nice all the time oh no no pro wait what was that what put on you know for that pokey i won't kill you here oh no that was a joke that's a joke let me let me explain this is why i'm innocent if i knew if i was the imposter i would have seen her running up and not said that i was like that actually crazy because you would have seen it yeah we were thinking the exact same thing yeah no worries i think ray might try to kill us here so i wanna no race turned a new leaf she wouldn't kill us hello girl okay i'm gonna trick vitals you know i trust pokey she seems very innocent this game yeah i am very innocent okay yellow dead uh only yellow dead why aren't you more freaked out someone's dead i mean it's been a long time i thought there'd be like four people daddy out there you have my day um med bay uh nope i i don't but i'll follow you there okay yeah i can't really see anything but i know where you're going i'll meet you there can i hear your voice oh was that ray yep ray we're going to med bay med bay yeah we're going to med bay oh yeah all right peter med bay what's up what's up it's me just going to med bay why is that suspicious i'm just hearing vibin hello if anything happens i didn't see it wait what nothing pokey's innocent though you think i'm going to just kill her no no pokey i would have avenged you i would have eventually got a tier 3 3 shrimp okay i would never all right peter i'm gonna try and kill her right now you try and tank the bullet okay okay okay i'm about i'm gonna i'm gonna time it mr president mrs president peter i'm not the imposter i was testing you mrs president i was testing you peter i'm not the i'm not the imposter i um no i feel rather foolish no no you did a great job wait a second what there's so many people dead wait no this clears the three okay wait a second leslie has to be one of the imposters yeah i wouldn't report i wouldn't report um wow okay so i saw i was on just on vitals and i saw ivan and tina dead and i was with ray standing on vitals and then i was like okay i'm gonna go to a checkpoint i checked admin did you see where the dead bodies are and then i saw what body and ad oh two sorry so go to o2 and then i see tina's and then the report goes off and there's two more then it was a double kill is what you're saying you know what's good the lights are off so we can kill two people that's really good yes i vote we kill leslie first wait wait no leslie reported here what's up toast what's up i'm alive with six people left so you're all going to vote me no i'm going to vote you because you aren't suspicious of anyone oh no i scanned though wait when did you scan first film well i mean it was only one i mean this is the first this is the first round i scanned because you know why i checked [ __ ] admin and i saw nine people still in spaceship it's definitely toast he would not check admin unless he was imposter like initially no because i was wondering why i haven't seen anyone you have no suspicions uh i only saw peter running around he's not talking it's the problem i haven't seen peter here's the thing i haven't seen anyone want this game brodie i'm gonna have to go i went to lights with sydney that's the last place i saw her i was doing them because none of you were doing it you were all waiting in the storage room oh you know what i bet you broden was waiting for someone to fix the lights as imposter and he was like what the [ __ ] yeah i think it's happening i'm kind of down with both of those i think we voted first wait if he's the one who scanned him doesn't wait to said he stand alone what do you stand alone oh sorry it's like you don't have information for you oh i i think we're on the same page pokey i think we both uh i'm gonna go fix lights i got you guys pokey oh no she's dead pokey pokey elephant show leslie leslie come here leslie i think i know who it is okay okay okay please don't be all right well me peter and pokey were all together which means it's either you or toast but you reported on six so it's probably not you but if it is you you would kill oh jesus okay live poker's alive say if it was you you would kill me right now yeah i wouldn't whoo okay uh i will just give my information and then we can decide whether to vote uh it's not like you know one bazillion percent yep it's not pokey either so it at the beginning of the game after toast left to be fair i started running around yelling anybody got mad and nobody did and i thought maybe if he was around he would have heard it but maybe he was too far away so i don't want to fully assess him for that another thing saikuno do you remember when we went from vitals up towards labs and we heard peter near the node and then he came up to labs with us right wait how did you hear peter i was probably in storage with uh leslie and sid at that point oh wait wait wait wait the lights were off and i heard him and i this is this is stereo right wait can you guys hear people i think so yeah i do