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hello friends no glasses or glasses i don't know but today's video is gonna be all about trust issues and why i have them and everybody else has them you know what i feel like that's one of the hardest things in life and that's what my dad always used to tell us don't trust anybody and to my brothers used to tell them don't trust anybody especially women yikes surprise i'm pregnant psych congratulations it's a rooster or is it a cop it's a chicken is that a chicken either way i don't know how this bird is just chilling inside her shirt like it's not a dog it's not a cat it's it's a rooster it got a pointy af beak why are not pecking her like she's some feed i'm surprised she got away with putting his head inside her shirt without him picking her off we got the story of trust issues told through stock photos we have this lovely couple over here they're eating at a restaurant this lady waitress brings them their food they're both very excited for the food they look at the food as she is offering it to them and using all her culinary knowledge to impress the couple for a big fat tip but no ashley did not want a tip all she wanted was their company and so as she got off her shift she joined them for a glass of white wine they had a few glasses of wine and the food she put down on their table they're all having a good time fast forward a few weeks later the dude left his girlfriend to be with ashley the waitress who gave them the food and had a good time with them they thought they was all going to make it work out but no you see him same with her now the girlfriend is third wheeling her own boyfriend you can't trust these hoes you can't we got this vending machine over here hello i am human see us humans we know we could take one look at you and be like no this ain't it you got food inside you you like money but you're not a human here h-u-m-a-n like you stand for some i bet the human stands for hello you mean am not why you gonna lie to me like that over here we have a chocolate chip cookie see it says chocolate chip you rock those are not chocolate chips as raisins biggest scams since 1979 putting raisins and cookies and calling them chocolate chip no literally fruit there is fruit in my cookie raisins are just dried up grapes that means there are grapes in my cookie and ain't nobody like grapes and cookies y'all see anybody eating grapes with their cookies oh a classic we have a subway sub the famous five dollar footlong guess what it ain't even a foot long ever since they started playing these commercials talking about five dollar foot longs and you really only get an 11 inches no complaints here i mean y'all better take this back to them and be like i'm gonna need another inch of bread you can even make me a little mini sandwich to compensate for your lies what if you like pulled the bread is bread stretchy i think it would stretch another inch if you pulled that bad boy um y'all should call it 4.75 cents 11 inch longs that is not as catchy and nobody want to buy that people want a five dollar foot long so give me another inch or get the hell out of here my foot is so itchy stop now there have been mosquitoes flying around my room and it is not okay like sometimes i'll just hear like buzzing and then i'll see it and then it'll go on my chair and then when i start waving around my hands trying to kill it it flees to the back of my room and then sits still so i can't see it in this whole mess right here i always let them get away well i need one of those like tennis rackets you know the ones that shock them electric flyswatter that's what i'm needing over here we have a very sad piece of meat on a plate bone apple teeth it's not even meat it's deadass sandpaper it is a piece of used sandpaper posters on twitter like i'm having some new york strip tonight we're going to fire up the grill we eating good it's sandpaper sandpaper you can't eat that over here we have a pregnancy test pregnant oh oh i'm so sorry a pregnancy test it'll tell you if you are gregnant or not gregnant so the first test is not gregnant but but then it's gregnant and then another one is greg knit and that is what is that what's that line mean it doesn't say how's the mouth is malfunctioning if you're pregnant with greg you are greg knit i guess that's what it means easy fix just change the name of the kid but seriously what does this even mean comment below oh who did this whose mans did ketchup pepsi with a slice of craft cheese all right i got twenty dollars to whoever's drinking this probably more than 20. leave a like if you would drink this for twenty dollars it's just ketchup oh imagine a ketchup soda how spicy both my girlfriends are accusing me of cheating shaking my head i can't even stay with someone who don't trust me let's read that again both my girlfriends are accusing me of cheating ah maybe because we can't trust a hoe it's funny because his name is hate you hoes but he a hoe who's mans nobody's now i have been training to be an instagram fitness model this is after one bag of tea and five reps of two squats if i could do it so can you oh my god she's so inspirational look at all that booty she built all natural yes yes queen we stand a fitness instagram model whoa this is so creepy but you know the thing that you drain pasta in okay i know it's not i know it's the thing that you like sift sugar or flour in but you know what when my only pasta drainer is dirty i use this to drain the pasta okay it works the same way life hacks but someone made a face in it it looked like a whole human face sleeping he dormant inside that sifter is that what it's called a sifter it sifts and it is a sifter i don't know if that's the proper term but can you please get rid of it it's got a face in it kinshit tools should not have a face thank you okay at first glance this looks like a house like somebody could live there but it's actually a burger king that's a little sketch right they try to make it like a home style restaurant but when you walk inside is a burger king i don't like this does the burger king live there is that the burger king's house him and his family sleep on the top floor and we got a bk restaurant on