How I Make $42,000 Per Year Selling Stuff on Ebay

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what is going on you guys my name is josh also known as harry tornado my full-time job is selling things on ebay and making youtube videos about it so today monday july 27th i have 18 items that i sold on ebay since friday morning we have to get all those items pulled packed and shipped out so in today's video i'll show you all 18 items so you can kind of get an idea of the type of things i sell on ebay to make my full-time income i'll also show you how i store the items in my inventory storage system so you can kind of get an idea of that and i'll also show you how i ship each of the items today's video should be super helpful for you newer ebay sellers that are still trying to figure out how everything works or maybe you haven't started anything yet you're just watching youtube videos trying to figure out how to start your own ebay business this is the goal of today's video just helping you guys and hopefully it'll be entertaining for you seasoned sellers as well so stick around i think you'll enjoy it [Music] what's going on you guys so we're right outside my ebay inventory storage area before we get started today just in case this is the very first video you've ever seen from me just want to give a quick introduction again my name is josh i go by harry tornado here on youtube and instagram and again my full-time job is selling things on ebay and making youtube videos about it i would say that youtube probably makes 30 to 40 percent of my income and the other 60 to 70 comes from selling things on ebay i get most of my inventory from thrift stores and yard sales occasionally i'll go to an estate sale or an auction or something like that but it's just a fun job i really enjoy it and the whole point of me making this channel was to just kind of share my experiences with you guys show you how i run my business and help you help you stay motivated help you think of you know new ways to operate your reselling business and occasionally people do tell me that my videos have helped them in some some fashion so that's the whole goal of today's video just kind of a behind-the-scenes look at how i run my business and if it helps you guys if you learned anything be sure to smash the like button it really helps me out a ton it's completely free for you to do it takes like two seconds uh and it really helps the video just gain traction on youtube so if you can do that for me i greatly appreciate it uh also if you're interested in videos like this if you want to start a reselling business or you already have and you want to grow it or you just like reselling content go ahead and smash the subscribe button as well uh i think you will uh i don't think you'll regret it maybe but probably not but we'll see let's go ahead and get into shipping stuff out today so when i come into my ebay storage area over here this is where i have everything that's already listed on ebay the stuff on the ground some of it is not listed i'm trying to organize my garage again so everything is very unorganized right now but we're going to work on it for this afternoon and a little bit tomorrow as well but basically all my shoes are kept on this wall over here and everything that's not shoes is kept in these bins or on that shelf back there so the first thing we have going on today is a pair of women's ugg slippers you see they sold for 44 free shipping and these are right here i got these at salvation army i think they were 14.99 excellent condition they are authentic uh and they sold in about a month and a half or so pretty quick sale for a pair of you know winter shoes um when i when i pull something from my inventory system i put in the ikea bag and i try to fit you know 18 items i think they'll all be able to fit in this bag so once the bag's full i just take it in and do the shipping inside because it is a little warm in the garage the next item we have going out is this bag of recipes some of them are handwritten some of them it's there's like two actual like cookbooks in here i pulled these out of a goodwill mystery palette a couple weeks ago it was in one of my videos and i thought this was just going to be something fun to look at in a live video but a lot of people were interested in buying it so i put it on auction on my ebay store and it actually sold for 45 and 80 cents plus shipping i don't know why i don't personally think it's worth that much um i kind of feel bad that it sold for so much because uh i don't know but auction you know people saw the listing that's all the pictures that posted and that's what they're willing to pay for i would say i don't do a ton of auctions because most of the time you're going to make a little bit less on an auction than you would just listing it as buy it now but for stuff like this that is kind of hard to put an exact value on i think it's pretty good to auction it because you never know what somebody's going to be willing to pay for it so i probably have pennies into this because we paid 40 for a whole palette and this was just in the palette and again it sold for 45 and 80 cents plus shipping this next item sold is a face shield and not like one for the coronavirus or anything like that it's for like i think it's for glass grinding it's like a big piece of plastic that comes over your face to protect like shards from coming at you i got this at the goodwill bins which is a goodwill outlet location where you buy stuff by the weight so you just fill up a bag or a buggy or whatever with your stuff and you roll it up on a big scale