This Would Have Changed My Life If I Had Known...

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what is going on you guys my name is josh also known as harry tornado and my full-time job is selling things on ebay and making youtube videos about it and in today's video i've got eight things that i sold yesterday so we've got to get all those pulled packed and shipped out and then after that we're gonna head back to the goodwill bins this is also known as the goodwill clearance center where everything is just in a bunch of boxes and bins and you buy things by the weight and i'm gonna take four dollars in cash i found it sitting on my nightstand this morning i'm like this is a good idea for a video so we're gonna go to the goodwill bench with four dollars in cash see exactly how many items we can get for that and how much profit we can turn our four dollars into stick around [Music] first item going out today is a shirt down here in the m bin say uh charleston charleston threats never heard of this brand but i picked it up at goodwill i don't know six or seven months ago i paid four dollars and 75 cents for this and it sold for 15 plus shipping not a great sale this is another reason why i don't really do a lot of clothing but this shirt sold to a viewer named corey from mableton georgia and i think he sent me a message saying that he was going to wear it to his new job that he got so cory thanks for the support and good luck on the new job i sold another one of my support your friends print on demand shirts to a viewer named chris from dublin ireland chris thank you so much for your support all the way from across the pond i hope you enjoy the t-shirt yeah chris also bought something else it should be down here in the u-bin it's a little uh little elephant it's a little stuffed elephant chris thanks for the support man i really appreciate that i would ship these together but the shirts like i said are print on demand so when when you guys order them the company prints them and sends them directly to you so you'll get two separate packages but thanks so much for the support buying little elephant for 14 free shipping uh and then the shirt for 20 plus shipping so chris thanks again man you're the best next item is down here in the g bin and it is another plush stuffed animal and this one's a moose with a little moose beard uh this moose belongs to me oliver jeffers i think yeah this is one of the cole's cares stuffed plushes this one sold to a viewer named stacy from newcastle pennsylvania she paid ten dollars free shipping for this i'm pretty sure i got this one at goodwill for like 50 cents so stacy thank you so much for the support i really appreciate it next i'm going out is over here in the r bin because we listed it the other day this was one of my uh is this the arbonne plus the v bin i already put the r ben up that's over here this is uh the walkman the walkman that i got at the goodwill bins in my very last video uh and this one did not sell to a viewer everything else sold to viewers i think uh he uh bought this and said please do not ship with batteries pretty sure i already took the batteries out of this but we will open it up and make sure yeah no batteries in there should be good to go i listed as is it needs a new belt for the tape the radio function works but the the tape function doesn't so i sold it for 14.99 free shipping and probably paid 50 cents for it at the goodwill bins something uh something like that so not not too bad amount not a bad amount of profit on a sony walkman that doesn't even work this next item is definitely in the v bin i listed it last night it's some uh mary ruth's liquid nighttime multi-mineral anti-stress sleep relaxation pineapple dream supplement that is a big title miss mary i got this at dream deals last week for six dollars it has a box with it somewhere i think it's right here looks like that on the outside and uh paid six dollars for this plus tax so like six dollars and 15 cents or something and it sold for 26.99 free shipping this next item is a pair of shoes these are some boc concept uh like women's women's uh i don't know clogs my clock i don't even know what you call these i got these at the goodwill bins where you buy stuff by the weight uh they were i don't know if they're brand new in the box but they look like this and they're in the box i mean they look i mean new other maybe like definitely not not worn any significant amount of time i actually sold these on ebay maybe 45 days ago maybe two months ago and the buyer waited like 30 days to open the return and she was like oh they don't fit i want to return them so in my store if a buyer wants to return for like a size reason or because i just didn't like it i do accept returns within 30 days but the buyer has to pay shipping but i had to i sold them the first time for 44 free shipping so i had to refund her all 44 so that was including the the shipping cost so now i'm i paid like say three dollars for the shoes and then i had to eat the shipping cost to her which was like nine dollars so let's say i'm in 12 for