People About To Have a REALLY BAD DAY

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hello friends it's your favorite french youtuber it's your favorite french youtuber bonjour but in real life 99.9 of the time if you ever meet me in person my hair will most likely be like this so i wanted to leave it like that today anyways today we're going to be checking out some people who had a very bad day guy gets his head stuck in trash can has to be rescued by firefighters loki when i was a little kid this was like my worst fear but with mailboxes you know when you'd like walk in the city or the streets or whatever and they got mailboxes in the middle of the sidewalk like that i always thought about it like hmm what if i stick my hand or my head in there and take some packages but what if i get stuck like a duck then i'll be like oh [ __ ] what happened to this dude oh my god did i actually throw my phone away you go to the vending machine to get a nice refreshing cold beverage you try three times and all three cans from each freaking row see this is when it's okay to use brute force i feel like you just kick it a little maybe punch it in the face it's gotta come down sooner or later i just saw because i ripped my pants all just because i ripped my pants this is so embarrassing how they gonna do this dude like that when there's too much junk in the trunk and it just you all look down like oops what you do in this situation wait till the march is over and hope nobody notices comment below what would you do oh no shrek is that you i don't know what's going on here but i like it what did he do did they take donkey they about to deport him back to the swamp you don't belong here looks like he got pulled over oh i was walking to class and this chick just fell through the ceiling it casually falls through the ceiling and she tried to pull a solid snake crawling through vents trying to get out of class i don't think it works like that in real life my mom almost crashed her car today because a snake started coming out of her bed when she was driving this is a fear i never knew i had until now oh you're so lucky you didn't crash how does this even happen this gotta be in texas like i don't know where else this could happen like straight out of your vent no no no no no no no no no i'mma keep those bad boys shut no more ac for me i can't risk this this is probably the worst thing to ever happen another one of my fears accidentally throwing away something i really need like whenever i clean out my car or something and i have a big wad of trash and i throw it into the trash one day i'm gonna do that i already did it before i think that's why i'm so terrified of it i'm just so scared of throwing my phone away and not knowing where it is and it ends up being in the trash because i accidentally threw it away yeah feel me somebody worked very hard on this beautiful sculpture look at that craftsmanship the detail let me go show it to everybody oops oh no what have you done what have you done to his face it went splat he looked a little upset with you for dropping him guys to be so beautiful look what you did all that work it's not like you can even like pull it back out you gotta start over you gotta give him a new face some kid was just having a good old time riding their scooter and fell into some wet cement can you even like wash that out or when it hardens game over there's nothing you could do anymore literally the worst thing to fall into but it doesn't even look like there was a sign like do not scooter on but you know what jimmy did he scooted all over that and got cement all over him loki another one of my fears when i was a kid what happens if you step in wet cement so oh man this sucks so someone backed up into this guy's car messed up his car left him and no no no no no no no no no no sorry hello bro you can't do that you can't just be like sorry lol what's the gibberish that was my number and my insurance information so make sure you call them if you can't read it it's not my problem sorry lol yeah i'm sure you are very sorry first of all that's a hit and run second of all why even leave a note in the first place was got your fingerprints or whatever on it you just committed a crime and left evidence so amy tweeted you don't know what a bad night out is if you didn't wake up like this in the morning the hell wake up like that what have you done on your nights out chimney sweeping apparently missy dog cried off all her makeup i don't know what happened over here looking like she partied way too hard on ash wednesday and ended up smearing the cross all over her face and now we got eyeliner eye shadow the ash smeared all over her face oh she just got so drunk one night that she thought she was santa don't break up with your girlfriend during her time of the month or she'll pad your car okay first of all this is such a huge waste of pads do you have any idea how expensive it would be to pull this little prank okay unless you got her the wrong size you got a big ass box of maxi pads from costco and none of them fit so she stuck them all over her boyfriend's car like i was bored next time get me the right size it's funny because i didn't know there was sizes until a few years ago when i got a box from costco and they ended up being this big like i could wrap it around my waist like a belt i don't know what happened here all i know is this dude is not having a very good day