I Survived 100 Days on a Deserted Island in Minecraft

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surviving a hundred days in hardcore minecraft a task which so many have tried to attempt but have they put 20 regular minecraft players and stranded them on an island because that's exactly what we do in today's video just a reminder that we are trying to hit 400 000 subscribers this year so if you aren't already subscribed please do consider it as it will let me know you want to see more of this series so please sit back relax and enjoy the attempt of surviving a hundred days stuck on a minecraft island day one started like any other minecraft let's play i said goodbye to ryan and started punching the hell out of some trees we had a really big world to work with and i wanted to get started as soon as possible after i finished taking my anger out on some trees i headed uphill and to my surprise i actually found a bonus chest the loot wouldn't be useful in the long run but whilst i got set up this stuff was exactly what i needed after grabbing myself some basic tools and cooking some food i saw in chat that turtle had collected diamonds so i asked for his coordinates so we could hopefully find sploot together and after finally remembering how to read them i dug straight down and that was the end of day one day two and three were what i like to call grind days of the season day two started off with us missing what looked like a meeting but we didn't care at the time after a little searching around the cave i managed to get myself quite a lot of iron ore and managed to fine and soon mine my first and second set of diamonds after a slight encounter with a creeper i realized that i should use the iron that i got myself this episode to make myself some armor because without it there's no way this video gets to ten minutes day three was pretty much more of the same but on this day i learned to always watch your back after dropping into a lower part of a cave i angered an enderman and managed to get in the worst possible situation alone against the minecraft mob but with half a heart was stuck in a corner my heart was racing after that near-death experience i decided it was probably a good idea to head up to the surface not only that but the day was almost over and i really wanted to get something made before day five so after mining one more diamond i thought it was time to head up and that took us to the end of day three day four started with me finally being back in the mix with my friends i instantly ran to the center of the island to see what was going on and in my absence was informed that the not important meeting was actually for people to claim land and with that i found my first to be neighbor jacio i instantly wanted to be his friend because i wasn't sure i'd have many in the upcoming episodes so we spoke for a little while and then after i went to go find the others i ran for what felt like hours finding other people's bases and trying to find roots of my own but upon finding ryan and emil's land was told that emil needed saving so myself and ryan became a power couple to get rid of the sentiment after that was dealt with a guy mined underneath ryan's land which ryan wasn't really too happy about ironically this almost resulted in the first death of the island i swear this was so funny to watch after that situation i was determined to get as far from that side of the island as possible so i ran to the other side of the island and found myself a nice little spot that eventually would be called home so i did what any minecraft player does i grabbed whatever word i had and started to create something wonderful but i realized i needed to hide all of my valuables so at the very end of the day i created a secret chest and i hid what i had underground i trusted nobody on the server at this point day five six and seven were slow ones i started day five by removing my previous build i really wasn't feeling like it could become something great i spent the next few days working on this beauty of a house i call her charlotte and she is mine this is really the peak of my building ability so i was proud of what i'd done day eight was definitely the saddest so far i started today by venturing around what was actually becoming a very nicely built island but soon after disaster struck right in front of my eyes i had witnessed the first casualty of the server with the player dying to a creeper so i did what any respectable minecraft player would do i looted his house and then ran for my life back to safety day 8 ended with me stealing more stuff from other players i'm really not a nice person i started off day 9 by expanding my house i decided to make a fishing dock that would connect my house to the ocean just outside something that i could use for food later on all seemed quiet today while i was mining obsidian for my enchant table until unfortunately emil decided he wanted to go swimming in lava which actually took us down another player days 10 11 and 12 where everything started to go downhill for myself we started day 10 by having a funeral for our fallen members of the island and also making some pretty good puns on their signs in the process day 11 is where things started to get really bad for me i looked outside my house to see what was probably the ugliest house ever built in minecraft and it was owned by jack so instead of asking him to move it i dip what i do best and i burnt it to the ground unfortunately ryan noticed and after some incredible acting to try save myself i was left out of a meeting that was probably going to get me kicked