Beating People with Aggressive Gambits

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I'm gonna join the the daily rapid arena and I was thinking I would do something a bit different have a themed stream of only playing gambits so I think what I'll do is for one minute have a notepad document I'm just gonna write down as many gambits as I can think of Alexa set a timer for one minute okay Kings gambit means gambits not sure if there's apostrophes there Blackmar Deemer Evans gambit Bank oh okay I don't have to write down ganda just Banco Budapest what else why am i blinking a molar attack you sack upon laughing Yandex guess this gambits in the name I should write it down Neiman hmm Knight of 3g5 whatever that's called if you're just joining help me think of gambits boat s camp it's some gamuts of Danish Danish goring scotch uh what else why am i blinking there's so many gap of Smith Mora okay Alexa shut up all right I have a list I'll probably add to this not sure how you classify the bond cloud gambits Oh Halloween okay I'll be a nice addition Oh stafford of course okay okay I have my list I will keep it on another side maybe I'll add to it over time but I'm gonna join the tournaments GM jlh that's that's hammer boat s gambit maybe we'll make an appearance but to play a boat s gambit it has to be unintentional rights or it just has to be questionable compensation I'll see what I can I can make out of the game it's called a story how's it going things hammer for the resub loft unit yeah so here's a list just waiting for a game to start oh there's a the France Candace to play against of birds opening ok I'm black let's see what to do here efore hmm oh there's uh what do they call it 'the icelandic is it icelandic Cabot's let's just start with you 5 it should be 4 ok we have a keen scabbit and now we're gonna have a fall Kabir counter gambit this is good start before this is a line that I sometimes enjoy playing g3 I've never seen before when was the g3 guess he wants to play Bishop g2 and discouraged Queen h4 I could play Queen h4 and make of the boat s gambits but I think that's a bit too questionable do i plain out of six when Knight f6 is so natural or Bishop c5 start with 906 no rush to take the pawn oh maybe I should have taken the pond well too late now I've Bishop g4 if I want Bishop c5 looks nice the thing about gambits you willingly give away material to get counter play to get other types of advantages so here I have developments lights a bit restricted because the pawns on you for yeah black Mardy Murie gambit is on the list Oh hammer used to play d4 d5 85 e 6 that's interesting could consider that okay Bishop g2 so there's pressure against upon in Queen e7 is logical I just want to like push my H pawn there's also just castling I don't think I can take if I takes I play rook e8 g3 i-5 in some line yeah it's all about just developing and then later going for the kill okay got some honey I have to make this a sweet game what's that your own gambits also the Albanian oh maybe you mean the Albin counter gambits I'll write that down counter gambits d3 okay d3 should generally make me happy because I want to open the e-file POS what does pls stand for mm-hmm Bishop g4 92 I'm daydreaming of Bishop g4 Queen d2 e3 chopping the Queen that wouldn't happen though wait a minute oh it's kind of close to working cuz I can take on g1 first play Bishop g4 but there's Knights EE - I don't know if I want to give away my my dark squared bishop there's also Knight g4 here then Knight takes e4 attacking defending so what to do 92 Bishop g4 92 I can take and play rook e8 I can hmm I can just take here and then play rook e8 and Bishop c4 it looks Pleasant expecting Queen ticks I can also play Knight g4 right away let's start with this white can't legally castle at least next move so Bishop g4 a knight g4 it has a larger threat to it calculating 94-94 rook takes e4 I should take c4 9f2 or queen takes e4 Knight f2 it seems like it's just trading stuff fun of it thanks for subbing greetings to you I mean I could play like Bishop g4 Queen e7 or Queen e7 right away also Knight a 6 to b4 problem with 96 was a three my nights kind of stupid yeah this is not easy looking at this line again I'm realizing actually I have after 94 I have Bishop f5 which actually looks quite nice so Knight G 494 Bishop f5 yeah I could live with that and otherwise like White has to stop this or this it's White Knight g4 it's getting interesting yeah the faulk of your counter gambit was now on my list the King's gambit was on my list walk their counter so here's my list for anyone just joining spend a minute the beginning of the stream writing down gambits so we'll see how many I can play and how many games I can win too yeah the night and Bishop here coordinating nicely I need four okay so if I play this there's no night of six that I take and defend and now I'm threatening threatening to play knife to or threatening to take and then my left ooh so likes under some pressure and it took me a while to like find this move I had to consider 94 and let's circle back to it wait I put honey in my tea already I think I showed the honey but I didn't put any how do you in my teeth yes I don't think so time to put honey in my tea okay wait what the AI tries to describe the emote that's nice thanks talk this for the a half year sup wait 9 f - neither of two forks everything it's a it's a quadruple for the problem could be 9 f 6 check but then I went at night I was a bishop I trade Queens I win a rook so 9 F - yeah the night's pinned so I mean like could take but then get all win a queen music man asking about a line and the Queens gambit accepted yeah white should play d5 in that variation to gain space will usually win back the pawn later okay let's take a knight and then do i trade Queens first probably upper rook and I don't think white can actually trap the Knights my knight has a clear escape route f2 will always be guarded efore will be carded to Bishop takes e4 was even simpler Oh Bishop takes e4 what am I thinking I was so excited to get the fork night I forgot the fork Bishop can exist as well just tunnel vision it goes back to the simple idea when you see a good move you should look for a better move hello - Krishna should have listened to Tommy everyone should listen to Tommy happy birthday just for the charm 120-180 birthday congratulations okay one game down 14 moves I'm hoping to have a lot of quick games that's the nature of playing gambits is you win quickly you conserve energy you get more games in Oh track sir gambits track sir and it okay what things should I go for let's play e4 and see what happens oh there's also wing gamut you type in wing wing gambit very Sicilian and also wing gambit versed French let's play the wing gambits be for Chomsky played this in a US Championship or was it coughs key or was it Karev now I'm forgetting maybe it was gray of again scoffs key oh there's also the England gambit yeah right that time as well I like the fact my opponents thinking I assume okay so I've I really haven't studied this seriously but pretty sure that after takes ideas a three and it's kind of like a Banco where the white opens up queenside files ooh gambit declined well should I still try and gambit or should I just take over the center I'm just gonna take over the center gambit paid off sometimes gambits are declined and yeah poets don't want free material I play Bishop III I should a 3d6 I'll start with Bishop III thinking I have ideas of knights coming to see for WoW d5 so this bishops gonna be annoying for black perhaps a queen g4 here then that loses a pawn hmm I have a crazy idea oh maybe it's too crazy I was linking 