This doesn't happen in real life only in movies!!

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what things are misrepresented or overemphasized in movies because if they were depicted realistically they just wouldn't work on film there are a ton of ugly regular people in british television made me realize that american movies and tv only show the top five percent of attractive people high school students who look like freaking supermodels in their mid-twenties landmines they don't click and then only explode after taking the pressure off the plate they just explode no warning at all salaries are always way higher than reality carrie bradshaw is the best example she writes a tiny column once a week and can afford 1500 shoes and a decent apartment in new york city in reality she would be living with her parents in new jersey lawyers most of the job is research and they are not always in court doing cross-examination with controversial questions and soapbox closing arguments same with tv lawyer shows no lawyer can actually be like alan shaw the effectiveness of a silencer on a gun actors always brush their teeth by jamming a dry toothbrush into their mouths because toothpaste foam looks stupid on film i guess dialogue there are so many um what was i saying movies would be so boring with realistic conversations how amnesia works it's not like you always get bunked on the head and forget everything about your life up until that moment wanna go for a bite to eat yeah cool i'll pick you up later but when where you need more details when are you eating computer hacking it's actually a rather boring convoluted process and not just a five seconds and in kind of thing video games also make hacking out to be way cooler than it is shoot a car with a pistol and it freaking explodes man a sexual encounter always happens on the kitchen counter and lasts 11 seconds the amount of paperwork and investigations after a car chase or police shooting bad boys lethal weapon would have been the first scene and then months of admin work slash investigations you don't kill seven people in a gunfight and go back to work as normal as a next hour common freaking sense it's so absolutely frustrating when fake drama happens because two protagonists failed to do something like text each other or just brain vomit out a sentence to be misconstrued i slept with your sister last night slap how could you i mean she let me sleep on the couch because i got locked out of my apartment people with autism there are way fewer savants than you would think based on media representation because nobody wants to watch a movie about a screaming kid when somebody is watching video footage and they're at the wrong part they press fast forward for three seconds wearer and press play at exactly the right part protagonist how long will it take to get this slab result technician 10 hours protagonist you have 5 minutes technician fine with me in the movies when the hero is outnumbered 50 to 1 the bad guys attack one at a time giving the hero a chance to fight their way out of a terribly mismatched situation unscathed in real life while the hero is engaged with one or two attackers he is killed by one of the remaining 48 or 49 others events that always lead the main character to the point of interest not to mention they will not hold up a full grown adult much less fit one unless it was a beefy industrial system how quickly people get knocked out or how long they stay knocked out for some people are more prone to getting knocked out in less hits but watch boxing or ufc they take hits all day long and in some fights nobody gets knocked out just beaten up our hero vs a huge thug huge thug gets knocked the frick out every time a server instantly shows up when the main character takes a seat in a restaurant helicopter crashes in movie slash video games you spin out of control ira if the tail rotor stops working or the engine fails or something then you can use auto rotation to land safely this is something that pilots are required to learn and demonstrate comas source when i was a teenager i was in a coma for several days one the way the tubes ventilator feeding tube etc a tape to your face slash body is not the same way hollywood does it two a patient in a coma is not necessarily totally motionless just because they are moving doesn't mean they are awake three waking up i did not yawn stretch and remark on how well rested i felt from what i've been told the first sign of me being awake had something to do with the heart monitor four it took months of rehab for me to resume anything resembling a normal life and i was only out for roughly 11 days there's a loose correlation between the length of coma and length of rahab more time in a coma equals mori time and rehab and by normal life i mean able to leave the house without a walker or cane not able to out think and out muscle a bunch of bad guys sword fights going into labor slash giving birth rarely as dramatic as the movies injuries and deaths in movies are constantly changed into something that works for the story terrible terrible injuries are shown to be no big deal and hassles and light wounds are shown to be fatal for example one getting knocked out and waking up hours later in real life this is a one-way ticket to brain damage town even being knocked out for a few seconds it's a big freaking deal two neck breaking equals instant death this only happens sometimes most of the time breaking your neck just gives you quad replica so most of the goons that an old disposes of wouldn't be dead they'd just be lying on the ground alive in agony but paralyzed three dying instantly when shot by an arrow the only way an arrow could kill you instantly is if it hit you in very specific parts of your body like your brain stem your carotid artery or maybe your big veins in the neck and upper thigh arrows to the chest would just incapacitate you and maybe kill you two weeks later when the wounds get infected four explosions movers show people surviving explosions a few feet from them all the time in reality explosions kill people all the time who