hear peter yeah i i can't hear your toast there's mike okay okay now i can hear toast okay cool cool okay oh thank god okay peter did you do node no i didn't do dad i remember i was in the i was like standing in the dark with sid and leslie and i hear broden coming in complaining that no one's fixing lights i go over uh to the right side to do my uh the vials test the second part of violence task and that's when i walk over pokey and and saikuno uh okay got it and i'm really not sure oh sorry go ahead the only person i've seen the entire first round was peter i don't i haven't seen pokey loves they cannot that's why i can't suss anyone huh yeah i saw a toast in the middle so we're definitely clear yeah i do that's peter and toast what no i think you're thinking i was gonna i was gonna say i think i was gonna say i think it might be leslie because i saw leslie with sydney last in storage wait so leslie you don't think you don't know what you're saying but uh brodin lied about me all vote for who you vote for pick someone come on pick someone vote for leslie well i said it with a question mark oh my god jesus you guys killed her [Music] that was the question mark it was a question mark oh wait wait wait so it wasn't leslie i don't think it was leslie i've well it could have been this guy it's not me it could still be tough right i think it could be toasty or me at this point or like yeah pokey could you could you stay at the button how do i improve how do i prove my innocence here i just i want you to be safe pokey i want you to stay alive you know yeah i don't want you to die so yeah yeah no okay let's set up an interview table somewhere oh yeah behind this projector maybe okay it's like a lineup you could do like a powerpoint presentation uh hello my name is uh my name is big peepee i am the the brown crewmate looking at the presentation i can't even see that i am the brown crewmate wait where's toast oh wait a minute i revealed you have imposter vision how could you see me and i can't see you yeah peter couldn't see him from here he's he must be innocent oh good point that's right sorry my bed um anyway i uh yeah i'm a good boy did my task i walked over i even tried to take a bullet for pokey because like who knows that he was he was going to kill her and then he didn't kill her because it's true he's not imposter so uh i didn't kill leslie i would have killed if i could because she's she's very shrieky sometimes and she yells at me a lot and she hurts my feelings i almost want to vote peter off for that leslie leslie's not shrieky she has a nice voice have you heard her sing have you heard her sing leslie is a great singer she does have a nice voice but have you ever heard her do her donald duck impression it's actually quite good no no i haven't i oh i would love to kind of want to hear it what that's my impression of leslie doing her impression okay hold on it just sounds like you're trying to throw up let me try let me try again let me try again let me try again peter you you ever hear you ever hear me young's dog before oh you know what never mind never mind yeah that one right all right all right toast that's gonna be a tough one to follow up but all right so okay proximity voice is it better to just stick around with crew members all day okay or is it better for the game to run around and speed run your tasks so that's what is that a question on my task and because no one's seen me i get the biggest target on my back but here's the here's the little thing i also do i sing songs non-stop no to ward off the imposter because or else they get the mt8 oh doesn't hear me sing [Music] that's actually genius i i don't know what this that's pretty solid also a really convincing argument it's true that i scanned unless i actually scanned because when i was scanning i'm like i'm gonna say i scan they're gonna be like why didn't you scan it with other people as you make me look super sassy he might have scanned while we were still at spawn right what if toast went to the scanner and he did this for 10 seconds holy [ __ ] pokey did you just scan oh my god that was really good look i'll be honest i've learned nothing other than you guys are good at making me laugh so what do what do you think yeah i just feel a lot better because i was in the bottom left with toast and i said hi toast and then he didn't say anything he left and then i realized later it's because cooling was broken i thought i can't uh really clear yeah the only stress i have is that pee pee i'll be honest i'm pretty sure it's toast yeah cause peter was with us around and there were a lot of kills so i feel like they would have had to like and according to leslie's story one of them is possibly a double kill yeah well let's vote guys it's time oh oh my god oh oh we just we just did that wait is it not time and that forced you to vote oh well well look guys what's the difference between voting right now i'm voting for who i think