Thrifting For Profit | The Best Side Hustle Of 2021!

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vamos love you so much have a good day clean up a little bit [Music] so [Music] i was going to film today's intro while pumping gas but i'm at one of these pumps that has like the tv thing that plays while you pump gas so give me a minute [Music] so someone commented on my last video that i posted here on my youtube channel and said hey man what's up you haven't posted any thrift store content in a while it's been like 10 videos and i'm like surely it hasn't been 10 videos since my last thrift store vlog and sure enough it kinda has so today i'm gonna go thrifting [Music] the main reason i haven't made thrift store content for you guys in a while is because i haven't actually been thrifting i think in the last three weeks i've been to two thrift stores total and really i've just been focusing a lot of my time and attention on my youtube channel over the last few weeks really trying to hit a hundred thousand subscribers which we did last sunday so now i can kind of get back into more thrifting but it's no secret that i still have a lot of unlisted inventory sitting in my garage right now so i'm not looking for a ton of items today but if i can find five to ten really good items within you know three to four hours of sourcing go home get them listed today before i even put this video out i think that'll be a pretty successful day some brand new healies but they don't have the wheels not seeing much so far what is that oh it's a fishing rod yeah not much see some golf clubs down there they are definitely old ben hogan ones 294 each i don't know i don't think it's worth it bag it's just a wilson check out the pots and pans what is that there's like a ice chest or something maybe i haven't had luck with pots and pans lately okay so i did not find anything in the first goodwill of the day but lucky for me we have a goodwill outlet center right over here that should be open by now that whole row right there in the middle should be all new stuff and lucky for me there's not a lot of people here today usually when i come here when goodwill first opens there's i don't know 30 people waiting in line all right so apparently the vins doesn't open until 10 o'clock the sign on the door says 9 o'clock but some guy just came out and said we don't open till 10 so i'm not gonna wait here for another hour so we'll go to a different goodwill and then come back to the bins later now i'm at goodwill number two or three of the day however you want to look at it let's get in here and see if we can find some profitable items these look to be pretty good sold comps for these shoes are kind of all over the place i mean there's pre unsold for 66 dollars pre-owned sold for 110 plus 20 shipping but then there's some that sold for 29 some that sold for 22. so i don't really know what they're worth but for six dollars and fifty cents they're definitely worth picking up need a little bit of cleaning but i think it's a good find tiva boots these are in great condition grab those another pair of heelies look at this another pair with no wheels missing one of the stoppers crazy definitely two good shoe finds so far and i'm gonna head to the back of the store to see if we can find some other stuff back there look at this thing realistic chronoset 256 it's like a tape deck player an alarm clock really cool look to it four dollars and ninety four cents let's look it up so again this one's kind of weird i mean there's a sole count there 26 50 plus shipping 14.99 plus shipping but then we got a 49.95 plus shipping from canada so 54.99 free shipping i don't know let's plug it in and see if it even works iron man hits to the head like no one else maybe that's the formula it works you know instead of golf clubs back here these are pretty old i don't see anything worth any crazy amounts of money i don't normally look at clothing but i happen to find this nike dry fit shirt men's extra large new wood tags i don't know what the original retail was but it has this little logo on the side i don't know what that is but i mean it's literally brand new i mean nothing nothing wrong with it at all i might get this it's gonna be 4.75 and just because the monogram logo is so small i don't think it'll be an issue i still think this will be worth the pickup so i'm gonna grab it thank ma'am i spent 19 16.19 on the radio a pair of kobe's shoes and that nike drop in shirt i think we should be able to make most of our all of our money back just on the nike shirt after fees and shipping it'll probably sell for like 20 bucks plus shipping and then everything else be pure profit the radio and the shoes so not too bad for the first real stop of the day all right i'm back here at the goodwill bins it's like 9 50 or so so they should be open in about 10 minutes and i'm kind of excited i haven't been to the bins you know when you had kind of free reign to roam through the new bins in a while so let's see if we can find some good stuff the doors just opened of course when i said earlier that there was like not a line of course there's like 40 people just like crowding around the door like a bunch of wild animals so we'll get in here see if we can social distance and still make some money hmm let's see what's in this roller skates i just found this sodastream machine i need to look it up because i don't really know what it's supposed to look like but it looks like everything's there so i'll look at that in a minute oh my gosh look at this pikachu build-a-bear definitely gonna get that i've been looking around here for i don't know 15 or 20 minutes or so i haven't really done much i did find like a nice pack of champion socks personal use there um two