We Were Last In Line But Everyone Else Missed These!

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what's going on you guys my name is josh also known as harry tornado i'm here with my beautiful wife at dream deals in west columbia this is that amazon overstock store i've been to multiple times but pretty much every time i've come here i've been here really early to get in line and today we're only here about 35 minutes early or something like that and there's already a pretty hefty line so what i wanted to do in this video was see if you can not have to get here two hours early to find the really good stuff so we're gonna head to the back of the line uh we're probably 80 70 or 80th people in lawn uh we're gonna see if we can still find some deals without having to have the the huge weight so let's get into it [Music] i am the youtube guy what's up see you're famous i here i am this is the only place in the world that i'm famous i i turned on my camera because kim here kim's my helper her husband phillip is here and uh i know you've been here before i don't know if philip's been here before but i'm surprised you hear this later yeah well that's the whole point of the video today so yesterday i came here i was like two two hours 15 minutes early we found good stuff and today i'm like let's just see if you can still find some good stuff without having to get here two and a half hours a day have you gone through all your goodwill stuff yet no we've still got six more pallets to open yeah if you want to love watching if you want to come help open one feel free nice meeting you too hey hello how are you i just started watching you oh you did so good for y'all thank you kind of um i'm a little envious and then i'm like well you're ahead of me in line today so leave some deals for me so i can have a decent video today so can i ask you two or three questions yeah go for it here i'll turn it this nice lady wanted to ask me a couple of questions off camera and i was happy to do that for her so the thing about this store is i don't think you have to be first in line obviously if you are first in line you kind of get first dips over everything you see in the store but like the last week when i found those two cell phones i found those like 30 minutes after the store opened so there were hundreds of people around like digging through these bins and i still was able to pull out like two of my best finds ever 30 minutes in so i'm not too concerned today i think we're still going to be able to beat a lot of these people i mean like i said we're probably 80th in line or so but again it's not like best buy on black friday when there's like five tvs available and the first five people go and buy them and then it's over with all the good stuff is like hidden in the bins you don't know where it is so i think one of the biggest benefits of getting here earlier is making sure you get a buggy i think they only have like 50 or 60 buggies available and that is a game changer when you're trying to buy a ton of stuff at the store so hopefully we'll be able to get a buggy if not we're gonna have to drag around our ikea bags all day but again i'm still confident i think we're going to be able to find some good stuff and not have to wait two and a half hours a lot all right what are we looking for again deals okay that's a good answer where's the good stuff everywhere i don't believe you [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so i've got my ikea bag all filled up and ready to go but my hands hurt because i don't have a buggy so i'm dragging this thing around so what i think i'm gonna do is go ahead and check out like go through my bag make sure the items i have in here are actually worth six dollars and verify that then go ahead and check out put this up in the car and get a fresh ikea bag to come back for round two what what's your name i'm v d what's up man what'd you find today i found a bathtub yo shut this up you think that's gonna fit me i don't fit me i'm a big dude i'd like to see that gotta get clean nobody wanted to be in the video yeah this guy my friend came yesterday and got a sealed gift card here he's like you think it's worth the gamble for six bucks yeah sure uh like an amazon gift card and he opened the parking lot and it said two thousand dollars on the front they're like there's no way i don't know man i gotta i gotta look it up i gotta look it up man it doesn't even have bbs with it i don't know i think about it but the other day i found eight of them that's awesome i haven't found any of them yet saturday i was just walking through after everyone had kind of went through everything yeah i stuck to the table looked down there were two yeti sitting there somebody said that that's crazy that is crazy yeah i was just grabbing i got to make sure this stuff is worth it yesterday we were here and we were here yeah i got here at like 6 50 yesterday yeah there's just no i'm just getting to where i could walk in and i find justice i think they should sell buggies like 10 bucks a piece i'd buy one only you okay i heard you say the old gift card oh yeah so he found it and he uh he just bought it just to scan it and it said two thousand dollars on the front but when we scanned it it was empty so i'm probably not going to change it anymore yeah i didn't even know they made like two thousand dollar gift cards like who's buying a two thousand dollar gift card hey that would have been good yeah we were both nervous i was like oh my gosh all right definitely getting that definitely getting those look at that definitely i don't really know anything about this but i'll get it all right so i got to get i want to get that open i want to get that open i want to get that open i think this