it is all right i'm still locking it you guys know exactly who i'm voting for yep there it is i 100 know who it is and i just voted for them well actually oh wait no i i voted for myself on purpose to trick them i'm pretty sure it's toast though but you know i just i can't just give it to you what was that eat him wait what why you said you know because i know you voted yourself wait you know i voted myself don't don't vote me i'm gonna die pokey i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i i voted for myself you you you you're right you're right i voted for myself because i was gonna make you choose but if you vote me i'm gonna die no it's peter so i have to go peter oh man i know it's toast i'm gonna have to go outside like we know you know i i'm sorry pokey but but i did vote for myself if you vote me there's a high chance i'll die here so um you you gotta you gotta choose um how did you know i'd vote for myself you just you know all my tricks or something she's big brain she's gonna figure this out she's gonna know that it's toast yeah i think she knows what oh oh my god it's toast it's toast it's toast oh my god oh my god i thought i was gonna die i thought i was gonna die oh jesus hit the button wait i don't have a button anymore someone else hit the button uh you think he's gonna let us hit the button yeah he's gonna let us hit the button the jig is up the jig is up what's he gonna do kill us on the way to lights i i'll get the lights guys i'll get the lights i'm not gonna be surprised if cycling's voice cuts out no no he he's probably not gonna if i were toast i would kill the person at the button first and close the doors he's killing the person at the button i knew it oh my god oh jesus i fell oh thank god i know toast plans okay whoo all right well well i figured if i were toast i would try to kill the person at the button as they went to fix the lights and then hope there was enough time in between the cooldown to get another kill to win the game ah you've solved the case you did it his plan saved polis what from the last round to this round oh psycho give it up wait really toast would you vote for yourself then yeah okay well i mean the jig is up vote for toast guys all right he's not putting himself ready for this win is voting himself isn't he and toast is going to vote well he hasn't locked his vote and now he knows he knows i was trying to get her to vote for himself peter oh god what are you doing on your open twitch.tv slash what i voted for toast toast the jig is up just vote yourself it's it's over send me the clip chat send me the clips jesus peter why would you jesus peter peter why did you give it away he was gonna vote himself sorry i i vocal imagine that's a lot imagine how cool it'd be if we got so wait you voted yourself oh it's a visual bug peter no no i i see you on your stream voting for yourself pete that's stream sniping oh wait he's the imposter i guess he technically can peter you voted for him right he voted for himself uh good old toast i knew he would do it um jesus oh that was a close one good job everyone we did it good job everyone who but i will say toast was even one more step ahead it was almost so cool all right that was a close one oh that was a good round guys are you allergic to voting for toast um well a little bit all right well you know i just i just don't it's just you know how it is under the bus i get it uh-huh but you'll throw me under the bus i'd be happy to throw my homies under the bus i'd be happy to no i would i would never throw you under the bus right speed all right speed run my task um it's so dark going going going wait ray ray why am i orange no hey tina wait what's wrong with oh wait you're orange i wouldn't have picked this hat if i was going to be orange but you have a hat on you look bald to me yeah you know wait wait so tina you're not happy with your color right now please all right brodin do it she can choose a new color next round do it brodin let's do it do it brodin do it [Laughter] oh we're gonna die first leslie what are you what are you doing leslie what am i listening to leslie it's leslie it's leslie i can't hear someone talking the whole time he's talking yeah it's like you know you can hear can you hear broden the whole time i think i can oh yeah [Music] it's possible you mean gollum that's migo she killed someone and then like if she was rubbing her hands together she was like yeah and controlling the keys at the same time i just i don't know it sounded like it though i'm telling you she sounded evil did you see me kill peter guys you also you also insinuated that i was going to die earlier so it could be you and broden yeah let me let me explain last round peter said leslie does that weird voice remember to get revenge and then did the weird voice on his body do the donald duck voice i want to hear it yeah sounds good listen okay okay yeah we skip here oh by the way i don't know if you guys care but