stuffed animals and the sodastream machine i'm gonna look this up and make sure it's not missing any visible parts because these things are kind of expensive actually never mind i was looking at stuff on ebay there's one that they're right there listed with the bottles for 20 21 40 plus shipping so that's not going to be worth my time because i don't even have the bottles with it looks like it's a working unit but i'm not gonna mess with it see if there's anything down here really interesting yo what [Music] are you serious soul comps on ebay aren't quite as good as i was thinking but like 20 25 bucks or so on this i'm gonna look it up on amazon to see what it would sell for on there on amazon it would sell for 49.99 so after fees um shipping would probably be like a dollar and cost purchase be like 50 cents we're making about 40 bucks on this if we sell it on amazon so definitely crazy fun in the bottom of the bin digging down here again see if we can find anything else it's one of those survival tools that's it here's something pretty interesting miracle fall it's like one of those like cutting boards you put like frozen meat on to like make it thaw faster i figured it'd be worth looking up and 15 bucks plus 23 shipping 20 free shipping there's seven dollars plus shipping i don't know i mean it's not that heavy it'll probably only cost maybe a dollar fifty or so i'm gonna grab it on these two um kits i don't know if it's stitching or or what but these things can sometimes be worth a lot of money so i'm gonna look these up so i can't find the exact one with the doves but other ones from elsa williams creative are selling for you know 15 20 bucks 26 bucks 27 50 40. uh 80 that's crazy absolutely crazy so i'm definitely going to go ahead and grab this i mean it's super lightweight it's probably only cost about 50 cents or so if that from this little bible here it's pretty interesting it's leather-bound really old and kind of floppy i looked at the front to try to find a date it's got some writing in there couldn't find a date but it is on india paper which is pretty old uh and printed in great britain um because i don't see it any exact date but definitely old pretty cool i'm gonna go ahead and grab it this cool little duck basket i think people collect these all right so i spent like 11 dollars and 34 cents in there i rounded up to 12 to help the goodwill job connection program i don't i don't know how many items i got probably like eight or so a couple of the items were a little bit lower profit but they don't need any cleaning and they're gonna be super easy to list and ship and that's why i buy those lower profit items uh i think i'm gonna head to one more thrift store and then head home to get this stuff cleaned prepped photographed and listed pulling up to what is probably going to be the last thrift stop of the day this nice little salvation army family store they just opened about 10-15 minutes ago so we might have missed the first round of good stuff but i'm thinking there's probably some stuff that the other resellers missed excuse me not bad it's going to be 5.99 a little baby jordans i'll definitely get those 4.99 pretty good deal some golf clubs back here i don't think not really anything valuable furniture beds just the two pair of shoes today have a good one thank you not too much in the salvation army family store today just just two pair of shoes but both of them are pretty good this little kid's pair of jordan threes i'm really bad about identifying jordans but kids jordans do sell i imagine i could probably get like 30 35 bucks for those and then the hokas are in pretty good shape as well probably 40 to 60 on those plus shipping so i lied i'm definitely gonna go to one more goodwill today this one is kind of on the other side of town i haven't been here in three months or so and the cool thing about this outlet center is that there is a used to be a burlington coat factory but now it's a berks outlet and there's a ross right next to it and i actually need some clothes for myself so i'm gonna go in here see if we can find some stuff to buy and flip for a profit and then maybe go spend some of that potential profit at ross on some personal clothes for myself thanks for women's nike golf shoes a little dirty but in pretty good condition but they're missing insoles and i mean these will only sell for like 20-25 bucks anyway so they're not worth it without the insoles but definitely something to look out for some foot jewelry missing spike some new balance golf shoes down here it's been pretty good condition a little spikeless you don't worry about replacing the spikes i grab those so so far i've just found a pair of golf shoes in the dumbbell i put them both up at the register they don't have any shopping carts available so i just stuck them up there so i don't have to carry him around i'm in the hard goods now not much back here and a bunch of i mean there's a lot back here but nothing that's really catching my eye but we'll keep looking around this pillow greetings from florida oh like i don't know if it's vintage or not it doesn't have a date on it it's got these like leather tassels on the side it definitely feels vintage it's got a really cool look to it let me get it i think pillows i think pillows are like 50 cents a piece maybe a dollar each but this is pretty cool i'm gonna grab it this patagonia sinchilla vest it's pretty pretty good looking i think this is 5.75 i'll grab that all right not bad we got the 25 pound dumbbell which should sell locally on facebook marketplace for about 30 to 35 bucks or so a pair of new balance golf shoes which once cleaned up i'm probably going to list these on ebay and facebook marketplace probably gonna sell for 20 to 25 bucks