is a strut mount what is the strut mount yeah man you're gonna watch me open this out i'm pretty sure that looks like an old strut mount doesn't it yeah that is that ain't worth nothing i do yeah hairy tornado like and subscribe i got you hey tornado yep harry h-a-i-r-y yeah man i appreciate it all right getting all this stuff got to get that stuff opened all right my man your name was jeff right yep yeah i remember you from last week yeah yeah yeah yeah let me get those all three of these open see what's inside unboxing i just want to make sure everything what's this i don't i think it says golf cart rear brake drum so i don't make sure it's just still in there and everything's good to go this looks good for a car golf cart yeah that's good does it look clean i'm not gonna lie a little bit doesn't look what you think be honest honestly honestly i don't know anything about golf cart rear brake drones i'm gonna i'm gonna leave it i got too much stuff at the house as it is but it looks it looks good i guess yeah man all right so that's good just this one you say henry no harry harry harry yeah that's your name right yep well my name is josh but my youtube is harry potter what made you want to get into youtube then um just to help people and you know all my videos about like ebay and like reselling and starting your own business how to make money on selling stuff and really it's kind of taking off how many people you guys subscribe to us so far uh like 54 000 oh i mean it's 11 here a little bit a little bit very very local celebrity wow 54 000 yeah man we've been blessed this is one of the subscribers right here what'd you find well i have no idea no i do you got a lot of boxes cybernet okay that's sounds fancy seems like uh come on ten thousand dollars wow it's an empty jewelry box no thanks oh you put it back in there it's got a nice bag they always put all this nice stuff yeah in a nice bag and then it's just a two dollar jewelry box from china i appreciate you jeff no problem both can we put this back what is this oh yes please i don't know what that is i don't either i'll throw it back for you see you talking to a famous guy i thought door lock installation kit i need this i've been wanting to install a deadlock on my front door all right i'm gonna get it i don't know how to use it but all right what'd you get uh 50 things of shampoo 50 things with shampoo you're never going to have to buy shampoo again well no they're selling out there pretty good yeah that's awesome i don't i don't know what's in here that that or that all right let them open it see what's in there see that's the surprise good luck so far so good we didn't have to we only got here like 30 or 40 minutes before they opened yeah so yeah pretty good for not having to wait two and a half hours all right what'd y'all find we found the yeti cup are you from the yeti i've been i've been looking for one of those for two weeks where did they get it for you to just to find one because they had a bunch of them and everybody was finding them but me so we had to take it over there and he opened it up yeah i found a i found a gun this is a bb gun but pretty cool semi-automatic boop boop i gotta find haley and all this oh there she is hello oh my gosh i've been looking for you i have a huge bag of stuff and i can't carry it anymore okay let's take it off to the side and search through it all right what'd you get probably half of it's going to be emptied out but what is this pillowcases okay they have the little red chocolate christmas truck yeah okay that's cool can you get that evidence based i looked this up yesterday it's not worth it these things are worth it if they're not expired which 6 20 so it's expired i mean you can use it for yourself if you want but i wouldn't sell it see vapor pre-workout this january 2021 that's not expired is it open it's sealed guess who found a garden hose oh wow our garden has literally literally just sprung a leak yesterday i don't know there's a big black plastic thing in there but there's a there's a nozzle thing right there yeah that's a guard nose okay okay cool um i have a bunch of xbox one yeah i know i looked them up yesterday and they're worth like nine bucks free shipping i know i know that's i i had like 10 of them in my bag yesterday i got so excited anytime i found a bunch of stuff like this one's good this one's this one's sealed at 22 free shipping only one sold it's still pretty good i think we can get it sold i'll get that uh that one's expired what is this i don't know it looks cute i think it's a road we'll get it look at this the washington manual when i say i just shoved things in here i see your stages seriously just shoved these are cool oh these are broken these would be good if they weren't broken what is that a soldering gun soldering iron the box is open that's still cool though i need a soldering iron hey what's up man how are you right there you don't know about how much ten by seven by five boxes twenty of them would cost them just boxes of boxes um ten by seven by five those would probably be like 50 cents a piece or something yeah yeah yeah that's a good size too ten by seven by five that's good for like hats and like small first class items i think it's worth six bucks i've been getting a lot of people get their boxes on ebay but amazon is actually cheaper by like four to five cents per box i've been getting all my boxes on amazon now i just found two packs of uh poly mailers for 100 100 polymers that's awesome for six yeah for sure did you just sell on ebay yeah yeah awesome good to see you man thank you come on good luck okay okay let's go to solds okay none none have sold wait i watched a miracle yeah that's that's the right one 17 bucks plus shipping 