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I designed and built a miniature guillotine out of 3d printed parts and a box cutter blade and used it to cut my tongue off what is the scariest thing you have ever experienced got caught in a Riptide 200 yards of shore with all of my family including my at the time six-year-old little sister we all made it out fine except my dad he was so exhausted from carrying my sister that he was barely able to stay afloat they had to send a rescue crew to get him we all made it out alive thank God probably the aftermath of a grand mal / tonic clonic seizure in which I fractured a vertebra I woke up on the ground with two strangers over me while I was in the worst pain I had ever experienced and I didn't know where I was or who these people were turned out to be mts where why I was in too much pain to move they kept asking really simple questions and I just didn't know the answers which freaked me out more it was May and they asked what month it was I thought really hard and didn't know and I looked outside and thought it looked like August and gave that as my guess they asked where I was I didn't know that either it turned out to be my living room my girlfriend was also right there having called the ambulance they asked me my girlfriend's name I said I didn't have a girlfriend this was a very different form of negative emotion I feel so guilty about that even though there was nothing I could have done about it I also feel guilty about having had a seizure in front of her because it scared the crap out of her amphetamine induced psychosis I spent a period of time addicted to crystal meth and the psychosis one goes through after having not slept for days at a time as scary you see shadow people you believe everyone is out to get you every conversation out of your ear shot is about you your delusions become very real at one point I though there were leprechauns that were out to kill me I saw the leprechauns I heard them whispering and plotting against me it's insane I'm so glad that's in the past in my old job I used to cycle home from work along the country backroads just before midnight there were no streetlights along those roads and I hated cycling on the main road because I was anxious about being in a way of traffic I had an LED light that was fixed to the front of my bike the anyway I was on my way back home from work one night and after turning a corner my light shone on someone who was sitting with their legs crossed in the middle of the road the guy was just sitting there in complete silence and darkness by himself I pulled on the brakes and stopped in front of him and asked if he was alright he just looked at me and said that he was trying to get to a location that was approximately 20 miles or so from where we currently were I told him that and he said that he knew and that he was waiting for someone else then he got up and walked off into one of the nearby fields without saying anything I had another encounter with this same person a week later in the exact same spot it honestly gave me the freaking creeps especially when he said that he'd found who he was looking for turns out the guy was waiting for a specific car to drive that way the owner of said car was someone he loved but was with someone else and he was planning to kidnap her I found this out when I saw his face in one of the local newspapers not long after this incident he had been arrested for sexual assault and attempted murder I once said my foot cut off in a car accident the doctor reattached it lots of nerve damage I fall down occasionally most of the time I don't I worried that at some point in my life it will be amputated I fear the concept of ruining my body my wife and I had already lost twins at eight weeks and a daughter at 20 weeks and suffered under years of infertility we had twins they came early neither one was breathing and my wife's peepee was critically dropping as a father in the ER I had three of the people I loved most in this world in severe medical distress and I had no idea what to do for any of the three I was useless in the way and paralyzed with fear about what was going to happen I have never felt so helpless in my entire life I've actually never told this story before but when I was about seven I was lured into a shed by a person who had in the past sexually assaulted me I guess they were afraid I was going to tell so they tied my long shirt sleeves behind my back and slowly covered my nose and mouth with duct tape and left me laying there it was like falling down a long tunnel I had left my mouth up and slightly so I started pushing with my tongue to break the seal around my mouth as I worked my hands-free I managed to get out and I was so scared I never told anyone it's honestly the only time I remember fearing for my life hearing a car crash right outside my apartment afterwards hearing blood-curdling screams of pain from the guy that was injured that crap was too real all the people gathering outside to watch and make sure someone called an ambulance when I was a kid I woke up in the middle of the morning hearing a loud argument between two guys in the street my windows were turned to where they were so I opened it just a little so I could watch what was happening after all kids are curious right after I open it I hear my mother coming to get me from behind saying stop watching it and then as soon as she grabbed me I heard a gunshot and a scream I'll probably never forget it was weird at the time I kinda didn't understand what had just happened but she was so afraid for me because the guys arguing were literally in front of my house and she said that in that moment all that she was doing was praying that he wouldn't enter our house after we became witnesses to the crime when I was in high school about 10 years ago I was home alone while my mom went to pick up my brother and before my mom left she told me to bring the dogs in now we had two beagles one that was friendly big bark loud and an older one that we had gotten from the shelter who was extremely protective and was not afraid to show his teeth I ignored her and left them outside for a bit I was in the back part of the house and was on the computer when I heard a noise I walked to her front room and saw a young guy near the front door who knocked I stood slightly