New House scifi themed basement construction.

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hi YouTube it's me sorry I've been incognito for a while I bought a new house and been kind of busy anyway everybody keeps asking me if I'm dead so on and so forth which one person just did so this is why I'm making the video I want to show you what I'm doing to my basement which is pretty cool anyway here we go [Music] there's 40 basement doors hmm why is this a restricted access watch this [Music] yep that's the Star Trek transporter pad I'm building this is a transporter room and so here's the console [Music] wait this controls the the the pads so a one through six so let's turn on one three and five okay and then we hit this button right here so let's turn one and three and five officer on four I'll show you why later the other thing I want to show you is if you hit this button you put your finger on this right here so there's that so this is basically the main lobby because Star Trek doors they're ignore the mess I'm trying to find stuff because I moved the blue tape that's gonna be a Star Trek hallway that's gonna go all the way down to a Star Trek themed bridge which is later on my list but anyway and right now I'm currently working on this which is the doorway to the computer room pretty cool huh yeah anyway so you walk through this into the computer room which my plans are awesome you guys will like it and I'm sure you know what this is and it's currently being worked on as you can tell but I can show you this much of it at least [Music] [Music] okay so there's that this is a floor layout idea I have cross your fingers that's hope it works there's Cordy again back in here and we'll play for a second cuz I'll show you everything that the transporter does okay let me pause it for a second okay we're back hang on setting it up okay here we go now look really cool if I spice video together but you know how that goes okay and that's about it one more look and there there there's my drop ceiling there's my lights whoo okay well that's it for today talk to you guys later just I'll give you heads up on what's going on hang in there I'll have some really cool videos pretty soon I'm sure
Channel: The Todd
Views: 5,361
Rating: 4.9120879 out of 5
Keywords: Doctor who, star trek, transporter, police box, console, scifi
Id: sJj08hmdYas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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