Things That Happen Once In A Lifetime

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hello friends it's me and today we're going to be checking out some things that happen only once in a lifetime this has got to be the luckiest dude to ever exist oh made it but that's not all oh put the marker right through the fidget spinner flip that bottle on his first try and then wait it's not even over yet blindfold time me after getting bit by a spider wait let me see if i gained any special abilities this girl made a tick tock about how she got added to her class as a teacher it lets her grade people's work oh she can change the grades of everyone in the class she gets emails too i really hope you posted this when the class was over or no i would have just kept this a secret all together like imagine the power she has even thanos would be jealous like you could change all your grades you could change your friend's grades i didn't know this was possible hackers it's your time to shine imagine being chased by an actual bear while skiing oh no why is he the only one on the mountain i don't think that is a very experienced skier either because that's how i ski i'm going as fast as i can there's like one wrong move you bear food you got something in your pocket that he wants or something he pick it up to speed why does he want you so bad funny story from this guy dr phil was actually searching for his father i woke up the other morning to my phone blowing up and one of my friends sends me a screenshot and says dr phil is looking for your dad i thought okay this is a scam but then i went and looked at the post and it's actually dr phil with over 5 million likes on his facebook page so dr phil the real dr phil himself posted this photo and was like do you know this man and then this dude is like wait that is my father sir so he commented dr phil this is my dad and then dr phil team contacted him reaches out to my dad and lets him know that a man has been using his picture as a catfish in wisconsin to swindle women out of thousands of thousands of dollars he catfished this woman out of over ten thousand dollars so in two weeks they want my father to come on the show and basically tell these women it's not him and he is not in love with them thank you i feel like i just watched an entire dr phil episode in one tick tock somebody catfishing is this dad's photos it's so random i proposed and set the camera to capture the moment all was going well will you marry me and then this happens a seagull's gonna take it snatch it what happens oh that scared me i thought somebody just like nah the phone just knocked over happens to me all the time next time get a tripod coming from the person who still uses a box as a tripod i just lost my phone while jumping oh man that is not jumping it looks like she's falling into earth from space again so this has happened before you know good thing we have technology find my iphone and she actually went to the island where it fell into a tree it's right there it still works from 10 000 feet is that some phone case bro i would have thought it like felt like a meteor disintegrated before it even hit the earth but no meanwhile my phone screen crashed from falling out of my back pocket you know this is rare behavior from an iphone there's an owl there's an owl look at this look at this you caught an hour buddy i was gonna say how you catch an owl oh yo you good bro yeah you're still oh that one looks like a baby i'm gonna try and catch it he's stuck under these weeds in here so i think there's like opens up right there so i'm trying to catch him i have the window open but i can't get him come here buddy come here buddy looks like he's found himself in a predicament oh he brought him inside the house look how small he is that it's definitely a child come here buddy come here tiny come here a baby there you go i got him he's gripping on it how wow he's gripping on dude look at him holy cow he's so pretty set him free there he goes hey that's pretty cool that's like some cinderella ish no that was snow white i dare someone to find a better looking one than this there is no way one of those character popsicles could look that pristine i never seen this before usually they'd be looking like this and this like look at that just like the packaging not even a hint of trauma bestowed upon spongebob's face so she was walking in this squirrel just decides you are my tree i am going to climb you and he climbs her leg like it's a dang branch sir are you all right he just loves her oh she got a new friend he found his tree now he's like where's the hole this married couple was looking at old photos of themselves and realized that they took a photo together when they were both teenagers the same place the same day they were in each other's photos same place at the same time before they even knew each other crazy is this what a soul mate looks like so she was trying to take a picture and then she noticed something right behind her the hollywood sign and somebody put up a cow it's a cow oh they got the cops on that that fbi secret service everybody as soon as you touch the hollywood sign i'm surprised they don't got like 24 7 guards on that oh you ever see a family of ducks cross the road mama ducky and all the baby doggies they just no oh she she she right they was crossing that can't be just running over pedestrians straight to jail this news reporter casually speaking on his mic and then a bus comes up right behind him did you see that where did the bus go it like barely touched him one of y'all was a ghost could go on and on for daisy i do the most this dude was doing an interview right and then somebody throws the ball behind him you all saw that right it just came right behind him and then just turned around real quick and just snatched it the reflexes on that man like you'd be catching balls in your sleep or something you got a fly buzzing around this house like crazy this dude was at a concert right they're holding him up somebody throws their drink back he just grabs it catches it and then like it was nothing i miss concerts you want to believe why i was late to work seventeen hundred sheep out of nowhere just crossing the road your boss is gonna believe this or not yeah no i don't think so you know if they didn't record it nobody will believe it so she was recording a tick tock right and her kid is in the back and starts walking for the very first time he just took his first steps in this tick tock that was supposed to be about her but look at the star of the show you know cameras are rolling my time to shine so these dudes were out at sea at all i was expecting a large fish but was that a whale that is a big large fin the way it just went splat doing a little morning stretches like i could knock over your boat at any second i determined if you live or die and these dudes over here just like wow a while well i decided to spare you another day so you could post this tick tock this is a crazy phenomenon that can happen at the beach where the sand will literally glow blue so as they're stepping in look it's like glowing blue whoa the waves too that is incredible is it only at night oh y'all are really swimming at night isn't it cold y'all risking hypothermia for rgb ocean gamer water game or water game or water video oh my god oh my god oh my god stop it right now that is so awesome oh my god oh no he thought it was an island and he was like oh where the rest of the homies at they ain't here bye that was very cute they took their dog into a store and as you can see their dog has one eye literally found their dog's long lost twins at the same store at the same time this same breed but with the other eye missing if this coincidence isn't a cuckoo for coco puffs then i don't know what is they're literally each other's missing half wait wait wait wait wait huh a pigeon's poop fell upon a leaf that this human picked up well heck if that don't look like a pigeon that picasso pigeon painted a portrait with his poop that's a bird right there what are the chances that you could poop out a self-portrait this guy had a flight and somebody who looked exactly like him this dude could be his twin ended up sitting in the seat next to him american airlines is kind of weird was this planned parents never told them so you got to find out this way they were taking a picture of how much it snowed on their truck right and then mid photo a gust of wind just and swooshed the snow right off the hood and ended up looking like this i didn't know one could even do that like just skirt a fat layer of snow first time for everything all with tumbleweed in real life i never seen one that big whoa that is that is a tumble bush bro fell from the tumble tree i've seen these before but like just little ones so this dog literally waiting in line at a drive-through like he's waiting he's like this window gives me food i will be back 3 p.m every day i'm here and then they gave him a biscuit and he took off very cute but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know which one of these was the craziest one and if you guys enjoyed make sure you hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 5,645,044
Rating: 4.9589138 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny
Id: 5TN1fsfrAhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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