out of sight and saw him walk near our window and then back to the door and knocked again but also tried the door immediately my blood went cold and I rushed to the back door and quietly yelled for the dogs to come in they ran in and I herded them to the front room and I heard the mailbox slot open right away my older beagle got on the defensive and growled uh I'm gonna F invite you growl a while the other one barked I got my phone and called my mom and begged her to come back home which she did with my brother they looked around and saw no other signs of entry I triple check every door now and even though those two dogs have passed away I keep her current dog near me went home alone one day me and a friend were playing in the woods we spent a good three to four hours there because it was sunny in a day before Christmas Eve I realized I forgot something there the next day it's now Christmas Eve and it snowed a whole inch overnight as I'm walking to the spot where we were I noticed that someone set up in a previously trashed area that someone probably camped in five expensive foldable chairs in a semi-circle with a ladder and a noose in the middle I built it out of there because if someone is crazy enough to set it up in the middle of the night when it's snowing on Christmas Eve then they might have still been there waiting for someone let me preface this story with I have a phobia of water I can't see the bottom of our slashed the lesser phobia for anyone wondering if they have the same thing when I was younger my brother was driving me home at night from a 4h model railroading meeting this was February in Indiana and we were driving on country roads to get home we came to a stop sign and when my brother touched the brakes to slow down the SUV we were in went sideways on black ice in an attempt to save it the overcorrected and we ended up in this slow angle decent into a drainage ditch when the driver's side tire went into the icy black water of the ditch the truck slowly lurched onto the driver's side and then upside down into the water black freezing deck began rushing into the truck and I nearly lost my mind my brother put his hand on the ceiling and released his belt and I tried to do the same but being five years younger and a near panic I couldn't get my buckle and done so I had to use both hands and fell into a clump on the floor we clambered to the back of the vehicle and my brother began kicking the side window to no avail at this point I had enough wherewithal to find a pair of my dad's needle nose pliers and shatter the rear windshield so we could climb out the water was only like two feet deep but I didn't know that while I was upside down and water began rushing in through the door seals I cut the crap out of my hands shattering the rear window the most important thing that happened that frigid night was a douchebag in a Camaro blew right past us while we were standing next to the road and then a couple in a minivan pulled up to the stop sign a minute later and drove us all the way home like 30 minutes out of their way I still stop anytime I see someone in need because of them growing up I had a bad relationship with my three older sisters but particularly the one closest in age to me there isn't one moment in particular but a series of them when my parents would go off on dates there were too many times where my sister ended up chasing me with a knife and she wasn't just playing around she meant real harm we would spend 15 minutes on opposite sides of the table running around it trying to prevent my sister getting close enough to stab me all the while trying to get to the phone so I could call my parents then try to get to the bathroom because it was the only room with a lock on the door she would then sometimes threaten to come into my room and kill me in my sleep I would pile a laundry baskets and dishes near my door when I went to bed at night so the noise would wake me if she tried to get in my sister would get in trouble sometimes but usually it was chalked up to normal sibling rivalry and I was gaslighted by my parents into thinking it was normal I was 21 working the overnight shift at a 24-hour pharmacy when a guy ran in with a ski mask and gun and robbed the store he made me get on the ground and took my coworker to all the registers and empty them into bag then ran out and jumped into a getaway car and drove off still had to finish my shift after that - he and his accomplices were arrested a couple weeks later and he did six years in prison for armed robbery I got a notification in the mail from the state when he was released since about a year and a half ago I've been treated for schizophrenia I don't have a lot of hallucinations besides some voices as I'm going to sleep and my delusions weren't paranoid delusions but more grandiose and religious anyway I was treated after I designed and built a miniature guillotine out of 3d printed parts and a box cutter blade and used it to cut my tongue off I actually only managed to cut it about half off so they reattached it and I can speak and eat fine now but it took me months to plan this and build the device and every morning as I woke up and I struggled to pull my dreams apart from reality I had to realize over and over again that the horror hidden in my desk a few feet away was not a dream but something very real that was going to hurt me very bad every morning that my mom came to wake me up I hope she would somehow see it and help me but I couldn't get my thoughts together until I was awake and when I was awake it wouldn't scare me any so I never cried for help thanks for 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Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 228,782
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, story, reddit stories, r/askreddit, askreddit stories, reddit top posts, best of reddit, r\, top posts of all time, best of askreddit, reddit best, Reddit scary, Reddit scariest. reddit scariest thing, reddit scariest moments, reddit scariest encounters, reddit scariest stories, scariest experience reddit, scariest reddit stories ever, reddit most scariest, scariest posts on reddit, scariest thing on reddit, reddit what's the scariest
Id: _07fpBcpAQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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