92 here and I'd see four but none just takes your play Bishop d3 slide Bishop d3 all that then takes takes doesn't quite work either maybe just a 5 let's play e5 yeah it's just like a French or I'll have c3 and I'll have a nice French structure not sure why it took me so long to consider a5 and maybe I'll have a Greek gift like Bishop d3 Knight f3 ooh so now okay it's a little bit surprising because now the King's stuck in the center neither four could be a threat but there's ways to deal with it maybe Queen f3 first queen of three also queen h5 or queen g4 let's play Queen f3 stopping metaphor applying some pressure I would like to play h4 very soon there's some crazy line let's say black plays Bishop g7 here h4 takes Queen h5 that goes back to g6 might take ticks ticks ticks ticks I don't know if I'm winning material thunder were just trading maybe were just trading or I went up on oh but I'd lose up on to probably just a trade school excuse me I'm allergic to something allergic to like seasons changing Bishop g7 okay oh so this line could actually come to real life hmm let's play ch4 it's in the spirit of Canada I'm cabbing in the H pawn whoa Locke is ganda ting or just winning material really that's kind of smart cuz my my rook is gonna get trapped Wow impressive I'll admit I didn't see that so I actually gamba to the pawn if I take that everything crumbles like this pawn will fall and I'm losing the rook so maybe Queen g3 a queen g3 maybe keeps me alive and what else to do Oh Queen g3 still looking at lines where I take like h5 doesn't seem so promising okay I'm down upon where they go thanks for rating with a party of three okay I want to play h5 actually there's gonna be some interesting compensation because h5 the night moves I take on g7 and there's still some looming threats of taking the night maybe at the right time but I don't think I'll win this game and in 14 moves as like Lasky maybe Locke will play h5 preventing me from playing h5 combinatorial thanks for subbing for five months yeah I'm playing in the tournament two people want to join the tournament I can share the link in the checks not sure what play Simon oh I'm in 174th place okay got my work cut out all right so this actually looks nice because I can take I can play h5 how there's Intermezzo f4 so maybe I take and play out for myself hmm don't really want to give away my lights red bishop but let's do it it's also throwing 9 f3 because I should really develop my pieces h5 f4 is very annoying I could also play F for myself it makes a lot of sense there weakens a king but who cares about King safety hater so great you've been streaming so often in rows and Illuminati in Brazil naughty thanks Carlos appreciate that all right I'm gonna play night of three I think f4o is to weakening as pawns can't move backwards if black plays off for I'll have an interesting decision whether to play Queen h2 or Queen g5 I'm down the pawn but I'm feeling some compensation some some pressure just love her like 292 now 92 as a move probably should have considered it but okay now 311 forces upon so if I play Queen h2 threatening h5 black phase h5 and my Queens just stuck if I play Queen g5 we trade Queens I have an h-file like when g5 trying to understand this position I'm down upon but my bishops happy H files and Isis plans a bit overextended I have to develop ooh that could be a good move it could be a very good move I can play Bishop d6 give away my amazing Bishop I'm like King d1 now this position is not good I have to come back try and come back maybe I should just develop 92 I'll go down another pond but my my hopes are that these ponds are gonna be weak in some scenario I'll Castle queenside do I sack another pond thinking about queenside castling here it looks very questionable but let's do it I'm allowing black to take another pawn that's the spirit of the stream though I'm getting the whole game is a gambit it's true just gambling all the pawns the more pawns I lose the more open files I gain I have the half-opened e-file I'll have the e-file soon enjoying my h-file action right now I have my bishop it's all about peace play okay it's probably I could move my block what to do I could take the night plane out of three this takes here threating this there's Bishop c6 I'm not liking what's fit what's happening in the end there might not be three also doesn't look so great also I'm running low on time there's rook h4 now maybe 93 just preventing night III I'm allowing night takes f3 but then at least the pawns can I get fixed I'll have the d4 square for my Knights but ok if I'm gonna win this game it's gonna require a small miracle or a large miracle on time as bad positions bad but raiding raiding differential is good for me I'm not sure how much I can use that so defeat my opponent though but okay these are these two pawns are long-term weaknesses the thing is all my pawns are long-term weaknesses as well I think all of them I say that some of them doubled play this move I actually wouldn't mind like Bishop takes d4 be happy to get some officer Clara Bishop situation to keep in mind to this rook is tied down to the pond another sub I haven't played one sadly sadly should join the tournaments maybe we can play I do other streams where I I take challenges from from viewers and from subs so now if you're a sub you can follow the instructions from moobot or from night bots and the chats you can add your your leech s username and that will connect it with your twitch name and then will be more likely to play let's play rookie you want do you want your rook t2 maybe rook t2 after rook d2 I have access to the B file also have the ability to double up sooner also I defend this pawn so maybe I can play that f5 and do stuff and f5 would be a nice square okay time is running low for both of us which probably gives me more chances ooh interesting maybe King be too flexible move as many cases of c-3po needs defending and now I can check and win this guy but there's Bishop a5 in the end and rook c1 ok so I went out for so Bishop a5 I also have rope t3 yeah this isn't so bad I feel like I'm coming back like my pawns are actually not so weak like everything everything's defended except my rook but that doesn't matter okay he wants to play rook c8 I'll serve with this this is a square should be well supported it rook c8 can I take what's my work t3 the rook looks awkward but does its job another son rough bananas thanks for subbing I had a banana smoothie yesterday it was really good it was just bananas and ice and honey Bishop a5 forgot he could attack another time oh you're playing Knights 92 then Bishop b5 maybe 92 hitting the pawn and defending this pawn attacking and defending so now black has two pawns hanging so more reason to think if I can put the bishop on g4 that would actually be like very safe and solid and black would like to play this but I think because I can take it just doesn't work here's no time to take this pawn b6 okay let's solidify I'm not interested in winning either of these pawns at least yet I'm just defending and now I'll take a pawn and okay this was a point of opening H file from earlier the rook is now finding life and materials is back to equal that's my a3 trying to discourage b4 let's take something I'm up upon I went from being down to pawns being up upon and up on time life is improving let's play Knight that's for trying to win another pawn not easy to defend if he plays Bishop c6 I win this pawn and then this will be passed okay before I just take my knight controls before Bishop c6 can I take more okay seven it doesn't quite work I play Knight b6 oh I could play this move the rook is almost trapped rook has to