plus shipping nothing too crazy the florida pillow i have no idea what it's worth honestly i'll probably list it on ebay as like an auction it's starting at 99 cents just to see what happens with that and then the patagonia sinchilla vest in there maybe like 20 25 bucks on that as well i spent uh like 15 and 20 cents on all this stuff and i should make pretty much all that money back just on the new balance shoes and everything else is pure profit so now i'm gonna head to the ross i might film in there might not i don't know i'm just shopping for personal use if i find something that i think is worth flipping for a profit i'll let you know didn't find anything for profit today but i did get three items for personal use because i'll quickly show you guys what i got i got this cool bathing suit uh don't have a bathing suit currently this reminds me of like saved by the bell or something that's this was stupid cheap too like 10 bucks or so cool thing there got a nike golf dry fit just a gray polo shirt for uh 20 bucks i've been playing a lot of golf lately and i plan to play more golf this summer so definitely got to have a lot of those shirts to go around and then a nice little it's like a not a tank just like a sleeveless t-shirt like a quick dry just something to like cut the grass in you know be outside without getting the farmer's tan on my old arms up there but again kind of disappointed that i didn't find anything for profit i mean you can find some like nike dry fit shirts that have a retail value on the sticker of like eighty dollars that are in there for like 20 25 bucks but just because the retail value is 80 doesn't mean you're gonna be able to sell it on ebay or poshmark or anything like that for 80 bucks so didn't see anything worth my time today so let's go ahead and head home start working on the stuff we got picked up today so i just got home i unloaded the car and put all the stuff we bought today on the little flat lay area here in my garage i think we have a total of 18 items that i bought at all of our thrift stops today and that does include this pack of champion socks which are for personal use so obviously i'm not going to count those so we should have 17 items total to get processed and listed on ebay i did spend a total of about 56 today all together and i don't know what the math is but 56 divided by 18 items is a pretty low cost of goods that's probably one of my favorite things about being in the reselling business being able to spend so little money and make a pretty good amount of money and once we get everything processed and listed i'll be able to kind of zoom in a little bit more and see exactly how much profit i should make but just a rough estimate i mean looking at you know the voice recorder and the alarm clock thing i'm thinking we should be able to make between two and three hundred dollars in profit after all fees and expenses are accounted for that's what it's at least looking like so far unfortunately i am running a little bit behind today i had to come home after the thrift store and pack my orders that are going out today got to do some chores around the house before haley gets home from work so i think i'm going to pause reselling for now i'm not gonna i'm gonna finish all this in today's video but we're gonna cut the clip off in just a second i'm gonna fast forward to tomorrow because i want to completely focus on processing these items and getting everything cleaned and photographed and listed on ebay but i want to time myself in the process i have 18 items some of them need cleaning some don't and i think it'd be interesting to see exactly how long it'll take me to go through the entire process with all 18 items so fast forward to tomorrow that's what i'm gonna do what is going on you guys welcome to day two of this thrifting and listing challenge i guess that's what this has turned into here's everything i picked up yesterday exactly where i left it as i said today i want to time myself getting all this stuff processed photographed and listed uh just to give you a rundown of what i'm going to do with the two stuffed animals in the fleece i'm probably just going to throw those in the washing machine i'll hand wash the three pairs of big shoes little kids jordans are probably good to go everything else just needs a little wipe down and it should be good to list i said i could probably do all this in about two hours but i think that's too much time i think i can do it faster than that um the only thing that'll cause a little bit of a time delay is drying the shoes because when i wash them i don't use a ton of water because i'm hand washing them in the sink but they still need time to dry so i'm probably going to tackle the shoes first and then let them dry while i do everything else and then listing the shoes will actually be probably the last thing that i do today so let's go ahead and get to work as you guys can see i'm starting friday april 2nd at 8 10. just turned 8 10 a.m so let's see how long it'll take me to get all these items cleaned photographed and listed on ebay i'm going to put it on extra light because i don't want to mess anything up get the shoes we got to clean [Music] so [Applause] here hopefully they can dry in the sun by the time we are finished with today's work [Music] i should probably actually put these in the sun over there but the sun will eventually come to them this is my last magic eraser i'm trying to make it last for one more shoe here [Music] last pair of shoes done clean we just gotta wait for him to dry and it is currently 8 27 making pretty good time all right next uh let's do the radio we got to get this fully tested i bought that cassette tape over here to test it with just to make sure it actually works