the shoes so far so i got them back checked them out make sure they were so clean and in the in the same condition i sold them in and then i relisted them last night and then they sold to a viewer named tiffany from uh where's tiffany from old hickory tennessee so tiffany thank you so much for the support and i just sold them again for forty four dollars free shipping so now i have to pay so we got three dollars into the shoes plus the nine dollars in original shipping plus probably another nine dollars to ship them out to tiffany plus our ebay fees um ebay is the first time we're refunded because the order was refunded but this time i'll have to pay ebay fees so making a little bit of money but with a 44 pair of shoes i'd like to make a little bit more profit than that but it's the joys of selling on ebay i mean if you get something returned all you can do is relist it and try to sell it again to try to make some profit returns are going to happen but it's not super super common like i have free returns on my store anybody can return pretty much anything within 30 days for any reason as long as they pay shipping and i probably have a two to three percent return rate so out of every 100 things i sell maybe two or three of them get returned with shoes it's probably even lower like i've probably had i don't know maybe 250 to 300 pairs of shoes that i've sold over the last two years and i think i've had maybe 10 returns maybe 10 something like that so it's just part of the business you can't really get around it some some people just don't know their shoe size or sometimes shoes are just cut weird so like i said all you can do is get it back make sure it's in the same condition it was when you sold it to them and then relist it and try to make a little bit of money all right let's get to shipping but first i want to take a second to give a shout out to kevin commonwealth picker he sent me this coffee mug recently and i got the enemy several months ago from his store but he sent me the coffee mug for free and he said uh josh thanks for your kindness to me and my family just a small christmas gift god bless you and your wife continued success in 2021. kevin thank you so much for the coffee mug man you got a great channel if you guys are not subscribed to kevin the commonwealth picker there's there's his name right there on his card go check him out i'll link his channel in the description of this video he's got a great channel i think is it like 30 000 subs or something really great guy go subscribe while we're on the subject of subscribing i just hit 83 000 subscribers that means i'm 17 000 subscribers away from a hundred thousand so if you guys are watching this video right now and you've enjoyed it at all so far be sure to take a couple seconds and hit that like button down below and also go ahead and subscribe if you haven't already first thing we'll pack up today is this charleston men's polo shirts shirts are super easy to pack up you just use some poly bags i've got some teal blue ones in here these are super cheap i've got them linked in my uh description down below in my amazon storefront throw the shirt in the bag with a little thank you card and you're good to go here's the mary ruth stuff it's already in a box and it's a pretty thick bottle so i've just put that box in another box this is an eight by six by four box from ebay that i just cut and trimmed down to fit this box perfectly like you can cut the edges and re-fold it and i think that'll be good and this is probably gonna ship on a pirate ship uh because it's pretty heavy it's probably like three pounds but it's a pretty small box so uh we'll touch back base with this later to see how much it's gonna cost to ship if it's too much we can always throw it in a padded flat rate envelope but i think this will be good with pirate ship i didn't film it but this is the moose the moose plush this is just a polybag i would maybe put it in a box but i don't know this is a very lightweight polybag the elephant that i shipped out a couple videos ago or in the last video was a lot heavier that's why we put that in a box but this mousse probably weighs like seven or eight ounces so i think putting in a polybag is gonna be totally fine this sony walkman is definitely gonna get boxed up we can use one of our eight by six by four boxes from ebay i'm gonna put the walkman in this padded envelope and roll that up and then i put a bunch of packing paper in the box i use packing paper as much as possible like if i have the choice between packing paper and bubble wrap i like to use packing paper just because it's better for the environment and cheaper for me uh so packing paper at the bottom sony walkman in the envelope put in there on top of the packing paper and then more packing paper on top of that and it should still go first class i don't think it'll be over that 16 ounce weight limit and uh it should be good to go here's that little elephant that's going out and i also just put this in a poly bag i would probably pack it better since it's going all the way to ireland but this