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did it work did it scare you I hope it did if it didn't scare you I would be very upset they're they're upset it is tiny it is teeny tiny and I don't seem to have a way to me it is literally tiny oh my god is this really it it's so tiny wait Han I gotta change this hang on yeah let's do this that way I also get the desktop if something goes in I can turn that off okay behind-the-scenes stuff is done lik seeing high five we're in a concerted effort and a team yeah this game also did I say the name of this game this game is called discover my body in the year 2040 human beings look for increasingly strange solutions in hopes to find a connection and community distrusting previous institutions that supposedly brought people together in common lonely people look to technology and science for answers one such new technology is a psychically powerful lab synthesized fungi you a medical student at the local university have been brought in to study its application to a host human oh [ __ ] ah you must be the new student dr. Morrison was speaking of I hear you really quite bright oh I hear you're quite bright have you ever studied this a psychical physical no psychical trans bola tution flowering before I see well you're in for quite a treat I have assisted with many flowerings before however this is my first time in the hot seat this facility is equipped with a neutron coronal scanner you'll be able to view my transformation oh and its various effects on my bodily systems just navigate the icon over my body and scan for info points to click on my brains Broca area has been linked to a digital readout so even when I am at the point where I am beyond human speech I will be able to communicate well please begin your examination Oh Oh I don't want to see your body this close oh no no no no no no no no oh no I don't like it oh I do not want to see your body this close I'll please tell me there isn't going to be a pain here oh you're covering okay thank goodness gracious you're covering your beanie peen I was almost demonetised okay good great Oh what's with your medusa head that's a little strange skin Oh aha you've discovered the injection site two weeks ago dr. Morrison took a bone deep needle to my right shin it hurts like hell however what he injected was worth its weight in gold it was a skin graft of a successful ptb flowering what's that it kind of looks like a face well the PTB organism is a psychic Lee is a psychical organism it's physical manifestation draws from a shared pool of all its denizens traumas fears dreams I believe that's my mother's face on my shin totally normal I get it I get your pain and trauma your mom very strange oh how I miss her not anymore it's a beautiful thing but enough about me please continue the examination oh I'm an eager beaver for this let's inspect the junky wonky nope nope how about the TomTom how about the elbow how about the other bow how about the nipping up how about the other boobie will be blue how about that neck II wacky you got your real boring man skeletal haha you've discovered my rotting bones yes the Rada said in certainly it itches like the devil but soft bones are required for the ppb to do its work the human body was never intended to experience a flowering no I don't think so no in the process one is contorted psychically and physically soft rotting bones are pliable enough to assume a flower in shape again though very painful stuff when I begin to scream I expect you to keep your cool though yeah this should all be academic do you yeah are you getting any class credit for this by the way I see Wow please continue yeah no I'm not in college at the moment I am far beyond that I have ascended to another level beyond the educational system one could say that I have flowered like a tree beyond out of my rotting bones whatever house this tourney Wernham nice Scully whoa interesting aha you've discovered the primordial inhibitor Oh curse I have you daft bastard the primordial inhibitor this is a device implanted in my brainstem which helps to undo certain evolutionary 56 cards against operations like this yeah your ancestors are calling you dumb ass from way beyond the grave it limits bodily and mental reactivity to meta existential stimuli and not too many words the flowering is an evolutionary aberration definitely something we want to do talk to your mom about it she says it's all good oh thanks leg mom great one which requires some retooling of our formation of mental concepts for instance one who has flower does not experience the human idea of time but if I tried and apprehended this with my regular old monkey mind you know my big dumb hee-hoo brain I would go quite and say no but anyway please go on discover explore look at my penis ah according to the concentration of the BTP in my blood I will begin the flowering process very soon quick give me your wallet to buy this is a pretty roundabout way to steal my wallet [Laughter] I would just give it to you I would without question and I'm gonna do that now holy [ __ ] Wow that hurt sorry I seem to have bit down too hard and broken a couple teeth give me a moment to spit them out [Music] now then as you can see by my face I am midway through the flowering process hurrah I can feel the inkling of a pan psychic connection and my body has experienced amazing and terrible growth see for yourself oh okay righty-ho how's your growth oh good growth oh good oh wow why are you doing this who is that your pop ha your father oh no where'd mama go okay good what is this sack what's going on here [Music] aha you've discovered that my hands have fallen off well I suppose I'll never play the violin again hahaha joking aside this is pretty much to be expected part of the primordial inhibitor is to dissociate brain and hand connectedness as a result of this the hands fall off as they are merely vestigial baggage standing in the way of a superior evolution I'm sorry just briefly had a bit of ego death there for a moment I can feel my thoughts intertwine in the rhizomatic group mind please continue of course I understand perfectly what you're talking about oh my goodness something's wrong with your skeleton or something's very right aha you've discovered my bone growth you're not gonna have a fancy name for that one it's gonna leave it at bone growths yes of course your bone growth as I was saying about the dramatic changes of BTB flowering in curse well now had a bone deep level my skeletal system is basically sponge cake ha ha ha dig in ha ha don't ok but look closer my bone fragments have begun to reassemble into a complicated if fragile lattice work of wafer thin psychic receptors some of the bones are poking out of my skin I knew that I felt it ha ha ha ha did you see it please go on all right your brain seems to be shrinking your brains a bit smaller dinky brain we got small brain over here [ __ ] hee hoo brain am i right everybody what a what a biologically uninhibited individual not like us who have our glorious psycho actively inhibited biological receptors what a [ __ ] peanut all right anyway found something aha you've discovered my new minds Oh to the extent that the brain is a mind that is we'll leave that to the philosophers as my own mind brain disintegrates into the group mind what remains of my body become a small distribution of other flowering mind brains as we speak I am flooded with powerful memories that are not my own I feel well it's hard to even use the word eye anymore even to distinguish ourselves from our timeless unity seems wrong I feel infinite pleasure as well as infinite is this what death is aha I see we are at the final stages I complete the flowering infinite pleasure pain I'm so happy hey I'm glad I got to watch that I'm happy for you I'll stick with my little tiny hooey who brain guess I'll just keep biting down on my wallet and hope for change isn't that right mom that was discovered my body that was awesome really truly that was awesome James you met good [ __ ] that was so imaginative and so cool I want to see so much more of that just the way deadpanned such a bizarre and horrifying transformation and just like owned every second of it whoa loved it loved it keep making [ __ ] and if there's anything else that you make in the future I am going to play it because that was awesome and if you guys at home want to experience the true horror and wonder that is discovering my body there's a link in the description that'll take you to the game ooh you've found my like button what it does is it creates a hive mind of aggregate associative enjoyment out of this video it collects all of our thoughts so we're not just a dumb little hee-hoo brain whoo you've discovered my subscribe button it allows us to telepathically communicate to know exactly when a new videos coming out you found Bible it's a psychic signal that pings lightning fast between all of our collective minds so you know the instant one of my videos goes up on the YouTube oh wow I can feel the BTB flowing through my body I'm about to ascend to the next level give me your wallet
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,992,984
Rating: 4.9666748 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, horror game, discover my body game, discover my body, discover my body markiplier, horror, scary, scary games, scariest game, weird, disturbing, this game made me so uncomfortable, 3 scary games, 3 scary games markiplier, 3 horror games, discover my body gameplay, best horror game, scariest horror game, horror game 2020, scary games 2020, new scary games
Id: Dd3nuEoxPQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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