move here Oh free bishop okay the gambit paid off I'm not sure if it was a gambit paying off in just time situation okay where's the mates check let's push up pawn or no let's do this okay like a g6 and this is this is a triple cork and Amit's that's a nice finish very nice finish okay two for two that game was was questionable I think someone saw someone mentioned earlier that maybe I missed something related to this position of taking and then taking in the night c3 and I'll admit I didn't consider this but it doesn't look good like there's Queenie five ideas or Roxy aids and yeah black still winning material so I think I made the right decision Queen g3 yeah I mean it's still looking pretty patch for what else but manage somehow untangle yeah queen c8 is a interesting move from computer hard to play as black though because h5 looks scary ok interesting game back to tournaments two out of two can you do one in the London there's not too many gambits in the London last opponent plays a Dutch well there's so many gamuts against the Dutch ovn again that's I don't think I wrote that down PN again it's Marshall gambit also for the deeper there's a couple Marshall gambits okay I'm black b3 what can Becan playing in is b3 can i gambit anything here oh yeah a5 gambling the a pawn in some positions actually a5 has been what is this I wanted to play a four do I played B 5 B 5 and then C 6 to accelerate development let's do it b5 I don't think this has a name but I'm gonna apply the principle of gamma D and giveaway upon to accelerate development don't try this at home kids where we're violating many opening principles not developing not controlling the center giving away material but ok now I'm developing and controlling the center and now I think the what is the theory here one night have six let's start with the nights and one idea is to play a four soon I'll play Queen b6 and I want to apply pressure with my queen and rook and pawn okay let's start with this move the bishop belongs on a nice long diagonal maybe I'll play g5 the combination of g5 and Bishop b7 actually works well together again I just want to open up lines after Knight takes d5 rook e8 and I don't even know if I'm like losing uh losing the pawn because I should win it back after h6 oh there's some other interesting moves like Knight d4 to consider my options hmm let's start with this expecting line of three whoa 97 what does 97 that's interesting all right I'll take and then take on G to still down upon but it's an interesting position if Queen f3 I have a really nice move please play Queen f3 and 9 f3 I was thinking Aquino 394 and then I I just do everything I still play 94 year 94 is interesting oh it's so hard to resist let's play 94 I'm gambling a night this is such a weird position so I haven't moved like my to seven columns kind of developing on the wings the idea of 94 is after it takes I have Queen check and then if the King Mustafa have Queen h3 if something blocks on e4 I just take it or play d5 after take stakes of 92 I have Bishop after three with a the monster came Bishop f5 Bishop d3 what is H for random move very random move I think it's time to go for the kill I'm not a three check that was the point of knights 94 I'm trying to understand the logic of each sport maybe it's a create room for the rook but now I can take yeah this is gonna end pretty brutally for whites I defend my rook the King has to move back or the Queen has to take now I can take on e3 everything falling we need to okay I could take it sorry quicker mates let's just take it my rook is hanging rough game now's not the time for a boat s gambit Oh my opponent left in a few seconds that should give me the option to claim victory I would hope I was thinking after Knight takes rook if I play this I play this or if I just take the rook it's calculating this this it's probably best just to take the rook and then go back to to f3 all right let's come up with more gambits here's my list I hope the text isn't too small oh no people should see it oh wait I don't want to cover the potential claim victory bun we move it to the other side or I'll just cover the board with it we don't need this quadrant of the board okay so we had the Marshall gammas oh the elephant gamut that's be 45 not 3d 5 right I live in canvas consider that yeah botas gambit where's the boat s gambit boat s kinda I have so this is no tat I can't can i bold something control people no I can't what's the Colorado gambit oh the Colorado gambit is that like I think Colorado claim victory yeah we chess was great where it detects you situations yeah back to turn news Colorado gambit is efore and knight c6 Knight a3 f5 right there's something like that oh there's a Tennyson ganda to it spelled like this maybe that would require white playing a scan you never heard of the where gambit make my own gambit that's what I did last game my last game was slightly strange it was this physician this is my own gambit all right playing oh so two roads DF Oh where's my list I guess I'll play e4 again because before has the most options oh the filled or counter gambit I gave some idea okay um I play the winged gambit uh the second game of the stream so I'll play uh Smith Cora gambits great some mayhem make us from and happy wherever he is please accept you know you want you okay Smith more that time I'm not like super booked up but I know I know a thing or two Queen c7 so early Quincy South and I haven't seen this move order before Queen c7 prevents Bishop c4 because usually I play knight c6 Bishop c4 then Queen c7 there has to be a reason why Queen c7 is not play I'm not sure why play e5 I mean I could play Knight b5 maybe Knight b5 the Queen moves here or here I just attack with the bishop if the Queen moves elsewhere I play Bishop f4 hitting c7 oh but there's Bishop before check but just before Bishop d2 then I have C file ideas let's do it not sure if this is a right approach but it looks fun okay Bishop t2 I'll take with the Queen if he takes yeah this is troublesome for black because 96 is coming I have double threats do I start with 96 do I start with rooks even one there's also actually there's a nice move here queen c3 which is essentially a fork attacking this and this it's writing 96 the thing about queen c3 is that there's King f8 open I have 97 so I have a triple threat queen c3 is threatening this this and this all of which wind material let's play queen c3 oh there's also Queen here wait Queen here can just be devastating but 997 or even 96 96 okay I'm playing Queen C 3 because I didn't see what to do after 96 I'm sure it's like somehow good for a whites but this I think pretty clearly wins material ooh knight c6 I can take if Queen f6 I just take in night c7 and there's Queen a5 Queen 85 just Knight c3 or 92 yeah I would imagine this is a reason why I start with check how do I take it probably doesn't matter I also have this check a few things to think about linking e7 um yeah let's start with this check I'm guessing this is probably by Queen c7 isn't it should not be play line move 5 now take and take here so black actually might be getting some compensation because my knight might get trapped I'm temporarily up a full rook to develop a tempo but Knight c5 though unite c5 rip d1 even castling queenside could make some sense I'm not sure where my king wants to go oh I think I'll play rook do you want there's pros and cons it probably doesn't make a huge difference in the grand scheme of things I was thinking if I Castle or if I play Rick do you want to keep the C 1 square open but if I Castle queenside I get rookie one sooner hmm the King could be a target on c1 yeah let's play Rick do you want I