sold through the ebay global shipping program which basically means i ship this to kentucky and then ebay opens the package verifies that it's the right item and then they repack it however they see fit and then they send it on to the buyer in ireland so i just have to pack it as if it's going to kentucky and i think putting it in a poly bag with a little thank you card in there is totally fine and then we have the boc shoes which come in a shoe box normally if it was just the shoes by themselves they would easily fit in a usps priority mail shoebox but i want to send them in the actual box too but not just in the actual box so we got to figure out a way to fit this box inside one of the priority mail shoe boxes and that doesn't sound like it's hard but it is because the priority male shoe boxes are not big enough as they as they come to fit this shoe box well maybe it is yeah i totally lied it fits in there perfectly so we're gonna box that up just as it is and send it on if you ever sell shoes with the original box there are ways to like bend and cut the priority mail shoe boxes to fit larger shoe boxes i just got really lucky that this box was small enough to fit in here perfectly so here's that mary juice stuff currently is costing us 11.78 with priority shipping through ebay so i'm going to exclude it for now and then we're going to go back to pirate ship after we ship everything else and see if we can get a rate under 11.79 if we ship it via cubic rate shipping i'm holding my hand up here so you guys can't see anybody's personal information but i'm on the ebay bulk shipping tool so i'm shipping everything at once the shoes the walkman the moose the elephant and the charleston threads blue shirt and it's costing me a total of 23.26 this is shipping everything except the uh the juice the merry juice stuff granting them out yeah you can use dymo labels on a rollo if you didn't know so here's that juice again it weighs two pounds 15.5 ounces we're just gonna go ahead and round up to three pounds total and you see it ships priority mail cubic for seven dollars and ninety-eight cents which is like three dollars less than priority so saving three bucks on one single package is a huge deal so anytime you have a small box like this that weighs i'd say anything over like two pounds like two pounds one ounce and above a small box make sure you go to and check out rates because we usually about 10 things a day and save three bucks on each item that's thirty dollars in savings per day you know uh so definitely uh definitely check out pirate ship pirate uh priority email cubic i know some of you are probably gonna ask why i didn't ship it in a padded flat rate envelope because that would have been like 20 something cents cheaper but it doesn't fit in a padded flat rate envelope it's that's all the way in and in order to ship something in this padded flight envelope it has to be able to close on its own uh you can tape it shut to reinforce but this seal has to be able to reach reach around and seal and this is just too big for a padded flat rate envelope so that was everything i sold on ebay yesterday but i did sell two more things to viewers uh or friends this ps4 tony hawk's pro skater one and two sold to my man dante over at the prison to profit youtube channel shout out him and then uh this set of everlast punching mitts is another thing i got at the goodwill bins in my last video and this sold to a viewer i don't remember his name let's go look a viewer named chad bought this he saw it in my video yesterday and then shot me a message on instagram asking if he could buy it and sold this for 20 free shipping we got it at the goodwill bin so probably paid two or three dollars for it and then the uh like i said this game was six dollars and we sold it to dante for 16 uh 18 18 free shipping the case is broken and banged up but the disc on the inside is good to go dante thanks for support support and chad thanks for the support as well so these are the punching mitt things i originally put them in a priority shoe box because i thought they were going to be too heavy but then i realized that once they were in the box it only weighed like one pound three ounces so i took them out of the box and put them in a poly bag but then the polybag ripped and they're just like slightly too big to fit in the polybag by itself so i took some of my black plastic wrap comes in a little roll like that over there then wrapped it up threw some tape on there and now moment of truth is it gonna be under 16 ounces frick man really maybe come on point one man maybe i put too much tape on there should i should i cut the tape off so i took all the black plastic wrap off just cut it off with a box cutter and then re-wrapped it just with not as much and then this time i only used two pieces of tape instead of like three or four so hopefully that did the trick we're looking for 16 ounces or less nice perfect now we can send it first class and now it's time for the financial breakdown of yesterday's sales for all you math nerds out there as well as anybody else who