and we'll get it wiped down and that should be ready to list that was the alarm okay so the alarm works when when i put the tape in i don't know if you can see the little thing like when you fast forward it spins but the play doesn't turn the tape i don't know if the problem is with the tape or with this thing that sucks when i was in the store i just pressed play and the play thing turns so it's just like the motor is not strong enough to actually play the tape so maybe something's wrong with the tape i've been playing around with this so if you press the this press is playing right now if you press pause it'll pause and then if you unpress pause it plays for like a second just really slow and then stops so i don't know i guess i'll just sell it as is i mean even for parts i mean the radio definitely does work uh and the tape player plays it's just not strong enough where's the radio copyright music so i'm just going to take the stickers off that's good to go next up i have these things my two um not they're not cross stitch whatever these things are these are good to go i just need to peel off the goodwill stickers that should just take me a few minutes here just have to be careful that you're peeling the sticker off the bag without ripping the bag [Music] all right that's good next up is this florida pillow hey mos love you so much i'm just going to throw this in the dryer real fast just to kind of fluff it up a bit throw it in there with some clothes like that all right what's left i had the the baby jordans those i just kind of rinsed off a little bit and put them on the porch too dry and then we're just left with these four items the shirt is ready to be listed it's brand new with tags this phillips voice recorder is also ready to be listed there's not even any goodwill stickers on it so this was an item that was donated and went straight to the bins which is crazy uh that bible i'm not gonna try to clean it it's old it's i think from 1956 uh and then this duck thing it's got a little bit of dust on it i guess i guess i'll try to wipe it off um but for the most part it's ready to be listed so right now we're really just waiting for these shoes to dry and the stuffed animals i have to put those in the dryer so i'm pretty much done with that with the cleaning aspect of it so now i can start listing some of the stuff that's actually or photographing some of the stuff that's actually ready to be photographed it is 9 a.m so i've done everything so far what time we start 8 10 so it took me 50 minutes so far to clean three technically four pairs of shoes photograph some items put stuff in the washing machine switch it over to the dryer like i'm making some really good time so i'm thinking that it's probably going to take i don't know an hour and a half or so maybe to finish everything but not a 100 sure but it's looking pretty good so far [Music] so [Music] so i'm running a little bit behind schedule what i thought i could complete this task and it's currently 9 51 a.m the dryer stops so all this stuff in here should be good to go to take photos that came out nice the pikachu was the only one that was actually physically dirty and he's looking pretty good you guys i have some bad news i washed this patagonia sinchilla vest and there's no stains no rips or anything like that but the zipper like the little tab that the zipper is supposed to go into is missing and there's like a little something messed up right there so you can't zip up the the vest so unfortunately i'm not gonna list this on ebay it's it's nice it's a little big it's an extra large i wear a large um but i guess i'll just keep it for personal use i have cleaned photographed and listed every single thing that i can from the hall yesterday except these two pairs of shoes which are still not dry so this isn't something that i actually have to be like active with so it's 10 30 right now exactly can you guys see that it's exactly 10 30 a.m we started at 8 10 so it's been 2 hours and 20 minutes so far and i i could have easily have photographed these by now but again they're just not ready so we're gonna call a time or at least a pause in the time for right now it's so bright i'm gonna back up a little bit i'm gonna call a timeout right now let these shoes dry and then we'll restart the clock once they are able to be photographed they don't have to be completely dry just to photograph i just don't want any like color changes if they're wet they might look darker on camera than they do in real life so i at least want to let the outsides get completely dry before i start photographing these but once we start back the clock i think i can get these photographed and listed and about 15 minutes or so and that'll put us right around the two and a half hour mark two hours and 45 minutes something like that what is up you guys it is currently sunday april 4th so two days after the clip you just saw earlier in this video i did have a chance to go back friday afternoon and list those last two pairs of shoes for sale on ebay but i just didn't have a chance until now to finish up today's video we have everything we bought thursday whenever whatever the first part of the haul was everything we bought has been listed and i've actually already sold a couple things so now i want to give you guys the full financial breakdown talk about how much time and money we spent all together and a total summary of the potential profit that i have on the horizon and i'll let you guys be the judge on whether or not you think this was a good thrift haul a good day's work of being a reseller so the total money i have invested in this haul is about 60 it was 56 roughly for the items that we bought and i spent about and fifty 3.50 or so in gas driving around to