These Customers Were Monsters!

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what is going on you guys my name is josh also known as harry tornado and it is super cold right now i'm here about to wait in line at crazy cass boys in columbia south carolina this is one of those amazon liquidation stores where everything inside the store is only seven dollars per item no matter what it is i've been here twice before and we found some really really solid items stuff to sell in for over a hundred over 150 each so there's definitely a lot of profit to be found in the store if you're willing to get here early wait in the cold wait in the long lines and dig through the bins so let's get in here today and see what we can find [Music] i know it's probably pretty loud but i just want to shout out queen's mobile cafe for realizing this business opportunity all these poor people standing in line in the cold and you can't once you're in line you can't leave go get coffee so miss queen over here was like you know what i'm gonna bring my coffee cart and post up right here what an entrepreneur shout out miss queen so the good news is that when it's this cold outside the lawn is pretty short like this is the whole line right here if you remember the very first day we came i was like two hours early like two hours before they opened at nine i got here like seven the first time and i was all the way almost back there by that stop sign and then last time i came i got here like 6 45 in the morning and i was about in the same spot um and now it's like i don't know like 7 7 30 or so so almost an hour after that basically the same spot so just as i thought the cold weather is keeping people in so maybe we'll have a better chance of finding some good stuff today i was standing in line and i was starting to get pretty cold and then i realized that i could just go buy some coffee from miss queen over here i i wanted to give her a shout out for being an entrepreneur but i didn't even support her business so i'm gonna go fix that we're gonna head over here and get a cup of coffee just to keep warm i guess good afternoon good morning good morning good morning are you are you miss queen i am i'm a coffee queen yes i i i want to congratulate you on realizing this opportunity because all these people standing out here in the cold no coffee i think they're scared to leave the line though cause they yeah i think you know they hadn't bum rushed me like i thought they was but they will because i'm gonna be out here every friday uh that's awesome you're an entrepreneur yes sir i am i like your little stand here how long have you got it they've only had it for a month a month awesome i've been selling coffee for seven years that's awesome yeah well i just bought this someone um was getting rid of it and they knew they knew me and they just called me up and said hey you want it i said hey yes absolutely yes i bet it's i bet it's cozy so queen's mobile cafe mobile cafe i've got a i've got a youtube channel so i'll give you a sh i'll give you a shout out on there absolutely and i am the name the coffee queen deneen the coffee queen i love it i love it and um i don't know i just i love selling coffee like this is my thing i did not make as much as i needed to this year but if i would have had this machine i would have yeah but since i've had if people been reaching out to me to come to their neighborhoods to their businesses it is amazing i i i i love what you're doing okay i'll take some coco how about that that sounds good i am hey josh i'm trevor trevin what's up man how are you doing well i just want to say i saw your uh youtube channel yeah i appreciate it man the reason i'm out here have you been here before no well i hope you found some good stuff i don't want to lead you out here is there any like tips or anything uh i mean just like i would just get stuff first and look it up later yeah um they the good thing is they upgraded to bigger buggies inside the first week they had like these little tiny like dollar general carts so they filled up instantly but now they've got like big target sized carts so i would just fill it up with the bag before and i was like i brought that ikea bag last time yeah they wouldn't let me bring it in they're like no you can't have that i'm like i'm not gonna steal stuff i'm using it to carry stuff but yeah i mean there's there's just so much stuff man i just get anything that looks good and once you get your cart filled up take it off to the side and then look it up you're good okay oh no no let me pay for it i want to i want to support your business i want to support you're out here in the cold you know i'm not cold nice and cozy in there one of my one of my mottos on my youtube channel is support your friends one thing it's a big deal it is one of my biggest pet peeves in life is where people have friends and family that have businesses and ask for free stuff all the time it's like oh my cousin deneen's got a coffee shop she can come and give out free coffee i'm like no that's her business i heard what you said so we're going to do something different okay i appreciate it uh my name is josh but my youtube channel is harry tornado um send me something you know tag me or something check in or something and then i will promote yours as well okay i appreciate that absolutely friends supporting friends got it yes sir you want the green tea yes ma'am thank you ma'am thank you all right you guys so here's the instagram page of deneen the coffee queen the lady that owns that coffee car she is super nice just a really kind and genuine person and i wanted to figure out some way i could support her so i went and followed her on instagram please do that as well she also has a link to her coffee website where she sells coffee by the bag and she would deliver it to you i'm pretty sure any anywhere in the united states and it looks like every coffee she has is like 13 bucks a bag or so i haven't bought any yet i'm just making this video