look completely unburnt and intact the shockwaves disrupt their organs fatally 5. punching the face faces off in muscle stretched over rock hard bone punching the face is like punching a wall when i did air rotations i would treat broken knuckles and fingers from fights as often as broken noses and jaws a balls out no limits punching fight would last about four minutes before both people had to stop in agony because their hands are broken pretty much anything gun related some people have mentioned the blowback from getting hit with a shotgun or the effectiveness of suppressors but really it's the loudness for me when the bad guys and good guys are firing fully automatic rifles in a parking garage and their ears aren't bleeding no man guns are freaking loud it's almost shocking how loud they are the first time you are around them even using a suppressor on a small caliber gun like a 10 over 22.2 to calibre it is still recommended you wear hearing protection law firms are boring places to work lawyers are not slick actors like they are on suits or other tv shows movies pretty much everything to do with firearms and explosions my least favorite is how newton's laws of motion go right out the window when someone fires a shotgun why did the guy who got shot go flying across the room but the guy who fired it stood still mornings now i don't wake up to a fully home-cooked breakfast of eggs and pancakes every day all my shirts aren't ironed to a pristine level and ready to go my beautiful wife isn't wearing one of my shirts and just underwear squeezing orange juice every day i guess waking up hitting snooze 14 times and ironing your shirt just enough to not get fired and struggling out of the door don't make glamorous cinema actually i guess you do see this when the protagonist has the down and depressed period of his life and the filter goes gray except in reality that's most people's mornings when someone speaks into a microphone the first word is always followed by feedback they then step away and everything is fine without anyone doing anything feedback in those situations is very unlikely to happen unless the mic is being pointed directly into the loudspeaker feedback also goes on forever unless someone cuts it out electronically so many movies and shows have the trope of cutting the palm of your hand when blood is needed for some more of ritual it originated because it was an easy place for them to hide a blood packet back when special effects weren't what they are today however if you've ever had a cut on the palm of your hand you would know that's a terrible place to make a wound because you pretty much lose the use of that hand and it can take a while to heal there are much better places to draw blood from yet we still see it all the time and the characters are fine in the scenes after or in the case of shows like supernatural they are making fists and fighting with no problem cpr defer relatives will bring a person back to life and then they are able to get up like nothing ever happened in reality they are just used to keep the person alive until they get to the hospital lines of ancient warriors smashing into one another people are reluctant to charge into a mass of spears showing up at your crush's house unannounced to express your love that's a good way to get a restraining order the effort guys put into being romantic ffs most of the things people routinely complain about in movies would make them much worse if done realistically parking in for instance new york city yeah it's absurd to always have a spot right where the character needs it but who wants to watch 15 minutes of hunting for a parking space sex realistic sex is only sexy if you're the one having it it is awkward and silly looking followed by messy and off-putting if you're just watching sword fights or at least so i assume from trying to watch olympic fencing i never have any idea what's going on and leaving the viewer confused about what just happened is rarely a recipe for a quality action sequence yeah i'm looking at you super shaky cam and burn two not finishing meals a meal establishes a lot of relatable context for a conversation and a canvas on which to have it but once that atmosphere and background are established actually eating the meal screen time you can better spend showing something else not setting up a specific time or plan for a date scheduling details do not make for a bitting film so once the important plot slash character point has been established he slash she said yes it's time to move on checking respective calendars calling for babysitters etc are just not entertaining to watch firearms always making sounds nothing to do with reality but it's a well-understood signaling mechanism to the view to very quickly establish what's happening the toe bullets sparking off everything seeing sparks fly from trees is always a favorite of mine you can't see near misses in real life but showing near misses on screen helps reinforce the sense of danger and both of these are facets of the same basic idea sure the viewer will understand if they just see a gun that there's a gun here and the viewer will understand that there was an ear miss if they hear the bullet whine but it's always more powerful to engage two senses than one so we add sound to guns and visuals to ricochets all of this is why movies don't shouldn't emo generally strive for realism they should strive for verisimilitude breaking glass bottles is a lot harder than it looks also passing out is overly dramatic it doesn't usually last long enough for you to wake up in the hospital hours later usually if it's from something health related it might only be less than a minute the move is where boy meets girl gets rejected by girl repeatedly then spends the rest of the movie still pursuing her until she gives in and they are in love eternally maybe it happens in real life to me it seems like stalking source a guy who knows no means no mental illness they have to portray all mentally ill people as intelligent killing machines if not that then people who creep out other people basically all sound