first of all how does this even happen this looks like it's in the middle of nowhere and it just drove into ah i've seen this before they're getting rid of the evidence that's the only reason they did it on purpose oh this household for real for real got snowed in like the kids can't come to school i can't come to work i can't even leave my damn house this is a real blizzard i always lowkey wanted this to happen when i was a kid like for it to snow so much that you can't even open the door and now when i look at it it's like this would be horrible like you can't leave your house what if you have like a flamethrower and just melt all of it but then it will just like melt into your house or you could like melt a tunnel and like dig through the surface this would be so much fun not really but you know for me okay oh somebody's cabinets just fell off the wall oh man i walk into my house and i see this nope i'm leaving buying a new house goodbye house this would not be fun this is i hate mess i'm seeing this but how they even fall in the first place so somebody said the cabinets were installed right and this happened but it kind of looked like an earthquake i don't know man this just sucks i baked you a pie oh boy what flavor pie for best results bake at 4 25 for two and a half hours while you sleep on the couch oh no it's not a pizza anymore i hate it how's this ever happened any of you guys i don't think i've overcooked some this much come home after a long day of work put your key in the door turn it and oh [ __ ] just dumb broke off right in the keyhole what do you do now now you don't get to go home and you have to call a locksmith and wait for them to come and pay hundreds of dollars happened to me but not because my keyboard because i lost my house key uh whatever you do don't do not don't not look up don't just just get out of the car just get out i can't i can't with this this is horrible [Music] how do you even get him there in the first place i thought cars were safe the awkward moment when your thermostat is actually just hanging on a nail and doesn't control the temperature whatsoever shout out to the best landlords ever some people they just hella cheap no y'all can't even get a thermostat we gotta hang a fake one on the wall why does it look like the thing on the stovetop that controls the temperature man y'all landlords scammers so i just got into a car accident and look what the person who hit me did like what you hit me gotta get that insurance money biggest scam of 2018. for real though people do this i'm so hurt i can take off my seat belt open the door and collapse onto the cement hair after 15 minutes and negative 20 degrees while basking in some hot springs whoa this is actually really cool i didn't know your hair could freeze like that but what you do now is the question don't leave your window open during a snow storm how do you even clean this do you just like open the door shuffle all the snow out man rest in peace to your stereo i spilled a couple drops of water on mine and it's been glitchy ever since retweet if you ever felt like piglet me all the time oh poor piglet one like equals one group picture with piglet i took again all the love why does the piglet hop right in there there's pooh bear is he taking the picture ain't nothing like a nice cold can of coke bruh what do you do now use a can opener does a can opener work for soda cans hmm whoa it actually worked life hacks yeah man you thought falling in with cement with a scooter was bad someone drove into wet cement rest in peace your car okay no but for real though what do you do in this situation can you even like get cement off tires or you just gotta buy new tires gotta buy a new car like what happens next shout out to burger king for a completely raw sandwich i just bit into oh no that's pure salmonella right there oh straight up raw it is probably the dude's first day on the job i hope you like your burger rare not the chicken what in the hell i don't even look at this anymore imagine buying into this i'ma just ah and then go rinse out my mouth with some mouthwash disgusting boys bathroom is closed for the rest of the year thank the people responsible for this oh no what even happened man that toilet just fell off the wall and everything inside it spilled oh no what kind of monster it's like some kid got angry took a metal bat to the bathroom i started beating it this is bullying it should be reported to the police hashtag stop bullying toilets disgusting when you're ford flame turns into a ford lame [Applause] sucks to suck another thing i am so scared of not only getting your foot or your heel through a sewer vent but your whole leg this is scary because sometimes your knee can like go through things but it's so hard to get it out a bird landed on my girlfriend's head that ain't no bird that's the omen of death for real that's terrifying but also pretty lit but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video hit that like button in the face for super good luck so you don't have a bad day and make sure you subscribe join the wolfpack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 3,842,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reaction, reacting, funny, people, bad day, worse, day, having, than, funny fails, having a bad day, worst day
Id: Ya-mcgeDc4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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