like two days later but i do plan on buying a bag but if you guys want to support her at least go follow her on instagram leave a little comment on one of her posts to tell her how you found her and if you want to go a step further this holiday season go to her website and order a bag of coffee i'm sure she would be greatly appreciative alright guys so the doors just opened i was sitting here in lawn and what was your name frankie frankie he reached out to me yesterday i think on a youtube comment yeah and he drove all the way from boston massachusetts to come to crazy cass voice today you said a 14-hour drive 14 and a half 14. i really really hope you found some good stuff you want me to vote for them i want to thank you for the advice man so what's the best of luck man absolutely i'll i'll try to leave some deals for you i appreciate it brother thank you that's 14 and a half hours oh man that's crazy morning there you go thanks man appreciate you brother all right let's see what we can find don't think those are worth seven dollars pokemon mega constructs a little too damaged for me like oh this bin was so nice [Music] yes this might be good [Music] it's got some scratches on there [Music] done the ps4 nice that's crazy two craftsman batteries take a chance on this some hugs shoes those are sketchers not ariats push my butt get this hkp coupe boolean compact something i don't know i scan the barcode and there's two listed for 54 31 and 58.50 but none sold but i'm gonna go ahead and take a take a chance on that i think that's pretty good seven bucks walk over here to this stuff what i call the spray paint i found this women's road game it's not expired as far as uh september 2021 it's still sealed the little seals right there and soil crops are pretty good 40 bucks 36 bucks 30 bucks i think that's worth it seven bucks we also have some food products like this is a pack of 60k cups for seven bucks so i don't know what flavors but that's a pretty good deal i'll grab those personal use these there's just so much to dig through man star wars cereal little debbie bird seeds this stuff might be worth it let's scan it [Music] um yeah 30 bucks free shipping not worth it there's a little debbie i'm guessing each box is worth seven dollars it's got to be each box that's crazy of course i gotta pick up some treats for moe's some blue wilderness grain free bones let's make sure they're not expired expires january 2022. i'll grab those for him have you guys found anything yeah it's a little draw today hey henry how are you i like your hair growing it out yeah why are you doing it you're gonna cut it off and donate it oh that's awesome it's finally to the point where it's like okay might as well just keep going yeah so yeah i don't even know what we found he just kind of grabbed that yeah i saw some lady with a ps4 that was pretty good yeah i'm sure yeah well good luck see henry yeah some lady found it i'm sure there was only one and she found it pretty much right when she walked in the door there's not really much here today have y'all been here before no yeah it's the first day was really really good and last week was pretty decent but there's only so much used crap they can put in these bins so yeah i've got a youtube channel a hairy tornado harry like beard check it out what's that oh a hard drive yeah oh 12 terabytes geez louise just fun for people that don't know anything about hard drives how much is that worth iron will let me look it up while you're here because now i'm curious that's crazy 267 220 open box refurbish that's a good find man yeah that is awesome better than the ps4 another pair of i think this is the box but this pair of sauconies uh peregrine tin like brand new let's make sure there's a little bit of stain right there other than that they look good pick those up for seven bucks the last time i posted a video about this place a lot of you guys commented said it was way too crowded and the place is pretty big in here and as you can see as long as you don't go for like the new bins like those people are doing back there it's very easy to you know social discont distance in here pretty much everybody has a mask on um that lady back there but for the most part i feel very safe in here again as long as you don't go for those new bins uh like that i i don't like really i don't really like the fact that they put out new stuff while people are in the store because people start acting like that and it gets dangerous and unsafe and not not a fan but like i said if you walk around the middle store there's nobody within like 15 feet of me all the way around so it's it's pretty safe in my opinion so they just brought out some new like pallets not the plastic bins but the actual cardboard pallets people literally swarmed and literally just tore them apart i mean just threw stuff on the ground rip pallets apart i mean this is absolutely crazy i mean you get people in here and they get so like that tunnel vision about deals and they lose all sense of human [Music] [Music] and decency okay okay i'm doing better than i deserve how are you doing good thanks for asking oh these are cool yeah i found a lot of shoes today thank you y'all have a good one okay what is going on you guys it's currently sunday night so it's been two days since i went to crazy cass boys when i got home on friday i want to get everything listed on ebay to see if we could actually sell some of this stuff before the video came out and i was actually pretty successful i picked up 13 items at seven dollars each which means i spent a total of 91 on friday i did have to pay sales tax on these items but just to keep things simple and because that sales tax is going to be a tax write-off anyway let's just say we're all in invested on these 13 items at exactly 91 i was able to list 12 of the 13 items that i picked up so almost everything was listed and since friday seven of those 12 listed items have already sold so in order to give you guys a full financial breakdown