would appreciate the transparency of this but the total gross sales from yesterday was 182.99 this is including the six items that are sold on ebay as well as the two items that are sold directly to friends of the youtube channel and over on instagram after we take out the ebay fees for the ebay portion of this sale we are left with 164.86 then we have to take out our shipping cost and our cost of goods so shipping was 33.89 and uh the cost of goods was 36.75 there's something underneath here oh wow like and subscribe how did that get there after we take out our shipping with cost of goods we're left with 94.22 and then i multiplied this amount by 0.75 because i like to save 25 of my net profits to pay my income taxes and once we do that we're left with 70.66 in profit in my pocket from ebay and direct to viewer sales yesterday hey mo's rub your belly you haven't you having a good day so far it looks like it all right i'm running a little bit behind today it's currently 11 27 and i still need to get some stuff listed um so i'm probably just gonna try to list five things i don't think i have enough time to list ten i mean i might list five more later on but i'm gonna list five things right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right so i got my five items listed and i needed an ikea bag to put my orders that are going to the post office today in and i realized that i went thrifting yesterday i didn't film it obviously but uh this is some stuff i found at salvation army i paid 2.99 for this set of monster standard composite video av kit i think these are some like 15 bucks free shipping so i don't know just grab that found this harmony companion logitech remote i didn't even look it up i just paid 4.99 for it everything's in there and then in the box it's got the cord still with a little twisty thing on there it's got the little doodad and then underneath it it has the actual remote so i need to look this up and see how much profit we can make paid 4.99 for it soul comps on ebay are pretty good these are all used 41 plus shipping 46 plus shipping on auction 54 plus shipping seven that's pre-owned 75 free shipping that's crazy i'll look it up on eat on amazon see if i can sell it on there usually you can get more more money for stuff like this on amazon if you're allowed to sell it looking really good on amazon too rank is 16 000 which means it would sell very quickly probably within two or three days or so once it gets to the warehouse it sells on amazon for 94.49 in used condition uh you can see selling eligibility i can sell the product i'm allowed to sell it uh so if we go over here to amazon fulfilled which means we send it to amazon and have them sell it and ship it for us uh it sells for 94.49 that's the lowest price then after fees shipping to amazon which would be about a dollar or so and then the cost of purchase of 4.99 we would be left with 68 dollars and 44 cents in profit so not that much more than selling on ebay i mean after probably like 15 maybe 20 dollars more on amazon than ebay but the chances of a return on amazon is far greater than ebay so i'm not sure where where i'll sell this but for 4.99 that was definitely a good pick up also got a couple pairs of shoes this pair of nike air max uh they were like women's like white cheetah print or something really really i mean they're i say really good condition good condition overall they're just dirty but all those like browning yellow stains will definitely come off with a mr clean magic eraser paid 5.99 for these haven't looked up soul comps but i did check the uh the air bubble air bubbles on the bottoms are good to go uh so i would i don't know depending on how clean we can get these i think they'll probably go for like 50 or 60 bucks free shipping and then i found a little hp toner cartridge uh 27 that doesn't expire until july 2022 for a dollar ninety nine cents and then i found these i don't really know anything about these i think these are lebrons lebron james is that who looks like lebron james paid 9.99 for these a little a little dirty and i think one of them um i don't know i saw something wrong with one of them i thought but maybe i'm just making it up i don't know these are really cool shoes i haven't looked up soul comps on these but i figured they're they're worth 10 bucks anytime i've passed on lebrons or kobe's or anything like that in the past i always get a ton of you guys in the comments telling me to go back and pick them up so i just grabbed these uh looks to be pretty good condition these are men's 10. so really great size too definitely worth picking up for uh 10 bucks so the women's air max there's only one sold comp on ebay for 39.95 plus shipping so not quite as much as i thought but those are used uh size h and these are size um these are says nine so pretty good size uh i think we can probably get maybe 40 bucks 40 bucks plus shipping what what do you want to go outside or something okay go go get them and then here's some comps on the lebrons there's uh january 5th let's say dead others are new these are pre-owned