assume blacks gonna go for like this idea to win the night and I'm not sure if I have any like rescue mission probably not even Elon Musk can rescue this Knight but I have ideas of camera play like Knight g5 maybe I can create some distraction Knight g5 like if we imagine B 6 Knight g5 and if the King moves somewhere I have night c7 let's do it cuz the rook is actually kind of stuck if it moves to f8 I take keep the initiative so yeah sometimes it's a nice strategy to create chaos um like a different area of the board like if you can't defend counter-attack tipsy ton is sick of these moral pleasures yeah you can blame a sermon for that I'm not sure what black does here there's 95 but 95 rook probably rookie 3 and then like the Knights not defended and aside down to this bad things would happen to black yo me has never played the mora I feel like every chess player should probably play play them more or play like a an aggressive gambit at some points just to appreciate of giving away material for for active play but there's also a lot of logic just just being solid and slowly grind down the phonons without taking risks he likes a Colorado wait what's the bucer is a pucker or buker yeah maybe next game I'll try and play some Colorado or play what I think is a Colorado imagining this line rock cafe ticks or goes back and then like math six ideas to target D seven okay there will be options how do I like the caveman against a caro-kann I don't know what that is there's a lot of like gambits people are mentioning that I just have not heard of I've heard of the apocalypse variation against a carro con but caveman what would the caveman be caveman I assume is pushing like wing pawns maybe some variation in the dance with like H for a G for watch out for the T oh yeah I have a spoon in my tea let's pour some more tea and take away the spoon oh it's Bishop c4 yeah Carlson has played that I remember looking into that think objectively it's not that great but it's an interesting surprised variation I'll add that to the list variation all right let's take a spawn so now I have a passed pawn another Saab abstract envy thanks for subbing for two months so do I play this I play this and I guess I tie down the bishop and then there's rook h6 I have to move the night then maybe just 95 still attacking f7 and now what to do play this move its bits subway 110 in hi how long is your student waiting list how long is my student waiting list oh it's I have to check I'm gonna play Rock f3 first of all thanks for the bits there's there has to be at least like 30 names on it before I've been busy has it's been hard to to take new students recently okay so f5 let's move back now I have a threat so I'm keeping initiative I'm hitting I hit the f7 pawn now I'm hitting a six pawn threatening threatening the fork and wanting to rescue my knight Knight rook f6 good move I mean maybe I just push up on like H forward bishop here h5 bishop takes h6 I'm up the exchange in that line rook h8 h 7 rook rook f8 h 7 h8 and then I fork in the end it's actually nice I don't care about the knight anymore I'll have a new piece enter the corner a new more powerful piece so H 7 is pretty much unstoppable yeah actually Black has no time okay there's a smooth oh there's that move by could still page 7 maybe Brooke each seven-night Ickx King D to rook F a die queen I win this thing in the end yeah let's do it I could even like after work I feel I could take the night to or okay now just queen and he forced mate this is good enough my night controls the forking square could win the night or I can maybe go for mates let's try and go for Nate's yeah I think this is maybe force making be 798 King a six Queen a fours mate and if yes the King has a few options here King a eights just work h8 should do the job oh there's a caution gambits Carlsen plating is ding it's against the Petrov let's fight 98 okay I was nice what camp it was oh that was Smith Memorial oh yeah that was a nice line wonder was that the was that the best approach I mean 95 I think it's so like so thematic yeah III should be up there okay that was a fuel good game let's move on 40th place 12 points I don't know if I'll play the whole arena I'll try and fit in a few more games playing Bulgari 1979 d4 okay well oh there's a um oh what's the name of the gambits not the binco the Blumenthal gambit Blumenfeld is another one but I'm gonna play the Budapest because I love the Budapest I can't resist I could play me be a tricky variation but I'll play Maya I'll play in my repertoire I did a small video series on the Budapest at the beginning of the year may like three videos there on YouTube of opening traps in the Budapest III gives back the pond it's a playable line ah I was too late to play the the fireworks can keep that in mind for a future game and why I'm so inclined to play a five so soon play knight c6 first I should play 96 first it's the most flexible move and later I'll decide between like Bishop before Bishop c5 play Bishop b4 here expecting Bishop d2 this is a slightly different move order and then I I would normally face but we still have the kind of general structure of the Budapest and the the main plan for block is the castle usually puts my castle first here play a thigh first maybe I'll play 8 v first just to slow down lights expansion so their work usually comes to Yates it could be interesting if white castle's queenside looks like whites going to Castle kingside so even though this was a gambit I'm not it's down upon opponent gave act upon willingly and now we have a position I will still try and play aggressively and if I castles King side there's a very thematic idea I'm excited to play ok whichever way white castles I'm gonna have some attack hopefully yeah the rook lift is coming this is very typical in the Budapest it doesn't happen in like so many other openings that in this case the whole six Frank four pack it's entirely clear no pawns in the way it's one of the reasons for delaying d6 put the bishop on f8 it was one of the reasons for rookie aides the bishops here it can get attacked forever with 94 maybe some day the bishop will come back to life okay do I care about my a pawn probably not allowing white to take in White has done attacking the C pawn but I can lock white take both pawns and I can just go for me efore for some reason I forgot about he for probably have to move the rook again let's play let's play for g6 just aligning with the king I want to play Queen h4 I want to play d6 in Bishop h3 and enjoy the attack how do you decide whether to put the rook on h6 for g6 usually it comes down to what your main target is whether it's h2 or g2 also comes down to whether lights controlling one of these squares like I guess I could have played with g6 immediately I do have Queen g5 but the thing about rook g6 is Knight f4 happens to be interesting if my players like a thwart here just trying to refute my whole variation opponent is thinking I'm sure there's many choices for whites before before was not expected it doesn't seem so relevant in the grand scheme of things but I mean that it gives me the move well there's a funny line Queen h4 and I take c7 Bishop d6 Knight takes Knight f3 I stock a pawn a rook a knight and then I made on each seven let's play Queen h4 oh oops I hung upon just in case my phone is watching you can take a free pawn probably not a great idea to say that line beforehand and then try and trick them well again I don't know if my phones watching might just be acting for no one okay so I think in this case both G 2 and H 2 are targets like there's ideas of course Bishop d6 ideas Queen H 3 d6 Bishop H 3 still Knight g4 maybe f3 and