the body was by communications tower no you're right so it really wasn't leslie it [Music] can't complain glad to play with you too leslie is awesome all right leslie and broden we need to test test your mics really test test tests yes um [Music] i'll be honest if pokey kills you right now i would not say a you word with me until i'm ready to kill you hold on just don't leave please because i'll probably yvonne you better listen to her she she sounds like she's serious don't stand on her on download or she'll she might kill you killing someone right away ray did you say i would throw you under the bus yes right if i kill you right now does that count as throwing you under there is that leslie left gremlin left i'm telling you grayson leslie she's evil leslie where is leslie where is she what was that she's evil laughing tina tina protect me leslie's evil laughing tina there's a dead body where where is the body um wait i can't find it where is the body there's nobody i don't see it where's the dead body i'm gonna you could hear me evil laughing that whole time what can could anyone hear broden as a ghost it's scary to vote here but i'm down to vote leslie next if she's still alive yeah she just keeps going for that theory is right oh wait wait what was my theory again yeah what's this about her cackling but if she made more donald duck noises okay wait that's kind of scary it's not for the memes leslie it's for the schemes [Music] tina's gonna die don't you guys leave him if tina's dead we'll know it's her follow-up it's one of those where are they going hey ray oh no uh ray will you want to come with me to specimen i just don't want to go alone i just want exactly one person to come with me exactly one oh my god [Laughter] there's no way it's it's not less it's gotta [Music] oh she was right that was the sneakiest vent kill i've ever done um all right meet me at top reactor um pokey let's go to top left reactor yup that was the slickest vent kill i've ever done oh i mean we can go it's it's not me though um i was trying to pretend that we were the imposters you know we are no no it was no no no no [Music] oh it's just you and me right wait come back leslie definitely dang it i was trying to intimidate her but it didn't work how come no one thinks i'm the imposter oh hey pokey um did you tell me to come here i i'll be honest i actually don't know who the second imposter is i'm starting to think it's you coincidental that ray was here and then the reactor was called afterwards yeah wait you think it's rey unless it's you and you called the reactor oh if i were the imposter leslie oh yeah i went in on leslie too but i'll be honest it really was the maniacal laughter that sold me on it oh god oh don't you gasp brain oh god it's either ray of sydney yes definitely between sid and ray but i literally heard sid go oh there's a body it's got to be rey right there's no way sydney would kill and then say oh there's a body here right what that's so five head i okay i should have said oh there's a body see i don't i didn't see anyone i just saw the body okay i'll be sure to say that next time i'm imposter as well think it's ray cause she's she's not even trying to fight for her innocence she's just saying i should copy that wait you voted for me i thought you gave up yeah it sounds like no it wasn't me i just think it's ridiculous that you get no you know what ray i'll trust you i'll vote for sydney what oh my god um i'll be honest i'm like 80 sure it's her but you know let's just give her a chance right i should have a shrimp point a what oh well guys what if it really isn't a brownie point but it's like a shrimp point what if sydney's big braining us that was i should have said that i don't know if she sounded very wait what do you mean you should have said that ray you sound like you're really guilty i'll be honest rey sounds like she's not even trying to make herself look innocent she's just like i should have copied those tactics i sure hope nobody's dead jesus goodness me um i should oh my god button button button button oh you don't say right you don't say i only have one question why'd you kill sydney oh i checked vitals and then i sprinted for the button oh jesus no a body i guess it's pokey then i heard ray say i heard ray say oh jesus a body it can't be her right i've i guess it's i guess it's just voted for yourself ray i knew you would vote for yourself because you always vote your for yourself when the jig is up so i voted for myself so i wouldn't have to vote for you that's actually pretty smart uh-huh i guess i know her too well [Laughter] this is i can't believe until the same thing happened two games in a row these have been some really good games today not gonna lie been some really good games [Music] day
Channel: Sykkuno
Views: 1,525,889
Rating: 4.9728904 out of 5
Id: WmbhSKKNkhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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