pre-owned lebron 11 xi armory slate gamma blue uh pre-owned sold for seventy dollars free shipping um there's some that's hold for twenty six dollars plus twenty shipping 149 best offer accepted oh those are new pre-owned hundred bucks free shipping so i don't know i guess it depends on the condition also i realized that what threw me off on these um was the insoles so the insoles looked looked weird let's see if i can pull it out of here so they have like third-party insoles i guess and so there's no original insoles and then you could like see through the bottom like there's like a hole down there but i don't know if that's meant to be that way or what so i don't know if i just sell them with no insoles or i don't know these just look kind of janky uh but i don't know 10 bucks 10 bucks i think it's going to be a good investment even in the current condition with no insoles uh size size 11 so size 10 i mean what like 50 bucks 50 or 60 bucks i think it's a good deal it's currently 12 15 i'm on the way to the post office gonna get my packages scanned in i used to let my mail carriers pick them up from my house but over the last couple months they've been really bad about scanning them in as accepted they would physically pick them up from my house but they wouldn't scan them as accepted for 24 48 72 hours in some cases and because of that i actually am scheduled to lose my top rated seller status on ebay this month they haven't taken away yet i'm thinking if i contact ebay they will be able to take some of those defects off for for late shipments because the whole shipping debacle that was november and december of 2020 uh but for the last couple weeks i've just been going to the post office every day to actually let them scan in all my packages that's the only way that i can know to uh that i know my packages will be scanned in as accepted on time and hopefully delivered on time as well after the post office i might go grab some lunch but then i'm thinking about going back to the goodwill bins i have a like a trash bag of old inventory stuff that's been listed forever and stuff that has been in my death pile forever that's no longer worth listing so i'm going to redonate that to goodwill i usually like donating the salvation army but it's on the other side of town so redonating that into goodwill and then i have like four dollars in cash and i think it'll be interesting to go to the goodwill bins with four dollars in cash and see if i can find any profitable items for that see if we can turn four dollars into 20 or 30 or 50 or even more so that'll be pretty interesting all right i'm at goodwill i just dropped off that trash bag full of old inventory and now i'm gonna go into the i guess yeah i'm not gonna go into well i'll go into the retail side just for a minute and make sure there's nothing crazy valuable in there but then we're gonna take our four dollars into the clearance side and see if we can make some money okay so that was a bust i didn't really find anything looked at the shoes looked at electronics and everything uh nothing so let's go into the clearance side with our four dollars in cash and see if we can find anything worth it [Music] looking for lightweight stuff we basically can get two two pounds of items for about four dollars or worth a lot of money this might be it keep looking for a few more things see if they can pad it a little bit thinking i can get one or two more things raw fan microphone it's pretty lightweight i think that'll be worth something okay this might be pushing it but i found this danko universal kitchen sink sprayer brand new package it's got some damage right there but it's still sealed and if you look on amazon it's got a 272 000 rank and home improvement which is not terrible i can sell it and amazon fulfilled shipping to amazon would be like 50 cents uh cost of purchase would probably be like 50 cents as well we'd make five dollars and 42 cents so i'll add this to the bag but if we go over our weight and get over that four dollar mark this will be the first thing i put back a very cute stuffed otter wild republic good condition no stains no holes i don't know i think it'll definitely put us over the weight but maybe their scales are off today and we'll be able to get all this stuff for under four dollars all right let's dig it through this bin and i found another microphone this one is disney interactive studios usb mic and when i look this up on ebay uh it's pretty good there's one that sold for 12 bucks free shipping there's the game i guess that comes with it five bucks plus shipping plus 20 shipping from canada 1168 free shipping 850 free shipping so not a ton of money but if we can get it part of our four dollar deal because it's super lightweight i think it'll be worth driving i was digging around on the shoe bin over here trying to find a good pair that i could maybe maybe grab to keep it under our weight limit i don't know shoes are pretty heavy but i found these brooks um gts really good condition like nothing wrong with them at all like no i mean obviously some wear but really