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hey guys hey we do another episode of tattoo fails have you ever done anything in your life that you really really regret hopefully this video makes you feel a little better about it nothing lasts forever except this tattoo unless you want to pay thousands of dollars to laser it off how's manses this oh wait is Brenda's man he brought her name in every font in Microsoft Word who the hell comes up with this [ __ ] anyway this dude seems like a stalker he's like I'm a write her name in every single fun oh I can't pick which one to tattoo let me just do all of them what happens we you won't Brenda break up I hope y'all gonna be together forever otherwise you're gonna have to go find yourself another Brenda that will appreciate this tattoo guy let us fight for old r all over his face I'll get it I'm not a big fan of face tattoos my first nabela sir three three nipple is he French so how they say nipple nipple yeah yeah if I had one too I would label it I wonder where this is he adds in the middle of his chest and he has it like labeled so if anybody sees it there you go my three nipple I have three so don't ask me just read it oh this is genius place boob here perfect so if you see this man's you know exactly where to place your boobs you leave them in your shirt cuz what the hell just because you got a sign that says place boobs here doesn't mean anybody's actually gonna do it unless I mean they're drunk I feel like if you go to a bar and everybody's drunk and you're like excuse me ma'am you know what to do I feel like there's plenty of girls that would do it this is actually a great tattoo ten out of ten no pain no gain yeah man no pain no gain so stay in school knowledge is power if only you had some Levin is the strongest drug strongest yeah it's the strongest no stupidity pretty sure it's heroin yeah it's actually heroin I always wanted to get a Japanese tattoo but I never wanted to do it in Brazil afraid it would go wrong hey that's not what is written huhuhuh darling made in tokyo japanese tattoo artists can't be wrong but it is wrong that's not what it means what does it mean that smartass idiot Horner best dude really tattooed idiot foreigner on him I feel like some people when they get a tattoo in another language you should probably look it up on Google Translate first like make sure it's only gonna be with you forever let's do that YouTube money to spend on laser life goes on I've never seen somebody spell goes like goes what so I got my first tattoo when did you get the Star of David tattooed on you you never strike me as a religious person and pentagram XD Penta five points yours has snakes which makes it the Star of David damn it's just like one more point you go from satanic to the complete opposite this couple really got two puzzle pieces like the same ones but flipped and somebody's like those are two corner puzzle pieces they would never fit together like your relationship I give it a couple months at most like this does not fit there look at this corner look at this corner not look at me I'm patient patience is a virtue thank you so much for this tattoo what looks amazing hold up patience patience you spend a couple months maybe a few years in like a hospital like you're a patient this is so bad there's being patient and there's a patient in a hospital you chose the patient and a hospital to tattoo on your wrist now the hospital will always know where you are you are forever branded I'm not sure what the tattoo told you that said but it means picnic table maybe she likes picnic tables so much that she tattooed it on herself yeah I feel like this is the thing like Americans going to like foreign countries tattooing stuff and there's like oh they'll never know what it says family as everything everything you man I hook you up ten dollar tattoos come on down who needs knowledge when you got a family what know this girl got mermaid tattoo over here and if you look closely there is a watermark from the picture she took off Google of the mermaid Ida tattoo artist dumbass actually included the watermark she's like that's his name he signed it for me I never heard of nobody signing a damn tattoo Wow what kind of nasty skin diseases this constellation of stars okay first of all stars aren't black second of all why she like a poppy seed bagel oh my god this tattoo is so cute can you like do the same thing stand tall more like just stand when you see it online versus when it comes in the mail this is so bad I really wonder how much you pay for this tattoo it's like you want to pay like 10 20 bucks for a tattoo but you really get what you pay for right that giraffe out here struggling definitely not the tallest giraffe in the zoo this girl got a Nickelback tattoo four years ago I was born and decided to get a tattoo of the band I was crazy about I got a nickel on my back I have a Nickelback tattoo she asked for a Nickelback tattoo I'm not gonna lie this is probably much better like having a coin like a nickel coin on your back then having Nickelback written on your back am I right or am i right she's talking about how she doesn't want to explain how she has a currency on her back but trust me it's much better than having Nickelback written on your love Handel my family's keeper how many families he keeping all these spelling mistakes I swear there's so many spelling mistakes and tattoos give me a Marilyn Monroe tattoo Oh nailed it I can't tell the difference this is the stupidest one I've ever seen he literally has a crossword puzzle on his whole side and then he circled his message any boy can be a father it takes a real man to be a dad what though this is so stupid what is the point I know it's creative and all but it's so dumb what are all the extra letters what they really necessary I love it death do us apart I love her to death do us part do like do when does your death do should be soon right oh no I wouldn't know what kind of drugs this woman was on to get this tattoo first of all we got the spank me daddy okay okay pulls on each side who wants to see that I got a sense of that cuz one of them is a little explicit are these your dogs do does she have pit bulls do they like humping is that why she got this like this is just so gross like imagine describing this to the tattoo artist like yeah man I want like a spank me daddy right dab in the center and then like one set of pit bulls doing it and another set of pit bulls doing it one of them got his mouth open like he really likes it and the other one got his tongue out cuz he he doing it yeah man I got you whatever you want this dude got no pickles tattooed on one foot and no ketchup on the other foot and together that high-fiving is so extra and stupid but it is awesome this is a very interesting way to remember so like whenever you have McDonald's ordering a burger just like show them there you go no pickles and he like no ketchup on his hot tubbing plain hot dogs I love ketchup on my hot dogs and I love pickles on my burger so I do not agree this guy showed his tattoo artist a picture of this tattoo he was like man me I want this tattoo on my arm - artists included is it difficult to like a drew it out like is this a part of the picture it's gotta be and then half way is drawing it like oh wait that's not supposed to be Paul that's okay I think he noticed he said he wanted it exactly we got this guy over here I mean this is cool enough for like the first five seconds that you meet him imagine getting married to this guy and having to see this every single day I wonder if he's got like a professional job where he has to wear like a dress shirt and then like after work he takes off his tie and looks like you see this I wonder what he's driving though oh another one of these it's not the strongest humans who are remarkable nor the most intelligent but rather the ones who create the path rather than follow it my meaning of life is to live and to fully enjoy the infinite possibilities that my choices in life create what did I just read so stupid I feel like people type out some inspirational [ __ ] or maybe they see it on tumblr or something like I want to tattoo this on my side every time I look in the mirror in the morning I just want to see it right there to remind me to have a good day Jesus is must save oh yeah save oyer savior savior perfect place to put it look at this such a good Christian woman all sweaty from who knows what perfect placement to tell Jesus how much you love him just right above the boots best place man what the hell I'm pretty sure this is not one of the M&Ms but okay you do you whatever floats your boat why do you think that's offered today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below which one was your favorite which one was the worst and would you ever get a tattoo I don't think I would and make sure you hit that like button in the ad subscribe the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks for watching big eyes [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 5,464,551
Rating: 4.9271374 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tattoo, worst tattoos, bad tattoos, worst, bad ink, fails, dumbest, dumb, dumbest tattoos
Id: PW7M7xMEZjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 25 2018
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