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just a little bit upset I had to turn the camera off for just a second because a little bit you know well what's up guys this is Daniel from arms family homestead and have a coat on spring sprung and then got scared and went back to wherever it's spring away from because today it's 37 degrees it never got above 40 degrees at all today but we're gonna make the best of it it's not raining oh I took rain most of the day yesterday today was my Friday I am off work now for the next three days and it's going to be awesome because tomorrow is the first day of youth turkey season here in Oklahoma and emily has yet to harvest a turkey we've tried the youth season the last two years just not been able to connect it's just slightly warmer in here than it is outside not much because the sun's not out but I come down to the greenhouse I got a few things I need to do in here and I need to talk to you guys about a few things got some exciting news at least I think it's exciting and yeah and there has definitely been a problem in here just a little bit upset I had to turn the camera off for just a second because a little bit yeah you know you know when you work at something for a long time and then after a while it starts to start to see progress and things are happening things are looking good look at this so I don't have my premiere one fence up around the garden and the greenhouse area right now I take it down and store it away for the wintertime well so as it starts to warm up I have to open the vents and open the doors I usually keep those doors shut but I open the center ridge vent and I'll raise the back wall just a little bit to get a little airflow because it will get hot well yesterday after I got home I turned out the goats let them go off and graze well the problem is is I've noticed once or twice one or two little baby goats likes to sneak in here and I run them out well I'll let them out yesterday the big goats did not come in here but apparently either yesterday or sometimes today because the the baby goats can get under the gate out there in the goat pen and they get out and graze in the yard which is fine they're not going anywhere the Mamas can't get out well apparently today or yesterday evening they spent a lots of time in my greenhouse and destroyed I mean destroyed several tubs worth of greens pulled complete cabbage plants out of the ground some of those are still there but some of these cabbage were completely out of the ground they've just literally destroyed like there was cabbage like there's some big heads of cabbage that I showed you guys the other day they're just baby goats are definitely not welcome in the greenhouse I guess we're gonna have to go ahead and get the premier one permanent fence and put up electrified around the high tunnel trying to hold off until I got all the garden tilled up and ready but this is frustrating I mean this is our food we can't let the goats get in here and just destroy stuff that we've been spending months weeks and months working on so obviously talking about the baby goats getting in here in destroying a lot of our cool season greens was not the exciting news that I was hoping to tell you guys about or wanting to tell you guys about so the other day I got a phone call from my friend Leon from gardening with Leon Leon's the guy that built my greenhouse we talked him into starting a YouTube channel to spread his knowledge because he's been in the gardening business for over 50 years and his channels growing great you should go check it out if you haven't it's gardening with Leon on YouTube but Leon called and so last year Leon and I or well it really wasn't me Leon challenged Houston to a watermelon growing contest and he I'm not gonna say he let Houston win but he might have let Houston win anyways a lot of people were asking about getting in on you know a watermelon growing contest or something of that nature and Leon called me the other day and is kind of orchestrating putting together a kid's gardening contest for the 2020 garden season now I'm not gonna have all the details on this video I will leave a link to Leon's video guys go check that out watch it for all of the full details but I think he's having the contest for kids ages 5 to 15 or 16 he's basically just trying to get kids into gardening learning how to grow their own food because you and I both know with with everything that's going on in the world right now this right here is one of those skills that we need to be teaching our kids we need to teach our kids how to grow their own food just because what we're going through right now is is a major deal and we just need to know how to grow our own food whether it's you know this amount or a couple pots on your patio or you do like I did last year and we'll probably be doing soon this year and growing cucumbers and things in a hydroponic five-gallon bucket or a barrel but anyways Leon decided to come up with this gardening contest for kids and he's gonna have several different categories I'll let him explain all that but he's going to be growing or we're gonna have a contest on growing the biggest tomato the most cherry tomatoes on a plant the biggest bell pepper the biggest jalapeno pepper the biggest watermelon for all of you that have been wanting to get in on a watermelon growing contest kids and one that that I was King I'm a little apprehensive about and that is the biggest pumpkin growing contest now the reason I'm a little bit apprehensive is because Leon has been challenged by and I'm just saying been challenged by he's got a good friend that we've told you about on our channel once before and this kid his kids amazing the kid last year grew a 500 pound pumpkin 500 pounds