good condition for a pair of shoes at the bench so i'm gonna add these to the bag and i don't know i don't i don't know if it'll it'll count or not the big mouth billy bass is our heaviest item but electronics you can see that sign over there electronics are only 25 cents a pound i thought everything was a dollar and 89 cents a pound but electronics media are only 50 cents so that big mouth billy bass maybe only be a dollar so the rest of everything i don't know it's it's gonna be it's gonna be really really close i don't think i can squeeze anything else in this bag to possibly keep it under four dollars so i'm gonna go ahead and check out and see what our total price is okay so i went up to the register there they have like a scale so you can weigh your stuff so this is my bag of electronics the big balcony billy bass and two of the uh the microphones and that's only a dollar fifty for all three of those things that's this two pound or it's three pounds total so 50 cents a pound dollar fifty on those and then the hard goods i had the shoes the little spray thing and the otter and that was two pounds so all together i was at like 5 27 or something so i had to put the otter back and that put me back under the weight limit but i still have a little bit left so i can get one more pound of electronics and stay under that four four dollar marks i'm gonna try to find some more electronics to add okay so i found these uh sony walkman sony walkman srfh3 they appear to be in good condition i'll open the battery compartment and there was a corroded battery in there but it's not too bad i'm thinking i can probably get it cleaned and working uh we'll have to get some batteries for it and test it but if this works this will be a great pickup to add to our electronic category i don't even think it weighs a pound too much add one more small item in there as well on this like linksys thing i don't think that's worth it oh here we go it may not work but we can just add it in might be worth something i think that's uh i think that's it so let's go ahead and check out and see if we can keep it under four dollars those are those are all electronics i have regular stuff here that's regular maybe a dollar [Music] thank you so much i really appreciate 3.89 for all that stuff i rounded up so we spent even four dollars on this entire bag of stuff super pumped let's go baby all right so here's the receipt spent four bucks on everything we got a quantity for 50 cents a pound for electronics which is total of two dollars and then one pound of regular items with a dollar and 89 cents per pound so four bucks i rounded up 11 cents four bucks for all this stuff we got the big mouth billy bass we got the the rock band microphone we got the disney microphone we got the uh sony walkman earmuffs we got the pair of brooks gts gts 14 women's running shoes great condition we got the samsung verizon old flip phone i don't know if that's worth the hand just kind of threw it in there and we got the danco universal kitchen sink sprayer four bucks that's that's pretty good deal right i need to make sure this stuff actually works so i've got some batteries and uh i'm not going to include the batteries in the the cost of goods because i'm not going to sell this with the batteries i'm just using the batteries to test hopefully i have the right ones i think these are c uh-oh uh oh oh the the on off button is not there huh there's like no there's no there's no on off button like the switch is like gone i don't know if it's broken off or it fell back down in there but it's just got some screws so i guess i'll just unscrew it take it off see if i can fix it okay i took this apart and i don't know the wires right there are like spliced together really really poorly i think somebody has like altered this somewhere so first out of the the fines the big mouth billy bass is going to be a bust i don't think it's worth anything as is like in non-working condition so we're just going to chalk this up to a loss next up is the pair of sony fmam walkman srf h3 headphones you can see there's a little bit of battery corrosion in there i don't know if you guys can see it or not um but i did the old battery out let me just see if i can put a new one in there and see if that'll work sometimes that works sometimes you got to clean it a little bit is there a volume volume is all the way up and it's on it's not working so let's clean let's get a little brush or something and clean that out see if that'll work so more bad news i've tried two different batteries with this thing we cleaned it the battery terminal with like uh vinegar and this little wire brush and it still won't turn on so looking at sold comps it looks like it's selling for about 20 i mean there's one in used condition sold for 30 bucks plus shipping uh 24 bucks free shipping all these are tested and working so i don't know maybe there's somebody out there that would be interested in buying these to fix them up so maybe i could sell for like 10 free shipping you know just to make like four or five bucks or so uh but if they if they