Feingold would be disappointed what to play I mean this can't be a good move there's no way but how do i punish it I got played by 56 with immediate threats let's do it so I have my bishop my rook my knight my queen what does white have defending three pawns maybe a rook kind of a bishop but the point is I think I have more attackers and white has defenders I'm threatening some some nasty threats it's not so easy for a way to stop imagining like oh maybe play the move like Bishop II one train counter-attack now g3 could be interesting as well if g3 or uptakes g3 wait does that work ticks ticks king each one probably Knight takes f3 then queen h2 is basically unstoppable I think or Queenie Sri unstoppable yeah this is why I like the Budapest especially fare like Blitzer rapid because like the idea is kind of go deep into the middle game especially with this rook maneuver and while the players will kind of play naturally and then stumble into an attack like this so am I just meeting here i takes f3 if rook takes off three its meaning to and then takes out three only shows the bishop so Knight takes f3 if Bishop takes off three I I take with the bishop King here i play this move blocking the attacking goes back and then I'm eight I'm asking each one I just made immediately yeah this is nice Bishop g3 multi-purpose controlling f2 and not allowing Bishop takes h4 nice finish another miniature if you threaten the threat does a threat become not a threat it's too complicated of a question there's other threat to me I'm threatening me with a a that's right in question okay GG that was fun cuz like even like reaching the middle game it just doesn't seem like Bach has an attack but very quickly just came to life I think the move I was most scared of here was my escort and then I wasn't sure what I was gonna do aw nice March thanks for the bits maybe I would like repeat once I have for a row gauge 695 and then like maybe flavor of g6 or rook c6 I have some some choices okay back to tournament 26 place who's in first Andre bori is running away with it but probably not having as much fun as I am this is the longest meet you ever calculated over the board I do not know all right don't remember I mean I've I've had some like very long calculations over the board like extending like beyond 15 moves ask me that again at a later point when I'm not playing a tournament and then I'll I'll try and like actually research the answer how often you play over the board tournaments a few times a year these days okay what to play let's play another efore I think I'll stick with e4 mostly this tournaments okay I can play could play a Danish place scotch it's pretty nice three let's see what black is up to Phil I'm playing a strong player okay I'll play a Halloween gambit because Halloween is coming up Halloween time maybe not the best life decision but it is a decision after 96 I think this move right or is it dry play d5 maybe up to 85 that's got to be this move forcing like that to GE its okay I gather the whole piece while box giving a pack she's scared okay well we're gonna have like a reasonably solid position for both of us honestly sometimes this is the way I like to play against a Halloween it's a simple low risk but the knight ISM I think a bit misplaced on c6 should also know that I'm setting up a trap if block kicks upon then I I have Bishop h7 in the end apologies for four arrows all right the endgame is approaching actually thinking about just trading Queens like Queen f3 takes takes takes takes it's gonna be very positional I know this is not what you guys signed up for but it's part of life expecting takes maybe there's 97 97 Wow I could play g4 force matters g4 is interesting maybe I will good throwing rookie one let's play g4 just making sure there's no like sneaky tricks I was looking for a moment of queen g6 but it doesn't work cuz I just take twice okay we have a slightly imbalance on game I have double ponds black has oval Hans and black swans should get a little bit weaker than mine it's Bishop versus Knights Nicola start soon sandwich time smiley face thanks Nicola and have sandwiches for like the whole week now I played Bishop g5 and just went up on oh no f6 hmm I kept like g5 I think the problem with g5 the thing like pawn structure starts getting fixed I don't want to pawn fixed on the dark square cousin I hear f4 can come so I'm inclined just to play h3 I think about h3 is takes an f5 again and F file opens so I can consider f3 there's also this move Bishop f4 not entirely sure what to do here the king h1 Ritchie one I could just take I don't know why f3 looks so most attractive it looks so looks weird but maybe it's logical just leaving tension I'll play off three cuz if black takes like I guess I'm happy to open that file yeah when in doubt play f3 always play off three right and I think it's to my benefit to have pawns on light squares if pawns control light squares Bishop controls dark squares eventually I'll control all the squares on the board or at least maximize the number of squares I control a fine cold fine gold just rolled his rolled over in his grave pretty sure he's still alive that joke might be valid in like a hundred years okay take sticks on Bishop c5 comes rook e1 comes I have temple moves like this this and this come with tempo all of these things can be targeted I'm just trying to design a nice thumbnail for YouTube I don't think I saw I I would never make GM I just said it's not like a top priority for me I would be okay if I I never end up making it but yeah there's other other priorities in life I think my opponent is terrified with my arrows it would be interesting if like when you draw arrows opponent could also see them you can mess with them guess my opponent might be seeing them if he's watching the stream yeah to become a GM it would require full devotion to studying and playing would have to teach a lot less and stream a lot less and play a lot more like international tournaments it's not an easy lifestyle it would be an interesting lifestyle though I have six and Feingold's probably jumping with joy if it was opposite day okay so I just play this move hit the pond lock defends probably or c6 I think the problem is I play out this should f-4c Sixers eventually night g6 black play Bishop d6 rook ta tix just calculating some and I have some random line so I should start with Bishop f4 I guess the calculation depends on what I play after ac6 because I can consider like this move and maybe went up on actually wait c6 Bishop d6 pinning and attacking rook e8 rook a AE one night g6 my take mr. slates oh there's no nice yet this is interesting maybe c6 isn't the best move for a black okay I think I should just go for this there's rook f7 I'm not seeing what blocks gonna do against this maybe King f7 guess I'll find out oh there's not h4 when I teach for yeah there's some takes knowledge for I can't defend their five good play King have to hear some reasonable move each for each work can be interesting to idea after it takes to play Bishop here but that doesn't work I don't think takes here it was rookie six for thinking of seven I play Bishop pure F for Bishop F to my bishop would be sad I'm just going to keep the tension time is becoming more relevant I was hoping to in the pond but not the case for the time being the night's restricted as a bishop controls all the squares a knight moves towards the center now this looks interesting each for it takes in an idea of this but then ro takes II one so I could take first and then play h4 still consider this throwing rookie one first I've some crazy line which I don't see anything wrong with in the play it's I would have said it but