and they charge you a certain price per pound my location is a dollar and 89 cents per pound i think uh but i got this there it doesn't weigh very much that's what it looks like it's still new in the package it's sold for 24 free shipping but something i want to show you on this is a field called custom sku so when you sell something i don't want to show you the personal information but their address their name and address is up there then it has like the city and then underneath that it says custom label this is a part in the ebay listing where you can add your custom sku you can see here it says e which means this item is in the e-bin which is down here this is a great way to keep up with your items you see it's right here basically when you list something you just go into your item details section of the listing and you can type anything you want in the custom sku field this one i put e send then once it's listed i just put in the e bin so when it sells that e pops up right there under the address and so i know it's in the e-bin this is most resellers i know have some sort of bin system like this i have a this is b but it's backwards a through i think the last one we did is p yeah a through p uh it works really well i can't think of any better way to do it i just really think it's super important to utilize that custom sku field on your ebay listings it's not a feature of a paid store anybody can do it you don't have to have a store to add the custom sku feature so yeah if you're not using that be sure to use it and if you're not using some sort of bin system to organize your inventory uh you need to i'd say if you have any more than like 10 or 20 listings it is an absolute necessity to have some sort of inventory system like this so yeah this sold for 24 free shipping it'll probably cost i don't know like six or seven bucks to ship out something like that uh so pretty good profit i probably paid you know the bins is by the weight dollar 89 a pound and that's less than a pound so i probably paid about a dollar for it next item up is this minnie mouse plush i got this at goodwill i've had 50 cents for it and it sold for ten dollars i think free shipping uh yeah ten dollars free shipping and if you look up here you see a custom label it's in the e-bin so again right down here go into the e-bin and the minnie mouse is right here the custom shoe feature works every time next item going out is a hat i don't use the custom sku features for my hats because i just put them all all up on the shelf and when one sells i just look for it this one is a michelin man hat yeah it's right here super easy to find because it's just two shelves uh i got this at goodwill probably probably paid about a dollar for it and it sold for eight dollars plus shipping next item going out is a set of computer speakers i think they're in this bag right here yeah this uh i also pulled out of a goodwill mystery palette if you guys haven't seen those videos yet i'll link one of them up here in the in the cards or down in the description i recently bought a ton of pallets from goodwill i think we got like 30 total then i made a series with the last 17 i bought so this set of computer speakers i pulled out of the very first palette so i paid 40 dollars for everything so this was probably you know pennies into this and it sold for 79 plus shipping we've been finding some really good stuff in these goodwill palettes so again if you haven't seen those videos be sure to check it out i did test this everything works great it's a really quality set of computer speakers it's kind of heavy it's probably going to you know be annoying to ship but i did charge the buyer shipping i always do that on heavy items pretty much anything over two pounds i'm going to charge the buyer shipping i'm not going to offer free shipping on big stuff like this so again 79 bucks you know turning pennies into 79 bucks really great sale there and i'll show you how we ship that in just a second next item up is this full fuel backpack something like that uh ful fuel i think it's fuel i got this at the goodwill bins it's in great condition like new condition no rips no tears very minimum signs of use just really great condition i probably paid about three dollars for that and it sold for 20 plus shipping our next item going out is a ps vita handheld video game system i actually pulled this out of the goodwill mystery palette as well it does work it came with the little silicone case and a bunch of games i sold some of the games separately and i listed elissa this one with four games i think four or five games maybe five games uh and this sold for 155 bucks plus shipping again i have pennies into this coming out of that goodwill palette and probably one of the best sales i've had from the goodwill mystery palette it's definitely a definitely a home run item for sure the next time we have going out is this loose copy of nintendo wii sports the very first goodwill mystery palette we bought it had a nintendo wii inside and it was covered in some sort of liquid but i dried it off cleaned it up and actually still worked and so once i turn it on i always push the eject button because i'd say like 75 of the time there's gonna be a disc in there people just donate it or throw it away and they just forget that there's a game inside and i'd say probably 60 of the time that there's a game in there it's going to be a copy of wii sports that's just one of the most popular games for the nintendo wii so i pulled this out of a wii that was inside of a pallet so literally pennies into this disc and this actually sold for 24 free