effects in any movie ever if we were to actually use accurate representations of sound basically every movie would be terrible and just people jumping around in costumes instead of actually yeah no acting can we have the room please or excuse us for a minute and a large group of people clears the room so too can talk privately i have never seen that happen in real life lgbtq plus people we are everywhere and most of us don't put it on full blast everywhere we go we are just as boring as everyone else computers don't beat during every function but in movies they do intelligence in both ways horror won't work without stupidity see for your future scenarios won't work without highly pretended intelligence you can't keep walking after taking twenty bullets to the chest low children often very young who are extremely observant and eloquent tasers and stun guns they don't just knock people unconscious but that's how they always work in movies car crashes usually the car does not blow up usually they don't roll multiple times what they don't often show which does happen is people without seat belts being ejected from the vehicle and flying through the air it's kind of absurd looking some might laugh at first but then mostly the people die much better to show the dead person arranged dramatically but in place inside the car with tasteful blood and no body parts shattered or torn off every misunderstanding ever a simple five minutes conversation between two main characters would solve whatever conflict exists in ninety percent of all movies rom-coms especially reversing out of a parking space in the movies it's always a fast and decisive move one sweeping arc with no mid course corrections or pausing to glance at the front bumper's clearance wheel life reversing is pretty uncinematic sprinkler systems they always show every head in the building going off at once doesn't happen that way people smoking weed they always go way over the top and anyone who actually smokes weed cringes sex scenes in any sort of water like a bath shower pools the ocean etc water is not lubricant no breaks no food no bathroom just boundless energy from the characters i guess losing energy is boring to watch i think it can be done right after sex opiate addiction the vast majority of addicts appear to be normal people who get the flu a lot and spend a lot of time in the bathroom x match in a moments where people just show up at the perfect pinpoint moment for something taxes it's more exciting than movies make it out to be pretty much everything in westerns gunfights were rare and most gunfights were wasted shooting at and missing each other with incredibly crappy revolvers that wheat just as likely to explode in their hand most towns and certainly cities had local laws regarding guns not that much different than now being in a burning building space is very quickly filled with impossible to see through and very toxic smoke but crawling with your face on the ground in total darkness doesn't make for good film people playing video games you don't squirm and wriggle half as much as films make out but i guess it would be pretty boring scene if it was a person sitting there only moving their thumbs being gay a friend and i were just talking about how you couldn't have a gay james bond because there isn't a way to have him be gay and not make it his only tray either he's super obviously gay and that's his whole character or it's so subtle there isn't even a point in having him be gay in the first place i'm sure it could be done and there have for sure been good gay characters but it's not easy to write like if a character is a woman you can discern that the second they're on screen you can't tell at a glance if somebody is gay they have to show it somehow and doing that makes it feel like the film is saying you need to know this character is gay instead of just letting them be gay most sports competitions are translated to film horribly especially when it is a physically imposing sport like mma football or rugby it is either incredibly poorly simulated or a jump cut fest so we can't really see how it unfolds rain they mix the water with milk so you can see it falling in those shots of heavy rainfall edit a word economics in general a lot of numbers competing theories and you pretty much have to write out the entire field of microeconomics to make it work in a movie i'm thinking of the worst example ever battlefield earth in the beginning of that movie a space alien crashes the u.s stock market by making every stock go down this somehow leads to the complete breakdown of society that is bad enough already but it gets worse aliens did this so they could steal earth's gold it probably have been much easier to cause a gold investment bubble pop the bubble and then bought the gold in bulk from people who invested in it and now just want the best option they can get for it that is just my half-assed idea as an officer best on in the field of economics any way better than trying to crash the entire global economy explosions anyone flying a helicopter with dramatic and aggressive yanks and pulls on the cyclic rotor pitch slash left and right movement and the collective these controls take subtle and small movements to enable the helicopter to respond not what you see in movies internal thoughts and feelings being depicted poorly by over exaggerated facial expressions so many books are translated to film poorly because you can't convey how a character is thinking or reflecting on the action and how that in turn shapes their response anything medical my wife and i both work in the medical field and are always rolling our eyes at doctors defibrillating a flatline and such how incredibly spotless clutterless clean people's homes are no average person's home is that clean and organized especially with kids [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Reddify2
Views: 134,836
Rating: 4.9533563 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddify, toadfilms
Id: IuvFUuhhAL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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