Cool Things I Learned From Tik Tok

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friends it's me and you know what I actually learned a lot of things on tick tock you guys ever wonder what happens when you put a chili pepper in a venus flytraps gaming center this ain't a fly what's going on here I feel like I just witnessed a murder try to eat the chili pepper and then it died well well well how the tables have turned Venus Fly Trap only flies you know if humans are the only creatures dumb and brave enough to eat chili peppers okay always always always wonder this like whenever you see a product placement in a movie they don't have to put hashtag ad well we have to so what is the deal behind this Apple has a strict rule that villains in movies are not allowed to use Apple products so if you're watching a movie and you're trying to figure out who the bad guy is or if you think that a character is gonna turn into a bad guy and then that character uses an iPhone or any Apple product spoiler alert that character is not the villain wow I feel like every single movie that I'm ever gonna watch is already spoiled so if they have any kind of Apple product they're a good guy they can absolutely not be a bad guy no I have a products for the bad guys why though so bad guys gotta use Android phones give them the good old Nokia brick phone I'm gonna subconsciously think about this every single time I watch a movie I found this very disturbing I've never seen a hamster give birth until now [Music] I'm not he cooked the dead hamster for a hot second it's just a piece of chicken the way he Wiggles it and they all fall out gotta feed the babies but no it's just food okay thank you and all but blame overwatch I've never hated something more than I've hated Hammond so somebody recorded this video of a helicopter landing but it's crazy because you don't see the blades spinning why aren't they spinning why are they just stopped how are you flying you can't do that oh wait that's a glitch I hasn't been patched yet the explanation behind this is that the camera shutter speed is basically going the same speed as the shutters camera of course 30fps helicopter blades move at 500 FPS am I just dumb or did nobody else know this either these little flat spots on ice cube trays are where you're supposed to fill in the water so it just goes in so nicely to all four said I've been doing this like if you didn't know this you know patience is a virtue I'll be running onto the water like this then I turned down the water a bit and then I go for a round two and really fill them up but they're never like even or anything when you could have just been hitting the squares in the middle and it evenly feels everything so nicely imagine making these ice cube trays and people had no idea until now so this girl had identical twins and this is our theory on how it happened my husband and I were trying to get pregnant and I thought I was pregnant and I was testing negative and I thought oh just crazy it's in my brain so we decided to go to a theme park and I rode every freakin ride crazy roller coasters and twisty rides upside-down ride I was getting super motion sick so I knew something was up because I never get sick on rights I find out a few days later that I was pregnant and then a few weeks later I found out I was having identical twins so after my doctors told me all this stuff I was asking a bunch of questions and I guess there's literally like a 1 day window when your egg splits to make identical twins and it was that day I'm pretty sure that I scrambled my egg so brittle because several other people commented oh yeah I went to Disneyland on that one window day thought it was possible to scramble the eggs I haven't done any more research so I don't know if there's a more scientific explanation but that's what we got you want twins you know what to do when dad watches five minute crafts the sizes try out the lawn hacks oh yes so apparently this works I've heard about this but never seen a like in action you take a pole tie a rope to it attach it to your lawnmower and it just goes in circles until it's completely winded up that's actually pretty genius chickens are gyrus copic which means you can move their bodies all around but their heads stay in relatively the same place like this it's not even moving it like you done that's weird by now you know chickens are only delicious but their gyrus copic have you ever wondered how clocks work how do they function so there is literally a man in a clock at the Amsterdam Airport and he paints a new line every single minute he men he has to make sure the line is perfect do you think he's real Braille do my eyes deceive me he's real he just be chilling inside there but come on every minute I can imagine every hour but imagine just drawing a straight line every minute I love my job that's gotta be like top 10 worst jobs out there this girl has her bed hanging from the ceiling like this how do you go to bed heading that up there okay imagine being exhausted after crazy night out trying to go to bed like that and then just what if you mess up that blip on the way down the arm strength required can't relate oh but she does have a set of stairs just in case so to anyone who didn't know Krispy Kreme throws away all of their donuts in the garbage pits outside their buildings and if you guys want some free donuts they've got you seriously are you sure got you or this good old dumpster Auerbach got you I mean they gotta go somewhere at the end of the day they bake them fresh every morning now I really want to check a Krispy Kreme dumpster you know just to make sure it's a whole entire donut graveyard the bodies of all the dough that's gonna make it me takes a doughnut maybe it'll be original cream maybe it'll be chocolate maybe coleye who knows this is just super fascinating the way that this dude just made the most perfect circle it's all in the flick of a wrist boom so artists have this contraption that might look pretty familiar to you you basically roll up the