shipping which is absolutely insane the price of this game and really video games in general have just skyrocketed lately because of the quarantine and stay-at-home order so if you have video games that you have not listed yet be sure to get around to it because i don't think the price is ever going to get any higher unless things start closing again and we have to do another stay-at-home order which is definitely possible next item up is a bible i actually found this in a box of clothes that i bought from a girl a couple weeks ago i did an unboxing of that box on my channel and i pulled this out really great condition barely used um yeah so it sold for 20 bucks free shipping and this can go media mail since it is a book so it'll probably cost about 2 and 50 cents to ship out next up is a pair of cowboy boots i just have sitting down here this is a pair of luke casey cowboy boots a really great brand of boots these are i think kangaroo leather kind of like a oxblood cherry black cherry color i actually bought these from my neighbor he is a he is an avid boot collector he has probably like 60 or 70 pairs of boots so anytime he wants to sell some he contacts me and we make a good deal so i bought i think six pairs five or six pairs from him for 200 or something something close to that uh and this is the second pair of sold the first pair sold for like 70 plus shipping and these sold for 98 plus shipping so i've pretty close to making my money back not quite yet but i still have uh three more pairs to go and each one of those should sell for close to 100 bucks a piece so cowboy boots are definitely a good item to be on the lookout for they have to be in good condition and a good size uh but if you can master the art of finding good cowboy boots there's a lot of money to be made next item is in the d bin and it is a nike jacket that i've had listed for a long time that's d19 i'm looking for d11 there it is i had this for a long time it's a nike white tag like windbreaker material my wife actually found this at the thrift store probably like a year ago i don't know why it took so long to sell i finally sent an offer out for 25 bucks free shipping and it sold this past weekend i thought originally this is going to sell for like 50 or 60 but i guess i was wrong i'm not super into clothing anymore it's a lot of work to list um and it takes a long time to sell so that's why i'm trying to stick with like hard goods and and shoes and things like that that's a little bit faster but you can definitely still make some money with this i think we paid 4.75 cents at goodwill and again it's sold for 25 bucks free shipping next item up is a cast iron soap dish i thought this thing was super cool we found it in a goodwill mystery palette last week i don't think it's vintage it has phillips head screws on the bottom so that's why i didn't list it as vintage but it is cast iron i think it would look great like a farmhouse style bathroom so that's what i listed the listing title says cast iron soap dish rustic farmhouse decor bathroom uh it sold pretty quickly too i think it was only listed for about two days and it sold for 18 plus shipping again we have pennies into this coming out of the goodwill mystery palette so pretty much almost 100 profit after fees and shipping by the way if you guys are not aware the fees with selling things on ebay ebay takes 10 percent right now like ebay managed payments is coming but as of right now ebay takes 10 of whatever the item sells for um and then paypal takes 2.9 plus 35 cents per transaction which i'd usually just say three percent um so if you sell something for a hundred dollars on ebay like after and the buyer pays shipping you're going to make about 87 after ebay takes their 10 percent and paypal takes their three percent next up is a rock band or guitar hero guitar this is actually a wired guitar for playstation 2 and a lot of people that aren't ebay resellers are super surprised when i sell stuff like this like people that aren't familiar with the industry think you know playstation 2 and everything is really obsolete which i would agree with you however there are still people out there that have them and want to play guitar heroes so i got this at goodwill i think i paid 2.92 cents for this and probably about a dollar and 50 cents for the game i always try to bundle the game with the guitar if i have it available just to make it sell a little bit faster and this sold for 40 plus shipping so buyer pay shipping we make 40 after ebay and paypal fees you know there's you take out 13 for that uh but still a pretty good flip there these are kind of tough to ship so i will also show you guys how i ship these next item up is this panasonic bathroom fan still new in the box this is kind of a weird situation it's kind of a consignment deal a guy at my church a good friend of mine owns a building supply company and they had some sort of apartment complex contract that like fell through so they were stuck with about 80 of these bathroom fans still new in the box and he asked me if i wanted to sell them on ebay and he would take we agreed on a 75 cut for him and 25 for me only because it's super easy i just i have like five or six of them in my bedroom in a guest bedroom right now so when one sells they're already boxed up all i do is literally click print label all the information is saved because i've sold about 25 of these or so something like that so i just print off the label stick it on the box and stick it on the porch for my mail lady to pick up so generally i do not recommend doing consignment deals because it's a lot of work