all those different thrift stores so i just went ahead and rounded up to four and that puts us at a total money investment of 60 bucks the total time i'm going to spend on this haul is going to be about six and a half hours once everything is said and done it took me almost three hours for sourcing the items about another three hours to get everything cleaned processed photographed and listed and it'll take me about 30 minutes total to get all these items packed up once they do sell for the 56 dollars that i spent on thursday i got 18 individual items but three of those items ended up being for personal use we had the patagonia vest which was damaged which i transferred to personal use i have the pack of the champion socks and the 25 pound dumbbell my wife ended up keeping that one for personal use but we also have to look at the value that we got in those personal use items if my wife wanted to buy a 25 pound dumbbell the very cheapest price you're going to find that is probably going to be about 30 because at walmart they're gonna be about a dollar per pound plus tax at target a 25 pound dumbbell nowadays is like 35 plus tax so i think the cheapest value we could place on that for personal use is going to be about thirty dollars the patagonia vest while damaged is still something that i can use in the future so i'm going to place a personal use value on that of about 15 and then of course we have the pack of champion socks which i think had eight or ten pairs in there so i'm gonna go ahead and value that at about fifteen dollars when we add up the sock value the vest value and the dumbbell value that gives us a total personal use item value for the day of 60 which is actually more than we spent on everything we bought and i'm not trying to say that that cancels out what we spent and we get all this stuff for free that's not entirely true but it is important to value the items that you buy for personal use because penny saved is a penny earned so if you can spend you know five bucks and get sixty dollars worth of personal use items that's 60 that you don't have to spend later on in life so that's kind of like making some money so not sure how to account for that in terms of the financial numbers but i just thought it was important to bring up so starting with our 18 items taking away the three for personal use means that i have 15 items that we bought last thursday that are currently listed for sale on ebay and going by my current listed price if i get the listed price that i'm asking or slightly lower i should see a total potential gross sales amount from these items after fees and shipping of about 325 of course we still have to take out our cost of goods which again was 56 dollars let's go ahead and account for gas in that too so 325 minus 60 which is our total cost for the day was would leave us with a potential gross net profit on this haul of 265 dollars for again just six and a half hours of work so doing the math and assuming that everything should sell for close to my asking price that should leave me with an hourly income on this haul of about 40 dollars and 75 cents i did sell two things already the first thing that sold was this dove embroidery kit that we got at the goodwill bins sold for 25 bucks free shipping so after ebay fees and shipping i should make about 17 and 50 cents in profit and the second item to sell were my new balance golf shoes that we picked up for 6.50 these sold for 25 plus the buyer is paying shipping so that should leave us with a profit of about 22 21 or so so just with these two items that have sold we've already made back about 39 of our original 60 investment including the gas cost so now we only have a total of 21. invested in the remaining 13 items available for sale and again we have those three personal items that brought us about 60 in personal value so it was a very good thrift haul in terms of the amount of items and potential profit we were able to get for such a relatively low amount of money my favorite thing about this drift haul was that there were no major home run items that think the most expensive thing we found was maybe that pair of hocus those are currently listed for 64 plus shipping i think but you don't have to go out and find 300 vcrs or old nintendo 64s every single day you just have to go out and know what you're looking for find stuff that sells consistently for 20 30 40 50 bucks if you can find 10 to 15 of those in three hours that's a very easy way to make some very serious side income as a as a part-time reseller or if you really want to get into it and do this five six seven days a week then that's when you can start making some pretty serious income as a full-time reseller as well if you guys enjoyed this longer vlog style video today take a couple seconds and hit that like button down below it's totally free and it really helps me out a ton and if you haven't yet go ahead and click that subscribe button down below as well thank you guys again so much for watching you're the best and i'll catch you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: Hairy Tornado
Views: 72,210
Rating: 4.9392767 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, flipping, side hustles, make money online, selling online, thrift store flips, make money at thrift stores, flpping from the bins, goodwill, goodwill bins, goodwill outlet, goodwill clearance center, goodwill haul, thrifting full time, flipping online in 2021, hairy tornado, harry tornado, reselling, reseller, full time reseller, full time reselling, ebay reseller, side gigs, side jobs, quick cash
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 37sec (1957 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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