it takes too long to say and time has become an issue so yeah the ideas after it takes now I play this there's no takes anyone if work t8 I play Bishop g3f for Bishop here starting h5 I guess one issue could be the e-file I mean at the very least I can take hmm Oh to do maybe this yeah we might go into some like Bishop versus night and game I'm expecting this and I'm not sure whether to play rook b2 or rook e1 don't see anything wrong with rook b2 I still want to take your the main threat if takes here okay so that that's some move now rugby to so I was envisioning something like this earlier I'm thinking that I have h5 follow that Bishop takes f4 but it's still still tricky to understand and not entirely sure what's going on there's there's a line to calculate yes I can draw arrows here here here here here here I think I'm defending everything I mean there's rook takes F 3 then rook F 2 or takes c3 Bishop g5 I have to go for this so it's all being played out I hope as f6 is targeted in the end kingi one defense discovery defends ooh didn't see that coming can I just trap the night what is this the Knights trapped I think is this too good to be true let's trap tonight and defend the pawn at the same time opponent resigns that was really abrupt it's not expecting the game time like that at all what a game analysis boring what was a oh I played the Halloween II ended hey I beat a decently high rated player with the Halloween gambit but it was sort of a Halloween gannets returned her declines I just gave up the case yeah it's very positional yeah when I play Brooke b1 I was envisioning the the situation where like I played Bishop g3f for Bishop h2 it was hard to judge whether he file would be a problem okay I see the computer evaluation but I really wasn't sure like after this line like because I was calculating this thinking bishop or uh rook F - I think practically it looks very scary for black so I'm threatening this maybe the computer find some refutation but she Bishop c5 can maybe trap the Knights okay what does engine say what says - to look after - ah rookie for rookie forests pretty tragic for white the chief war is I'm falling yeah well okay it was a nice interesting game a sad finished for my opponents things flow though oh nine for the sub for two months let's go back to the tournament so I've played what are the gambit side played so far I play the Budapest I'm not like cut and paste so I play Budapest I play the faulkner counter gambit I still have a lot of gambits I haven't played let's play let's play kiyomi's opening I assume this is a Colorado I might be mistaken so what's the point of the Colorado d5 probably I assume d5 or is it nine of six I'm not gonna look at the chat I should figure this out on my own and it's gotta be t5 because there's no Queen h5 ideas yet I'm weakening the square though okay I just want to win back the pawn open that file maybe Castle queenside even this could be fun I had the Colorado to my um my list of plague andit's if one is thinking that's the nice thing about playing like you're really off beat Bazar opening is that players start thinking earlier at least some players that's nice have a time advantage and have initiative I did play the Halloween that was the last game I'll add that to the list as well I played oh I played swift Maura and I played the wing gambit against Sicilian so for those of you curious while we wait for the pawns move this is my kind of master list of gambits and these are the gambits I played so far this stream I think this is the guy played the six games so far this is my sixth game Oh john davis asking if you get a second can you show us a master list of Cabot's yeah i can move it right here g4 oh this is reminiscent of Kings gambit I mean this is like this is gonna be a reverse Kings gambit I think there's a line in Kings gambit where the pawns here which probably makes a big difference I mean I assume that I should go for this I mean h5 looks very logical it's weakening but I just want to tear down the pawn chain because there's no h3 was I take and there's a pin if this pawn goes away then I win this phone with the bishop so d4 not sure if I fully understand whites play so now I can take hitting the night and threatening to win the pawn maybe I take this first yeah just so I'm not losing G for my up upon I'm up upon I've only lost one pawn there's a first pawn from for f5 I can play g6 here there's a reinforce it's kind of a mini chain let the bishop I want that u6 and be solid Casey Kenny wow thanks for subbing new sub that's your one is Ashley min really categorize desig andit's I think so I mean f5 against the Spanish looks very candid like I'm sure there's some lines where like yeah there's definitely lines where white keeps the pond in black its comp all right I'm gonna play you 6 yeah this bishop is very solid and even though like the pawns are pollen lights for is it's a good Bishop it's all supporting its kind of outside this pawn chain I'll put this Bishop on c5 I don't think white has any compensation here I will come to e7 it's still gonna be a fight play d4 I think I should just play positionally or c6 - maybe c6 preparing some like Queen some type of Queen move hmm I was kind of expecting that maybe b5 let's do it so many things on light squares maybe a 5 a 4 is common okay come play Queen a 5 here threatening be for my king is safe it's just safe in the center Center is pretty closed this is interesting move because the knight might be preparing some something sort of move I could play Bishop before still may be considered e4 should calculate b4 because light has one square I can win another pawn I mean Bishop before it just looks very pleasant though yeah as d4 is the threats supersymmetry that's great thus loving but not not asking me a question asking good prophet the question favorite get commands I don't even know if I can Nina get command there's math dot random I get command maybe yeah it's not easy to stop d4 okay Saul undable to G pawns not so depressed about losing the the bishop my my pawn still do a good job of controlling light squares I guess I'm not threatening d4 anymore while Bishop f6 Bishop f6 I should probably take that but I also have rook h3 but then there's Queen g5 it could get messy maybe take sticks work h3 is still Queen g5 I don't want like an accident tab I could just take in Castle queenside leave the pawn enough six I feel like I should just take it and maybe even take on c3 working f7 first new king f7 looks solid just have to make sure the queen is not entering I think it's okay there's two blinds I was calculating Thomas thanks for the bits challenges Eric I'm not I'm playing in the rapid arena you can join the tournament here Queen D for Queen g4 it's probably a decent move defending the pond getting out of the pin let's just take this is so unusual pawn structure like for both of us like White has all isolated pawns two double pawns F pawns are kind of detached from it to check each other I have most of my pawns on light squares but I am up a pond I have some attacking move thinking just Queen c7 Queen C Saturn very multi-purpose preparing this or this or Jesus I think the plan is to remove the Queen from the center and then win the pawn and then maybe win connect five or connect six okay but you six is kind of a target so the c5 makes sense see 523 [Music] maybe just rook let's start with rook e8 there's rookie five and this should be fine I just want to play e5 still want to win that six steak six dick mmm making me hungry so I can play c5 Queen e3 oh there's some sad line Queen III rock h3 Queen g5 Queen takes d5 I got me that ooh but maybe I throw in so c5 23 rock