17 bucks free shipping i'm gonna get it just to make haley feel good that book was good one thing no that's like two or three things so far what is this gigantic bag of 50 pounds of stuff and none of it's good you're just not a professional reseller i don't know this looks cool they're cool i just don't know if they're worth six dollars you know i love you so much [Music] this is good this is a two pack see ten so one of them sells for 20 bucks free shipping so it's like 40 bucks well free shipping i found this um it's a friend's card game it looks like funny game i figure if it's not worth anything we could get it the one with all the cards 21 okay let's see what i actually sold for 38 sold not worth a lot 10 bucks plus shipping so we can get it and just play with it all right so i think we are calling it quits for today we got our one bag filled up here second bag filled up there i don't know how many things we got all together maybe like 25 to 30 about the same as yesterday a lot of people in here there's kim hey kim we're gonna go ahead and check out and head home uh my hands hurt it really sucks not getting a buggy i can't express you guys how important it is to get early to to get a buggy because only to do so much with an ikea bag or if you don't get a buggy you should definitely bring gloves to help your hands but we're gonna take the stuff home and see if we can get a total profit for the day hello again how's it going [Applause] what's the best thing you found you've seen today somebody get um king says box spring oh wow six bucks not as good as my cell phones i found last week did anybody else find any that day that you saw yeah two other people did oh wow that's awesome so there's at least four more for four phones total we just gotta dig faster oh one part is not two phones so there are five yeah that's crazy it's my hand sir if you don't get here early enough to get a buggy it's just it's really difficult thanks stop though thank you i'll see you again oh man dee is over there he said the bathtub didn't fit him i was like oh man everybody was going to be so excited to see you try to oh what what is what is that what is that what is that you're riding up here man this is an electric bike electric bike it's like you're flying is that a little turn signal on the back look at that turn signal it starts playing uh pictures as well that's awesome man yeah you seem like a very interesting character i'll see you let's see you here again we gotta we gotta talk have a conversation all right tornado i can see you man you too my wife and i picked up 21 items at dream deals the other day for a total of 126 plus tax however five of those items were for personal use so i'm not gonna include those in this little synopsis portion of today's video so we're just gonna go over the 16 items that we bought to resell and remember the whole point of today's video was to see if you could still find good deals to resell on ebay without having to get there two hours before they open and i think we did pretty well before we get into these items i do want to ask that if you guys have enjoyed today's video at all be sure to hit that like button down below it helps us out a ton first item up is this pair of darn tough women's socks this is just a single pair it should sell for about 18 to 20 or so free shipping not a ton of money but these are very high quality socks and these should sell very quickly next up we got this book maps of meaning the architecture of belief don't know what this book is about but sold comps for used versions or selling for about thirty dollars free shipping this will qualify for media mail shipping meaning we can send it anywhere in the united states for about three dollars and fifty cents next up is another book this is building codes illustrated by francis d k ching i'm assuming it's a book about building code sold comps on this on ebay are selling for about 40 to 45 free shipping next up is this dvd series a show called suspects series one and two paid six bucks for this there are soul comps on ebay as low as like 18 free shipping but there's one that sold for 35 free shipping so i'm not sure why there's such a discrepancy between the highest and lowest sold comp but i'm going to list these for 35 free shipping and see what happens next up is this book that haley found this is the washington manual of medical therapeutics 35th edition that is a lot of editions of this book haley actually found this book uh soul comps were decent i think like 18 bucks plus shipping or 18 bucks free shipping i don't i went over in the store i probably wouldn't have bought this normally but haley spent a ton of time digging through the bins trying to find stuff to resell and i just wanted to uh to buy as much of her stuff as i possibly could so haley love you so much good job finding this book picked up this two pack of matcha iq bars not 100 sure what these are but there's 12 bars in each pack each pack is still sealed and it is not expired anytime you are buying food products or vitamins or supplements anything like that at these amazon stores you have to make sure they are sealed and not expired because most of the time they are not sealed and they are expired so be on the lookout for that soul comps on these are actually pretty good i think like 25 bucks per box so i'll probably throw this two pack up for like maybe 44.99 free shipping and get sold pretty quickly i got two more of these pura vida uh hair thinning therapy shampoos these sell for about twenty dollars twenty two dollars free shipping not a ton of money here but i already have one that i picked up yesterday or the last time i went to the amazon bin store so now i can just still have that one listing and just increase the