work we get into work i mean there's one that sold for 29.82 free shipping so definitely a good item to be on the lookout for it just uh just kind of sucks so we couldn't get it to work today so definitely not the start we wanted but for four bucks i mean it's kind of it's not surprising that some of this stuff doesn't work next up is this rock band mic it looks to be like brand new it's still got the little twisty tie on it it's got the usb thing and soul comps on these are actually pretty good um i mean old decent for what we paid like 11.99 free shipping 9.99 plus shipping uh there's a that's a new one that sold for 18. uh 15 free shipping 25 free shipping that's rockman four i don't know uh so yeah about 10 bucks plus shipping i think is what we could get for that so more than doubling or let's say doubling our money after after fees and ship shipping just on that one microphone i looked up this cell phone this is the samsung like verizon uh was it called intensity and it looks to be in good condition but it won't turn on and even with a charger they sell for like 10 bucks plus shipping so i don't think it's worth it for me buying a charger for this so i don't know it's probably just another throwaway item so four bucks basically for four items the two microphones the shoes and the kitchen spray so the rock band mic will make us about eight dollars in profit after fees shipping and after fees and shipping and then this universal kink kink universal kitchen sink sprayer uh i don't think i can sell it on amazon because it's got that little damage right there so we're gonna have to sell this on ebay on ebay these are going for about seven dollars plus shipping so after fees were say we're five dollars into that so eight and five is this disney microphone disney interactive studios wireless microphone this usb as well most of the time these work i'm probably not going to test these i'm probably just going to sell them as is if they don't work i'll just give the buyer a full refund but chances are they work unless there's like frayed wires and they don't have any of that so this one i think we can get maybe like let's say conservatively ten dollars plus shipping for that one as well so after fees uh like nine bucks so 13 plus nine is 22 and then on the uh brooks gts uh women's gts 14 women's running shoes let's look these up here are four sole comps for those shoes there's one that sold for best offer accepted 36.99 one that sold for 28.99 plus 10 shipping uh that one sold for 11 plus shipping somebody took a bad offer on that and those uh sold for 24.99 best offer accepted so based off of the pictures i'm seeing my pictures are going to look better than all four of these of these that's just i've just been reselling and the longer you resell the better your pictures get usually uh so with the fact that though like this pair sold for 28.99 plus 10 shipping uh i mean i think my i think i can take better pictures than that and that was a size of 10 that one was a size 10.5 these are size eight and make sure the other one matches yeah both of these are size eight so it's a matching pair and again they're in very good condition like i mean pretty much minimal signs of wear uh so i think i can probably list these for 39 free shipping and i think they'll let's say conservative let's say 34.99 free shipping so they'll cost 10 to ship on average so we'll be looking at like super conservatively 20 bucks in profit on this so we got 20 in that nine on that that's 29 plus like six on that that's 35 plus uh what was this like eight so 35 plus eight 43 43 in in profit after shipping and fees minus our four dollar buy cost we're looking at 39 in profit from this four dollar goodwill hall even when three of our items didn't work or you know wasn't wasn't worth it so if the billy if the big mouth billy bass would have worked it definitely would have been a good seller let me look at it so this one was the 1999 jimmy industries one and here's one that sold right here for 57 plus shipping pre-owned jimmy big mouth billy bass singing fish tested and worked so if this worked it would have been yeah it could have sold for 50 something dollars plus shipping so huge bummer there and then on the uh on the oops on the sony headphones if they would have worked like i said we could have got about 25 bucks for those so still four dollars into 40 something whatever i said not counting probably the two two of the three most profitable items in the entire hall and that's why i love the goodwill bins now guys i'm not trying to suggest that you can build some multi-million dollar business off of flipping 10 items from the goodwill bins that's probably not going to happen it's really hard to scale something like this however if you ever find yourself in a place in life where an extra 20 or 40 dollars for an hour's worth of work would mean a lot to you even change your world even just for a day this is the answer there was a time in my life where i had a minimum wage job that i hated it was at a deli the worst job i've ever had in my life and i decided to quit