h3 Queen g5 rook g8 and then the Queen has no great squares has to move to f4 then I play this move then the queen is actually detached from the rook oh but then there's rook takes no not rook takes off for it looks good on Stuart's that looks pretty forcing - maybe Queen f4 it was a move to play so I could okay I can of course take on a six but this looks fun oh there's one more line to look at let's just go for this me too I forgot about that move but I don't think it's too scary so I could take on f6 maybe just rook h6 and win the pawn like that or maybe just take on C 327 first in Queen d7 looks solid the idea is after rook here there's no threat of this or this because my Brooks defended it a second time also I'm very long time I have to start moving quicker I think I can just take the pond I'm up I'm up all other plans I have still seven ponds Queen d2 what's idea maybe before I shouldn't get some counterplay before it takes like rook maybe queen bee five now maybe it just takes back see for a while c4 is a good move should probably what do I play here c4 is very good move okay let's play this move losing losing some stuff back I get an e5 it'll lose before as well the pawns are falling it's a delayed gambit well this work is very nice so let's play this move 57 seconds I was just negligent on time and preventing Queen I fades materials equal I have prettier pawns play rook c8 target c4 now hitting the pond if this maybe this a six looks good rook b6 I take user k5 within the rooks trapped okay I want to play this move hmm how to break through maybe this move I don't play this and then this what Oh interesting very interesting ooh either a could take actually okay I think it was better to take with the B rook so now I'm actually down upon its actual gambit but if my pawns are smiling so it can't be that bad let's push some okay it should not be difficult to win some of white spawns but it will be difficult to win the game with 23 seconds left Connect for high win if only those were the rules three okay this is gotta be mine it's gotta be pawns are being pushed e 2 1 square away f3 coming ooh can build a bridge I'll promote with check not that it matters so much oh maybe it doesn't matter cuz if you're the I promote with check there's no Ricky eight what a game I missed amazing one I miss them either one here oh I worked out what again yeah that took work I was feeling very comfortable got too comfortable and then I mean I won Connect four I had so in chess I won't connect four with my final four pawns that's nice yeah I don't know if I was ever like in severe trouble but around here like the pawns were falling momentum was in White's favor was able to recuperate I like this idea Queen Queen here but I think in white should take with the rook five thousand bits from heart wise and Noble think so much heart wise and it'll really appreciate that long time no see and sewer supersymmetry do anything five dollars five hundred years yes yes yes no no yes no yes yes yes yes no no I think I was actually in trouble if if rook takes because if I take the rook then there's there's pawn takes and my tun doubles the pawns but maybe it's a race but then White's running to push with check if I don't take I could play III immediately it's still race well maybe this is okay steak steak sticks I'm cleaning with check this is winning should be winning computers just confused okay I think I have time for one more game I'll try and get in one more gambit in 14th place 13 just under 14 minutes left are you the dude who used to sit in front of that nice brick wall well i've i've streamed from many many locations so i probably at some point streams in front of a brick wall oh we have a french okay i'm gonna play i'm gonna try and play the wing gambits I'll see what black does yeah so the wing gamut against a French involves e5 usually c5 and then b4 it's a line I haven't played in a while used to play it a little bit in blitz mister teach it to some students to the idea is after it takes which black is not doing I would play a three so we have a wing gambit declined I think this is nice though because d4 and c3 will come and I essentially traded a a wing pawn for a more central pawn and yeah the problem for black this is like an advanced variation except there's not much pressure on the center because there's no c5 in and I get C 3 and so d4 will be realm forests and there might even be great gift ideas I had the very similar position earlier emerging from Sicilian Wing gambit where I had blundered early and like allowed some tactic on d4 but ok in this game I'll be a bit more careful my bishop will find a happy square on e3 Wow each six let's play because each six kind of prevents stuff from coming to g5 you're playing that h4 maybe what's idea than I teach fourth probably just to restrict this night I'm being hyper aware of this tactic happened in the previous scheme like night each fortnight takes d4 should be okay because I have 92 I apply each five to each five or h4 h5 well it's by h4 I like this just got a pawn to h5 fix black if Knight a5 I have g4 if Queen c7 maybe just Bishop d6 make the Queen you're back this looks very pleasant hmm I guess h5 no rush my black is is very much I've short on space kind of suffocating not a great position for someone who's claustrophobic a six maybe a six idea to eventually play b5 I could play a four just to show my dominance I could lift my rook to perhaps I just put the rook here how does Bach defend g7 there's not a five [Music] let's play Brooke h3 so I want to play this if I get into Rho G 3 Rho G a there's a bishop h7 red shade I take and defend the bishop if not fires I can consider taking I probably move back to a three not really not sure with lactose a very difficult position to be black visioning somehow getting a Knight to d6 I would be happy but difficult to accomplish okay I'll play Bishop III no need to actually Sh I should probably at least consider this like takes takes rook g3 then black can play rotates hmm yeah let's just play Bishop III visioning some line where the Queen's on d2 and then I take take here Rupp she ate and then take on each six lift takes them there's meat valuable Bishop Knight a5 okay buck has some some potential foreplay I mean Knight c4 is coming I could play g4 let's just play g4 kind of give up on the roof g3 ideas but I kick the night back just trying to still dominate the position I still have to deal with night-night c4 I mean I want to play 92 but Queen takes c3 is actually kind of annoying does it before here ninety-two I mean I'm imagining lines where I Isacc the c-pawn and have some tactics but I don't see anything that works so bishop before calculating bishop before and I see 492 a five my bishop is very short on squares I could take King takes ooh maybe I can take with Bishop play 94 it opens up blacks bishop but I get 96 I'm not sure if I want that another option is just Queen c2 and I see for Bishop c1 which is kind of sad but also solid let's do it gonna be solid I'm gonna try and just keep control just build a little bit of tea okay Bishop c1 yeah preserving the digit 9 c4 is a good piece because it it controls d6 so I couldn't plant the bishop on d6 I don't want to take and make this bishop happy let's play for a4 is useful to control the be 5 square and soon I want to play Knight 92 I didn't like 16 night ft2 Oh a night off tteyuu I didn't even consider 9 ft too if I saw this move I probably wanna play that because I keep c3 control I should have played that f2 you two good points but ok I'm still happy complain 92 here Knight bTW 2 [Music] IPD two takes takes rook c8 it's also 93 I have a weird idea that to play