quantity from one to three i got this compressor nebulizer i think this is like a cpap machine i'm pretty sure you're not gonna be able to sell something like this on ebay this is gonna be qualified as medical equipment and this will get you a vero or a ding on your account so fast so i'm definitely not gonna list this on ebay i'll probably throw it up on mercari maybe facebook marketplace for forty to sixty dollars there was one listed on mercari for like 40 bucks plus shipping i think so i think i'll probably have the the best chance of selling this on facebook marketplace that way there's zero chance of dealing with any type of of ding on any account it's just facebook somebody needs a cpap machine boom gotcha opening this up in the store and it is brand new sealed everything is still brand new in there even though the the box was opened uh so again paid six bucks for this should get about 40 to 50 for it on facebook got this wildcat bb gun i thought it was new sealed in the package but i saw some tape around there and then i realized that the box was actually opened all the way you can take it all the way out this is like a co2 cartridge gun i'm not 100 sure how it how where the co2 goes but the bb is going this little clip it's just like a gun it doesn't pull back or anything so you just put one of those little co2 cartridges in there it's a semi-automatic holds up to like 20 bbs i think and then you're just pretty cool probably not worth a ton of money to be honest i'm probably going to take this to our yard sale we're going to have in a couple weeks and try to get like maybe 10 or 15 bucks for it it doesn't have any air cartridges it doesn't have any bbs with it and it's open i did not know that when i bought it so uh you know at the yard sale if we get 15 bucks for it that's more than doubling our money so i think that would be a pretty good flip this is another find by my wife haley it's two of these bioderma solution prairie frying cleansing solution i don't know what these things are but looks like soil comps on these are about twenty dollars each so i think i can get about forty dollars free shipping for this two pack and then one last find for my wife haley this is some muscletech vapor one pre-workout formula we open it up in the store make sure it was still sealed on the inside made sure the expiration date was good to go again anytime you're buying stuff like this at these amazon stores you have to check those two things this isn't worth a ton of money maybe like 20 22 free shipping if i found it i probably wouldn't have bought it but it was found by my wife and i want to try to encourage her a little bit and and humor her when it comes to these shopping trips because she's still learning like i said in the video she's not a professional reseller yet so she's still trying to learn what the profitable items are at these amazon stores so i'm going to again humor her a little bit and and buy these somewhat low profitable items just to encourage her to keep trying because if she keeps trying she's naturally going to get better and then finally i picked up two more of these dead of winter board games these are still new sealed in the box these are going to sell for about 35 to 40 free shipping something like that again going into q4 these new inbox items are going to sell very very quickly so i'm trying to load my store up with these things one more fine i totally lied this is the last thing this is pretty sure this is a carburetor i don't really know anything yeah it says carburetor i guess i guess this is a carburetor i literally know nothing about auto parts or anything like that this doesn't have a brand it just says it just says carburetor and some numbers after that inside there's a little baggie of of things i guess those are carburetor accessories and on the side it looks like there's some spark plugs and some hoses attached to it with tape i think this is maybe like a carburetor kit to change out the carburetor i don't know if this is to a car or a dirt bike or a lawnmower i have no idea so if anybody can in the comments can help me identify this there's no part number on the actual carburetor itself and the sticker on the box just says eae9510d carburetor import carb something some random numbers so not very descriptive but i figured i could take a chance on it for six bucks if anybody can tell me about this i greatly appreciate it so let's leave out that carburetor because i know nothing about it and say we have 15 items total that we're going to try to sell on ebay and i think that that will give us a total gross sales amount of close to 400 so after we take out the ebay fees the cost of goods and the shipping for all these items i think we're going to be left with an actual you know net profit a taxable income on these 15 items of about 225 to 250 which for getting there you know 30 minutes before they open and spending maybe an hour and a half or so shopping i think that's pretty good thank you guys so much for watching this video today if you enjoyed it at all remember to hit that thumbs up button for us down below it really helps us and the channel out a ton and if you haven't yet consider subscribing to this channel for more content just like this thank you guys for watching you're the best and we'll catch [Music] you [Music] channel
Channel: Hairy Tornado
Views: 111,301
Rating: 4.9591293 out of 5
Keywords: ebay, ebay seller, ebay reseller, amazon overstock, amazon store, amazon returns store, bins store, bin time, gimme five, pallet, amazon returns pallets, goodwill bins, insane bins store, amazon pallet flipping, full time reseller
Id: nDbWlzj93Ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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