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people who realize they just done messed up you know like me when I do anything I don't even know everyone tell you the story cuz it's so bad so this is probably the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me a couple days ago I woke up from a nap I was wearing shorts I sat on the toilet and I peed without shaking my shorts off why are we still here literally traumatising five minutes ago I want to go pour me a glass of water you know I took my cup I took my water purifier bucket thing poured the water missed the cup I still didn't clean it but yeah sometimes it's just like what's wrong with me I don't know how one like equals one fix to fix me help this girl posted a selfie on Facebook and someone commented rip sorry about your loss I'm not dad wait that you oh my bad nice pic so embarrassing but seriously that who posed the bigger than sleeping like that oh no all right this makes me feel a little bit better about all my predicaments I don't know if it's on purpose or heat that damn that's a mighty fine shade of nacho cheese and decided to dip his tortilla chip in it like hmm I look like nacho cheese but is it nacho cheese it's not yo cheese it's not cho cheese is orange paint I know look like it I know it thick like it but things aren't always as they appear don't try this at home so this woman ordered a birthday present for her mother and for delivery instructions ro it's a surprise party for my mother and we lived together so please can the Box not look obvious it's party supplies cuz you know surprise birthday party come on Nicole it's a party store not a secret adult website if you know what I mean you know how they always like discreet shipping Sniper Wolf how do you know that I watched your pages videos but yeah nice good job wait do they even read the delivery instruction or does it automatically just print flap that bad boy on package is good to go the delivery instructions could literally say please do not deliver why y'all gonna do now deliver maybe the mailman can't read maybe you don't care about your mom's birthday party made a sandwich ten minutes ago and been looking for it ever since then I gotta stop smoking this guy made a sandwich put it back with the other bread I was looking for our like man I know I made a sandwich where'd it go I know it's around here somewhere I took out a jar of mayonnaise to make a sandwich and instead of putting this jar of mayonnaise back in the fridge I put my phone in the fridge I was looking for a good 20 minutes from my phone like where could I have possibly put it oh it's in the fridge I don't know apparently I confused mayonnaise and bones you know some of these made me feel better about the duck that I've done not on purpose you know we're all human we all make mistakes but somebody let the gas probe in their car and drove off like it's no problem man just plug that bad boy back in life doesn't always work that way you can't just plug it back in yeah your name do do it where that air freshener sponsorship yeah my girl was in labor but when you need a fourth you know I'm there can you really blame my dude can you really blame him yeah so my girls having a baby right now man get on we need a fourth I don't know how I don't know how this guy pulled it off he brought his ps4 to the hospital hooked it up to the TV and his chill and playing for tonight headset and everything while his drove up beside and popping out a baby on a scale of 1 to 10 how bad is your ass gonna get beat after that baby comes out I hope y'all want though you know make your kid proud when he grows up you could just be like well you will pop it out your daddy was getting a victory Royale and he'll look at you like what what what the hell is that it ain't just humans that medicine animals mess up all the time you know I've got two dogs and they do stupid things all the time but over here we got a cat a grown cow trying to hop a fence and failed and got caught on the farmer was like oh no no Cassie you trying to escape were you trying to go ain't no greener grass across the road get that booty back in the farm now you gotta relax eat some hair song no girl you did not this is nothing chinder surprise imagine going out on one date with someone and surprising them with this months later girl y'all really got messed up you make me sick I can't imagine like one-night stand and then couple months later you get that call like We Need to Talk I'll just swing by your house [Music] guys this is the plane to get out of jail for free card in real life so this inmate got his arm stuck in a prison toilets first of all I don't know why your hand is gonna be there in the first place but he won't stick his whole damn arm in there and they couldn't get it out for some reason they surgically remove the toilet from the wall put it on the stretcher like the dude and even on the stretcher they carrying the toy way out on the stretcher like the toilet is the damn patient here we got this will miss you holdin an IV is the IV for the toilet too cuz toilet lives matter so much I really want to know what happens next TLC please make a documentary about this wanted piano lesson hi I am Michael and I need to learn how to play the piano before Saturday my parents have been paying me to get piano lessons every week for the last 40 years but I never actually attended any of those lessons and I spent the money on candles instead now they want me to play Beethoven's 5th Symphony at their wedding anniversary on Saturday if you can teach me be here tomorrow at 11 o 6 a.m. with a grand piano I am a fast learner I once memorized the lyrics to mmm Bop by Hansen in less than 8 hours so I am pretty sure I will pick it up quickly in return I can teach you some cool wrestling moves or tell you some facts about helicopters whichever you prefer not both though Michael won like equals 1 prayer for Michael I hope you found somebody to