off the island at some point day 12 came around and i finally got karma for the accidental fire that i set off ryan and the rest of the island came to me in fatal and said if i didn't give jack the fishing rod that i had in my enchant table we were pretty much dead after arguing between us i finally handed it over i had no tricks left they had me cornered and i started to feel really bad about the whole accidental fire day 13 and 14 were easy enough myself and fatal spent day 13 getting the enchant table back that we'd had stolen from us we had the diamonds we had the books we just needed to be able to find more obsidian before though we needed a farm so that's exactly what i started work on day 14 honestly flew by we had our obsidian and we also had a nice little secret room that we could put our in-chart table in which later on would hopefully look amazing i spent day 14 finishing the outline for the farm it really wasn't much for now but it was home i felt a little mischievous on day 15. i went into jack's new mountainside house with jd kelly and was really debating stealing his enchant table back i mean sure we had our own but i really wanted revenge for burning down a house that no one was using or lived in but i decided against it i probably wasn't a good idea and spent my day focusing on bookshelves for our intro table day 16 and 17 were quite grindy i spent the entire two days really just working on making this house a home i also really wanted a chicken farm not just for the xp but hopefully for the mass amount of food it will get me later really not much else happened but i felt like you'd miss part of the story if i didn't include these days i spent the whole of day 18 just trying to get full diamond armor if i wanted to be able to survive this series this was definitely a key thing that i needed i actually got very lucky and mined a vein of 20 diamonds my luck definitely seems to be turning now that i had diamond armor day 19 was all about enchanting i spent most of the day in my brand new enchant room making sure all of my gear was fully enchanted i needed anything just to give me that higher percentage of survival day 20 and also 21 were another sad set of days after bartering for two cows from a nearby neighbor i led them back to my new farm area but then we were hit with disaster mob xz had died to a creeper we all gathered around for day 21 so we could mourn as a group to say goodbye to another member of the island i actually came into day 22 with a really good idea i wanted to make sure that everything was looking as good as possible so this ugly enchanting room was getting a makeover so i got the materials that i needed and i started work starting day 23 i wanted to be able to grow just a little bit more food so i was excited to start expanding my farm soon after just as day 24 started the priest of the server wanted me to be his bodyguard while he went and collected taxes from all of the players and it took us until the end of day 25 to really get it all collected i really like the idea of this purely because i could steal items and get away with it i was purely in my element days 26 to 30 with the most work i've ever done in my life we started day 26 needing just a few more diamonds after what felt like years i was back on the surface with my new found riches i spent days 29 and 30 starting my newest project a huge storage room that we could use and eventually would be my new farm area too but just when we got started our priest round i'm not really sure what went on there however this new build has a lot of potential i was really excited to see where this went day 31 was simple it was the priest's funeral may you rest in peace buddy we had fun and with that the days continued on more work took place from day 32 to day 34. our new storage room was really eating up a lot of my time but ironically this wasn't even the biggest project on this series yet it got so much worse later on day 34 was ruined when another member of the group fell to their death it's pheebs so we did what any good youtuber does i ran to the house took everything they owed and brand to safety day 35 was actually quite interesting on day 35 we had our first sacrifice one of themes his friends sent himself to the graveyard like a yu-gi-oh card to bring back his lost friend she'll be back on day 40. so hold out for that one you know what i said that hard work would happen soon this is that time days 36 to 43 also known as the worst days of my life so far i spent these days trying to expand on the already made storage bunker that i'd made previously so i started to dig out and excavate a room big enough to fit all the minecraft animals in that i actually wanted to keep it was going brilliantly until day 39 where a design change led to the great chicken escape this stressed me out beyond belief but after i got rid of the excess chickens it was straight back to work until day 42. days 43 to 49 were grind filled but day 43 was actually quite uneventful the only thing that really happened is we got attacked by a very angry minecraft pillager so we voted him up and kept him for a later date we weren't sure what to do just yet but i'm sure we'll figure it out i spent the rest of my time up until day 50 fishing i wanted to see if i could grab myself some enchant books hopefully something that would help me get better armor a lot quicker than doing it the natural way before we knew it it was day 50. on day 50 we had all made a pact that we could leave the island to explore and find new things but the rule was we had to stay living on the island so that's exactly what