WEIRD Things Only AMERICA Does

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hello friends it's me as most of y'all know I just got back from Japan and it was a life-changing experience you know a lot of the things that we think is very very normal in America is actually very weird to the rest of the world like for example ice water you go to any restaurant they will only serve you the coldest water like would you like some water with your ice and that's fine because I love ice but every other country I've been to they don't serve water with ice just plain ol room-temperature water if you're lucky sometimes it's chilled well why America not all of us are about the cold boys in the middle of January I got ice on my booty crack I ain't trying to have in my drink - oh and by Missy's right so here in America we got a pharmacy and Walmart Target we got Walgreens CVS there's about a pharmacy wherever you go got to pick up your meds that you heard about on TV that you recommended to your doctor but pharmacies aren't just like the pharmacy you got food you got makeup you got bath products there's the whole prepackaged meal section walls upon walls of drinks like there's so much stuff think about how much stuff there is out of Walgreens or CVS but I'm trying to get my back man oh it's a lobby sandwich this is a weird one having the lawyers that advertise oh man in Vegas they are literally everywhere there are so many billboards for lawyers any problem you have you're trying to get a divorce billboard you broke billboards she took the kids billboard you even got like lawyers on buses and when foreigners visit though like what the heck we all need so many lawyers for here in America we love suing to get what we want why when you go anywhere in America seven saying hello that girl at the grocery store hi how are you how was your day good and you like big don't care they literally do not care how my day was it could be horrible but of course cuz you asked and I don't want to go into detail about how horrible my day was I'm always gonna say good cut the small talk Barbara here to buy my melons and be out like I wish it was just hi hello clearly don't care about my day why are you asking me how I was so fake deep-frying everything everything everything we deep fried cheesecake ice cream how you think to deep fry ice cream it's literally frozen I mean it's pretty good I'm not one to talk now girl love me some deep fried anything okay Oh fun fact only America has grape flavored skittles you're a liar I live in the UK and we have purple skittles the purple skittle in the UK and other countries is black currant flavors not great black currant more delicious Wow apparently black currant flavored stuff is banned in the u.s. they banned the fruit imagine that America being the only country to ban a fruit this one you know this is a blessing so the thing that everyone in America takes for granted things are Costco or Walmart in most countries we got huge gargantuous shopping centers malls just a place to get all your stuff you like pasta we got 39 varieties you like me we got 50 fridges full of animals don't even get me started on ice cream man there's just so much to choose from but in other countries you just got like very little stores but you got a lot of them you can most likely walk to them most of America you got to drive to get any we're also getting constant water refills at restaurants I guess it's nice but it's also probably because they're expecting a 20% tip like I just take a sip of my water it's still basically full and they gonna come around and top it off every two minutes scuse me sir leave me and my 9/10 my water glass alone other places they don't do that they either give you a big thing of water or they have a self-serve water station you know you go get your own water that is so efficient like I don't need you to keep coming around and erupting my spaghetti noodling to give me some water and asked me how my tomato sauce was every thirty nine seconds it's like I appreciate it but I also feel like I'm obligated to tip you more because you're pretending to care if my food is good or not like I don't think I bite out of something and not like it and leave it at the corner of the table like and then they'll come around to be like come on they clearly delicious because I took a bite and pushed it off to the side of the table I didn't know it was not a thing to get coffee to go in other countries like you're supposed to sit at the cafe and be sophisticated and enjoy your espresso super real slow in a real ceramic cup not a plastic Starbucks cup I like getting my coffee to go ain't nobody got time to sit in a cafe and enjoy their coffee I like to enjoy it over the course of two hours I don't know I I guess I don't agree with this one I like that take out coffee and I like that iced coffee in the middle of January you hear me another thing for medicine there ads everywhere for medicine all over TV oh you got back pain I'll tell you what you need talk to your doctor about sucking it up sucking it up isn't right for everybody especially those who are little put home and don't forget the side effects here's a long list of side effects that you'll never read but talk to your doctor and let them know that we sent you a doctor is supposed to recommend things to you why is the patient recommending things to the doctor I have depression anxiety and explosive diarrhea this commercial was very relatable we go to my doctor what he needs to do you never really think about these things as weird unless you're not for America now the big question in America why do you have such large openings at the bottom of bathroom stall when the door don't go down all the way a privacy psych in Japan every bathroom I went to had a full door and don't even get me started on those extra large gaps in between the doors so apparently there's a few reasons why they do this one less material why pay for a full door when you can get away for paying half a door it's just gonna be cheaper like look at this design it doesn't even go up to the roof this is the cheapest way to make a bathroom I mean yeah look you got toilets I'm surprised it in just put a hole in the ground and call it a day also a useful reason is that you can just look under the door and see if it's occupied unless you're a scumbag that likes to lock the inside of the stall and crawl on out the bottom just the troll people joke's on you you covered in Dew - water sliding on under let's see jumped on the top side