Painful Things We Can All Relate To

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hello friends it's me and today we're going to be checking out some of the most uncomfortable and painful things that you've probably experienced don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it top 10 worst places to have a cut even worse if it's like right where the back of your shoe is and this demon sitting behind you is gonna have the nerve to just do you know how much that hurts have you never felt pain before this dude was getting his whole face waxed you know you couldn't shave like everybody else and we're just going to do a wax it didn't look like he even had anything to start with ow i bet he was like next time we just go in shave what are we waxing the skin did this guy want a new face or something at least the dude did it quick whatever this this one of the top 10 most commonly agonizing things that you could feel in your house one of the reasons why i wear socks now like when you get that door and it just scrapes past your toes and oh on the pain scale this is worse than stepping on a lego consider this a threat why was it underwater though so you could see the remaining pieces just float away the way it's so effortlessly sliced through grab me that device work out they said it'll be fun they said um i don't oh i don't trust that band on a door clip those are for hanging coats not like for resistance i hung up a wet towel on one of those and it fell down they can't handle very much i hear you walk work it out with it [Music] this happens to me way too many times hitting my head on everything i don't usually look up and i'm usually wearing a hat so it like blocks my vision i do bunk my head a lot definitely lost some brain cells in the process your man may have a very big muscles but is he capable of doing this with a stretch band oh that was not a good idea if you need a reminder to wear your retainer tonight oopsies oopsies i'm just going to do it i never had a retainer but i don't think you're supposed to do that like clamp against your gums or something i will take the crooked teeth i was born with thank you pov a pointy chip piece no you know when i'm eating chips i always got to be real careful to prevent this from happening you just got to make it so it doesn't position like the roof of your mouth very unpleasant dad's getting his head waxed [Music] now i've gotten waxed before it's not that bad it's not terrible but like on your head there are a lot of hair follicles and look look look when it came out do you see all of those the hair along with the root it's like a sea dweller but that is very satisfying to me oh he couldn't handle anymore he was like okay just shave the rest we ain't doing this for the rest of the 9879 hair follicles this is grounds to start a war like my dude was just chilling eating his chips he barely picked up a ruffle and just knocked why did you do that no why did you do that why those are perfectly good pies look at the cake ah it seems you've met your match those look hard why would you want to like squeeze them bro oh but those popsicles they like they went without a fight the donuts i thought they were like the squishy ones for a second i can't imagine cleaning my fingernails after each one of these oh wait i would just finger looking good speaking of wasted food they broke into a donut shops dumpster after hours throwing away this much food that's a hate crime that could be ending world hunger but you know we're just gonna throw it away y'all couldn't give it to a shelter thinking about that time i fell off my trampoline and broke both arms and one looked like a noodle that bone really went skirt new fear unlocked no that's when you know you've gone too far and only when this happens to you do you realize like i should stop going so far back in my chair lest i hurt myself luckily my chair doesn't go back all the way it has a safety feature for us idiots so the delivery driver was delivering a package right goes down bends over oh to scan it and gets his butt pricked by the cactus on the porch oh he's got the needles in in his pants y'all see this he rang the doorbell like bro i'm gonna need some help i can't go back in the amazon delivery van like this you can't even sit down let the spikes go in even deeper this happened to me on a hike and it left a nasty bruise send this to your friends to make them uncomfy socks in mud the only reason this ain't that bad is because that was probably their first step how are you gonna go home barefooted or when your soup falls into your spoon no the other way around man that is too much ketchup that's illegal the mcdonald's who served this y'all getting fined all that ketchup for all those fries a baked beansicle what is this creature no forget i even asked i don't even want to know a month cake i took a chunk out of the deodorant stick what did you think it was one of those push pop popsicles like mmm smell good maybe i should no yeah i never seen anybody take a chop out of a rind they didn't even eat the best part they're holding it from the best part and bit the back the farmer who grew this watermelon wants to know your location coming from a lego free household this has gotta be worse stepping on a power cord um no no thank you bonus pain points when the two middle pieces like stab your solar flexes that's actually your stomach but it sounded cool try not to get uncomfortable yikes doesn't make me want to wear combat boots at all times just seeing how vulnerable my feet are always bumping into things you try to pick up a needle you cannot ah don't even get me started through trying to string through the hole um i always have to lick it before i do that uh you ian you pull out a hair it was almost ingested and digested but you caught it that hair ruins the rest of the meal and you don't want to eat anymore no not the cookie also i only like dipping in my cookies for like three seconds i don't even have to be that soft do you ever just have one of those little fingernail weeds growing in the corner of your nail and just skirt you never pull that you never pull the forbidden string the string of pain it's like if you leave it there it's gonna be painful if you pull it it's gonna be even more painful so what am i supposed to do i bite them like nibble until they go away oh thank goodness i ain't got none of these right now so she was in a pinata right and oh she had a blindfold on she didn't know that somebody was going for it or did she she knew exactly what she was doing like oh you give me that stick i smell somebody i don't like also am i the only one or did everybody like peek under the blindfold like yeah i can't see nothing except everybody's feet i i feel like that food falling out of the pan that could have been avoided y'all lost that cauliflower on purpose apologize i let my dogs eat it and then when i let my dogs eat it they leave like a sticky spot yuck then i gotta wipe it i'm just trying to take my coffee down to the couch and it's so brutally gonna like splash up and above out of my cup rude unforgivable no this used to happen to me all the time as a kid and it was disgusting like when you're eating something really juicy and it starts like flowing down your arm no that's why i have to like eat it very carefully and politely i nibble very ladylike i absolutely can't stand having food like drip or spill on me especially because i am so susceptible to it happens to me at least five times a day where i bend over my glasses fall my hat fall my phone falls my keys fall and it always happens in a public bathroom when i sit down to go to the bathroom everything falls and i have to wash it in the sink anger intensifies hecka breakup pringles changes their logo what i can't even eat pringles because they're not gluten free oh what is that i hate when companies change their logo like they modernize it or rebrand it ah what happened to the rest of his face what happened to his hair they give him eyebrows instead baldy make bald bald even if i could eat them i wouldn't want to who is this man oh when you got a really low car and you backing out of a driveway if there's an angle it's always gonna scrape the bottom you have to literally go as much of an angle as you possibly can to prevent this when i scrape against them when i hit something it hurts me but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know which one of these was the absolute worst and make sure you hit that like button though and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe join the wolfpack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 4,828,044
Rating: 4.9576612 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, relatable, things we can all relate to
Id: pChk4PTcn2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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