tube of paint and there's barely any paint left oh and it like permanently folds it and pushes all the paint to the top why don't we have this for a toothpaste oh man it's just so satisfying rolling it into the thing every household need to have one of these the fact that you can dye a pond so their pond has always been doodoo brown monkey and gross so they just took a ton of blue dye make some buckets of it took it on a little boat and poured it around the entire pond and then now as you can see it's getting bluer and bluer it up whoa it actually looks really nice oh wow oh I didn't even know this is possible dirty like suck the dirt out of it not paint it okay now y'all better do red for Halloween imagine going for a walk and then stumbling upon a bloody pond no thank you Canadian things Americans think are weird part four yes our milk it does come in bags typically it's three bags within one larger bag you can still get cartons and some people will do this but it's way more popular for people to drink it out of these bags I cannot tell you the amount of times I have cut the hole for those bags too big and the milks gone all over the countertop also we put it in these pitchers and that's how we store it in the fridge milk bags hey Canadian folks please confirm in the comments below y'all be drinking milk in bags I mean yeah it kind of makes sense cuz it's like less wasteful to use like a big ol thing a plastic but that'd be so weird to like go to the store and get milk in a bag we call these the Moo bags y'all put in a picture I'm confused because I've never heard of this the Oliver wondered house but with extremely long fingernails washes their hands okay so you guys wash my hands before we get into the hand washing can we see how you wipe turning on the water I would hope the nails get a bath too I'm gonna grossed out how they clack it all over the sink imagine doing this in a public bathroom they gonna keep getting dirty before they can ever get clean wash okay but are they clean on this one how do you eat chicken wing I'm just so confused so this is part of Russian culture in Russia we don't say oh y'all you're so beautiful today I love your dress and I always say this is insane cuz it's so accurate I've seen this on TV look on 90 day fiancé they're always like look at you like and I had this friend in college she was Russian I thought she secretly didn't like me because she'd always like look at me and just be like mean-mugging me I'm like giving me a dirty look or whatever I'm like what I thought we were supposed to be friends but she also always tell me how pretty I looked so I'm like wait why are you looking at me like that like do you secretly not like me but like this was just a whole thing that I did not know it's like why complement somebody but you know looking I'm up and down knees mugham so one time that was like I don't know 16 I went to the dentist and now she was cleaning my teeth she was like hey do you talk a lot and I was like yeah and she's like yeah I can tell you have a fat tongue and people with that tongue tend to talk a lot and I was like okay and it's information that's like haunted me like it sticks with me I'm always thinking about it and so now I'm a little curious to know someone else is a fatter tongue to me so if you think you do do what this alright so this is what my tongue looks like oh you'll see how big that is I mean someone by this tick-tock I could tell you talk a lot I wonder if that also like works out her jaw it's like so chisel her John never skipped chin day so if you have a bad time you talk a lot dude do wedding this this is probably the longest he's ever went without saying a word my god I thought my shadow was a spider I always wondered how much money people make when they make an app games like is it profitable so this dude answered all my questions for hoverboard drift simulator total revenue was 97 K these are all the costs majority comes from advertising total cost is about 13 K and that's the profit whoa so it costs only 12,000 dollars to make a mobile game and then you made 83,000 properly that's pretty dang good okay I just found out that Apple Store will get rid of an app that is review has reviews and it's less than a 1 it'll get rid of the app and so on Google classroom all these high schoolers and kids are rating the app so it don't get removed so they don't have to do class anymore oh no the awesome geniuses out there y'all are gonna go places we ain't talking about class lottery hacks so if you get a scratch off lottery ticket with a white line on the top it is a winning ticket it works every time those quick money how long did it take to discover this now we gotta go back into that mr. B's video see how much money he really wants is there just a really cool keychain letter actually lighters whoa fire extinguisher - no you're supposed to put out fire that's legal the deck of cars they got that green fire very cool I don't know about you guys but when I get chicken tenderloins this nasty little then drives me insane and I like destroying my chicken trying to get it out because I absolutely refuse to cook chicken with any sort of tendon or ligament any of that we don't want any of that I call these the EPI part some people they just be eating it they don't even notice it but me I can't and so I'm always cutting around it I didn't know you could just like hold on to it and then pull it off like that that's gross I hate these things but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you guys learned something new make sure the fella like finala and comment below let me know what it was make sure you turns out notifications today and make sure you subscribe to the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 19,402,116
Rating: 4.9376717 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tik tok, tiktok, tik tok memes, memes, tik tok meme, cool things I learned from tik tok
Id: 1Y5DAfORsM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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