it i didn't have another job lined up and i had zero money in my savings account and i decided to quit my job i don't know why i was stupid i was like 20 years old and there was a period of 45 days between my last paycheck at that job i quit until i got my first paycheck at my new job that i eventually got in that 45 day period i had to get extremely creative with my money i i remember about the 30 day mark i went to the grocery store and i took my last nine dollars that i had to my name did not have another cent anywhere all my credit cards were maxed out i had nine dollars in cash and i was trying to buy enough groceries to get me through the next couple of weeks i think i had accepted the new job but i knew it was gonna be like a week before i started and another week and a half or so before i got my first paycheck so i was trying to get two two and a half weeks worth of food for nine dollars and if you've never been in that situation it's really hard to explain but it sucks like it really really sucks and if i had somebody on youtube telling me that i could take four of that nine dollars like take five dollars that i had and spend it on food and then take the other four go to the goodwill bins and buy a bunch of junk and sell it on ebay and make forty dollars you know after fees and shipping that would literally change my life like having nine dollars versus having 49 dollars when you're dirt poor that's a huge difference like i again if you've never been in that place it's very very hard to to explain it to somebody who hasn't but if you've been there you know if you're a college student if you're a teenager wanting to you know get some side money if you're a single parent if you're a disabled person that can't work a normal job you know something like that going to the goodwill bins or going to garage sales or thrift stores and spending you know five ten bucks to turn that into 30 40 or 50 that is huge again it's not a way to build some multi-million dollar corporation but it can change your life and there's plenty to go around and i'll be the first to tell you that when i list this stuff chances are it's going to sell to a viewer of the youtube channel i'm not ever going to to ignore the fact that i have a big advantage when it comes to my youtube channel but you can go back and watch my older videos when i was going to the goodwill bins two years ago i wasn't selling anything to viewers then but i was still selling stuff i was still buying stuff there for 10 cents 25 cents 50 cents and selling it for 15 20 25 maybe even 10 dollars turning 50 cents into 10 is huge when you're poor i just really love making videos like this because i know out of the thousands of people that watch my videos there's probably somebody out there who's in a tight spot and needs an answer and the answer isn't going into debt the answer isn't asking friends and family for money you can get out there and just spend an hour literally one hour i spent like 30 minutes at the bins today it'll take me another 15 minutes to get everything listed and maybe another 15 minutes to ship it all out once it sells an hour of my time to make 40 dollars and when i when i was when you're poor with no savings and making minimum wage that is huge again if you're a fancy reseller and you want to get into huge wholesale deals and build your empire that way that's great i'd love to get there one day but this video is talking to those small guys out there who are just in a tight spot in life and if you're looking for answers and looking for a way out this is the first step you can go back and watch my older videos i started here i've grown i've grown the youtube channel i've grown my reselling business but i still want to do stuff like this to show you that even in january 7th 2021 this is still possible you can turn four dollars into 40 very very quickly thank you guys so much for watching this video today i definitely appreciate your time if you found yourself watching my videos and you've enjoyed them so far and you haven't yet subscribed to the channel please go ahead and hit that subscribe button down below again i'm like 17 000 subscribers away from 100 and i think i can get there in the next two months or so so if you want to be a part of helping me get there go ahead and hit the subscribe button i'd really appreciate it thank you guys again for watching you're the best and i'll catch you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: Hairy Tornado
Views: 116,666
Rating: 4.9504323 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, ebay seller, ebay sales, flipping on ebay, goodwill flips, make money from goodwill, goodwill flipping, thrift store flips, make side cash flipping, flipping items in 2021, make money in 2021, make money online in 2021, selling on ebay in 2021, make money on ebay in 2021, goodwill bins, side hustle, best side hustle for 2021, selling goodwill items on ebay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 4sec (2404 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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