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hello friends it's your favorite French youtuber is this French I have upgraded my beret to this beautiful soft cream-colored beret is it Yvonne beret no babies I haven't done one of these videos in a while so let's check out some people who got caught lying on the Internet oMG y'all I'm down 14 pounds and only six weeks how-to video coming soon stay tuned are you sucking in your cheeks to look thinner no I never ever do that okay okay we're on the first pick before after look at all the weight I lost the last 14 pounds in my face doing that I lost 14 brain cells after looking at this I love vac she's like no I never ever do that definitely not me okay this time no edit gotta love me looks Photoshop coffee no it's no okay this is me I'm beautiful you're just a hater all right now really for real you're just a hater Hey look guys the walls move normal WTF I think you need to get your eyes checked hmm look at this photo totally legit this is just my house guys it's a new house by the way so you know we just moved in and the walls are a little funny but it's okay I can assure you this is me and I'm beautiful and you're just a hater see what happens when you stay on your grind so this girl posted a gym selfie Wow look at all that grime and then she posted a mirror selfie hold up something it doesn't look right here did your door hit the gym too you know like like door comes with me to the gym we do squats together I get curvier and my door gets curvier - and by gym I mean Photoshop its 2018 is kind of the same thing right this is so embarrassing do people not like look at that picture before they post like but don't look a little crooked uh-huh bye no one's gonna notice they'd be too busy staring at all this grinding thank you next we got Rick on Facebook saying this pic but it says Nick boy photography Rick Nick Boyer lying-ass Rick you up I hope you get bit by a tick and then suck it instead of stealing back pick your favorite French youtuber is also a rapper my girlfriend is always trying to sneak pics of me hate it when your girlfriend just randomly comes up to you and you're trying to get in your car and takes pictures of you but your girlfriend is actually your pants you don't really have a girlfriend yep that's why you always gotta check the background this one's too easy how you not see that I have to call fake whose mother is this this is somebody's mother or father I don't judge but that's what we're here for today people in the natural look today these are natural where what is natural the only thing natural about this picture is the word natural cuz otherwise girl you got those eyebrows did by the way who do those eyebrows get yourself a refund we got lashes mascara eyeliner a face full a makeup a blush and lipstick I hate to see her actually done up like what's a glam look for her what you wear on your kids birthday parties I need to know these things hey I got a little girl over here I'm a part-time makeup artist wow that's definitely makeup on right I don't know about artists artist is a big word someone commented you a full-time lie I mean she could be a makeup artist for clowns or something I say she got the look going she messed up her eyebrows so bad don't even want to be on her face anymore when I see things like this I really wonder does someone actually go to her hit her up in the dm's like girl I love your makeup come to mind sometime come on you can loli watch one makeup tutorial on YouTube and be able to do makeup better than that ha ha ha this dude posted this selfie it's not just girls that do this take a look at this picture everything will look funny and give you a second who's got message him bottom right was beard of 5 if you like huh what do you mean you didn't buy full app so this dude doesn't really have a luscious beard he used an app to put a beard filter on him hey nothing say catfish clickbait like a beard filter man they still choose again to advance like you can't grow a beard that's luscious enough just put it the one app boom one luscious beard coming right up just make sure you crop the photo next time over here we got an article a youtuber who claimed being vegan cured her cancer has died from cancer biggie Ike smell what the hell so the dude poses pic from his swim competition I turned my head because I needed to make sure I would win I ended up winning so it's all good hashtag if you ain't first you're last and then the dude who actually warned commented dude you didn't win this race I did you could literally see me in Lane 2 ahead of you by at least 20 yards maybe I'll take swimming a little too seriously but ok remember hashtag if you ain't first you're last I can't imagine someone being this petty like I didn't even win the race but I'm gonna post on Facebook and make it look like I won the race even though I didn't you're gonna get called out on it and you're gonna look like a idiot so why would you do it who said girls with depression can't wear two tops literally nobody has ever said that I just wanted a quirky caption for my pic so I get trig everybody it's a thinking I have a personality anyway so do snapchats chilling at the beach that is jank sunglasses towel and sand so you know where else you can get those things out of hoodie grout someone snap chatted at the same time what the hell is the guy doing it someone put the puzzle pieces together and you get this exposed all right so we got Eric over here on Facebook and Eric posts dear Eric you are very handsome and nice and intelligent I am so happy you came into my life hi so he wanted to make it seem like his girlfriend pack this Facebook account and posted that well this is awkward isn't this anonymous not when you post it on our wall ah this is so sad dumbass ha price was so embarrassing how exactly