My First Ever Fashion Show!

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[Music] uh [Music] ignore how musty i look but we just got to the hotel i think i slept the entire car ride which was almost two hours so i got some sleep today so checking in they just casually put the card key in a louis vuitton wallet like do i get to keep this but anyways the room is beautiful wait till you guys see the room look at the bed [Music] a louis vuitton blanket the pillows when i get to a hotel the first thing i do is usually like toss these off the bed but i will be snuggling these tonight and then wait there's a balcony and the view wait a second a shirt this is the perfume or a bottle of water it says perfume so i think it's perfume what are these they kind of look like candies whoa gorgeous and of course the beautiful flowers all this excitement is making me want to pee let's go in the bathroom hello i'm busy oh i'm so sorry let me show myself out i thought i left you at home i found my way okay so she actually got here before me even though she booked a later flight i was looking for the soap and it comes in this like fairy tale box a full size of soap it's french they knew their favorite french youtuber was staying here even the lotion is fancy light virginal is it for your coochie i'm scared all the little shampoo and conditioner have feet i am afraid they will run away while i'm asleep i'm gonna make myself look decent before recording anymore [Music] i opened this up thinking it was cute like i needed q-tips to fix my thing it's lip balm look how fancy that is [Music] okay i have become decent now i want to see what all this is a shirt for me it says right here mademoiselle that's me it's got a little chain on it should i throw this on i gotta do it one fell swoop so no makeup gets on it you can't trust me with a white shirt i'm gonna leave the tag on just in case they want their shirt back okay i'm excited about this because i have been on a perfume kick lately and last time i was at louis vuitton they gave me a bunch of samples of the perfumes and they smelled so gorgeous like i have never smelled such delicious perfume specifically the rose ones this one is called city of stars it comes in a box but also a tube inside the box i'm trying to remove the tube as gracefully as possible i said as gracefully as possible oh wait is this the one this might be the one it might be the one i'm gonna scream if it's the one because the one i wanted was pink oh my god wait is this the grapefruit one it smells fruity it's very fruity i'm gonna just if they ask for the shirt back it's gonna smell like me so i'm not sure if you want it back sorry i'm nervous and hungry the leather on this bag is so pretty oh fancy oh and it has the gold hardware love i will be wearing this today this is like the perfect crossbody you know it's kind of rude to open the gifts before reading the letter so i'm gonna read the letter now and act like i just saw it it says bi15 is this a secret code to get in oh it's an invitation to the event that we're going to tonight just at 6 45 we're actually going to be watching the cruise collection i'm going to a fashion show the louis vuitton fashion show i've always wanted to do this this is something i've always wanted to do i am excited this is my itinerary this is what i'm doing oh before i even forget these little boxes what do you think it is i think it's candy do you think it's candy peppermints peppermints these are the fanciest mints i have ever seen if they are mint i i don't know what they are mysterious little louis vuitton boxes i opened it and i still don't know what it is it has ingredients that means i can eat it oh it's chocolate look at these oh yeah oh yeah chocolate it's like triangle shaped what is that triangle prism that is very delicious chocolate come come come come follow me to my balcony where you can feel the ocean did you fart but check this out we are right on the ocean there are seagulls good thing we have this roof to protect you from the seagull poop check out this view i love being outside in nature okay it's cold that's enough nature let's go inside so i'm here for a fitting right now with louis vuitton i walked downstairs for lunch and everybody was just like dressed up and then i'm just like yoga pants i forgot to do this because it was the same time as lunch so i'm here with carly and we are going to style me we got so many looks here so this is kind of just what we pulled this is our first fitting with you if it's not your vibe you go a different way okay i was thinking since the lunch is like pretty casual like even something like just like mixing with cream maybe this could even be worn as like a dress which is cute i like that i kind of like the jumpsuit i know it's kind of fun that's really cute yeah okay so let's do that for sure and then since it's going to be like a little bit chilly tonight this could be that i love that okay so this is the first look i think the zipper is broken because but how sick are these boots i love the boots i think this is so cute do you want to do this for sure for the lunch possibly for