and he sold it to the Oklahoma City Zoo for like $2 a pound and that's Jack from grow Jack outdoors we've talked to you guys about him before he did a lot of trapping videos during the winter but Jack's also a big gardener and grows got enormous pumpkins I don't know that Houston and I can grow a 500 pound pumpkin but anyways so we're opening this up to all kids there you can do it in five gallon buckets you can do it in the big self wicking tubs like we have here in your garden in the ground and your mom's flower bed whatever you want to do pick a couple of those categories go you don't have to grow them from seed you can go the garden centers and buy pepper plants or tomato plants whatever you want to do but go check out Leon's video to get all the details because you have to enter into the contest you have to contact Leon to enter now I am setting up a Facebook page I'll get that set up in the description box of this video go check that out probably not going to do a lot of like judging on that that's just going to be for all of us to connect and everybody to share their pictures there's not going to be like a set beginning date and a set ending date this is just for the 2020 gardening season because everybody grows at different times from south moving the way up to the northern states so we're going to be I have a lot of fun with this I have no idea how many cherry tomatoes grow on one plant I've never kept track but they grow a ton so we're gonna have to get out here and and write down each you know how many tomatoes we pick off of each cherry tomato plant or something I guess if if we want to compete in that category but Houston's not out here I tried to get him come outside and talk to you about this but he said dad is cold I think I'm gonna I'm gonna stay in here and play Minecraft for a little while and he's right it's 37 degrees outside and he would have been a lot more upset about this than me he would not be happy with those goats but anyway so gardening contest for 2020 peppers we're gonna do a couple different kinds of peppers water melons pumpkins tomatoes cherry tomatoes lots of stuff like I said be sure to go watch Leon's video he's got all the details and how to enter and all that stuff and then look up the gardening contest on Facebook we're gonna start a page so everybody can kind of follow along and see what everyone's doing so let's go feed those pesky goats cuz uh they're still hungry even though I'm not happy with them so here's what I'm talking about none of the big notes can get out but mayor likes to dig out and come under gate so he kind of the house sometimes that little bitty gap right there doesn't look like much but those little goats can sneak out under there so I think instead of feed them right now just if they want to get out and grace now all the doors and vents are closed we're good come on go she'll want a great one bear wants out bear wants out don't you buddy here I guess I'll open this gate to guys until they're too lazy to go around you got to come out here that baby I got to shut the gate so the Packers don't get out [Music] [Applause] you can tell they're not all highly intelligent animals some just aren't smart enough to follow the leader come on your little crybaby I can't let the alpacas out right now you get back dolly come on come on you little critter get out here hey not you you're not going out I'm gonna feed you in there away from the goats so you go that way go on oh what a debacle listen to me [Applause] someone's feeling sympathy for you come back to check on you all right success [Music] now y'all go farm Oh No [Music] [Music] [Applause] Dona I enjoy having goats around that I do I go through spurts where I hate them sometimes like today but I mean yeah you can see that high level of intelligence at work right there I mean those two babies can literally see the goat herd but they're screaming bloody murder because they're by their self oh you can't see it because the windows too dirty yeah Tina was out there bucking bucking and jumping and ripping roaring and snortin and so when I let the goats out like that it's a good opportunity to be able to feed the ACA's by their self and not have to lock them up and separate them and here's somebody yelling at me scared me pre-ban you're all bundled up like it's wintertime out here get on toboggan gloves [Applause] open that gate this way what open the gate this way so a lot of people have been asking for an update on how the the mud hole fix went when we put the big gravel the big rock in here as you can see it's held up very well we're starting to get some mud filling in the gaps it's not rough on their feet at all but it's still still a little soft over here next to the barn need to fix that and then right in front of Houston it's getting a little bit soft right there which is back under the barn here I got shut the gate bail move but as I'm saying where we put the rock has worked out really really well it's not too rough on their feet or anything he'll just need to come in and add some more right there and off to that side which is no big deal because we still have quite a bit on the pile back there what are you laughing about bro don't spill my bucket Big Mac your back dude hey whoa you're gonna spill my bucket man you're gonna spill my bucket spread these out it's like to spit it to other fellas if they're all too close told you Big Mac dude hey see that's the problem I have with you these troughs don't spill very easy but Big Mac likes to make a mess yeah see they're trying to fight cuz he missed his up here's some huh my hands are cold I'm not used to the cold now I'm used to the warm weather huh well actually I am gloves because I can be smart sometimes you did me a favor no please feed