we did it took until about day 52 to actually find other bits of land but once we had the loot started flooding in day 54 was quite eventful together me and jamie found one of the largest broken portals i think i've ever seen so we looted it and just kept looking for more but things slowed down really until about day 56 where thanks to jamie's good eyesight we found a load of shipwrecks and broken portals underwater we were literally unstoppable on the way back home after a good 10 or so days pillaging literally everything we could find on the server we actually found a village there wasn't much there in terms of trades but we managed to note down where it was so we could properly be able to come back and search it later day 62 was really a disaster we lost jack i first thought it looked like he just fell off something high like a minecraft noob but it turns out faction stuck had got rid of them the old-fashioned way this was a really big deal we arrived back home on day 63 and after playing about with a bell it was really time for a well-earned break the surviving members all came together on day 70 to say goodbye to jack this was definitely the hardest one yet after we had said goodbye we had no time to waste until we hit 100 days so we jumped straight in the nether to begin searching for a fortress and collect power trades so eventually we could fight that ender dragon but on day 71 while still in the nether we were hit by yet another death jco this was becoming just incredibly sad at this point we arrived back home from the nether on day 74 with enough pearls and now gear it fully enchanted we said goodbye to jco and everyone together went in search of the end portal one of the main tasks that we actually wanted to finish by day 100 this was a lovely site to see all the remaining island members all working together and not burning down each other's houses it took four days of searching but on day 81 we finally arrived at the end portal after a little bit of miscommunication about where the portal actually was we gathered around as fatal put the eyes in that we actually needed and we jumped together this was our toughest fight yet the ender dragon awaited [Music] he was finally down and we lost nobody in the process i've never seen everybody so happy relishing on our newfound victory jamie fatal mikey and myself went in search of an end city to hopefully be able to collect ourselves another two trophies the elytra and also the dragon head after just under two days of searching we had finally arrived we'd actually managed to find ourselves an end city however we did soon find out that this one didn't have an electro but luckily our friend fatal did manage to find one and it's something that we really needed after what is probably the most stressed i think i have ever been in the entirety of this series actually trying to loot the thing we finally managed to grab some shulker boxes as well as some pretty good loot up the top however through this entire thing i was terrified that i was gonna get hit levitate and just float to my death i was i was terrified but once we had everything collected and everything rounded up that we need we we gathered our thoughts and we started to head home because there's no way i was spending another minute in this place the end city had really taken its toll on us we spent the rest of those days mining nearly a full shulker box of end stone and also getting lost more times than i'd really like to admit you could probably tell by the fact it took us two days to find the thing and nearly seven to find our way out apparently no one wanted to note down the coordinates that we came through but it's fine we moved but after we did it was time to head home we found our way back to the teleporter and after pearling our way through i jumped through the portal and i was back going full circle to where this started and where it would eventually end i really wanted to start day 91 building my trophy room somewhere i could retire my armor and trophies in case we never returned to this place again and somewhere to display the victories and also the memories we'd accumulated over the time on the server looking back this was definitely a sad moment i just really hadn't realized it yet the series was coming to an end and i had loved every second of it day 99 and the end of this series i just wanted to say while you watch this last bit of footage that this has really been the most fun i think i've had on a minecraft adventure in years i know this video is definitely a lot shorter than the whole other 100 days series i really feel like i've captured everything sure we didn't build a massive castle or do anything else but this was full of highs or lows 24 of us went into this island at the very start and only about 11 of us actually survived i just really can't wait to do more of these it felt sad to retire the items i had spent 33 hours working towards and the island that had lost so many was thriving but for now it was time for rest i decided to sip out with my friends and watch the sunrise as the sunset of day 99 closes the door on this adventure i really hope you guys have enjoyed please leave a like and subscribe if you're new and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 186,068
Rating: 4.9312797 out of 5
Keywords: I Survived 100 Days on a Deserted Island in Minecraft, 100 Days Minecraft, JamieRaven, FactionsRaven, 100 Days Survived In, Minecraft But, 100 Days Luke TheNotable, Hidden Minecraft Base
Id: PeMhGk58XcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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