the lunch yeah it's giving prisoner i like this i like this a lot cute oh my god no you look super cool i like those this is great for the show i feel very high fashion but also like a gingerbread house i think i like the blue and the black better i do like the blue too yeah i look like a gingerbread in this yeah no if this was snatched it would be perfect but it's not i love this but i'm not sure how it's supposed to like sit i still think i like the blue yeah very star trek i mean this looks beautiful on you i really like this but i just don't know how it would fit does someone basically like sewed up the back looks like but it's meant to be open oh okay yeah i actually love this especially with the open back yeah i really like it i just wish it was like snatched at the waist see if we snatch it then we lose the back yeah you know that's that's the thing this is the look for lunch if i even end up making it to lunch giving insane asylum the glasses are a nice touch i really do love this jumpsuit though like the detailing i'm kind of not sure what to do with this louis vuitton fruit roll up i swapped out the shirt with black because you know the boots are black bro i went downstairs and everybody was like decked in louis vuitton like makeup done hair done i was in sweats and i was like wait i'm supposed to do the fitting that was kind of embarrassing then they ordered me a car and then the group of ladies dressed all nice we're just like now i'm scared to go downstairs what are they gonna do beat me up and take my wallet next [Music] okay so check me out ding i don't even look like the same person i did three hours ago i have never done like a slick back pony like this i feel like i should say slay slay slay so the full fit stuffed my face full of salad and i am about to put on my shoes and leave but first i know you guys can't make this decision with me but i can't make this decision by myself either but like the glasses i like the glasses makes me look a little psycho gives it a little some some also i need them to see or check these out we could go with the louis vuitton i think these are too much these are a bit much i feel like this whole look is giving ariana the ponytail the snatching on this ponytail it's only a matter of time before i get a deadly migraine how long can i keep this hairstyle before rolling around in agonizing pain also we got a special delivery while i was getting ready they told me to go ahead and take this one pink who am i it's actually fuchsia okay see you at the louis vuitton show [Music] [Music] so i am here with derek he is my date today what's the good angle that almost ditched me no no for the record let the record show i was waiting for her like a good date would do and then she texts me i'm already in the bus oh okay she did me they told me to get on the bus so i got in the bathroom i was doing that i was waiting for you that's not very he's playing hard to get i respect that i'm not supposed to get in buses when they talk i didn't take a bus i took a bus let the record show this is your first fashion show first fashion show yes i gotta tell you that my first fashion show was not on this level a louis vuitton show in southern california and a site specific special runway installation is not what most first runway you're starting at the top only downhill it's only down here it's forever 21 next was that your first show my first show when i was at ucl university college in london me and my friends used to sneak into shows all the time any kind like designers that i wouldn't remember if you told me the name right now they've long since closed my sister in oh you should have i should have i mean you should not have i mean it's really nice of you to respect the rules but you totally should have because of you i respect the rules good if it wasn't because of you i would not respect the rule so what do you think goes on in here secret experiments i thought you'd be down with this there's like scientists they keep they keep hitting a drum like every like two minutes it's a gong it's gone to make you feel the permiance of time oh so for the secret number in the invitation card it's actually the seat number i saw this and i didn't know what it was i thought it was hidden treasure or something code to unlock the louis vuitton trunk but no it's a seat number so i just got home i have not slept in two days i wanted to say big thanks to derek and louis vuitton for inviting me to the fashion show it was incredible the show itself was beautiful shoes give them to me the whole thing was just a wild experience and i'm glad you guys got to kind of experience it with me maybe i should vlog more often i usually do these things on my second channel it is called litalia if you guys enjoyed and want me to do more of these videos make sure you hit that like button in the face and subscribe to the wolfpack oh i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 5,029,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, fashion show, louis vuitton
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2022
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