and if you get into selling on ebay and you realize how much work it takes to clean and list and ship all your items even a 50 50 split is not worth it most of the time again i'm only doing this because the work on my part is very very minimal um so again don't recommend consignment deals unless it's a really really good one like this people also ask me like oh you're doing that so you sell it for 100 you're only going to make you know 25 before fees but you're going to be taxed on the 100 because it's going to come into your account blah blah blah you're not taxed on all the money that comes into your account i'm not going to talk about taxes on the youtube channel because don't want to get into that but you're not taxed on your total gross sales amount you're taxed on your profits so if i sell a fan for a hundred dollars but i have to pay a consignment fee of 75 my profit isn't a hundred dollars my profit is 25 and so that's what i'm going to be taxed on uh again don't don't listen to anybody on the internet for tax advice especially me unless it's my friend mark over at not your dad cpa on instagram he's an actual accountant for resellers he has great information go give him a follow but uh generally you don't want to listen to people on the internet for tax advice but you only pay taxes on your profits next item that sold is in my little video game box here nsa nintendo gamecube memory card i got this uh probably a pennies into this i bought a big lot of video games a couple months ago and this sold for 12 free shipping it probably cost about two dollars and fifty cents to ship out uh and this actually sold to a viewer and they asked me to give them a shout out which i will in this situation but i do want to say that i've had a ton of support from you guys lately with all the goodwill palettes and people you know emailing me and wanting to buy stuff directly from me before i even have a chance to list it and i super super appreciate each and every person that has you know been willing to spend money with me and buy my products but i've had so many people buy stuff lately that if i shouted out every single person that that did so i mean it would be like a 20-minute video just to me naming people so i'm trying not to do shout outs um individual shout outs anymore just because i don't want to leave anybody out however this buyer said that uh he wants a shout out for his wife for her birthday so i feel like that's a pretty special occasion so if you buy something for me and it's your birthday i'll give you a shout out so shout out to donna um your husband uh sean bought this uh and he wanted me to give you a shout out for your birthday so donna thank you so much for you and your husband's support i really appreciate it and i hope you have a happy birthday this next item is a wool rich men's uh long sleeve flannel shirt i bought this a couple months ago again i don't really do clothing as much anymore but i'm still selling it because i had a ton listed so this one finally sold for 15 bucks plus shipping i probably paid 4.75 cents for this so making a little bit of money but again clothing for me personally just my opinion it's not worth the work it takes to list and measure everything um there's a ton of resellers that only sell clothing and they make thousands of dollars so it works for them but just for me personally in my opinion it's just not something i want to pursue anymore and the last thing we have going on today is a golf club i do buy and sell a lot of golf clubs um looking for a ping i28 iron right there okay i do buy and sell a lot of golf clubs i bought uh all these like three bags of golf clubs a couple months ago i still haven't even listed any of these this is probably a couple hundred dollars worth of golf clubs that i still need to list but this one sold this past weekend ping i2 8 iron not very it's pretty old club and it did take probably seven months to sell and it only sold for 15 plus shipping so if you're gonna get into buying and selling golf clubs you really have to know where you're looking at it's it's it's a whole just intricate niche niche that you need to learn there's a lot of money to be made if you can you know find the right stuff and some vintage clubs are worth a lot of money but ping i2 green dot irons they're just a little bit too old to be worth any significant amount of money if you can i think i paid like a dollar for this so i'm still making some profit um but you really want to look out for newer clubs like i'd say anything five five years old or or younger is what i would look out for all right so once i have my whole bag you know the whole ikea bag filled i bring it in here to my office because it's just too hot out there in the garage to ship everything if you haven't i'm sure i'm sweaty oh shout out to my friend uh flippymcflifferson on instagram for selling me this sick batman t-shirt batman returns 1991 single stitch made in usa my brand new you know favorite t-shirt hey mo's love you so much come here come here come here come here is it come here come here okay so again once i have my kia back full i just bring it here to the office and this is where i do my shipping so we're going to get to it and if i see something that i think you guys might get benefit from i'll take a break and show you so i don't really have a ton of stuff right now but this is where i keep all of my shipping supplies i have this rack that i put here um that i can put boxes and bags on and things like that i have another little rack in here that i keep some other stuff some tape my bubble wrap up here and i have this little