the scraps to the chicken's I brought the bucket out here and then you can gather the eggs see how many eggs we have today Oh heavy what all you got in that bucket bunch of stuff Oh lots of good food for the chickens huh that means you get seven let me see I don't believe you look at those pretty eggs hey do you think any specific color tastes better than the others honestly not really not really do you have a favorite egg color probably like a green no green in here I don't see any green eggs you eat green eggs and ham yeah I've seen a real green egg you know some of the baby chicks that we have in the barn will a green eggs yeah so I guess since Houston had to use my hat for the eggs we'll finish this video without a hat on you guys never never see this so Houston you didn't come to the garden with me so you didn't hear the big announcement down there so Leon's having a gardening contest and Bella wants to lick the back of my head but Leon's having a gardening contest with all the kids that watch his channel and our Channel and Dutchess Channel and they're having a contest for the biggest watermelon the biggest pumpkin the biggest tomato I'm probably gonna win the watermelon do you think so y'all all know that I grow a big watermelons so Houston's Houston's calling it he says he's gonna win the watermelon contest Bella really babe for a minute I honestly don't know about the pumpkin because we we we have grown pumpkins but they didn't go well we're not real good at growing pumpkins are we no never done that before really so aside from that what is your take because I don't know that we've really ever asked you and I'm just curious to see but what's your thoughts what's your take on this virus thing that's going on right now with kovat 19 what do you mean well what do you think about it how does it affecting you or how is it affecting other people what do you think about this virus problem it's going around and it is not going well there's been to death and four kids have had it but they didn't die so I just hope nobody will die from the screw no virus what do you think about it canceling all of your school canceling everything we get to do having to stay home all the time and kind of glad that they canceled school what about the whole social isolation social isolation social isolation and you can't go out in public and you've just been having to stay home and you know Jacobi hasn't got to come over in a while and I want him to come over it's been kinda just stuck at home lately huh yeah how long do you think all this will last probably about three more months three more months oh yeah all right then so I've been sitting in the evenings watching president Trump's speeches and talks so with the whole kovat committee and all the stuff that's going on and our hearts really go out to the people in the bigger cities in in New York and in places like Florida and even New Orleans and now they're saying it's getting closer like Dallas is probably going to be a hot zone soon this thing is really spreading across our country and it's taken a lot of people by storm you know for a long time a lot of people just were not taking this thing very serious and didn't think it was that big a deal there were so many social media posts and friends saying things like you know the flu kills twenty thousand people a year and this thing hasn't killed near that many people but I think we're coming together as a country and I think most everybody is on board and knows this is a very serious situation and I think it's important that we we understand what's going on that we teach our kids about what's going on that they understand what's going on that Bella gets plenty of attention that's always important to Bella but anyways so our hearts go out to anyone that's been then it's been sick with this stuff and everyone in our country has been impacted by it but we know there are a lot of people that are I've been had a lot more serious impact than we have so far we've been pretty fortunate here in our area there's no confirmed cases yet that doesn't mean it's it's not going to happen it's going to hit all of us at some point in time but it's a very serious deal and that's kind of why I think Leon thinks it's so important to teach this next generation how to grow their own food and getting them involved in a contest like he's doing I think is a great way to get kids excited about growing their own food excited about planting vegetables and we know from experience here if our kids get out there and they plant the seed and they watch the crop grow they're way more apt to eat some of those vegetables than if it's just something that you buy at the grocery store did you want to say something the virus started in China and then goes on closer to us closer closer closer but I was gonna see if you all want to see a flip a flip yeah you want to end this video on the trampoline yeah okay why don't you wrap up the video here and then I'll go shoot you doing a flip so if you haven't already go down there subscribe ring the notification bell and like this video hey man you forgot to take your boots off well I think the boots threw you off balance a little bit so close it's a good thing we got a net around this thing all right one more time so guys thanks for watching hope you enjoyed and we'll see you next video peace [Music]
Channel: Arms Family Homestead
Views: 104,814
Rating: 4.9547591 out of 5
Keywords: Arms family homestead, farm, farming, homesteading, gardening with leon, leon sloan, gardening, garden, garden contest, watermelon contest, biggest vegetables, leon sloan kingston ok, gardening with leon wicking tub
Id: aLs7gLoHmlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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