do you come into your own life dude you don't leave this before his Twitter oh even worse so he meant to send that to an anonymous confession page I ended up posting it on his wall instead ah piggy I could just delete all your social media not worth it anymore how I dressed when I was 14 verses how 14 year old girls dressed now so this girl got just a t-shirt and pants on and now we got 14 year olds dressing like this with crop tops or whatever call her out hat seriously quit trying to grow up so damn fast this is you at 15 we all did it girl you just gettin old now oh I got pics of me at 50 lookin fine as hell - you ain't special she's just trying to be all cute and relatable I mean this is kind of true to a degree like 14 year olds back then when I was a kid look so much different than they do now I think it's mostly because of makeup like their 14 year olds now that know how to do makeup better than professional makeup artists when I was 14 and that makes a huge difference like makeup on a 14 year old can make you look like over 20 also we didn't used to wear crop tops back then at least I didn't I wasn't allowed to wear shorts or spaghetti straps to all the guys who rejected me in sixth grade and this girl posted her glow up damn now is a blow-up and this dude is gonna combat you rejected me once we need answers Ashley who rejected who she's talking about how all the guys rejected her sixth grade girl me too and now she all cute and those guys are kicking themselves but she rejected this dude what do you think comment below who rejected who pushed you not these pennies fell off my bed just now and these crosses just popped out oh my god don't you just hate it when pennies fall off your bed and crosses pop oh wait finally now I can keep these pennies to myself what the hell I've learned that God communicates in the most unexpected ways I didn't type this on my calculator I just found this message after being gone for a weekend and I didn't want anyone use it before leaving I turned on my calculator my ti-83 plus calculator there it is a message I love you from God I'm so special and loved sprout why are you lying we all know you wrote that we don't appreciate a liar like if he's lying this God posted a pic of her playing guitar therapy session I just love sitting in nature and playing my guitar it's upside down she playing it upside down the black part goes on the bottom go what you doing fronting for Facebook I'm not like other girls I like playing guitar for therapy mm-hmm above all other things wrong with this who the hell does the hand on your shoulder belong to oh my god we got this doing his girlfriend's Photoshop girlfriend by the way I bet they're not even out of real pool what is even real in this photo whose hands is that well you better turn right you got a hand on your shoulder somebody knock you up or touching his Photoshop jeah a girl with pink hair just helped me at Walmart like I know about your tumblr and all the color just drained from her face it was so funny lmg that was me oh no it wasn't I made the supper notes I feel like most of these stories on tumblr are made up or notes you're not familiar with tumblr there's no like there's no favorites as notes I don't know it's funny cause me and my friend are like that's like any time we see a girl with colored hair slightly edgy looking I don't know about your tumblr it's okay cuz we both have one too and you'll never find it we got this woman over here tumblr feminist who posted a selfie inconsiderate youths occupying the disabled seat while an elderly woman is standing right in front of them really there is an empty seat right behind you and you go so rudely take out your phone snap a selfie look at these ain't consider you sitting in the disabled seats really there's an empty seat right in front of her man we really got an elderly woman thirsty for like some retweets on Twitter that's the saddest part about this whole pig last week I corrected my professor in art history class and she took it pretty hard I basically proved her knowledge wrong it got thrown out of class for it thankfully rest of the students protested this move and followed me out they asked me to hold the next class at my house and teach them the next chapter eventually we all went to the department head and complained so the teacher is now suspended and I have an A in the class that really happens and some dude commented you know we are in the same class right we literally had a lecture today that you didn't even show up to and you have the audacity to spread these lies get called out like if you're gonna post stupid like this make sure nobody in your class is following you you have an anonymous account Wow I corrected the teacher now all the students followed me outside we decided to have class my house we all went to the principal complaint about the teacher they got suspended and everybody started clapping and then I became Secretary of Education aha yeah hundred percent accurate more accurate than Acura let's do post of this page of some bananas how I slave in Bali send help please on bananas really Opie wrote this banana will have bruises around the letters if it came straight from plantation letters look freshly written also these bananas are from Ecuador you just done place yourself so many inaccuracies embarrassing if you guys enjoyed this video and like my new hat make sure you hit that like button in the face and comment below what's your favorite fruit I like bananas and make sure you subscribe to the wolfpack well I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 12,696,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, people, lying, people caught lying, caught lying, caught
Id: cKxXrW-Qzvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2018
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