the first floor comment below would you go here it looked like the food would be cleaner over here we have some beautiful cupcakes except they're not actually cupcakes they are meatloaf with mashed potato icing on top it's not mashed potato flavored icing it's literally just mashed potato in a tube to make it look like frosting but it's not how to scam your kids i beg you lot pre what boss man gave me what sort of lanky chicken that drumstick looking the opposite of thick he gave you ostrich and chips that ain't no drumstick my wife gives people a shock when she turns around so you see her from the back and you're like oh hey girl what's up can i get your number and she turned around like what did you say to me and my baby daddy's baby man she hella pregnant she hides out real good whoa okay this is so creepy so this guy took a picture of him and his girlfriend while she was sneezing and i don't know how the heck this happened but you see her face as she was posing and why she was sneezing how does this happen it's either or you can't have both or maybe the sneeze happens so damn quick and it made her have two faces for a second i decay but your girl she probably possessed and time to get some holy water adidas to the demoness when you have an identity crisis red mustard what the hell is red mustard but it's got tomatoes on it but mustard doesn't have tomatoes someone at the factory just be like i forget what do they call this it's the one that they put on the hot dog with the mustard oh i just can't remember what it's called let me just write red mustard and hope like people know what i'm talking about right so this girl is taking like a cute picture with her boyfriend she thinks she's grabbing onto his hand but it's his foot and then he kicks her straight into the water yay i don't want you anymore i had enough of this instagram aesthetic tesco yes why on earth has your shampoo turned my dog pink that's like clear shampoo how'd this happen maybe i'll mix some red mustard in it and then he turned pink poor fido looking like he got lost in the willy wonka factory here we got the mega marker box 150 pieces and when you open it up what is this what host okay first of all there's not 150 second of all what is this big empty box this is trickery thievery lies okay i don't understand this this is a mirror the cat is looking directly at you but the reflection is looking at itself this is the same cat right yeah it's the same cat it's got the same design on his head it can't be the same cat this is so creepy imagine your cat looking at you and the mirror is looking somewhere else one like equals one eating the cat out of the house you ever had a cereal bar yeah when i was 12. how do they work he put the cereal bar in milk he thought it was a bath bomb i don't care how fine you look if you got two right feet i can't for you how does this dude notice oh my god she actually does she has two right feet that's so weird how does he notice that i swear there's some dudes out there they care about feet more than anything in this world it is their air and water they need it to survive she got two right feet that means the big toes are not like this it's like all these toes and then all these toes it's like this is the big toe and this is the big toe that ain't it ew what is this is that egg inside of a hard-boiled egg like why where did that egg come from it's like there was an egg inside of an egg and they hard-boiled the egg but they didn't know about the egg inside of the other egg that they boiled and when they opened the hard-boiled egg to eat it there was an egg shell and everything inside but the real question is is that egg inside it hard-boiled too he said i got us a cinnabon and then she got a bag of cinnabon that her boyfriend got her and when she opened it oh my god it is a ring from pandora that every basic guy gives his basic i'm sorry that's not cute i see that ring everywhere and second of all where is the cinnabon you promised me cinnabon i would honestly rather have cinnabon than that basic ass ring over here we got super chocolate in the freezer section so you know it's gonna be good chocolate it's sardines no that ain't even sardines i don't even know what kind of fish that is i am not a fish expert okay that is not chocolate how could you do me like this imagine open up a nice thing of chocolate you get fish frozen ass whole fish with the eyes still intact no something fishy about this so i just got in a car accident and look what the person who hit me did like what you hit me man if i get out of my car i'll lay on the ground and show them that i'm really hurt maybe she won't file an insurance claim against me i ain't even got insurance i don't want the cop to arrest me or like repo my car or something you know what if i just pass out or fake pass out maybe they'll just take me to the hospital i could deal with it when i get better here we got check in cash you know one of those check places that like cash your checks right and when you look at the signs it says sorry we do not cash checks literally what is the point of your establishment there's a check and cash place there's literally the title but no cash and they don't cash checks it's gotta be one of those fake businesses for money laundering y'all see this line lies i'm sorry but this don't work i love it when you're drinking citrus drinks and you can't feel your tongue and your entire face starts sweating it's so cleansing my doctor said i'm allergic to citrus oh go i just showered gonna shower then call you men lie unprovoked yikes hmm maybe he was extra dirty and he's trying to shower twice or maybe he's just a liar wow okay but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video hit that like button in the best for some good luck today and make sure you subscribe during the wolf pack oh i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 9,116,997
Rating: 4.9227467 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, react, reaction, trust, trust issues, funny, funny photos, hilarious, pics, this is why i have trust issues, can't trust, internet, girl, issues
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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