drawer that i have you know more bags in it's not it's not super organized we just like kind of cleaned everything out this weekend uh but this is basically my shipping station also i just went to vistaprint the other day and ordered some of these little postcards it just has my channel banner on there and uh you know just a blank white space i can write my thank you cards on the back this is cool because if you follow me on youtube this is familiar to you but if you just buy from me on ebay you have no idea what this means so it's not like telling people about my channel but it is telling people about my channel if they already know about it uh i don't think i would want to tell people on ebay about my youtube channel because some people get turned off by the fact that i'm buying this stuff for you know a dollar and selling it for 40. you know so i think this is a good um a good form of a thank you card uh you can kind of do whatever you want i do think that thank you cards are very important even just a post-it note just something in there to thank buyers for buying from you um i haven't always done that uh sometimes i'm slack like if i have a big shipping day like today it's easy to to forget them but i am going to try to be more conscientious about that going forward [Music] i keep i keep doing this [Music] never know [Music] i know my body never knows i know my body [Music] is [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] i keep doing this [Music] so once i have everything packed up into the boxes i go into my ebay page i don't want to show you guys this because it has people's addresses and things like that but basically i print all my labels at once so when i pull up all 18 orders i just have to go through one by one and make sure the weight and dimensions of the box are correct and so i'll do that like the first item up is that pair of ugg shoes so i'll go through my pile look for the uggs the box that says ugg or whatever i wrote on it and then i'll weigh it on my scale here i have a acutec scale pretty basic got on amazon for like 20 bucks works like a champ and once i get all that information correct on all of them then i'll write the zip code i'll use like a red marker usually and i'll write the zip code of the item on the box so like for example the ugg box is going to alpharetta georgia zip code is three zero zero two two so once i take that box and put in the correct weight and dimensions of the box i'll write three zero zero two two on that box and then put it back in the pile and then when i go and print off all 18 labels at once i'll just go through and match up the individual zip codes on the labels to the zip codes on the box this works pretty much 100 of the time the only time it would be tricky is if you have two packages going to the same zip code which i've been selling on ebay since october of 2018 and i've never had that happen if it does happen you just have to go back and then manually you know look and see which label goes to which box but that's the process i do and it's it's it's better in my opinion than printing out one label at a time that's there's nothing wrong with that i just really like the feeling of like printing off all the labels at once and seeing like all 18 labels come out of my rolo printer at once it just makes me feel like an actual business person you know so we're going to go through and get all these labels printed off and stuck on the packages and i will be back with you guys in just a second [Music] so i'm done with all my labels i have everything updated ready to print and one thing that i noticed as i was going through the labels is that the customer that bought the computer speakers for me which today happens to be one of my heaviest and most expensive packages to ship out is only living about 10 minutes away from me he actually lives in an apartment complex that i used to live in so i'm very familiar with that area i could technically hand deliver these speakers to him he would get them today so it would be a faster delivery method for him and it would save me about 15 it's going to cost me about 15 to ship them to him through the mail but if you do that there's no record of him ever getting the package the tracking information on the ebay shipping label would show that i never shipped the items so if that guy was dishonest he could say that he never received the speakers even though i gave them to him in person and ebay would back him up ebay would make me give him a full refund and he would just get the speakers and have all of his money so i have done that one time before and i did not have any issues with it but it's it's not really worth it you know 15 to drive 10 minutes over to the town and risk losing out on a 79 sale plus shipping and he already paid the shipping anyway you know so it's not like i'm saving any saving any money you know so i would not recommend doing that you can technically but not something i would do just thought that was a good little tidbit of of information for this video today so now that i have all my labels printed off in this big sheet i usually just go through starting from the last one on the sheet i peel it off like the labels are they're thermal labels i use a rolo printer i'll link everything i use in the description of this video uh it'll be links to my amazon affiliate store so anything you buy from that i would get a small commission usually about four percent if you guys are looking for anything i use the rolo thermal label printer this uh this shipping label zip code is zero seven nine six zero uh so it's usually gonna be the last thing