on this haul i'm going to start with negative 91 up there in the corner because that's how much we have invested into this haul and then i'll go over each of the seven items that have actually sold on ebay already and i'll show you how much money i've made after ebay fees and shipping is taken out so we'll see how fast we can recoup this 91 investment and see how much profit we have so far just with seven items i was able to pick up both of these batteries for just seven dollars like three dollars and fifty cents each because they were in one bag together so they counted that as one item each of these batteries sold for 29.99 free shipping and after shipping and ebay fees i should be making about 18 on each battery i found two of these yeti cups i thought about saving them for a christmas gift but i decided to just list them on ebay on friday and each one sold for 26.99 free shipping and after shipping and ebay fees i should be making about 15 and 50 cents on each one this women's rogaine also sold this weekend for 29 free shipping is very lightweight it'll go first class costs about five bucks or so so after ebay fees and shipping i should make about twenty dollars on this this pair of men's ugg slippers was a great find these sold very quickly for 44.99 with the buyer paying shipping so after ebay fees i'm walking away with about 40 bucks on those and the final thing that sold this weekend was this dragon ball z figurine i know nothing about dragon ball z but anytime i find a sealed action figure or a sealed toy at one of these amazon stores i always look it up in perfect condition sealed package i think these were selling for like 60 to 70 but this package was in very rough condition it was still sealed luckily but it was it had dents and rips and tears and it was just it had seen better days so i accepted an offer on this of 37 plus shipping so after shipping and buyers paying shipping so after ebay fees i'll walk away with about 33 on this one so as you guys can see we are already at 69 in profit after all fees and expenses are accounted for just with these first seven items that have sold so this is great to have such a fast and profitable turnaround on this haul but the best part is that we still have seven more items that we haven't even sold yet so let's take a look at those in the potential profit there so i got two of these thoroughly fireproof document bags honestly i'm not really sure where i bought these this was not a good buy at all they're currently listed for 22 free shipping and they're also pretty big so i would imagine that they'd probably cost about nine dollars to ship out so after ebay fees and that shipping amount i'd be lucky to walk away with like 10 bucks a piece on these i found this pair of men's saucony running shoes great pair of shoes in great condition i listed these for 49 plus shipping and if they sell for that amount i should walk away with about 42 on these i took a chance on these bolt cutters there were only two listed on ebay for over 50 but none have sold so i listed mine for 40 free shipping trying to edge out the market and if they do sell for that amount after fees and shipping i walk away with about 27 on those i also picked up two of these 3ds accessory kits like mario and yoshi i don't know why i bought these they they're not worth it at all it's seven dollars each for these each one's currently listed for 14.99 in my store free shipping so after fees and shipping i'll walk away with like eight bucks on these not a lot of money at all not a good buy don't buy these the very last item is one item that is not currently listed on ebay it's a pair of chef's shoes from emerald legacy i think they're a pair of women's like high-top converse looking shoes really great condition they just have some like nasty stuff in the soles i just need to take some time to clean those but they still have the tags on there so i'm not sure why somebody would wear them around a dirty kitchen and not take the tags off and then return them but oh well i think they're going to sell for about 40 i'll list them for about 40 plus shipping and if they sell for that amount i should walk away with like 34 or so on these so i think that was a pretty good pick up again not listed yet we're going to get those cleaned and listed tomorrow and hopefully they'll sell pretty quickly so a total potential profit of just over 200 on this crazy catboy's haul which i would categorize as pretty mediocre i guess is okay obviously i'd like to make a little bit more money than this considering the fact that i spent almost two hours waiting in line another hour shopping inside the store and then another almost hour waiting in the checkout line that's just a huge portion of my day taken up for only 200 in profit again not bad but ideally you'd want to see that number be around 500 or so but that's part of the gamble with these amazon stores you've got to get there early take a chance you may find really good stuff you may find a bunch of junk and deal with a bunch of people ripping open pallets of deodorant and toothpaste you never know what you're going to get with these amazon over stock stores but it's guaranteed to be an interesting adventure thank you guys so much for watching today's video if you enjoyed it at all remember to hit that like button down below it helps me and the channel out a ton and if you haven't yet go ahead and click the subscribe button down below as well thank you for watching you're the best and we'll catch you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: Hairy Tornado
Views: 171,264
Rating: 4.9092784 out of 5
Keywords: amazon, overstock, crazy cazboys, amazon overstock store, amazon bins store, amazon returns store, amazon liquidation store, pallets, liquidation, amazon liquidation, amazon returns, ebay, ebay seller, selling on ebay, full time ebay seller, full time reseller, reseller
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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