teach you for Michael oh my god what a great offer hell yeah let me just take my grand piano put it in the back of my pickup truck meet you at 11:06 a.m. teach you how to play be joven soothe symphony man I love you earth it can't wait to learn facts about helicopters whoo okay this is when this dude realized he'd unmask first of all I don't have a cat or anything but I know they don't like bats they don't like water and then guy but it was a good idea to take a bath with his cats okay see I can't even take a bath with my dogs okay maybe a shower all right I thought about that once is that weird I don't think it's weird like I give my dogs a bath all the time but if I just like got in the shower and like wash myself off while they were like right under me would that be weird I don't know let me know because I want to do it but not like this not sitting in a bathtub cuz even my dog with like a hello scratch me boo and those Kitty class oh they hurt do I even wanna know yeah I do actually I want to know how do you brake too hard that a bull just like fall out in the sky go on his truck was there somebody in it do they get hurt they probably died this is a catastrophe literally dude how did this happen you know those trucks that carry a bunch of cars I'm so terrified of one of those cars like falling down on me it was like every time I Drive behind one I'm always prepared like bish your phone y'all fall down I'm ready when FedEx says they deliver straight to your door oh FedEx you got a chill okay my doorstep is fine my front lawn is fine you know even my door is fine okay my door is actually not fine thanks to somebody at this point you in my foyer new motto we deliver straight to your foyer boy ay is it Phi or Phi Y a I don't know but don't let that distract you from the fact that another FedEx truck had to come for backup don't get tattoos of babies just don't wait for them to grow up there's a lot of them end up looking real creepy imagine remembering your kid like that me whispers don't tell my wife I made bacon in the toaster my wife getting out a car what the hell happened all six firemen he made bacon in the toaster does that cause a fire can you not do that because at first that's like a really good idea but a toaster is literally just for toast sorry sorry I still get comments about this bread a toaster is for bread not toast but your fats right eyebrow wax gone wrong what the hell look like they wax his skin off I'm he has eyebrows look bomb-ass like shape good and everything Bow Wow happen look like he has like an allergic reaction or something that just peel the skin off couple months ago I was at the nail place and there's these guys talking about doing a face mask with their girlfriend and they were like I'm never doing that again it literally burned my skin uh-huh so you know us girls always burning our skin every night mmm but this guy something different I don't know what happened here how the hell you get to ankle monitor literally this girl double bonus house arrest how does this happen I really want to know bonus criminal how do you tell your mom you got a hammer stuck in your mouth yikes Kame can you just like pull it out would that not work why you putting a hammer on your mouth of the first place I was uh practicing well there goes the dog food the cat thought it was kitty litter understandable can't blame the cat woof either God from a container of this big literally huge humans they lay on it the other dog just shaking his head like mm-hmm see man I told you I told you it's not for you silly Janet you're supposed to park in the garage nah okay I know how this happened is it on a tree and then on the roof why how where what when I need answers my friend wanted to order water and the delivery guy was asking for her address and please she thought it meant add the word please hi can you deliver water on Wednesday ad please hi can you please deliver the water on Wednesday address but also don't forget your manners ain't nothing better than a wedding cake on your wedding day then the dew drops it and you know what it's okay we eating cake off this floor I don't care we man how mad would you be it's your wedding day and then the dude bringing in the cake drops it i'ma drop you so this person ordered a custom cake and best wishes sue man underneath that we will miss you so in the description for the cake they wrote right underneath that but they broke underneath that and you hadn't even underneath that it's underneath back you had one job my homemade this person a cake decorator anyway look at that handwriting I had better handwriting the day I learned cursive in second grade this is me every single time doing any sort of lights Christmas lights I don't know man it just happens why isn't it working sometimes their calculations they just don't add up happy Easter my favorite holiday I'm the only still arrested a cake look bomb but eat sir nothing like taking a bite of a fresh plastic apple so that's what the inside looks like I never knew this but for real though someone really picked up a fake fruit and take a bite like y'all really can't tell man these fruit fixed again too good to advance this is the future when the service sucks so you take money off your bill so the amount was twenty to forty seven not bribe - 247 total $20 cuz you know that's all I got in service it was lacking I pay what I want you can't do that fatty ways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below which one was your favorite comment below comment below and let me know a time that you messed up real bad and make sure you get that like fernanda hey scribe during the wolfpack oh I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 12,903,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, never do, things, never, things you should never do
Id: GmzrGxL1P1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 05 2018
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