that i boxed up which is this golf club and you just look on the box and match with the zip code that i wrote on there zero seven nine six zero and then you just put the label on the box usually there's a spot for the label on these priority boxes and just like that and you're good to go now i just have to do that on all the labels and all the boxes [Music] so once i have all of my packages packed up and ready to go i put them in these ikea bags you can uh you can get these at ikea obviously we can also get these bags on ebay i think they're like four or five bucks for like two of them free shipping they're not very expensive at all and they're really really big they can fit a ton of packages in there usually i have one or two bags filled but today i had a couple boxes that were not going to fit in there so i leave everything right here on my porch and my mail lady picks it is too it's too hot to do it is too hot to do that outside but yeah basically i just leave my packages right there on the porch every day and my mail lady comes and picks them up basically the first time that i needed her to do a porch pickup i just flagged her down as she as she stopped outside i gave her a 20 tip i'm like hey here's the big bag of packages for today i'm selling on ebay full time now so i'm gonna have packages on my porch every single day do i have to go on the usps website and schedule a pickup like you're supposed to do all the time or can you just like keep an eye out on my porch and just pick up my packages every day uh and i think the 20 dollar bill helped she's she's like yeah that's fine like i'll totally be on the lookout she's my mail carrier five days a week and then on her her day off i have a temporary carrier but usually i guess she's told them because i've never scheduled a usps pickup and they've i don't i think i had one carrier that missed a pickup one day um so like i said just be friends with your mayoral care mail carriers i am very lucky to have a very good mail carrier i know that a lot of them out there are not not very friendly but i think a little little cash tip every once in a while and a cold bottle of water i usually try to leave a bottle of water out there for her uh they really appreciate it and if they know that you know every so often you're going to give them a little tip and every day there's going to be a cold bottle of water on your porch that's less likely that they're not going to pick up your packages as well and of course anytime i mention this in a video there's always going to be people that comment and ask me if i'm afraid of porch pirates afraid of people coming to the porch and stealing my packages that would suck obviously but i live in a pretty decent neighborhood there's a lot of older people here that are home a lot a lot of people have cameras around around their houses uh and i've never had an issue with it and also i'm usually home like the front door door's open the garage door is open so people aren't going to come up and steal packages if they know somebody's home if i have to leave and run an errand usually i'll just take the packages to the post office with me and leave my mail carrier note in the mailbox saying that there's no packages for today so no i'm not afraid of porch pirates i've never had an issue with them but i also live in a very pretty small town of south carolina i guess and we just don't really have a lot of those issues here so something i like to do with these weekend sales recap videos is go over not only all of my sales but also tell you guys my actual profits i feel like there's a lot of people on the reselling social media platform that love sharing their gross sales amount but they never go into depth and show you their actual profits because your gross sales amount doesn't mean anything i could sell a hundred thousand dollars a week on ebay but if my cost of goods is a hundred thousand dollars after ebay fees and paypal fees i'm not making any money so i don't really care about your total sales amount for ebay i want to see how much profit you're actually making and i feel like a lot of you guys watching videos like this appreciate this information so if you do go ahead and smash the like button i'd really really appreciate it so first our total gross sales amount from this weekend this is all the money we had coming in from ebay to our paypal account this was a total of 953 dollars and 35 cents then we had to take out our ebay and paypal fees and as i told you guys earlier in this video ebay takes ten percent and paypal takes about three percent so taking this 953 35 and multiplying it by 0.87 would account for taking out that 13 percent which would leave us with 829 and 41 cents then we have to take out our total shipping cost which for all 18 items in this video was 154 dollars in one cent next up we have to take out our cost of goods sold which this is the total amount of money we spent to acquire all 18 items that we sold this weekend so for me personally i do not keep track of each item individually on a spreadsheet i just keep track of my monthly totals so whenever i sell something i just think back to when i bought it like where i got it from and then give a good estimate of the cost you know just from my judgment so for instance those computer speakers we found those in a goodwill 40 mystery palette and the whole palette was filled with really good stuff so i probably have like a dollar into those speakers the face shield thing i got it at the goodwill bins so i probably paid about a dollar for it so today's amount is really a guesstimate uh and we spent a total of