like this night is not great on f3 I think the night belongs on e - I think I might just play Knight and g1 on developing to get in 92 wow castling queenside I was slightly unexpected okay I should start with 92 and then decide where I'm putting my Knights okay that makes me happy I think I can play 93 here a4 should not fall if takes a four I mean at the very least I just take here win the bishop and then and if takes I just want to get the bishop back to d6 hmmm interesting so I could I could take on c4 but the bishop on e4 but then there's a 95 not afore I could keep tension to play rook b1 hmm to play g5 here okay I'll give black the d5 square a bishop on e4 just looks so nice and there's no pressure on c3 anymore this is this is gonna be a fight maybe Bishop d2 or Bishop a3 let's play Bishop a3 okay if takes I just win immediately Bishop d6 coming time is low but position is still nice maybe some eyes you to play rook f3 because there's no rug off a rook eye fades I should've controls that fades if f6 I just take twice even trying to calculate like f6 takes take sticks then there's attempt to take here but doesn't work as the Knights pinned you know so Bishop Yates may be the only way to defend 9f for as possible work be one also possible 56 let's play Bishop d6 oh no I don't want to a lot off six or f5 for maybe just King up on just being safe see what black is up to I think the king is best on g1 just so there's no potential night tactics it's a position where I have everything controlled I think things are defended it's not clear what Locke is doing so I think I'm betting like best off just making slow improving moves it's also easier for the time situation to play just simple improving moves rather than to force matters yeah I really don't know what blacks doing here g6 there we go okay I could take but then the rook is a bit targeted Knight g3 just supporting stuff another sub chanchad thanks for subbing f5 what does that fact you forget about mom to son maybe he might opponent just forgot those f7 is coming this camping your Trebek slightly surprising I was expecting like takes four g8 I could play off seven immediately I mean let's just take yeah this looks very nice plenty of time he didn't forget he's just getting desperate and that's possible but I don't think there is like any immediate threat for me maybe just trying to confuse or complicate things with the time situation okay the rook is happy here I want to play Bishop g6 but then it leaves my rook undefended there might be tactics the bishops best here anyway what should you you know what do I do here between c1 or Queen d2 the Queen d2 target h6 another sub fact for us thanks for something okay I have to say focus it's the final game I want to keep keep my result clean this tournament even though this game won't count for the tournament g5 that's a good move do I do here I just don't see what to do your rook let's defend a place safe might even like bring the bishop back to see one play Queen c2 we see two first okay at least I have an idea and pretty much everything's defended might still pinned h6 will be the maybe in the next victim now the Knights unpinned but the Queen is less scary in Bishop g6 could be possible at some point but I might just want to take for the bishop here push the pawn if I get the Bishop to g7 that I control h6h 7nh aids with my bishops the final arrow time situation is becoming better Queen d6 yeah and Bishop g7 cuts off the rook so there's no more no more battery hmm I think this is desperation I still have to be careful oh this should be completely fine I have Bishop e5 I can just take a few times up a full rook Queen g2 oh no I got needed no I got made it what a sad finish I didn't see the battery with the bishop Oh such a nice game - I gotta meet her like that I just got careless I didn't see box threats should have been such a nice game - was up before rugby until I got needed I was just like I was getting too comfortable I was expecting this and this resigns that's funny here like I was deciding between this and this d5 loses a bishop but also still gets me that and this Bishop was just irrelevant to me so say well I'm probably gonna put this whole stream on YouTube apologies for the sad finish don't leave too many mean comments and I hope you guys enjoy that it was different sort of stream had a nice list of gamuts I played I played wing Gavin against French against Sicilian I played Budapest Faulkner counter again to Colorado game at Halloween gamuts and I was 5 out of was my score though that game doesn't count for the tournament slice undefeated in the tournament I'll leave it at that the England gambits I didn't get a chance to play the England gambits congratulations Andre bori for winning the tournament actually there is um there's a game today if you guys have heard of the chess player I'm on Hamilton he's playing I think he's still playing unless he just lost you checked the game it's the st. Louis fall chest classic oh he's still playing okay I just want to show everyone this game does Lee chess have it in there broadcast thanks for subbing grooving Reuven with twitch crime appreciate that okay me chest does not have the broadcast so I'm gonna pull up I'm gonna pull up chest bomb but I'll just copy the the thing to analysis board so this is a game which is currently live it's between Stevens urk and Amon Hamilton and I'm just gonna copy this go back to me chess I'll make a new study and we'll call this let's make it a click baby name I'm on phase the England gambit okay against GM Stevens loser Hamilton because this game might be the first time in history that's like an over the board game between two grandmasters in a feed array the tournament feature is not only in England gambit but the Queen sacrifice variation which is just a bit questionable but Aman is famous for this rickety one dish it our queen takes and three just giving away a queen I guess this is still along the theme of this stream of cabin openings yeah he played this in a rating game he played this in Iceland though I think you played this in Iceland Hamilton I swings England [Music] try this reeked of it hmmm searching for the game I'm not finding it I'm pretty sure I'm on played this in the Reykjavik Open against like a 2100 rated player and one rock fish doesn't like this for black it's like plus three plus three for white but he's still alive like the games started about four hours ago he's just down a queen for a couple minors it has Queen side pawns not easy for a white to win really not easy huh not sure how to evaluate this and to be honest this gambit looks stupid to me you're not alone you're not alone so this is a current position any more moves updated well I played a black played King f7 and then Queen c1 aiming to do this not sure what's gonna happen I'll leave the link in the chat people want to watch the game live anyway I'm taking off I need to get going thanks guys for watching I'll put this on YouTube YouTube people hope you guys enjoyed that I hope you're inspired I'll probably call the video beating people with aggressive gambits until the last game sadly
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 902,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Chess 2019, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Wing Gambit, Colorado Gambit, Smith Morra Gambit, Daily Rapid Arena, Sicilian, Chess Gambit, sacfrice, initiative, King's Gambit, Faulkbeer Counter Gambit, Halloween Gambit, e4
Id: _CGbXeCzeoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 34sec (7954 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 19 2019
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