out but people do that they freakin locked the door and then they just leave it Karen she been waiting that proceeds to knock on the stall like hello I've been waiting here the past 18 minutes just suck it back in wipe and then finish at home oh wait there's nobody in there last reason is if there's any funny business going on under the stall one stall per person you know honey business or bad business you will most likely know what's going on because you will see four legs instead of two know what else is weird keeping eggs in the refrigerator I keep my eggs in the refrigerator and whatever country you live in everyone likes eggs and America the eggs go through a rigorous washing process to make sure they're extra squeaky clean and filled with chemicals so bacteria can get in if we don't refrigerate the eggs what's the point so companies have a longer time to sell their eggs and make more money or y'all can just give me some good old natural eggs straight out of the chickens but don't ever just leave them on the counter and they'd be good free refills so here you've got all the free refills you want you want another glass of that extra flat coke we got you or no you know what's really scum Maggie does happen multiple times when I go to a fancy restaurant when you ask for a spray or soda they'll give you the fancy Mexican kind you know like in a glass bottle no pour it for you and when you're done with it they will automatically come bring another one and pour it for you and then I check the bill y'all charging me for every single glass bottle of sprite y'all poured me what I thought refills are free I didn't even ask for a refill but you kept bringing it and I kept drinking it it was just overwhelming because you were just like giving it to me and I didn't wanna waste it I did not know I was paying for it so if you guys want to prevent that from happening call the waiter no no more stop you don't get no more sprite money out of me of course the rest of the world you want a second glass you won't have to pay for it also another weird thing tipping whether it's at a restaurant if you get your hair done or at a coffee shop in America everyone always looking for a tip almost every other country you don't have to tip in Japan it's even seen as rude like I got a taxi on my way to the Airbnb and then he was like it'll be selling so I knew this was the thing here and then I completely forgot and then I gave him like a $10 tip it's like you looked at me and he was like no it's this much like he was annoyed that I tipped out was like oh come inside he was clearly upset with me but I mean I like that like the price on the menu is the price you're gonna pay no surprises no oh I'm buying a $5 cup of coffee ends up being 859 with tax and tip so I do this thing called afternoon tea I know very fancy right when they serve you tea and a flight of sweets and this is $40 a person right so I'm go me and two other people the bill is over $300 why I don't understand and then I looked at the receipt and it was like 20% service charge for each person what plus tax on top of that and then they add gratuity just in case you don't like there's so many hidden charges like they don't tell you about this I see $40 it's gonna add up to like 120 for all of us right wrong that's not how America work you got taxes and you got tips in other countries the price you see on the tag is the price you're going to pay and this was so nice in Japan like oh this cost this much here I'll give you the exact change done son in most European countries all the service fees are gonna be included in the price and tips are usually like 8 to 12 percent but in America you gotta leave 20% so they don't spit in your food the next time you order oh this is something I hate this is the worst thing always have the AC running smash like for AC comment below for warmth I hate it cold I almost never have the AC on in my house I like to keep my house a nice 79 80 degrees Americans go nuts with the AC 60 degrees 65 degrees something y'all might as well just live in a fridge you know what my friends come over they walk into my wine cellar because it's cool it reminds them of their house with the a/c on it's so horrible in the summertime when it's really hot outside then everywhere you go it's gonna be freezing cold and then just going between like freezing cold so scorching hot heat like it makes me sick I don't feel good wearing pajamas in public see I didn't realize this until I saw this where are the only people who do that in Japan I know I'm gonna keep saying in Japan in Japan could by the way I just spent a week there I don't really travel very much and what I do your girl's gonna talk about it okay absolutely nobody nobody and I went on the subway every single day I saw hundreds even thousands of people not one person was wearing PJs there like even like casual clothes now that I think about it everybody ok maybe not some tourists but like everybody who lived there was dressed so nice professionally like dudes suits girls either like their school uniform or like a very nicely dressed and here we all got that one girl in our school who gonna go to Starbucks and her Cookie Monster PJ pants I mean I was I'm going through a drive-through or I'm like sick and I do not want to get ready our PJs in Publix like my PJs are reserved for the cleanliness of my house I don't want to get them dirty the outside world dirty we just want to be cozy and comfy and I get that this next one I read it I was like this is real though y'all gonna have to comment below and tell me because in America we say X Y Z we call the last letter of the alphabet Z but everyone else says Zed I've never heard anyone say said unless you're talking about that dude that looks like a li a X Y Zed okay what do you say Z or Zed but anyway that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know what country you live in and are any of these weird for you or are they normal and you guys enjoyed make sure that that like fine antha make sure you check out notifications today click and subscribe John the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks watching guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 4,990,344
Rating: 4.9293518 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, america, things, americans, united states, united states of america, things amreicans do, facts, american culture, weird
Id: Y2ckGdnh4fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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