about 150 on all 18 items the two most expensive items were definitely the panasonic bathroom fan that was the consignment fan so basically it sold for 100 after ebay and paypal fees were left with 87 and then i split that 87 dollar profit 75 goes to the the guy i have the consignment deal with and 25 goes to me and i think that comes out to like basically 72 dollars cost of goods sold for that fan so it's the equivalent of me buying the fan for 72 dollars and then selling it for 100 on ebay so 72 of the cost of goods the total 150 came from the fan the other most expensive thing was probably the cowboy boots again i got five pairs of those from my neighbor for 200 so i believe that would be a 40 cost of goods sold but you know yeah i'm dividing the 200 by the five pairs that i got uh so just just the the fan and the boots make up the vast majority of the total cost of goods sold of 150 bucks all 16 items remaining together only make up like 30 or so uh so overall i have a very very low cost of goods sold most people that resell dupe because you're getting stuff at the goodwill bins and thrift stores and yard sales you're getting stuff for one to five dollars that's probably the most common price that i pay for items so uh it's a very low cost of goods sold 150 bucks for all 18 items total is very very low so after we do all the math take out the shipping cost and the cost of goods sold from everything we are left with 524 and 81 cents an actual net profit this is a pre-tax profit this is what i would actually be taxed on from this weekend so we started with 953 dollars and 35 cents in sales and then after ebay fees paypal fees shipping and cost of goods we're left with 524 dollars and 81 cents now you do have some other expenses like i have an ebay store that i pay about 50 a month for i have shipping supplies that i buy you know every so often but i'm not gonna when i do these breakdowns on the video like this i'm not gonna account for that stuff because if you try to prorate all of your shipping supplies out for each individual sale it's it's gonna be very minimal i mean i probably spend a total of like three dollars in shipping supplies today for all 18 orders so we're just going to say that our total net profits from this weekend of sales is 524.81 you do have to pay taxes on that for me i generally save about 25 of that to pay my taxes and when we take out that 25 from the 524 81 we're left with about 394 in actual profit after taxes after fees after everything which for just one weekend of ebay sales i think is pretty good for me personally i average about seven thousand dollars a month in ebay sales and i operate at close to a 50 profit margin which means that i have a taxable income from my ebay sales every month of about 3 500 if you multiply that amount by 12 that would give us a pre-tax annual income of roughly 42 000 which for me in south carolina is a very good wage that's exactly how much i was making at my old insurance underwriter position before i was laid off and with this 42 000 a year obviously you have to spend some of it you have to pay taxes on it you have to pay for health insurance you have to reinvest some money into your business to buy more things so that's one reason why i started my youtube channel to kind of you pad that income a little bit like i said in the beginning of the video my youtube income makes up about 30 to 40 percent of my overall income some months it's more than 50 some months it's less so it just averages out to maybe close to 40 percent of my overall income but i didn't want to talk about the youtube side of things i just want this video to be about ebay so this is really talking to you guys that are working you know like i used to work fast food jobs and delivery driver jobs where i was making 20 000 a year you know before tax and i was just working so many hours and i was miserable if you're in that boat if you're working some dead-end job and not even making 20 25 000 a year you can really make some serious money at least more than you're making now doing reselling it's it's not as easy as you might think it is but i think it's way better than working like a retail job or a food service job for sure this video has been entirely too long i said i was going to do some other vlog stuff after we finished this but i'm just going to go ahead and cut it off here we have gone over a ton of stuff today i'm sorry if i babbled i'm just trying to pack a lot of information into one video if you guys learned anything if you feel like you're more comfortable with any aspect of your reselling business now let me know in the comments down below let me know what the most helpful piece of information for you personally was i definitely appreciate all of you guys watching this video again if you enjoyed it at all be sure to smash the like button i'd really appreciate it helps video out a ton and again if you want more content like this consider subscribing to the channel if you haven't already thank you guys again so much for watching you're the best and i'll catch you guys on the next one [Music]
Channel: Hairy Tornado
Views: 111,595
Rating: 4.9587288 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, ebay seller, full time ebay seller, ebay full time, make money on ebay, can you make money on ebay, ebay reseller, ebay job, selling on ebay, making money on ebay, flipping on ebay, flip, trash talk, gary vee, how to sell on ebay
Id: ru6-hKxj0ZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 27sec (2307 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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